
Ninnaji Kyoto

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

Ninnaji 仁和寺 Ninna-Ji, Kyoto

京都府京都市右京区御室大内33 / 33 Omuro-Ouchi, Ukyō-ku, Kyoto,

- quote
the head temple of the Omuro school of the Shingon Sect of Buddhism. Located in western Kyoto, Japan, it was founded in AD 888 by the retired Emperor Uda. It is part of the "Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto", a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Ninna-ji was founded in the early Heian period. In 886, Emperor Kōkō ordered the construction of the Nishiyama Goganji Temple to bless the nation and propagate Buddhist teachings but he did not live to see its completion. Emperor Uda saw the construction to its completion in 888 and named it "Ninna" after the regnal year of the late Emperor Kōkō's reign. From 888 to 1869 it was traditional for reigning Emperors to send a son to the temple to take over as head priest when a vacancy arose.
After retiring from his throne, Emperor Uda became the first Monzeki, or aristocratic priest, of Ninna-ji. From then on until the end of the Edo period, the temple saw a succession of head priests of imperial lineage. . . .
888 (Ninna 4, 8th month): Construction of the newly created Buddhist temple of Ninna-ji (仁和寺) was completed; and a former disciple of Kōbō Daishi was installed as the new abbot.
... Uda entered the Buddhist priesthood at age 34 in 900. Having founded the temple at Ninna-ji, Uda made it his new home after his abdication. ...
The nengo era name of Ninna (885 – 889)
. . .  More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- March 21
Visiting three Kobo temples, san Kobo mairi 三弘法参り,
.. also : san Kooboo moode 三弘法詣で (in Kyoto, at temple Tooji on the first to third of January)
Visiting Ninna-Ji, O-Muromairi 御室参り 仁和寺
..... (Famous for its beautiful cherry blossoms, Omuro sakura .)
. Kobo Daishi 弘法大師 - kigo for late spring .

. 近畿三十六不動尊巡礼 Pilgrimage to 36 Fudo Temples in Kinki .
第14番 Nr. 14 - 仁和寺 Ninna-Ji - Kyoto

都名所図会 Kyo Meisho Zue


shuin 朱印 book for the temple stamp

omamori お守り amulets

- Homepage of the temple
- source : www.ninnaji.jp... english


source : sankei.com/west/news...

五大明王壁画 Wall painting of Fudo Myo-O and the five Fudo

. Fudo Myo-O 不動明王 .


. Onipedia 日本の鬼 The Demons of Japan .

Ninna-Ji wall paintings with Oni demons in hell


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

kimono with Ninna-Ji as motive

Ninnaji no Omuro de orinu aki-awase

at Ninna-Ji in Omuro
they get off -
autumn kimono

Tr. Gabi Greve

Takazawa Ryooichi 高澤良一 Takazawa Ryoichi

- - - - - autumn an Ninnaji


Ninnaji no Omuro no sakura shiozuke ni

the Omuro cherry blossoms
from Ninna-Ji
as salty pickles

本田八重子 Honda Yaeko

shiozuke - sakura blossoms are pickled in salt and enjoyed as tea


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

The horse painted on a votive tablet by 巨勢金岡 Kose no Kanaoka took off each night and devastated the nearby fields.
It could only be stopped by crushing its eyes.

. Kose Kanaoka, Kose no Kanaoka 巨勢金岡 (?802 - ?897) .
a court painter of the Heian period.

The Tengu from 愛宕山 Mount Atagosan and 比叡山 Hieizan often came to the great 六本杉 cedar tree of Ninna-Ji to rest.
Once a priest took shelter under the tree in the rain and saw two palanquins taking off in the direction of Atagosan and Hieizan. It must have been the vengeful spirits of people who died with a grudge and had become Tengu.

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -

仁和寺氏神社の絵馬 ema from the clan Shrine of Ninna-Ji


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - INTRODUCTION .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #ninnaji #omuroninnaji -


Toran Ni Sennin

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Toranni 都藍尼(とらんに)Toran-Ni - 女仙人 Toran no Ama, a female Sennin 

She is Nr. 09 :
. 日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan .

The Buddhist nun Toran-Ni lived in Nara at the foot of 吉野の山 Mount Yoshino, studied Buddhism and lived for more than a few hundred years.
Mount Oominesan 大峰山 was a mountain for religious practise, but not allowed for women to climb. Even now there is 女人結界門 a limit as to how far women should climb.
Toran-Ni was not satisfied with this prohibition and one day started to climb. Immediately the weather turned bad, with thunder and lightning, making her loose her way. She also lost her walking staff 杖, which got stuck in the ground and grew to a huge tree.
Rocks where she stepped on begun to crack and tumble downhill and a pond appeared in their place.

There are other mountains in Japan claiming Toran-Ni was there, like 立山 Tateyama, 白山 Hakusan and 高野山 Koyasan.


Toran-ni: The Old Hag Who Violated the Anti-female Cordon
The woman who is known simply as the Nun Toran (Toran-ni), a legendary person, is believed to be the sister of a minor mountain ascetic who trained with En no Gyōja (d. 701). The first literary reference to her occurs in the Honchō shinsen-den ...
"Toranni, native of Yamato province, achieved several hundred years of long life through her mystical ascetic training. Regrettably, however, her overconfidence led her to penetrate the sacred Mount Kinpusen, only to have Kongo Zao (the tutelary deity of Mt. Kinpusen), who never permits women to cross its boundary, to strike her with lightning. Toran's staff changed into a tree, the earth caved i to create a lake. She left traces of her nail marks on the mountain rock".

- - - "Women, Gender and Art in Asia, -- MORE
- source : MeliaBelli Bose -


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Daisen Shinkō - 大仙 Mount Daisen
Beliefs and practices associated with Daisen, a mountain located in the western part of Tottori Prefecture, also known as Hōki Fuji. It consists of a number of peaks, including Misen, Tengugamine and Sankomine. The highest is Kengamine (1792 m.). The access route from the north starts from a settlement that has formed around the Tendai temple Daisenji. Beyond this are the inner shrine of Ōgamiyama Shrine, and the shrine dedicated to the attendant kami, Shimoyama Shrine.
Many elements connected with the view that the mountain is the Other Realm, where the spirits of the dead go, can be found in, for example, the Muromachi-period Amida Hall and the site known as Sainokawara. In the Izumokoku fudoki (post 713) the mountain is called Ōgamidake, and Yatsukamizuomitsuno no mikoto is said to have used it as a rudder when he brought in more land to extend Izumo Province (kunihiki). In the Engishiki (905-27) it appears as Ōgamiyama Shrine. Ennin's Diary (Nitto guhō junrei kōki, covering 838-47) records that Ennin made prayers here when he was embarking for China, and so its links with Tendai Buddhism were born.
It was famous as a shugen (see Shugendō) mountain in the Heian period and is mentioned in such works as the Uji shūi monogatari (ca 1190-1242), Ryōjin hishō (ca 1169), Shin sarugaku-ki (Fujiwara Akihira, 1058-65) and Hokke genki.
A shugenja called Kikō is said to have been active here in the Kamakura period. The oldest local legendary history is the Daisenji engi emaki with a colophon dated 1398 (the original was destroyed in a fire in 1928). It relates that a great rock fell from the southeastern side of the Third Palace of the Tushita heaven and split into three - Kumano, Kinpusen, and Daisen. In connection with this, the "mountain" name of Daisenji is Kakubansan (lit. "corner of rock").
The divinities Monju (Manjushri), Kannon (Avalokiteshvara) and Jizō (Kshitigarbha) manifested themselves at the pagoda and are venerated as the Gongen of the Three Places (sansho gongen) (see gongen shinkō).

The founding legend says that a hunter from Tamatsukuri in Izumo called Yorimichi entered the mountain from the bay at Miho chasing a golden wolf. When he tried to shoot it Jizō rose out of the earth and the wolf transformed into an old nun called Toran-ni. The wolf was an incarnation of the mountain kami (yama no kami), who, as a nun, persuaded Yorimichi to seek after enlightenment, and gave him the name of Kinren to encourage him in his religious training. Thus Yorimichi is considered to be the founder of Daisen.

A special feature of the cult was its veneration of Jizō on the basis of belief in the mountain deity and the view that the mountain was the Other Realm. In the late Heian period a cult arose around the central image of Daisenji, Daisen Chimyō Gongen, identified as an avatar of Jizō.
In the Muromachi period Shimoyama Myōjin, the attendant deity (misaki kami), was venerated for its association with Daisen Chimyo Gongen, and was said to enshrine the spirits of a white fox and a shugen practitioner.
The belief spread over a wide area, on the basis of oracles (takugen) and reports of miraculous events (reigen) emphasized by yamabushi. Daisenji came under the jurisdiction of Hieizan in the Edo period. Gōen, the head priest of the temple at the beginning of the period, systematized the organization and ritual, and is therefore called the restoring patriarch.
A fief of 3000 koku was bestowed on the temple, which supported 42 subtemples. The separation of kami and Buddhist practices and worship (shinbutsu bunri) was carried out in 1875. Daisenji was abolished and the main hall of Daisen Chimyō Gongen was turned into the inner shrine of Ōkamiyama Jinja.
In 1903, the temple name of Daisenji was revived and the former Dainichi Hall was converted into the Main Hall, and remains so today. Shugen practices disappeared, but the shrine priests (jinshoku) perform the rite of mohitori, bringing down herbs and water from the summit of the mountain, which preserves elements of the former Misen zenjō, climbing to the summit of Misen, which used to be held on the fourteenth day of the sixth month.
In the Bitchū region (in present-day Okayama Prefecture), Daisen is written with the characters 大仙 rather than the usual大山; a branch shrine has been established locally and veneration rites for the dead are performed there. There remains a strong tradition of veneration of the dead also at the base of the mountain, where gongen confraternities (kō) venerate Chimyō Gongen on the 24th of February and October in order to memorialize ancestors.
Again, at the foot of the mountain, there is a strong devotion to the mountain as a protector of livestock; horse and cattle fairs used to be held in villages there every year on the twenty-fourth day of the fourth month, the day associated with the deity, which developed in the Genroku era (1688-1704) into the Bakurōza, the biggest such fair in the country.
The Daisen Kuyō Taue, a rice-planting festival, best symbolizes the beliefs surrounding Daisen as a water (suijin) and agricultural deity. Here an ox with its horns brightly decorated is led into a rice field and young women plant rice to the beat of accompanying music. This festival is still held at various places and times.
- source : Kokugakuin Suzuki Masataka -


. Yama no Kami 山の神 God of the Mountain
and his messenger, the Yamainu 山犬 Wolf .


105 spring and Mount Daisen

. Mount Daisen 大山 / 大仙 - Tottori .
Mount Daisen, which stood directly from the Sea of Japan, was regarded as one of the most important mountain for Japanese Shugendo. According to ‘Izumo Kokudo Fudoki, which was completed the edition in 733, this mountain was called ‘Ookamitake’’, literally, ‘Mountain of the great god.’


. Zenkiboo Zenkibō 前鬼坊 Zenkibo of Mount Ōmine, Nara .
那智滝本前鬼坊 Nachi Takimoto Zenkibo / 大峰山前鬼坊 Ominesan Zenki-Bo
the husband Zenki 前鬼 and his wife Goki 後鬼 - and the priest En no Gyoja 役行者.


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #toranni #femalesennin -


Gama Sennin Toad

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Gama Sennin 蝦蟇仙人 "Toad Immortal" - 劉海 Liu Hai
The Sage with the three-legged Toad

The Japanese legend of Gama Sennin (蝦蟇仙人 "Toad Immortal") is based upon Chinese Liu Hai (劉海), a fabled 10th-century alchemist who learned the secret of immortality from the Chan Chu ("Three-legged Money Toad").
He is a benign sage with great magical knowledge about pills and drugs. He is always accompanied by a toad and he can assume the shape of a toad.
He could also change his skin and become young again.


Gama Sennin, (Chin. Liu Hai) and Tekkai Sennin (Chin. Li Tieguai).

Gama Sennin, known literally as the ‘toad hermit,’ a character based on the historical civil servant and alchemist Liu Hai of 10th century China. Various accounts associate Gama with a large, three-legged toad by which he can be identified. Gama was thought to be able to release his spirit from his body, metamorphose, and fly with the aid of his magical companion. Chinese prototypes of this theme sometimes represent the immortal sitting on or resting his foot on the animal and holding a string of gold coins, with which he is supposed to have lured the toad from its hiding place in a well. ...
- source : collections.artsmia.org/art -


- the Harvard Art Museum collection


Photo curtesy of Tosh Beppu, October 2007


source : 佐野大作 facebook
養老高田まつり Festival Float


. sennin to netsuke 仙人と根付 Netsuke of Immortals .

Netsuke from Galerie Zacke, facebook


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Jiraiya (自来也 or 児雷也, literally "Young Thunder"),
originally known as Ogata Shuma Hiroyuki, is the toad riding character of the Japanese folklore Jiraiya Gōketsu Monogatari (児雷也豪傑物語, "The Tale of the Gallant Jiraiya"). The tale was adapted into a 19th-century serial novel, a kabuki drama, several films, video games and a manga, and has also served as a source of influence for various other works.
In the legend, Jiraiya is a ninja who uses shapeshifting magic to morph into a gigantic toad. As the heir of a powerful clan in Kyūshū of the same name, Jiraiya fell in love with Tsunade (綱手), a beautiful young maiden who has mastered slug magic. His arch-enemy was his one-time follower Yashagorō (夜叉五郎), later known as Orochimaru (大蛇丸), a master of serpent magic (the kanji 大蛇 literally means "giant snake" or "serpent"). It was first recorded in 1806.
- MORE in the Wikipedia ! -

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The Magic Serpent (怪竜大決戦 Kairyū Daikessen)
The Mystic Dragons' Decisive Battle) is a 1966 tokusatsu kaiju/ninja fantasy film produced by Toei Company Ltd. This film is a loose retelling of the famous Japanese folktale, Jiraiya Gōketsu Monogatari (The Tale of the Gallant Jiraiya).

Just like Toei's many superhero shows, this film is just as action-packed and colorful. And to entertain younger audiences, the hero Jiraiya and the villain Orochimaru use ninja magic to transform into daikaiju to battle each other (this was also done in the original story, even though the animals were not necessarily gigantic). Despite the many differences between this film and its source material, this has remained a cult classic.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Princess Tsunade Hime 綱手姫
is standing on a Namekuji to cross over the sea to meet her lover, Jiraiya.
. namekuji 蛞蝓 (なめくじ / ナメクジ) slug .


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. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senningama #gamasennin #toadsennin -


Tsuru Sennin Crane

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Tsuru Sennin 鶴仙人 crane hermit
kookaku sennin 控鶴仙人 "Sennin riding a crane"

Chinese :
王子喬(おおしきょう)Oshikyo, Wangze Kao
費長房(ひちょうぼう)Hichobo, Fei Chang Fang
黄鶴楼(こうかくろう)Kokakuro. Huang He Lou

費長房 Hichobo (Fei Chang Fang)

He is riding a crane, holding a sutra scroll in his hands.
He was the disciple of the Sennin 壺公(ごこう) Goko. (ここう Koko).
He tried to become a sennin but could not pass the exam of his master. Nevertheless he became an immortal.
Some sources say he was eventually killed by 鬼神 a Demon Deity.
- reference : fukushima-museum.jp... -


Sennin 壺公(ごこう) Goko. (壺公 ここう Koko) "Honorable Jar"
Late Han period.
Koko Sennin was selling medicine in the market of 汝南の市場 Jonan. He had a 壺 jar hanging from his waist, and in the evening slipped into the jar and spent the night. He had lived in 天界 the heavenly realm, but was banished because he had commited a crime.
The warden of the market place, 費長房 Hichobo, was fascinated by him.
The special realm of Koko is called
kochuuten 壺中天 / こちゅうてん Kochuten, "Heaven in a Jar"
Often a name for a restaurant.

Some illustrations snow Goko slipping into a gourd
hyootan sennin 瓢箪仙人 "Gourd Immortal"

... . in ancient China, when gourds served the purpose of carrying water on long embarkments. In addition to simply water, medicine was also stored in the gourds; this is where the image of it as a “symbol of health, vitality and immortality ” was derived.
mubyootan 六瓢箪 "six gourds", a pun with mubyoo 無病 "no illness"
and thus a specially auspicious symbol.
. hyootan 瓢箪 Hyotan gourd art motives .


- back to
kookaku sennin 控鶴仙人 "Sennin riding a crane"

名草神社 Nagusa Jinja
Hyogo / 1755-6 Yokacho Ishihara, Yabu, Hyōgo


北野天満宮 Kitano Tenmangu


source : watanabe san facebook

飾り瓦 roof tile from 石作神社 Ishizukuri Jinja, Aichi


Tsuru Sennin 亀仙人 the modern "Crane Immortal"

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Master Shen is the Crane Hermit (鶴仙人 Tsurusen'nin), Minister Shen, master of the Crane School and Mercenary Tao's older brother. Whilst they both trained at the Mutaito Training Academy, a rivalry quickly grew between Shen and Master Roshi. Master Shen and Mercenary Tao, likewise, began to fight over the smallest things. Eventually, a simple spilled bowl of rice was enough to break the brothers apart.
- - - MORE
- reference source : dragonball.wikia.com/wiki/Master_Shen...-


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Das Netsuke zeigt uns ein auf einer rechteckigen Siegelbasis ruhendes Rind, auf dem ein bärtiger Weiser gemütlich sitzt und ein langes Blasinstrument an seine Lippen hält. Das Sitzen auf einem Rind darzustellen, wobei sich meistens eine Union in meditativer Versunkenheit vorfindet, ist sehr beliebt und man kann den einfachen Bokudo genauso antreffen, wie den legendären Laoze, den Begründer des chinesischen Daoismus. Dieser war für den aus kaiserlichem Geblüt stammenden Oshikyo (chin. Wangze Kao) ein leuchtendes Vorbild, das ihn zu einem Leben als einsamer Eremit veranlaßte. Zusammen mit der Fee Fukyuko lebte er dreißig Jahre im Heshe Gebirge. Das alte Netsuke mit sehr schöner goldbrauner Patina zeigt ihn mit einer schon etwas abgegriffenen Haube und einem faltenreichen Umhang, die Schalmei schön angelegt und in einer Linie mit dem Rindsschweif, das Tier lauscht ebenfalls dem sphärischen Wohlklang.
- source : Wolfmar Zacken -


. sennin to netsuke 仙人と根付 Netsuke of Immortals .


source : artsy.net/artwork/suzuki-harunobu...

Parodies of Hichobo and Urashima Taro
Suzuki Harunobu


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. 亀仙人 Kame Sennin - "The Turtle Immortal" .

. tsuru kame, tsurukame 鶴亀 Tortoise and Crane .
symbols of long life in China

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #tsurusennin #craneimmortal #oshikyo #hichobo #goko #koko-


Kame Sennin Turtle

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Kame Sennin 亀仙人 "Turtle Immortal"
Kooan - 黄安仙人 / 黄安 Koan, Kame Sennin

A Sennin from China of the 前漢 Western Han Dynasty (156 - 187) .
He rode on a huge turtle of 3尺 - 3 feet. This turtle would show its head above the water once every 3000 years.
Koan had seen this at least 5 times.
Once he had an audience with the Han emperor and told him about this turtle, but when the emperor died,
Koan also drifted into the unknown.


黄安仙人図 亀乗仙人
狩野常信 Kano Tsunenobu (1636 - 1713)


source : watanabe san, facebook

飾り瓦 roof tile from 春日神社 Kasuga Jinja


source : syo-kazari.net/sosyoku/jinbutsu...

carving at the shrine Kitano Tenmangu, Kyoto
京都市上京区 北野天満宮拝殿


亀仙人 Kame Sennin - "The Turtle Immortal"
Kokeshi by Usaburo 卯三郎こけし


Kame Sennin 亀仙人 the modern "Turtle Immortal"
Muten Roshi 武天老師 Master Roshi

- quote -
Kame Sennin, the perverted martial arts master. He lives on Kame Island in the Kame House.

Like other Sennin, he lives alone except for his acquaintance, Turtle (海亀, Umigame), a slow yet honest talking sea turtle that comedically represents his Sennin familiar.
Kame Sennin
is very much a cross cultural creation. He teaches the boys martial arts in a Zen Buddhist style of self comprehension amidst physical suffering. Meanwhile, he dresses like a Daoist Taiji master when fighting or teaching. He knows Taiji Chuan and Chinese boxing styles, and helps strengthen his disciples’ ability to use Ki (Qi). On top of that, he emulates Jackie Chan as Jackie Chun, a popular Chinese martial arts film star. He’s a mix of Buddhist, Daoist, Chinese and Japanese.
Kame Sennin is an immortal.
It’s never explained exactly how he became immortal, but he is over 300 years old by the time Goku meets him as a child, and he never ages during the progression of the story.
..... Just like Kume Sennin, Kame Sennin has a magic cloud, which he calls the Kinto’un (筋斗雲), and which shares similar Kanji to the one in Journey to the West, where it’s called the “Somersault Cloud.”
- read more here -
- source : dragonball.wikia.com... -


. sennin to netsuke 仙人と根付 Netsuke of Immortals .


. Join the Sennin on facebook ! .


source : artsy.net/artwork/suzuki-harunobu...

Parodies of Hichobo and Urashima Taro
Suzuki Harunobu

. Tsuru Sennin 鶴仙人 / jookaku sennin 控鶴仙人 "Sennin riding a crane" .

. tsuru kame, tsurukame 鶴亀 Tortoise and Crane .
symbols of long life in China

. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senninkame #kamesennin #turtlesennin #turtleimmortal -

Sennin Kinko

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

kinkoo sennin, Kinkô 琴高仙人 Kinko Sennin

Qin Gao from China 周代

Kinko, who lived beside a river and was a painter of fish.
One day a giant carp offered to take him for a ride into the realm of the immortals. He returned after a month, telling his followers never to kill another fish. He then jumped into the river, where he was transformed into a carp himself.
Kinko is usually shown reading a Taoist scroll while riding on the back of the magical fish.

. China - The Eight Immortals 八仙 Pa Hsien .


on a roof tile

source : watanabe san facebook

春日神社 Kasuga Jinja, Aichi - 仙人の飾り瓦


琴高童子像 Kinko as a child 岐阜県高山市 Gifu Takayama City


source : MFA Boston

Courtesan Riding a Carp; Parody of the Immortal Qin Gao (Kinkô sennin)
by Okumura Masanobu


source : www007.upp.so-net.ne.jp/kyoudoningyou...

. Hanayama ningyo 花山人形 - 山形県 Yamagata .


- source : MFA Boston -

The Immortal Qin Gao, represented by Hinazuru of the Chôjiya, kamuro Tsuruji and Tsuruno (Kinkô, Chôjiya uchi Hinazuru, Tsuruji, Tsuruno),
from the series Eight Immortals in the Art of Love (Enchû hassen)
艶中八仙 琴高 丁子屋内 雛鶴 つるし つるの
By Kitagawa Utamaro I


source : Miho Museum


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. sennin to netsuke 仙人と根付 Netsuke of Immortals .

. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senninkinko #kinkosennin #kinkoo -


Kikujido Chrysanthemum Boy

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .
Kiku Nyosen 菊女仙 female Chrysanthemum Sennin - see below

kikujidoo, kiku jidoo 菊慈童 Kikujido "The Boy with Chrysanthemums"

source : pinterest.jp/pin... Cambridge University

A barrel-shaped container made of chyrsanthemum and hinged at the bottom Inside is the figure of Kikujido, a sennin (immortal being) who wrote the magic characters of longevity on chrysanthemum leaves


source : kanshou.com/...

Kikujido is a boy who appears in the song (Noh script), Makurajido (Jido and Pillow), who remained youthful even with the passing of 700 years after writing the lines of the Lotus Sutra graciously gifted to him by the Emperor on the leaves of a chrysanthemum, when the dew drops from the chrysanthemum became an elixir for immortality.
- with photo of a festival of Kikujido Kasaboko
- reference source : kinasse-yatsushiro.jp... -

source : MFA Boston

菊慈童図 - the Chrysanthemum Boy
by Tsukioka Sessai (died in 1839)


菊慈童図屏風 Kikujido Byobu portable screen


- photo from wikimedia -


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The Kikujido (The Boy with the Chrysanthemums) kasaboko festival float
is from Miyano-machi, a former castle town of Yatsushiro Castle, and is the oldest of all the kasaboko.
Kikujido is a boy who appears in the song (Noh script), Makurajido 枕児童 (Jido and Pillow), who remained youthful even with the passing of 700 years after writing the lines of the Lotus Sutra graciously gifted to him by the Emperor on the leaves of a chrysanthemum, when the dew drops from the chrysanthemum became an elixir for immortality. This story represents people’s desire for immortality.
The name of Miyano-machi is derived from being a part of Monzen-machi, which was once in Myōken Shrine (Yatsushiro Shrine). Since it has a deep-rooted relationship with Myōken Shrine, the Kikujido kasaboko travels in front of the other kasaboko in the procession and is customarily always kept in the service of Myōken Shrine, regardless of the weather.
- photos and source : kinasse-yatsushiro.jp/myoken -


- photo from pinterest -

Tsuba with design of Kikujido gathering chrysanthemums.

. tsuba 鍔 sword guard .


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Kiku Nyosen 菊女仙 female Chrysanthemum Sennin
also called 人菊女 or 阿菊 Agiku.
She is a mysterious 仙女 female Sennin (sometimes translated as "fairy").

She lived around 720.
Sometimes she came down from her mountain and could be seen at the waterfall at the 水晶渓 "Chrystal gorge".
She ate only the leaves and petals of chrysanthemums.

有田焼 萬仙窯 Aritayaki


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. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

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Sennin ike pond

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Senninike, Sennin-Ike 仙人池 Sennin Ike Pond - "Pond of the Immortal"

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This pond offers stunning views of Mount Tsurugi in all season.
Tsurugidake 剱岳 - 2,999 m
富山県立山町 Tateyama, Toyama


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

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