
Yakushi Legends Tohoku


. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 the Buddha of Medicine - Bhaisajyaguru
Legends from Tohoku 東北と薬師さん 

Michinoku no Yakushi みちのくの薬師如来 仏像

- source : letuce's room

- - - - - Yakushi Jinja 薬師神社 / 薬師社 Yakushi Shrines in Japan
. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 Legends from the Prefectures .
Fukui 福井県 //

Below in ABC order of the prefectures:

Akita -- Aomori -- Fukushima -- Iwate -- Miyagi -- Yamagata

Akita  秋田県

source : city.oga.akita.jp

. Henjoo-In 遍照院 Henjo-In .
6 Uwamachi, Ōdate-shi, Akita

Aomori  青森県

南部路 In the Southern Parts

七戸町 Shichinohe town

Yamaya Yakushidoo 山屋薬師堂 Yamaya Yakushi-Do Hall

This hall used to be in the Southern Plain of Shichinohe.
That location was difficult to visit for prayers.
Once someone passed by, became very tired and took a nap, but then realized there was a wildfire. When he tried to run away his leg got caught in a vine. He fell down and hurt his eye on a udo plant ((独活、Aralia cordata).
So until our times people come here to pray to Yakushi to heal their eye diseases.
And nobody is allowed to eat the udo plant.

The statue of Yakushi is made from one piece of the katsura tree 桂の木 (Japanese Judas tree, Cercidiphyllum japonicum), dating back to the Heian period.

On the 8th day of the fourth lunar month 4月8日 (now celebrated on April 8) many people come here to pray.

The place was also used by the mountain ascetics and their hall for mountain worship was called 薬王院 Yakuo-In. During the Meiji period, it was re-named to Yakushi-Do Hall.

In the precincts are two large 狛犬 koma-inu, dedicated by the shipping company of Hoeimaru Yohachiro 運送船頭宝永丸與八郎 in 1861.

Now there is no priest in residence here any more and the temple 瑞龍寺 Zuiryu-Ji, the clan temple of the Nanbu clan takes care of it.
- source : www.aotabi.com


薬師の湯 Yakushi no Yu onsen hot spring
at Osorezan 恐山 - 青森県むつ市田名部字宇曽利山3-2

At the Osorezan Hot Spring area, there are many different kinds of baths.

A small bath with beautiful green color, for men and women taking turns.

- Look at more photos from the various hot baths
- source : www.geocities.jp/nara_no_daibutu2

. Osorezan Taisai 恐山大祭 Great Festival at Mount Osorezan.
During the main festival in summer, many people come to get in contact with their lost loved ones through the blind Itako shamans.

Fukushima  福島県

Kaki no ki 柿の木, 薬師様 o-tsuge お告げ persimmon trees and an announcement for Yakushi
In a small village in 北会津村 North Aizu there is a religious restriction 禁忌 related to the belief in Yakushi Nyorai, not to plant any persimmon trees.
Around the year 1922 the farmers tried to get rid of this restriction during the efforts to regulate farming land. Most elders of the villge did not agree to this but in the end they all called a priest and asked him to instruct Yakushi that from now on they would plant persimmon trees 「植えてもよい」.
And indeed, nothing happened when they started planting trees.

. Persimmon (kaki 柿)- Introduction .

耶麻郡 Yama Gun 高郷村 Takasato village
Yakushi Nyorai is said to be a deity to protect the abdomen 腹の神.
His festival in on August 8/9. Children 2 years of age have to visit the Yakushi Temple and lick at the moss of the steps 階段の苔 to keep them safe from stomach ailments.

There is also a Yakushi-Do 北山漆薬師堂 
耶麻郡 北塩原村 at Kita Shiobara Village in Aizu.

. Aizu Wakamatsu 会津若松 Yakushi Pilgrims 薬師参り .

Iwate  岩手県
岩手町 Iwate town

Yakushi Sama no Matsu no Ki 薬師様の松の木 The pine tree of Yakushi 
Around 1940 the Pine Tree of Yakushi was sold. When the tree was cut down just like that, they found below it the figure of a woman who had been ill and died.
Sacred trees of a shrine should have a proper ritual before they are cut down. 神社の木は祈祷.

- - - - - - and
Yakushi Jinja 薬師神社 Yakushi Shrines in Japan

The deity in residence is usually 少彦名命 Sukuna Hikona no Mikoto
. Sukunahikona no mikoto 少彦名命 .

There are many temples in honor of Yakushi in the Tohoku region.
There are some shrines in his name too, Yakushi Jinja 薬師神社.
. Tono Fudo Myo-O Monogatari 遠野不動明王物語 .

花巻市 Hanamaki Doochi 道地 Dochi village

Once in his effort to help heal people the statue of Yakushi fell into a river. A farmer picked the statue up and carried it to his home. That night he had a dream: Yakushi asked him to build a small sanctuary 祠. So he built the shrine
Yakushi Jinja 薬師神社 .

平泉町 Hiraizumi

karasu tengu 烏天狗 Karasu Tengu
In the 中尊寺薬師堂 Yakushi Hall of the temple Chuzon-Ji there are the skull bones of a Karasu Tengu.

. Karasu Tengu 烏天狗 "crow Tengu .

胆澤郡 Isawa

Gakigishi Myoojin 潟岸明神
During the time of Kinmei Tenno 欽明天皇 (509 - 571) a very jealous wife turned into 蛇 a snake, jumped into the water and cursed all. By chance 佐夜姫 Princess Sayohime passed, read the sutras to appease the soul and then the villagers build the
潟岸薬師堂 Gakigishi Fudo Hall.

松浦佐用姫 About Sayohime
- reference source : thr.mlit.go.jp/isawa/sasala... -

. 小夜姫 / 佐用姫 Princess Sayo Hime from 佐用 播州 Sayo in Banshu .
- Hyogo

盛岡市 Morioka

Asagishi Yakushi Jinja 浅岸薬師神社

The deity in residence is 少彦名命 Sukuna Hikona no Mikoto
. Sukunahikona no mikoto 少彦名命 .

source : Nachtigall Blaue
Kitakami 北上市村崎野24地割 and Ofunato 岩手県大船渡市
In the compound of Amaterasu Mioya Jinja 天照御祖神社 there is a 薬師神社 Yakushi Shrine.
People come here to pray for healing of eye diseases.


. Fukui 福井県 - Yakushi Jinja Shrine .



- - - - - - - - - - - Miyagi  宮城県

. Yakushi Nyorai Legends from Miyagi 宮城県 .

Kinoshita no Yakushi 木ノ下の薬師 Yakushi from Kinoshita village
nabe Yakushi 鍋薬師 Yakushi and the cooking pot
nure Yakushi 濡れ薬師 Yakushi who got wet
Shiga no Yakushi 志賀の薬師 Yakushi from Shiga village
shio no Yakushi 塩の薬師 Yakushi and Salt
sugi Yakushi 杉薬師 Yakushi and the cedar tree

Yamagata 山梨県

. Yakushisan, Yakushi San 薬師山 Mount Yakushi .

鶴岡市 Tsuruoka 大広 Daiko

. katame no buna 片目の鮒 crucian carp with one eye .

米沢市 Yonezawa

. Ono no Komachi no rei 小野小町の霊 spirit of Ono no Komachi .
Captain Fukakusa (Fukakusa no Shoushou 深草少将)
- bijo zuka 美女塚 mound of the beauty



. Yakushi no Yu 薬師の湯 / Yakushiyu 薬師湯 Yakushi Hot Spring .
お薬師さん 温泉 - Yakushi and Onsen Hot springs
many come with their own legend


- - - - - reference - - - - -

- source : nichibun yokai database

YAKUSHI NYORAI, YAKUSHI TATHĀGATA Buddha of Medicine and Healing
Yakushi literally means Medicine Teacher
Lord of the Eastern Paradise of Pure Lapis Lazuli
(Jp. = Jōruri 浄瑠璃, Skt. = Vaiduryanirbhasa).
Yakushi’s full name is Yakushi-rurikō 薬師瑠璃光,
meaning Medicine Master of Lapis Lazuli Radiance.
Commonly shown holding medicine jar in left hand.
Among the 88 temples on the well-trodden Shikoku Pilgrimage, 23 are dedicated to Yakushi, second only to the 29 sites dedicated to Kannon (Goddess of Mercy).
- source : Mark Schumacher -


. Yakushi Nyorai - 薬師如来 - Introduction .

The Three Great Yakushi Statues of Tohoku 東北の三大薬師

- source : letuce's room


Join the friends on facebook !

. Yakushi Pilgrims INFO - INTRODUCTION .

. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 Legends from the Prefectures .
- Introduction -

. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 place names .
many come with their own legend

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011 .
A tribute to Tohoku.

- #yakushinyoraitohoku #yakushilegendstohoku #yakushitohoku -


Jizo Legends 01

. Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC List .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

Legends about Jizo Bosatsu - 地蔵菩薩 - 01

. Join the Jizo Bosatsu Gallery - Facebook .

. Legends about Jizo Bosatsu and Mochi rice cakes - 地蔵と餅 .

. Legends about Roku Jizō 六地蔵 Roku Jizo, Six Jizo Statues .

. Enmei Jizoo 延命地蔵 life-prolonging Jizo .

. kitsune 狐 fox and Jizo Legends . *

. shichiya 質屋 - Jizo at the pawn shop .

. Soomen Jizoo そうめん地蔵 Somen Noodles Jizo .

- - - - - ABC order of the prefectures - - - - -


- - - - - Aichi 愛知県

okama Jizoo お釜地蔵 Jizo and the cooking pot

Once upon a time
there was evil mother who tried to kill her child by boiling it in a huge pot. But
suddenly, Jizo sama appeared to act as a substitute for her kid.
The evil mother clearned up her act and mind when she saw Jizo standing in the hot water.
Since then it is said that this Okama Jizo protects the children .

- source and more photos : Aoi san on facebook -

- - - - - Chiba 千葉県

. Ketsubon Kyo 血盆経 Blood Bowl Sutra .

- - - - - Fukui 福井県

敦賀市 Tsuruga 赤崎区 Akasaki ward

There are special prayer groups for the Deity of the Mountain、Yama no Shinko 山の神講.
When a new home is built, the children all come together and run to the 大日堂 Hall of Dainichi, clad only in a loincloth (and nowadays white pants) and carrying thick ropes. At the Hall their leader puts a rope he had carried around his waist on the roots of the sacred 松の木 pine tree.

Then all the other kids put their シト / つと (shito) tsuto there. Then they all go into the hall and smear a special sacred paste made from rice, water and sake, called shitogi シトキ / しとぎ on their bodies. This act signifies to become a Jizo.
The Deity of the Mountains is seen of a "Monster of the Night" (yoru no mamono 夜の魔物).
This ceremony is supposed to appease him and keep the children safe.

- source : www.city.tsuruga.lg.jp


- - - - - Fukushima 福島県

福島市 Fukushima

Kazafuki Jizoo son 風吹地蔵尊 Jizo from Kazafuki
The 16th day of the 3rd lunar month is the day of Jizo at the local temple. Already one week before the festival the impatient children from the local grammar school come here to play. During that time they are allowed to do anything they like with the Jizo.
On the "floating festival" day, Toonagashi トーナガシ, the water of the canal is stopped for a while, then the statue of Jizo, all naked, gets a rope around its head and is lowered into the water to let flow. The children have to pull the rope to hold it back.
Then one day someone washed the Jizo on the festival day and brought him to the shrine 神社. But after that his grandmother became ill and had to stay in bed.

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. sweets offerings to Jizo to heal children .

- - - - -
. Six Jizo at the temple 正福寺 Shofuku-Ji .

- - - - - Hiroshima 広島県

呉市 Kure 蒲刈町 Kamagari

. Jizo sama and Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 .

- - - - - Kanagawa 神奈川県

. mochiage Jizo 持上げ地蔵 lifting the Jizo statue .
at 蓮光寺 the Temple Renko-Ji

- - - - - Miyagi 宮城県

. amazake Jizoo 甘酒地蔵 Jizo and sweet rice wine .
and the death of Date Munekiyo 伊達河内守宗清 (1600 - 1634)

. awamochi 粟餅を食った地蔵様 Jizo Bosatsu eating Millet Mochi .

. Mizunokami 水の神 and Jizo Bosatsu .


- - - - - Nagano 長野県

. amagoi Jizo 雨ごい地蔵尊 rain rituals with Jizo .
at the river 千曲川 Chikumagawa

南佐久郡 Minami-Saku district 小海町 Koumi town

. Jizo no horagaishi 地蔵のほらが石 conch-shell stone of Jizo. .

佐久市 Saku town

Roku Jizo 六地蔵尊 The Six Jizo
During the Edo period, there was an epidemic in the region. So the local Lord Nezu 祢津 had six Jizo taken to Edo to quell the spread of the disease. The statues were very heavy and difficult to transport over the many passes, especially 碓氷峠 Usui Pass in Gunma.
But on his way back when the disease had gone and he crossed the pass again, the Jizo statues felt really light.


- - - - - Nara 奈良県

三宅町 Mitake

. oote kure Jizoo おうてくれ地蔵さん Carrying a Jizo piggyback .


- - - - - Okayama 岡山県

asekaki Jizo sama 汗かき地蔵さま
eboshi o kabutta O-Jizo san 綿帽子をかぶったお地蔵さん
kubikiri Jizo 首切り地蔵

more tba
. Legends from Okayama 岡山の民話と伝説 .


- - - - - Saitama 埼玉県

. ohaguro Jizoo お歯黒地蔵 Jizo Bosatsu with black teeth .

. sakenomi Jizoo 酒飲み地蔵 Jizo having a drink of Sake - statue .
岩槻市 Iwatsuki

Once upon a time
a samurai from 浦和市 Urawa got very drunk on sake.
He took his sword and cut off his nose, shouting "If Jizo has a soul 魂, he should now come here and show it to me"!
But after that misfortune happened constantly to his family. When the clan was almost at the end of its wits, they begun to offer rice to Jizo every year on the 24th day of the 7th lunar month.
The 24th day of each month is considered the ennichi 縁日 prayer day for Jizo.


- - - - - Tochigi 栃木県

After a drinking party a drunk hunter once threw his hunting dog and a Jizo statue into the lake. The Jizo began to swim on the water, grabbed the poor dog and brought him back to the shore.


. Iwafunesan 岩船山 高勝寺 Iwafune-San Kosho-Ji .
shooshin Jizoo 生身の地蔵 living Jizo Igaboo 伊賀坊 Igabo, Iga-Bo
and Guseiboo Myoogan 弘誓坊 明願 Guseibo Myogan from Mount Daisen, Tottori


- - - - - Tokyo 東京都

. Asakusa Kannon 浅草観音伝説 Legends from Asakusa Kannon Temple .

. hamaguri 蛤 clam shell and golden Jizo statue .

. Hoosenji 豊仙寺 / 宝仙寺 Temple Hosen-Ji .
- daija no hone 大蛇の骨 bones of a huge serpent
- Jizo no hoosoo 地蔵の疱瘡 Jizo Bosatsu with smallpox

. hoozuki 鬼燈 - 鬼灯 - ほうずき Chinese lantern plant .

. ishi Jizoo odoru 石地蔵踊る dancing stone Jizo .
at Yotsuya 四ツ谷乗運寺横町 Joun-Ji Yokocho, Shinjuku


- - - - - Wakayama 和歌山県

みなべ町 Manabe

On the steep road in front of 嘉道地蔵さん Yoshimichi Jizo many people came to fall but nobody was ever injured. Jizo always picked them up and brought them back to the road safely.
Once a drunk old man on his bicycle fell into the river, but even he got away safely and without injuries.


- - - - - reference - - - - -

子育て地蔵 . . and many more

地蔵菩薩 18 / 地蔵尊 46 / 地蔵 595
yokai database 妖怪データベース - 01 / 595
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp

Sake and Jizo 酒 - reference
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp


. Join the Jizo Bosatsu Gallery - Facebook .

. Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC List .
- Introduction -

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- - #gokurakujizolegends ###jizolegends #jizobosatsu -


Taue Jizo


- Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC-List -

Taue Jizoo, Ta-ue Jizoo 田植え地蔵 Jizo planting rice

. WKD : taue 田植 planting rice in the paddies .
- Introduction -

There are some legends about Jizo like this in Japan.


from Izumo no Kuni 出雲の国 Tottori

- quote -
田植え地蔵【The Ta Ue Jizo】
In the old days,
it was the custom to share labor, and to perform labor as a form of tax. This was not voluntary, but compulsory. The story is this:
Once upon a time, near the Grand Shrine of Izumo Taisha, an old couple lived who worshipped a wooden statue of Jizo. Sadly, the wife died. Thereafter, the old man lived alone and he also became ill.

At that same time, the village chief told everyone to come and help plant rice in his fields. The old man, too sick to go, worried about his punishment, and prayed to his family Jizo for mercy. On the day for planting the rice, the village chief called the name of each householder. When the old man’s name was called, a 17-year-old youth stepped forward.

He was accepted in place of the old man and worked so hard and well that the chief gave him a sake cup as a reward when the work was done. The boy put the cup on his head and went home. The next day, the chief came to tell the old man of the boy’s good work. The old man was quite surprised at this, because he knew nothing about such a boy. He felt that the boy had come because of the Jizo, and he went to him to pray. When he confronted his statue and started to pray, he noticed with amazement that there was a cup on the Jizo’s head, and that its feet were covered with mud!

Then he realized that his little god had done the work himself. All over Japan, there are many stories of the Ta Ue Jizo. The two that I have told you concern our own Izumo no Kuni, and I thought you might be interested in them.
It is such customs and stories that have continued to hold my interest in the Izumo no Kuni of legend.
- source : japanese-culture.info


Many farmers venerate a Jizo by the roadside on their daily way to the fields.
So sometimes during the busy season of planting and harvesting, the Jizo comes to help them, taking the figure of a young man working very fast and always cheerful.
Once all the work is done, the stone Jizo is back on his wayside podestal, usually with a lot of mud stains on his body and robe.
Now the farmer can say his "Thank You" prayer.

Stories of a Jizo paying back in gratitude for regular daily prayers are also told in the

Jizo Bosatsu Reigenki 地蔵菩薩霊験記

Spiritual Tales of Ti-Tsang Bodhisattva
This Chinese text appeared near the end of China’s Sung dynasty (+ 960-1279 AD) and was compiled by Chang Chin-chi (常謹集). It contained miraculous stories about Jizō that incorporated many earlier Jizō traditions. Included are tales about people who escape from hell thanks to Jizō, tales of people who are reborn in Miroku’s Tusita heaven or other Buddhist heavens, of deceased parents suffering in hell who are delivered from its torments, and stories where Jizō takes the place of certain hell dwellers to save them from danger. Such miracles were made possible by the pious offerings of living relatives who made pictures and statues of Jizō.

- source : Mark Schumacher


- quote -
This is a story told by the priest of the temple 伊馥寺 Ifuku-Ji
253 Izawacho, Matsusaka, Mie.

The photo does not show the rice-planting Jizo.
The Taue-Jizo is in a small hall in the back of the compound. It is made of metal, maybe during the Edo period. The head priest at that time had a visitor from Kawasaki and was handed this statue with the name of Taue Jizo.

At the temple are other statues of Jizo with special names.
清水地蔵 Kiyomizu Jizo is one of them.
- source : minsominwa.tsutaetai.jp


- Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - Introduction -

. Join the Jizo Bosatsu Gallery - Facebook .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ] - - - #jizotaue #tauejizo - - -


Yakushi Kokeshi

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

kokeshi and Yakushi こけしと薬師如来

. Kokeshi こけし / 小芥子 / 子消し wooden dolls .
- Introduction -


Yakushi Kokeshi Doo 薬師こけし堂 Yakushi Kokeshi-Do
Tsuchiyu onsen hot spring in Fukushima

Yakushi as the Buddha of Medicine has a long relationship with hot springs.
In Tohoku he is 薬師瑠璃子如来 Yakushi Ruriko Nyorai and also related to the making of kokeshi wooden dolls.

The beginning dates back to the son of Emperor Montoku (827 - 858),
called 惟喬親王 Koretaka Shinno (844 - 897), the founder of woodcraft.

The first Yakushi Hall had been built in 湯元下ノ町, but was swept away in 1913 during a flooding. The statue of Yakushi Nyorai had survived at the temple 興徳寺 Kotoku-Ji.
Later in 1974 the Yakushi Kokeshi Do hall was constructed.

Every year on the 8th day of April
there is the main festival of this Kokeshi Hall, where water from the Hot Spring is offered.
Every year on the third Sunday in April
there is a special memorial service for kokeshi dolls こけし供養祭 (kokeshi kuyo) and also for used writing brushes 筆供養.

- source : kitemite.me/tsuchiyu

kokeshi kuyoo こけし供養 memorial service for used kokeshi
Tsuchiyu Kokeshi Matsuri 土湯こけし祭り

This is a service for old dolls, including kokeshi, to say "Thank you for your long service!"

First the Kokeshi are consecrated in front of the temple hall.
They are burned in a huge fire while the priest chants sutras.

- source : and more photos 福島県福島市 土湯温泉

. . . CLICK here for Photos for Kokeshi Kuyo !


- quote -
Bustle of Tsuchiyu-Onsen Hot Spring
Kokeshi-Do Shrine
Kokeshi-Do Shrine is further up the stone steps from Taishi-Do Shrine. Tsuchiyu is one of three major production sites of Kokeshi-Dolls in Japan. This shrine is dedicated to Koretaka Shinno who is said to be the father of woodcraft, Yakushi Nyorai, a Buddhist deity who is able to cure all illnesses, and Tsuchiyu Kokeshi Dolls.

Taishi-Do Shrine
Taishi-Do Shrine, which is dedicated to Prince Shotoku, stands on a hill looking down the tourist section of Tsuchiyu-Onsen. Follow the gentle sloping stone steps and feel your spirit soothed in a unique Japanese environment with venerable buildings, moss-covered stone pavements, and stone lanterns surrounded by trees.

Eight Views of Tsuchiyu-Onsen Hot Spring
In the age of Bunka-Bunsei in Edo era, Tsuchiyu was known as a place for Haikai (amusing and playful Japanese poems) and produced many haiku poets. The group of haiku poets was called "Tsuchiyu-ren" and they composed many poems.
"Eight Views of Hot Spring" is a collection of poems composed by "Hatomaro", a member of the "Tsuchiyu-ren" group. Visit and enjoy the unchanged beauty of Tsuchiyu-Onsen that has appeared in the "Eight Views of Tsuchiyu-Onsen Hot Spring" poems.
- source : www.tcy.jp/english


こけし神社 Kokeshi Shrine
小野宮惟喬親王神社 Onomiya Koretaka Shinno Shrine

in Fukuoka Yatumiya, Shiroishi-shi - Miyagi

New Year's First Making of Yajiro Kokeshi Wooden Dolls
January 2
This New Year's event has a strong association with traditional Kokeshi-doll craftsmen of the Yajiro style. With a prayer, kokeshi dolls fashioned by a selected craftsman are offered to the shrine.

- source : pref.miyagi.jp/kankou

Photos from the shrine and kokeshi
- source : kawasakiya-jirokichi


Join the friends on facebook !

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Nyorai Legends 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Pilgrims INFO - INTRODUCTION .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- #yakushinyoraikokeshido #yakushikokeshi #kokeshiyakushi -


Yakushipedia - ABC Index

[ . Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 Bhaisajyaguru . ]
. Yakushi Nyorai Legends 薬師如来 .

Yakushipedia ABC-Index 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai Bhaisajyaguru
the Buddha of Medicine and Healing

- source : Shin Yakushi-Ji 新薬師寺

- - - - - My friend Mark Schumacher has all the details.
Yakushi’s full name is Yakushi-rurikō 薬師瑠璃光,
Lord of the Eastern Paradise of Pure Lapis Lazuli
Medicine Master of Lapis Lazuli Radiance.
Introducing the features of Yakushi Nyorai, the important statues and temples.

Medicine Master Buddha:
The Iconic Worship of Yakushi in Heian Japan

Yui Suzuki
This profusely illustrated volume illuminates the primacy of icons in disseminating the worship of the Medicine Master Buddha (J: Yakushi Nyorai) in Japan. Suzuki’s meticulous study explicates how the devotional cult of Yakushi, one of the earliest Buddhist cults imported to Japan from the continent, interacted and blended with local beliefs, religious dispositions, and ritual practices over the centuries, developing its own distinctive imprint on Japanese soil. Worship of the Medicine Master Buddha became most influential during the Heian period (794–1185), when Yakushi’s popularity spread to different levels of society and locales outside the capital. The large number of Heian-period Yakushi statues found all across Japan demonstrates that Yakushi worship was an integral component of Heian religious practice.

Medicine Master Buddha focuses on the ninth-century Tendai master Saichō (767–822) and his personal reverence for a standing Yakushi icon. The author proposes that, after Saichō’s death, the Tendai school played a critical role in popularizing the cult of this particular icon as a way of memorializing its founding master and strengthening its position as a major school of Japanese Buddhism. This publication offers a fresh perspective on sculptural representations of the Medicine Master Buddha (including the famous Jingoji Yakushi), and in so doing, reconsiders Yakushi worship as foundational to Heian religious and artistic culture.
- source : www.brill.com/medicine-master-buddha -


日本三大薬師 / 日本三薬師 the three most famous Yakushi temples in Japan

薬師寺 Nara, 日向薬師 Hinata Yakushi, 会津の勝常寺 Aizu, Shoji-Ji
- - - - - or
Kani Yakushi 蟹薬師 "Crab Yakushi" - Yamanaka Yakushi 山中薬師 - Gifu
and 三河の鳳来寺 Horai-Ji - Mikawa, Aichi


- - - - - My Articles about Yakushi Nyorai - - - - -

. Akaidake Yakushi 閼伽井嶽薬師 - 常福寺 Jofuku-Ji, Fukushima

Amulets for Eye Diseases 眼病 Yakushi Nyorai healing - Tokyo

. Ana Yakushi Kofun 穴薬師古墳 .
- Yakushi-ana 薬師穴 Yakushi cave / ana no Yakushi 穴の薬師 Yakushi with holes

. Arai Yakushi Baisho-In 新井薬師 梅照院 .

budoo Yakushi葡萄薬師 Budo Yakushi, Grapes Yakushi- Yamanashi

. bokeyoke Yakushi ぼけ除け薬師 to prevent dementia .

Daigiji 大義寺 Daigi-Ji / Taigi-Ji - Tama Henro pilgrimage

. Enku 円空 Yakushi Sanzon 薬師三尊 .

Fudo - Yakushi Nyorai and Fudo Myo-O legends 薬師と不動 伝説

Genshō Tennō 元正天皇 Empress Gensho Tenno and Yakushi -(683 – 748)

Gyooki Bosatsu. Gyōki 行基菩薩 Gyoki Bosatsu and Yakushi (668-749 AD)

Haiku and kigo 俳句 about Yakushi Nyorai

- - - Heian Period and Yakushi 平安時代と薬師 - (794 - 1192)

. hi mizu no Yakushi 日見ずの薬師 Yakushi not to see the sun .
大鹿村 Oshika village, Nagano

Hinata Yakushi 日向薬師 日向山霊山寺 - Kanagawa

Hizura Yakushidoo 日面薬師堂 Hizura Yakushi Do Hall - Kajiyaba, Fukushima

Hokedake Yakush-ji 法華嶽薬師寺 Hokkedake Yakushi Temple
and the quail car toy (うずら車 uzuraguruma)

. Hooraiji 鳳来寺 Horai-Ji, Mikawa, Aichi .

Hooryuuji - 法隆寺 Yakushi Statue at Temple Horyu-ji

Inaba Yakushi 因幡薬師 - Kyoto
temple 平等寺 Byodo-Ji and
因幡堂縁起絵巻 Inabado engi emaki "picture scroll of legends of the Inabado Hall" .

. Ishiyakushi, Ishi-Yakushi 石薬師 various Rock and Stone Yakushi .
and temple Ishiyakushi-Ji, 石薬師寺 Suzuka, Mie

. Iyo 12 Yakushi Temples, Shikoku 伊予十二薬師霊場 .
01 - Toorinji 東林寺 Torin-Ji / 02 小谷山医座寺 Iza-Ji / 03 室岡山蓮華寺 Renge-Ji / 04 Saihooji 大楽山西法寺 Saiho-Ji / 05 Onoyama Shookannji 小野山正観寺 Shokan-Ji / 06 Kooshakuji 瑠璃山香積寺 Koshaku-Ji / 07 Chooryuuji 興福山長隆寺 Choryu-Ji / 08 - 雲門寺 Unmon-Ji / 09 玉松山金蓮寺 Konren-Ji / 10 Choorakuji 長楽寺 Choraku-Ji / 11 Joomyooin 浄明院 Jomyo-In / 12 瑠璃光山薬師寺 Yakushi-Ji - and
Anyooji 安養寺 Anyo-Ji / Juurinji 十輪寺 Jurin-Ji / Saikooji 西光寺 Saiko-Ji

Jingoji 神護寺 Jingo-Ji, Kyoto, Sanbi 三尾

Jinmu-Ji Temple, Fudo Myo-O and Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来
(Jimmuji 神武寺) in Zushi Town, Kanagawa prefecture

Jooshooji 常性寺 Josho-Ji - Tama Henro pilgrimage

Juusanbutsu 十三仏
Yakushi Nyorai is one of the 13 protector Buddhas

. Kani Yakushi 蟹薬師 "Crab Yakushi" . - Gifu, 願興寺 Ganko-Ji, Kani town

Kankaiji 観海寺 - Kankai-Ji - Oita

Katade Yakushi 隻手薬師 "Yakushi with one arm" 瑠璃山香積寺 Koshaku-Ji Ehime

Kawakami Yakushi 川上薬師 - 弥勒寺 Miroku-Ji Tokyo

Kazusa Yakushi Pilgrimage 上総国薬師如来霊場

Kenryusan Daigongen Yakushi剣龍山大権現薬師如来
Mount Kenryu-San, Yamagata

Kinegawa Yakushi 木下川薬師 Yakushi from Kinegawa - Edo
- Kigegawa Yakushi Engi = misspelling of Kinegawa

Kinoshita no Yakushi 木ノ下の薬師 Yakushi from Kinoshita - Miyagi

Kiyotakiji 清瀧寺 / 清滝寺 Kiyotaki-Ji - Kochi

kokeshi wooden dolls and Yakushi こけしと薬師如来

. Koyakushizoo 香薬師像 Koyakushi-Zo Statue, Ko-Yakushi .

Koyasu Yakushi 子安薬師 "to protect children"

. Kyushu Pilgrimage to 49 Yakushi Temples 九州四十九薬師霊場 .

. Legends and Folktales about Yakushi Nyorai .

Mine Yakushidoo 峯薬師堂 in Hiraizumi, Iwate
famous for healing eye disease

migawari Yakushi 身代わり薬師 Yakushi as personal substiture *

. Mokujiki 木喰上人 / 木食 statue carver .

nabe Yakushi 鍋薬師 Yakushi and the cooking pot

nade Yakushi なで薬師 Yakushi to be rubbed

neko Yakushi 猫薬師 Yakushi and the Cat

nezumi Yakushi ねずみ薬師 Yakushi and the mice

nure Yakushi 濡れ薬師 Yakushi who got wet
- - - - - Miyagi - 柴田郡 柴田町 Shibata
- - - - - Gunma 高崎市南八幡 - Takasaki Town

. Oka Yakushi Ruriko Nyorai 岡薬師瑠璃光如来 . - Matsuyama, Ehime - 星岡山

Oni 鬼 demons and Yakushi Nyorai

onsen Yakushi 温泉薬師 hot springs and Yakushi *

. Paradise of Yakushi Nyorai 薬師浄土曼荼羅 Yakushi Jodo Mandala .
薬師瑠璃光浄土 Yakushi Ruriko Jodo / 東方瑠璃光浄土 Toho Ruriko Jodo
Eastern Paradise of Pure Lapis Lazuli 東方浄瑠璃世界 Toho Joruri Sekai

placebo effect プラシーボ効果 and Yakushi Nyorai

pokkuri Yakushi ポックリ薬師 granting a sudden death

Raigo-In 大原来迎院 Ohara, Kyoto

Ruriko - Yakushi Rurikoo Nyorai 薬師瑠璃光如来 Yakushi of Lapis Lazuli Radiance.
- - - - - Ruriji 瑠璃寺 temples names Ruri-Ji
- - - - - Rurikooji 瑠璃光寺 temples names Ruriko-Ji - Rurikō-ji  
- - - - - Rurizan (るりざん) 瑠璃山 Ruriyama

ryuutoo Yakushi 龍灯薬師 Yakushi of the Dragon Lantern . - Matsuyama, Ehime

Saikoku Yakushi Pilgrimages to 49 temples
西国四十九薬師巡礼 / 西国薬師巡礼 Saigoku Yakushi

Sakurado Yakushi 桜堂薬師 / 櫻堂薬師 - Gifu

Senmi Yakushi-Ji 川見薬師寺 (せんみやくしじ)Kawami Yakushi-Ji - Aichi

Shichibutsu Yakushi 七仏薬師 / 七佛薬師 Seven Yakushi statues - Introduction
- from from 丹後 Tango: 七薬師伝説 : one is muchi yakushi 鞭薬師 "whip Yakushi"
麻呂子親王 Prince Maroko Shinno (当麻皇子 Prince Taima no Miko)

Shiga no Yakushi 志賀の薬師 Yakushi from Shiga village - Miyagi

shio Yakushi 塩薬師 "Salt Yakushi"
- shio no Yakushi 塩の薬師 Yakushi and Salt - Miyagi. Yakushi und Salz

Shunkō-ji 春光寺 Shunko-Ji - Kyoto

Shusse Yakushi 出世薬師 for a good career .

sugi Yakushi 杉薬師 Yakushi and the cedar tree - Miyagi

Sukunahikona no mikoto 少彦名命 Sukuna Hikona (Sukuna-Bikona) and Shinno shi 神農氏 .

Taisanji 太山寺 Taisan-Ji - Hyogo

Tako Yakushi 多幸薬師 / 蛸薬師 Yakushi and the Octopus
in Edo, Kyoto . . .

Tanishi Choja and Yakushi たにし長者

tawara Yakushi 俵薬師 Yakushi and a bale of rice

. Tengu Legends with Yakushi  薬師と天狗伝説 .

Tokuitsu (Toku-Ichi) 得一 徳溢 and the Yakushi Temples in the Aizu area.
Aizu Go Yakushi 会津五薬師 Five Yakushi temples
Kukai Kobo Daishi, priest Tokuitsu and the fighting with the Emishi people in the Tohoku region by the imperial government in Kyoto.
. Enichiji 慧日寺 Enichi-Ji .

Tohoku - Three Great Yakushi Statues 東北の三大薬師

Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康 and Yakushi Nyorai

. Tookondoo 東金堂 Tokon-Do "Eastern Golden Hall" - Temple Kofuku-Ji . - Nara

tora Yakushi 寅薬師 "Tiger Yakushi"

Yamaya Yakushidoo 山屋薬師堂 Yamaya Yakushi-Do Hall - Aomori


Yakushi Nyorai - Deutscher Text - German .

- yakko 薬壷 medicine pot .

. Yakushida, Yakushiden 薬師田 "Fields of Yakushi" . - place names

Yakushi Engi 薬師縁起 Old Yakushi Scroll Legends

Yakushiji 薬師寺 Yakushi-Ji - Yakushi Temples *

. Yakushi Jinja 薬師神社 Yakushi Shrines . *

Yakushigama, Yakushi no Kama 薬師窯 Yakushi Kiln - Aichi

. Yakushiishi, Yakushi-Ishi 薬師石 Yakushi Ishi Stone or Rock .

Yakushi Kokeshi Doo 薬師こけし堂 Yakushi Kokeshi-Do
興徳寺 Tsuchiyu Hot Spring 土湯温泉 - Fukushima

Yakushi Okami "薬師大神" Yakushi Daijin

Yakushi Onsen 薬師温泉 Hot Springs named Yakushi
. - - - - - Yakushi no Yu 薬師の湯 .

Yakushi sanzon 薬師三尊 Yakushi Triad, Trias, Trinity .

yakushisoo, yakushi soo 薬師草 "Yakushi plant" - Youngia denticulata

. Yakushi Tooge 薬師峠 Yakushi Toge pass - in Japan .

Yakushi zoo, Yakushi Norai zoo 薬師如来像 Statues of Yakushi Nyorai 


Yamada Yakushi Nyorai 山田薬師如来
and a manju sweets legend from the shop Yamadaya in Ehime.
- Yamada Yakushi 山田薬師 . - Matsuyama, Ehime - 正観寺 Shokan-Ji

. Yamada Naokimi 山田尚公 - carver . - Okayama

. 山中薬師 Yamanaka Yakushi - 医王寺 Io-Ji . - Gifu, Nakatsugawa
and kitsune kooyaku 狐膏薬 fox medicine

Yooji Yakushi Doo 楊枝薬師堂 The Yakushi Hall of Yoji Village - Mie

Yoshiwara (Shizuoka) 吉原の薬師堂 Yoshiwara no Yakushi-Do .
and Tokugawa Ieyasu

Yakuriki Myojin 薬力明神 a Shinto Kami version


- source - rakuten -


Join the friends on facebook !

. Yakushi Pilgrims INFO - INTRODUCTION .

. Yakushi Nyorai Legends 薬師如来 - 伝説 .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- ###yakushinyoraiabcindex #yakushiabcindex #yakushipediaindex -

Sugi Yakushi Cedar


Yakushi Sugi 薬師杉 Cedar Tree and Yakushi Nyorai

. WKD : sugi 杉 cedar tree in all seasons .
- Introduction -

. Folktales, legends about Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 / 薬師様 / 薬師さん .


ヤクシスギ / やくしすぎ Yakushi Sugi
Nearby is a small Yakushi-Do 薬師堂 Hall for Yakushi Nyorai .

This old tree is about 30 meters high.
in Niigata, 新潟県柏崎市石曽根小清水
source : hitozato-kyoboku.com


. . . CLICK here for Photos of the trees!


sugi Yakushi 杉薬師 Yakushi and the cedar tree

Long ago in the Tenpyo period (729 - 749), when the Emperor 孝謙天皇 Koken Tenno (718 - 770) was very ill and asked his diviners for advise, they told him:
"In Mutsu 陸奥 there is a very very high cedar tree 大杉 and its long branches produced a shadow until your living quarters, causing your illness."
So he ordered one of his ministers, 某(なにがし) the Dainagon Nanigashi, to have the tree cut down.
The minister found a huge cedar tree at the village of Tsukidate and had it cut down. From the cutting surface blood spilled on the ground. But on the next morning all was healed and the tree was standing there as before.
However many times they cut it down, the same thing happened. Then a diviner told them to prepare a rope of the reeds in a field North-East to the cedar tree and cover the cutting wound with it.
The splinters from cutting flew in all directions and were soon gone.
Finally the illness of the Emperor was healed.
So he ordered to have a temple build over the stump of the cedar tree. Later Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 passed here and had a statue of Yakushi Nyorai placed on the altar.

. Yakushi Nyorai Legends from Miyagi 宮城県 .
栗原郡 Kurihara 築館町 Tsukidate

and more about the temple 双林寺 Sorin-Ji.


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

kage mo tsure ka no ko oniyuri sugi yakushi

shadows get longer
over all kinds of tiger lilies
Sugi Yakushi

Tr. Gabi Greve

Ishizaki Soshuu 石崎素秋 Ishisaki Soshu

. WKD : lilies in all seasons .

photo - wikipedia

kanoko yuri 鹿の子百合 Speciosum lily
Lilium speciosum, sometimes called the Japanese lily


. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- - #gokurakusugiyakushi #cedaryakushi -


Inaba Yakushi


Inaba Yakushi 因幡薬師

. Legends about Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 / 薬師様 / 薬師さん .
- Introduction -

other 薬師縁起 Yakushi Engi - below

因幡堂 平等寺 Inaba-Do Byodo-Ji - Kyoto

The origin of temple Byoodooji 平等寺 Byodo-Ji is referred to in "Inabado Engi" (Legends of the Inaba-Do)
included in 山城名勝志 Yamashiro Meisho Shi "Annals of Yamashiro's picturesque sites" and 因幡堂縁起絵巻 Inabado engi-emaki "picture scroll of legends of the Inabado" .

五条高倉薬師堂 Gojo Takakura Yakushi Do
at Byodo-ji Temple (Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto City), which is known for kyogen "Inabado".

728 Inabado-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto


In the Kamakura period at 997, 橘行平 Tachibana no Yukihira became governor of 因幡国 Inaba provice (now in Tottori). While he was there he became ill and had a dream.
At the beach of 因幡賀留津 Karunotsu in Inaba there is a sacred tree that would save him. When he went there, it was not a tree but a statue of Yakushi Nyorai hauled out of the waters. So he had a preliminary Hall build for the statue.

When Yukihira had gone back to Kyoto, he had another dream. A monk from the "Heaven in the West" 西の天 came to visit him and told him to save all the people in the east.
When he woke up he was told about a visitor at his gate. He thought it was the monk from his dream and went to the West Gate to greet him. By the time they opened the gate, the statue of Yakushi was standing there. It had come flying after him and landed in his estate. This is the beginning of the 因幡堂 Inaba Hall.
This was in the year 1003.

The temple soon grew in fame and even the Emperor came to worship here. Soon the Yakushi Moode 薬師もうで Mode, prayer visit to Yakushi became popular in Kyoto. In its prime time it had more than 8 sub-temples and a special entrance for official visitors.

Yakushi Nyorai at this temple is said to keep people free from cancer - in our modern times.
The statue was probably carved by the sculptor Kooshoo 康尚 Kosho in the mid or late Heian period.

Road to the "Gate that does not open".

Around 1170 during the fighting of the Genji and Heike 源平争乱 Emperor Takakura 高倉天皇 (1161 - 1181) lived just South of the Inaba Hall at the 東五条院 Higashi Gojo-In and the gate straight up the road at the temple was called akezu no mon 不明門 "Gate that does not open".
In 1171 Emperor Takakura gave it the name of temle Byodo-Ji.

本尊薬師如来立像 Yakushi Nyorai - The main statue of the temple
The statue is 165 cm high.
The name of the temple in Tottori is Zakooji 座光寺 Zako-Ji.

Statue of Tachibana no Yukihira 橘行平

The temple is famous for the Kyogen performances - 因幡堂狂言 Inaba Kyogen.

omamori お守り amulet from Byodo-Ji

shuin 朱印 stamp from Byodo-Ji

-- - - - HP of the temple 平等寺 Byodo-Ji
- source : www.inabado.jp


Kooshoo, Kōshō 康尚 Buddhist sculptor Kosho
Called 「仏師職の祖」, "the Ancestor of professional Buddhist Sculptors".
He did not work for any special temple but established his own workshop in Kyoto. He had many disciples who promoted his style.
His father was 源康行, his son Joochoo, Jōchō 定朝 Jocho (? - 1057).

He also made statues of Byakudan Yakushi 白檀薬師像 and Fudo Myo-o 東福寺同聚院不動明王坐.
- reference -

. Buddhist sculptors 仏師 Edo Period to the Present Day .

. kyoogen, kyōgen 狂言 Kyogen performance .
- Introduction -


因幡堂薬師縁起絵巻 Inabado Yakushi Engi Emaki

This scroll
depicts the construction of the Inaba-Do hall at the temple Byodo-Ji in Kyoto.
The story is told in the record of 御堂関白記 Mido Kanpaku Ki and others.
The famous scroll has been damaged by fire and is not complete.
東京国立博物館 Tokyo National Museum
- source : www.emuseum.jp/detail

A much older legend from Inaba / Tottori - about Okuninushi no Mikoto (Daikoku in Buddhism) :
. The White Rabbit of Inaba 因幡の白兎 .


- - - - - Edo 江戸 Tokyo  東京 - - - - -

Kinegawa Yakushi 木下川薬師(きねがわやくし)Yakushi from Kinegawa

Jokooji 浄光寺 Joko-Ji  - 木下川薬師浄光寺
Tokyo - Katsushika 葛飾区東四つ木1-5-9
伝教大師 Dengyo Daishi

(葛飾区教育委員会 葛飾区寺院調査報告より)
- source : katsushika/temple_eyotsugi_joko.shtml

- - - - - HP of the temple
- source : kinegawa-yakushi.jp

Kigegawa Yakushi Engi misspelling of Kinegawa
The Dragon in China and Japan
By M. W. De Visser

§1. Dengyo Daishi's image of Yakushi Nyorai.
The Kigegawa Yakushi engi says the following:
"The image of Yakushi Nyorai in Jokwoji (also called Shoryuzan, "Blue Dragon monastery"), in Katsushika district, Shimosa province, is made by Dengyo Daishi.
When Jikaku Daishi stayed in Asakusa-dera (the famous Kwannon temple in Asakusa, the well-known district of Yedo), an old man with grey hair appeared to him and said: 'In the North-east there is a holy place, where I have dedicated a miraculous image made by Dengyo Daishi'. Thereupon the man disappeared, and Jikaku went outside and looked towards the North-east. Suddenly a lucky cloud (zui-un, a cloud of a lucky colour) arose, and in it a blue dragon was visible.
Then the Daishi secretly left the temple and went in search of this blue dragon, till he arrived at the cottage (where the above-mentioned old man had lived as a hermit and had obtained the image). There he worshipped the image and saw the blue dragon, which was still there. Jikaku turned himself to the lucky cloud and addressed the dragon as follows:

'I wish to say a few words to you, you sacred dragon, listen to me. I want to built a temple here, which you must guard and protect from calamity. From this moment I appoint you guardian-god of the shrine'.

When the Daishi had finished speaking, the dragon, which had listened motionless, with his head bent down in reverence, disappeared. The priest considered this to be a good sign, and called the sanctuary 'Blue Dragon temple'.
Up till this day from time to time a dragon- lantern appears there as a wonderful, lucky omen,- probably in consequence of the above facts (i. e. because the blue dragon is the temple's guardian-god)".

The Udo meisho ki tells us that from olden times many pilgrims went to this temple, which is also called Jokwoji ("Temple of the Pure Light"), to worship the dragon-lantern, which was sure to arise before the image of Yakushi Nyorai on the eighth day of every month, and on New- Year's morning.


Before the Buddhist chapel of Kasai Yakushi situated on a mountain north of Okayama, in Bizen province, there stood a "Dragon-lantern pine tree". Every night, especially in summer time, will-o'-the-wisps were seen there.
- source : books.google.co.jp

- - - - -

. ryuutoo 龍燈 "dragon lantern" .
shiranui, shiranu-i 不知火 (しらぬい) "unknown light"
A phenomenon at the Ariakekai sea in Kagoshima, Kyushu, in the evening hours.
It is also seen in other parts of Japan as a light that the Dragon God sends out to honor the deities of Shinto and Buddhism in Japan.

kigo for mid-autumn
With a haiku by Matsuo Basho.


Medicine Master Buddha:
The Iconic Worship of Yakushi in Heian Japan

This profusely illustrated volume illuminates the primacy of icons in disseminating the worship of the Medicine Master Buddha (J: Yakushi Nyorai) in Japan. Suzuki’s meticulous study explicates how the devotional cult of Yakushi, one of the earliest Buddhist cults imported to Japan from the continent, interacted and blended with local beliefs, religious dispositions, and ritual practices over the centuries, developing its own distinctive imprint on Japanese soil. Worship of the Medicine Master Buddha became most influential during the Heian period (794–1185), when Yakushi’s popularity spread to different levels of society and locales outside the capital. The large number of Heian-period Yakushi statues found all across Japan demonstrates that Yakushi worship was an integral component of Heian religious practice.

Medicine Master Buddha focuses on the ninth-century Tendai master Saichō (767–822) and his personal reverence for a standing Yakushi icon. The author proposes that, after Saichō’s death, the Tendai school played a critical role in popularizing the cult of this particular icon as a way of memorializing its founding master and strengthening its position as a major school of Japanese Buddhism. This publication offers a fresh perspective on sculptural representations of the Medicine Master Buddha (including the famous Jingoji Yakushi), and in so doing, reconsiders Yakushi worship as foundational to Heian religious and artistic culture.
source : www.brill.com/medicine-master-buddha

Yakushi Engi, Yakushiengi 薬師縁起 The Omen of Yakushi Temple
Medicine Master Buddha: The Iconic Worship of Yakushi in Heian Japan
By Yui Suzuki
- source : books.google.co.jp


. Legends about Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 / 薬師様 / 薬師さん .

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

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