Nyoirinji 如意輪寺 Nyoirin-Ji
kaerutera, kaerudera かえる寺 "Frog Temple" , "Frogs Temple"
福岡県小郡市横隈1729 Fukuoka prefecture, Ogoori 小郡市 Ogori city, Yokoguma ,
. kaeru かえる/ 蛙 frog and kigo .
. Nyoirin Kannon Bosatsu 如意輪観音 "Wishfulfilling Kannon" .

Nr. 3 of the Pilgrimage to 88 temples in Kyushu 巡礼霊場「九州八十八ケ所」.
Nr. 8 of the Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon temples in Chikugo.


CLICK for more frog photos !
In the precincts are statues of more than 3000 frogs.
Many carry a special message about the meaning of life.

fuufu enman 夫婦円満 let us be a happy couple
The main statue is a Nyoirin Kannon, an important cultural property of Fukuoka prefecture.
It is a secret statue and only shown on January and July 17 every 12 years (in the year of the snake 巳の年.
The temple was built by saint Gyoki 行基 on request of Emperor Kooken Tennoo 孝謙天皇 Koken Tenno (718 - 770). It was often frequented by members of the Imperial Family.
IN 1586, the local feudal lord Shimazu destroyed the temple but has later been built again.
- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : kaerutera.ogoricity
Amulets and Talismans 御守り

kaeru senbei かえるせんべい rice crackers with frogs
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buji ni kaeru 無事にかえる "let us come home safely!
traffic security amulet
- source :

Fudo Myo-O 不動明王
PDF-file with many more photos of the temple and its deities:
- source : hiroalex2014.blogspot.jp/2013/03

gankiri Fudo 癌切り不動明王 Fudo to take away cancer disease
More photos of the temple :
- source : hakataboy.com/temple/Fukuoka

source : facebook
katsufuku Fudo Myoo Oo 勝福不動明王 Fudo Myo-O for winning and good luck
- quote
Nyoirinji temple here will display about 600 wind chimes carrying the wishes of visitors, many of whom sought respite from the summer heat.
The glass wind bells were used in the July 17 wind-chime festival at the temple and will be on display until late September.

Genshu Haraguchi, chief priest at the temple, began selling the wind chimes five years ago for 500 yen ($6) a piece. Buyers can write their wishes on strips of paper and attach them to the chimes as a form of dedication.
The temple, also known for its thousands of stone sculptures of frogs, has a history that dates back to the eighth century.
Other wishes attached to the chimes include “safety of family members” and “easy delivery.”
- source : Noriko Yahiro
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .
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