. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. Saigoku Aizen Deity Pilgrimage 西国愛染霊場 .
Tairyuuji 大龍寺 Tairyu-Ji, Futatabisan
再度山 Futatabizan, 大龍寺 (たいりゅうじ) Tairyuji
兵庫県神戸市中央区再度山一番地 / Hyogo, Kobe city, Chuo ward, Futatabiyama 1
The Kannon statue is 如意輪観音 Nyoirin Kannon.
The temple is often called chuufuu yoke no o-tera 中風除けの寺 "Temple to prevent palsy".
The temple was founded in 768 by 和気清麻呂 Wake Kiyomaro.
In 804 Kukai Kobo Daishi rebuilt it on request of 称徳天皇 Empress Shotoku Tenno (孝謙天皇 Koken Tenno).
(Empress Kōken, known as Empress Shōtoku.)
The path where Kukai climbed the mountain is called 大師道 Daishi Do - Road of Kobo Daishi.
It is located on the southern slope of 摩尼山 Mount Manisan.
The temple was revived in 1350 by 善妙上人 Saint Zenmyo.
In 1375, 後円融天皇 Emperor Goennyu suffered from palsy and Saint Zenmyo came here to pray for his recovery.
The present compound dates back to the Edo period.
shuin 朱印 stamp - with Daikoku Ten
- Yearly Festivals 年中行事 -
. Yearly Festivals 年中行事 List .
- - - - - In the compound:
大師堂(本堂)Hall for Kobo Daishi
修行大師像 - 修行中の空海の像 Statue of Kobo Daishi in Training
毘沙門堂 Hall for Bishamon Ten
三重石塔 three story stone pagoda
鐘楼堂 Hall for the Belfry
護摩堂 Hall for the Goma fire ritual
諸天堂 Shoten Hall
四国八十八箇所石仏群 Stone markers for the 88 Temples of the Shikoku Pilgrimage
奥の院大師堂 Hall for Kobo Daishi at the Oku no In temple
梵字岩(市指定史跡) - 空海の作という rock with Sanskrit inscription - made by Kobo Daishi
霊明殿 - 庫裡、納経所、納骨堂などが入っている
西国三十三所石仏群 Stone Memorials for 33 Kannon Temples of Saigoku
仁王門 Gate with Nio Statues
稲荷社 Shrine for Inari
山門(赤門、楼門)Temple Gate, Red Gate, Tower Gate
亀の岩 - 空海の作という - Turtle Rock - made by Kobo Daishi
Also on the following pilgrimages :
近畿三十六不動尊霊場第9番 Kinki 36 Fudo Temples - Nr. 09
摂津国八十八箇所第82番 Settsu no Kuni 88 Temples - Nr. 82
摂津国三十三箇所第6番 Settsu no Kuni 33 Kannon Temples - Nr. 6
神戸十三仏霊場第6番 Kobe Jusanbutsu - Nr. 06
ぼけ封じ近畿十楽観音霊場第8番 Bokefuji Kinki Juraku Kannon - Nr. 8
Kobe Shichifukujin - Daikoku Ten
. reference - tairyuji.com .
- - - - - Reference of the temple
. reference - tairyuji.com .
- source : wikipedia ...
. source - aizen17.net ... .
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -
This temple is Nr. 05 of the pilgrimage
. Saigoku Aizen Deity Pilgrimage 西国愛染霊場 .
. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) .
. Temples with legends .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
- - ###dairyuuji ###dairyuji ###tairyuuji ###tairyuji ##aizenmyoo ###aizensaigoku #aizensaikoku #aisenpilgrim -
Showing posts with label - - - DDD - - -. Show all posts
Showing posts with label - - - DDD - - -. Show all posts
Daikoji Mie Terada
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. Mie Shikoku Henro Pilgrimage 三重四国八十八ヵ所霊場 .
Daikooji 大光寺 Daiko-Ji, Terada
岡山 Okazan , 大光寺 Daikoji 伊賀市寺田676 / Mie, Iga city, Terada
The Kannon statue is 十一面観世音菩薩 Juichimen Kannon.
It is venerated as yakuyoke Kannon 厄除観音 Kannon to ward off evil.
- Chant of the temple
おん まか きゃろにきゃ そわか
The temple was founded in 753 by 覚真長老 the Elder Kakushin .
It was founded on 初午の日 the first day of the horse
The temple has a compound with 七堂伽藍 seven important buildings.
In the mountain behind the temple is Gyooja doo 行者堂 a Hall for En no Gyoja.
Further to the North is a statue of 地蔵 Jizo Bosatsu.
In the compound is a huge kaya 榧 torreya tree.
In the back of the temple is 毘沙門寺 Bishamon Temple.
In the South-West is 古墳群 a group of Kofun burial mounds.
shuin 朱印 stamp
- Yearly Festivals 年中行事 -
hatsu mi no hi 初巳の日 first day of the snake
There is a hatsuyoke kito-e 厄除祈祷会 prayer meeting to ward off evil.
Also on the pilgrimage 伊賀忍者回廊第八番 Iga Ninja Kairo Nr. 08
- - - - - Reference of the temple
- reference source : mieshikoku88.net/list ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -
This temple is Nr. 30 of the pilgrimage
. Mie Shikoku Henro 三重四国八十八ヵ所霊場 .
. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) .
. Juichimen Kannon 十一面観音 Senju Kannon 千手観音 Kannon with 11 faces .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
....................................................................... Nagasaki 長崎県
長崎市 Nagasaki city 鍛冶屋町 Kajiya town
About 50 years ago, there lived a couple of old foxes in the deep groove
between the temple 大音寺 Daion-Ji and 大光寺 Daiko-Ji in 今籠町 Imakago town.
They were good foxes and had received favors from the temple,
so they guarded it every night.
People heard the sound of clappers or roof tiles falling down
or bamboo poles being hit.
When the people heard these sounds, they said:
"This is the clapboard of the foxes! Take good care of the kitchen fire!"
. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
....................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県
岩槻市 Iwatsuki city
. yooji 楊枝 toothpick legends .
At 大光寺 the Temple Daiko-JI in Iwatsuki they venerate a yanagi 柳 willow tree
that begun growing then Saint Nichiren put a toothpick into the ground
near the pond in the temple garden.
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
. Temples with legends .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
- - ##daikooji ##Daikoji ##mieshikokuhenro ##shikokuhenromie -
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. Mie Shikoku Henro Pilgrimage 三重四国八十八ヵ所霊場 .
Daikooji 大光寺 Daiko-Ji, Terada
岡山 Okazan , 大光寺 Daikoji 伊賀市寺田676 / Mie, Iga city, Terada
The Kannon statue is 十一面観世音菩薩 Juichimen Kannon.
It is venerated as yakuyoke Kannon 厄除観音 Kannon to ward off evil.
- Chant of the temple
おん まか きゃろにきゃ そわか
The temple was founded in 753 by 覚真長老 the Elder Kakushin .
It was founded on 初午の日 the first day of the horse
The temple has a compound with 七堂伽藍 seven important buildings.
In the mountain behind the temple is Gyooja doo 行者堂 a Hall for En no Gyoja.
Further to the North is a statue of 地蔵 Jizo Bosatsu.
In the compound is a huge kaya 榧 torreya tree.
In the back of the temple is 毘沙門寺 Bishamon Temple.
In the South-West is 古墳群 a group of Kofun burial mounds.
shuin 朱印 stamp
- Yearly Festivals 年中行事 -
hatsu mi no hi 初巳の日 first day of the snake
There is a hatsuyoke kito-e 厄除祈祷会 prayer meeting to ward off evil.
Also on the pilgrimage 伊賀忍者回廊第八番 Iga Ninja Kairo Nr. 08
- - - - - Reference of the temple
- reference source : mieshikoku88.net/list ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -
This temple is Nr. 30 of the pilgrimage
. Mie Shikoku Henro 三重四国八十八ヵ所霊場 .
. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) .
. Juichimen Kannon 十一面観音 Senju Kannon 千手観音 Kannon with 11 faces .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
....................................................................... Nagasaki 長崎県
長崎市 Nagasaki city 鍛冶屋町 Kajiya town
About 50 years ago, there lived a couple of old foxes in the deep groove
between the temple 大音寺 Daion-Ji and 大光寺 Daiko-Ji in 今籠町 Imakago town.
They were good foxes and had received favors from the temple,
so they guarded it every night.
People heard the sound of clappers or roof tiles falling down
or bamboo poles being hit.
When the people heard these sounds, they said:
"This is the clapboard of the foxes! Take good care of the kitchen fire!"
. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
....................................................................... Saitama 埼玉県
岩槻市 Iwatsuki city
. yooji 楊枝 toothpick legends .
At 大光寺 the Temple Daiko-JI in Iwatsuki they venerate a yanagi 柳 willow tree
that begun growing then Saint Nichiren put a toothpick into the ground
near the pond in the temple garden.
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
. Temples with legends .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
- - ##daikooji ##Daikoji ##mieshikokuhenro ##shikokuhenromie -
Daikoin Fudo Shiba
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. Adachi 100 Fudo Temples 足立百不動尊霊場 Pilgrimage .
Daikooin 大行院 Daiko-In, Shiba Takagi
天晴山 Apparezan 大行院 Daikoin 埼玉県川口市芝高木1-14-27 / Saitama, Kawaguchi city, Shiba Takagi
The main statue is 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O.
The Fudo Hall :
The temple was founded in 1282.
In the compound is 薬師堂 a Hall for Yakushi Nyorai,
which later became the hall for Fudo Myo-O.
In the compound is 天王社 Tenno Shrine.
Around 1654, it was renovated by 富山 信賢法印 Priest Toyama Shinken.
and a stone memorial with the inscription 大行院 was erected.
The Toyama family took care of the temple.
In the Edo period, it became a training place for 修験道本山派 Shugendo priests.
In 1745, Priest 隣章法印 rebuilt 薬師堂 the Hall for Yakushi Nyorai.
In 1758, the statue of Fudo Myo-O was placed in the Yakushi Hall.
In 1855, the Yakushi Hall burned down, but was soon rebuilt by 法印賢海 Priest Kenkai.
A statue of 牛頭天王 Gozu Tenno was also placed in the Yakushi Hall.
During the Meiji restauration, the Shrine was relocated to 高木村 Takagi village.
shuin 朱印 stamp
Also on the following pilgrimage :
. Bushu Adachi 100 Fudo Temples Pilgrimage 武州足立百不動尊霊場 .
- - - - - Reference of the Temple
- reference source : tesshow -
- reference source : raifuku.net/junrei/busou 28 ... -
- reference source : hanaetabi.fc2web.com/hudou/index ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -
This Temple is Nr. 84 of the
. Adachi 100 Fudo Temples 足立百不動尊霊場 Pilgrimage .
. Temples with legends .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
- - #daikooin #daikoin #daigyoin ##adachifudo #busoo #busou -
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. Adachi 100 Fudo Temples 足立百不動尊霊場 Pilgrimage .
Daikooin 大行院 Daiko-In, Shiba Takagi
天晴山 Apparezan 大行院 Daikoin 埼玉県川口市芝高木1-14-27 / Saitama, Kawaguchi city, Shiba Takagi
The main statue is 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O.
The Fudo Hall :
The temple was founded in 1282.
In the compound is 薬師堂 a Hall for Yakushi Nyorai,
which later became the hall for Fudo Myo-O.
In the compound is 天王社 Tenno Shrine.
Around 1654, it was renovated by 富山 信賢法印 Priest Toyama Shinken.
and a stone memorial with the inscription 大行院 was erected.
The Toyama family took care of the temple.
In the Edo period, it became a training place for 修験道本山派 Shugendo priests.
In 1745, Priest 隣章法印 rebuilt 薬師堂 the Hall for Yakushi Nyorai.
In 1758, the statue of Fudo Myo-O was placed in the Yakushi Hall.
In 1855, the Yakushi Hall burned down, but was soon rebuilt by 法印賢海 Priest Kenkai.
A statue of 牛頭天王 Gozu Tenno was also placed in the Yakushi Hall.
During the Meiji restauration, the Shrine was relocated to 高木村 Takagi village.
shuin 朱印 stamp
Also on the following pilgrimage :
. Bushu Adachi 100 Fudo Temples Pilgrimage 武州足立百不動尊霊場 .
- - - - - Reference of the Temple
- reference source : tesshow -
- reference source : raifuku.net/junrei/busou 28 ... -
- reference source : hanaetabi.fc2web.com/hudou/index ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -
This Temple is Nr. 84 of the
. Adachi 100 Fudo Temples 足立百不動尊霊場 Pilgrimage .
. Temples with legends .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
- - #daikooin #daikoin #daigyoin ##adachifudo #busoo #busou -
Daishi no Tera Mie Yana
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. Mie Shikoku Henro Pilgrimage 三重四国八十八ヵ所霊場 .
daishi no tera 大師之寺 Daishi no Tera, Yana
金剛宝閣 Kongo Hokaku 大師之寺 Daishi no Tera 四日市市南納屋町6-11 / Yokkaichi city, Minami-Yana town
The main statue is 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai.
- Chant of the temple
おん ころころ せんだり まとうぎ そわか
In 1897, a man from Kyoto named 立葉隆道 Tachiba Takamichi passed here on a pilgrimage
and built a small hall where Kobo Daishi was venerated.
In WW1 the temple was burned down, but the main statue was safe.
In 1950 it was build again to host a statue of Kobo Daishi from 名古屋松林寺 Temple Shorinji in Nagoya.
In 1987 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai became the main statue.
At his side are 日光、月光両菩薩 Nikko Bosatsu and Gekko Bosatsu.
Other statues are 阿弥陀如来、聖観音、地蔵菩薩、毘沙門天王、不動明王、十二神将、愛染明王.
In the compound is 滝不動 a waterfall with Fudo Myo-O.
shuin 朱印 stamp
- Yearly Festivals 年中行事 -
1月6日 毘沙門天大般若初祈祷会
1月21日 初大師護摩祈祷会
1月28日 初不動尊健康、水行護摩祈祷会
2月節分の日 節分厄除星供養会
3月21日 春季彼岸会、弘法大師正御影供 Memorial for Kobo Daishi
4月29日 本尊入仏祈念土砂加持大法会
4月29日~ 本四国八十八カ所
5月5日 お砂踏み道場開筵 walking on sacred sand
6月1日~ 本四国巡拝
7月28日 不動尊夏まつり水行会
8月24日 地蔵盆大施餓鬼供養
9月21日 秋季彼岸会
11月11日 萬灯会 懺悔滅罪の日
12月21日 終大師護摩祈祷会
毎月21日 護摩祈祷会 健康諸祈願
- - - - - Reference of the temple
- source : google
- reference source : mieshikoku88.net/list ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -
This temple is Nr. 08 of the pilgrimage
. Mie Shikoku Henro 三重四国八十八ヵ所霊場 .
. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) .
. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 Bhaisajyaguru .
. Temples with legends .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
- - #Daishinotera #mieshikokuhenro #shikokuhenromie -
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. Mie Shikoku Henro Pilgrimage 三重四国八十八ヵ所霊場 .
daishi no tera 大師之寺 Daishi no Tera, Yana
金剛宝閣 Kongo Hokaku 大師之寺 Daishi no Tera 四日市市南納屋町6-11 / Yokkaichi city, Minami-Yana town
The main statue is 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai.
- Chant of the temple
おん ころころ せんだり まとうぎ そわか
In 1897, a man from Kyoto named 立葉隆道 Tachiba Takamichi passed here on a pilgrimage
and built a small hall where Kobo Daishi was venerated.
In WW1 the temple was burned down, but the main statue was safe.
In 1950 it was build again to host a statue of Kobo Daishi from 名古屋松林寺 Temple Shorinji in Nagoya.
In 1987 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai became the main statue.
At his side are 日光、月光両菩薩 Nikko Bosatsu and Gekko Bosatsu.
Other statues are 阿弥陀如来、聖観音、地蔵菩薩、毘沙門天王、不動明王、十二神将、愛染明王.
In the compound is 滝不動 a waterfall with Fudo Myo-O.
shuin 朱印 stamp
- Yearly Festivals 年中行事 -
1月6日 毘沙門天大般若初祈祷会
1月21日 初大師護摩祈祷会
1月28日 初不動尊健康、水行護摩祈祷会
2月節分の日 節分厄除星供養会
3月21日 春季彼岸会、弘法大師正御影供 Memorial for Kobo Daishi
4月29日 本尊入仏祈念土砂加持大法会
4月29日~ 本四国八十八カ所
5月5日 お砂踏み道場開筵 walking on sacred sand
6月1日~ 本四国巡拝
7月28日 不動尊夏まつり水行会
8月24日 地蔵盆大施餓鬼供養
9月21日 秋季彼岸会
11月11日 萬灯会 懺悔滅罪の日
12月21日 終大師護摩祈祷会
毎月21日 護摩祈祷会 健康諸祈願
- - - - - Reference of the temple
- source : google
- reference source : mieshikoku88.net/list ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -
This temple is Nr. 08 of the pilgrimage
. Mie Shikoku Henro 三重四国八十八ヵ所霊場 .
. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) .
. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 Bhaisajyaguru .
. Temples with legends .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
- - #Daishinotera #mieshikokuhenro #shikokuhenromie -
Daishiji Mie Naya
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. Mie Shikoku Henro Pilgrimage 三重四国八十八ヵ所霊場 .
Daishiji 大師寺 Daishi-Ji, Naya
勢州山 Sesshuzan 大師寺 Daishiji 四日市市北納屋町4-12 / Yokkaichi town, Kita-Naya town
The main statue is 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai.
- Chant of the temple
なむ だいじ へんじょう こんごう
The temple was founded around 1840 by pious people living in Naya.
People come here to pray for safety at sea and safety at home.
A new hall was built in 1902 and
清水雄明和尚 Priest Kiyomizu Akira took over as head priest.
During WW2 the temple burned down, but the main statue was saved.
In 1954 a new hall was built.
It contained the statues of 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai, 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai and other deities.
The temple was then called 北納屋のおだいしさん Kita-Naya no O-Daishi san.
Many people come to the annual festivals.
. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 .
In the compound is a standing statue of 地蔵菩薩 Jizo Bosatsu
and inshoozuka 印章塚 a "seal mound".
shuin 朱印 stamp
- Yearly Festivals 年中行事 -
年中毎日 御祈祷祈願、心願成就
年中毎日 水子供養、虫封じ
土用丑 きゅうり封じ ほうろく灸
2月節分の日 節分星まつり
3月21日 御砂踏法要
8月24日 地蔵まつり 施餓鬼法要
10月1日 印章供養
10月21日 永代経法要
11月3日 火渡り護摩
. - mieshikoku88.net ...
- - - - - Reference of the temple
- source : google
- reference source : mieshikoku88.net/list ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -
This temple is Nr. 07 of the pilgrimage
. Mie Shikoku Henro 三重四国八十八ヵ所霊場 .
. Amida Nyorai 阿弥陀如来 .
. Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 .
. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 .
. Temples with legends .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
- - ##daishiji #daishi #kobodaishi ##mieshikokuhenro ##shikokuhenromie -
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. Mie Shikoku Henro Pilgrimage 三重四国八十八ヵ所霊場 .
Daishiji 大師寺 Daishi-Ji, Naya
勢州山 Sesshuzan 大師寺 Daishiji 四日市市北納屋町4-12 / Yokkaichi town, Kita-Naya town
The main statue is 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai.
- Chant of the temple
なむ だいじ へんじょう こんごう
The temple was founded around 1840 by pious people living in Naya.
People come here to pray for safety at sea and safety at home.
A new hall was built in 1902 and
清水雄明和尚 Priest Kiyomizu Akira took over as head priest.
During WW2 the temple burned down, but the main statue was saved.
In 1954 a new hall was built.
It contained the statues of 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai, 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai and other deities.
The temple was then called 北納屋のおだいしさん Kita-Naya no O-Daishi san.
Many people come to the annual festivals.
. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 .
In the compound is a standing statue of 地蔵菩薩 Jizo Bosatsu
and inshoozuka 印章塚 a "seal mound".
shuin 朱印 stamp
- Yearly Festivals 年中行事 -
年中毎日 御祈祷祈願、心願成就
年中毎日 水子供養、虫封じ
土用丑 きゅうり封じ ほうろく灸
2月節分の日 節分星まつり
3月21日 御砂踏法要
8月24日 地蔵まつり 施餓鬼法要
10月1日 印章供養
10月21日 永代経法要
11月3日 火渡り護摩
. - mieshikoku88.net ...
- - - - - Reference of the temple
- source : google
- reference source : mieshikoku88.net/list ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -
This temple is Nr. 07 of the pilgrimage
. Mie Shikoku Henro 三重四国八十八ヵ所霊場 .
. Amida Nyorai 阿弥陀如来 .
. Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 .
. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 .
. Temples with legends .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
- - ##daishiji #daishi #kobodaishi ##mieshikokuhenro ##shikokuhenromie -
Daifukudenji Kannon Higashikata
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. Ise Saigoku 33 Kannon 伊勢西国三十三所観音巡礼 Pilgrimage .
Daifukudenji 大福田寺 Daifukuden-Ji, Higashikata
神寶山 Shinpozan, 大福田寺 Daifukudenji 番外 bangai - extra 桑名市東方1426 / Kuwana city, Higashikata
The Kannon statue is 十一面観音 Juichimen Kannon.
- quote
According to the legend Daifukuden-ji was founded by
a famous politician and promoter of Buddhism 聖徳太子 Prince Shōtoku (574-622).
It was called Daijingū-ji and originally stood in 伊勢山田 Ise Yamada.
The temple was directly connected to the Ise Shrine and was visited by Emperor Tenmu (631-686),
Empress Jitō (645-703) and 聖武天皇 Emperor Shōmu (701-756) during their travels to Ise.
In Tenchō period (824-834) it became a practice ground for Shingon school of Buddhism
after Kūkai (Kōbō Daishi, 774-835), the founder of Shingon sect,
taught the principles of Esoteric Buddhism during his visit.
In the times of Emperor Junna (786-840) the temple was chosen as an official place
that would pray for the Emperor. 宇多天皇 Emperor Uda (867-931) also visited Daijingū-ji during his travels
and used to stay at the abbot’s chambers.
Since his visit the official name of the temple was changed to 法皇院 Hōkō-in (Cloistered Emperor’s Temple).
In 1052 冷泉天皇 Emperor Goreizei (1025-1068) organized a mass chanting of sutras by 1000 monks in the temple.
The prayer was conducted together with a ritual offering of a wand with hemp and paper streamers to Ise Shrine.
Until the mid-19th Century Daifukuden-ji was officially praying
for each generation of the Emperor and for the Imperial family members.
Because of that the temple was allowed to use the Imperial family crest – a chrysanthemum.
During the Kōan period (1278-1289) the temple burned down.
It was rebuilt in the Kambe (currently Daifuku) area of Kuwana
thanks to the cooperation of the official of the Ise Shrine
and a protector of Yamato province 額田部実澄 Nukatabe no Sanezumi (he was a descendant of
Kadokane – developer and landowner of Kuwana Kambe area), and Ninshō,
a monk and founder of Gokuraku-ji temple in Sagami province.
Emperor Gouda (1267-1324) donated new land to the temple,
made it his official praying place and gave it a new name – 福田寺 Fukuden-ji.
It earned respect of Ashikaga Takauji (1305-1358),
the founder and first shogun of the Ashikaga shogunate,
and was given a new character meaning “big, great” to add to its name.
Since that moment the temple’s official name became Daifukuden-ji.
During the Meiō period (1492-1501) Daifukuden-ji countless times
suffered from fires caused by war and at one point it fell into ruin.
The temple was rebuilt as a complete seven-structured temple compound in 1501,
after its abbot Eiki gathered donations around the country.
In 1503 its main statue was also remade and enshrined.
Thanks to the official document issued by the Imperial house in 1567
and prohibiting anyone from entering the temple’s grounds,
Daifukuden-ji was speared during the battles between 1570 and 1592.
However due to impoverishment of the surrounding lands, the temple had fallen into decay again.
In the following years the temple’s buildings were flooded many times,
that is why in 1662 the abbot named Shinnin decided to move the temple to its current location.
There are two halls in the temple.
The one seen up front when entering the temple through the main gate is the Main Hall.
Inside Buddha Amida (Buddha of Infinite Light), also called Hiki Amida (Pulled Amida),
is enshrined as the main statue. There are also three statues of his attendants:
Jūichimen Kannon (Eleven-Faced Kannon), Shō Kannon (Sacred Kannon),
Bodhisattva Monju (Bodhisattva of Supreme Wisdom), and a statue of Kūkai.
On the south side of the Main Hall stands the Hall of Prayers.
There are two statues inside, a personal statue of Kuwana province daimyo
松平定信 Matsudaira Sadanobu (1759-1829)
depicting Shōten (Kankiten, Ganesha, a god of conjugal harmony and long life),
and a statue of bad luck expelling Fudō Myō-ō (Immovable Wisdom King).
Daifukuden-ji is visited by many people during the days of the temple’s festival known as Shōten of Kuwana.
The festival is held on the 1st and 16th day of every month.
Daifukuden-ji has many treasures in its possession.
Among them a Hassō Jōdō Ezu (painting of the eight major events in the life of the Buddha Shaka)
form Kamakura period (1192-1333), a painting titled 當山再建勧進縁起 Tōzan Saiken Kanjin Engi
(Story of preaching and reconstruction of Daifukuden-ji)
created by 三条西実隆 Sanjōnishi Sanetaka in Muromachi period (1333-1573), and
忍性上人自画像 Ninshō Shōnin Jigazō (Self portrait of the Holy priest Ninshō),
which are all designated as National Important Cultural Properties.
The statue of Shō Kannon is also called 合せ観音 Awase Kannon (Joint Kannon).
According to the legend Goddess Amaterasu (Goddess of the Sun) and
Kasuga Myōjin (the deity of Kasuga Shrine in Nara) decided to send a divination
and ask two Korean Buddhist sculptors – brothers 稽文會と稽主勲 Kei Mone and Kei Shukun,
to each make a half of a statue of Shō Kannon and bring it to Japan.
They did as asked and both of them met at the riverbank of Miyagawa river,
each carrying a half of a statue.
When they tried to join the halves, they discovered that they match perfectly.
It is said that this statue of Joint Shō Kannon was created according to the joint will
of two Shinto gods – Goddess Amaterasu and Kasuga Myōjin.
Daifukuden-ji is a temple number 1 of Mie Shikoku 88 Temples Pilgrimage
and one of the Ise Seven Temples of Luck enshrining Daikoku
(God of Wealth, Farmers, Food, and Good Fortune).
. source : isekannon.jp/otera_list ... .
shuin 朱印 stamp
Also on the following pilgrimage :
. Mie Shikoku Henro 三重四国八十八ヵ所霊場 Pilgrimage . - Nr. 01
and Ise Seven Temples of Luck enshrining Daikoku (God of Wealth, Farmers, Food, and Good Fortune).
- - - - - Reference of the temple
- source : google
- reference source : isekannon.jp/english ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -
This bangai temple is of the pilgrimage
. Ise Saigoku 33 Kannon 伊勢西国三十三所観音巡礼 .
. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara .
. Juichimen Kannon 十一面観音 Senju Kannon 千手観音 Kannon with 11 faces and 1000 arms .
. Temples with legends .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
- - #daifukudenji #fukudenji ##isesaigoku ##isesaikoku ##isekannon -
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. Ise Saigoku 33 Kannon 伊勢西国三十三所観音巡礼 Pilgrimage .
Daifukudenji 大福田寺 Daifukuden-Ji, Higashikata
神寶山 Shinpozan, 大福田寺 Daifukudenji 番外 bangai - extra 桑名市東方1426 / Kuwana city, Higashikata
The Kannon statue is 十一面観音 Juichimen Kannon.
- quote
According to the legend Daifukuden-ji was founded by
a famous politician and promoter of Buddhism 聖徳太子 Prince Shōtoku (574-622).
It was called Daijingū-ji and originally stood in 伊勢山田 Ise Yamada.
The temple was directly connected to the Ise Shrine and was visited by Emperor Tenmu (631-686),
Empress Jitō (645-703) and 聖武天皇 Emperor Shōmu (701-756) during their travels to Ise.
In Tenchō period (824-834) it became a practice ground for Shingon school of Buddhism
after Kūkai (Kōbō Daishi, 774-835), the founder of Shingon sect,
taught the principles of Esoteric Buddhism during his visit.
In the times of Emperor Junna (786-840) the temple was chosen as an official place
that would pray for the Emperor. 宇多天皇 Emperor Uda (867-931) also visited Daijingū-ji during his travels
and used to stay at the abbot’s chambers.
Since his visit the official name of the temple was changed to 法皇院 Hōkō-in (Cloistered Emperor’s Temple).
In 1052 冷泉天皇 Emperor Goreizei (1025-1068) organized a mass chanting of sutras by 1000 monks in the temple.
The prayer was conducted together with a ritual offering of a wand with hemp and paper streamers to Ise Shrine.
Until the mid-19th Century Daifukuden-ji was officially praying
for each generation of the Emperor and for the Imperial family members.
Because of that the temple was allowed to use the Imperial family crest – a chrysanthemum.
During the Kōan period (1278-1289) the temple burned down.
It was rebuilt in the Kambe (currently Daifuku) area of Kuwana
thanks to the cooperation of the official of the Ise Shrine
and a protector of Yamato province 額田部実澄 Nukatabe no Sanezumi (he was a descendant of
Kadokane – developer and landowner of Kuwana Kambe area), and Ninshō,
a monk and founder of Gokuraku-ji temple in Sagami province.
Emperor Gouda (1267-1324) donated new land to the temple,
made it his official praying place and gave it a new name – 福田寺 Fukuden-ji.
It earned respect of Ashikaga Takauji (1305-1358),
the founder and first shogun of the Ashikaga shogunate,
and was given a new character meaning “big, great” to add to its name.
Since that moment the temple’s official name became Daifukuden-ji.
During the Meiō period (1492-1501) Daifukuden-ji countless times
suffered from fires caused by war and at one point it fell into ruin.
The temple was rebuilt as a complete seven-structured temple compound in 1501,
after its abbot Eiki gathered donations around the country.
In 1503 its main statue was also remade and enshrined.
Thanks to the official document issued by the Imperial house in 1567
and prohibiting anyone from entering the temple’s grounds,
Daifukuden-ji was speared during the battles between 1570 and 1592.
However due to impoverishment of the surrounding lands, the temple had fallen into decay again.
In the following years the temple’s buildings were flooded many times,
that is why in 1662 the abbot named Shinnin decided to move the temple to its current location.
There are two halls in the temple.
The one seen up front when entering the temple through the main gate is the Main Hall.
Inside Buddha Amida (Buddha of Infinite Light), also called Hiki Amida (Pulled Amida),
is enshrined as the main statue. There are also three statues of his attendants:
Jūichimen Kannon (Eleven-Faced Kannon), Shō Kannon (Sacred Kannon),
Bodhisattva Monju (Bodhisattva of Supreme Wisdom), and a statue of Kūkai.
On the south side of the Main Hall stands the Hall of Prayers.
There are two statues inside, a personal statue of Kuwana province daimyo
松平定信 Matsudaira Sadanobu (1759-1829)
depicting Shōten (Kankiten, Ganesha, a god of conjugal harmony and long life),
and a statue of bad luck expelling Fudō Myō-ō (Immovable Wisdom King).
Daifukuden-ji is visited by many people during the days of the temple’s festival known as Shōten of Kuwana.
The festival is held on the 1st and 16th day of every month.
Daifukuden-ji has many treasures in its possession.
Among them a Hassō Jōdō Ezu (painting of the eight major events in the life of the Buddha Shaka)
form Kamakura period (1192-1333), a painting titled 當山再建勧進縁起 Tōzan Saiken Kanjin Engi
(Story of preaching and reconstruction of Daifukuden-ji)
created by 三条西実隆 Sanjōnishi Sanetaka in Muromachi period (1333-1573), and
忍性上人自画像 Ninshō Shōnin Jigazō (Self portrait of the Holy priest Ninshō),
which are all designated as National Important Cultural Properties.
The statue of Shō Kannon is also called 合せ観音 Awase Kannon (Joint Kannon).
According to the legend Goddess Amaterasu (Goddess of the Sun) and
Kasuga Myōjin (the deity of Kasuga Shrine in Nara) decided to send a divination
and ask two Korean Buddhist sculptors – brothers 稽文會と稽主勲 Kei Mone and Kei Shukun,
to each make a half of a statue of Shō Kannon and bring it to Japan.
They did as asked and both of them met at the riverbank of Miyagawa river,
each carrying a half of a statue.
When they tried to join the halves, they discovered that they match perfectly.
It is said that this statue of Joint Shō Kannon was created according to the joint will
of two Shinto gods – Goddess Amaterasu and Kasuga Myōjin.
Daifukuden-ji is a temple number 1 of Mie Shikoku 88 Temples Pilgrimage
and one of the Ise Seven Temples of Luck enshrining Daikoku
(God of Wealth, Farmers, Food, and Good Fortune).
. source : isekannon.jp/otera_list ... .
shuin 朱印 stamp
Also on the following pilgrimage :
. Mie Shikoku Henro 三重四国八十八ヵ所霊場 Pilgrimage . - Nr. 01
and Ise Seven Temples of Luck enshrining Daikoku (God of Wealth, Farmers, Food, and Good Fortune).
- - - - - Reference of the temple
- source : google
- reference source : isekannon.jp/english ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -
This bangai temple is of the pilgrimage
. Ise Saigoku 33 Kannon 伊勢西国三十三所観音巡礼 .
. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara .
. Juichimen Kannon 十一面観音 Senju Kannon 千手観音 Kannon with 11 faces and 1000 arms .
. Temples with legends .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
- - #daifukudenji #fukudenji ##isesaigoku ##isesaikoku ##isekannon -
Daikozenji Yakushi Miyaki
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. 49 Yakushi Temples in Kyushu 九州四十九薬師霊場 .
Daikoozenji 大興善寺 Daikozen-Ji, Miyaki
小松山 Komatsuzan 大興善寺 Daikozenji
佐賀県三養基郡基山町園部3628 / Saga prefecture, Miyaki district, Miyaki town, Sonobe
Also called つつじ寺 Tsutsuji-dera, Temple of Azaleas.
The main statue is 十一面観音菩薩 Juichimen Kannon Bosatsu.
- Chant of the temple
The temple was founded in the Nara period by 行基菩薩 Gyoki Bosatsu.
He carved the statue of Kannon with a special technique, itto sanrai 一刀三礼
carving one stroke with the blade and praying three times.
At that time, the temple was called 観世音寺 Kanzeon-Ji or 無量寿院 Muryoju-In.
In 834, the temple burned down, but the Kannon Statue was rescued.
Many people passed this temple and took their hat off, so the temple was also called
kasadatsu Kannon 笠脱観音 "Kannon to take the hat off" .
In 847, 慈覚大師円仁 Priest Jikaku Daishi Ennin passed on his way back home from China.
He revived the temple and called it 大興善寺 Daikozen-Ji.
During the fights in the Kamakura period, the temple lost a lot of its land.
In 1542, the temple was rebuilt on request of the Lord 筑紫惟門 Tsukushi Korekado.
In 1624 the main hall was rebuilt and survided more than 400 years to our day.
- - - - - The acitvities of 豪潮律師 Priest and Painter Gocho Risshi (1749 - 1835)
Around 1800 he stayed at the temple and painted many scrolls, trying to help the people.
In the Meiji period, after the separation of Shrines and Temples, Daikozen-Ji lost its influence
and lost its hootoo 法灯 ritual lamp light.
In 1869, it was revived by the 19 years young priest 玉岡誓恩師 Tamaoka.
Later a slope with stone steps was constructed to make the temple easier to reach
and many azaleas were planted on the side.
tsutsujidera つつじ寺 a Temple with azaleas
In autumn, there are many momiji 紅葉 red maple leaves to admire.
shuin 朱印 stamp
- - - - - Reference of the temple
- source : daikouzenji.com ...
- source : oyakushi.com ...
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -
This temple is Nr. 49 of the pilgrimage
. 49 Yakushi Temples in Kyushu 九州四十九薬師霊場 .
. 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai Bhaisajyaguru .
the Buddha of Medicine and Healing
. Temples with legends .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
- - #daikozenji #daikoozenji ##yakushikyushu #yakushipilgrims #薬師如来 -
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. 49 Yakushi Temples in Kyushu 九州四十九薬師霊場 .
Daikoozenji 大興善寺 Daikozen-Ji, Miyaki
小松山 Komatsuzan 大興善寺 Daikozenji
佐賀県三養基郡基山町園部3628 / Saga prefecture, Miyaki district, Miyaki town, Sonobe
Also called つつじ寺 Tsutsuji-dera, Temple of Azaleas.
The main statue is 十一面観音菩薩 Juichimen Kannon Bosatsu.
- Chant of the temple
The temple was founded in the Nara period by 行基菩薩 Gyoki Bosatsu.
He carved the statue of Kannon with a special technique, itto sanrai 一刀三礼
carving one stroke with the blade and praying three times.
At that time, the temple was called 観世音寺 Kanzeon-Ji or 無量寿院 Muryoju-In.
In 834, the temple burned down, but the Kannon Statue was rescued.
Many people passed this temple and took their hat off, so the temple was also called
kasadatsu Kannon 笠脱観音 "Kannon to take the hat off" .
In 847, 慈覚大師円仁 Priest Jikaku Daishi Ennin passed on his way back home from China.
He revived the temple and called it 大興善寺 Daikozen-Ji.
During the fights in the Kamakura period, the temple lost a lot of its land.
In 1542, the temple was rebuilt on request of the Lord 筑紫惟門 Tsukushi Korekado.
In 1624 the main hall was rebuilt and survided more than 400 years to our day.
- - - - - The acitvities of 豪潮律師 Priest and Painter Gocho Risshi (1749 - 1835)
Around 1800 he stayed at the temple and painted many scrolls, trying to help the people.
In the Meiji period, after the separation of Shrines and Temples, Daikozen-Ji lost its influence
and lost its hootoo 法灯 ritual lamp light.
In 1869, it was revived by the 19 years young priest 玉岡誓恩師 Tamaoka.
Later a slope with stone steps was constructed to make the temple easier to reach
and many azaleas were planted on the side.
tsutsujidera つつじ寺 a Temple with azaleas
In autumn, there are many momiji 紅葉 red maple leaves to admire.
shuin 朱印 stamp
- - - - - Reference of the temple
- source : daikouzenji.com ...
- source : oyakushi.com ...
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -
This temple is Nr. 49 of the pilgrimage
. 49 Yakushi Temples in Kyushu 九州四十九薬師霊場 .
. 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai Bhaisajyaguru .
the Buddha of Medicine and Healing
. Temples with legends .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
- - #daikozenji #daikoozenji ##yakushikyushu #yakushipilgrims #薬師如来 -
Dojoji Temple Legends
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
Doojooji 道成寺 Dojo-Ji Temple Legends
. Doojooji 道成寺 Temple Dojoji .
Legend about Anchin and Princess Kiyohime 安珍・清姫伝説
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府
京都市 Kyoto city 中京区 Nakakyo ward
kemuri o dasu kane 煙を出す鐘 a temple bell producing smoke
The bell from 妙満寺 the Temple Myoman-Ji was originally at 道成寺 the Temple Dojo-Ji.
Once they wanted to melt the bell and cast a new one, but
on that day there was a huge rainstorm and the bell begun to blow smoke.
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
. Temples with legends .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
- - ##doojooji #doojoji #dojoji #kiyohime #anchin #dojojilegends -
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
Doojooji 道成寺 Dojo-Ji Temple Legends
. Doojooji 道成寺 Temple Dojoji .
Legend about Anchin and Princess Kiyohime 安珍・清姫伝説
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府
京都市 Kyoto city 中京区 Nakakyo ward
kemuri o dasu kane 煙を出す鐘 a temple bell producing smoke
The bell from 妙満寺 the Temple Myoman-Ji was originally at 道成寺 the Temple Dojo-Ji.
Once they wanted to melt the bell and cast a new one, but
on that day there was a huge rainstorm and the bell begun to blow smoke.
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
. Temples with legends .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
- - ##doojooji #doojoji #dojoji #kiyohime #anchin #dojojilegends -
Taisanji Yakushi Yahata
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. 49 Yakushi Temples in Kyushu 九州四十九薬師霊場 .
Taisanji 大山寺 Taisan-Ji, Yahata
本宮山 Honguzan 大山寺 Taisanji
大分県大分市下八幡1380 / Oita, Oita city, Shimo-Yahata
The main statue is 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai.
Another important statue is 普賢延命菩薩 Fugen Enmei Bosatsu

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. 49 Yakushi Temples in Kyushu 九州四十九薬師霊場 .
Taisanji 大山寺 Taisan-Ji, Yahata
本宮山 Honguzan 大山寺 Taisanji
大分県大分市下八幡1380 / Oita, Oita city, Shimo-Yahata
The main statue is 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai.
Another important statue is 普賢延命菩薩 Fugen Enmei Bosatsu

The temple was founded in 803 on request of 金亀和尚 Priest Kinkame.
It belonged to 柞原八幡宮 the Shrine Yuzuhara Hachimangu.
The statue of Fugen Enmei Bosatsu was located in 普賢堂 the Fugen Hall of Yuzuhara Hachimangu.
In 1868, with the division of Shrines and Temples, it was located to Taisanji.
The statue is made of kaya 榧 torrea wood and was probably made in the early Heian Period.
shuin 朱印 stamp
- - - - - Reference of the temple
- source : oyakushi.com ...
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -
This temple is Nr. 13 of the pilgrimage
. 49 Yakushi Temples in Kyushu 九州四十九薬師霊場 .
. 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai Bhaisajyaguru .
the Buddha of Medicine and Healing
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
Taisanji 太山寺 Taisan-Ji
....................................................................... Hiroshima 広島県
namami no Jizo 生身の地蔵 a living Jizo
A priest from 神石 Jinseki town wanted to go to 大山 Mount Daisen in Tottori.
He wanted to pray to namami no Jizo 生身の地蔵 a living Jizo.
In his dream a man appeared and told him :
at 下野の岩船 Shimotsuke at Iwabune there is this Jizo.
The priest went there and met another priest, who could to three jobs at the same time.
It must have been 大山権現 / オオヤマゴンゲン Oyama Gongen.
On his way back he met the priest again, who gave him a pot to cook rice which was always full.
- - - - - One more legend about Oyama Gongen:
Shimane 島根県 隠岐郡 Oki district
Oyama Gongen 大山権現 - Shoka Gongen 焼火権現 / ショウカゴンゲン
One evening, from the area of Uminaka there appeared the divine spirit of
焼火権現 the Deity Takuhi Gongen (Shoka Gongen).
This Deity can calm strong wind and high waves.
If a boat comes close to shipwreck, if they pray to this Deity
there will be a divine flame coming in their direction and save them.
Takuhi Jinja 焼火神社 Shrine Takuhi
. Shokayama Daigongen 焼火山大権現 / Takuhi Gongen / Takubi Gongen .
- quote -
The wooden shrine building of Takuhi Shrine is the oldest in the Oki Islands (rebuilt in 1732),
and has been designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan.
This shrine is dedicated to the deity of safe sea voyages.
The hike up to the shrine is very enjoyable.
Observe some interesting flora and fauna, and enjoy the views out across the inner sea.
- source : nkk-oki.com/english... -
....................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県
神戸市 Kobe city 西区 Nishi ward
At 太山寺 / 大山寺 the temple Taisan-Ji in Kobe there is a statue of 薬師 Yakushi Nyorai.
When there was a fire somewhere in the country, the statue would begin to sweat
and thus let people know what happened.
- reference : wikipedia, 太山寺 (神戸市) -
....................................................................... Nara 奈良県
桜井市 Sakurai city 初瀬 Hase
Once upon a time, a poor ascetic went to the Kannon Temple in Hase to pray.
He had a vision:
On his way down the hill he would meet a woman and take her as his wife.
And so it happened and they got married.
The woman was very beautiful and the local Lord tried many things to get her.
But with the protection of the Deities he could not.
His last try was a bout of Sumo wrestling.
The wife brough a thin old man of about 60 years, but in no time he won the bout.
When the Lord thought this strange, he followed the man and saw
the man had been the Nio warrior statue from 大山寺 the Temple Taisan-Ji.
The wife had been an incarnation of Takizo Kannon 瀧蔵観音 the Waterfall Kannon .
....................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県
西伯郡 Saihaku District 南部町 Nanbu town
jatai 蛇体 the body of a serpent
The daughter of a Samurai from Matsue had fallen in love with a priest from 大山寺 the Temple Daisen-Ji.
In her troubles she jumped into Akamatsu no Ike 赤松の池 the "Pond of the Red Pine tree"
and became a serpent.
Since there is now a serpent in the pond, if people throw metal things into it, there will be flooding.
赤松の池 Pond Akamatsu no Ike
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
. Temples with legends .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
- - #taisanji #daisenji #daisenjioita #yakushikyushu #yakushipilgrims #薬師如来 -
Dengyo Daishi Yakushi
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
Seven Yakushi Statues made by Dengyo Daishi
伝教大師 七仏薬師霊場
01 医王山 瑠璃光院 南淋寺 - 福岡県朝倉市宮野86 - Fukuoka, Nanrin-Ji / 九州88霊場、九州49薬師
02 比叡山 延暦寺 根本中堂 - 滋賀県大津市坂本本町4220 - Shiga, Enryaku-Ji - / 新西国33霊場、西国49薬師、東海49薬師神仏150霊場、播州21薬師
03 宝満山 宇智山中堂 - 廃寺 abandoned temple
04 堅粕山 薬王寺 東光院 - 福岡市博多区吉塚3丁目 - Fukuoka, Yakuo-Ji / 廃寺、東光院跡として保存
05 東照山 種因寺 福岡県嘉穂郡桂川町土師3135 - Fukuoka, Shuin-Ji / 九州49薬師
06 福聚山 平等寺 因幡堂 - 京都市下京区烏丸松原上ル東入ル因幡堂町 - Kyoto, Byodo-Ji / 因幡薬師、日本3如来、京都12薬師、洛陽33観音
07 蜂岡山 広隆寺 - 京都市右京区太秦蜂岡町32 - Kyoto, Koryuji, statue of 聖徳太子 Shotoku Taishi / 聖徳太子28霊跡、太秦寺
七仏薬師の浄土 The seven paradises of Yakushi Nyorai
佐賀県は、薬師瑠璃光如来 - Yakushi Ruriko Nyorai
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree.com ... -
. 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 Bhaisajyaguru - Index .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
- - #dengyodaishi #dengyoyakushi #yakushiseven #sevenyakushi #yakushiparadise #七仏薬師霊場 -
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
Seven Yakushi Statues made by Dengyo Daishi
伝教大師 七仏薬師霊場
01 医王山 瑠璃光院 南淋寺 - 福岡県朝倉市宮野86 - Fukuoka, Nanrin-Ji / 九州88霊場、九州49薬師
02 比叡山 延暦寺 根本中堂 - 滋賀県大津市坂本本町4220 - Shiga, Enryaku-Ji - / 新西国33霊場、西国49薬師、東海49薬師神仏150霊場、播州21薬師
03 宝満山 宇智山中堂 - 廃寺 abandoned temple
04 堅粕山 薬王寺 東光院 - 福岡市博多区吉塚3丁目 - Fukuoka, Yakuo-Ji / 廃寺、東光院跡として保存
05 東照山 種因寺 福岡県嘉穂郡桂川町土師3135 - Fukuoka, Shuin-Ji / 九州49薬師
06 福聚山 平等寺 因幡堂 - 京都市下京区烏丸松原上ル東入ル因幡堂町 - Kyoto, Byodo-Ji / 因幡薬師、日本3如来、京都12薬師、洛陽33観音
07 蜂岡山 広隆寺 - 京都市右京区太秦蜂岡町32 - Kyoto, Koryuji, statue of 聖徳太子 Shotoku Taishi / 聖徳太子28霊跡、太秦寺
七仏薬師の浄土 The seven paradises of Yakushi Nyorai
佐賀県は、薬師瑠璃光如来 - Yakushi Ruriko Nyorai
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree.com ... -
. 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 Bhaisajyaguru - Index .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
- - #dengyodaishi #dengyoyakushi #yakushiseven #sevenyakushi #yakushiparadise #七仏薬師霊場 -
Daitokuin Fudo Moriyama
[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼 .
Daitokuin 大徳院 Daitoku-In - Moriyama
清開山 Seikaizan 大徳院 Daitoku-In
岐阜県美濃加茂市森山町3-5-7 / Gifu, Mino Kamo city, Moriyama town
The main statue is 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O.
The statue is kept in a zushi 厨子 miniatur shrine and not even the priest has ever opened this shrine.
Another big statue is in the compound:
The founder of the temple is 岩本坊 Priest Iwamoto from Yamanashi prefecture.
The temple was built in 1680 in Niigata, Uonumo city, Yoshiyama Shinden.
It was first called Kisshōin 吉祥院 Kissho-In.
During the life of the fourth head priest, it was re-named Daitoku-In.
It belongs to the sect Honzan Shugenshû 本山修験宗 Honzan Shugenshu.
In 1872, the eleventh head priest ended its activity as
a temple for 修験道 Shugendo mountain asceticism.
Nr. 34 善師童子 Zennishi Doji Child Attendant
. The 36 Attendants of Fudo Myo-O 三十六童子 .
shuin 朱印 stamp
- Reference of the temple
- source : hotokami.jp/area/gifu ...
- reference source : www.36fudo.jp ... -
- reference source : hotokami ... -
This temple is Nr. 34 of the
. Pilgrimages to 36 Fudo Temples in the Tokai region 東海三十六不動尊霊場 .
. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .
. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .

. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .
- - #daitokuin #honzan #honzanshugenshu #shugenshu -
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼 .
Daitokuin 大徳院 Daitoku-In - Moriyama
清開山 Seikaizan 大徳院 Daitoku-In
岐阜県美濃加茂市森山町3-5-7 / Gifu, Mino Kamo city, Moriyama town
The main statue is 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O.
The statue is kept in a zushi 厨子 miniatur shrine and not even the priest has ever opened this shrine.
Another big statue is in the compound:
The founder of the temple is 岩本坊 Priest Iwamoto from Yamanashi prefecture.
The temple was built in 1680 in Niigata, Uonumo city, Yoshiyama Shinden.
It was first called Kisshōin 吉祥院 Kissho-In.
During the life of the fourth head priest, it was re-named Daitoku-In.
It belongs to the sect Honzan Shugenshû 本山修験宗 Honzan Shugenshu.
In 1872, the eleventh head priest ended its activity as
a temple for 修験道 Shugendo mountain asceticism.
Nr. 34 善師童子 Zennishi Doji Child Attendant
. The 36 Attendants of Fudo Myo-O 三十六童子 .
shuin 朱印 stamp
- Reference of the temple
- source : hotokami.jp/area/gifu ...
- reference source : www.36fudo.jp ... -
- reference source : hotokami ... -
This temple is Nr. 34 of the
. Pilgrimages to 36 Fudo Temples in the Tokai region 東海三十六不動尊霊場 .
. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .
. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .
. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .
- - #daitokuin #honzan #honzanshugenshu #shugenshu -
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