
Jingoji Yakushi Kunimune

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. 49 Yakushi Temples in Kyushu 九州四十九薬師霊場 .

Jingoji 神護寺 Jingo-Ji, Kunimune
宝劒山 Hokenzan 神護寺 Jingoji

大分県大分市鶴崎国宗654 / Oita, Oita city, Tsurusaki, Kunimune

The main statue is 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai.

観音菩薩 Kannon Bosatsu in the compound

The temple was founded in 1527 by 中栄 Priest Chuei.
In 1641 it was renovated by 細川光尚 Hosokawa Mitsunao , the lord of 肥後熊本藩 the Higo Kumamoto Domaine.
Later it was associated with 劒八幡宮 Shrine Tsurugi Hachimangu (Ken Hachimangu).

- quote
細川光尚 Hosokawa Mitsunao (1619 - 1650)
Mitsunao was born in 1619, and was the eldest son of Hosokawa Tadatoshi.
In 1637, he joined his father in the effort to subdue the Shimabara Rebellion, and fought with distinction.
Succeeding his father in 1641, he became daimyō of the Kumamoto Domain.
Mitsunao's suppression of the Abe family's revolt in 1642 is famous,
due to its fictionalization by Mori Ōgai.
- source : wikipedia


shuin 朱印 stamp


- - - - - Reference of the temple
- source : oyakushi.com ...
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This temple is Nr. 14 of the pilgrimage
. 49 Yakushi Temples in Kyushu 九州四十九薬師霊場 .

. 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai Bhaisajyaguru .
the Buddha of Medicine and Healing


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

....................................................................... Kumamoto 熊本県 
阿蘇市 Aso city

okamekamisama お上神様 / オカメカミサマ O-Kame Kamisama
The priest of 神護寺 the Temple Jingo-Ji in the compound of 阿蘇神社 Shrine Aso Jinja
had fallen in love with a woman named オカメ O-Kame and went to see her every night.
The other priests caught them, threw them in a hole and threw stones at them till they died.
Since then, when a girl was born in the home town of O-Kame,
it died before reaching adulthood.
The villagers were afraid and called the two お上神様 the Venerable O-Kame Kamisama.
. Aso jinja 阿蘇神社 Aso Shrine .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #jingoji #yakushikyushu #okame #yakushipilgrims #薬師如来 -


Kangoji Kannon Oyama

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. 小机領三十三所子歳観音霊場 Kozukue Nedoshi 33 Kannon .

Kangoji 観護寺 Kango-Ji, Oyama
補蛇洛山 Fudarakuzan 龍光院 Ryuko-In 観護寺 Kangoji
神奈川県横浜市緑区小山町677-9 / Kanagawa, Yokohama city, Midori ward, Oyama town

The Kannon statue is 聖観世音菩薩 Sho Kannon.
The main statue is 薬師如来 Yakushi Nnyorai.
The date of the founding is not clear.
The building was restored in 1533.
It is a sub-temple of 三會寺 Sannen-Ji in 橘樹郡 the Tachibana district.
Around 1650 it was added to 杉山神社 the Shrine Sugiyama Jinja.
The locals call it Fujimidera 富士見寺 a Temple to see Mount Fuji.


shuin 朱印 stamp


Also on the following pilgrimage :

. Buso Toradoshi 25 Yakushi Pilgrimage 武相寅歳薬師如来霊場 . - Nr. 03


- - - - - Reference of the temple
- source : ameblo.jp/jmleedo ...
- reference source : tesshow.jp ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This temple is Nr. 26 of the pilgrimage
. 小机領三十三所子歳観音霊場 Kozukue Nedoshi 33 Kannon .
nedoshi 子年 (ねずみどし) refers to the year of the rat, 鼠 nezumi.

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara .

. Shō Kannon 聖観音 / 正観音 Sho Kannon / 聖観世音菩薩


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #kangoji #kozuke #Kodukue ##kozukue ##kannon ##nedoshi -


Keigenji Fudo Kitabukuro

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. Adachi 100 Fudo Temples 足立百不動尊霊場 Pilgrimage .

Keigenji 景元寺 Keigen-Ji, Kitabukuro
椎谷山 Shiidanizan 景元寺 Keigenji

さいたま市大宮区北袋町2-379 / Saitama city, Omiya ward, Kitabukuro

The Fudo Myo-O statue is Ao Fudo 青不動 a Blue Fudo Myo-O.
The main statue is 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai.

The date of the founding is not clear.
It was called 星野山系元寺 Hoshinozan Keigen-Ji before the name changed.
Uesugi Kenshin took shelter in a rainstorm under shii no ki シイノキ a huge Shii tree.
hence the name change to Shiidanizan.
. Uesugi Kenshin Kagetora 上杉謙信(景虎) (1530 - 1578) .
shii 椎 Castanopsis cuspidata. pasania. Shii-Castanopsis
In the compound are two old Shii trees, in the East-West and North-South.

In the compound is also Kokuzo-Do 虚空蔵堂 a Hall for Kokuzo Bosatsu.


- - - - - Homepage of the Temple
- source : city.saitama.jp ...
- reference : tesshow -
- reference source : raifuku.net/junrei/busou ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This Temple is Nr. 11 of the
. Adachi 100 Fudo Temples 足立百不動尊霊場 Pilgrimage .


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #keigenji #kitabukuro #adachifudo #busoo #busou -


Taisanji Yakushi Yahata

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. 49 Yakushi Temples in Kyushu 九州四十九薬師霊場 .

Taisanji 大山寺 Taisan-Ji, Yahata
本宮山 Honguzan 大山寺 Taisanji

大分県大分市下八幡1380 / Oita, Oita city, Shimo-Yahata

The main statue is 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai.

Another important statue is 普賢延命菩薩 Fugen Enmei Bosatsu

The temple was founded in 803 on request of 金亀和尚 Priest Kinkame.
It belonged to 柞原八幡宮 the Shrine Yuzuhara Hachimangu.
The statue of Fugen Enmei Bosatsu was located in 普賢堂 the Fugen Hall of Yuzuhara Hachimangu.
In 1868, with the division of Shrines and Temples, it was located to Taisanji.
The statue is made of kaya 榧 torrea wood and was probably made in the early Heian Period.


shuin 朱印 stamp


- - - - - Reference of the temple
- source : oyakushi.com ...
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This temple is Nr. 13 of the pilgrimage
. 49 Yakushi Temples in Kyushu 九州四十九薬師霊場 .

. 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai Bhaisajyaguru .
the Buddha of Medicine and Healing


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

Taisanji 太山寺 Taisan-Ji

....................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県  

namami no Jizo 生身の地蔵 a living Jizo
A priest from 神石 Jinseki town wanted to go to 大山 Mount Daisen in Tottori.
He wanted to pray to namami no Jizo 生身の地蔵 a living Jizo.
In his dream a man appeared and told him :
at 下野の岩船 Shimotsuke at Iwabune there is this Jizo.
The priest went there and met another priest, who could to three jobs at the same time.
It must have been 大山権現 / オオヤマゴンゲン Oyama Gongen.
On his way back he met the priest again, who gave him a pot to cook rice which was always full.

- - - - - One more legend about Oyama Gongen:
Shimane 島根県 隠岐郡 Oki district

Oyama Gongen 大山権現 - Shoka Gongen 焼火権現 / ショウカゴンゲン
One evening, from the area of Uminaka there appeared the divine spirit of
焼火権現 the Deity Takuhi Gongen (Shoka Gongen).
This Deity can calm strong wind and high waves.
If a boat comes close to shipwreck, if they pray to this Deity
there will be a divine flame coming in their direction and save them.

Takuhi Jinja 焼火神社 Shrine Takuhi
. Shokayama Daigongen 焼火山大権現 / Takuhi Gongen / Takubi Gongen .
- quote -
The wooden shrine building of Takuhi Shrine is the oldest in the Oki Islands (rebuilt in 1732),
and has been designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan.
This shrine is dedicated to the deity of safe sea voyages.
The hike up to the shrine is very enjoyable.
Observe some interesting flora and fauna, and enjoy the views out across the inner sea.
- source : nkk-oki.com/english... -

....................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県 
神戸市 Kobe city 西区 Nishi ward

At 太山寺 / 大山寺 the temple Taisan-Ji in Kobe there is a statue of 薬師 Yakushi Nyorai.
When there was a fire somewhere in the country, the statue would begin to sweat
and thus let people know what happened.
- reference : wikipedia, 太山寺 (神戸市) -

....................................................................... Nara 奈良県 
桜井市 Sakurai city 初瀬 Hase

Once upon a time, a poor ascetic went to the Kannon Temple in Hase to pray.
He had a vision:
On his way down the hill he would meet a woman and take her as his wife.
And so it happened and they got married.
The woman was very beautiful and the local Lord tried many things to get her.
But with the protection of the Deities he could not.
His last try was a bout of Sumo wrestling.
The wife brough a thin old man of about 60 years, but in no time he won the bout.
When the Lord thought this strange, he followed the man and saw
the man had been the Nio warrior statue from 大山寺 the Temple Taisan-Ji.
The wife had been an incarnation of Takizo Kannon 瀧蔵観音 the Waterfall Kannon .

....................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県  
西伯郡 Saihaku District 南部町 Nanbu town

jatai 蛇体 the body of a serpent
The daughter of a Samurai from Matsue had fallen in love with a priest from 大山寺 the Temple Daisen-Ji.
In her troubles she jumped into Akamatsu no Ike 赤松の池 the "Pond of the Red Pine tree"
and became a serpent.
Since there is now a serpent in the pond, if people throw metal things into it, there will be flooding.

赤松の池 Pond Akamatsu no Ike


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #taisanji #daisenji #daisenjioita #yakushikyushu #yakushipilgrims #薬師如来 -


Sesonin Kannon Hassaku

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. 小机領三十三所子歳観音霊場 Kozukue Nedoshi 33 Kannon .

Sesonin 世尊院 Seson-In, Hassaku
光明山 Komyozan 世尊院 Sesonin
神奈川県横浜市緑区北八朔町1010 / Kanagawa, Yokohama city, Midori ward, Kita-Hassaku town

The Kannon statue is 聖観音 Sho Kannon Bosatsu.

The date of the founding is not clear.
The temple was added to the Kozukue Pilgrimage in 1732.


shuin 朱印 stamp


- - - - - Reference of the temple
- reference source : tesshow.jp ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This temple is Nr. 25 of the pilgrimage
. 小机領三十三所子歳観音霊場 Kozukue Nedoshi 33 Kannon .
nedoshi 子年 (ねずみどし) refers to the year of the rat, 鼠 nezumi.

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara .

. Shō Kannon 聖観音 / 正観音 Sho Kannon / 聖観世音菩薩


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #sesonin #kozuke #Kodukue ##kozukue ##kannon ##nedoshi -


Kichijoji Adachi Nakao

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. Adachi 100 Fudo Temples 足立百不動尊霊場 Pilgrimage .

Kichijooji, Kichijōji 吉祥寺 Kichijo-Ji, Nakao
寶珠山 Hojuzan 十林院 Tobayashi-In 吉祥寺 Kichijoji
神奈川県さいたま市緑区中尾1410 / Saitama city,Midori ward, Nakao

The main statue is 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai.

The temple was founded by 慈覚大師 Jigaku Daishi.
It was burned down by soldiers and recontucted by 賴定僧都.
In 1591, after Tokugawa Ieyasu had come to the Kanto area,
he gave the temple more land and made it 御朱印状.
In 1599 on request of 公延親王 Koen Shinno (1762 - 1803)
it became a sub-temple of 輪王寺 Rinno-Ji.
A priest from 寛永寺 Kanei-Ji became the head priest
and 20 more sub-temples were added.
. Ennin - Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 / 慈覺大師 (794 – 864) .


shuin 朱印 stamp


- - - - - Reference of the Temple
- source : wikipedia
- reference source : tesshow -
- reference source : raifuku.net/junrei/busou ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This Temple is Nr. 04 of the
. Adachi 100 Fudo Temples 足立百不動尊霊場 Pilgrimage .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 
西尾市 Nishio City

fushokubyoo 不食病 fasting disease
In 巨海村 the village of Komi there is 吉祥寺 the Temple Kichijo-Ji.
There lived one nun. She could keep fasting for half a month and even for one month.
香川太仲 Kagawa Tachu called this "fasting disease".
It seems recently more people suffer from this.

....................................................................... Kagawa 香川県 
坂出市 Sakaide city 金山町 Kanayama town

. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends .
At 金山村吉祥寺 the Temple Kichijo-Ji in Kanayama town the priest started fasting before doing
amagoi 雨乞い a rain ritual. When the time was fulfilled,
the priest saw a dragon coming out of the moat and goint up to heaven.
Then a strong rain begun to fall down.
The temple was later re-named to Ryōkō-in Ryōkō-In 龍光院 Ryuko-In.
. amagoi 雨乞いと伝説 Legends about rain rituals .

....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府  
京都市 Kyoto city 南区 Minami ward

ijuu 異獣 a monster animal
Around 1675, in Kichijomura in the South of Kyoto, the statue of 吉祥天女 Kichijoten was open for public viewing.
Many people from the nearby villages came, chanting the 六斎念仏 Rokusai Nenbutsu prayer. They made a lot of noise with their prayer gongs and prayer drums. Suddenly a huge monster animal came out and run away to hide under the veranda of a village house. They managed to catch it.
If had the face of a tanuki 狸 badger and was black from the nose to the top of the front. The neck was white, the back was black and the stomach was white. Its buttocks looked like a tokkuri 徳利 sake container. It had no tail and looked more like a mole. Its back legs were long like that of a dog.
For its food it would only eat 串柿 dried persimmons on a stick.
. Kichijoojimura 吉祥寺村 Kichijo-Ji village .

....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 
吉祥寺村 Kichijoji village

. yooji 楊枝 toothpick legends .
In the compound of the 井の頭弁天堂 Bentendo Hall at Inokashira there was yanagi 柳 an old willow tree.
The toothpicks for the third Shogun Iemitsu have been made from its branches.

....................................................................... Yamaguchi 山口県 
萩市 Hagi city 見島 Mishima

kitoo 祈祷 Kito prayer ritual
Around 1978, a child had a strong scrub. But it was not brought to a hospital,
but send to 吉祥寺 the Temple Kichijo-Ji.
The priest suggested they should go to a hospital, but the family insisted
to have kitoo で祈祷 a Kito prayer ritual instead.
A few days after the ritula, the scrub was gone.
Now the priest felt relieved.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - ##kichijoji #kichijooji #kissyoji #adachifudo #busoo #busou -


Kita Adachi 88 Fudo Henro

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

Kita Adachi 88 Temples 北足立八十八ヵ所霊場

A former pilgrimage to 弘法大師霊場 88 Temples in Honor of Kobo Daishi.
. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . . (774 - 835)


01 安養山円乗院 Enjo-In (さいたま市中央区本町西1-13-10). 01 Enjoo-In 円乗院 Enjo-In .
02 東明院(さいたま市中央区中里) - 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai - abandoned
03 弘法尊院 Kobo Son In (さいたま市中央区新中里3-5-29)
04 楽邦山満福寺(さいたま市日進町2-1003) - 阿弥陀如来
05 慈眼山圓蔵院(さいたま市見沼区中川540)- 阿弥陀如来
06 安養山金剛寺(さいたま市桜区道場3-15-3). 06 Kongooji 金剛寺 Kongo-Ji .
07 金剛山林光寺(さいたま市西区植田谷本504). 07 Rinkooji 林光寺 Rinko-Ji . - 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai
08 三宝山徳祥寺(戸田市美女木7-4-1) . 08 徳祥寺 Tokusho-Ji . - 正観世音菩薩 Sho Kannon Bosatsu
09 安養山慶福寺(さいたま市桜区白鍬68-1) - 阿弥陀如来

10 日輪山一乗院(さいたま市南区内谷3-7-13) . 10 一乗院 Ichijo-In .
11 雙樹山吉祥院(さいたま市北区宮原町4-29-4) - 薬師如来
12 朝日山高林寺(さいたま市北区本郷町1398)
13 田島観音堂(さいたま市桜区田島3-28-19)
- - - . 13 Nyoirinji 如意輪寺 Nyoirin-Ji 田島観音堂 Tajima Kannon Hall .
14 出世山光明寺(さいたま市桜区町谷3-11-18) . 14 光明寺 Komyoji . - 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai
15 北明山円福寺(さいたま市中央区上峰4-7-28) - 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai / 与野七福神 Yono Shichi Fukujin
16 自在山正福寺(さいたま市見沼区蓮沼770) - 十一面観世音菩薩 Juichimen Kannon Bosatsu
17 長松山清浄院(さいたま市北区吉野町1-36-2)
18 鶴壽山宝泉寺(さいたま市南区鹿手袋6-3-15) - Yakushi Nyorai
19 真乗寺(さいたま市南区松本1-18-5) - 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai

20 大戸不動堂(さいたま市中央区大戸3-13-3)
21 日照山東光寺(さいたま市中央区下落合6-13-3) - 聖観世音菩薩 Sho Kannon Bosatsu
22 大悲山光明寺(戸田市上戸田2-9-7) - 阿弥陀如来
23 辨瀧山永福寺(さいたま市桜区神田726) - 阿弥陀如来
24 上宮山医王寺 Yakuo-Ji (さいたま市桜区西堀2-6-17)
. 25 神童山薬王院 (さいたま市桜区田島5-15-5)) - Yakuo-In . - 大日如来
. 26 新龍山金剛院(戸田市永川町2-11-11) - Kongo-In.
27 花臺山金剛院(さいたま市北区日進町1-758)
. 28 亀宝山多福院(戸田市本町3-4-3)- Tafuku-In . - 虚空蔵菩薩
29 蓮乗寺(さいたま市桜区栄和6-11-5) - 観世音菩薩

30 三学院(蕨市北町3-2-4) - 十一面観世音菩薩
31 長泉院(蕨市中央5-13-3) - 大威徳明王 Daiitoku Fudo
32 三蔵院(蕨市中央2-30-10) - 正観世音菩薩
33 吉祥院(さいたま市南区辻2-3-9)
34 四谷観音堂(さいたま市南区四谷3-7) - 聖観世音菩薩
35 光明山随泉寺(川口市元郷3-4-17) - 阿弥陀如来
36 法光山真福寺(さいたま市南区別所2-5-14) - 薬師如来
37 醫王山光福寺(さいたま市北区大成4-172)
38 勅言山正法院(さいたま市見沼区南中野451) - 阿弥陀如来
39 神光山林鐘院(さいたま市桜区在家71) - 十一面観世音菩薩

. 40 金輪山医王寺(さいたま市南区白幡2-16-8)Io-Ji . - 大日如来
. 41 宝性寺(さいたま市南区南本町2-13-4 寶性寺 Hosho-Ji . -
42 法輪山安養寺(戸田市美女木1-3-13) - 大日如来
43 富雙山金剛寺(川口市安行吉岡1361) - 釈迦牟尼仏
44 旧地蔵院(川口市西川口3-20-15) -
45 万蔵寺(さいたま市南区辻2-25-18) -
46 晴曇山和光院(さいたま市南区辻3-11-6) . 46 和光院 Wako-In .
47 沼影観音堂(旧遍照院)(さいたま市南区沼影1-6) - 正観世音菩薩
48 光明山無量寺(さいたま市南区曲本2-7-4) - 阿弥陀如来
49 瑠璃山東福寺(さいたま市桜区五関849) - 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai

50 東林寺(和光市新倉2-4-46) - 薬師如来
51 醍醐寺(蕨市蕨) -
52 光楽園(さいたま市浦和区太田窪) -
53 明王寺(現成田山不動院)(川口市本町3-3-17)
54 大師堂 Daishi Do (さいたま市大宮区天沼町2-31) - 弘法大師
55 寶珠山玉蔵院(さいたま市浦和区仲町2-13-22) - 大日如来
56 中袋山観音寺 Kannon-Ji (さいたま市西区中野林210-1) - 如意輪観世音菩薩
57 青龍山宝蔵寺(川口市西新井宿355) - 大日如来
58 文蔵薬師堂 Yakushi-Do (さいたま市南区文蔵4-7-5) . 58 文蔵薬師堂 Bunzo Yakushido . - 薬師如来
59 箱崎山地蔵院 Jizo-In (川口市桜町5-5-39) - 十一面観世音菩薩

60 大師堂 Daishi-Do (川口市鳩ヶ谷本町3-7-18) - 弘法大師
61 東光山慈眼寺(戸田市笹目5-12-11) . 61 慈眼寺 Jigan-Ji . - 薬師如来
62 瑞塚山定正寺(蕨市塚越3-2-14) - 正観世音菩薩
63 金剛山安楽寺(川口市上青木2-18-22) - 聖観世音菩薩
64 普門山平等寺(戸田市笹目6-5-4) - 聖観世音菩薩
65 補陀洛山観福寺 (川口市前川4-30-13) . 65 観福寺 Kanpuku-Ji . - 千手観世音菩薩
66 大聖山龍泉寺(川口市青木5-5-36). 66 龍泉寺 Ryusen-Ji .
67 不動院 Fudo-In (さいたま市浦和区木崎) -
68 珍珠山吉祥院(川口市南町2-6-8) - 毘沙門天 Bishamon-Ten
69 薬王山最勝院(川口市飯塚1-15-24) - 十一面観世音菩薩 . 69 最勝院 Saisho-In .

70 龍寶山観音寺 Kannon-Ji (戸田市新曽1791) - 如意輪観世音菩薩
71 八幡山満蔵寺(さいたま市見沼区膝子902)
72 地蔵堂(川口市朝日) -
73 宝珠山錫杖寺(川口市本町2-4-37) - 地蔵菩薩
74 金剛山吉祥寺(川口市末広3-10-20) - 地蔵菩薩
. 75 瑠璃山薬林寺(川口市朝日1-4-33) - 薬師如来 . - Yakurin-Ji
76 薬王山重圓寺(さいたま市桜区栄和3-17-1) - 薬師如来
77 無量山源永寺(川口市三ツ和2-19-8) - 阿弥陀如来
78 寶蔵院観音堂 Kannon-Do (さいたま市緑区山崎1-16-6) - 馬頭観世音菩薩
79 善光寺(川口市舟戸1-29) 阿弥陀如来

80 地蔵堂 Jizo-Do (川口市芝下3-35-2芝下町会会館) - 地蔵菩薩
81 慈覺山慈星院(川口市芝5222)- 虚空蔵菩薩 Kokuzo Bosatsu
82 阿弥陀堂 Amida-Do (川口市小谷場37) - 阿弥陀如来
. 83 鶴林山正覚院(戸田市中町2-14-3) - Seikaku-In .
84 鳳来山玉泉院(さいたま市南区根岸4-2-7) - 薬師如来
85 阿弥陀堂 Amida Do (朝霞市上内間木27) - 阿弥陀如来
86 大善院不動堂 Fudo Do(さいたま市浦和区東仲町9-8)
87 成就院(さいたま市浦和区常盤1-4-23) - 阿弥陀如来
88 宝珠山玉蔵院 Gyokuzo-In (さいたま市浦和区仲町2-13-22) - 大日如来


- reference source : tesshow ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


. Temples with legends .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - ##kitaadachi #Kitaadachihenro #henroadachi #北足立八十八 -

Buso Yakushi Tora Pilgrimage

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

Buso Toradoshi 25 Yakushi Pilgrimage 武相寅歳薬師如来霊場

All of temples open to the public their principal image of Yakushi once in 12 years.
That year is called "Tora-doshi" or "Year of the Tiger".

01 - 舊城寺 Kyujo-Ji
02 - 弘聖寺 Kosei-Ji
. 03 - 観護寺 Kango-Ji .
04 - 萬蔵寺 Manzo-Ji
05 - 大蔵寺 Taizo-Ji
. 06 - 寳塔院 / 宝塔院 Hoto-In .
07 - 林光寺 Rinko-Ji
08 - 東漸寺 Tozen-Ji .
09 - 無量寺 Muryo-Ji

10 - 瑞雲寺 Zuiun-Ji
11 - 宗泉寺 Sosen-Ji
12 - 朝光寺 Choko-Ji
13 - 萬福寺 Manpuku-Ji
14 - 福昌寺 Fukusho-Ji
15 - 薬師堂 Yakushi-Do
16 - 東光寺 Toko-Ji
17 - 安全寺 Anzen-Ji
18 - 福王寺 Fukuo-Ji
19 - 祥雲寺 Shoun-Ji

20 - 常楽寺 Joraku-Ji
21 - 観音寺 Kannon-Ji
22 - 福寿院 Fukuju-In
23 - 福泉寺 Fukusen-Ji
. 24 - 東観寺 Tokan-Ji .
25 - 寶袋寺 Hotai-Ji


. toradoshi 寅年 the year of the tiger .

- reference source : tesshow .. -
- reference source : t894.holy.jp .. -

武相(ぶそう、ぶあい) Buso, Buai)

.Buso Fudo 28 Temples 武相不動尊二十八所 .


. Temples with legends .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #buso #yakushi #pilgrimage -


Fukujuin Kannon Tsukushino

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. 小机領三十三所子歳観音霊場 Kozukue Nedoshi 33 Kannon .

Fukujuin 福寿院 Fukuju-In, Tsukushino
河上山 Kawakamizan 福寿院 Fukujuin

東京都町田市つくし野3-3-5 / Tokyo, Machida city, Tsukushino

The Kannon statue is 十一面観世音菩薩 Juichimen Kannon Bosatsu.
The main statue is a wooden statue of 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O.

The temple was founded in 1671 by 朝賢 Choken, who died in 1689.
It is a sub-temple of 徳恩寺 Tokuon-Ji. In the compound is a 鐘楼 bell tower.


shuin 朱印 stamp


Also on the following pilgrimages :

. 武相寅歳薬師如来霊場 Buso Toradoshi Yakushi Pilgrimage . - Nr. 24

. Tokuonji 徳恩寺 Tokuon-Ji, Onda .


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : townnews.co.jp ...
- reference source : tesshow.jp ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This temple is Nr. 24 of the pilgrimage
. 小机領三十三所子歳観音霊場 Kozukue Nedoshi 33 Kannon .
nedoshi 子年 (ねずみどし) refers to the year of the rat, 鼠 nezumi.

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara .

. Juichimen Kannon 十一面観音 Kannon with 11 faces and 1000 arms .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

....................................................................... Okayama 岡山県 
井原市 Ibara city 東江原 Higashi-Ebara

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
Fukuju-In is a temple of the Yamabushi mountain ascets.
People come here to pray for good health and not to get bewitched by a fox.
In the graveyard is a place where a Tengu is venerated at
Tengu koshikake no matsu 天狗腰掛の松 the pine where the Tengu comes to rest.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #Fukujuin #kozuke #Kodukue #koshikake #tengusugi ##kozukue ##kannon ##nedoshi -


Shoheiji Yakushi Yabakei

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. 49 Yakushi Temples in Kyushu 九州四十九薬師霊場 .

Shooheiji 正平寺 Shohei-Ji, Yabakei
檜原山 / 桧原山 Hibaruzan 正平寺 Shoheiji

大分県中津市耶馬溪町中畑 / Oita, Yabakei Oaza Nakahata

The main statue is 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai.
At his side are 釈迦如来 Shaka Nyorai and 十一面観世音菩薩 Juichiman Kannon Bosatsu.
The statue of 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O is 寺宝及び文化財 a treasure of the Temple.

The temple was founded in 587 by Saint 釈正覚上人.
He named the temple 長福寺 Chofuku-Ji.
In 752, it was named 桧原山 Hibaru San, 正平寺 Shohei-Ji.
In 989 on request of 冷泉天皇 Emperor Reisei Tenno (950 - 1011)
the 大講堂 Big Lecture Hall was constructed.
There were living quarters for 12 main priests.
At its high time, there were 24 living quarters.
In 1878 during a fire most buildings were lost.


shuin 朱印 special stamp

shuin 朱印 Yakushi stamp


- Yearly Festivals 年中行事 -

- reference : hibarusan.com/ivent ... -


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : hibarusan ...
- reference and photos : hakataboy.com/temple ... -
- source : oyakushi.com ...
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This temple is Nr. 11 of the pilgrimage
. 49 Yakushi Temples in Kyushu 九州四十九薬師霊場 .

. 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai Bhaisajyaguru .
the Buddha of Medicine and Healing

. Kumo Hachimangu 雲八幡宮 .
Yabakei Oaza Miyazono, Nakatsu, Oita / 中津市耶馬溪町

- quote
Yabakei Gorge, Oita Prefecture 耶馬渓
The Yabakei Gorge is an area of outstanding natural scenery and beauty located on Kyushu in the north of Oita Prefecture, south of the town of Nakatsu. Formed over 2.5 million years by the Yamakuni River cutting through volcanic lava and tuff, there are numerous cliffs, caves, and rock formations that are particularly popular in the fall when the leaves turn.
There are more than 60 scenic spots and Yabakei Gorge is part of Yaba-Hita-Hikosan Quasi National Park. There are hiking trails, walking paths, cycle routes, and hot springs in the area as well as cultural and historic sites.
At the northern end, known as Honyabakei, the river is spanned by the Yabakei Bridge, the longest arched stone bridge in Japan. It is 116 meters long, with eight arches, and was constructed in 1923.
Just a little down river is Ao no Domon, a hand carved tunnel through the cliffs. It was made famous in a novel by Kan Kikuchi, and with most legends, distinguishing fact from myth is difficult.
- Rakan-Ji
- Sennen-Ji
- Hitome Hakkei
- Yabakei Aqua Park
- source : Jake Davies


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #shoheiji #hibaruzan #yabakei #yakushikyushu #yakushipilgrims #薬師如来 -


Tokuonji Kannon Onda

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. 小机領三十三所子歳観音霊場 Kozukue Nedoshi 33 Kannon .

Tokuonji 徳恩寺 Tokuon-Ji, Onda
摩尼山 Manizan 延壽院 / 延寿院 Enju-In  徳恩寺 Tokuonji

神奈川県横浜市青葉区恩田町1892 / Onda, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa

The Kannon statue is 聖観世音菩薩 Sho Kannon Bosatsu.
The main statue is . 虚空蔵 Kokuzo Bosatsu .
Made by 湛慶 Tankei (1173 - 1256), the eldest son of the master sculptor Unkei.
Another statue is 弁財天 Benzaiten.

The temple was founded in 1337 by Priest 等海律師, who died in 1373.
In 1649, it received more land from the Edo government.


shuin 朱印 stamp


- Yearly Festivals 年中行事 -

毎月18日 【五月観音例祭法要】 - every month 18
毎月15・21日 【金剛流ご詠歌奉修】 - every month 15 and 21
- reference : tokuonji.jp ... -


Another temple named Tokuon-Ji on this pilgrimage
. Togoku Henro Pilgrimage 東国八十八ヵ所霊場  . - Nr. 69


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : www.tokuonji.jp ...
- reference source : tesshow.jp ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This temple is Nr. 23 of the pilgrimage
. 小机領三十三所子歳観音霊場 Kozukue Nedoshi 33 Kannon .
nedoshi 子年 (ねずみどし) refers to the year of the rat, 鼠 nezumi.

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara .

. Shō Kannon 聖観音 / 正観音 Sho Kannon / 聖観世音菩薩


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #tokuonji #onda #kokuzo #kozuke #Kodukue -