. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .
Dantokuboo 檀特坊 / 壇特坊 Dantokubo, Dantoku-Bo
アマノイワフネダントクボウ / 天岩船壇特坊 Amanoiwafune Dantokubo
He is one of the
. 四十八天狗 48 Tengu of Japan .
He is mentioned in a script named Tengukyoo 天狗経 Tengu Sutra
of the 祈祷秘教.
His whereabouts are not clear, but most probably he is from
大阪府 田原村 Osaka, Tawaramura village
at 田原村の岩船神祠 the Iwabune Shrine.
田原村石船山 Tawara Iwabuneyama at 河内国河上哮峯 Kawachi no Kuni, Takerugamine
Amanoiwafune Ama no Iwafune, Ame no Iwafune
天の岩船 / 和の斎船 / 天の磐船 / あまのいわふね / アマノイワフネ
- reference : 天岩船 -
According to Nihon Shoki 日本書紀 Chronicles of Japan, it is a boat made of stone that came flown down from the sky. It carried the deity 櫛玉饒速日命 Kushitama Nigihayahi no Mikoto (櫛玉饒速日 Kushitama Nigihayahi).
the deity 天火明命 Ama no Honoakari no Mikoto (鐃速日命).
He is the child of 天忍穂耳尊 Ama no Oshihomimi no Mikoto. Ancestor deity 尾張連 Owari no Muraji.
it is a stone boat that floats on the Amanogawa 天の川 "River of Heaven", the Milky Way
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According to Nihongi, one of three kami born to Konohana no Sakuyahime after spending a single night cohabiting with Ninigi.
Honoakari is claimed as the first ancestor of the clan called Owari no Muraji, but differing birth orders are described in the various traditions transmitted by Nihongi. According to Kojiki and two of the "alternate writing" traditions related by Nihongi, Honoakari was the first offspring born to Amenooshihomimi and Yorozuhatahime (daughter of Takamimusuhi), while the second son was Ninigi.
Kojiki and an "alternate writing" transmitted by Nihongi state that the kami's name was Amenohoakari no mikoto, and Nihongi tradition goes on to claim that the offspring of this kami, Amanokaguyama, was remote ancestor of the Owari no Muraji.
Another "alternate writing" in Nihongi likewise gives the name Amaterukuniteruhiko Hoakari as remote ancestor of the Owari no Muraji.
The Shinsen shōjiroku provides the names of two kami, Honoakari no mikoto and Amenohoakari no mikoto, and since the two are associated with differing lineages, it would appear that the tradition includes two separate kami with similar names.
- source : Nishioka Kazuhiko, Kokugakuin 2005
Iwafune Jinja 磐船神社
大阪府交野市私市9丁目19-1 / Osaka, Katano, 19-1 Kisaichi 9 Chome
The main object of veneration is a huge stone boulder
Ame no Iwafune 天の磐船 (あめのいわふね)
The boulder is about 12 meters long and 12 meters high.
There is no "main shrine", since Stone is the deity. In front of the stone is a small sanctuary for prayers.
The Deity related to this place is Nigihayashi no Mikoto, grandchild of Amaterasu. The deity used a boat to come down to earth, and the boat then turned into this boulder. Amaterasu had ordered him to rule Japan, then called Nakatsu no Kuni in Toyoashihara (now Nara).
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神社の起源は不明であるが、天照国照彦天火明奇玉神饒速日尊(あまてるくにてるひこあめのほあかりくしたまにぎはやひのみこと = 饒速日命)が天の磐船に乗って河内国河上の Takerutamine in Kawachi 哮ヶ峯(たけるがみね)に降臨されたとの伝承がある。 交野に勢力を保っていた肩野物部氏という物部氏傍系一族の氏神であり、一族が深く関わっていたといわれている。
This boulder has been the subject of reverence of the 山岳信仰 mountain faith and 住吉信仰 Sumiyoshi faith and also relates to Buddhist deities 神仏習合.
There was a small road for the pilgrims
磐船街道 Iwafune Kaido.
- reference source : wikipedia -
Tengukyoo 天狗経 Tengu Kyo, Tengu Sutra
A Sutra recited by the Shugendo priests. It is known since the Muromachi period.
It contains the names of 48 Tengu.
Altogether there are 十二万五千五百 125500 Tengu in Japan.
on aromaya tengu sumanki sowaka, on hirahiraken, hirakennou sowaka
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- reference source : jomon.org/jisho -
This was the "Tengu scripture" of the "Secret Mantra Prayer".
Tokyo Ravens Volume 6 : Chapter 5: Competition of Magic
- source : wattpad.com -
Tengukyo Sutra of the Edo period
Lists 48 Tengu. The most important one is from the Shugendo line of Shikoku, 石鎚山 Ishizuchisan (Ishitsuchizan) in Ehime. Its most important Shugendo priest is En no Gyoja.
Hookiboo 石鎚山法起坊 Hokibo
. Hokibo 石槌山法起坊 - Ishizuchizan
. - Ishizuchiyama, Ehime
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それは、役行者だったのです。 いしづちさん
- reference source : makild.exblog.jp -
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. 四十八天狗 - 48 famous Tengu of Japan .
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. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #dantokubo #amanoiwafune -
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