. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .
Kiku Nyosen 菊女仙 female Chrysanthemum Sennin - see below
kikujidoo, kiku jidoo 菊慈童 Kikujido "The Boy with Chrysanthemums"

source : pinterest.jp/pin... Cambridge University
A barrel-shaped container made of chyrsanthemum and hinged at the bottom Inside is the figure of Kikujido, a sennin (immortal being) who wrote the magic characters of longevity on chrysanthemum leaves
source : kanshou.com/...
Kikujido is a boy who appears in the song (Noh script), Makurajido (Jido and Pillow), who remained youthful even with the passing of 700 years after writing the lines of the Lotus Sutra graciously gifted to him by the Emperor on the leaves of a chrysanthemum, when the dew drops from the chrysanthemum became an elixir for immortality.
- with photo of a festival of Kikujido Kasaboko
- reference source : kinasse-yatsushiro.jp... -

source : MFA Boston
菊慈童図 - the Chrysanthemum Boy
by Tsukioka Sessai (died in 1839)

菊慈童図屏風 Kikujido Byobu portable screen
- photo from wikimedia -
- quote -
The Kikujido (The Boy with the Chrysanthemums) kasaboko festival float
is from Miyano-machi, a former castle town of Yatsushiro Castle, and is the oldest of all the kasaboko.
Kikujido is a boy who appears in the song (Noh script), Makurajido 枕児童 (Jido and Pillow), who remained youthful even with the passing of 700 years after writing the lines of the Lotus Sutra graciously gifted to him by the Emperor on the leaves of a chrysanthemum, when the dew drops from the chrysanthemum became an elixir for immortality. This story represents people’s desire for immortality.
The name of Miyano-machi is derived from being a part of Monzen-machi, which was once in Myōken Shrine (Yatsushiro Shrine). Since it has a deep-rooted relationship with Myōken Shrine, the Kikujido kasaboko travels in front of the other kasaboko in the procession and is customarily always kept in the service of Myōken Shrine, regardless of the weather.
- photos and source : kinasse-yatsushiro.jp/myoken -

- photo from pinterest -
Tsuba with design of Kikujido gathering chrysanthemums.
. tsuba 鍔 sword guard .
. . . CLICK here for more Photos of kikujido !
Kiku Nyosen 菊女仙 female Chrysanthemum Sennin
also called 人菊女 or 阿菊 Agiku.
She is a mysterious 仙女 female Sennin (sometimes translated as "fairy").
She lived around 720.
Sometimes she came down from her mountain and could be seen at the waterfall at the 水晶渓 "Chrystal gorge".
She ate only the leaves and petals of chrysanthemums.

有田焼 萬仙窯 Aritayaki
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. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .
. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
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