
Zenpukuji Mie Iseji

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. Mie Shikoku Henro Pilgrimage 三重四国八十八ヵ所霊場 .

Zenpukuji 善福寺 Zenpuku-Ji, Iseji
閼伽井山 Akaizan, 善福寺 Zenpukuji
伊賀市伊勢路731 / Mie, Iga city, Iseji

The main statue is 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai.
There is also a statue of 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai, 弘法大師 Kobo Daishi and 観音菩薩 Kannon Bosatsu.

- Chant of the temple
おん あみりた ていぜい からうん

The date of the founding is not clear.
Iseji is part of the Kumano Kodo Pilgrims road.
. Kumano Kodoo, Kumano Kodō 熊野古道 The Old Kumano Road .

In the compound is a 閼伽井 Aka-I sacred well, opened by 弘法大師 Kobo Daishi when he visited here.
About 3 km into the mountain is a statue called 青山大師 Aoyama Daishi.

The Temple is located in 伊勢路 Iseji, a postal station of 宮街道青山峠 the Highway passing the Aoyama Toge Pass.
Take your time to read this detailed information :
. Iseji Route: The Eastern Route of Kumano Kodo .


shuin 朱印 stamp


- Yearly Festivals 年中行事 -

1月5日  大涅槃会
2月15日 涅槃会
3月21日 春の彼岸会
4月8日  釈迦誕生会、花まつり
8月10日 施餓鬼会
8月16日 大聖歓喜天会式
8月21日 青山大師会式
9月23日 秋の彼岸会


Also on the following pilgrimage :

. Iga Shikoku 88 Pilgrimage 伊賀四国八十八ヶ所 . - Nr. 21


- - - - - Reference of the temple
- source : google ... .
- reference source : mieshikoku88.net/list ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This temple is Nr. 42 of the pilgrimage

. Mie Shikoku Henro 三重四国八十八ヵ所霊場 .

. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) .

. Amida Nyorai 阿弥陀如来 .


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

Zenpuku-Ji ike no benchi no shuushi kana

皆吉司 Minakichi Tsukasa

kobushi saki Zenpukujigawa ru no gotoshi

水原秋櫻子 Mizuhara Shuoshi

善福寺川 Zenpukujigawa is a river crossing Suginami ward, in the west of Tokyo. The river meanders in the capital's residential neighborhoods with parts of its banks developed for a Sakura Cherry Blossom promenade.
... wikipedia

. kigo : 秋思 shushi, shuushi ... .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県 
仙台市 Sendai city 青葉区 Aoba ward

tsue itchoo 杖銀杏 "walking staff Gingko"
The founder of 称覚寺 Temple Shokaku-Ji, the Priest 道知和尚 Dochi Osho,
used the temple name around 1656.
He took home a branch from the famous 御杖銀杏 Tsue Itcho Tree
and planted it in his garden.
The branch begun to grow and became a larte Gingko tree.

....................................................................... Nara 奈良県 

waka 和歌 Waka poetry
When 後鳥羽院 the Emperor Gotoba In passed 善福寺 the Temple Zenpuku-Ji,
there were many frogs in the pond making a noise.
But the wind was very strong and their voices were hardly heared.
So he wrote this Waka poem:
When he read the poem out loud, the wind stopped.
. waka 和歌 Waka poetry - Introduction .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - ###zenpukuji ##mieshikokuhenro ##shikokuhenromie -

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