yomi 黄泉 "the yellow springs"
die Gelben Quellen, unterirdisches Schattenreich, Jenseitswelt
meido めいど【冥土 / 冥途】 the Netherworld, nether world, underworld
The Japanese word "yomigaeru" よみがえる【蘇る / 甦る】has the meaning of
"coming back from a visit to the Yellow Springs, yomi kara kaeru 黄泉(よみ)から帰る.
Diyu 地狱 (Jap. jigoku) (Sanskrit: नरक "Naraka")
is the realm of the dead or "hell" in Chinese mythology.
. Alternate names for the Chinese hell .
The deity Izanagi イザナギ visiting the land of YOMI and coming back
. Purification Ritual of Izanagi (misogi 禊 ) .

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The Chinese Underworld
In ancient Chinese religion the Underworld was called the Yellow Springs (Huángquán 黄泉) —
possibly a reference to the ubiquitous Yellow River. The Yellow Springs were not a ‘hell’ where one suffers retribution but rather a place where the souls of the departed were supposed to reside, the destination of the whitesoul (pò 魄). Life could be made easier for the pò if it was provided with the necessary amenities: food, clothing, money, precious objects, and servants. These would be placed in the tomb by the surviving relatives. The servants (human and animal) were at first provided by immolating the actual servants of the deceased in the tomb, but with time (during the first half of the first millennium BC) this practice ended and inanimate representations of the attendants were placed in the tomb instead.
Anything more precise as to the exact ancient conception of the underworld is lost, as the surviving texts from Chinese Antiquity have been written by Confucianists who have generally ridiculed the ancient myths.
Under the Hàn, the God of the Eastern Mountain (Mount Tài: Tàishān 泰山), the abode of the xiān 仙, starts being held responsible for the register of the living and the dead; as a result, the idea that the dead reside under Mt Tài starts spreading. Concurrently with Mt Tài in Shāndōng (山東), a temple in Fēngdū 酆都 in Sìchuān (四川) also starts being considered as the entrance to the underground realm of the dead.
- source : celestialempire.blogspot.jp
The Japanese word "yomigaeru" よみがえる【蘇る / 甦る】has the meaning of "coming back from a visit to the Yellow Springs, yomi kara kaeru 黄泉(よみ)から帰る.

© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Fudaraku Tokai 補陀落渡海
Kumano was famous for sending boats to the Fudaraku Paradise of Kannon, and people were not supposed to come back from this "yomi" trip.
... portrays Kumano on the one hand as land of death (yomi), and on the other hand
... individual belief; it was either a trip to Kannon's paradise (fudaraku tokai )
Localizing Paradise –
Kumano Pilgrimage and the Religious Landscape of Premodern Japan
- source : japanese-religions.jp
. WKD : Kumano 熊野 .
. The Yellow Springs, Purification Rituals and Haiku
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Afterlife in Ancient and Medieval China
By Thich Thanh Nguyen
... underworld then came to have other names, such as the Dark City, the Yellow Springs, or the Netherworld.
This was where the dead resided which had nothing to do with the punishment yet.
how and what did the Netherworld look like? There was a common belief that the life in the Netherworld was similar to life on earth. This similarity was clearly depicted through the life of dead being and the netherworld’s government. Firstly, people believed that the dead beings were just the continuation of the living; for example, they needed food and possessed various desires: “Yellow Springs reflected the hierarchy nature of the moral world. If a person had a poor and miserable time when alive, they would have the same in the afterlife.”
Thus, people started to provide the dead with almost everything to enable the dead to live a happy and comfortable life in the netherworld:
- source : www.tuvienquangduc.com.au

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Sailing away
... From Heian to Edo times it’s estimated that some twenty monks in all sailed away in this manner. The base for their suicidal mission was Furdarakusan Temple, one of Kumano’s World Heritage sites. It stands near the coast and is said to have been founded, like Seiganto-ji, by a monk from India called Ragyō Shōnin.
source : www.greenshinto.com/wp
- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -
ume saku ya sakaya e ichiri yomi e niri
plums are blossoming -
one ri distance to the liquor shop
two ri distance to the Yellow Springs
Anai Futoshi 穴井太 (1926 - 1997)
one RI 里 is about 3.93 kilometers.
. The use of numbers in Haiku. .
tooshi to wa tokoyo ka yomi ka fuyugasumi
far away - does that mean
heaven or the yellow springs ?
mist in winter
Nakamura Sonoko 中村苑子(1913-2001)
Born in Shizuoka
. WKD : fuyugasumi 冬霞 winter mist .
guanzuru ni meido mo kaku ya aki no kure
it seems to me that
beyond the grave is like this--
autumn evening
Tr. Addiss
in my humble view
the netherworld must be like this –
autumn evening
Tr. David Landis Barnhill
Written in 延宝8年作, Basho age 37
. Basho, Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉(1644 - 1694)
. Enma, Emma 閻魔天、閻魔王 the King of Hell
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
meido - the underworld
. konpaku 魂魄 legends about two souls .
Chiba 千葉県 夷隅郡 Izumi district
rinshi taiken 臨死体験 near death experience
Gunma 群馬県 太田市 Ota city
rinshi taiken 臨死体験 near death experience
Once a Buddhist priest came to perform the last rites, but found that the person might still be alive and shouted at the person "Your time is not yet up!"
Thus the person came back to life. On his way to the underworld he saw a lot of lotus flowers and kind people showed him the way. He also got two delicious meals. When he came to himself, he found himself in the living room of his home, with many people visiting.
Gunma 群馬県 富岡市 Tomioka city
. hitodama 人魂 / 人玉と伝説 Legends about the human soul .
hitodama 人玉 spirit of a dead person, "soul flame"
It has the size of a Bon lantern for a child and stagers around in the air. It appears in front of a temple or home of a diseased person or is seen on the way to the underworld, but it soon becomes invisible again.
Hyogo 兵庫県 Asago 朝来市 Asago city
neko 猫 cat
Hyogo 神戸市 Kobe city
yomigaeri 甦
Iwate 岩手県 雫石 Shizukuishi
yomigaeru / yoosei 妖精 fairy
Kanagawa 神奈川県 鎌倉市 Kamakura city
onnome sama おんめ様 , ウブメ / 産女 Ubume
At the temple 大巧寺 Daigyo-Ji
Kyoto 京都府
meido de shari o eru 冥途で舎利を得る bringing back relics from the underworld
In the village 藍田村 Aidamura in the district 丹波舟井郡 Tanba Funaigun there lives 山田彦七 Yamada Hikoshichi, who was a pious man saying the 念仏 Nenbutsu prayer regularly.
On the first day of the 12th lunar month in 1698 he died at the age of 27, but the next day he caem back to life.
He started talking about his experience in the underworld, telling people he got some busshari 仏舎利 Buddha's relics there. He was holding something sparkling in his left hand - like a small grain.
But on the next day he died for good and the relic was gone from his hand.
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yomigaeri 甦
- - - - -
yuurei 幽霊 ghost
Kyoto 右京区 Ukyo ward
meido no tori 冥途の鳥 bird of the underworld
In the village of 宇津村 Utsumura there lives this bird, with white feathers and a red beak. When it calls at night, someone has died in the village.
Mie 三重県 尾鷲市 Owase city
shinbutsu 新仏 rituals for a person who has just died
Nagano 長野県 茅野市 Chino city
daija 大蛇 huge serpent
Nara 奈良県 都祁村 Tsuge mura village
aburi sakana アブリ魚
Niigata 新潟県 長岡市 Nagaoka city
kinki 禁忌 taboo
Osaka 大阪市
Enma-O 閻魔王 king of hell
At the temple 長宝寺 / 長寳寺 Choho-Ji the King of Hell called the priest to visit the underworld, showed him all the pain and suffering there and made him change his ways in the future.

長宝寺 / 長寳寺 Choho-Ji
3-chōme-4 Hirano Honmachi Hirano-ku, Osaka
Tokyo 東京都 中央区 Chuo ward
. oogonkyuu 黄金宮 Ogon-Kyu Golden Hall .
Tottori 鳥取県 岩美郡 岩美町 Iwami town
The tamashi 魂 soul of a dead person leaves the home soon, via the gables of the house.
It moves on to the underworld, others say it goes to 摩尼山 Mount Manizan.
On the first equinox after a death, family members make a ritual visit to Mount Manizan.
- reference source : db.pref.tottori.jp/bunkazainavi.nsf... -
Manizan is a mountain in Tottori, also called 喜見山 Kikenzan.
It is in the compound of the temple Mani-Ji and is 357 m high.
There is a temple called 摩尼寺 Mani-Ji.
624 Kakuji, Tottori / 鳥取市覚寺(かくじ)
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
冥途 // 冥土 OK // 甦 - OK
14 魂魄 (01)
- 30 臨死 extra file
. Juusanbutsu 十三仏 13 Protector Buddhas .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .
- #meido #yomi #netherworld #hell -
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