. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .
jigokue, jigoku-e 地獄絵 paintings of hell

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. Juu Oo 十王, Juo, Ju-O - 10 Ten Kings of Hell .
- Introduction -
. Kawanabe Kyōsai 河鍋暁斎 Kawanabe Kyosai Hell Paintings .
. Jigokudani 地獄谷 ”Hell Valley" - Jigoku no Tani 地獄の谷 .
At Hell Valley on Mount Tate in Etchû Province,
Nikushi Dôjin Demonstrates a Battle of Frogs and Teaches Magic to the Two Comrades Yoshikado and Iga Ju
Etchû Tateyama no Jigokudani ni Nikushi Dôjin kawazu kassen no ki o arawashi Yoshikado Iga Ju no ryôyû
by Yoshitora 芳虎画
. Ninnaji 仁和寺 Ninna-Ji, Kyoto - Hell paintings .
- - - HELL SCROLLS - - -
Masuda Family Hell Scroll
Gaki Zoshi (Stories of Hungry Ghosts) Tokyo National eMuseum
Hell Scroll (Tokyo National eMuseum)
Hungry Ghosts Scroll (Tokyo National eMuseum)
Scroll of the Hungry Ghosts (Kyoto National Museum)
- source - Mark Schumacher -
- quote
Depicting the horrors of hell through art
is a tradition in Buddhism that goes back at least 1,000 years in Japan. By depicting the suffering in store for sinners, the artworks were supposed to scare people onto the straight and narrow.
But if that’s what this late 19th century scroll was for, it might have had the opposite effect. We’ve never seen such a cute hellscape!

This particular scroll is part of Waseda University’s collection and is a copy by an artist called Kanshou of an unknown earlier hell scroll. His style is simple and kind of spindly, making the humans and devils look cartoonish. The combination that doodling style and the sometimes nonsensical situations makes for a very cute package, in our opinion.
- source : en.rocketnews24.com - 2015 -
Having beans thrown at you, being glared at while sitting in a flower - - what horror!
So, Hell.
It’s supposed to be a scary, not-so-cool place, right? All that fire and torture and eternal suffering are supposed to be the ultimate punishment for not acting like a good person during your life. Makes sense that it would be depicted as a pretty miserable place in artwork then, right?
- Look at more photos of Hell illustrations :
- source : en.rocketnews24.com - 2016 -
Original Source: Waseda University Library via CuRAZY
kanshoo jigoku emaki 観象(かんしょう)「地獄絵巻」Kansho
- source all photos : mag.japaaan.com/jigokuemaki -
Jigoku Soshi 地獄草子 Hell Scroll

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地獄草紙 東博本 雨炎火石
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
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This scroll consists of seven painted scenes, six of which are accompanied by text. The scenes were based on descriptions of the sixteen lesser hells given in Kisekyô (literally, "Sutra of the World Arising"), which was translated into Chinese by Jnanagupta (d. 600). According to the sutra, around the eight greater hells lie sixteen lesser hells - the hells of "The Black Sand Cloud," "Excrement," "The Five Prongs," "Starvation," "Searing Thirst," "Pus and Blood," "The Single Bronze Cauldron," "Many Bronze Cauldrons," "The Iron Mortar," "Measures," "The Flaming Cock," "The River of Ashes," "The Grinder," "Sword Leaves," "Foxes and Wolves," and "Freezing Ice."
Today, these scenes are ordered such that the second, tenth, ninth, eleventh, first, sixth, and fifteenth hells appear in succession. A scroll fragment of the "Hell of the Single Bronze Cauldron" in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston is thought to have originally been part of the Nara set.
Each section of the text begins with the phrase, "There is yet another hell,"
to which is added a description based on Kisekyô, in which the cause for the sinners' fall into a particular hell is recorded. According to one view, however, the seventh scene, rather than depicting the "Hell of Foxes and Wolves" (J. Korô jigoku) described in Kisekyô, represents the "Hell of Wolves and Foxes" (J. Rô yakan nairi) that appears in Dairôtankyô ("Great Sutra of the World Arising").
The paintings are executed with supple lines embellished with a variety of dark, rich colors. They have a somewhat oppressive air and yet at the same time suggest a sense of transcendental peacefulness. The style of the "Hell of the Iron Mortar" recalls the frontispiece of the Chûson-ji Temple sutras, while that of the "Hell of the Flaming Cock" shows the influence of Chinese paintings of the Song dynasty (960-1279). This handscroll has the most delicate expression of all the extant "Illustrated Scrolls of the Six Paths of Rebirth" (J. rokudô emaki), a category that includes other Hell Scrolls, the Scrolls of the Hells for Buddhist Novices (J. Shamon jigoku zôshi), the Hungry Ghosts Scroll (J. Gaki zôshi), Extermination of Evil (J. Hekijae), and the Scroll of Diseases and Deformities (J. Yamai no sôshi).
It is highly probable that these Illustrated Scrolls of the Six Paths of Rebirth correspond to the "Paintings of the Six Paths" (J. rokudô-e) mentioned in textual sources, which were commissioned by Emperor Goshirakawa (1127-92, r. 1155-58) and stored originally in Rengeô-in Temple (Sanjûsangendô).
- more
- reference source : emuseum.jp/detail -
Shamon jigoku zôshi 沙門地獄草紙 Scrolls of the Hells for Buddhist Novices
Shamon Jigoku - a hell for monks

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Monk-in-Hell Scroll (Hell of boiling excrement)
This is the fifth volume of Jigoku Zoshi (picture scroll depicting hell) with seven volumes in total, which had been handed down to the Masudas. The Jigoku Zoshi owned by the former Masudas had long been handed down as a set of Jigoku Zoshi and Hekija-e (a painting that depicts a scene of evil being punished and exterminated) (National treasure; owned by the Nara National Museum).
It has been known that the set depicts the Shamon Jigoku (a hell for monks), which is explained in the Batorasetsu Sutra contained in the Butsumyo Sutra comprising 16 volumes and this drawing corresponds to the Fusshi Jigoku in the Shamon Jigoku. The Jigokuhen Gobyobu, a folding screen on which hell was drawn and which was used at the Butsumyo-e Service that had been practiced at Court since the early Heian period, depicts the Shamon Jigoku. Since it is possible that the Hekija Deity (deity that expels evil) was also drawn on this folding screen, some believe that the Jigoku Zoshi of the former Masudas, including this one and Hekija-e originally constituted one picture scroll that was created based on the design of the Jigoku Gobyobu.
While this drawing displays the traditional techniques of Yamato-e in the Heian period as exemplified by the handwriting in the style of Jakuren school in the legend and the careful sketches and shading in character drawing, it also shows characteristics of a transitional period to the Kamakura period, such as the line drawing of Mezurasetsu (servants in hell) represented in the extremely fat or thin bodies. It can be said, therefore, that this was created during the period from the end of the Heian period to the early Kamakura period.
- source : emuseum.jp/detail -
- reference : shamon jigoku zoshi -
gaki zôshi, gaki zooshi 餓鬼草子 Gaki Zoshi - Hungry Ghosts Scroll
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hekijae, hekija-e 辟邪絵 Hekija-E - Extermination of Evil, Exorcists Scroll
Hekija 辟邪 deity that expels evil
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yamai no sôshi, yamai no sooshi 病草紙 Yamai no Soshi - Scroll of Diseases and Deformities
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. rokudoo 六道 Rokudo - Six realms of existence .
and gaki 餓鬼 the hungry demons
rokudô emaki, rokudoo emaki 六道絵巻 Rokudo Emaki - Illustrated Scrolls of the Six Paths of Rebirth
----- . . . CLICK here for Photos !
rokudoo e 六道絵 Rokudo-E - Paintings of the Six Paths
. Tengu no dairi emaki 天狗の内裏絵巻 The Tengu Palace .
Minamoto no Yoshitsune visiting Hell with a Tengu guide
. information of facebook .
naraku ならく / 奈落 hell, hades - sanskrit : naraka, niraya - Naraka
. Juu Oo 十王, Juo, Ju-O - 10 Ten Kings of Hell - Ten Yama Kings .
Korean painting of hell

Choson period or later. Korea. First quarter of the 20th century.
- shared by Walter on facebook -
Hell paintings on folding screens 地獄絵 襖絵 fusuma-e

(北上市永明寺蔵)Iwate Kitakami
from an exhibition at 北上市和賀町岩崎の鬼の館
- source : furusato.fmii.co.jp -
Hell paintings on hanging scrolls 地獄絵 掛け軸 kakejiku

綾部安国寺の地獄絵 Hell paintings from Ankoku-Ji in Ayabe, Kyoto
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !
. 8 scrolls from a temple in Nagano .
jigoku ezu 地獄絵図 Hell Paintings

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hieshoo no haha ni gokusai jigoku ezu
for my mother
who is always feeling so cold -
this colorful painting of hell
Hasegawa Sogyo (Hasegawa Soogyo) 長谷川双魚 (1897 - 1987)
manga hell paintings
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図説 地獄絵の世界 The illustrated world of Hell Paintings
小栗栖 健治

地獄絵を旅する: 残酷・餓鬼・病・死体 Travelling in the world of Hell Paintings

- English reference -
. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. 矢田寺 Temple Yatadera - Yata Jizo Son 矢田地蔵尊 .
Nara Prefecture, Yamato-Koriyama, Yatacho, 3549
... this temple was founded in 679 after Emperor Tenmu fled here during a civil war and prayed for victory.
It is famous for the Jizo statues.
- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -
jigoku-e no oni ga afururu haru asashi
on the hell scroll
there are so many demons -
spring just beginning
Tr. Gabi Greve
榎本愛子 Enomoto Aiko
. WKD : "thin spring" 春浅し (はるあさし) haru asashi .

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jigoku e ni kuuhaku wa nashi Ango-Ji (Yassui-Ji)
on the hell painting
not a bit is unpainted -
temple Ango-Ji
松田都青 Matsuda san

- detail -

source : henro.gozaru.jp
- quote -
安居寺 Ango-Ji /
富山県南砺市安居4941 / 4941 Yasui Nanto-shi, Toyama
In the 2nd year of the Yoro era (718 C.E.), Angoji temple was founded by Shingon Buddhist Patriarch Zenmui Sanzo, who was visiting from India. I
n the Nara period, it served as Emperor Shomu's temple, as well as that of the Kaga Domain in the Edo period, and is thus the home of many treasured items. Notable among these is the standing statue Mikae Amidanyorai, "The Staring Amida Tathagata". The most prized possession of the temple is a wooden statue of Kanon Bodhisattva from the early Heian period (designated important cultural asset), which can be seen at its unveiling once every year on October 18th.
- source : www.tabi-nanto.jp -
地獄図絵のなかへわめきて蝉の昼 河野南畦
地獄図絵昼つかさどる黒揚羽 河野多希女
地獄図絵朱責めの暑さつづきをり 河野多希女
地獄図絵黒き揚羽が寺を抜け 河野南畦 湖の森
地獄絵ざつと見て ま 何とかなりそう 沙羅冬笛
地獄絵に諭さるる子や地蔵盆 芦澤元子
地獄絵に野萩の風のひとしきり 南光 翠峰
地獄絵に青き山あり蕨餅 野池玉代
地獄絵に風の牡丹を加ふべし 大木あまり
地獄絵のあと涅槃図にひざまづく 石野 冬青
地獄絵のうらの金箔雁のこゑ 三森鉄治
地獄絵の女は白し秋の風 武藤紀子
地獄絵の底で暴れる冬の蝿 井上純郎
地獄絵の朱が目に残り迎鐘 田中驕星
地獄絵の朱色や爪で剥がしたき 池田澄子
地獄絵の水蒼かりし桜かな 有光令子
地獄絵の破れ繕ふ土用干 高田たみ子
地獄絵の襖開けたる花見かな 福島せいぎ
地獄絵の赤を春着の裾に見し 大山安太郎
地獄絵の赤深谷の茸にも 矢島渚男 船のやうに
地獄絵の飯の炎となるお風入れ 高澤良一
地獄絵の飯は火を噴き盆の寺 長谷川櫂
地獄絵を媼の拝む彼岸寺 渡辺威人
地獄絵を見て日盛りを戻るなり 佐藤信子
地獄絵を高く掛けゐし大昼寝 石寒太 翔
地獄絵を黒羽に吊る冬田かな 古舘曹人
寒詣一灯地獄絵を照らす 石倉啓補
廻廊に地獄絵並ぶ花祭 佐藤石花
春陰やむかしこの世の地獄図絵 稲垣きく
炎天を来て地獄絵に見入るなり 佐藤美恵子
白山茶花地獄絵のごと蜂群るゝ 高木雨路
秋風に赤き地獄絵かかりけり 八木林之介
鐘楼のなかの地獄絵うそ寒し 福田甲子雄
雪とける寺地獄絵に朝日射す 中山純子 沙羅
鶏頭花地獄絵の闇たつぷりと 石田阿畏子
こはごはと地獄絵のぞく宵閻魔 鈴木胡月
こほろぎや地獄絵花鳥なかりけり 斉藤夏風
冷まじや地獄絵仕置の白女體 高澤良一 素抱
- source : HAIKUreikuDB -
jigoku e no kaki ni kakarite naku hibari
in the hell painting
perched on a fence...
a lark sings
- Tr. David Lanoue
. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 .
17 haiku about hell by Issa

かわいい仏像 たのしい地獄絵 - Gentle Buddha Statues - Enjoyable Hell Paintings
須藤 弘敏 (著), 矢島 新 (著) - amazon com
Nihon Ryōiki - Record of Miraculous Events in Japan
Haruo Shirane, Burton Watson

The Nihon ryoiki, a collection of setsuwa, or "anecdotal" tales, compiled by a monk in late-eighth- or early-ninth-century Japan, records the spread of Buddhist ideas in Japan and the ways in which Buddhism's principles were adapted to the conditions of Japanese society. Beginning in the time before Buddhism was introduced to Japan, the text captures the effects of the nation's initial contact with Buddhism--brought by emissaries from the king of the Korean state of Paekche--and the subsequent adoption and dissemination of these new teachings in Japanese towns and cities.
The Nihon ryoiki provides a crucial window into the ways in which Japanese Buddhists began to make sense of the teachings and texts of their religion, incorporate religious observances and materials from Korea and China, and articulate a popularized form of Buddhist practice and belief that could extend beyond monastic centers. The setsuwa genre would become one of the major textual projects of classical and medieval Buddhism, with nearly two dozen collections appearing over the next five centuries. The Nihon ryoiki serves as a vital reference for these later works, with the tales it contains finding their way into folkloric traditions and becoming a major source for Japanese authors well into the modern period.
- source : cup.columbia.edu -

NHK 特別展「地獄絵ワンダーランド」NHK Exhibition Jigoku-E Wonderland
August 2017
. Hell in Japanese Art .
by Ryouji Kajitani (Author), Naoki Nishida (Author), Yoshitoshi Tsukioka (Artist), Kyosai Kawanabe (Artist), Kazuya Takaoka (Designer)

... artists such as Kazunobu Kano, Nichosai, Yoshitoshi Tsukioka and Kyosai Kawanabe.
. jigoku no oni 地獄の鬼 demons of the Buddhist hell .
and their legends
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .
- - #gokurakujigokue #jigokue #paintinsofhell #hellpaintings #haikujigoku #haiku #haikuissa #issa -
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