. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
Koyakushizoo 香薬師像 Koyakushi-Zo Statue, Ko-Yakushi
at 新薬師寺 the Shin-Yakushiji temple, Nara

香薬師像の右手 失われたみほとけの行方
貴田正子 Kida Masako
Koyakushizo was a gilded wooden statue of the 白鳳 Hakuho period, and 国宝 a National Treasure.
It was so beautiful everyone thought it was of pure gold
So it was stolen twice in the Meiji period.
The first thief fell on his way out of the temple and the hand broke off. Then he realized it was only a wooden piece and left the hand behind.
The statue was found and brought back for repair.
Then it was stolen again . . . and brought back for repair.
Then it was stolen a third time in 1943, this time it was not found.
It was later removed from the list of National Treasures.
Kida Masako spent many years in search of the statue and has written a book about it.
It reads like a mystery novel, but it is all real.
Her story was even featured on TV.

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- source : amazon.co.jp...


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Shakadoo 釈迦堂 Shaka Hall
The Shaka Hall was newly built in 1976 in order to enshrine the Buddhist statue of “Hakuho Shakanyorai Izo (Hakuhobutsu)” that is a National Important Cultural Property in Japan.
The statue of “Hakuho Shakanyorai Izo” is a Buddhist image that was created in the Hakuho period (673 – 686): the time classification of Japanese art history, such as in the late Asuka era (592 – 710).
It was the principal image of the Jindaiji temple when it was established.

... Also, it is a biggest as a gilt bronze statue of the Buddha in Japan: the sitting height is 60.6cm and the height is 83.5cm.
... The baby face and the line connected to the nose from the eyebrow represents the features of the Hakuho period.
Unfortunately, the gold leaf on the statue that was used to be was destroyed by fire.
We can see the similar expression in the statues of "Koyakushi-zo" at Shinyakushiji temple
and the statue of “Yumetagai Kannnon-zo” at Horyuji temple in Nara district.
These three Buddhist statues represent this era and are called “Three Hakuho Buddhist statues”.
- source : guidoor.jp/en/spot/chofu... -
. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .
. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 Bhaisajyaguru .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
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