
Dantokubo Tengu

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

Dantokuboo 檀特坊 / 壇特坊 Dantokubo, Dantoku-Bo
アマノイワフネダントクボウ / 天岩船壇特坊 Amanoiwafune Dantokubo

He is one of the
. 四十八天狗 48 Tengu of Japan .

He is mentioned in a script named Tengukyoo 天狗経 Tengu Sutra
of the 祈祷秘教.
His whereabouts are not clear, but most probably he is from
大阪府 田原村 Osaka, Tawaramura village
at 田原村の岩船神祠 the Iwabune Shrine.

田原村石船山 Tawara Iwabuneyama at 河内国河上哮峯 Kawachi no Kuni, Takerugamine


Amanoiwafune Ama no Iwafune, Ame no Iwafune
天の岩船 / 和の斎船 / 天の磐船 / あまのいわふね / アマノイワフネ
- reference : 天岩船 -

According to Nihon Shoki 日本書紀 Chronicles of Japan, it is a boat made of stone that came flown down from the sky. It carried the deity 櫛玉饒速日命 Kushitama Nigihayahi no Mikoto (櫛玉饒速日 Kushitama Nigihayahi).
the deity 天火明命 Ama no Honoakari no Mikoto (鐃速日命).
He is the child of 天忍穂耳尊 Ama no Oshihomimi no Mikoto. Ancestor deity 尾張連 Owari no Muraji.

it is a stone boat that floats on the Amanogawa 天の川 "River of Heaven", the Milky Way

- quote
According to Nihongi, one of three kami born to Konohana no Sakuyahime after spending a single night cohabiting with Ninigi.
Honoakari is claimed as the first ancestor of the clan called Owari no Muraji, but differing birth orders are described in the various traditions transmitted by Nihongi. According to Kojiki and two of the "alternate writing" traditions related by Nihongi, Honoakari was the first offspring born to Amenooshihomimi and Yorozuhatahime (daughter of Takamimusuhi), while the second son was Ninigi.
Kojiki and an "alternate writing" transmitted by Nihongi state that the kami's name was Amenohoakari no mikoto, and Nihongi tradition goes on to claim that the offspring of this kami, Amanokaguyama, was remote ancestor of the Owari no Muraji.

Another "alternate writing" in Nihongi likewise gives the name Amaterukuniteruhiko Hoakari as remote ancestor of the Owari no Muraji.
The Shinsen shōjiroku provides the names of two kami, Honoakari no mikoto and Amenohoakari no mikoto, and since the two are associated with differing lineages, it would appear that the tradition includes two separate kami with similar names.
- source : Nishioka Kazuhiko, Kokugakuin 2005

Iwafune Jinja 磐船神社
大阪府交野市私市9丁目19-1 / Osaka, Katano, 19-1 Kisaichi 9 Chome

The main object of veneration is a huge stone boulder
Ame no Iwafune 天の磐船 (あめのいわふね)
The boulder is about 12 meters long and 12 meters high.
There is no "main shrine", since Stone is the deity. In front of the stone is a small sanctuary for prayers.

The Deity related to this place is Nigihayashi no Mikoto, grandchild of Amaterasu. The deity used a boat to come down to earth, and the boat then turned into this boulder. Amaterasu had ordered him to rule Japan, then called Nakatsu no Kuni in Toyoashihara (now Nara).

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神社の起源は不明であるが、天照国照彦天火明奇玉神饒速日尊(あまてるくにてるひこあめのほあかりくしたまにぎはやひのみこと = 饒速日命)が天の磐船に乗って河内国河上の Takerutamine in Kawachi 哮ヶ峯(たけるがみね)に降臨されたとの伝承がある。 交野に勢力を保っていた肩野物部氏という物部氏傍系一族の氏神であり、一族が深く関わっていたといわれている。
This boulder has been the subject of reverence of the 山岳信仰 mountain faith and 住吉信仰 Sumiyoshi faith and also relates to Buddhist deities 神仏習合.
There was a small road for the pilgrims
磐船街道 Iwafune Kaido.
- reference source : wikipedia -


Tengukyoo 天狗経 Tengu Kyo, Tengu Sutra

A Sutra recited by the Shugendo priests. It is known since the Muromachi period.
It contains the names of 48 Tengu.
Altogether there are 十二万五千五百 125500 Tengu in Japan.

on aromaya tengu sumanki sowaka, on hirahiraken, hirakennou sowaka

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- reference source : jomon.org/jisho -

This was the "Tengu scripture" of the "Secret Mantra Prayer".
Tokyo Ravens Volume 6 : Chapter 5: Competition of Magic
- source : wattpad.com -


Tengukyo Sutra of the Edo period
Lists 48 Tengu. The most important one is from the Shugendo line of Shikoku, 石鎚山 Ishizuchisan (Ishitsuchizan) in Ehime. Its most important Shugendo priest is En no Gyoja.
Hookiboo 石鎚山法起坊 Hokibo

. Hokibo 石槌山法起坊 - Ishizuchizan
- Ishizuchiyama, Ehime

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それは、役行者だったのです。 いしづちさん
- reference source : makild.exblog.jp -


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. 四十八天狗 - 48 famous Tengu of Japan .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #dantokubo #amanoiwafune -




Zenkibo Tengu

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

Zenkiboo Zenkibō 前鬼坊 Zenkibo, Zenki-Bo
那智滝本前鬼坊 Nachi no Takimoto Zenkibo
大峰山前鬼坊 Ominesan Zenki-Bo

CLICK for more information

役行者 En no Gyoja is usually flanked by a couple of two demons,
the husband Zenki 前鬼 and his wife Goki 後鬼

These demons promised En no Gyoja, a Shugendo priest at Mount Ominesan in Nara, to protect the pilgrims of the area. They had five children, whose families in the x-th generation up to this day have five mountain huts where the pilgrims can rest during their walk from Oomine to Kumano.
The family business is going on for more than 1300 years now. Gokijo 後鬼助 san, in the 61 generation, lives in Osaka now and comes back every weekend and holidays to take care of the pilgrims.

I have written more about En no Gyoja and Yoshino here:
. Yoshinoyama - 吉野山 Yoshino Mountains - .

Zenki 前鬼 and Goki 後鬼
The following names were given to them by En no Gyoja after he had saved them from their demon ways
and turned them into good souls are:

Zendooki 善童鬼(ぜんどうき) Zendoki / 義覚/ 義学 Gikaku - Gigaku
Myoodooki 妙童鬼(みょうどうき)Myodoki / 義玄 Gigen

Zenki was born in 奈良県吉野郡下北山村 Shimokitayama village in Yoshino. - - 前鬼の里 Zenki no Sato.
Zenki represents the positive 陽 YO aspect and is depicted as a red oni 鬼 demon holding an iron ax 鉄斧. He used to walk in front of En no Gyoja and hacked the path free.
He is also depicted with a kind of straw rucksack 笈.

His wife Goki was born in 奈良県吉野郡天川村 Tengawa villge in Yoshino.
represents the negative 陰 IN aspect and is depicted as a blue/green demon.
She holds a flask with ritual water 理水 and carries a rucksack with seeds.

Together they symbolize 陰陽 the Yin and Yang of things, or the A-Un 阿吽, Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end of all things.

Their five children are - - - 真義、義継、義上、義達 and 義元.

. oni no shison 鬼の子孫 / onisuji 鬼筋 - descendants of Oni .
The five Oni children : (五鬼 goki)
五鬼助(ごきじょ)Gokijo, 五鬼継(ごきつぐ)Gokitsugu, 五鬼上(ごきじょう) Gokijo,、五鬼童(ごきどう)Gokido,


奈良・大峰山の鬼たち The Demons from Omine, Nara

- reference source : toki.moo.jp/gaten -


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Mount Ōmine - 大峰山 Ōmine-san
a sacred mountain in Nara, Japan, famous for its three tests of courage.
Officially known as Mount Sanjō (山上ヶ岳 Sanjō-ga-take),
it is more popularly known as Mount Ōmine due to its prominence in the Ōmine mountain range. It is located in Yoshino-Kumano National Park in the Kansai region, Honshū, Japan.
The temple Ōminesanji,
located at the top of the mountain, is the headquarters of the Shugendō sect of Japanese Buddhism and the entire mountain is part of a pilgrimage and training ground for the yamabushi.
The monastery at Mount Ōmine
was founded in the 8th century by En no Gyōja, as a home for his new religion of Shugendō. Shugendo literally means "the path of training and testing," and is based on the self-actualization of spiritual power in experiential form through challenging and rigorous ritualistic tests of courage and devotion known as shugyo.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Since 1788, a Sake brewery in Nara produces rice wine in their memory.
- reference source : komesou.com/nihonnsyu/syoujou -


source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/teravist

- reference : 前鬼坊 -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

............................................................................... Nara 奈良県

En no Gyoja met a couple of Oni who were eating humans. He asked them not to do that any more but they did not listen to him. He hid in a cave but they wanted to give him human flesh to eat even there.
Now 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O comes along and pressured the couple not to eat humans any more. Now they promised to change their ways.
Zenki went to 洞川 Dorogawa (now a famous hot spring), and Goki went to 十津川 Totsukawa .

御所市 Gose
Zenki and Goki once lived on 葛城山 Mount Katsuragisan and together with the Deity 一言主神 Hitokotonushi they were strong leaders of the region.
. the Deity Hitokotonushi 一言主 .

大峯山 Ominesan
In some parts of the Omine region, the forest people are called 笈 oi : 前笈 and 後笈.
oi is a kind of rucksack, made of wood or bamboo in former times.
They villagers are very strong and robust and carry the luggage of visitors. They look almost like Oni and some say they are the descendants of Zenki and Goki.

鬼取町 Onitori / 生駒郡 Ikoma
At 生駒山 Mount Ikomasan、En no Gyoja had a dream given to him by 孔雀明 Kujaku Myo-O.
He should capture the two Oni from the foot of Ikomasan and turn them into decent beings. He stayed in prayer for 21 days and on the last day, with 不動緊縛の法 a special ritual of Fudo Myo-O he could capture them.
So the Oni cut off their hair and became the pious disciples of En no Gyoja.

The mountain is now called Onitorisan 鬼取山 "Mountain of capturing the Demons",
and the village is still called that way, 鬼取 Onitori.

At the temple 髪切山慈光寺 Kamikiriyama, Jiko-Ji, masks of the Red and Green Oni are kept in honor and rituals are held.
During the annual festival, these two masks are worn by specially elected men and lead a parade through the region.
Kamikiriyama means "the mountain where they cut off their hair".

- reference source : geocities.jp/iko_kan2/ikoma-oni -

CLICK for more photos !

信貴山 Shigisan
When En no Gyoja practised austerities at Mount Shigisan in 673, there was a couple of huge demons of more than three meters high with long fangs. But En no Gyoja subdued them and took away their supernatural powers.
They begun to take care of him and help him in his life as Zenki and Goki.

天川村 Tenkawa
At the home of the 柿阪秀元氏 Kakisaka Hidemoto family, on the eve of the Setsubun ritual in spring, they place ritual water at the entrance and prepare a special seat for the Oni to take a rest.
They do not pierce the head of a sardine (a custom to drive away the Oni), and they call
"Fuku wa Uchi, Oni wa Uchi" May good luck come in, may the Demon come in!
The family is said to have Zenki and Goki as their ancestors.

. setsubun 節分 "the seasonal divide" .
Usually people call:
fuku wa uchi 福は内(ふくはうち)"Good luck, come in!"
oni wa soto 鬼は外(おにはそと)"Demons, get out! "

. Setsubun - 「鬼は内」Oni wa Uchi ! .

吉野 Yoshino 
En no Gyôja journeyed to the Mino'o Waterfall in Osaka, where he met the Bodhisattva Ryûju. He erected a temple to Ryûju called Mino'o Temple
Then he tried to convince the local Shinto deity, Hitokotonushi, to help him build a 石橋 stone bridge extending from Mt. Katsuragi to Mt. Yoshino.
Hitokotonushi only worked during the night and hid his face during the daytime. Thus En no Gyoja became angry at the slow pace of the god's work, and threw him into a valley. The angry god then petitioned the emperor to send armies after En no Gyôja, to arrest him, claiming that the monk sought to rebel against the throne. Gyôja escaped the armies easily, flying away on his clouds, but, after they captured his mother instead, he was forced to surrender himself.
He was exiled to Izu Ôshima, but escaped his exile, flying to Mt. Fuji. .....
- reference : wiki.samurai-archives.com -

大和葛城山久米の岩橋伝説 - The Legend of the Stone Bridge at Kume, Katsuragisan
- reference source : toki.moo.jp/gaten -

There is also a river called 前鬼川 Zenkigawa and the Fudo Nanae waterfall 不動七重滝.
- reference and photos : riko.naturum.ne.jp -

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Fudo Nanae Fall
was chosen as one of the 100 most beautiful waterfalls of Japan. Fed by the Zenkigawa River, water cascades down in seven stages, falling 100m from the top to the bottom and providing a majestic natural view.
Early summer and fall are especially good seasons to see the picturesque beauty of the scenery.
- source : pref.nara.jp/nara_e -

............................................................................... Osaka 大阪府
箕面市 Mino

On 摂津の箕面山 mount Minosan in Settsu (Hyogo) there lived a couple of Oni.
The husband had red eyes and the wife a yellow mouth. They had five children. They grabbed human children and ate them. To change their ways, En no Gyoja banned the youngest of their children in a cave. The parents came to En no Gyoja and asked him where their child was. They would never eat human children again if he would let them have the kid back.
Finally he told them were it was and all of them left the region.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

shitakusa o nagi-yuku zenki goki no ei

cutting the thicket
as they go along - descendants
of Zenki and Goki

右城暮石 Ushiro Boseki (1899 - 1995)








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. 四十八天狗 - 48 famous Tengu of Japan .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #zenkibo #zenkigoki -




Seikobo Tengu Daisen Tottori

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

Seikooboo 清光坊 Seikobo, Seiko-Bo
Hookiboo, Hōkibō 伯耆坊 Hokibo, Hoki-Bo
伯耆大山清光坊 Hoki Daisen Seiko-Bo

. Visiting Mount Daisen .
- Introduction -

Mount Daisen (大山, Daisen), is a volcanic mountain located in Tottori Prefecture, Japan. It has an elevation of 1,729 meters.
... one of the most important mountain for Japanese Shugendo. According to ‘Izumo Kokudo Fudoki, which was completed the edition in 733, this mountain was called ‘Ookamitake’’, literally, ‘Mountain of the great god.’

for 相模坊 Sagamibo, Saganbo see below.

- quote
Mt. Daisen in Tottori Prefecture lays many claims to fame in the region, but none has inspired more myths and folk stories than that of the legendary karasu tengu. Said to be part human, part crow, often giant in size, these supernatural beings inhabited the sacred slopes and peaks of Mt. Daisen, at that time off limits to all but monks and religious ascetics.
- photo -
These beings were believed to be intermediaries, go-betweens of the human and spirit worlds. In addition to their inter-dimensional powers, they were masters of all human martial arts who delighted in combat. Some speculate their legend was invented by the hermits who inhabited the mountain, in hopes it would scare away trespassers. Others posit that the supposed tengu were actually the strange ascetics who wandered the mountain themselves. Regardless, tales of these fearsome goblins resonated with anyone traveling the shadowy mountain roads after dark.

(credit: Photography by Shiho Oshita)

Today, a giant karasu tengu statue stands in Daisen Town, near Hira village. Rising high above the surrounding fields, it stands as a reminder of Mt. Daisen’s sacred past, and the guardians who protected its snowy secrets.
- source : karasumagazine.com/ - Benny Shouga


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... higher ranked Tengu–Daitengu (大天狗). ... here are only 17 Daitengu,
All the Daitengu possess superior intellect, and whether to the ire or to the honor of the locale (attitudes towards Tengu and whether they are good or bad vary from era to era), they have specific areas they inhabit.

The 7th of these 17 is Hōkibō (伯耆坊),
who resides on Mt. Daisen, the highest mountain of the San’in region.
One of the local famous wagashi (Japanese confectionary) producers in Matsue, Saiundo, has a signature sweet named after the local Daitengu. The Hōkibō sweet has sugar and slightly chunky red beans on the outside with a layer of soft mochi on the inside, and is based off the shape of his fan, as illustrated below.

Hōkibō has generally been looked upon favorably by the locals in Tottori, but according to Edo period records, he moved to Mt. Ōyama in Kanagawa to oversee the flocks of Tengu there due to a Daitengu vacancy left after Sagamibō left to comfort a banished emperor. Hōkibō’s name still reflects his original home, seeing as Mt. Daisen is in the old Hōki Province. He also still makes appearances in Daisen Town’s parade of characters in historical costumes.

You know the funny thing about Mt. Daisen and Mt. Ōyama?
They’re both written 大山 (quite literally, “big mountain”).

Seeing as he is often mentioned when the Top Eight of the Daitengu are cooperating in something, such as–under the leadership of the top ranked Daitengu, Sōjōbō of Mt. Kurama near Kyoto–watching over a young orphan of the Genji clan who would eventually grow up to demolish the oppressive Heike clan, as well as be one half of Japan’s most legendary of dynamic duos. It just so happens the other half of that duo was born and raised here in the San’in region, and trained on Mt. Daisen!

This is an ukiyo-e by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi,
one of the last great ukiyo-e artists, although he was known for some rather grotesque subject matter.
Hōkibō is taking Benkei down by his leg, while Sōjōbō sits back and watches with Ushiwaka.

... This is just one interpretation of the famous meeting on Gojo Bridge in Kyoto between Yoshitsune (or Ushiwaka, his childhood name he still used at the time) and Benkei. In general, the start of their story is that Benkei was a powerful naginata user and beat everyone up, but when he was beaten by young Yoshitsune, he swore fealty to him, and this was the start of their semi-historical, semi-fantastical adventures. Their story has been continually expanded upon in literature for hundreds of years with some basic running themes, such as how Yoshitsune trained with Sōjōbō on Mt. Kurama before meeting Benkei. There are many, many stories of young Benkei (called Oniwaka) here in the San’in region, such as how his mother had cravings for iron when she was pregnant with him, so he was born with a black face and strong as iron, but that’s for another time.
- source : saninstory.wordpress.com -


Mount Daisensan is very spectacular and sometimes called
伯耆富士 Mount Fuji of the Hoki region

Visiting Yonago Flower Park in 2007


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Ishizuchi Shinkō 石鎚山信仰
Beliefs and practices related to Mt Ishizuchi (1982 m.) in Ehime Prefecture,
Further beyond these places is the most important ritual site, the chain ascent in three places, called Kusari Zenjō, which practitioners scale to reach the summit. From the shrine there, Okunimoya Chōjōsha, the route goes through Raigōdani, the uragyōba (rear practice site), to the highest peak,
Tengudake, associated with a tengu (mountain goblin) called Hōkibō.
- source : - kokugakuin - Suzuki Masataka


- source : blog.goo.ne.jp/humon007 -
大山 「圓流院」の水木しげる Oyama / Daisen by Mizuki Shigeru

- - - - - Homepage of 円流院 Enyu-In Tottori
- reference : cms.top-page.jp/p/enryuin -


Tengu no yama utsuri 天狗の山移り
How a Tengu moved from one mountain to another

- reference source : toki.moo.jp/gaten -

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Saganboo, Saganbō or Sagamibō 相模坊; also known as
Saganbō Daigongen 相模坊大権現;

the tengu of Mt. Shiromine 白峯山 in Sanuki 讃岐 (present-day Kagawa prefecture).
- source : Mark Schumacher -

Kanagawa 神奈川県 and Kagawa 香川県 
Tengu from 相模大山 Sagami Oyama
Mount Oyama in Tanzawa is famous for the Tengu mountain goblins. The boss of all Tengu is Hoki-Bo.
During the Muromachi period, he came to Tazawa from Mount Hoki Daisen ( 伯耆大山 Daisen) in Hoki / Tottori, since during the wars of that time, the temple ad Mount Daisen, 大仙寺, had been destroyed.
At Mount Oyama, there is the shrine 阿夫利神社 Afuri Jinja, and at its side there is now a stone memorial and hokora for Hokibo.

At Sagami Oyama there lived another Tengu already, 相模坊 Sagami Bo.
Sagami Bo once wanted to console retired emperor 崇徳院 Sutoku-In in his exile in Sanuki (at the end of the Heian period, around 1156)) and had been exiled himself to Kagawa.

. Tengu 天狗 from 相模大山 Sagami Oyama .

. 相模坊は相撲が好き Saganbo liked to practise Sumo .


坂出の天狗まつり Saganbo Tengu Festival
in Sakaide. Kagawa 坂出香川県

The festival is centered on Saganbo Tengu, a long-nosed goblin from Mount Shiramine near Sakaide that appears in many ancient Japanese folktales. The main events such as the Tengu Walk, Tengu Bazaar and Tengu Kite-Flying Contest focus on this theme. The Tengu Marathons (15km and 5km) are particularly popular, and they attract participants from all over the nation because of the scenic view of the Seto Inland Sea and Seto Ohashi Bridge.
Bowls of udon (hot wheat noodles) with ten no gu (ten kinds of ingredients) are available at every festival site.

Even a Tengu Marathon Walk on high wooden clogs.

Date: 2nd weekend in February
Place: Saganbo, Oyabu-cho, Sakaide City; Hayashida

天狗うどん作り How to make Tengu Udon Noodles


source : nichibun.ac.jp/YoukaiGazouCard

His skin color is green/blue and his hair hangs down to the shoulders. He wears a 頭襟 Yamabushi Tokin on his head. His mouth has a beak like a bird. He wears a 袴 Hakama trouser-skirt. He has large brown wings.


- reference : tottori Daisen tengu -


. - - - Join my Tengupedia friends on facebook ! - - - .


. 四十八天狗 - 48 famous Tengu of Japan .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #seikobo #daisentengu #tottoritengu #Hokibo #sagamibo -




Buzenbo Tengu

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

Buzenboo, Buzenbō 豊前坊 Buzenbo, Buzen-Bo Tengu
彦山豊前坊 - Hikozan Buzenbo, Fukuoka

. Hikosan 英彦山 / 彦山 Hikosan Shrines, Fukuoka and Oita .
英彦山 ひこさん - the old spelling is 彦山.
The main deity of the mountain is Hikosan Gongen 彦山権現.
Hikosan shinkō 英彦山信仰 Beliefs and practices associated with Mt Hiko
The shrine-temple complex known as Hikosan Gongen became Hikosan Shrine, the Buzenbō became Takanushi Shrine, and Hannyakutsu became Tamaya Shrine.
Gongen of the Twelve Places (Hikosan jūnisho gongen)
wakudo iwa わくど岩 the Frog Rock

Buzenbo is a shrine hall on the north-east side of Mount Hiko.
豊前坊 高住神社

tochi no mi no tsubute oroshi ya Buzenboo

chestnuts fall
like stones blown by the strong wind -
Buzenbo Hall

. Sugita Hisajo 杉田久女 .
Hisajo liked the area and even climbed to the peak of the mountain.

There is a large chestnut tree near this memorial stone.

Hikosan no garagara 英彦山のガラガラ
clay bell clapper against insects

They are a kind of clay bell (Hikosan dorei 英彦山土鈴), said to be the oldest ones used by the Shugendo ascetics.

Some even had a Tengu goblin mask on the bell.

There are three famous HIKO mountains 彦山 in Japan:

Formerly "Hiko" was written with the characters 日子, meaning "child of the sun"; in the first half of the ninth century, during the reign of the Emperor Saga, it was changed to the single character 彦, and then again to 英彦, its present designation, in 1729, at the order of the Retired Emperor Reigen. According to the Kamakura-period Hikosan ruki, the Gongen of the Three Places of Mt Hiko (Hikosan sansho gongen) was composed of Mt Zokutai in the south (Shaka), Mt Hottai in the north (Amida) and Mt Nyotai in the center (Thousand-armed Kannon).

. Hikosan Jinja 英彦山神社 .
Hikosan is the second highest mountain in Fukuoka.


source : nichibun.ac.jp/YoukaiGazou



- quote -
- source : fushigi-chikara.jp/sonota -


- quote -
- Read the longer explanation here:
- source : toki.moo.jp/gaten -


- source : Kazuto facebook -


- quote
The Momoyama period daimyo 大名 Kobayakawa Takakage 小早川隆景 (1532-90)
supposedly held dialogues with the tengu king Buzenbou 豊前坊 (Buzenbo) on Mt. Hiko 彦.
The Tengu of Mout Hiko appears out of the mist to enlighten the swordsman Kobayakawa Takakage, in this print by Yoshitoshi.

(Print featured at the Yoshitoshi Ukiyo-e Web Gallery in the Ghost Series).

Says Goodin:
“What I found most interesting was that the scene was shown from the tengu's perspective, that is, from his side of the mist. Through breaks in the mist, Kobayakawa can be seen sitting composed ready to receive the tengu's message while his men recoil in fear.”
- source : Mark Schumacher

Kobayakawa Takakage 小早川 隆景 (1533 – July 26, 1597)
a samurai retainer of Toyotomi Hideyoshi during Japan's Sengoku period, and the son of Mōri Motonari. Adopted by the head of the Kobayakawa clan, Takakage took his name, and succeeded his adoptive father to become head of the Kobayakawa clan following his death in 1545.
As head of the Kobayakawa clan, he expanded the clan's territory in the Chūgoku region (western Honshū), and fought for the Mōri clan in all their campaigns; for a time, he also opposed both the great warlords Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi. He later swore loyalty to Hideyoshi, however, and entered his service; he was then awarded domains in Iyo Province on Shikoku and Chikuzen Province on Kyūshū, totalling 350,000 koku.
Takakage took part in Hideyoshi's invasions of Shikoku, Kyūshū, and Korea, and adopted Kobayakawa Hideaki, formerly an adopted son of Hideyoshi, and named him successor to the clan.
- source : wikipedia -


¨天狗部隊¨を紹介致します- 航空自衛隊 築城基地
- Look at airplanes with this Tengu in Fukuoka
- reference : minkara.carview.co.jp -


. . . CLICK here for Photos - 豊前坊 !
- reference : buzenbo tengu -


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. 四十八天狗 - 48 famous Tengu of Japan .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #buzenbo #buzenbotengu #hikozan #hikosan #fukuoka -




Saburo Tengu Iizuna

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

Saburoo, Saburō 三郎天狗 Saburo Tengu
飯綱三郎天狗 Izuna Saburo Tengu

He is quite popular and represented in many illustrations.
He lives on Mount Iizunayama 飯砂山 / 飯綱山 in Nagano.
Also known as Iizuna Gongen 飯綱権現 he is worshiped at many mountains.
Izuna Gongen is depicted as a beaked, winged figure with snakes wrapped around his limbs, surrounded by a halo of flame, riding on the back of a fox and brandishing a sword.
- quote wikipedia -

CLICK for more photos !

- quote
Mount Iizuna (飯縄山 Iizuna-yama),
also known as Mount Izuna (飯綱山 Izuna-yama), is a mountain located ten kilometers north-northwest of the heart of Nagano, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. Together with Mount Reisenji (霊仙寺山 Resenji-yama?), Mount Menō (瑪瑙山 Menō-yama), and others, it forms the Iizuna range. It has an elevation of 1,917 metres.

This mountain is a sacred site for mountain-based religious sects such as Shugendo, and said to be the home of a tengu named Saburō. According to legend, there was once a strange, edible sand somewhere on the mountain, which the tengu would distribute in times of poor harvest.
- source : wikipedia

. Iizuna Gongen, Izuna no Gongen 飯網の権現 .
- Introduction -
This is an incarnation of the Fox Deity, Inari. People pray to him for a bountiful harvest and good luck in business. He looks like a Tengu, a long-nosed goblin.
Some Yamabushi sects thin Iizuna (Izuna) is the original Japanese form (honji) of Fudo Myo-0, especially at Mt. Takao near Tokyo.

Iizuna Daigongen 飯縄大権現 Izuna Daigongen
. Mount Takao, 薬王院 Yakuo-In .


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Tengu Saburō 天狗三郎 of Mt. Iizuna 飯綱山 in Nagano Prefecture. Also known as Izuna Gongen 飯網権現, Izuna Saburō, Mishima Daimyōgi, Izuna Myōjin, Daitengu Saburō, Izuna-Atago, Akiba Gongen, Sanshakubō Gongen, Akiba Daitengu. The Izuna cult is first mentioned in the Kamakura-era text Asabashō 阿婆縛抄 (1279) and associated with Togakushi Temple 戸隠神社 in Nagano prefecture. Izuna Gongen is also enshrined at Yakuōin Temple 薬王院 on Mt. Takao 高尾山 (in Hachiōji, Tokyo). Typically depicted in artwork as a Tengu riding atop a white fox.
Dōryō Gongen 道了権現 at the temple Saijo-ji.

Izuna Saburō Tengu 飯綱三郎天狗 (aka Daimyō Tengu Izuna Saburō 大妙天狗飯綱三郎, Izunasan Gongen 伊豆山権現, or Hashiriyu Gongen 走湯権現) is the guardian deity of sacred Mt. Izusan 伊豆山 (a Shugendō site from around the Kamakura period) said to reside at a hot spring on Izusan in Shizuoka prefecture. Over time the deity was linked with Hakone Gongen 箱根権現 and Kōrai Gongen 高麗権現 -- the three are considered one and the same.
In the Meiji period, when Buddhism and Shintōism were forcibly separated by the government, Izusan became a holy Shintō site and many of its Buddhist treasures were lost or scattered. Izusan Gongen is the Shintō manifestation of the Buddhist deity Senju Kannon 千手観音 (1000-armed Kannon).

Iconographically, Izuna Gongen is usually depicted in the form of a tengu [a mythical winged demon with long nose believed to live deep in the mountains], and riding upon a white fox, a depiction resembling that of the deity Akiba Gongen [Sanshaku Gongen]. Sanjakubō (三尺坊) of Mount Akiba Since Akiba Gongen is also believed to have originated in the Mt. Izuna and Togakushi area, the two deities are obviously closely related. Since the Buddhist counterpart (honji or "original essence"; see honji suijaku) of Izuna Gongen is said to be the bodhisattva Jizō (Sk. Ksitigarbha), the cult displays a mutual influence with the Atago cult (which involved an amalgamation with Shōgun Jizō or "Jizō of victory"). As a result, the deities are often referred to by the conjoined name Izuna-Atago.

The cult of Tengu Saburō is first mentioned in the Kamakura-era text Asabashō 阿婆縛抄 (1279), and Akibasan Sanshakubō 秋葉山三尺坊 (Nagano),
- - - - - - Continue reading
- source : Mark Schumacher -


source : blog.goo.ne.jp/yorezo/e
飯綱三郎(イイヅナ サブロウ) Iizuna Saburo

- - - - - and more photos from
飯縄神社 Iizuna Jinja


- quote -
Izuna Gongen
A kami worshiped by practitioners of the Izuna shugen cult. Also called Izuna Myōjin, this kami is enshrined in the Izuna Shrine at the summit of Mt. Izuna in the district of Kamiminochi, Nagano Prefecture. The Izuna cult first appears historically in the second part of the Kamakura-period work Asaba- shō (1279), where the name of Mount Izuna is seen in the legendary origins of the temple Togakushi-dera. Based on this entry, the cult is believed to have first spread among ascetic practitioners (shugen) at Togakushi. Later, however, the cult became increasingly independent in the form of Izuna shugen, and in the Muromachi period it was led by a famous pilgrim guide (sendatsu) named Sennichi Tayū.

Iconographically, Izuna Gongen is usually depicted in a form resembling that of a tengu (a mythical winged demon with long nose believed to live deep in the mountains), and riding upon a white fox, a depiction resembling that of the deity Akiba Gongen (Sanshaku Gongen). Since Akiba Gongen is also believed to have originated in the Mt. Izuna and Togakushi area, the two deities are obviously closely related. Since the Buddhist counterpart (honji or "original essence"; see honji suijaku) of Izuna Gongen is said to be the bodhisattva Jizō (Sk. Ksitigarbha), the cult displays a mutual influence with the Atago cult (which involved an amalgamation with Shōgun Jizō or "Jizō of victory"). As a result, the deities are often referred to by the conjoined name Izuna-Atago.

The Izuna cult also underwent combination from an early period with the cult of the Buddhist deity Dakini (Sk. Dakini), and a kind of magical technique was adopted from the medieval period involving the use of foxes as spirit familiars. This belief spread even among members of the court and warriors; the deputy shogun Hosokawa Masamoto (1466-1507) was known to have practiced the Izuna-Atago techniques (ref., Ashikaga kiseiki, Jūhen Ōninki), and the imperial regent Kujō Tanemichi (1509-1097) is likewise said to have studied Izuna practices (ref., Matsunaga Teitoku, Taionki). Such practices involving on the control of spirit familiars of foxes (kitsune tsukai) later came to be called izuna tsukai.

The Izuna cult came to be associated with military arts as well, and Takeda Shingen and Uesugi Kenshin are known to have shown strong devotion to Izuna Gongen as a martial tutelary. The school of Japanese fencing called Shintō Munenryū is also said to have originated at Mt. Izuna. In addition to Mt. Izuna in Nagano, Izuna Gongen can be found enshrined at Yakuōin on Mt. Takao (in Hachiōji, Tokyo), Hinagadake in Gifu, and Mt. Izuna in Sendai. The Izuna Gongen of Sendai goes by the name Izuna Saburō, and is particularly well known as one of the "three tengū of Japan."
Some scholars have suggested that belief in this tengu was responsible for the Izuna cult.
- reference source : Kokugakuin - Ito Satoshi -

. Dakini Ten 荼枳尼天 Vajra Daakini.


Tengu no mugimeshi 天狗の麦飯 boiled barley and rice of the Tengu

- quote -
Untersuchungen über “Tengu-no-Mugimeshi”,
ein in der Natur massenhaft auftretendes, aus einem Kapselbacterium und einigen anderen Mikroorganismen bestehendes Klümpchen.

Bearbeitet von T. KAWAMURA nach den vom verewigt. Verf. hinterlassenen Handschriften
Naoye Ono
- source : jstage.jst.go.jp/article -

source : toki.moo.jp/gaten/651-700/gate669

北信・飯縄山の天狗の麦飯 Tengu from Iizunayama having lunch eating rice with barley.
The origin of the word Iizuna is 飯砂 "cooked rice sand".
It is also called 、飯粒・飯砂・餓鬼の飯, rice for the demons.
The Tengu use a ritual called 「飯縄の法」 to prepare food for themselves and the humans.

テングノムギメシ(天狗の麦飯)Tengu no Mugimeshi
... from 10 different kinds of moss
10種類程度の真正細菌の集合体で、Ktedonobacteria 綱 Ktedonobacterales 目、γ-proteobacteria 綱 Ellin307/WD2124、α-proteobacteria 綱 Beijerinckiaceae/Methylocystaceae,Acidobacteria 門 subdiv. など
- reference : wikipedia -


. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .

kamikaze ya meshi o hori-dasu aki no yama

divine wind--
digging up moss
on the autumn mountain

Literally, kamikaze refers to a "providential wind," the "wind of the gods." Long after Issa's time, the word was used to describe suicide planes packed with explosives that pilots flew into enemy ships.
According to Kazuhiko Maruyama in his edition of Shichiban nikki (Tokyo: Iwanami, 2.440), Issa is referring to tengu no mugimeshi ("Tengu's boiled barley and rice"): a kind of moss grows in volcanic soil.
Tr. and comment : David Lanoue

tengu shu wa rusu zo seidase hototogisu

the goblins are gone
so get to work!

Tengu are fierce-looking, red-faced, and long-nosed creatures.
In other haiku Issa warns birds to beware of "human goblins" (hito oni). Perhaps then the goblins who have departed are people, perhaps bird hunters.
Tr. and comment : David Lanoue

tengu wa doko nite uchiwa-zukai kana

wind-making goblin
where are you fanning
your fan?

Shinji Ogawa notes that this type of goblin is believed to have a fan with which he executes his supernatural power: to blow every thing away or to fly. Issa may be complaining about a breezeless, sultry summer day, or complaining about strong a strong wind. Either way, it's Tengu's fault.
Tr. and comment : David Lanoue


atatakaku tengu no mugimeshi tsunekikeru

矢島渚男 Yajima Nagisao (1935 - )


Tengu no suzuri iwa 天狗の硯岩 Inkstone rock of the Tengu
at Mount Iizunayama

. suzuri 硯 inkstone, ink stone .


. . . CLICK here for Photos !
- reference 三郎天狗 -


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. 四十八天狗 - 48 famous Tengu of Japan .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #saburotengu #iizuna #izunagongen -




Jirobo Tengu

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

Jirooboo, Jirōbō 次郎坊 / 二郎坊 Jirobo Tengu
- 比良の次郎坊 Hira no Jirobo / 比良治郎坊

Jiro is usually used as a name for the second son of a family.
So Jirobo is the younger brother of Taro, the eldest son:

. Tarooboo, Tarōbō 太郎坊 Tarobo, Taro-Bo .
- Introduction 愛宕山太郎坊 -

source : youkaitama.seesaa.net/article

Jirobo first lived at Mount Hieizan 比叡山 (see below) but was driven away from by priest Saicho and the stronger mountain priests and moved on to 比良山 Hirasan in Shiga.

Tarobo and Jirobo used to live at Mount 赤神山 Akagamiyama in Shiga.

source : blog.goo.ne.jp/dreamgogogo
太郎坊宮 Tarobo Aka Jinja 阿賀神社

Tarobo to cast a vow - gankake 願掛け天狗 

source : blog.goo.ne.jp/dreamgogogo


source : nichibun.ac.jp/YoukaiGazo

比良治郎坊 Hira Jirobo and  愛宕栄術太郎 Atago Taro 
by 一魁齋芳年(月岡芳年 Tsukioka Yoshitoshi )

- quote -
The Hira Mountains (比良山地 Hira-sanchi) are a mountain range to the west of Lake Biwa on the border of Shiga Prefecture and Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. The range runs 15 kilometers (9.3 mi) north to south. It is narrowest in the southern part of the range, running 3 kilometers (1.9 mi) east to west, and broadest at the northern part of the range, running 10 kilometers (6.2 mi) km east to west. The eastern side of the Hira Mountains looks steeply over Lake Biwa, while the western side of the range forms a gentler valley in Kyoto.
The three main peaks of the Hira Mountains are 武奈ヶ岳 Mount Bunagatake, the highest with an elevation of 1,214.4 meters (3,984 ft); 蓬莱山 Hōraisan, at 1,174 meters (3,852 ft), and 打見山 Mount Uchimiyama at 1,103 meters (3,619 ft).
The spring snow of the Hira Mountains is one of the Eight Views of Ōmi.
それ以南の蓬莱山・権現山の一帯を「南比良」、釈迦岳以北の岩阿沙利山・岳山の連なる標高500 - 700mの尾根を「リトル比良」と呼ぶことが多い。
- source : wikipedia -


. Hieizan, Hiei-zan 比叡山 Mount Hiei - Kyoto .
and priest Saicho, Dengyo Daishi 伝教大師最澄

Legend says a learned monk from Mount Hieizan turned into a 大天狗 Big Tengu, maybe with a long nose 鼻高天狗,
Hieizan Hooseiboo 比叡山法性坊 Hoseibo.

Soni 尊意 Priest Soni, Son-I
(866 - 940)

He was the 13th head priest of the Tendai sect.
He is also known as 梨本祖師 or 法性房 Hoseibo.
He was born in Omi no Kuni.
- reference : wikipedia -


僧正坊 Sojo-Bo, Sojobo from Kuramayama 鞍馬山 - Kurama Tengu
sometimes said Jirobo was the elder brother of the Kurama Tengu.


. 太郎坊の杉 Tarobo-no-sugi and Jirobo-no-sugi 次郎坊の杉. .
at 羽田神社 Hada Jinj in Miyagi 宮城県


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. 四十八天狗 - 48 famous Tengu of Japan .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

- #jirobo #jirooboo -

