
sange scattering flower amulets


sange 散華 "scattering blossoms"

CLICK for more photos !

- quote
As part of the Buddhist training many ceremonies are carried out. One of these involves the spreading petals in order to bless the deceased spirits. This is called ‘SANGE’. Originally fresh lotus flowers and petals were used, but now they have been replaced by coloured paper in the lotus petal shape.

At the ceremony, thousands of paper petals are scattered from the roof of the Main Hall. These multicoloured paper petals dancing down from the blue sky creates a fantastical atmosphere. In some temples, well known artists are commissioned to create pictures for these petals, which are then made into woodblock prints and sold as commemorative souveniers. Many people keep them as a small collection art.
- source : sangemuseum.jp

Sange Bijutsukan 散華美術館 Sange Museum Nara

Apart from lotus flowers (hasu 蓮の花), the flowers of water lilies (suiren 睡蓮) were also used.


- - - - - Sange from Yakushi-Ji 薬師寺


- source : sangemuseum.jp/gallery -

. 大本山薬師寺 Yakushi-Ji Nara .


. Shitennō-ji 四天王寺 Shitenno-Ji Osaka .

sange 散華 "scattered blossoms"
blossom-shaped amulets for good luck, with paintings by
Sugimoto Kenkichi 杉本健吉

source : Temple Homepage


. Kakurinji 鶴林寺 Kakurin-Ji Harima, Hyogo .


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 Bhaisajyaguru - ABC .



- - - - - H A I K U - 俳句 - - - - -

manabi kora hashi yori furasu sange kana

young students
scatter Sange blossoms
from a bridge . . .

Hara Sekitei 原石鼎 (1886-1951)

. hoo sange 朴散華 Magnolia hypoleuca. Fragrant magnolia. .
- - kigo for early summer - -


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - INTRODUCTION .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- - #sangeflowers #scatteringflowers -


Kakurinji Harima

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

Kakurinji 鶴林寺 Kakurin-Ji Harima, Hyogo
加古川市加古川町北在家424 / 424 Kakogawachō Kitazaike, Kakogawa-shi, Hyōgo

Nr. 09 on this pilgrimage :
. 播州薬師霊場 Yakushi pilgrim temples in Banshu - Harima / Hyogo 兵庫県 .
- Introduction -


He sits on iwaza 岩座, a stone podestal, which is quite unusual for a Yakushi statue.

- quote
- source : generalgingerxxx.doorblog.jp/archives


刀田山鶴林寺 Todasan Kakurin-Ji
Toda no Taishi 刀田の太子

The temple was built on request of Imperial Prince Shotoku in the hope to spread Buddhism. Its original name was Shitennoji Shoryo-In.
It hosts many treasures and cultural property from the Heian and Muromachi Period.

. Imperial Prince Shotoku 聖徳太子 Shotoku Taishi (Daishi) . 574-622


sange no hana 散華の花 auspicious flower petals

. sange 散華 "scattering blossoms" amulets .

- Homepage of the temple
- source : kakurinji.or.jp

- - - - - Famous statues of this temple

◆薬師三尊像 Yakushi Sanzon Trias

◆ Eben Hooshi 恵便法師像 Priest Eben Hoshi from 高句麗 Kokuri, Korea

◆行基菩薩像 Gyoki Bosatsu
◆如意輪観音像 / ◆十一面観音 / ◆聖観音立像
◆持國天 / ◆広目天 / ◆増長天 / ◆多聞天
- source : kakurinji.or.jp -

. Yakushi sanzon 薬師三尊 Yakushi Triad, Trias, Trinity .


- Yearly Festivals  年中行事-

1月1日 - 初詣
1月8日 - 修正会(鬼追い)
2月15日 - 涅槃会
3月21日 - 春彼岸法要(太子会式)
3月22日 - 太子法要(太子会式)
3月23日 - 柴灯大護摩供(太子会式)
5月8日 - 花祭り(納骨・納髪・塔婆回向)
7月下旬 - 早朝坐禅会
8月7日 - 盆施餓鬼会
9月 - 秋坐禅会
十三夜 - 観月会
12月31日 - 除夜の鐘

月例行事 - every Month
毎月8日 - 写経と法話の会
毎月18日 - 観音講


- Further Information -


Join the friends on facebook !

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

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- backup Karasuyama Teramachi

Karasuyama Temple Town

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

The main page is here

. Karasuyama teramachi 烏山寺町 Karasuyama Temple Town .

- backup January 2017 -


Karasuyama teramachi 烏山寺町 Karasuyama Temple Town

There are 26 temples in the area.
The area is called the Little Kyoto of Setagaya ward 世田谷の小京都.

からすやま寺町の歌 - The song of Karasuyama Temple Town
- reference source : www.youtube.com -

- quote -
The Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 brought a virtual tidal wave of displaced refugees, and a flotilla of temples as well. Setagaya’s population nearly doubled, and Teramachi, or “temple town,” near Chitose-Karasuyama, offered land on which 26 temples damaged in the quake were rebuilt.
A variety of Buddhist sects are represented, and one temple, Senkoji, sequesters the grave site of world-renowned ukiyo-e artist Kitagawa Utamaro.
The hush over the area is eerie beyond words.
- A wave to Setagaya
- source : Kit Nagamura / Japan Times -


01 Myookooji 妙高寺 Myoko-ji
Nichiren Sect.

The temple moved to Karasuyama in 1927 after the Great Kanto Earthquake in 1923. It retains a grave of the Mizuno family, the lord of the Yamagata domain. There are graves of 藤井右門 Fujii Umon, an advocate of the restoration of the Imperial rule, three Japanese-style painters: 速水御舟 Hayami Gyoshu (1894 -1935), 今村紫紅 Imamura Shiko, 小村雪岱 Komura Settai, and 川之辺一朝 Kawanobe Iccho, a lacquer artist.
Myoko-ji HP : - reference source : myokozi.com -


. 金剛山 Kongozan 悲願寺 Higan-Ji 多聞院 Tamon-In .
Nr. 03 of the Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo

03 Joomanji 乗満寺 Joman-ji
Shinshu-otani School
The temple was originally located in Kaga and called Rinsho Temple. After moving to Setsu, Fushimi, Suruga then Edo, it changed its name to Joman Temple. It moved to Karasuyama in 1924. In the Edo period the temple had many patrons among 江戸期は幕臣関係の檀家 the vassals of the shogun.

04 Nyuurakuji 入楽寺 Nyuraku-ji
Shinshu-otani School
It was built in Hiramatsu-cho, Nihonbashi in 1648. After being moved to Matsuyama-cho, Asakusa, it was burnt down in the Great Kanto Earthquake. It moved to Karasuyama in 1927.


05 Jooeiji 常栄寺 Joei-ji
Jodo-shin Sect. Honganji School

The buildings were all burnt in the Great Kanto Earthquake except for the principal image and the necrology. It moved to Karasuyama from Tsukiji in 1924. There are the remains of a foundation stone of 菊田伊州 Kikuta Ishu, a Japanese-style painter.
Joei-ji HP - reference source : joueiji.net-


06 Genshooji 源正寺 Gensho-ji
Jodo-shin Sect. Honganji School
The temple moved to Karasuyama from Tsukiji in 1932. They have metal tubs made by 藤原正次 Fujiwara Shoji, a master of foundry in the Edo period, which were chosen as cultural assets.

07 Shinryuuji 幸龍寺 Shinryu-ji
Nichiren Sect.
The temple was originally built as a prayer hall for the Tokugawa family. It moved to Hamamatsu, Suruga, Yushima then Asakusa. It was damaged in the Great Kanto Earthquake. Its relocation to Karasuyama began in 1927 and was completed in 1940.


08 Zonmyooji 存明寺 Zonmyo-ji
Shinshu-otani School

The temple was built at Sakurada-mon in the early Edo period. It moved to Azabu in the Meiji period, then to Karasuyama in 1927 after the 1923 earthquake. Teachings written by the chief priest are on display at the gate, and they are changed from time to time.
The temple features a dining facility for needy children, Zonmyōji Kodomo Shokudō - Cafeteria.
Zonmyo-ji HP : - reference source : zonmyoji.jp -


09 Shoo-oo-in 稱往院 Shoo-in
Jodo Sect.
The temple was built in Yushima in 1596, then moved to Asakusa. It moved to Karasuyama in 1927 after the 1923 earthquake.


source : tukitodora.exblog.jp


10 Myooyuji 妙祐寺 Myoyu-ji
Jodo-shin Sect. Honganji School

source : saiseki.net/specialties/temple13

The temple was built in Shibuya in 1625 with the statue of Amidabutsu which was dug out from the ground. It moved to Karasuyama due to the construction of the Ginza Line in 1937 and the re-zoning plan in 1949. They have a unique main building which was built in the Indian style.


11 Soofukuji 宗福寺 Sofuku-ji
Jodo Sect.
The temple moved to Karasuyama from Nippori after the 1923 earthquake.

12 Eiryuuji 永隆寺 Eiryu-ji
Hokke Sect.
日義上人 Nichiyoshi, a holy priest who taught the game of go to Tokugawa Ieyasu, built the temple in Kanda. Daikoku, a stone statue as the temple’s treasure, was given to the temple by お万の方 O-Man, one of Ieyasu’s concubines. The temple moved to Yanaka, Honjo, then to Karasuyama in 1928 after the 1923 earthquake. There is a grave of 三遊亭圓生 Sanyutei Ensho, a comic storyteller who was designated as a living national treasure.

13 Jooinji 浄因寺 Join-ji
Jodo-shin Sect. Honganji School
The temple used to retain a grave of the 福岡黒田藩士 Kuroda family, who were clansmen in Fukuoka. It moved from Azabu to Karasuyama in 1924.

14 Zengyooji 善行寺 Zengyo-ji
Jodo-shin Sect. Honganji School
The temple was originally built around Yokoyama-cho, Chuo-ku in the early Edo period, then moved to Tsukiji due to the large fire in the Meireki period. It moved to Karasuyma after the 1923 earthquake.

15 Manpukuji 萬福寺 Manpuku-ji, Mampukuji
Jodo-shin Sect. Honganji School
The temple was built in Hamacho in the early Edo period, then moved to Tsukiji during the Meireki period. It moved to Karasuyama after the 1923 earthquake.

16 Myoozenji 妙善寺 Myozen-ji
Jodo-shin Sect. Honganji School
北条家家臣菅原正円 Sugawara Shoen, a vassal of the Hojo family, was converted to Buddhism, became a pupil of Shinran and built a thatched cottage in Ise. It is said to have been the origin of the temple. It moved to Tsukiji where the priests were engaged in missionary work. So they have many believers among fish market workers. It moved to Karasuyama in 1927.

17 Myoojuuji 妙寿寺 Myoju-ji
Hokke Sect.
The temple was originally built in Yanaka. It moved to Honjo-sarue, then to Karasuyama in 1924 after the 1923 earthquake. There is a temple bell made by 藤原正次Fujiwara Shoji, a master of foundry, which was partly burnt in the 1923 earthquake. The guest room was relocated from the former house of the 鍋島侯爵邸 Prince Nabeshima. 正隆廟 Shoryubyo, a hall to worship for future generations was newly built in 2000.

18 Senkooji 専光寺 Senko-ji
Jodo Sect.
The temple was originally built in Shinagawa, and moved to Bakurai-cho, then Asakusa. It moved to Karasuyama in 1927 after the 1923 earthquake. The main building and the monks’ living quarters were burnt due to the air raid in 1945. The main building was re-built in 1958. There is a grave of 喜多川歌麿 Kitagawa Utamaro, an ukiyo-e artist.

19 Eiganji 永願寺 Eigan-ji
Shinshu-otani School
越後の堀家家臣浄順 Jojun, a vassal of the Hori family in Echigo became a priest and built the temple in Kanda. It moved to Asakusa. The buildings were damaged by the 1923 earthquake, but its principle image Amida statue and the necrology were saved from the fire.


20 Koogenin 高源院 Kogen-in
Rinzai Sect.

久留米藩有馬家 Arima Yorimoto, the fourth lord of the Kurume domain, was converted to Buddhism and built the temple in Shinagawa. 怡渓和尚 Ikei, the first priest of the temple, mastered the tea ceremony. The Ikei division of the Ishikawa school still exists. The temple moved to Karasuyama in 1926. Its pond, Benten-ike, is known as a spot where wild ducks come and stay. In the center of the pond, there is a little shrine, 浮御堂 Ukigodo, which enshrines 宝生弁財天 Hosho Benzaiten.


21 Genryooin 源良院 Genryo-in
Jodo Sect.
The temple moved to Karasuyama from Asakusa in 1925 due to the 1923 earthquake. It used to be a temple for trainee monks. It enshrines 火伏観世音 Hifuse Kanzeon Bosatsu, which was believed to protect the Edo towns from further damage from the fires.

22 Myooyooji 妙揚寺 Myoyo-ji
Nichiren Sect.
The temple moved to Karasuyama from Yanaka Imosaka in 1928.

23 Genshooji 玄照寺 Gensho-ji
Nichiren Sect.
日延上人 Nichien, a priest brought up by 加藤清正 Kato Kiyomasa, built the temple in Shiba-shirogane. It moved to Karasuyama in 1927. There is a grave of the Togawa family in the Niwase domain and a statue of Kishibozin, the goddess of childbirth and children.


24 Joofukuji 常福寺 Jofuku-ji
Kenpon-hokke Sect.

The temple was built in Asakusa in 1511, then moved to Karasuyama in 1928 due to the 1923 earthquake. In the precincts there are porcelain 狸 Tanuki racoon dogs in all sizes, which symbolize wealth and happiness.
Jofuku-ji HP - reference source : joufukuji.com -


25 Junshooji 順正寺 Junsho-Ji
高柳山 With a statue of Amida Nyorai by 恵心僧都 priest Eshin Sozu (Heian period).

26 Sairenji 西蓮寺 Sairen-ji
Shinshu-otani School
宗誓上人 Shusei, born into a samurai family, became a priest and built the temple in Sakurada-mon. It moved to Torano-mon, Mita then to Karasuyama in 1939. There is a grave of Kokugakuin Kugayama School. There is also a unique temple gate with 築地塀 Tsukiji-style fences.
Sairen-ji BLOG : http://sairen99.cocolog-nifty.com/kotoba


Maps are available from Okubo Sekizai :
4-14-10, Minamikarasuyama, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
- reference : ohkubo-sekizai.co.jp/teramachi/english

- reference : karasuyama teramachi -
- reference : 烏山 寺町 -
- reference : wikipedia -


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. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #karasuyama #teramachi #templetown #edopilgrims - - - -


Ryugeji Dragon Flower Temples

. Dragon temples of Japan .

Ryuugeji 龍華寺 (竜花寺) Ryuge-Ji "Dragon Flower Temple", Shizuoka
観富山 Kanpuzan 龍華寺
Fujimidera 富士見寺 "Temple to view Mount Fuji"

Ryugeji - A temple with a great view ! “眺望の良い寺”

静岡市清水区村松2085 / 2085 Muramatsu, Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka

Established in 1670 by 日近 Priest Nisshin, a nephew of お万の方 Lady O-Man no Kata, see below.
Her sons (their father was Tokugawa Ieyasu) made generous donations to this temple.

The park 観富園 Kanpu-En is in a Shumisan-style (池泉観賞式), where you can imagine that the room is Mount Fuji, the small mountain is Mount Udo and the pond is Suruga Bay.
Kiyomigata 清見潟 is also visible from the temple.
This park is one of the most famous in the 東海 Tokai region.

The large sotetsu 大ソテツ cycad trees in the garden have been certified as a national natural treasure.

- quote
“The Garden with the Splash of a Frog”
This temple is best known by the cycads 1,100 years old and the oldest in Japan. And its garden Kampuen (Mt Fuji viewing garden) is nice.
This temple is a Nichiren Buddhism temple and in its main building the life of Nichiren one of the most popular 13th century priests is well illustrated. Nichiren is one of the five historical figures Kanzo Uchimura picked as representative Japanese in his book "Japan and the Japanese" .
高山樗牛 Chogyu Takayama is one of the Meiji Period intellectuals who was inspired by Nichiren's teachings and was buried there. The treasure trove of the temple called Chogyukan has wide variety of treasures with historical interests including various gohonzon (the object of worship) of Nichiren Buddhism.
These mandalas are made up of squiggly kanji characters of Hindu gods and Shinto gods and native gods.
- source : tripadvisor.co.nz


鬼子母神(徳川家家紋入り) Kishiboshin
祖師堂天井 with wonderful ceiling paintings

- and more
- Homepage of the temple
- source : ryugeji.jp/annai

Yakuyoke Fudo 厄除け不動尊 Fudo to ward off evil influence


Yoojuuin 養珠院 お万の方 Yoju-In O-Man no Kata
(?1577 / ?1580 - 1653) Omannokata, Oman no Kata, Oman-no-kata, O Man no kata

She was the daughter of 正木頼忠 Masaki Yoritada, Lord of 勝浦 Katsuura Castle in Chiba.

She became the concubine of 徳川家康の側室 Tokugawa Ieyasu when she was 17.
Mother of 徳川頼宣 Tokugawa Yorinobu (1602 - 1671) of the Kii Tokugawa family 紀伊徳川家
Mother of 徳川頼房 Tokugawa Yorifusa (1603 - 1661) of the the Mito Tokugawa family 水戸徳川家
(so she is the grandmother of the famous Mito Mitsukuni / Mito Komon 水戸光圀(水戸黄門).


Shichimenzan, Shichimensan 七面山 Mount Shichimen
- and
. O-Man no Kata お万の方 .


Statue at Hachimansaki Park, Chiba, Katsuura 八幡岬公園

- quote -
Tamazawa Myohokkeji Temple
This Temple can be found in the nature of Mt. Hakone, far from Mishima downtown.
At first,
it was built at Kamakura during Kamakura period by Nissho-shonin. He is famous for establishing a disciple of Nichiren sect. In Edo period, the temple was relocated to the current place.
Three notorious people
involved in the relocation of this temple. The first person is Oman-no-kata, a concubine of Tokugawa Ieyasu
(the founder of the Edo government). She was also a grandmother of the famous daimyo, Mito Mitsukuni.
Okatsu-no-kata, another concubine of Tokugawa Ieyasu and thirdly, Ota Sukemune who was a daimyo contributed in removal of the temple.

The surrounding wall called Hyakkenbei is well-known for photograph spot. Especially the cherry blossom in spring and autumn tints are the popular ones. Moreover, visitors can enjoy flowers at any time of the year. The magnificent gardens are another must-see attraction. Adjacent to the temple, there is a treasure house, where you can see important cultural property registered statue of Nichiren.
- source : mishima-kankou.com -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

A dragon had listened to the reading of the Hokkekyo Sutra from a priest an the Temple 竜華寺 Ryuge-Ji.
To show his gratitude, he made rain fall.
But this dragon became the object of wrath of the Heavenly King 大梵天主 Dai Bonten. The deity tore the dragon to pieces and let it fall in the valley.
Now there are the four Dragon temples in his honor:
竜海寺 Ryukai-Ji, 竜心寺 Ryushin-Ji, 竜天寺 Ryuten-Ji and 竜王寺 RyuO-Ji.

. Bonten 梵天 Baramonten, Brahma .


Once おまんの方 Oman no Kata had a strong toothache.
A priest at temple 千寿院 / 仙寿院 Senju-In in Shibuya, Tokyo made a 楊枝 toothpick from enoki 榎 a nettle tree. She touched her aching tooth with this little stick and in no time her pain was gone.
This is one of the 千駄ヶ谷 seven wonders of Sendagaya, Tokyo.

. enoki 榎 Chinese hackberry tree, nettle tree .


There are various other temples with this name in Japan.

龍華寺(りゅうげじ、りゅうかじ) Ryuugeji, Ryuka-Ji
龍華寺 Ryuge-Ji "Dragon Lotus Temple"

- GE can also be the Bodhi tree of Maitreya

龍華寺 (横浜市) - 神奈川県横浜市 Yokohama
龍華寺 (世羅町)(りゅうげじ)- 広島県世羅郡世羅町 Hiroshima
龍華寺 - 山形県鶴岡市 ⇒ 善寳寺 - Yamagata

龍華寺 (上海市) - 中華人民共和国・上海市 - Shanghai


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .

. 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 Bhaisajyaguru - ABC .


. Dragon temples of Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- - #ryugeji #dragonflowertemple #omannokata -


Kani Yakushi Gifu

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

Kani Yakushi 蟹薬師 "Crab Yakushi"
大寺山願興寺 Daiji San, Ganko-Ji
Mitake no Kani Yakushi 御嵩の蟹薬師

岐阜県南部,可児(かに)the district of Kani in Gifu
岐阜県可児郡御嵩町御嵩1377-1 / Mitake town

Situated on the Western Side of 御嶽宿 Mitake-Juku of the old 中山道 Nakasendo road.
The temple was first built in 713.
In 815, 伝教大師(最澄) Dengyo Daishi Saicho dedicated the statue of Yakushi.
It is also closely related to the emperor Ichijoo Tennoo 一条天皇 Ichijo Tanno, when the annual festival 蟹薬師祭礼 started
The temple was lost to fire many times in its history, but usually rebuilt in greater splendor.
A special hall for the Yakushi Statue, 薬師如来の厨子堂, was built in 1610.

- source : gankoji.sakura.ne.jp - [

The crest of the temple 願興寺の紋章
kani botan 蟹牡丹 crab and peony

. kamon 家紋 family crest - Introduction .

- quote -
The foundation of Gankoji Temple
At the age of 36, Saicho visited China with Kukai (referred to as Kobo-taishi) as a member of Kentoshi (a mission represening Japan to China). On his return from China, he founded Enryakuji Temple (the headquarters of Tendai-shu, a faction of Buddhism) at Hieizan in north-eastern part of Kyoto. In order to carry out the Tendai-shu’s tenet “relieve all the people”, Saicho travelled all around Japan and finally reached Mitake via Tosando (an old passway connecting northern Japan and Kyoto). At that time the area surrounding Mitake was suffering from epidemic, so he built a fuseya, leaving a hand-made sculpture of Yakushi-Nyorai and said his prayer for the residents’ recovery.

Building of Shichido-Garan
There was a very clever girl who was a daughter of Emperor Ichijyo. She boasted about her own ability but the Emperor was uncomfortable with her attitude and drove her out of Kyoto. She started travelling along the Tosando , but during her trip she became exhausted and much thinner than before. It was already winter when she arrived in Nakamura village (currently called Naka district in Mitake-cho) in her ragged clothes. She built an hermitage with the help of neighbors in the village and began to live there. She shaved her hair and became a nun named Gyouchini, praying for Yakushi-Nyorai every day.
At that time, a line of light began to appear every night from a pond at the foot from the mountain in the south of the village. Fierce wind blew, waves in the pond and a roar of mountain went accompanied the light. Gyouchi went close to the bank of the pond in the evening and found the pond had flooded and the entire village was under water with people almost drowned. Gyouchi counted her beads and kept praying, gazing the pond. Then an enormous 30-meter-long, big snake suddenly appeared and tried to swallow her.
Despite the snake’s appearance, Gyouchi just kept praying for Yakushi Nyorai without any fear. After a while the wind and wave stopped, and a small 6-centimeters-long image of Buddha surrounded by small crabs appeared in front of her. Inspired by this development, Gyouchi said her prayer for the image and enshrined it in her hermitage. On hearing the whole story, the Emperor Ichijyo issued a permission to build a sanctum there. This led to the establishment of a magnificent Shichido-Garan style temple in 998 named “Oterasan-Gankoji”.

Gankoji, burnt down twice by wars
Gankoji was burnt down in 1108 (the first year of Tenjin Era) during a rebellion led by Yoshitsugu Minamoto. At that time the image of Yakushi-Nyorai was moved to and enshrined at a shrine in Tsushima, Aichi Prefecture. After a while, the Yakushi-Do (a hall to enshrine Yakushi-Nyorai) was rebuilt in the premises of Gankoji. 100 years later, Koketsu Gengo Yasumori (in his capacity as Jito, an administrator of the Mitake area from the central government) re-constructed the rest of Gankoji. In 1572, in the midst of the battle between Takeda and Oda, a servant of Shingen Takeda set fire to Gankoji and burnt it down. As valuable images of Buddha and scriptures were kept ivied Gankoji, a number of monks of Gukeiji temple rushed into Gankoji and carried them out of the temple. Thanks to their work, all the images and 600 sets of scriptures remained intact. The images were kept in a temporary hall in the premises of Gukeiji for a while.

Building of the present hall
Shingen Takeda, an enthusiastic believer of Tendai-shu, expressed his strong anger with his staff for setting fire to the Gankoji. It is believed that he gave residents in Mitake area his promise to rebuild the temple. However, Shingen died before undertaking the restoration. 10 years later, led by Yojiro Tamaki, residents in the area began to rebuild Gankoji by themselves. Not only did they collect a fund from neighboring temples and shrines, but also brought wooden boards and pillars voluntarily. The restoration was completed in 1582 (the 9th year of Tensho Era).
One feature of the present hall is its wide corridors. This shows the residents’ thoughtful consideration in order for travelers to avoid rain during the night. The other is that the humble style of the back of the hall compared to the front. It shows that the residents tried hard to rebuild the hall within their financial constraints.
In the concert on the 23rd November 2006 held during the event “Nakasendo Walk”, Mr. Bincho Tanaka, a teacher of Gagaku both in Japan and all over the world played a whistle. In the concert which took place at Gankoji, some attendees would have felt eternal history as in the air the Emperor Ichijyo was known as an expert of whistle.
- source : gankoji.sakura.ne.jp -

. Dengyo Daishi Saicho 伝教大師最澄 .
(766 - 822)


- Homepage of the temple
- source : gankoji.sakura.ne.jp


- Yearly Festivals -

CLICK for more photos !

The origin of the Gankoji Festival 蟹薬師祭礼
The Gankoji Festival is originated in 999 (the 5th year of Chotoku Era), when the Shichido-Garan style temple was completed. Since then, ceremonies such as Daiji-Hyoshi, Shishi-mai and Hae-oi have been held part of the festival. Among them, Hae-oi was an important ceremony to drive off something unclean, given that could an epidemic, which was a matter of life and death at that time.
It is believed that the mask used in the Hae-oi ceremony was created by Gyouchi. There were two types of heads of Shishi (an item used in Shishi-mai lion-head ceremony), one was male and the other was female. When the male one was used, clothes and a mask for a male were used in the Hae-oi ceremony and vice versa.

願興寺月例祭事 - every month
8日 薬師縁日  (焚き上げ・法話)
18日 観音縁日  (説法)
24日 地蔵縁日  (水子供養)
28日 不動明王縁日(安全祈願)

4月第1日  蟹薬師祭礼 The main Festival in April
8月第1土曜 竹筒の燈明
大晦日    竹筒の燈明


- quote
Daianji, Nara City, Japan

This statue was dedicated to the temple by a medical doctor to pray for confining cancer. Both words of KANI in Japanese and cancer in astronomy in English share a common meaning, that is, crab. In view of such a relationship, the doctor wanted to have this statue created for dedication.
- source : nara-heritage-online.naist.jp


- Further Information -

One of the three great Yakushi temples of Japan 日本三薬師:

. Hooraiji 鳳来寺 Horai-Ji Yakushi, Mikawa, Aichi .

. Kani Yakushi 蟹薬師 "Crab Yakushi" at 願興寺 Ganko-Ji . - Gifu

. Yamanaka Yakushi 山中薬師 - 瑠璃山医王寺 Rurisan Io-Ji . - Gifu


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. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

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. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

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Yamanaka Yakushi Gifu

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

Yamanaka Yakushi 山中薬師, Gifu
瑠璃山医王寺 Rurisan Io-Ji

岐阜県中津川市落合山中 1423-2 / Gifu, Nakatsu, Ochiai, Yamanaka

It is also known as
mushifuuji no Yakushi 虫封じの薬師 "Yakushi warding off the three worms".

The old buildings were lost in fire and it was reconstructed by the Jodo sect in 1544.

Visitors and pilgrims come from all parts of Japan.
The main statue of Yakushi was carved by 行基 Gyoki.

It is also known for its medicine to heal wounds, the 狐膏薬 Fox Medicine.

The main lodging of Ochiai village is run by the 本陣井口家 Iguchi family.
It is said a traveller was told the secret of the medicine by the deity 秋葉大明神 Akiba Daimyojin.

. mushifuuji 虫封じ amulets to ward off the "Three Worms" .

. Akiba Gongen 秋葉権現 the Akiba Deity .


There is also a memorial stone with a haiku by Matsuo Basho in the back garden:

ume ga ka ni notto hi no deru yamaji kana
. 梅が香にのっと日の出る山路かな .


- reference -


One of the three great Yakushi temples of Japan 日本三薬師:

. Hooraiji 鳳来寺 Horai-Ji Yakushi, Mikawa, Aichi .

. Kani Yakushi 蟹薬師 "Crab Yakushi" at 願興寺 Ganko-Ji . - Gifu

. Yamanaka Yakushi 山中薬師 - 瑠璃山医王寺 Rurisan Io-Ji . - Gifu


- Further Information -

中津川 Nakatsugawa was a postal station along the 中山道 Nakasendo Road. On the road toward Magome was the next station, the small hamlet of 落合 Ochiai.

山中薬師の狐膏薬伝説 Yamanaka Yakushi and the legend of the Fox Medicine

ズイトンさんの狐膏薬 The legend of Zuiton san and the Fox Medicine

Once upon a time
there lived an old monk at the temple, called ズイトンさん Zuiton san.
Once he was working in the garden when a fox appeared who looked rather painful. When he picked him up, he saw a large thorn in the leg of the fox. Zuiton san pulled it out and the fox suddenly seemed to smile at Zuiton san. Then he walked back into the mountain forest.

A few evenings later
he heard a sound at the entrance door and when he opened he saw the fox. The fox wanted to show his gratitude by teaching Zuiton san how to make good medicine cream.


(Other versions talk about the fox appearing in the dream of Zuiton san, teaching him.)
Zuiton san made the cream as told and put some on his back, which always hurt him. And in no time his pain was healed. Zuiton san was overjoyed.

He put up a sign 御夢想狐こうやく (Fox Medicine given in a Dream) and began to sell it. The villagers came and soon buyers from other parts of Japan showed up in a never-ending row.

In a similar legend, a fox in the disguise of a running messenger 飛脚 taught how to make the medicine, then called
Tokusan no kitsune kooyaku 徳さんの狐膏薬

source and more photos : saikoro0438/nakasendo

- reference : jimy1700 -
- reference : ja-higashimino.or.jp/book -

. kitsune densetsu 狐 伝説 fox legends .
- Introduction -


- quote -
Ochiai-juku (落合宿 Ochiai-juku) was the forty-fourth of the sixty-nine stations of the Nakasendō.

It is located in the present-day city of Nakatsugawa, Gifu Prefecture, Japan. The honjin and the sub-honjin, as well as some old street lights, remain from the Edo period. The Honjin were the main rest areas in old post towns and very few remain today.
There are ten hills that must be traversed to get to Ochiai-juku from the preceding post town of Magome-juku.
- source : wikipedia -

. Nakasendō 中山道 The Nakasendo Road .


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. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

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Horaiji Aichi Mikawa

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

Hooraiji 鳳来寺 Horai-Ji, Aichi

愛知県新城市門谷字鳳来寺1 / 1 Horaiji, Kadoya, Shinshiro-shi, Aichi

In its background is the famous mountain 鳳来寺山 Horaijisan.

- quote
Horai-ji located in Horai-cho, Aichi Prefecture. The temple was built in 703 by the risshuu sennin 利修仙人, the Immortal Risshu. It is sacred to Yakushi-Nyorai and is venerated as a place for curing diseases by many powerful men including Takeda Shingen, a daimyo of the 16th century, and Tokugawa Ieyasu, ruler of Japan early in the 17th century.
The influence of the temple has declined since the mid-19th century, however, when the samurai rule of Japan came to an end, with the result that only the sanctuary, Nio-mon ("Deva King Gate"), bell tower, Okuno-in (inner shrine), Ko-do (small hall), and two small annexes remain today. The approach to the temple features 1,452 stone steps lined with gigantic cedar trees. The remains of the buildings and other structures here remind visitors of the prosperity of bygone days.
- source : jnto.go.jp/eng

The road leading to the temple off the Tokaido was called
鳳来寺道 Horaiji-Do.

It also holds a copy of the Genji Monogatari

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Once Risshu Sennin practised in a cave at Horai-Ji and had to go out for a pee. A 鹿 deer licked it and became pregnant. It gave birth to a beautiful girl. The baby was placed in front of a noble family. It had only two toes on each foot, which looked like the hooves of a deer.


shuin 御朱印 stamp of the temple

- Homepage of the temple
- source : wikipedia

- reference -


Hooraisan Tooshoogu 鳳来山東照宮 Horaisan Toshogu
and Tokugawa Ieyasu

Horaiji-4 Kadoya, Shinshiro, Aichi

Built by the third Shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu 徳川三代将軍家光公.

At the temple Horai-Ji there are special ema 絵馬 votive tablets with a mirror.

「東照(家康公)神君のお父君であられる贈大納言廣忠卿が子どものないことを憂いて、お母君であられる北の方傳通院と御一緒に鳳来寺峯薬師へ御参籠され御祈願をなされたら、その証があって、ある夜、北の方傳通院殿(於代の方)は、『東 の方より老翁が来て、金珠を与えられる』という夢を見られました。それから間もなく北の方傳通院殿が身ごもられ、12ケ月過ぎ、天文11年壬寅年(1542)12月26日に御出産遊ばされたのが東照神君でした。」

寅童子 Tora Doji

- - - - - HP of the Toshogu Shrine
- reference source : tees.ne.jp/~horaitosyogu -



A little "Tiger Daruma" with reference to Ieyasu
Ieyasu was born in the year of the tiger, on the day of the tiger and in the hour of the tiger.

The mother of Ieyasu, 於大の方 Odai no Kata , wanted a strong male child. So she went to the temple 鳳来寺 Horai-Ji to pray to Yakushi Nyorai. And indeed, one year later, she gave birth to a strong boy.
Strange things happen! On the day of his birth, the statue of General Shindara 真達羅大将 (緊那羅)Kinnara, one of the 12 heavenly generals around Yakushi Nyorai as retainers of Bishamonten, disappeared. This General was also called 寅童子 "Child of the Tiger" and is 寅の方角 the protector of the North and the hours of the Tiger「寅の刻」or「寅の時」from about 4 in the morning till 2 in the afternoon. (Other sources start other times: 04 am – 06 am, or higure nanatsu (sunset 7), tora no koku (hour of the tiger) or from one o'clock to five in the morning.)
Anyway, when Ieyasu died at the age of 74 in the year 1616, suddenly the statue was back in its place. So people believe that he was an incarnation of General Shindara

This new doll has been made since 2010 at this shrine 鳳来山東照宮 Horaisan Toshogu.

. Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康 . (1543 - 1616) .

Tora Doji has become a favorite of the region.
It is even a part of the lunch menu!


- Further Information about Yakushi  -

One of the three great Yakushi temples of Japan 日本三薬師:

. Hooraiji 鳳来寺 Horai-Ji Yakushi, Mikawa, Aichi .

. Kani Yakushi 蟹薬師 "Crab Yakushi" at 願興寺 Ganko-Ji . - Gifu

. Yamanaka Yakushi 山中薬師 - 瑠璃山医王寺 Rurisan Io-Ji . - Gifu


- Another mountain with this name, related to Matsuo Basho :

. - Hoorai san 蓬莱山 Mount Horai-San - .
Located in Shiga prefecture, Otsu town. 滋賀県大津市


- quote -
Mount Horaiji
Mt. Horaiji is introduced in the guide book called “130 mountains in Aichi Prefecture”. Mt. Horaiji is a low mountain and the highest peak is 684.2 meters above sea level in Shinshiro City. There are Horaiji temple main hall, Toshogu shrine, Deep Horaiji temple and so on in the mountain.

The whole mountain is country designation, natural beauty spot natural monument and can expect Gulf of Mikawa across Tosan river plains in the southernmost tip of Mount Horaiji old volcanic group distributed over depths Mikawa. Aged cedars grow thick, and both sides can hear voice of the Buddha, Buddhist dharma and bonze from the beginning of May when they climb stone stairway from Omotesando.

Mount Horaiji Nijo-jo Castle (Ieyasu) lines up to 35 degrees N (mother of Ieyasu) Mt. Chiba Suzaki Shrine (Yoritomo Minamoto), Kuno Toshogu (Ieyasu), Sunpu-jo Castle (Ieyasu), Akiha Shrine, Otori next temple (mother of Ieyasu), Okazaki castle (Ieyasu Tokugawa), Kariya castle, Ogawa castle. Edo-jo Castle, Mount Fuji, Mount Horaiji, Yoshinoyama, Mt. Koya-san is arranged in a straight line, too.
This line and three intersections with medial line are Mount Horaiji.
Otori next temple was founded for 703 years by rishu senjin and used three fearful gods at will. Neck of three ogres was confined in basement of the main hall of a Buddhist temple as guardian deity in quiet simplicity with hermit. Yoritomo Minamoto revived temple (Ishibutsu written, "it is with ogre bone" seemed to be discovered by all letters in 1974.), and, as temple which parents of Ieyasu conceived and prayed for, it was left building Toshogu by Sandai family to inherit the shogunate light.
There is Yuya Onsen in horai kyobanshikikawa (river where we seemed to spread gold-leaf folding screen all over) and is said to be hot water of healing.
- source : aichi-kanko.jp -


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