. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .
- Backup April 2018 -
The original is here :
. heianperiodjapan.blogspot.jp/2018/03/butsusen-buddhist-immortals-hermits.html .
Butsusen 仏仙 / 佛仙 Buddhist Immortals and Hermits
Butsusen-kai 仏仙界 the realm of Buddhist immortals is the realm where the immortals live
(as opposed to the shinsen-kai 神仙界, the realm were the Shinto deities reside, in the famous mountains like 富士山 Fujisan or 蓬莱山 Horaisan.)
These Sennin practise sendo 仙道修行 to become Immortals and budo shugyo 武道修行 martial arts.
They live a hermit life with little contact to the world, with no pain and no joy.
Usually when someone enters this realm, he is not allowed to come back.
There are various types of Butsusen:
tensen 天仙 Sennin of the heavenly realm. chisen 地仙 Sennin of the earthly realm
shikaisen 尸解仙 Shikaisen, rikusen 陸仙、suisen 水仙 、shinsen 新仙、doosen 童仙 child Sennin,
gyokujo 玉女 "treasure women", sennyo 仙女 female Sennin
The Butsusen Hermits are also called Daisen 大仙、Sensei 仙聖、or simply Sen 仙.
- - - Shikaisen is the realm where the body survives after death.
. sokushinbutsu 即身仏のミイラ the Living Mummies of Japan .
日本の仏仙人16人 - The 16 Buddhist Immortals of Japan

. 01 Koma no Kikori 高麗山樵 woodcutter from Mount Komayama .
. 02 Udohama Nyosen 宇度浜女仙 female Sennin from Udohama beach .
03 Yoshinoyama Nyosen 吉野山女仙 Female Sennin from Mount Yoshinoyama
. 04 Suzuka no okina 鈴鹿翁 Old Man Suzuka .
05 Yagara no Okina 箭柄翁 / 煎柄翁 Old Man Yagara
no information found yet
ya 箭 a kind of bamboo, Pseudosasa japonica
. 06 Kakinomoto Hitomaro 柿本人麻呂 Hitomaru 人丸 / 人麿 .
. 07 Yooro Sennin 養老仙人 Yoro Sennin .
and Nanigashi 草野某(なにがし)
. 08 Kan Shiwa 飛龍士韓志和 Hiryushi Kan Shiwa .
a master carpenter of Hida Takayama
. 09 Ono no Takamura 小野篁 .
10 Shirohashi no Okina 白箸翁 (しろはしのおきな)Old Man selling white chopsticks

source : 国際日本文化研究センタ
He was a strange old man, living in the Early Heian period.
Around (859-877) he sold white chopsticks in the streets of Kyoto. He always seemed to be about 70 years. After his death his body was buried in the earth.
But a few years later people saw him, clad like a monk, reading the 法華経 Hoke-Kyo Sutra
Hakucho-o den 白箸翁伝 ハクチョオウデン Legend of Hakucho-O
book by 紀長谷雄 Ki no Haseo (845 – 912) , Literat of the Heian Period
. 11 Sadazumi Shinno 貞純親王 .
and the Seiwa Genji 清和源氏 Minamoto clan
. 12 Ariwara no Narihira 在原業平朝臣 .
. 13 Ikoma Sennin 生馬仙人 / 生馬仙 Ikoma Sen .
and 僧明達 the priest Myotatsu
. 14 Miyako no Yoshika 都良香 .
. 15 Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真 .
. 16 Saga no In Kunshi 嵯峨の隠君子 / 嵯峨隠君子 .
. 日本の仙人37人 - The 37 Immortals of Japan .
Here the most important ones are introduced.
There are 僧侶 18 priests, 8 仙人 sennin (including 3 仏仙 like Kume Sennin).
The other 11 are humans.
聖徳太子 Shotoku Taishi and 役ノ行者 En no Gyoja have a special relationship to Buddhism.
- reference source : toki.moo.jp/inaka-jo/05sennin... -
- reference source : nihonkogaku . com 日本古学 -

Hotokegasen 仏ヶ仙(ほとけがせん)736 m
peak in the Hiruzen mountain range, Okayama 蒜山仏ヶ山
. sennin 天狗と仙人伝説 Legends about Tengu and Immortals .
. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
- - #buddhistsennin #buddhistimmortals -
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