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Tsugaru Seven Gods

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Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck in Tsugaru


. Seven Gods of Good Luck and Fortune 七福神 Shichifukujin  .
- Introduction -


-Map of the Pilgrimage -
- source :

Pilgrim's Stamp Book 御朱印

source :


福禄寿 Fukurokuju

. Koobooji 弘法寺 Kobo-Ji .

Byōbuzan-1-244 Kizukuri Fukihara, Tsugaru town


寿老人 Jurojin

. Kakuooin 覚應院 / 覚応院 Kakuo-In .

弘前市湯口字一の安田95-1 / Ichinoyasuta-95-1 Yuguchi, Hirosaki-shi


布袋尊 Hotei

. Kongooji 金剛寺 Kongo-Ji - 赤倉山 Akakurasan .

南津軽郡尾上町八幡崎宮本141 / Miyamoto-141 Yawatasaki, Hirakawa-shi


毘沙門天 Bishamonten

. Fudo--Ji 鷹揚山 加福不動寺 Oyozan Kafuku Fudo-Ji .

弘前市茂森新町4-3-11 / 4 Chome-3-11 Shigemorishinchō, Hirosaki-shi,


弁財天 Benzaiten / 弁天 Benten

. Renshooin 蓮正院 Rensho-In .

北津軽郡板柳町石野宮本75 / Miyamoto-75 Ishino, Itayanagi-machi, Kitatsugaru-gun


大黒天 Daikokuten

. Gumonji 求聞寺 Gumon-Ji Iwakisan 百沢寺 Hyakutaku-Ji .

中津軽郡岩木町百沢寺沢29 / Hyakuzawa 29, Iwaki cho, Naka Tsugaru


恵比寿 Ebisu

. Jizoo-In 地蔵院 Jizo-In .

黒石市山形町81 / 81 Yamagatamachi, Kuroishi-shi, Aomori


- Main Reference -
- - - - - -

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. 東北三十六不動尊霊場 - 36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .  


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46



Shikoku Henro Temple List

. Legends about Kobo Daishi - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

Shikoku Henro Temple List

Pilgrimage to 88 temples in honor of Kobo Daishi Kukai
. 四国お遍路さん Henro Pilgrims in Shikoku .
- Introduction -

Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海

Those marked with "Fudo" have photos of the statues.
. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .

阿波(徳島)発心の道場 -- hosshin awakening - Tokushima Awa 23 temples

土佐(高知)修行の道場 -- shugyo austerities - Kochi Tosa 16 temples

伊予(愛媛)菩提の道場 -- bodai enlightenment - Ehime Iyo 26 temples

讃岐(香川)涅槃の道場 -- nehan entering Nirwana - Kagawa Sanuki 23 temples



Nr. 01, - . Ryoozenji 霊山寺 Ryozen-Ji .
Nr. 02, - . Gokurakukji 極楽寺 Gokuraku-Ji .
03 - 亀光山 Kikozan 釈迦院 Shaka-In 金泉寺 Konzen-Ji
04 - 黒厳山 Kokuganzan 遍照院 Henjo-In 大日寺 Dainichi-Ji
Nr. 05 - . 無尽山 Mujinzan 荘厳院 Yogo-In 地蔵寺 Jizo-Ji .
06 - 温泉山 Onzenzan 瑠璃光院 Ruiko-In 安楽寺 Anraku-Ji

07 - . 光明山 Komyozan 蓮華院 Renge-In 十楽寺 Juraku-Ji .

08 - 普明山 Fumyozan 真光院 Shinko-In 熊谷寺 Kumatani-Ji
09 - 正覚山 Shokakuzan 菩提院  Bodai-In 法輪寺 Horin-Ji

Nr. 10, - . Kirihata 得度山 切幡寺 Kirihata-Ji .

11 - 金剛山 Kongozan 一乗院 Ichijo-In 藤井寺 Fujiidera

Nr. 12, - . Shoosanji 焼山寺 Shosan-Ji, Shozan-Ji .

Nr. 13, - . Dainichiji 大日寺 Dainichi-Ji .

14 - 盛寿山 Seijuzan 延命院 Enmei-In 常楽寺 Joraku-Ji
15 - 薬王山 Yakuozan 金色院 Konjiki-In 國分寺 Kokubunji
16 - 光耀山 Koyozan 千手院 Senju-In 観音寺 Kannon-Ji
17 - 瑠璃山 Rurizan 真福院 Shinpuku-In 井戸寺 Ido-Ji

Nr. 18, - . Onzanji 恩山寺 Onzan-Ji .

Nr. 19, - .Tatsueji 立江寺 Tatsue-Ji .

Nr. 20, - . Kakurinji 鶴林寺 Kakurin-Ji .

Nr. 21, - . Tairyuuji 太龍寺 Tairyu-Ji .

22 - 白水山 Hakusuizan 医王院 Shio-In 平等寺 Hyodo-Ji

Nr. 23, - . Yakuooji 薬王寺 Yakuo-Ji .

Bangai Temple 1 Taisan-Ji 大山寺
Bangai Temple 2 Dōgakuji 東明山 童学寺
Bangai Temple 3 Jigenji 月頂山 慈眼寺

Nr. 04 Bangai - . Yasakaji 八坂寺 Yasaka-Ji - 鯖大師本坊 Saba Daishi Honbo .


Nr. 24, - . Hotsumisakiji 最御崎寺 Hotsumisaki-Ji .

Nr. 25, - 宝珠山 真言院 津照寺 Shinsho-Ji
Nr. 26, - 龍頭山 光明院 金剛頂寺 Kongocho-Ji

Nr. 27, - . Koonomineji 神峯寺 Konomine-Ji .

Nr. 28, - 法界山 高照院 大日寺 Dainichi-Ji

. Nr. 29 -  国分寺 Kokubun-Ji .

Nr. 30, - . Zenrakuji 善楽寺 Zenraku-Ji .

Nr. 31, - . 竹林寺 Chikurin-Ji .

Nr. 32, - . 八葉山 求聞持院 禅師峰寺 Zenjibu-Ji .

Nr. 33, - 高福山 雪蹊寺 Sekkei-Ji

Nr. 34, - . Tanemaji 種間寺 Tanema-Ji .

Nr. 35, - . Kiyotakiji 清滝寺 Kiyotaki-Ji .

Nr. 36, - . Shooryuuji 青龍寺 Shoryu-Ji .
Namikiri Fudo

Nr. 37, - . Iwamotoji 岩本寺 Iwamoto-Ji .

Nr. 38, - . Kongoofukuji 金剛福寺 Kongofuku-Ji . - Ashizurimisaki

Nr. 39, - 赤亀山 寺山院 延光寺 Enko-Ji

Nr. 05 Bangai - . Daizenji 大善寺 Daizen-Ji .

Special Bangai 01 - . 真念庵(しんねんあん) Shinnen-An .
in honor of Saint Shinnen Hoshi 真念法師 宥弁坊真念 Yuben-bo Shinnen


- shared by Santi - facebook -

kokeshi こけし  同行二人 two on the road



Nr. 40, - . Kanjizaiji 観自在寺 Kanjizai-Ji .

Nr. 41, - . Ryuukooji 龍光寺 Ryuko-Ji .

Nr. 42, - 一カ山 毘盧舎那院 仏木寺 Butsumoku-Ji

Nr. 43, - . 明石寺 Meiseki-Ji .

Nr. 44, - . Daihooji 大寶寺 / 大宝寺 Daiho-Ji .

Nr. 45, - . 海岸山 岩屋寺 Iwaya-Ji .

Nr. 46, - 医王山 養珠院 浄瑠璃寺 Joruri-Ji

Nr. 47, - . Yasakaji 八坂寺 Yasaka-Ji .

Nr. 48, - 清滝山 安養院 西林寺 Sairin-Ji
Nr. 49, - 西林山 三蔵院 浄土寺 Jodo-Ji
Nr. 50, - 東山 瑠璃光院 繁多寺 Handa-Ji

Nr. 51, - . Ishiteji 石手寺 Ishite-Ji - "Stone Hand Temple" .

Nr. 52, - . Taisanji 太山寺 Taisan-Ji .
Kobo Daishi Statue

Nr. 53, - . Enmyooji 円明寺 Enmyo-Ji .

Nr. 54, - . Enmeiji 延命寺 Enmei-ji .

Nr. 55, - 別宮山 金剛院 南光坊 Nanko-Bo

Nr. 56, - . Taisanji 泰山寺 Taisan-Ji .

Nr. 57, . Eifukuji 栄福寺 Eifuku-Ji .

Nr. 58, - . Senyuuji 仙遊寺 Senyu-Ji .

Nr. 59, - 金光山 最勝院 国分寺 Kokubun-Ji

Nr. 60, - 石鈇山 福智院 横峰寺 Yokomine-Ji
- Fudo Statue, Jake Ojisan -

Nr. 61, - 栴檀山 教王院 香園寺 Koon-Ji
Nr. 62, - 天養山 観音院 宝寿寺 Hoju-Ji
Nr. 63, - 密教山 胎蔵院 吉祥寺 Kichijo-Ji
Nr. 64, - . Maegamiji 前神寺 Maegami-Ji .
Nr. 65, - 由霊山 慈尊院 三角寺 Sankaku-Ji

Bangai Temple 06 Ryūkōin 臨海山 福寿寺( 龍光院 )
Bangai Temple 07 . Shusekiji 金山 出石寺 Shusseki-Ji .
Bangai Temple 08 . Eitoku-Ji 永徳寺 (Toyogabashi 十夜ヶ橋) .
with a statue of Kobo Daishi sleeping under a bridge

Bangai Temple 09 . Monjuin/Tokuseiji 大法山 文珠院徳盛寺 Monju-In . - Matsuyama
- - - - - and the legend of Emon Saburō 衛門三郎 Emon Saburo

Bangai Temple 10 Kōryūji 仏法山 興隆寺

Bangai Temple 11 Ikiki Jizou (Ikikizan Shōzenji) 生木山 正善寺

Bangai Temple 12 Enmeiji 摩尼山 Manizan 延命寺 (located between Temples 64 and 65)

near Daishi-do in Oda Town
source : Jake Ojisan



Nr. 66, . Unpenji 雲辺寺 Unpen-Ji .

Nr. 67, - 小松尾山 不動光院 大興寺 Daiko-Ji

Nr. 68, - . Jinneiin 神恵院 Jinnei-In .

Nr. 69, - . Kannonji 観音寺 Kannon-Ji .

Nr. 70, - 七宝山 持宝院 本山寺 Motoyama-Ji

Nr. 71, - . Iyadaniji 弥谷寺 Iyadani-Ji .

Nr. 72, - . Mandaraji 曼荼羅寺 Mandara-Ji, Mandala-Ji .

Nr. 73, - 我拝師山 求聞持院 出釈迦寺 Shusshaka-Ji
Nr. 74, - 医王山 多宝院 甲山寺 Koyama-Ji

Nr. 75, - 五岳山 誕生院 善通寺 Zentsu-Ji
. "Pine of the Revered Image" of Kukai 御影の松 .

Nr. 76, - 鶏足山 宝幢院 金倉寺 Konzo-Ji
Nr. 77, - 桑多山 明王院 道隆寺 Doryu-Ji
Nr. 78, - 仏光山 広徳院 郷照寺 Kosho-Ji
Nr. 79, - 金華山 高照院 天皇寺 Tenno-Ji

Nr. 80, - . Kokubunji 國分寺 / 国分寺 Kokubun-Ji.

Nr. 81, - . Shiromineji 白峯寺 / 白峰寺 Shiromine-Ji .

Nr. 82, - . Negoroji 根香寺 Negoro-Ji .

Nr. 83, - 神毫山 大宝院 一宮寺 Ichinomiya-Ji

Nr. 84, - . Temple Yashima-Ji 屋島寺 and Tasaburo 太三郎狸 Tanuki .
南面山 千光院 屋島寺 Yashima-Ji

Nr. 85, - . 五剣山 観自在院 八栗寺 Yaguri-Ji .

Nr. 86, - . Shidodera 志度寺 Shido-Dera .

Nr. 87, - . Nagaoji 長尾寺 Nagao-Ji .

Nr. 88, - . Ookuboji 大窪寺 Okubo-Ji .

kechigan Daruma 結願だるま The vow is fulfilled!
All 88 temples visited.


- Reference -

- source :

- source :

Pilgrimage to the 88 sacred places of Shikoku
- source :

- #Shikokuhenro #henrotemplelist -

Kobo Daishi Reijo 弘法大師霊場 Kobo Daishi Pilgrimages in Japan

Rice Crackers for the Kobo Daishi Pilgrim !

- - 関東 -- Kanto - -
. Kanto Henro Pilgrimage 関東八十八ヶ所霊場 .
. Togoku 東国八十八ヵ所霊場 .
. 御府内八十八ケ所 - Gofunai Henro in Edo Town .
. Tama region 多摩八十八ケ所 .
. Tamagawa Henro Pilgrimage 玉川八十八ヶ所霊場 .

- - - 荒川辺八十八ヶ所 Arakawa
- reference source : -

. Toshima Henro Pilgrimage 豊島八十八ヶ所霊場 .

北陸 ・ 中部 -- Hokuriku, Chubu
05 越後廿一ケ所 21 temples in Echigo
06 佐渡新四国八十八ケ所 - Sado
07 甲斐百八ケ所 100 temples in Kai (Yamanashi)
08 美濃新四国八十八ケ所 - Mino
- - . Mino San Kobo 美濃三弘法 Three Kobo Daishi Temples - Gifu .
09 伊豆八十八ケ所 - Izu
10 知多新四国八十八ケ所 - Chita peninsula, Aichi - New Henro

- - 近畿 -- Kinki - -
. 11 三重四国八十八ケ所 - Mie .
. 12 摂津国八十八ケ所 - Settsu no Kuni - Osaka / Hyogo .
- - 11 善福寺 Zenpuku-Ji / どんどろ大師 Dondoro Daishi .
13 淡路四国八十八ケ所 - Awaji Island

- - 中国 -- Chugoku - -
14 美作八十八ケ所 - Mimasaka
. Ozaki Henro Okayama 岡山市大崎遍路道 .
15 広島新四国八十八ケ所 - Hiroshima
16 周防大島八十八ケ所 - Suo Oshima - Hiroshima
- Kurashiki - 倉敷八十八カ所霊場巡り **

- - 四国 - Shikoku - -
17 四国八十八ケ所 Shikoku Henro 88 temples -- The List above.
18 四国別格二十霊場 - Bekkaku - 20 special temples in Shikoku
19 新四国曼荼羅 Shikoku Mandala - New
20 小豆島八十八ケ所 - Shodoshima (Kagawa) New Henro

- - 九州 - Kyushu - -
.21 篠栗(ささぐり)八十八ケ所 - Sasaguri Fukuoka . - New Henro
. 22 九州八十八ケ所 .

- source :

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - INTRODUCTION .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- #shikokuhenrolist #henrolist ##henro -



Seigan-Ji Nagoya


Seiganji 聖願寺 Seigan-Ji

2 Chome-118 Ubakoyama, Midori Ward, Nagoya, Aichi

A temple dedicated to Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師.
with a migawari Daishi 身代わり大師

. Kobo Daishi, Kukai 弘法大師 空海 .

- quote
姥子山 - 聖願寺 Ubakoyama Seigan-Ji
姥子山立ち弘法:不動明王像 Statue of Kobo Daishi and Fudo

- source :


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - INTRODUCTION .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .




Sanzen-In Kyoto


Sanzenin 三千院 Sanzen-In

(Sansen-In) -京都市左京区大原来迎院町540 Raigoin district

- quote
Sanzenin Temple (三千院) is the main attraction of the rural town of Ohara, which is located about an hour north of central Kyoto. The approach from Ohara bus stop to Sanzenin is lined with shops and restaurants catering to temple visitors, and there are a number of smaller temples in the vicinity. Sanzenin Temple itself has large temple grounds and a variety of buildings, gardens and walking paths.

Sanzenin is a temple of the Tendai sect of Japanese Buddhism and was founded by nobody less than the revered monk Saicho who introduced Tendai Buddhism to Japan in 804. Sanzenin is a monzeki temple, one of only a few temples whose head priests used to be members of the imperial family.

After entering the temple through the front gate, visitors to Sanzenin pass through a series of connected temple buildings. The first major building is the Kyakuden (guest hall), which displays works of Japanese calligraphy and paintings on sliding doors (fusuma). The building opens up onto the Shuhekien Garden, a traditional Japanese garden that has a small pond and hill.

Connected to the Kyakuden by a corridor, the Shinden (main hall) displays statues of three Buddhist deities, the central figure of Amida Buddha being flanked by the attendants Kannon and Fudo Myoo. From the Shinden visitors can enjoy the most famous view of Sanzenin Temple: the Ojo Gokuraku-in Hall seen through maple and cedar trees across a moss garden.

After admiring the view from the Shinden, visitors walk through the moss garden. A tranquil atmosphere permeates the garden, and there are a number of amusing stone statues that peek out from the moss. Along with the rest of the temple, the garden is particularly impressive during the autumn colors, which usually take place in mid November, about a week earlier than in central Kyoto.

Located in the middle of the moss garden, the Ojo Gokuraku-in Hall is the oldest temple building at Sanzenin. The hall was first built in 985 and most recently rebuilt in 1143. It holds a statue of Amida Buddha, Sanzenin's most valued treasure. The statue of Amida is accompanied by two attendant deities, Kannon on one side and Seishi on the other.

From the Ojo Gokuraku-in Hall there is a path that leads to the back of the temple grounds, where there are a few temple buildings of more recent construction. One interesting spot has rows of miniature statues of Kannon that were donated to the temple by visitors. On the way back to the front gate stands a treasure house that displays a few more of Sanzenin's artifacts.
- source : and wikipedia -

- further reference -


Daikodaki (daikotaki) 大根焚 Cooking large radishes
Temple Sanzen-In, Kyoto, Feb. 10 - 13 - 三千院の初午大根焚き, 年2月10日~13日
kigo for early spring

. Temple Festivals and Food .


- Homepage of the temple
- source :


source :

Fudo Myo-O, carved by 智証大師円珍 Chisho Daishi Enchin (814 - 891).


source :

konjiki fudoo cha 金色不動茶 "tea of the Golden Fudo"

Tea colored purple with shiso perilla and sprinkled with gold powder.

And an amulet for the "Golden Fudo Myo-O" 金色不動明王」

. Konjiki Golden Fudo 金色不動明王 .


amulet to find a good partner - enmusubi 縁結び


amulet for traffic safety - kootsu anzen  交通安全


CLICK for more samples of amulets.


. Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 


Ohara Raigo-In 大原来迎院
Ohararaikoincho, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto Prefecture

- quote -
Raigo-in is one of sub-temples of Enryaku-ji.
The Tendai sect temple was built as a training hall for "Shomyo", or Buddhist chant by "Jikaku Daishi" Ennin (794-864) in the 9th century. The temple then decayed and priest Ryonin (1072-1132) revived it in 1109. Ryonin also revived and completed Shomyo.

The temple once had many buildings but those were destroyed by fire in November 1426. The present main hall was built in 16th century.
The three Buddhist images of the temple are important cultural properties of Japan.

- source : ohara/raigoin -

薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai,、釈迦如来 Shaka Nyorai, 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai

. 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai Bhaisajyaguru .

Fudo Myo-O


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

haru oshimu Sanzen-in no chaya kana

lamenting spring
at the tea stall of
Sanzen-In . . .

Tr. Gabi Greve

Nomura Hakugetsu 野村泊月 ( 1882 - 1961)

The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.

. haru oshimu 春惜しむ lamenting (the passing of) spring .


kikubie no hashira no kazu mo Sanzen-in

cold spell on chrysanthemums
and the many pillars
at Sanzen-In

Tr. Gabi Greve

Suzuki Takao 鈴木鷹夫 (1928 - 2013)

. kiku 菊 chrysanthemun .


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .




Engyo-Ji Mount Shosha


Engyooji 圓教寺 / 円教寺 Engyo-Ji and Shoshazan 書写山 Mount Shosha

兵庫県姫路市書写2968, Hyogo, Himeji
Kansai Kannon Pilgrimage No.27.

Saikoku (Saigoku) Sanjūsan Kannon Reijō - 西国三十三観音霊場
- source : Mark Schumacher

source :
CLICK for more photos !

- quote
While seeking a new spiritual place, Shoku 性空上人, a holy Buddhist priest, founded the Engyoji Temple on Mt. Shosha in the early Heian Period (10th century). This temple is one of the three most important training centers of the Tendai sect, and is called the Mt. Hiei of The West.

Kannon Statue

From the ropeway terminal you can walk up the pathway while flanked by Kannon statues of 33 pilgrimage sites. The clear and solemn atmosphere is physically and spiritually refreshing.

Juryoin 寿量院
Juryoin has the highest rank among the sub-temples, and records show the former Emperor Goshirakawa visited there. Its outer appearance is built in the traditional Shinnden style, but the inside was designed in the Shoin style. You can enjoy a “Shojin Dinner” with Shosha lacquer ware by appointment.

Maniden 摩尼殿
The magnificient structure of Maniden, standing halfway up the rocky cliff, reminds visitors of the Kiyomizu Temple in Kyoto.

- Mitsunodo - Mitsu no Do (Three Halls) 三つの堂 :
Daikodo 大講堂
Jikido 食堂
Jogyodo 常行堂

Honda Family Graves 本多家の廟所

Kaizando 開山堂

Shoku, founder of Engyoji Temple, is worshiped at “Kaizando”. Formally there were Sumo wrestlers, carved by Jingoro Hidari, sustaining the roof at the four corners. But it is said that the wrestler at the northwest corner ran away, incapable of sustaining the weight of the roof.

Gohoodoo 護法堂 Goho-Do

These two buildings, Gohodou, with thatched roofs made of cypress bark, are dedicated to two deities,
Ototen 乙天 and Wakaten 若天.
They served Shoku as guards and guides.

source - more photos :

The Benkei Study is facing Gohodo. It is said that Benkei had studied and trained at Mt. Shosha in his youth, and many legends and related objects remain.

Art and Craft Museum 美術工芸館
After spending a relaxing and calm time on Mt. Shosha, you are welcome at the “Shosha-no-sato Art and Craft Center” at the foot of the mountain. You will find artwork done by Kosho Shimizu who was born in Himeji and became the chief priest at the Todaiji Temple in Nara. You can observe or participate in making traditional Himeji crafts such as Himeji Hariko, Himeji goma, leather products and Himeyama dolls.
- source :

. Musashibo Benkei 武蔵坊弁慶 .


Ototen 乙天 Bishamonten - Wakaten 若天 Fudo Myo-O

- source :

During the setsubun ritual.

The red oni. red-ogre is Wakaten, Fudo Myo-O.
The green oni, green-ogre is Ototen, Bishamonten.


Oni no Hashi 鬼の箸 "Demon Chopsticks"

Distributing the Oni no Hashi 鬼の箸 "Demon Chopsticks"

【箸は箸として使うべし】 hashi wa hashi to shite tsukau beshi !

If you break them apart and cut them sharp to use as chopsticks, you will be healthy and your teeth be strong.
- source :

. Chopsticks (hashi, ohashi, o-hashi お箸) .

Regional sake rice wine : Ototen and Wakaten 播州姫路の地酒「若天 / 乙天」
from Banshu / Harima 播磨

. Fudo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O .

. Bishamon-Ten . 毘沙門天 .


source more photos :

HP of the temple
- source :
annual festivals and rituals - LIST

sakura cherry blossom amulet made from boxwood

shojin ryori at Juryooin 塔頭 壽量院
“Shojin Dinner” with Shosha lacquer ware

source :

Shosha laquer ware - 書写山圓教寺に残された漆器文化「幻の書写塗」Shosha nuri - Urushi

. urushi 塗 Japanese laquer ware - introduction .

Shoshazan Engyō-ji (書寫山圓教寺)
- Reference -


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

shoshazan no soo no yosoware matsutakemeshi

offered by the priest
from mount Shoshazan
this pine mushroom rice

Oomae Sachiko 大前幸子 Omae Sachiko

. WKD : matsutake meshi, 松茸飯.
speciality from Hyogo prefecture


shoshazan ni kite kin susuki gin susuki

to Mount Shoshazan
I come (and see) golden susuki grass
silver susuki grass

Yamada Someki 山田木染

source : imoimochan1911


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .




soohei monk warrior


soohei, sōhei 僧兵 monk-warrior, monk-soldier
shuuto 衆徒 Shuto

One of the most famous tsuwamono (Hercules) is maybe super-strong Musashibo Benkei 武蔵坊弁慶, the monk-soldier who accompanied Yoshitsune during his whole life.

. Musashibo Benkei 武蔵坊弁慶 .


- quote
Sōhei (僧兵, lit. "monk warriors";, fighting monks)
were Buddhist warrior monks of feudal Japan. At certain points of history they held considerable power, obliging the imperial and military governments to collaborate.

The prominence of the sōhei rose in parallel with the ascendancy of the Tendai school's influence between the 10th and 17th centuries. The warriors protected land and intimidated rival schools of Buddhism, becoming a significant factor in the spread of Buddhism and the development of different schools during the Kamakura period.

They were similar to the mountain ascetic yamabushi warrior monks, but unlike the solitary yamabushi, sōhei generally organized into large armies or mobs. A famous monastery is the Enryaku-ji on Mount Hiei, just outside Kyoto.

The sōhei shared many similarities with the Western lay brothers, members of a monastic order who might not have been ordained. Much like warrior monks of Germany , or other religious orders, such as those involved in the Crusades, sōhei did not operate as individuals, or even as members of small, individual temples, but rather as warriors in a large extended brotherhood or monastic order. The 'home temple' of a sōhei monastic order might have had several, if not tens or a hundred, smaller monasteries, training halls, and subordinate temples.

- Benkei and Yoshitsune

Weapons and dress
Sōhei were quite varied in their armament. The naginata is the weapon most often associated with them, though in legend as well as history many warrior monks are known to have been proficient with everything from bow and arrow to tantō and wakizashi (dagger and shortsword). Many fought on horseback, and many with the Ō-yoroi armor of the samurai.

Warrior monks, like most other Buddhist monks of related sects, wore a series of kimono-like robes over one another, usually white underneath, and tan or saffron yellow on top; this style has changed very little since the introduction of Buddhism to Japan in the 7th century. Footwear traditionally consisted of tabi socks and geta (wooden clogs), or waraji straw sandals. Warrior monks would often fold and tie the white headcowl to cover more of their head, or would substitute a hachimaki headband. Finally, many warrior monks would wear some form of samurai armor.

The sōhei employed a variety of weapons. The obi, or belt, of the kimono would often be supplemented with a heavier sash, so a sword could be slung from it. The tachi style of sword was probably the most common, though many monks may have carried tantō as well. Many monks were also accomplished archers, and used bamboo-and-rattan bows, called daikyū, with bamboo arrows. The most traditional weapon of the monk, however, was the naginata, a weapon much like the European glaive or halberd. The sōhei were also trained to use the heavy kanabō, which was a large staff or club forged of solid iron. Although deadly, this weapon was generally used to defeat an opponent without bloodshed.

The Ikkō-ikki monks of the 16th century, due largely to their origins as countryside mobs, were far more varied in their armor and armament. Many wore the more traditional monk robes, with varying degrees and types of armor. Many wore various sorts of helmets, while many others opted for the straw hat and cloak of a peasant. Naginata remained very common, along with a variety of swords and daggers, and a limited number of arquebuses (with the Saika Ikki being a notable exception, as they are mainly composed of musketeers and gunsmiths as per Saika Magoichi's standard of having an all-musketeer army). Finally, while not truly armor nor armament, a very common item wielded by the mobs of Ikkō-ikki monk warriors was a banner with a Buddhist slogan written upon it. One of the more common slogans was the chant 'Hail to the Amida Buddha!' (Namu Amida Butsu).
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. naginata 薙刀 / 長刀 / 眉尖刀 Japanese halberd .


- quote -
sohei - warrior monks
The famous warrior monks, or Sohei, of Mt. Hiei came about, it would seem, in an unexpected way.
From its earliest times, the 延暦寺 Enryakuji was held to be off limits to both women and law enforcement bodies. The latter prohibition attracted such a large criminal element to Mt. Hiei that Kakûjin (1012-81), the 35th abbot of the Enryakuji, called for his followers to form an army and drive away the undesirables. In fact, many of the men who took up arms may well have been those very same unwelcome fugitives they were intended to fight. From this time forward, Mt. Hiei would maintain a martial arm, one that it rarely hesitated to use. One frequent victim of the Enryakuji's heavy-handed tactics was none other then the emperor himself. As emperor Shirakawa is alleged to have said, "There are three things that even I cannot control: the waters of the Kamo river, the roll of the dice, and the monks of the mountain."
When the monks of Mt. Hiei found themselves at odds with court over some affair (perhaps a question of land rights or taxation), they would gather and march down at to the gates of Kyoto, bearing on their shoulders the sacred palanquin (mikoshi) of the Shinto deity Sanno. So revered was this artifact that no one dared block its passage and much more often then not the emperor would give in to the monk's demands. The warrior monks of the Enryakuji would continue to play an important role in the Kyoto area for hundreds of years, until the advent of Oda Nobunaga.
While evidently not the first monastic complex to take on a military aspect, the Enryakuji's reputation was great indeed.
. The Heian Period - Court and Clan - F.W.Seal .


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

kangetsu ya shuuto no gungi no sugite nochi

this cold moon -
after the monk-soldiers left
the war meeting

. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .


source :

soohei no koji o naraku ni juhyoo saku

turning the old temple
of the monk-soldiers into hell -
ice blossoms on trees

Kimura Kohitsuji 木村仔羊

. naraku ならく / 奈落 hell, hades .


soohei no ei wa binan yo takekiri-e

the descendants
of monk-soldiers are so handsome -
cutting bamboo ritual

Hama Akifumi 浜明史

- On June 20 at temple Kuramadera, Kyoto 鞍馬寺.
Four bamboo poles in front of the main temple hall are cut by two groups of people clad in formal robes, the east and west group. They use special woodman's hatchets (山刀) and fight for speed. The group which finishes first will be used to divine the harvest of the coming autumn.

. Kurama no take kiri eshiki 鞍馬の竹伐会式 cutting bamboo at Kurama .


soohei no yume o sodateta tani ni yuki

in the valley
that nurtured dreams of monk-soliers
now is snow . . .

Makita Shootaroo 牧田正太郎 Makita Shotaro

The temple Daisen-Ji 大山寺 at Mount Daisen in Tottori was famous for its soldier-monks.
It gets a heavy load of snow every winter.


