
Ioji Yakushi Asahi

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. Tama Yakushi Temples 多摩七薬師霊場 .

Iooji 医王寺 Io-Ji, Asahi
薬王山 Yakuozan, 無量院 Muryo-In / 無量寿院 Muryoju-In, 医王寺 / 醫王寺 Ioji
川崎市川崎区旭町2-4-4 / Kanagawa, Kawasaki city, Kawasaki ward, Asahi town

The main statue is 薬師瑠璃光如来 Yakushi Ruriko Nyorai.

The temple was founded in 805 by 春光坊法印祐長 Priest Shunkobo.
Around 1500 it became the prayer temple for the local lord Mamiya,

The present main hall was built in 1957.

- Chant of the Temple:
祈れただ 誓いは深き 川崎に 大慈大悲の あらん限りは

Once there was a huge fire in the temple compound and the bell tower was in danger.
To show their gratitude, the crabs from the pond came near and sprinkled water to protect it.

In the compound is a 塩なめ地蔵堂 hall for Jizo licking salt.
. Shioname Jizo 塩嘗地蔵 Jizo licking salt .

In the compound is a pond with statues of shishifukujin 七福神 the Seven Gods of Good Luck.
. Seven Gods of Good Luck 七福神 Shichifukujin .


shuin 朱印 stamp - from the Kannon Pilgrimage


Also on the following pilgrimage :
. Jun Chichibu 34 Kannon Pilgrimage 准秩父三十四札所観音霊場 . Nr. 22


- - - - - Reference of the temple
. source - google 医王寺 .
- source : inage yakushi . - 医王山 薬師院 Yakushi-In - Nr. 07


This temple is Nr. 06 of the pilgrimage
. Tama Seven Yakushi Temples 多摩七薬師霊場 .


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

Iooji no dokudami ni ashi torarekeri

梅津昭子 Umezu Akiko

. WKD : Houttuynia cordata, dokudami, kigo for summer .
dokudami, also known as fish mint, fish leaf, rainbow plant, chameleon plant, heart leaf, fish wort, or Chinese lizard tail

磯野充伯 Isono Mitsuhaku


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

....................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 
知多郡 Chita distirct 南知多町 Minami-Chita Town

. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 - Legends from Aichi .
Gyoki Bosatsu at the temple Io-Ji.

. ema 絵馬 votive tablet legends .
Once an ema 絵馬 votive tablet at 医王寺 the Temple Io-Ji fell down.
The person who picked it up begun to worry about the owner of the tablet.
And indeed, soon he learned that the man had been killed in Edo.

- - - - -

Aichi, 刈谷市 Kariya city

. Legends about fire 火事 .
Once upon a time, the priest of 医王寺 the temple Io-Ji was a beautiful man.
The woman who worked for him was rather ugly.
To attract the attention of the priest, she combed her hair with oil,
which she had stolen from the altar of Yakushi Nyorai.
Then she put on attractive cloths, but the priest only scolded her.
The woman lost her mind and killed herself.
Later near her grave there was often a fire with a white flame
and the sound of burning oil in the air.
The sound was mettai kuyashi メッタイクヤシイ "I am really angry"。
This phenomenon could be heared until the early Meiji period (1870).

....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都 
杉並区 Suginami ward

katame no sakana 片目の魚 a fish with one eye
In front of the main hall of the Temple 医王寺 Io-Ji there is a pond.
If people offer a fish to the pond, it will become a "fish with one eye".
Further down the river there are also fish with one eye.
They are said to be funacrucian carps belonging to 御薬師様 the Honorable Yakushi Nyorai.
These fish are never eaten.
. katame no sakana 片目の魚 fish with one eye .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

###ioji #iooji ##Iou-ji ###tamayakushi ###yakushitama -

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