
Entsuji Temple Legends

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .

Entsuuji 円通寺 / 圓通寺 Legends about temples named Entsu-Ji


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

....................................................................... Ehime 愛媛県  
北宇和郡 Kita-Uwa district 津島町 Tsushima town

The priest 恵林 Erin from 円通寺 the Temple Entsu-Ji was very rich.
He died, his soul still hanging on to the riches.
People who got part of the money were cursed.
The villagers finally built a small sanctuart for him, calling him
Saguragi Myojin 桜木明神 the Sakuragi Myojin Deity of the Cherry Tree. On day 8 of the 7th lunar month, they hold special rituals for him.

....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府  
京丹後市 KyoTango city

. Raijin 雷神と伝説 Legends about the God of Thunder and Lightning .
and the disappearance of a dead body.

....................................................................... Miyagi 宮城県  

- quote -
Yamanotera (山の寺) "Mountain Temple"
is the collective name for a group of temples located on a hill in Nanao, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan.
In 1581, Maeda Toshiie, the Sengoku period ruler of Noto Province ordered the construction of 29 Buddhist temples as part of the defenses of Nanao Castle.
All of the major Buddhist sects were represented, with the exception of the Jōdo Shinshū sect, which was the sect of the Ikkō-ikki movement that Maeda Toshiie was attempting to suppress.
Today sixteen temples remain in 1581 and are considered of great historical importance to the local people.
- source : wikipedia -

仙台市 Sendai city 泉区 Izumi ward

Yamanotera Dounji 山ノ寺洞雲寺 The Mountain Temple Doun-Ji
宮城県仙台市泉区 - Miyagi, Sendai city, Izumi ward
Sakanoue no Tamuramaro spend some time as a child in this temple.
Around 820, Jigaku Daishi revitalized this Mountain Temple.
Around 1730, a priest from 輪王寺 the temple Rinno-Ji reconstructed the temple with a large compound.
. Ennin - Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 / 慈覺大師 (794 – 864) .
. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 (758 - 811) .

- - - - -

In 1400, 祥三和尚 the priest Shozo revitalized the temple.
Every day a young couple came to help.
One day the couple told the priest they were a pair of daija 大蛇 large serpents.
The priest held special rituals for them, so they could go to the Buddhist Paradise.

....................................................................... Niigata 新潟県  
十日町市 Tokamachi city 中条 Nakajo

. honzon no tatari 本尊の祟り the curse of the Amida Buddha statue .

....................................................................... Shimane 島根県  
飯石郡 Iishi district

. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .
A man named 横屋 Yokoya was able to remove the bewitching of a fox.
The pries of 円通寺 the Temple Entsu-Ji also used to remove the bewitching of a fox.
Families with a healed person were not welcome and their children usually could not marry.

....................................................................... Tokyo 東京都  
八王子市 Hachioji city 高月町 Takatsuki town

. tanuki 狸 - mujina 狢 - racoon dog, badger legends .
There is a painting of 布袋渡河 Hotei crossing the river at 円通寺 the Temple Entsu-Ji.
Hotei had found out that the a Tanuki had shape-shifted into the priest of 円通寺 the Temple Entsu-Ji
and had made this painting to remember the event.
When there was a fire at the temple, this painting was safe.
It is now kept as an amulet against fires at the temple storehouse.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #entsuji #entsuuji #entsujitemple #yamanotera #dounji -


Fudoin Fudohall Oishi

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼 .


Fudooin 不動院 Fudo-In - Oishi
石勝山 Sekishozan 金常寺 Kinjo-Ji 不動院 Fudoin

重県松阪市大石町4 / Mie, Matsuzaka city, Oishi town / 大石不動院

The main statue is Fudo Myo-O, 大石不動 Oishi Fudo.

The temple has been founded by 弘法大師空海 Kobo Daishi Kukai in 812.
. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) .
He carved a statue of Fudo Myo-O from a bluish stone.
The present building of 本堂 the main hall is from 1602.
The 鐘楼堂 bell tower is from 1722.
The bell itself was made by 天命安弾 Tenmei Andan.
The Daishi Do 大師堂 Hall for Kobo Daishi was made in 1833.

Fudo no Taki (夫婦の滝) Fudo Waterfall like a couple


shuin 朱印 stamp

- Homepage of the temple
- source : mctv.ne.jp/~hudouinn ...


Also on the following pilgrimage :

. Mie Shikoku Henro Info 三重四国八十八ヵ所霊場 . - Nr. 74


- Yearly Festivals 年中行事 -

一月一日 元旦祈祷会
二月節分 星祭祈祷会
四月 春(花)祭祈祷会
八月三十一日(宵宮) 八朔祭祈祷会
九月一日(本日) 八朔祭祈祷会
毎月二十八日 例祭』 Fire Ritual, every month on the 28th
- source : mctv.ne.jp/~hudouinn/festival ... -


This temple is Nr. 25 of the
. Pilgrimages to 36 Fudo Temples in the Tokai region 東海三十六不動尊霊場 .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Fudo-In Temples in Japan - List.

. Fudo-Do 不動堂 Legends about a Hall for Fudo Myo-O 不動院 Fudo-In .


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #fudoin #oishifudo #hudouinn #ooishifudo -


Sanjusangendo legends

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .

Sanjusangendo 三十三間堂 Hall with 33 Spaces - Legends about 33

. Sanjusan Gendo 三十三間堂 Temple Hall in Kyoto. .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

......................................................................................... Kyoto 京都府
京都市 Kyoto city 東山区 Higashiyama ward / 三十三間堂

. dokuro 髑髏 a scull .
後白河法皇 Emperor Goshirakawa and a ridge beam of the Sanjusangendo Hall 柳で三十三間堂の棟木.
- - - - -
yoobutsu 妖物 a monster
Once a Samurai heard the story of a strange monster in 33 colors at 三十三間堂 the Sanjusangendo Hall.
He went there to have a look and saw oni 鬼 a demon and aonyuudoo 青入道 Ao-Nyudo, a blue Nyudo monster.
He was not afraid and asked them to change shapes as a snack for the Sake rice wine he had brought with him.
The monster turned into yakimiso 焼き味噌 grilled Miso paste.
The Samurai put it into his mouth and swallowed it. And thus the monster was gone.
. Sanjûsangendô Munagi no Yurai 三十三間堂棟木由来 .
Heitaro and his wife, O-Ryu. お柳 O-Ryu is the spirit of yanagi 栁 the willow tree.
. Aobōzu 青坊主と伝説 Legends about Aobozu, a "Blue Priest" Yokai .

......................................................................................... Tokyo 東京都
江東区 Koto ward / 三十三間堂

makura no kai 枕の怪 the pillow monster
Near 三十三間堂 the Sanjusangendo Hall there was an empty house for many years.
When someone moved in there, he soon became ill.
From the storage place a cold wind came blowing, so he fell ill.
When they checked the place, there was an old makura 枕 pillow.
They thought this pillow must be the reason of his illness and burned it.
When it burned it made the smell of a dead body.
And soon the man was healed!

Edo Meisho Zue

......................................................................................... Wakayama 和歌山県
日高郡 Hidaka district みなべ町 Minabe town / 三十三間堂

O-Ryu Yanagi おりゅう柳 willow tree named O-Ryu
In the town Kumanogawa there was a large willow tree, called おりゅう柳 Willow Tree of O-Ryu.
It was cut down and used as the ridge beam for 三十三間堂 the Sanjusangendo Hall in Kyoto.
The tree was so large, they could hardly float it downriver.
There appeared a monster woman and begun to pull the tree downriver.
At the place where the tree was cut down, 十二薬師 12 Yakushi Nyorai are now venerated.

- - - - - ABC List of the prefectures :

......................................................................................... Aichi 愛知県
豊田市 Toyota city

rei 霊 a spirit
At the temple Nr. 33 of the Shikoku Henro pilgrimage the leader of a group from Aichi suddenly had a vision:
"Please take me home with you!" a spirit begged him.
In former times, a man from 川下 Kawashimo got lost 33 times in the mountain and had died.
Since there was nobody to see him die, he could not go to gokuraku 極楽 the Buddhist paradise.

高福山 Kofukuzan 幸福院 Kofuku-In 雪蹊寺 Sekkei-Ji - 四国八十八ヶ所霊場会
- quote -
Sekkei-ji is Temple 33 on the Shikoku Henro pilgrimage.
The temple was favoured by the Chosokabe clan under Chosokabe Motochika who unified all of Shikoku.
He made Sekkei-ji his ancestral temple, and his son’s ashes were buried here.
The grave of Motochika is about twenty minutes on foot to the east.
- source : shikokutours.com/attractions ... -
. Chōsokabe Motochika 長宗我部元親 (1539 - 1599) .

......................................................................................... Fukushima 福島県
福島市 Fukushima city 飯坂町 Iizaka town

. rinju 臨終 death, deathbed / rinji 臨死 near death .
A man who was 33 years old dells of his near-death experience.
While he was walking he saw some mysterious red and blue lights.
People called him many times. Eventually he crossed
sansu no kawa 三途の川 the River Sansu, which was wide but shallow.
Walking on he saw shide no yama 死出の山 the Mountain of Death.
At the other side of the river was a large plain with many flowers.
Then he saw a great estate with an iron gate.
Aka-Oni 赤鬼 and Ao-Oni 青鬼 were standing there and he asked them to let him go through.
They told him:
"It is still too early for you to come here, go back home, go home!"
Then he woke up ...
. Aka-Oni 赤鬼 and Ao-Oni 青鬼 Red and Blue Demon .
. Sanzu no Kawa 三途の川 River Sanzu, the river on the way to hell .

Fukushima 石城郡 Iwaki district 田人村 Tabitomura village

On 仏具山 Mount Butsugayama three were 三十三観音 33 stone statues of Kannon Bosatsu.
During a fire thay all jumped into the nearby river.
. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 伝説 legends about Kannon .

......................................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県
揖斐郡 Ibi district 揖斐川町 Ibigawa town

nenbutsu ike 念仏池 the Nenbutsu Pond
Emperor 花山法皇 Hanayama Tenno (968 - 1008) once visited the temple Nr. 33 of 西国三十三番 the Saikoku Pilgrimage.
On his way back he rested at 谷汲山 Mount Tanigumisan.
In the pond was a stone monument with a bridge leading to it.
When he begun to recite the Nenbutsu prayer, water came flowing out, butsu butsu 仏、仏 like the sound of Buddha .
Now 地蔵さん Jizo Bosatsu is venerated here.
. nenbutsu 念仏 Nembutsu Amida prayer .

......................................................................................... Nagano 長野県

sanjuusann nen jichuu de ikita hito 三十三年地中で生きた人
2 men living 33 years under the earth

Once the farmers dug a well near the foot of 浅間ヶ嶽 Mount Asama.
At a certain depth, they did not find water but some roof tiles.
They thought this strange and dug deeper, where they found the roof and the storehouse.
Inside were two people of about 50 years.
They had lived there after a landslide 33 years earlier.
Originally there were four men trapped inside, but two had died.
They had eaten the rice and Sake ricewine from the storehouse to survive.

......................................................................................... Nagasaki 長崎県

Nagasaki 南島原市 Minamishimabara city 北有馬村 Kita-Arima village

. suijin 水神 the Water Deity .
The villagers had take water from the riverside at Kita-Arima village and begun to live there.
One summer at the beginning of doyoo 土用 the Dog Days the water stopped to flow.
They went to pray at 庚申神社 the Shrine Koshin Jinja.
After 33 days, the Koshin Deity appeared in a dream of the priest:
"The reason why dhere is no water is because 水神 Suijin the Water Deity had cursed the place."
The villagers threw a pregnant woman into the river as offering for Suijin.
The priest, the lover of the woman, threw himself also into the water and died.
Since then, 33 days after the beginning of the Dog Days, there is a bell ringing at the riverside.
. doyoo 土用 the Dog Days .
In former times, the DOYOO 土用 days (also spelled doyo) four times a year would be the 18 days before each changing to the next season, but nowadays they are only mentioned for the change from summer to autumn.
The timing is from 13 days after the “small heat” (shoosho) until the beginning of autumn.

......................................................................................... Okinawa 沖縄県
島尻郡 Shimajiri district 南風原町 Haebaru town

. ryuuguujoo 竜宮城 Ryugujo, palace of the Dragon king .
A man from 与那覇村 Yohana village was welcomed and entertained at 龍宮城 the Dragon Palace.
One day he told the Deity that he wanted to go home.
The Deity told him that on year in the palace was as long as 33 generations on the ground.
The man still wanted to go home.
So the Deity gave the man one paper pacel and told him never to open it.
So the man took the pacel and returned home safely.


- reference : nichibun yokai database 妖怪データベース -


. Temples with legends .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - INTRODUCTION .

. Legends about Death .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Kaido highway legends 街道と伝説 - - ABC list .

. Persons, People, Personen and their legends - - ABC list .

. Legends about Kobo Daishi Kukai - 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説 .

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

- Yookai 妖怪 Yokai Monsters of Japan -

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #sanjusangendo #Sanjūsangen-dō #kyoto #Rengeo-in-


Tsukudo Kannon Shinjuku

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. 山の手三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples in the Yamanote area

Tsukudo Hachiman Jinja 筑土八幡神社 / 築土神社 - Tsukudo, Shinjuku

新宿区筑土八幡町2-1 / Tokyo, Shinjuku ward, Tsukudo Hachiman / 2-1 Tsukudohachimanchō
1-14-21 Kudankita, Chiyoda City, Tokyo (another source)

The main statue of a temple in the compound was 正観世音菩薩 Sho Kannon.

Deities in residence
応神天皇 Emperor Ojin
神功皇后 Empress Jingu
仲哀天皇 Emperor Chuai

The date of construction of the Shrine is not quite clear, but it must be more than 1200 years.
An old man living in 武蔵国豊島郡牛込 Ushigome had a dream vision to venerate matsu 松の樹 a pine tree nearby.

- quote
Tsukudo Hachiman Shrine / Chikushi Hachimangu
Vestige of the old residence of Torazo Tamura, a composer
It was called "Chikushihachimagu" in Edo Era and worshiped the Emperor Ojin, the Empress Jingu, and the Emperor Chuai. It is said that it was worshiped as Hachimangu for the first time in Heian Era by an old man who received an oracle.
Later, Jikaku-Daishi invited Amida Nyorai as Honchibutsu (the original figure of the deity),
and Tomooki Uesugi, the owner of Edo castle, built the main building of the shrine.
The name chikushi
originated from the fact that the foundation of the building was made of the soil from Chikushi-Usa Hachimangu. There are "the oldest shrine gateway in Shinjuku", the monument of honor to commemorate the achievements of Torazo Tamura inside the shrine, and his old residence to the west of the shrine.
Torazo Tamura is the composer of such educational songs for school children as "Kintaro", "Urashimataro", and "Issunboshi".
- source : kanko-shinjuku.jp.e ...


- quote -
Tsukudo shrine is a institution to worship the spirit of Masakado who is the god of SAMURAI, founded in Tokyo in 940.
Masakado had ambition of gaining the independent power from the court.
Masakado tried to have Kanto (Tokyo and outskirts) gain independence, but was killed by the imperial army in 940.
His head had been displayed in Kyoto (the medieval capital of Japan).
But people in Kanto, had kept inspilated Masakado as "GUNSHIN (the divine figure of SAMURAI)".
They took the head of Masakado from the imperial court and brought to KANTO, and they began to worship Masakado's head as divine figure of SAMURAI in Tsukudo shrine in Tokyo.
Masakado, then has been still loved strongly by many in Kanto area as the devine God of SAMURAI for more than one thousand years.
- source : english.tsukudo.jp/outline... -

. Taira no Masakado 平将門 / 平將門 (? – 940) .


shuin 朱印 stamp

- reference source : shrine.iki-kiru.com/tsukudo ... -
- reference source : tesshow.jp ... -
- reference source : aiai7.net/howto/junpai ... -


- Yearly Festivals 年中行事 -

9月15日 The main festival is on September 15.


. Ushigome 牛込 Ushigome district, Shinjuku .
東京都 新宿 つくど
津久戸町(つくどちょう) Tsukudo Cho district
No sub-districts.
Established in 1988.

筑土八幡町 Tsukudo Hachiman cho district


This temple is Nr. 3 of the
. 山の手三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples in the Yamanote area

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara .

. Shō Kannon 聖観音 / 正観音 Sho Kannon / 聖観世音菩薩 .


. Join the Kannon Bosatsu Gallery on Facebook .


. 山の手三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples in the Yamanote area

. The Yamanote area in Edo / Tokyo .

- - #Tsukudo #shinjuku #ushigome -


Jinguji Fudo Niu

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼 .


Jinguuji 神宮寺 Jingu-Ji - Niu
丹生山 Niuzan 神宮寺 Jinguji

三重県多気郡勢和村大字丹生3997 / Mie, Taki district, Seiwa village, Niu
The temple is also known as
Niu Daishi 丹生大師 Kobo Daishi from Niu
Nyonin Koya 女人高野 Koya san for Women

The main statue is 十一面観音 Juichimen Kannon with 11 Faces

- quote
Nyu Daishi Shinguji Temple
Jingū-ji was founded in 774 by 勤操(ごんぞう) monk Gonzō (754-827), who built the temple by an order of Emperor Kōnin (709-782).
At the beginning of the 9th Century (between 810 and 824) Kūkai (Kōbō Daishi, 774-835), the founder of Shingon sect, visited Jingū-ji after his pilgrimage to Ise Shrine. When he learned that the temple was founded by his teacher Gonzō, he decided to postpone the construction of a temple at Mount Kōya and instead chose to expand this temple complex.
In 815 the seven-structured temple compound was finished.
Kūkai, 42 years old at the time,
made a statue of himself and place it in Dashi Hall (Hall of Kūkai). Because the statue miraculously survived many military conflicts untouched, it became known as Oyakuyoke Daishi (Great teacher who expels bad luck) and is visited by many people who come to pray to get rid of bad luck.
Another statue which was also made by Kūkai is a gilt bronze statue of Fudō Myō-ō (Immovable Wisdom King) and it is placed inside Goma Hall (Hall for Goma/Homa fire ritual).
- - - Jingū-ji has two more halls:
Yakushi Hall – which enshrines a statue of Buddha Yakushi (Buddha of Medicine and Healing), and
the Main Hall (also called Kannon Hall, rebuilt in 1684) which enshrines a statue of Jūichimen Kannon (Eleven-Faced Kannon) – the main statue of the temple since the time of its founding.
Jingū-ji temple was damaged several times by fires, but each time it was repaired. Two main reconstruction works were done in 16th and 17th Century. The first conducted by Ryōshin was done between 1596 and 1615, the second conducted by Ryōhan was done between 1684 and 1688. Thanks to efforts of these two monks many buildings within temple’s precinct survived to our times.
A natural mineral hot spring called Daishiyū (Daishi Hot Spring) is also close to the temple. According to the legend, it is also one more place where Kūkai used to practice.
Jingū-ji temple, which is also called Niu Daishi, is very popular especially among women. Since ancient times Mount Kōya would not allow women to enter the sacred mountain. Instead many of them would come on a pilgrimage to this temple, hence the nickname: Mount Kōya for Women.
- source : isekannon.jp/otera_list ...

. Kōbō Daishi Kūkai 弘法大師 空海 Kobo Daishi Kukai .


shuin 朱印 stamp

shuin 朱印 stamp of Yakushi Nyorai

- Homepage of the temple
- source : isekannon.jp/otera ...

- reference source : www.36fudo.jp ... -
- reference source : hotokami ... -


Also on the following pilgrimage:

. Ise Saigoku 33 Kannon 伊勢西国三十三所観音巡礼 Pilgrimage . - Nr. 12


This temple is Nr. 24 of the
. Pilgrimages to 36 Fudo Temples in the Tokai region 東海三十六不動尊霊場 .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

- - - There are many temples with this name - - -
. Jinguuji 神宮寺 Jingu-Ji temples in Japan .

.......................................................................... Aichi 愛知県 
名古屋市 Nagoya city 熱田区 Atsuta ward

Atsuta Jinju-Ji 熱田神宮寺 had two pagodas, Tahootoo 多宝塔 Tahoto, two-storied pagoda,
and Gojuu no To 五重塔 Goju-no-To, Gojunoto, five-storied pagoda.
The original buildings have been lost.
Fudo Do 不動堂 a Fudo Hall has been built on the remains of the Taho-To.

tori 鳥 a bird
For the construction of the gate of 熱田神宮寺 the Temple Atsuta Jingu-Ji they were digging a hole into the ground.
After digging some time, there was a strange movement.
When they dug deeper, a bird the size of a raven came flying out and up into the sky.
Five days later the head priest died.

.......................................................................... Akita 秋田県 
秋田市 Akita city 大町 Omachi // 飽海郡 Akumi district

ishi no yajiri 石の鏃 stone arrowheads
In the year 885 stone arrowheads came falling from the sky at 神宮寺 the Temple Jingu-Ji in the Akumi area.

.......................................................................... Nagano 長野県  
北安曇郡 Kita-Azumi district 小谷村(おたりむら) Otari village

kitsune キツネ fox and mujina ムジナ / tanuki タヌキ badger
If someone is bewitched by a fox or badger, they go to 神宮寺 the Temple Jingu-Ji to pray for healing.
Others ask a shaman for a special exorcistic ritual.
In the local dialect, a kitooshi 祈とう師 Kitoshi shaman is called Hoogen sama ホーゲンサマ Hogen Sama.

.......................................................................... Okayama 岡山県  
勝田郡 Katsuta district 勝田町 Katsuta town 梶並部落 Kajinami hamlet

. Sanbo Kojin 三宝荒神 "the fierce deities of the three treasures" .
In the compound of 神宮寺 the Temple Jingu-Ji in Kajinami there is a formation of mountains.
At the foot of the mountains the deity 三宝荒神 Sanbo Kojin is venerated as a protector of children.
kodomo no kami 子供の神 Deity to protect Children

.......................................................................... Osaka 大阪府  
東大阪市 Higashi Osaka city 八尾市 Yao city

nana haka 七墓 seven graves
Recently a pilgrimage called Kawachi Nanahaka 河内七墓 to seven graves in the Kawachi area has become popular in Higashi-Osaka and Yao city.
Kawachi Province was a province in the eastern part of modern Osaka Prefecture.
The graves are related to priest Gyoki Bosatsu and are located in
長瀬有馬 Nagase Srima, 岩田 Iwata, 額田 Nukada, 神立 Kandatsu, 垣内 Kakiuchi,
恩智神宮寺 Onji Jinguji and 植松 Uematsu.
If people visit during the O-Bon holidays, they will be reborn in paradise.
5-14 Onji Nakamachi, Yao, Osaka - 恩智神宮寺 Onji Jinguji / 神宮寺感應院 Jingu-Ji, Kanno-In

. Gyooki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 Gyoki Bosatsu (668 - 749) .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

- - #jinguji #tokaijinguji #jingujifudo #niu #daishi -


Sugimotodera Kannon Kamakura

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. 坂東三十三観音 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples in Bando (Kanto)

Sugimotodera 杉本寺 Sugimoto-Dera - Kamakura
大蔵山 Taizosan 観音院 Kannon-In 杉本寺 Sugimotodera

神奈川県鎌倉市二階堂903 / 903 Nikaidō, Kamakura, Kanagawa

The main statue is Eleven-Headed Kannon

- quote
Sugimoto-dera (大蔵山観音院杉本寺, Taizō-zan Kannon-in Sugimoto-dera)
is a Buddhist temple in Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, one of the oldest temples in Kamakura and, together with Hōkai-ji, the only one of the Tendai denomination.
Two of the three statues of goddess Kannon it enshrines are Important Cultural Properties.
Sugimotodera is nicknamed Geba Kannon ("Dismount Kannon"), because horsemen never failed to dismount from their steeds when they passed by.
(According to a different version of the legend, non-believers always fell from their horse when passing in front of the temple.)
The temple is a branch temple (末寺, matsuji) of Hōkai-ji.
According to the temple's own records,
Sugimoto-dera was founded in 734 by the minister of the Imperial Court Fujiwara no Fusasaki (681 – 737) and
行基菩薩 priest Gyōki on orders by Emperor Shōmu.
The temple's legend holds that Empress Komyo (701–760) in the Nara Period (710–794) instructed Fujiwara and Gyoki (668–749) to build the temple enshrining a statue of Eleven-Headed Kannon as the main object of worship. It is therefore considered to be the oldest of Kamakura's temples, predating the Kakamura shogunate by half a millennium.
- source and more details : en.wikipedia.org/wiki ...

. Gyooki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 Gyoki Bosatsu (668 - 749) .
. Komyo Kogo 光明皇后 Empress Komyo .


shuin 朱印 stamp

source : shukuken.com/sugimotodera...
Sugimotodera no kifuda mamori 杉本寺の木札守 amulet

- Homepage of the temple
- source : sugimotodera.com ...
- reference source : tesshow.jp ... -


Also on the following pilgrimages :

. 鎌倉三十三観音霊場 - 33 Kannon Temples in Kamakura - Nr. 1 .

鎌倉二十四地蔵尊霊場 - 24 Jizo Temples in Kamakura - Nr.4 and 6


This temple is Nr. 01 of the
. 坂東三十三観音 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples in Bando (Kanto)

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara .

. Juichimen Kannon 十一面観世音菩薩 Kannon with 11 Heads


. Join the Kannon Bosatsu Gallery on Facebook .


. 坂東三十三観音 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples in Bando (Kanto)

- - #sugimotodera #sugimotokannon -


Gyoganji Kannon Gotanda

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. 山の手三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples along the Yamanote Line

Gyooganji, Gyōganji 行元寺 Gyogan-Ji Gotanda
牛頭山 Gozuzan 千手院 Senju-In

東京都品川区西五反田4-9-10) / Tokyo Shinagawa ward Gotanda

The main statue is Senju Kannon 千手観音.

A sub-temple of
. Temple Kanei-Ji 寛永寺 - Ueno .


shuin 朱印 stamp

- Homepage of the temple
- source : tendaitokyo.jp/jiinmei ...
- reference source : tesshow.jp ... -


This temple is Nr. 1 of the
. 山の手三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples along the Yamanote Line

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara .

. Senju Kannon 千手観音 Kannon Bosatsu with 1000 Arms.

. Join the Kannon Bosatsu Gallery on Facebook .


. 山の手三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples along the Yamanote Line

- -#gyoganji #gotanda #yamanotekannon -


Shofukuji Fudo Matsuo

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼 .


Shoofukuji 正福寺 Shofuku-Ji - Matsuo, Mie
青峯山 Aonominezan 正福寺 Shofukuji
三重県鳥羽市松尾町511 / Mie, Toba city, Matsuo town

The main statue is 十一面観音 Juichimen Kannon with 11 Faces

- quote -
The History of Shōfuku-ji temple (Sacred Mountain Aonominesan, Granting protection at the Sea)
Shōfuku-ji temple stands 336m (1102ft) above the sea level,
in the middle of Ise-Shima National Park. Its terrain spreads between cities of Toba and Shima. The temple is a sacred ground and one of the important spiritual places in Tōkai area. Surrounded by beautiful nature of Aonomine mountain, Shōfuku-ji is said to be the first place in the area where Yamatohime no mikoto (the legendary daughter of Emperor Suinin (29-70), who established Ise Shrine) made a shrine devoted to Amaterasu – Shinto goddess of the Sun.
The main statue of the temple is Jūichimen Kannon (Eleven-Faced Kannon),
which according to the legend appeared at the beach of Ōsatsu village, riding on the back of a whale.
The Light of Wisdom (kōmyō) was emanating from her body in all directions. She flew up in the air and settled down on Aonomine mountain, where the temple lies today.
- source : isekannon.jp/otera ... -


shuin 朱印 stamp

omamori お守り amulets

- Homepage of the temple
- source : isekannon.jp/otera_list ...

- reference source : www.36fudo.jp ... -
- reference source : hotokami ... -


Also on the following pilgrimage :

. Ise Saigoku 33 Kannon 伊勢西国三十三所観音巡礼 Pilgrimage .


This temple is Nr. 23 of the
. Pilgrimages to 36 Fudo Temples in the Tokai region 東海三十六不動尊霊場 .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

There are other temples with the name 正福寺 Shofuku-Ji in Japan.

.......................................................................... Fukushima 福島県  
郡山市 Koriyama city 湖南町 Konan town

. Roku Jizō, Roku Jizoo 六地蔵 Roku Jizo, Six Jizo Statues .
Jizo sama no tatari 地蔵さまの祟り the curse of Jizo Bosatsu
. - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - Introduction - ABC .

.......................................................................... Mie 三重県 
鳥羽市 Toba city 松尾町 Matsuo town

The history of the Shima region is recorded in 志州天朗峰福寺縁起, kept at the temple Shofuku-Ji.
Once a statue of 十一面観音像 Kannon Bosatsu with 11 faces came riding on kujira 鯨魚 a whale.
She became the portector deity of fishermen and sailors.
Kujira Shusse Kannon 鯨山出現観音
. kujira 鯨 / くじら whale toys and legends . .

.......................................................................... Yamagata 山形県  
鶴岡市 Tsuruoka city 下川 Shimokawa

. kookaishin 航海神 Kokaishin Deities of Seafarers .
one of them is
. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara .

.......................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県  
韮崎市 Nirasaki city 大草町 Okusa town

. kadomatsu 門松と伝説 Legends about pine decorations .
The Zen temple 正福寺 Shofuku-Ji has a Yakushi Do Hall.
On the New Year's night, the Yakushi in this hall had to go out to take a pee.
He stumbled in the dark and hit his eye on a branch of the pine decoration, thus becoming blind.
Now there is never a pine decoration for the New Year at this temple.
. Yakushidoo 薬師堂 Yakushi-Do Temple Hall Legends .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .

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