shaba 娑婆 / しゃば / シャバ this world of Samsara
shaba sekai 娑婆世界
Shaba and Jodo 娑婆と浄土 the Defiled World and the Pure Land
samsara - the cycle of suffering in this world

地獄と娑婆のお地蔵さん by ひろ さちや
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Samsāra (Sanskrit संसार) is the repeating cycle of birth, life and death (reincarnation) as well as one's actions and consequences in the past, present, and future in Buddhism ...
According to these religions, a person's current life is only one of many lives that will be lived—stretching back before birth into past existences and reaching forward beyond death into future incarnations. During the course of each life, the quality of the actions (karma) performed determine the future destiny of each person.
The Buddha taught that there is no beginning to this cycle but that it can be ended through perceiving reality. The goal of these religions is to realize this truth, the achievement of which (like ripening of a fruit) is moksha or nirvana (liberation).
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
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ku no shaba ya, sakura ga sakeba, saita tote
A world of grief and pain,
Flowers bloom,
even then ...
- Kobayashi, Issa – 1763 – 1827
by Rev. Mas Kodani - Los Angeles Senshin Buddhist Temple
Shaba refers to the world of Samsara, the world of self-centered, self-creating delusion, the unawakened state, the world of Namo.
Flowers refer to the state of naturalness, of non-calculation, the awakened state and the beauty that characterizes that state, the world of Amidabutsu. A world of self-created grief and pain, and yet, even then flowers bloom. Terrorists, numb bureaucrats, political manipulators, con artists – multi-billion and penny ante, religious charlatans, health, wealth, and happiness scammers, etc., etc., ad nauseam – what a work of art are we.
And yet even then, volunteers, helpful bureaucrats, conscientious politicians, community conscious businessmen, health-care servers, clergy etc. still grow and bloom – the work being its own reward, what a work of art we are.
Science, religion, the social and governing arts, poetry, music and dance can all be self-serving, other denigrating activities. There are also times when they are mutually serving, mutually supporting activities.
Namo is the self-serving, calculating, self-empowering activity; Amidabutsu is the other-connecting, non-calculating, mutually empowering activity; and Namoamidabutsu is the paradox of life, different, yet the same, not one, yet not two.
And what a work of art we are.
Namoamidabutsu, Namoamidabutsu, Namoamidabutsu.
Gassho, Rev. Mas
- source : seattlebetsuin.com/prajna-
. Namu Amida Butsu 南無阿弥陀仏 the Amida Prayer .
For the prostitutes and prison inmates of Edo, SHABA was the world outside of their imprisoned life, the outside life and world 外の世界.
So it had a positive meaning for them, not something to loath, and the all wanted to get back the the normal SHABA as fast as possible.

source : tripadvisor.jp/Location
shabadoo 娑婆堂 Shaba-Do, "Defiled World Chapel"
the tallest dwarf
meeting the smallest giant -
same size
Dear Friends, let me tell you a little story a wise man once told me.
He said:
"Once I found myself in an unfamiliar country, walking down a strange street. I looked around trying to get my bearings; and seeing two men who were standing nearby, I approached them. `Where am I?' I asked. `Who are you people?'
"The first man replied, `This is the world of Samsara, and in this world I happen to be the very tallest dwarf there is!' And the other man replied, `Yes, and I happen to be the shortest giant!'
"This encounter left me very confused because, you see, both men were exactly the same height."
I preface my remarks to you with this little story because I want to emphasize at the outset how important it is to consider the perception of things.
Hui Neng, the Sixth and last Patriarch of our Chan Path, once came upon two monks who were arguing about a banner that was waving in the wind.
The first monk said, "It is the banner that is moving." The other monk said, "No! It is the wind that is moving."
The Sixth Patriarch admonished them both.
"Good Sirs," he said. "It is your mind that is doing all the moving!"
In the world of Samsara, Man is the measure of all things.
Everything is relative. Everything is changing. Only in the real world, the world of Nirvana, is there constancy.
In Chan our task is to discriminate - not between the false and the false, but between the false and the real. Differences in outward appearance do not matter at all. The real world is inside us. It is even inside our mind.
- source : Empty Cloud: The Teachings of Xu Yun
. Koan and Haiku 公案と俳句 .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
meikai 冥界 The Other World
In the year 1698 on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, the second wife of a man suddenly died. But after a while she came back to life and had a strange tale to tell.
She felt like in a dream when three men like bad demons appeared and begun to destroy the fields. There came an old man and drove the demons away. When she asked the old man who he was, he did not replay but told her:
"This here is the Other World, but you need to go back to the Shaba world. So here is some black powder I keep and you have to swallow it now!"
Soon after she woke up and was back alive in her home.
- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -
Jizō vowed to assist beings in each of the Six Realms of Desire and Karmic Rebirth, in particular those in the hell realm, and is thus often shown in groupings of six.
... more details on the six states (also called the Six Paths of Transmigration or Reincarnation, the Wheel of Life,
the Cycle of Samsara, or Cycle of Suffering), ..
CLICK for more photos !
. Roku Jizō, Roku Jizoo 六地蔵 Roku Jizo, Six Jizo Statues .
- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -
. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo . .
mata kotoshi shaba-fusage zo yo kusa no ie
another year
just taking up space...
thatched hut
mata kotoshi shaba-fusagi naru kono mi kana
another year
just taking up space...
my life
Robin D. Gill assisted with this translation and the romanization.
Shinji Ogawa notes that the phrase, shaba fusagi, means "a good-for-nothing person occupies this place." He adds, "It is Issa's self-abasement which we observe so often in his haiku. But, as everyone knows, self-abasement is sometimes very close to arrogance."
Literally, shaba refers to the Buddhist notion of a fallen age, the "Latter Days of Dharma,"
but Shinji believes that Issa's use of the word "has no religious connotation." Nevertheless, I believe, in light of Issa's lifelong interest in Pure Land Buddhist metaphors, he is at least hinting at the Buddhist connotation of shaba.
Tr. and comment David Lanoue
ku no shaba ya sakura ga sakeba saita tote
world of pain--
and the cherry blossoms
add to it!
takenoko ni shaba no arashi no kakaru nari
this crappy world's storm
ippon wa sakura mochi keri shaba no yaku
the corrupt world
shaba no kaze ni haya takenoko no yase ni keri
in this world's wind
kotoshi kara marumôke nari shaba no sora
this corrupt world's sky
kotoshi kara marumôke zo yo shaba asobi
carousing in this world
hana saite shaba soku jakkôjôdo kana / jakkoo joodo
cherry trees blooming--
this corrupt world
is a Pure Land!
- source : David Lanoue -

source : Haiga by Nakamura Sakuo
kotoshi kara môke asobi zo hana no shaba
from this year on
just carousing ...
this world of blossoms / this world's blossoms
The beginning of a kasen renku written on lunar New Year's Day in 1827:
ganjitsu ya warera-gurume ni hana no shaba
New Year's Day --
we, too, bloom in our
blossoming world
Tr. Chris Drake
. Issa - kasen 1827 .
oo ageha shaba tengoku o kakemeguru
this big swallowtail -
it flutters back and forth
from Shaba to Paradise
. Iida Dakotsu 飯田蛇笏 (1885 - 1962) .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .
. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .
Yakushi Nyorai the Buddha of healing is shown here seated on a lotus pedestal.
The lotus is a symbol of the total abandonment of samsara,
so only those who have entered upon the transcendental path are represented enthroned on a lotus flower.
. 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 Bhaisajyaguru - ABC .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .
- - #shaba #samsara -
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