. Dragon temples of Japan .
Ryuugeji 龍華寺 (竜花寺) Ryuge-Ji "Dragon Flower Temple", Shizuoka
観富山 Kanpuzan 龍華寺
Fujimidera 富士見寺 "Temple to view Mount Fuji"
Ryugeji - A temple with a great view ! “眺望の良い寺”

静岡市清水区村松2085 / 2085 Muramatsu, Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka
Established in 1670 by 日近 Priest Nisshin, a nephew of お万の方 Lady O-Man no Kata, see below.
Her sons (their father was Tokugawa Ieyasu) made generous donations to this temple.

The park 観富園 Kanpu-En is in a Shumisan-style (池泉観賞式), where you can imagine that the room is Mount Fuji, the small mountain is Mount Udo and the pond is Suruga Bay.
Kiyomigata 清見潟 is also visible from the temple.
This park is one of the most famous in the 東海 Tokai region.
The large sotetsu 大ソテツ cycad trees in the garden have been certified as a national natural treasure.
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“The Garden with the Splash of a Frog”
This temple is best known by the cycads 1,100 years old and the oldest in Japan. And its garden Kampuen (Mt Fuji viewing garden) is nice.
This temple is a Nichiren Buddhism temple and in its main building the life of Nichiren one of the most popular 13th century priests is well illustrated. Nichiren is one of the five historical figures Kanzo Uchimura picked as representative Japanese in his book "Japan and the Japanese" .
高山樗牛 Chogyu Takayama is one of the Meiji Period intellectuals who was inspired by Nichiren's teachings and was buried there. The treasure trove of the temple called Chogyukan has wide variety of treasures with historical interests including various gohonzon (the object of worship) of Nichiren Buddhism.
These mandalas are made up of squiggly kanji characters of Hindu gods and Shinto gods and native gods.
- source : tripadvisor.co.nz

鬼子母神(徳川家家紋入り) Kishiboshin
祖師堂天井 with wonderful ceiling paintings
- and more
- Homepage of the temple
- source : ryugeji.jp/annai

Yakuyoke Fudo 厄除け不動尊 Fudo to ward off evil influence

Yoojuuin 養珠院 お万の方 Yoju-In O-Man no Kata
(?1577 / ?1580 - 1653) Omannokata, Oman no Kata, Oman-no-kata, O Man no kata
She was the daughter of 正木頼忠 Masaki Yoritada, Lord of 勝浦 Katsuura Castle in Chiba.
She became the concubine of 徳川家康の側室 Tokugawa Ieyasu when she was 17.
Mother of 徳川頼宣 Tokugawa Yorinobu (1602 - 1671) of the Kii Tokugawa family 紀伊徳川家
Mother of 徳川頼房 Tokugawa Yorifusa (1603 - 1661) of the the Mito Tokugawa family 水戸徳川家
(so she is the grandmother of the famous Mito Mitsukuni / Mito Komon 水戸光圀(水戸黄門).
Shichimenzan, Shichimensan 七面山 Mount Shichimen
- and
. O-Man no Kata お万の方 .

Statue at Hachimansaki Park, Chiba, Katsuura 八幡岬公園
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Tamazawa Myohokkeji Temple
This Temple can be found in the nature of Mt. Hakone, far from Mishima downtown.
At first,
it was built at Kamakura during Kamakura period by Nissho-shonin. He is famous for establishing a disciple of Nichiren sect. In Edo period, the temple was relocated to the current place.
Three notorious people
involved in the relocation of this temple. The first person is Oman-no-kata, a concubine of Tokugawa Ieyasu
(the founder of the Edo government). She was also a grandmother of the famous daimyo, Mito Mitsukuni.
Okatsu-no-kata, another concubine of Tokugawa Ieyasu and thirdly, Ota Sukemune who was a daimyo contributed in removal of the temple.
The surrounding wall called Hyakkenbei is well-known for photograph spot. Especially the cherry blossom in spring and autumn tints are the popular ones. Moreover, visitors can enjoy flowers at any time of the year. The magnificent gardens are another must-see attraction. Adjacent to the temple, there is a treasure house, where you can see important cultural property registered statue of Nichiren.
- source : mishima-kankou.com -
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
A dragon had listened to the reading of the Hokkekyo Sutra from a priest an the Temple 竜華寺 Ryuge-Ji.
To show his gratitude, he made rain fall.
But this dragon became the object of wrath of the Heavenly King 大梵天主 Dai Bonten. The deity tore the dragon to pieces and let it fall in the valley.
Now there are the four Dragon temples in his honor:
竜海寺 Ryukai-Ji, 竜心寺 Ryushin-Ji, 竜天寺 Ryuten-Ji and 竜王寺 RyuO-Ji.
. Bonten 梵天 Baramonten, Brahma .
Once おまんの方 Oman no Kata had a strong toothache.
A priest at temple 千寿院 / 仙寿院 Senju-In in Shibuya, Tokyo made a 楊枝 toothpick from enoki 榎 a nettle tree. She touched her aching tooth with this little stick and in no time her pain was gone.
This is one of the 千駄ヶ谷 seven wonders of Sendagaya, Tokyo.
. enoki 榎 Chinese hackberry tree, nettle tree .
There are various other temples with this name in Japan.
龍華寺(りゅうげじ、りゅうかじ) Ryuugeji, Ryuka-Ji
龍華寺 Ryuge-Ji "Dragon Lotus Temple"
- GE can also be the Bodhi tree of Maitreya
龍華寺 (横浜市) - 神奈川県横浜市 Yokohama
龍華寺 (世羅町)(りゅうげじ)- 広島県世羅郡世羅町 Hiroshima
龍華寺 - 山形県鶴岡市 ⇒ 善寳寺 - Yamagata
龍華寺 (上海市) - 中華人民共和国・上海市 - Shanghai
. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .
. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .
. 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 Bhaisajyaguru - ABC .
. Dragon temples of Japan .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .
- - #ryugeji #dragonflowertemple #omannokata -
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