
Kumedera Kume Sennin

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

Kumedera 久米寺 Kume-Dera, Nara

奈良県橿原市 / Nara Prefecture, Kashihara, Kumecho, 502

第7番 霊禅山 久米寺 Kumedera
Nr. 7 of the 49-temple pilgrimage dedicated to Yakushi Nyorai.
. 西国四十九薬師巡礼 Yakushi Nyorai in Western Japan .


ema 絵馬 votive tablet of the founder, Kume Sennin

stone statue of Kume Sennin

- Homepage of the temple
- source : city.kashihara.nara.jp/kankou


. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

Kume no Sennin 久米の仙人
The Immortal Kume used to fly around in the sky, riding on clouds. Once he saw a beautiful woman doing the washing at a river and got quite excited and involved with her.
This was the reason why he lost his 神通力 supernatural powers.
Part of this 通 power stayed deep in the mountain and became akki 悪鬼 a bad demon, who was called 通鬼 Tsuki, Tsu-Oni. This wicked demon went to the village and bewitched boys, even making them ill and mentally confused.
He lived at the times of emperor 欽明天皇 Kinmei Tenno.

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Who is Kume Sennin?

..... Kume Sennin’s legend is recounted in classical works, such as Book 11:24 of Konjaku Monogotari (今昔物語集) a 12th century collection of Buddhist Parables, and Essay 8 of Tsuregurekusa (徒然草), a collection of thoughts on life by the Buddhist monk Yoshida Kenko (1283 – 1352).
The legend says
that Kume was traveling on his cloud when he suddenly noticed a young woman near a river washing her clothes. He curiously watched the woman and unexpectedly caught a glimpse of her white leg under her raised kimono.
Kume’s mind became filled with desire and he immediately lost the ability to fly. Heavy with lustful thoughts, Kume fell to the earth and crashed in front of the lady!
Kume chose to marry the maiden. They made love for many years and started a family. Yet one day Kume realized the error of his ways, repented and set off to achieve the ultimate goal of immortality all over again.
According to the legend,
Kume worked hard to redeem himself, regained his powers, and built (or inspired the building of) Kumedera Temple (久米寺)in Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture. This temple dates back to the time of Prince Shotoku Taishi (574 – 622 AD) and still exists today.
This tells us that the Kume legend goes back at least 1,400 years.
... more
- source : thedaoofdragonball.com/blog/dragon-world -

A Japanese ivory netsuke 20th century, signed Keiun finely carved as Peeping Tom Sennin, the cloud dwelling spirit of Kume, 4.5 cm long.
- source : pinterest -

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Kume Sennin 久米仙人 Also written 粂仙人.
A legendary immortal often depicted in Edo period painting. According to legend recorded in KONJAKU MONOGATARI 今昔物語 (vol.11), Kume Sennin studied the special practices of the immortals at Ryuumonji 龍門寺 in Nara. Having learned how to fly, he flew one day over the Yoshino 吉野 river, and spotted a young woman washing laundry in the river. At the sight of the woman's white legs, he was so struck with passion that his supernatural powers failed him and he tumbled to the ground in front of the woman. This woman became his wife. Kume Sennin was then recruited to help build the capital at Takechi 高市 and was told to move lumber with his special powers. After eight days of intense training, he obtained the protection of Buddha and regaining his supernatural powers, flew the large quantity of wood to its destination in one swoop. For this deed, he received land in Kashihara 橿原 from the emperor, and here he founded Kumedera 久米寺. Pictorial representations of Kume Sennin usually depict him in the act of seeing the woman and tumbling from the sky.
A well known example is the folding screen by Soga Shouhaku 曾我蕭白 (1730-81) in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts (dated 1759). In ukiyo-e 浮世絵 prints Kume Sennin often appeares dressed in the garb of a Chinese sage.
- source : JAANUS -


source : Autumn-Takayama-Festival...

Kume Sennin on a festival float


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. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .
. 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 Bhaisajyaguru - ABC .


. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #kumedera #kumesennin -


- - - - - backup butsusen

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

- Backup April 2018 -

The original is here :

. heianperiodjapan.blogspot.jp/2018/03/butsusen-buddhist-immortals-hermits.html .


Butsusen 仏仙 / 佛仙 Buddhist Immortals and Hermits

Butsusen-kai 仏仙界 the realm of Buddhist immortals is the realm where the immortals live
(as opposed to the shinsen-kai 神仙界, the realm were the Shinto deities reside, in the famous mountains like 富士山 Fujisan or 蓬莱山 Horaisan.)

These Sennin practise sendo 仙道修行 to become Immortals and budo shugyo 武道修行 martial arts.
They live a hermit life with little contact to the world, with no pain and no joy.
Usually when someone enters this realm, he is not allowed to come back.

There are various types of Butsusen:
tensen 天仙 Sennin of the heavenly realm. chisen 地仙 Sennin of the earthly realm
shikaisen 尸解仙 Shikaisen, rikusen 陸仙、suisen 水仙 、shinsen 新仙、doosen 童仙 child Sennin,
gyokujo 玉女 "treasure women", sennyo 仙女 female Sennin

The Butsusen Hermits are also called Daisen 大仙、Sensei 仙聖、or simply Sen 仙.

- - - Shikaisen is the realm where the body survives after death.
. sokushinbutsu 即身仏のミイラ the Living Mummies of Japan .


日本の仏仙人16人 - The 16 Buddhist Immortals of Japan

. 01 Koma no Kikori 高麗山樵 woodcutter from Mount Komayama .

. 02 Udohama Nyosen 宇度浜女仙 female Sennin from Udohama beach .
03 Yoshinoyama Nyosen 吉野山女仙 Female Sennin from Mount Yoshinoyama

. 04 Suzuka no okina 鈴鹿翁 Old Man Suzuka .


05 Yagara no Okina 箭柄翁 / 煎柄翁 Old Man Yagara
no information found yet
ya 箭 a kind of bamboo, Pseudosasa japonica


. 06 Kakinomoto Hitomaro 柿本人麻呂 Hitomaru 人丸 / 人麿 .

. 07 Yooro Sennin 養老仙人 Yoro Sennin .
and Nanigashi 草野某(なにがし)

. 08 Kan Shiwa 飛龍士韓志和 Hiryushi Kan Shiwa .
a master carpenter of Hida Takayama

. 09 Ono no Takamura 小野篁 .


10 Shirohashi no Okina 白箸翁 (しろはしのおきな)Old Man selling white chopsticks

source : 国際日本文化研究センタ

He was a strange old man, living in the Early Heian period.
Around (859-877) he sold white chopsticks in the streets of Kyoto. He always seemed to be about 70 years. After his death his body was buried in the earth.
But a few years later people saw him, clad like a monk, reading the 法華経 Hoke-Kyo Sutra

Hakucho-o den 白箸翁伝 ハクチョオウデン Legend of Hakucho-O
book by 紀長谷雄 Ki no Haseo (845 – 912) , Literat of the Heian Period


. 11 Sadazumi Shinno 貞純親王 .
and the Seiwa Genji 清和源氏 Minamoto clan

. 12 Ariwara no Narihira 在原業平朝臣 .

. 13 Ikoma Sennin 生馬仙人 / 生馬仙 Ikoma Sen .
and 僧明達 the priest Myotatsu

. 14 Miyako no Yoshika 都良香 .

. 15 Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真 .

. 16 Saga no In Kunshi 嵯峨の隠君子 / 嵯峨隠君子 .


. 日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan .
Here the most important ones are introduced.
There are 僧侶 18 priests, 8 仙人 sennin (including 3 仏仙 like Kume Sennin).
The other 11 are humans.
聖徳太子 Shotoku Taishi and 役ノ行者 En no Gyoja have a special relationship to Buddhism.


- reference source : toki.moo.jp/inaka-jo/05sennin... -

- reference source : nihonkogaku . com 日本古学 -


Hotokegasen 仏ヶ仙(ほとけがせん)736 m
peak in the Hiruzen mountain range, Okayama 蒜山仏ヶ山


. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #buddhistsennin #buddhistimmortals -


Yakushi legends 11 Toyama Yamaguchi Yamanashi

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .
. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and
legends from Toyama 富山県, Yamaguchi 山口県 and Yamanashi


Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Toyama 富山県

. Yakushidake, Yakushi-Dake 薬師岳 Mount Yakushi .

下新川郡 Shimo-Niikawa district 朝日町 Asahi and 高岡市 Takaoka

On the 8th day of the 10th lunar month Yakushi goes off to 出雲 Izumo and comes back on the 8th day of the 4th lunar month.


各願寺 Kakugan-Ji


Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Yamaguchi 山口県

下関市 Shimonoseki

Yakushi Doo ato no ike 薬師堂跡の池 the pond a the remains of the Yakushi Do Hall
The water of this pond is said to heal eye diseases and warts.


Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Yamanashi 山梨県

. Budō Yakushi, budoo Yakushi 葡萄薬師 Budo Yakushi, Grapes Yakushi .
行基菩薩 Saint Gyoki Bosatsu (668 - 749) at 勝沼町 Katsunuma

富士吉田市 - Fuji Yoshida

Yakushi no tatari 薬師のたたり The curse of Yakushi
Once upon a time
there lived a person with bad eyes in the home of 加賀美イツケ Kagami Itsuke.
One day in a dream he saw a thrown-away statue of Yakushi Nyorai in the lake 明見湖 Asumiko in Fujiyoshida. He went there to get the statue and his eye disease was healed.
But since there was a curse to go with this statue, he then brought it to the temple 常在寺 Jozai-Ji in the village 小立村 Kodachi mura.

南巨摩郡 Minamikoma gun 富沢町 Tomizawa

At the temple 龍徳寺 Ryutoku-Ji at mount 蓧井山 there is a statue of Yakushi Nyorai which had come floating down the river 有東川 Utogawa, looking almost like a log. When someone got the ax and dried to chop it down for firewood, there was blood flowing out of the statue. So the villagers build a little temple and venerated the statue. Whichever way they placed it, next morning it stood there facing the mountain, 蓧井山.

韮崎市 Nirasaki 大草町 Okusa cho

. kadomatsu 門松 gate decoration with pines for New Year .
The Zen temple 正福寺 Shofuku-Ji has a Yakushi Do Hall.
On the New Year's night, the Yakushi in this hall had to go out to take a pee. He stumbled in the dark and hit his eye on a branch of the pine decoration, thus becoming blind.
Now there is never a pine decoration for the New Year at this temple.

上野原市 Uenohara 秋山村 Akiyama

In the hamlet of 尾崎 Ozaki the statue of Yakushi Nyorai had been stolen and sold to a temple in Yokohama.
But the statue always went back to Ozaki, however many times they tried to put it up in Yokohama.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


Join the friends on facebook !

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

- - - #yakushilegends #yakushitoyama #yakushiyamaguchi - - -


Yakushi legends 10 Tochigi Tokushima Tottori

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .
. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and
legends from Tochigi 栃木県, Tokushima 徳島県 and Tottori 鳥取県


Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Tochigi 栃木県


芳賀郡 Haga 茂木町 Motegi

kome-togi baa sama 米とぎ婆さま old hag washing rice
Near the Yakushi temple there is the old hag washing rice.
She washes and polishes rice in the evening, singing this song:

鹿沼市 Kanuma

In front ot the home of the 上沢氏 Kamisawa family there is a 薬師堂 Yakushi Do Hall.
When washing the eyes at a well nearby, the eyes are healed. But the water has now dried up.


鶏足寺 Keisokuk-Ji "Temple dedicated to the legs of a hen"
本尊:七仏薬師 Shichibutsu Yakushi
足利市小俣町2748-1 // 2748 Omatachō, Ashikaga-shi, Tochigi

. Shichibutsu Yakushi 七仏薬師 / 七佛薬師 Seven Yakushi Statues .

source : .city.ashikaga.tochigi.jp/site/bunkazai...

The statue is 52 cm high. End of Heian or beginning of Kamakura period.
In the compound of 鶏足寺 Keisoku-Ji was a hall dedicated to the Buddha of Medicine, 医王堂本堂.

. Keisokuji 鶏足寺 Keisoku-Ji Temple of the chicken legs .
Three temples with this name, each with a legend of its own.


- - - - - Yakushi Temples in Tochigi

長樂寺 Choraku-Ji

医王寺 Io-Ji


Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Tokushima 徳島県
海部郡 Ama district 宍喰町 Shishikui

tanuki 狸 badger
Once upon a time there lived a Tanuki near the Yakushi Do Hall. He would play a trick on the villagers : When they went to bed with their head facing South, they would wake up next morning with the head facing North (kitamakura, pillow in the North).

kitamakura 北枕
Living people should never sleep with their pillow facing North.
This is the position for placing a dead body in the home, before the funeral.

美馬郡 Mima district つるぎ町 Tsurugi

. ikiryoo 生霊 . 生き霊 Ikiryo“living spirit” .
Around 1670, a man had made a promise to marry a woman, but did not keep it and married another woman.
The insulted woman went to the Yakushi Do Hall and hit the eyes, ears and breast of the Yakushi statue with a cursing nail. The new wife begun to suffer from possessions and could not be healed. Even a mountain priest performing sacred rituals could not get her rid of the bad spirit.


- 12 Yakushi Temples in Tokushima
- reference source : yaokami.jp/tokushima -

井戸寺 Ido-Ji
本尊:七仏薬師如来 Seven Yakushi Statues

薬王寺 Yakuo-Ji
本尊:厄除薬師如来 Yakuyoke Yakushi Nyorai


Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Tottori 鳥取県  

Kurayoshi, Sakura village 倉吉市桜
大日寺は寺伝に承和8年(841)Temple Dainichi-Ji
Statue by Ennin - Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 / 慈覺大師 (794 – 864)
- reference source : db.pref.tottori.jp/bunkazainavi.nsf... -


The Elder Ashioka 葦岡長者
. Yoshioka Onsen 吉岡温泉 Hot Spring .

- - - - -

. Yakushi no men 薬師の面 Yakushi Nyorai mask .
and the makuragami 枕神 "god of the pillow"


hebi 蛇 serpent
Once a villager found a large pot in the forest behind the temple 薬師寺 Yakushi-Ji. In it was a dead serpent, but on the bottom was a liquid substance like 漆 laquer.
He took the pot home and gave the pot to the priest of the temple, and the scales of the serpent to his neighbour.
And oh wonder, the family of this old man became rich all of a sudden. This must have been the gratitude of the serpent. Later he gave the scales of the serpent to the local 弁天さん Benten Shrine.


Yakushizoo 薬師像 statue of Yakushi
There lived a dangerous bandit, called 金屋の千賊 Kanaya no Senzo. The lord Chunagon 中納言 藤原行平 Fujiwara no Yukihira came all the way from Kyoto to fight him, but after many years of fighting he was not successful. So Yukihira had to give up his title of lord and retired.
He made a vow to 天地神明 the deities of Heaven and Earth, and then carved 14 statues of Yakushi Nyorai. He threw the statues into the river and kept praying to be able to win over Senzo. With the help of the deities, he could eventually win and was able to go back to Kyoto.
One day when he was playing Go, there was a voice: "Hello Chunagon!"
When he looked outside, there was one of the statues of Yakushi Nyorai.
Kanaya is a mountain village, in Kotoura, Tohaku District, Tottori.

西伯郡 Nishi-Hoki gun 中山町 Nakayama village

tawara Yakushi 俵薬師 Yakushi and a bale of rice
A man always told lies and got his riches by cheating other people, even killing a blind man. One day out of his storage house with the bales of rice he had aquired there came a statue of Yakushi Nyorai.
So he finally changed his mind, cut his hair and became a monk, venerating the statue until he died.

- - - - - and at Chiba
紙本著色俵薬師縁起絵 Shihon Chakushoku Tawara Yakushi Engi E

This paining is from the legend of the tempel Tofuku-Ji 東福寺:
Once upon a time
they found a statue of Yakushi at the beach and stuffed into a straw bale to carry it to the temple, hence the name "Straw Yakushi".
The top part shows some temples and shrines, below are farmers, fishermen and other people busy with the statue.

一宮町一宮 東福寺
- source : town.ichinomiya.chiba.jp

東伯郡 Tohaku district 琴浦町 Kotoura

The Yakushi Statue of the temple in 向原 Mukaihara had been found on the beach and brought here. But after that, there were many ill people in the village and many had bad dreams.
An oracle told them to bring the statue to a place where it could not hear the sound of the waves:
Now people come here to pray for healing of breast diseases.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


Join the friends on facebook !

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

- - - #yakushitochigi #yakushitokushima - - -


Yakushi legends 09 Osaka Saitama Shiga Shizuoka

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .
. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and
legends from Osaka 大阪,
Saitama 埼玉県, Shiga 滋賀県 and Shizuoka 静岡県


Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Osaka 大阪

Tookooin 東光院 Toko-In - Hagi no Tera 萩の寺 Bushclover Temple
豊中市南桜塚1-12-7 // 1 Chome-12-7 Minamisakurazuka, Toyonaka-shi, Ōsaka-
第12番 新西国霊場 Pilgrimage

- reference source : haginotera.or.jp... -


In 浪速の車町 Kuruma-machi, Naniwa at the 蘆池 Ashi-Ike pond a stone memorial with a figure of Yakushi had been found.
It is also known as
浪花薬師 Naniwa Yakushi or 蘆やくし Ashi-Yakushi.
Every year there was a festival in its honor.
But now the whereabouts of this Yakushi are not known any more.


- More Yakushi Temples in Osaka

Hoounji 法雲寺 Houn-Ji

Jigenin 慈眼院 Jigen-In

Nichira Zenji 日羅禅寺 Nichira Zenji

Yachuji 野中寺 Yachu-Ji


Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Saitama 埼玉県

宮代町 Miyashiro

migawari Yakushi 身代わり薬師 Yakushi as personal substiture
When a samurai from Aizu, called Ito 伊藤修理太夫光家 passed here, he was attacked from bandits 野武士. But Yakushi jumped in his place and the samurai was saved.

所沢市 Tokorozawa

nezumi Yakushi ねずみ薬師 Yakushi and the mice
If the farmers prayed hard to Yakushi, he would prevent their estate from the damage of mice eating their rice harvest.

There is a mountain called
Nezumi Yakushi ねずみ薬師 in Niigata.

source : takasei.sakura.ne.jp/-nezumiyakusi


Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Shiga 滋賀県

In Shigaraki town there is a 不動寺 Fudo Temple. Once a man went missing there and people got out with drums and bells to look for him. They found him dead leaning on a tree on the Ise Road near the Ishi Yakushi stone 石薬師伊勢道.
This was the wrongdoing of a 天狗 Tengu for sure.

. Ishi Yakushi 石薬師 and Yakushi Ishi 薬師石 Rock and Stone .

. Yakushi Nyorai and Tengu Legends 薬師と天狗伝説 .


Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Shizuoka 静岡県
富士吉田市 Fujiyoshida

Yakushi no tatari 薬師のたたり the curse of Yakushi
Once upon a time, a member of the 加賀美イツケ Kagami clan had an eye disease. In a dream he was told that he should go to lake 明見湖 Asumiko (in nearby Yamanashi) and look for a statue of Yakushi Nyoarai to venerate. He did so and his eyes were healed.
But later through a curse of the Yakushi he was forced to bring it to the temple 常在寺 Jozai-Ji in 小立村 Kodachi-mura.

庵原郡 Ibara district 両河内村 Ryogochi-mura

Once Tokugawa Ieyasu came to 大平の薬師様 Yakushi Sama in Ohira village and prayed, and soon his eyes were healed.
This Yakushi once wanted to be venerated by many more people and came all the way to 吉原 Yoshiwara Town in Eastern Shizuoka. But there he could not move on any more.
So it seems Yakushi did not want to go to Ohira after all.
Ohira is a small village near Numazu - 静岡県沼津市大平.

. Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康 (1543 - 1616) .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


Join the friends on facebook !

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

- - - #yakushilegends - - -


Yakushi legends 08 Mie Miyazaki Nara Niigata

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .
. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and
legends from Mie 三重県, Miyazaki 宮崎県, Nara 奈良県 and Niigata 新潟県


Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Mie 三重県

薬師如来坐像 西盛寺 Nishimori-Ji
- reference source : bunka.pref.mie.lg.jp/rekishi... -

. Sanjusan Gendo Hall and 柳のお加持 "Rite of the Willow" .
Yooji Yakushi Doo 楊枝薬師堂 The Yakushi Hall of Yoji Village
- 浄薬寺 Joyaku-Ji

熊野市 Kumano

. Oguri Hangan 小栗判官 .
and the Hot Spring 湯の峰温泉 Yunomine Onsen

鈴鹿市 Suzuka

At the temple 清泉寺 Seisen-Ji in Kitabatake there is 北畑の薬師 a Yakushi statue.
people hard of hearing will certainly be healed. To show their gratitude, they have to make an offering. They must find a stone with a hole, place a thread or a mizuhiki 水引 ceremonial paper cord around it and offer it.

uma 馬 horse
At the temple 石薬師寺 Ishiyakushi-Ji (Stone Yakushi Temple) there is an ema 絵馬 votive tablet of a horse. The horse came out at night and devastated the fields.
So the farmers put a stake into it to fix it and bound its legs with painted ropes.

上野市 Ueno

hi no tama ヒノタマ ball of fire
At 治田村 Haruta village there was an ill person. The door to his sick room suddenly made a strange sound, ガタガタ gatagata, opened and a ball of fire left the room.
The ball first flew to the nearby graves of the family and then to the temple 薬師寺 Yakushi-Ji. Now the bell of the temple begun to ring.

There is also a very old Yakushi-Ji temple in
三重県伊賀市鳳凰寺245 / 245 Bōji, Iga-shi, Mie
dating back to the 白鳳時代 Hakuo period.


Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Miyazaki 宮崎県

. Hokedake-Ji, Hokkedakeji 法華嶽寺 Hokedake Yakushi-Ji .
- Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and Izumi Shikibu 和泉式部


Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Nara 奈良県

新薬師寺 Shin-Yakushi-Ji

奈良市 Nara

chi no deru ishi 血の出る石 a bleeding stone
The cornerstone of the pagoda of Yakushi-Ji is said to be bleeding. A stone mason wanted to split the stone secretly, when the blood of a baby came flowing out of it. The mason was quite surprized and afraid and run home, but he died soon afterwards.

. yonaki Jizoo 夜泣地蔵 Jizo crying at night .
at 春日神社 Kasuga Jinja

吉野町 Yoshino

kagayaita yo na sugata no hito 輝いたような姿の人 "shining person"
In the afternoon when children were playing in front of the Yakushi Do Hall, a person with a shining body appeared and told them:
「お前ら、来いよ、来いよ」"Hey, you children, come on, come here!"
But the children became afraid and fled in panic.


Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Niigata 新潟県

source : city.nagaoka.niigata.jp...
The statue is 22 cm high and made from 椿 camellia wood.
Niigata, Nagaoka Akatani 長岡市赤谷

加茂市 Kamo town 南蒲原郡 Minami Ganbara district

. Yoneyama Awagatake Awayakushi 米山,粟ケ岳,粟薬師 .
Awa Yakushi / 薬師岳 Mount Yakushidake

両津市 Ryotsu

The town of 水津 Suizu on Sado Island had a prosperous period when the ships to the North stopped here.
Once a ship stopped and had a traveller had a vision of Yakushi Nyorai entering the home of the 川端家 Kawabata family.
So they build a small hall and venerated the Yakushi sama.

十日町市 Tokamachi 松代町 Matsushiro

Once a young woman who had just married and entered a different family, became quite ill. Her father prayed to Yakushi Nyorai every day. He had a vision in his dream: He saw an old man with a white beard, telling him she would certainly be well soon.
When her father went to the in-laws the next day, he saw a hanging scroll of Yakushi Nyorai in their guest foom - and Yakushi looked just the same as the old man he had seen in his dream.
The bride got well soon after that.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


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. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

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Yakushi Fukui statues

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .
. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and statues from Fukui 福井県


Obama 小浜市

A statue from the Kamakura period. About 80 cm high.
国分寺 Kokubun-Ji


A statue from the Heian period. About 144 cm high.
明通寺 Myotsu-Ji


A statue from the Heian period. About 193 cm high. Made from hinoki 桧材 cypress wood.
多田寺 Tada-Ji


A statue from the Heian period. About 142 cm high.


A statue from the Kamakura period. About 50 cm high.
竜前寺 Ryuzen-Ji


Sabae 鯖江市 

医王山薬師堂 Iozan Yakushi-Do hall
下新庄町 Shimoshinjocho
In this Yakushido there used to live a 小天狗 Ko-Tengu.

薬師堂古墳 Yakushido Hall Kofun mound
from the late Kofun period. About 20 m diameter, 3 m high.
On its top is the 医王山薬師堂 Yakishido hall.
下新庄町 Shimoshinjocho

About 250 cm high.

- reference source : bunkazai/siteitourokubunkazai/bunkazai.. -


Wakasa 若狭町

A statue from the Heian period. About 158 cm high.
諦応寺 Taio-Ji


A statue from the Heian period. About 160 cm high.
雲岳寺 Ungaku-Ji


A statue from the Heian period. About 87 cm high.
玉泉寺 Gyokusen-Ji


- reference source : info.pref.fukui.jp/bunka/bunkazai/sitei/itiran... -


. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from Fukui 福井県

名田庄村 Natasho

At the shrine 薬師神社 Yakushi Jinja in 蛇頭集落 Jato village people pray that 大蛇 a huge serpent will not become too wild.
In former times someone found some large blue stones, thought to be the bones of a serpent.
Around 1950 children played with these stones and eventually they got lost.

- Other Yakushi Jinja 薬師神社 Shrines in Fukui:

福井県丹生郡越前町中33-10 / Nyu district, Echizen-cho


亭の水 Chin no Mizu water at Yakushi Jinja 薬師神社
福井市高尾町 / Takao-cho, Fukui town

Near the shrine is a memorial stone for the doctor 谷野一柏 Tanino Ippaku. It has been put there by the lord 朝倉孝景 Asakura Takakage (1428 - 1481).
Chin no Mizu helps cure eye diseases. Doctor Tanino Ippaku used it to make medicine.

- reference source : playa.seesaa.net/article -


The hot spring of あわら市 Awara features some Yakushi temples and a shrine.

田中温泉薬師神社 Tanaka Onsen Yakushi Jinja

Apart from this Yakushi Jinja, are two temples for Yakushi in the hot spring district:

舟津温泉薬師堂 Funatsu Onsen Yakushi-Do hall

二面温泉薬師堂 Futaomote Onsen Yakushi-Do hall

People come here to pray for good health, not getting ill and for a long life

Awara Onsen opened in the 16th year of Meiji (1883).
The hot-spring spa’s beginning goes back to 1883 when a farmer was digging an irrigation well in a reedy swamp, and 80-degree hot spring water with low salt content welled up. Next year in 1884, several Onsen hotels opened and attracted visitors for toji  (hot spring cure).

あわら温泉春まつり Awara Onsen Spring Festival

This is a traditional festival that’s been held from the end of the Meji period since the Onsen was founded in 1883.
The Yakushi Shrine festival is held on April 29th every year for the guardian god of Onsen.
The festival starts with a dance by Ashihara Geiko, Mikoshi portable shrines and three kinds of Dashi floats are carried around. A Doll Dashi float using the design of generals from the Warring States Period. Taiko (drum) Dashi float beats the drums. Geiko performers play splendid music in the Hanayama Dashi float, which is decorated gorgeously with cherry blossoms. A lot of vendor stalls open and visitors can enjoy the lively Onsen town.
- reference source : About Awara City -


福井県吉田郡永平寺町松岡薬師一丁目112番 Matsuoka Yakushi, Eiheiji-cho, Yoshida-gun, Fukui
A district near the famous temple Eihei-Ji


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. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

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Yakushi legends 07 Kyoto

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .
. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 and legends from 京都 Kyoto 

勝持寺 Shoo-Ji - お薬摘む薬師
(西国四十九薬師巡礼 Nr. 42)


. Inaba Yakushi 因幡薬師 Yakushi from Inaba .
Byoodooji 平等寺 Byodo-Ji - 五条高倉薬師堂 Gojo Takakura Yakushi Do .
Medicine Master Buddha: The Iconic Worship of Yakushi in Heian Japan

. Tako Yakushi 蛸薬師 Octopus Yakushi .
Temple 永福寺 Eifuku-Ji

京都十二薬師霊場 / 洛陽十二薬師
. Pilgrimage to 12 Yakushi Temples in Kyoto .

kuwagata Yakushi 鍬形薬師 Yakushi with a cut of a hoe
temple 大超寺 Daicho-Ji

The statue was found by a farmer plowing his fields, it shows the impression of his kuwa 鍬 hoe on the back.


kane no oto 鐘の音 the sound of the bell
Near the 火葬場 crematory there was a 薬師堂 Yakushi Do Hall. People say there were a lot of gold coins buried there. In a quiet night the sound of a bell was heard from below the Yakushi hall.

kuruma-kaeshi no O-Yakushi san 車返のお薬師さん Yakushi stopped the transport
On orders of the Kamakura government a very precious statue of Yakushi was to be brought to 奥州平泉 Hiraizumi. But on the way at 白糸 Shiraito the cr with the statue on it could not be moved any more. So the people thought that Yakushi had chosen this place for himself and built a hall there to venerate him.


tsuchinoko hebi 槌の子蛇 hammerspawn
Hammerspawns had been sighted at various spots in Kyoto:
In Northern Kyoto, 雲ケ畑 Kumogabata at the 薬師峠 Yakushi pass, at 沢の池 Sawanoike, at 老ノ坂峠 Oinosaka Pass
. at 京都清滝不動院 Kiyotaki Fudo-In .

Yakushi Tooge 薬師峠 Yakushi Toge pass

. tsuchinoko 槌の子 hammerspawn .
a legendary snake-like cryptid from Japan

- reference : Yakushi Toge in Japan -


亀岡市 Kameoka

Yakushido no kane 薬師堂の鐘 the bell of the Yakushi Do Hall
When villagers buried the bell of the Yakushi Do Hall at the upper waterfall of the river 蛇谷川 Jadanigawa, it begun to rain immediately and the drought was over.

Yakushi Butsuzoo 薬師,仏像
About 200 years ago, during a flooding, a buddha statue came floating down the river. People thought it was Yakushi and venerated it.
Most people in the village stayed healthy after that.

中京区 Nakagyo

. tengu no tsume 天狗の爪 nails of a Tengu .
shown at Temple 丹州国分寺 Kokubun-Ji

南丹市 Nantan

薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai
If people make a wish for healing at the Yakushi Do Hall at the temple 成就院 Joju-In, people hard of hearing will certainly be healed. To show their gratitude, they have to make an offering. They must find a stone with a hole, place a thread or a mizuhiki 水引 ceremonial paper cord around it and offer it.

kyuuri kaji 胡瓜加持 ritual for cucumber purification, cucumber blessing
At the Yakushi Do Hall people come to get a purified cucumber, take it home and each member of the family has to take a bite. The rest will be buried under the beams of the house to prevent people from getting ill during the year.

. kyuuri fuuji きゅうり封じ / 胡瓜封じ cucumber ritual .

与謝郡 Yosa district 野田川町 Nodagawa

. muchi yakushi 鞭薬師 "whip Yakushi" .
麻呂子親王 Prince Maroko Shinno carved seven statues of Yakushi Nyorai ...

- - - - - Legends from other prefectures, related to Kyoto

Aichi 愛知県 / 名古屋市 Nagoya 熱田区 Atsuta

. 大薬師の鬼祭 "Festival of the Demons of Yakushi Nyorai" .
高蔵不動院 Takakura Fudo-In

Shimane 島根県 / 邇摩郡 Nima district

. Yakushi no men 薬師の面 mask of Yakushi .
at the tempel 山田寺 Yamadadera

Wakayama 和歌山県 / 日高郡 Hidaka district みなべ町 Manabe

O-Ryuu Yanagi おりゅう柳 The Willow Tree O-Ryu
. Sanjusan Gendo Hall and 柳のお加持 "Rite of the Willow" .
and the legend of O-Ryu.

A willow tree from 熊野川町 Kumanogawa village had been cut down and should be shipped to Kyoto for the building of the Sanjusan Gendo Hall.
The tree was very large and could not float down the river smoothly. There appeared the spirit of a woman and helped pulling the tree downriver. But the place where the tree had been cut was now cursed
and the villagers venerated 十二薬師 12 Yakushi statues there.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


Tooji 東寺 To-Ji - Yakushi Do Hall


- - - - - More temples with statues of Yakushi Nyorai in Kyoto

一様院 Ichiyo-In, 大宮薬師山東町16

神護寺 Jingo-Ji, 高雄山 Takao-San

教王護国寺 Kyoo-O Gokoku-Ji

来迎院 Raigo-In

三宝院 Sanbo-In, 醍醐寺 Daigo-Ji 塔頭 三宝院

- reference source : yaokami.jp/kyoto -


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. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

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