. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
Tachidaruma, Tachi-Daruma 立達磨 / 立ち達磨 Standing Daruma Statue

This is the largest Daruma statue in Japan!
It is in Hida city, Gifu 岐阜県飛騨市(旧吉城郡神岡町) and 16,5 m high.
It was made in 1973 in July.
The mountain belongs to the temple 曹洞宗補陀山洞雲寺 Doun-Ji of the Soto Zen Sect.
It was founded around 1400 and became the family temple of the 江馬氏 Ema clan around 1600.
The temple is better knows for its だるま堂 Daruma-Do Hall.
There is a huge collection of Daruma artifacts in the hall, now attracting many visitors.

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立ち達磨(たちだるま)は、岐阜県飛騨市(旧吉城郡神岡町)にある達磨像である。立ち達磨とは、達磨大師の立たれた姿である(一般には達磨は座禅した姿が多い)。 観音山の中腹に鎮座しており、同山の麓にある曹洞宗補陀山洞雲寺の所有となる。 発願主の筆頭は同寺の先々代住職大森雅道老師 通称『日本一の立ち達磨』
「町のシンボルにしよう」と達磨像の話が持ち上がった。 達磨大師は曹洞宗の原点の一つだが、別のきっかけもあった。 浩潤球学(1877-1953)という高僧である。俗姓を丘といい、丘球学としても知られる。球学老師は明治27年に洞雲寺二十世住職となった大潤(丘)宗潭に随侍していた。宗潭老師は伊豆の修禅寺住職となり、のちに永平寺副貫首も務める。 球学老師はよく洞雲寺にきて、町の住民に戒を授ける「授戒会」で「戒師」を務め、昭和28年に遷化されたが、住民たちは今も「球学さん」と、よくその名を覚えている。 その球学老師は、よく筆を執り、数多くの絵や書を神岡の人々に手渡したという。絵では観音様の次に達磨太子の絵が多く、そのことを町の人たちは思い出し、達磨像にしようという話になった。 またこの立ち達磨をきっかけに、昭和59年に全日本だるま研究会初代会長・今泉實平氏が三千点に及ぶ達磨コレクションの寄進を申し出た。すると建物は寄進を申し出る人もいた。これにより洞雲寺内に「達磨堂」が完成。展示を行っている。 昭和30年一月、江戸木遣りが神岡に伝授された記念に、町の人々が行列を組み、横2m、縦1mの額を同寺の金毘羅堂に奉納。以降、「初金毘羅」は盛大になり、達磨市が出て達磨供養も行われるようになった。
- source : wikipedia

Tachidaruma loves the Statue of Liberty
TLSTプロジェクト(Tachidaruma Loves the Statue of Liberty)
- reference source : sotoday.fun ... -
- see more photos online -

There is another temple named Doun-Ji in Shirakawa, Gifu.
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
Yama no Tera Doounji 山ノ寺洞雲寺 / ヤマノテラ ドウウンジ
Mountain Temple Doun-Ji
One of the three famous "Yamadera" Mountain Temples.
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- source and photos : blog.goo.ne.jp/tanbo161... -
....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県
仙台市 Sendai City 泉区 Izumi ward / 山の寺 Yamanotera district
. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake .
Priest Ennin founded this temple and called it 山ノ寺 Yama no Tera, Mountain Temple.
. Ennin Jigaku Daishi (794 – 864) .
Around 830, the wife 普美子 Fumiko of the village eder 勘新太 Kanshinta fell in love with the beautiful acolyte from the temple called 竹阿 Chikua.
She turned into a daija 大蛇 great serpent, set fire to the temple and jumped into the temple pond.
Chikua also jumped into the pond and became a great serpent.
They both lived in the river near the temple and caused harm to the travellers.
Priest Ennin held special rituals to appease the serpents and they fled.
More than 500 years later
two old serpents appeared and the priest from 大乗寺 Daijo-Ji in Kanazawa held rituals for them.
They could now go to the Buddhist paradise in peace.
A white fox appeared to thank the priest and then they built an Inari Shrine,
竹駒神社 Shrine Takekoma Jinja in 岩沼 Iwanuma town.
The old temple was re-built and now called 実相寺 Temple Jisso-Ji.
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The Takekoma Inari Shrine 竹駒稲荷神社
It is considered one of the three main shrines dedicated to the kami Inari, and claims to be the second-oldest Inari shrine in Japan.
It was also referred to as the Takekoma Myojin (武隈明神).
Inari's traditional festival day is the first horse day (the sixth day) of the second month of the lunisolar calendar; in recent years, the shrine has celebrated the event on a Sunday in February or early March. This festival is estimated to draw a quarter-million attendees.
The shrine is also home to a horsemanship museum.
The primary kami of Takekoma Inari Shrine is Ukanomitama (倉稲魂神), traditionally identified as with Inari,
and associated with agriculture, especially rice production.
Secondary kami include Ukemochi (保食神), the goddess of food, and
Wakumusubi (稚産霊神), the god of the five cereals.
- History
The Takekoma Inari Shrine was established in 842 AD, reputedly by Ono no Takamura,
the kokushi regent of Ōshū Province, as a branch of the famous Fushimi Inari Shrine south of Kyoto.
The shrine is mentioned by the Heian period poet Nōin during the reign of Emperor Go-Reizei (1045-1068) and during the Sengoku period was awarded an estate by local warlord Date Tanemune.
It continued to be supported by the Date clan of Sendai Domain through the end of the Edo period.
Following the start of State Shinto in the Meiji period, the shrine was ranked as a Prefectural Shrine under the Modern system of ranked Shinto Shrines.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
山梨県 Yamanashi 北杜市 Hokuto City 新富村 Shintomi village
Jindai sakura 神代桜 a cherry tree "from the times of the gods"
In the village Shintomi at 実相寺 the Temple Jisso-Ji there is a cherry tree planted by 日本武尊 Yamato Takeru.
When 日蓮上人 Saint Nichiren came to the village, the tree had become quite old and feable,
so Nichiren held a special ritual to make the tree strong again.
And indeed, the tree was thriving after that.
. Yamatotakeru 日本武尊 Prince Yamato Takeru (12th century) .
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
. Daruma Museum Japan - Darumapedia .
. Buddhist Temples with Legends - List .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
- - #gifudaruma #tachidaruma #jissoji #tounji #dounji #doounji -
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