
Inaba Yakushi


Inaba Yakushi 因幡薬師

. Legends about Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 / 薬師様 / 薬師さん .
- Introduction -

other 薬師縁起 Yakushi Engi - below

因幡堂 平等寺 Inaba-Do Byodo-Ji - Kyoto

The origin of temple Byoodooji 平等寺 Byodo-Ji is referred to in "Inabado Engi" (Legends of the Inaba-Do)
included in 山城名勝志 Yamashiro Meisho Shi "Annals of Yamashiro's picturesque sites" and 因幡堂縁起絵巻 Inabado engi-emaki "picture scroll of legends of the Inabado" .

五条高倉薬師堂 Gojo Takakura Yakushi Do
at Byodo-ji Temple (Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto City), which is known for kyogen "Inabado".

728 Inabado-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto


In the Kamakura period at 997, 橘行平 Tachibana no Yukihira became governor of 因幡国 Inaba provice (now in Tottori). While he was there he became ill and had a dream.
At the beach of 因幡賀留津 Karunotsu in Inaba there is a sacred tree that would save him. When he went there, it was not a tree but a statue of Yakushi Nyorai hauled out of the waters. So he had a preliminary Hall build for the statue.

When Yukihira had gone back to Kyoto, he had another dream. A monk from the "Heaven in the West" 西の天 came to visit him and told him to save all the people in the east.
When he woke up he was told about a visitor at his gate. He thought it was the monk from his dream and went to the West Gate to greet him. By the time they opened the gate, the statue of Yakushi was standing there. It had come flying after him and landed in his estate. This is the beginning of the 因幡堂 Inaba Hall.
This was in the year 1003.

The temple soon grew in fame and even the Emperor came to worship here. Soon the Yakushi Moode 薬師もうで Mode, prayer visit to Yakushi became popular in Kyoto. In its prime time it had more than 8 sub-temples and a special entrance for official visitors.

Yakushi Nyorai at this temple is said to keep people free from cancer - in our modern times.
The statue was probably carved by the sculptor Kooshoo 康尚 Kosho in the mid or late Heian period.

Road to the "Gate that does not open".

Around 1170 during the fighting of the Genji and Heike 源平争乱 Emperor Takakura 高倉天皇 (1161 - 1181) lived just South of the Inaba Hall at the 東五条院 Higashi Gojo-In and the gate straight up the road at the temple was called akezu no mon 不明門 "Gate that does not open".
In 1171 Emperor Takakura gave it the name of temle Byodo-Ji.

本尊薬師如来立像 Yakushi Nyorai - The main statue of the temple
The statue is 165 cm high.
The name of the temple in Tottori is Zakooji 座光寺 Zako-Ji.

Statue of Tachibana no Yukihira 橘行平

The temple is famous for the Kyogen performances - 因幡堂狂言 Inaba Kyogen.

omamori お守り amulet from Byodo-Ji

shuin 朱印 stamp from Byodo-Ji

-- - - - HP of the temple 平等寺 Byodo-Ji
- source : www.inabado.jp


Kooshoo, Kōshō 康尚 Buddhist sculptor Kosho
Called 「仏師職の祖」, "the Ancestor of professional Buddhist Sculptors".
He did not work for any special temple but established his own workshop in Kyoto. He had many disciples who promoted his style.
His father was 源康行, his son Joochoo, Jōchō 定朝 Jocho (? - 1057).

He also made statues of Byakudan Yakushi 白檀薬師像 and Fudo Myo-o 東福寺同聚院不動明王坐.
- reference -

. Buddhist sculptors 仏師 Edo Period to the Present Day .

. kyoogen, kyōgen 狂言 Kyogen performance .
- Introduction -


因幡堂薬師縁起絵巻 Inabado Yakushi Engi Emaki

This scroll
depicts the construction of the Inaba-Do hall at the temple Byodo-Ji in Kyoto.
The story is told in the record of 御堂関白記 Mido Kanpaku Ki and others.
The famous scroll has been damaged by fire and is not complete.
東京国立博物館 Tokyo National Museum
- source : www.emuseum.jp/detail

A much older legend from Inaba / Tottori - about Okuninushi no Mikoto (Daikoku in Buddhism) :
. The White Rabbit of Inaba 因幡の白兎 .


- - - - - Edo 江戸 Tokyo  東京 - - - - -

Kinegawa Yakushi 木下川薬師(きねがわやくし)Yakushi from Kinegawa

Jokooji 浄光寺 Joko-Ji  - 木下川薬師浄光寺
Tokyo - Katsushika 葛飾区東四つ木1-5-9
伝教大師 Dengyo Daishi

(葛飾区教育委員会 葛飾区寺院調査報告より)
- source : katsushika/temple_eyotsugi_joko.shtml

- - - - - HP of the temple
- source : kinegawa-yakushi.jp

Kigegawa Yakushi Engi misspelling of Kinegawa
The Dragon in China and Japan
By M. W. De Visser

§1. Dengyo Daishi's image of Yakushi Nyorai.
The Kigegawa Yakushi engi says the following:
"The image of Yakushi Nyorai in Jokwoji (also called Shoryuzan, "Blue Dragon monastery"), in Katsushika district, Shimosa province, is made by Dengyo Daishi.
When Jikaku Daishi stayed in Asakusa-dera (the famous Kwannon temple in Asakusa, the well-known district of Yedo), an old man with grey hair appeared to him and said: 'In the North-east there is a holy place, where I have dedicated a miraculous image made by Dengyo Daishi'. Thereupon the man disappeared, and Jikaku went outside and looked towards the North-east. Suddenly a lucky cloud (zui-un, a cloud of a lucky colour) arose, and in it a blue dragon was visible.
Then the Daishi secretly left the temple and went in search of this blue dragon, till he arrived at the cottage (where the above-mentioned old man had lived as a hermit and had obtained the image). There he worshipped the image and saw the blue dragon, which was still there. Jikaku turned himself to the lucky cloud and addressed the dragon as follows:

'I wish to say a few words to you, you sacred dragon, listen to me. I want to built a temple here, which you must guard and protect from calamity. From this moment I appoint you guardian-god of the shrine'.

When the Daishi had finished speaking, the dragon, which had listened motionless, with his head bent down in reverence, disappeared. The priest considered this to be a good sign, and called the sanctuary 'Blue Dragon temple'.
Up till this day from time to time a dragon- lantern appears there as a wonderful, lucky omen,- probably in consequence of the above facts (i. e. because the blue dragon is the temple's guardian-god)".

The Udo meisho ki tells us that from olden times many pilgrims went to this temple, which is also called Jokwoji ("Temple of the Pure Light"), to worship the dragon-lantern, which was sure to arise before the image of Yakushi Nyorai on the eighth day of every month, and on New- Year's morning.


Before the Buddhist chapel of Kasai Yakushi situated on a mountain north of Okayama, in Bizen province, there stood a "Dragon-lantern pine tree". Every night, especially in summer time, will-o'-the-wisps were seen there.
- source : books.google.co.jp

- - - - -

. ryuutoo 龍燈 "dragon lantern" .
shiranui, shiranu-i 不知火 (しらぬい) "unknown light"
A phenomenon at the Ariakekai sea in Kagoshima, Kyushu, in the evening hours.
It is also seen in other parts of Japan as a light that the Dragon God sends out to honor the deities of Shinto and Buddhism in Japan.

kigo for mid-autumn
With a haiku by Matsuo Basho.


Medicine Master Buddha:
The Iconic Worship of Yakushi in Heian Japan

This profusely illustrated volume illuminates the primacy of icons in disseminating the worship of the Medicine Master Buddha (J: Yakushi Nyorai) in Japan. Suzuki’s meticulous study explicates how the devotional cult of Yakushi, one of the earliest Buddhist cults imported to Japan from the continent, interacted and blended with local beliefs, religious dispositions, and ritual practices over the centuries, developing its own distinctive imprint on Japanese soil. Worship of the Medicine Master Buddha became most influential during the Heian period (794–1185), when Yakushi’s popularity spread to different levels of society and locales outside the capital. The large number of Heian-period Yakushi statues found all across Japan demonstrates that Yakushi worship was an integral component of Heian religious practice.

Medicine Master Buddha focuses on the ninth-century Tendai master Saichō (767–822) and his personal reverence for a standing Yakushi icon. The author proposes that, after Saichō’s death, the Tendai school played a critical role in popularizing the cult of this particular icon as a way of memorializing its founding master and strengthening its position as a major school of Japanese Buddhism. This publication offers a fresh perspective on sculptural representations of the Medicine Master Buddha (including the famous Jingoji Yakushi), and in so doing, reconsiders Yakushi worship as foundational to Heian religious and artistic culture.
source : www.brill.com/medicine-master-buddha

Yakushi Engi, Yakushiengi 薬師縁起 The Omen of Yakushi Temple
Medicine Master Buddha: The Iconic Worship of Yakushi in Heian Japan
By Yui Suzuki
- source : books.google.co.jp


. Legends about Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 / 薬師様 / 薬師さん .

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- - #gokurakuinabayakushi -


Yakushi Miyagi Legends

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .
- for 双林寺 Temple Sorin-Ji see below

Yakushi Nyorai Legends from Miyagi 宮城県

. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 the Buddha of Medicine - Bhaisajyaguru .
- Legends about Yakushi Nyorai -

Kinoshita no Yakushi 木ノ下の薬師 Yakushi from Kinoshita village
nabe Yakushi 鍋薬師 Yakushi and the cooking pot
nure Yakushi 濡れ薬師 Yakushi who got wet
Shiga no Yakushi 志賀の薬師 Yakushi from Shiga village
shio no Yakushi 塩の薬師 Yakushi and Salt
sugi Yakushi 杉薬師 Yakushi and the cedar tree


nabe Yakushi 鍋薬師 Yakushi and the cooking pot

黒川郡 Kurokawa 大和町 Yamato village

In the year 1592 Lord Date Masamune led his troups from 岩出山城 Iwadeyama Castle toward the capital of Kyoto. To honor the God of War 軍神 with a blood offering 血祭 at the forest 七ツ森 he begun a hunt for a sacrifice animal, but they did not catch anything. Masamune got angry and begun to climb up Mount 大森山 Omoriyama. From there he saw something black in the distance.
When he asked his retainer 片倉小十郎 Katakura Kojuro, he said it was Yakushi Nyorai.
The angry Masamune ordered a shot at it and broke the breast of the Nabe Yakushi, but at the same time blood was running out of his own nose and did not stop.
Kojuro bowed many times 三拝九拝 and then used the leaf of the bamboo grass (sasa 笹) to stop the nose bleeding.
The anger of Masamune was also calmed down now and he climbed down the mountain. He then ordered the mountain to become his special hunting ground.
- - - One version of the legend says:
The arrow came flying back at Masamune and hit his eye, causing him to loose his eyesight.

Ōmori-yama 大森山薬師如来 Omoiryama Yakushi Nyorai is now a famous camping spot in Miyagi.
The mountain is 226 meters high. A festival in honor of "The Buddha of Healing" is held.
The mountain is also called 笹倉山 Sasakura-yama at 七つ森 Nanatsumori .

The grave of Masamune is at the temple 大義山 覚照寺 Kakusho-Ji
宮城県黒川郡大和町宮床字大椚69 / Okunugi-69 Miyatoko, Taiwa, Kurokawa District, Miyagi

. Date Masamune 伊達政宗 (1567 - 1636) .



nure Yakushi 濡れ薬師 Yakushi who got wet

Miyagi - 柴田郡 柴田町 Shibata

At the village Tsukinoki 槻木 there had been a long period of sunshine and drought.
The villagers gathered at the swamp 鰌沼 Dojo-Numa and decided to make an offering of a village girl to the Dragon king 竜神 as a rain ritual 雨乞い (amagoi).
The beautiful O-Yoshi およし agreed to be the victim, because she was upset with her first love, Kensaku 勘作 and felt very unhappy with her life.
On her way to the swamp, O-Yoshi she met an itinerant priest. When he heard her story he suggested that the Dragon God would not be content with her unhappy sacrifice and they would better give him a statue of Yakushi Nyorai.
When they threw the statue in the water, Yakushi got wet and then - - suddenly a strong rain began to fall and the village was saved.
They build a Yakushi Hall 薬師堂 and a small retreat for O-Yoshi who would now serve Yakushi Nyorai at the temple.


Gunma 高崎市南八幡 - Takasaki Town Minami Hachiman

Near the fence of the assembly hall and the graveyard of the Uehara family 上原家墓地 there is a cherry tree. Below it there is a stone with the inscription of 濡れ薬師.

Since olden times, this Yakushi san has been known to heal diseases of the eyes and many people, who got healed by his power, come here to pray again in gratitude. They also made other small stone statues as offerings, now there are more than 30 beside the Yakushi stone.

But why is it called "Yakushi who gets wet" ?
Well, once there was a good man who built a roof over the stone to keep it dry and protect it from the rain. But then . . . the home of this good man burned down.
So people thought the stone and Yakushi with it were ment to get wet.

- source and more photos : 南八幡 History


shio no Yakushi 塩の薬師 Yakushi and Salt

Miyagi 名取市 Natori 塩手 Shiote

Once upon a time
some say it was in the year 647, at the bottom of Mount Shiodeyama 塩出山 there was a spring with salty water. An old priest 老僧 and 12 acolytes boiled the water to make salt and distributed it to the villagers.
Because of this beneficent salt, all villagers were healed from their illnesses and became healthy.
The old priest was seen as an incarnation of Yakushi Nyorai and thus the name given to him.
The place where the salt water welled up was called Shiogawara 塩河原 and the place where they boiled it down was called Shiode 塩出 - "where the salt comes from".


Shio Yakushi Doo 塩薬師堂 Hall for the Shio Yakushi 塩薬師
This Hall is beside the pond Shio no Ike 塩ノ池.

Once upon a time
during a wildfire most of the hamlet was burned down, but the statue of Yakushi flew high in the sky and was saved. It landed safely in a pine tree nearby. So the greatful villagers build a hall for him there and called him the "Salt Yakushi" 塩薬師.

The seated statue we see now is from the Muromachi period, covered with lacquer and then gold foil. It is seated on a lotus throne.

at the temple 塩福山永禅寺 Eizen-Ji  

The main statue is Shaka Nyorai.

There is also a statue of Fudo Myo-O 大聖不動明王  

The statue is carved with one knife 一刀彫 and one among the three famous standing statues of Fudo Myo-O 不動三尊立像 in Tohoku.
- source : sekishin.info


Kinoshita no Yakushi 木ノ下の薬師 Yakushi from Kinoshita

陸奥国分寺 Mutsu Kokubun-Ji  薬師堂 Yakushi-Do Hall
宮城県仙台市若林区木ノ下2丁目8-28 / 2 Chome-8-28 Kinoshita, Wakabayashi-ku, Sendai

This is the provincial temple of former Mutsu Province. The Hall for Yakushi 薬師堂 Yakushidō is an Important Cultural Property.
After its first construction around 740, the temple was destroyed in 1189. Lord Date Masamune rebuilt the complex in 1607, including the Yakushi Hall.
In 1903 it was designated an Important Cultural Property.

When Date Masamune was involved in a severe fight with 大崎義隆 Osaki Yoshitaka (1548 - 1603) it seemed difficult for his forces to win. Then suddenly 48 brave monk-soldiers 法師武者 appeared from nowhere and fought with the enemy, so in the end Masamune was victorious.
When he asked where these soldiers had come from, he was told
"From Kinoshita in Miyagino 宮城野" and the soldiers vanished as fast as they had appeared.

At Miyagino there was only a group of stone markers in a small stone sanctuary, dedicated to Yakushi Nyorai.
That night Masamune had a dream telling him that the soldiers had come on orders of Yakushi Nyorai to help him.


Daruma ko ame 達磨コ飴 / 達磨子飴 Daruma lollipop
A kind of candy in red color and the form of Daruma san.
On the seventh day of the first month and the third day of the third month of the old lunar year during the festival of Yakushi お薬師さん this sweet was sold. People who eat it will be healthy all year long.
After buying it you have to roll it up the stairs to the Daruma statue in the Yakushi Hall 薬師堂 and then offer it to the 神棚 Shelf of the Gods in your own home with the wish for the child or children to grow up healthy and well.
This custom was very popular until about 1910. Another type was a small horse sweet.

. 仙台のだるま飴 Daruma sweets from Sendai .


Shiga no Yakushi 志賀の薬師 Yakushi from Shiga village

岩沼市 Iwanuma 志賀 Shiga

Temple Ganzooji, Ganzōji 岩蔵寺 Ganzo-Ji
Iwanuma-shi, Shiga, Yakushi−9

慈覚大師 Jigaku Daishi founded the temple in 861, bringing a statue of Yakushi Nyorai to be venerated here. During the construction there came a group of skilled carpenters from Hida and promised to build the hall in one night.
But the villagers imitated the crow of a rooster long before daybreak, when the carpenters had just added one ceiling beam 天井板. They were quite angry and left the village.
In front of the hall were the other beams waiting to be fixed and between them was a stone looking like a snake 蛇石. It was formed when an oxen pulling the wooden beams for the building stumbled.

The temple is also famous for its ema 絵馬 votive tablets.
In the hall is a special ema painted by 狩野法眼元信 Kano Motonobu (1476 - 1559).
The oxen on this painting did not have any reins, so he escaped from the painting and damaged the fields in front of the temple. Therefore Motonobu came back and painted some reins to keep the oxen in place on the wooden tablet.

The statue of Yakushi in the Yakushi Hall 薬師堂 is said to be carved by Jigaku Daishi himself. It is a secret statue preserved in a small sanctuary 厨子 and never shown.

. Ennin - Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 . - (794 – 864)

. Hida no Takumi 飛騨工匠 Hida’s Master Builders .


sugi Yakushi 杉薬師 Yakushi and the cedar tree
Miyagi, 栗原郡 Kurihara 築館町 Tsukidate

source : www.pref.miyagi.jp
The seated statue from the Heian period is 121.2 cm high and made of keyaki ケヤキ zelkova wood.
It is an important cultural property of the town 重要文化財.

Long ago in the Tenpyo period (729 - 749), when the Empress 孝謙天皇 Koken Tenno (718 - 770) was very ill and asked her diviners for advise, they told her:
"In Mutsu 陸奥 there is a very very high cedar tree 大杉 and its long branches produced a shadow until your living quarters, causing your illness."
So she ordered one of her ministers, 某(なにがし) the Dainagon Nanigashi, to have the tree cut down.
The minister found a huge cedar tree at the village of Tsukidate and had it cut down. From the cutting surface blood spilled on the ground. But on the next morning all was healed and the tree was standing there as before.
However many times they cut it down, the same thing happened. Then a diviner told them to prepare a rope of the reeds in a field North-East to the cedar tree and cover the cutting wound with it.
The splinters from cutting flew in all directions and were soon gone.
Finally the illness of the Empress was healed.
So she ordered to have a temple build over the stump of the cedar tree.
Later Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 passed here and had a statue of Yakushi Nyorai placed on the altar.

The temple, built in 760, was called Soorinji 双林寺 Sorin-Ji.

1-1 Tsukidateyakushidai, Kurihara, Miyagi

The temple became quite famous and had more than 48 sub-temples in its compound.
But during the Middle Ages it declined through fire and fighting.
In 1591 it was re-built on orders of Date Masamune.
In the compound is the new hall 薬師瑠璃殿, / 薬師堂 - Ruridono 瑠璃殿
where the statue is now called
「お薬師様」 O-Yakushi sama, 「杉薬師様」 Sugi Yakushi Sama.

Every year on November 3 there is a special festival at the Yakushi Hall.
Tsukidate Yakushi Matsuri つきだて薬師まつり, also called
Fujiwara Ichizoku Yakushi Matsuri 藤原一族薬師まいり Yakushi Festival of the Fujiwara clan.

The festival is based on another legend of Kurihara town, the
しづはた姫物語 Shizuhata Hime Monogatari.

When the princess of the Fujiwara clan (Shizuhata, later 北の方 Kita no Kata) was on her way to Hiraizumi, she became ill on the way and prayed at the Cedar Tree Yakushi temple. She got healed on the spot and later, when she was with the Fujiwara clan, she had her retainers come to pray at this temple in a long parade.

The region of present-day Kurihara was part of the ancient Mutsu Province 陸奥の国, and has been settled since the Jomon period by the Emishi.
During the later portion of the Heian period, the area was ruled by the Northern Fujiwara. During the Sengoku period, the area was contested by various samurai clans before it came under the control of the Date clan of Sendai.


- - - - - Legends from 雙林寺 / 双林寺 Sorin-Ji temples in Japan - - - - -

Gunma 群馬県 - 子持村 Komochi village

tsuru 鶴 a crane
The carving of a crane at 双林寺 the Temple Sorin-Ji came to live at night and devastated the fields.
The hunters had to shoot it down.

Gunma 渋川市 Shibukawa city

Tadanori sakasazakura 忠度逆さ桜 the upside-down cherry tree of Tadanori
The cherry tree at 双林寺 the Temple Sorin-Ji is called "upside-down cherry tree".
Once a zatoo 座頭 blind minstrel appeared in front of the second priest of the temple.
He recited from the Heike Monogatari 平家物語 Tale of the Heike clan.
He quoted the poem
and then disappeared.
The priest thought it must have been the spirit of Tadanori.
Tadanori had appeared on a white horse and thrown his whip made from cherry wood toward the sky and disappeared.
The whip had taken roots and became the cherry tree.

"Were I, still traveling as night falls,
to make a sheltering tree my inn,
then would my host tonight be
the blossoms themselves?"
. Taira no Tadanori 平忠度 (1144 – 1184) .
. The Tale of the Heike (平家物語 Heike Monogatari) .

Gunma 渋川市 Shibukawa city 雙林寺 / 双林寺 Sorinji

The Seven Wonders from Temple Sorin-Ji 双林寺の七不思議
sakasa sakura 逆さ桜 Upside-down cherry tree


雙林寺 Sorin-Ji -- 東山薬師 Higashiyama Yakushi (脚気薬師 Kakke-Yakushi)
. Yakushi Legends from Kyoto .


- reference -

Monsters, legends and Yakushi 妖怪データベース
- source : nichibun yokai database


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 the Buddha of Medicine - Bhaisajyaguru .
- Legends about Yakushi Nyorai -


- - - Postscript - - -

Just when I had finished this article, with the words Miyagino and Wakabayashi still fresh in my mind, there was an article in the Japan Times
about the reconstruction efforts after the earthquake of March 11, 2011 -

- quote -
Innovation helps Tohoku’s tsunami-hit farmers bounce back
by Megan Rowling - Japan Times -
Even before a tsunami swamped fields east of Sendai in March 2011, Chikako Sasaki and her husband, a rice farmer, had dreamed of starting a business selling food made from their own produce. . . .
. . . The company in Wakabayashi Ward also has a processing facility nearby, and is planning to expand its other activity of making boxed lunches for convenience stores and public events.
. . . The company, which began operating almost two years ago in Miyagino Ward with capital from five young local farmers and disaster relief grants and loans, employs around 40 people and is branching out into organic vegetables too.
. . . Drainage pumping stations were quickly restored after the disaster with new ones now being built to double capacity needed to cope with the 50 cm of ground subsidence caused by the quake.
To cover the extra cost of the new pumping stations, the Sendai’s city government has installed solar panels near its agriculture and horticulture center in Wakabayashi.
With a capacity to generate power for 150 households, the solar plant has recently begun producing electricity, which is sold to the grid.
- source : Japan Times April 01, 2015


. Ennin - Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 . - (794 – 864)

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- - #gokurakuyakushimiyagi #yakushimiyagilegends #sorinji #shorinji -


Yakushi Nyorai Places


. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 the Buddha of Medicine - Bhaisajyaguru

. Yakushi Onsen 薬師温泉 Hot Springs named Yakushi
Yakushi no Yu 薬師の湯 - Yakushi Yu 薬師湯 .

. Legends about Yakushi Nyorai 薬師伝説 .

- - - - - below - - - - -
Mountains named Yakushi
Other Place names with Yakushi

to be updated - ABC list of the prefectures

Mountains named Yakushi

Niigata 新潟県

加茂市,南蒲原郡 Minamikanbara district
Yoneyama Awagatake Awayakushi 米山,粟ケ岳,粟薬師

Once upon the time of the Gods,
the two mountains Yoneyama and Awagatake tried to find out which one could hold more water. In the end the water began to flow towart Awagatake. The female deity called Awa Yakushi took her undergarment (koshimaki腰巻) and tired to stop the flow until both mountains were about the same size.
Some say the name of the mountain is also 薬師岳 Yakushidake.
And at Yoneyama the name of the deity was 恵那薬師 Ena Yakushi, later pronounced Yone.
It is a mountain where Yakushi Nyorai lives 薬師如来の住む山.

Toyama 富山県

Yakushidake, Yakushi-Dake 薬師岳 Mount Yakushi 
In the Hida Mountain Range. 2,926 meters
With the 薬師岳圏谷(カール)群 at its feet.

There are a few mountains with this same name in the prefectures, but this is the highest peak. It is a sacred mountain symbolizing the Paradise of Yakushi and at its top is a small sanctuary with a statue of Yakushi Nyorai.
There is also a small Fudo Myo-O at his side.

Upstream of the river 和田川 Wadagawa there is a small settlement called 有峰(ありみね) Arimine, said to date back to the times of the Heike 平家落人. They built a small sanctuary on top of the mountain and come here to celebrate every year on the 15th of June.

- reference about Heike 薬師 平家落人 -

Yamagata 山形県

山形県最上郡金山町大字飛森 / Tobinomori, Kaneyama, Mogami District, Yamagata

Yakushisan, Yakushi San 薬師山 Mount Yakushi, Yakushiyama
436.7 m

- Legend
The farmers of Tobinomori village have venerated Yakushi Nyorai since olden times as a deity that wards off insects that destroy the crops 虫除けの神.
When they pray at the shrine on top of the mountain and in the rock cave along the middle of the mountain, there will always be plenty of water and no harm done by insects.
Another legend says that in the rock cave there lives a Tengu 天狗 Mountain Goblin.

Once the nearby mountains quarreled about which was the highest in the area. Finally the Deities got angry about this petty quarrel and grinded off the top of Yakushisan.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- - - - - Other Place Names with Yakushi
Ibaraki  茨城県

Yakushidai 茨城県守谷市薬師台 Yakushidai, Moriya, Ibaraki


Ibaraki ? Ishioka 石岡

Yakushi Kodoo
薬師古道 Yakushi Kodo - Old Road of Yakushi

Shobuzawa no Yakushi 菖蒲沢薬師
菖蒲沢の薬師」は、筑波四面薬師の一つで 、その昔は大変にぎわいました。この薬師古道は、水の神様「龍神様」や「天白稲荷神社」などいろいろな地域資源が点在し、地域の歴史や里山の景観を楽しめる森林浴の道です。

- source : www.city.ishioka.lg.jp


- reference -

Monsters, legends and Yakushi 妖怪データベース
- source : nichibun yokai database

YAKUSHI NYORAI, YAKUSHI TATHĀGATA Buddha of Medicine and Healing
Yakushi literally means Medicine Teacher
Lord of the Eastern Paradise of Pure Lapis Lazuli
(Jp. = Jōruri 浄瑠璃, Skt. = Vaiduryanirbhasa).
Yakushi’s full name is Yakushi-rurikō 薬師瑠璃光,
meaning Medicine Master of Lapis Lazuli Radiance.
Commonly shown holding medicine jar in left hand.
Among the 88 temples on the well-trodden Shikoku Pilgrimage, 23 are dedicated to Yakushi, second only to the 29 sites dedicated to Kannon (Goddess of Mercy).
- source : Mark Schumacher -


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Yakushi Nyorai - 薬師如来 - Introduction .

. Yakushi Onsen 薬師温泉 Hot Springs named Yakushi .


Join the friends on facebook !

. Yakushi Pilgrims INFO - INTRODUCTION .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- #yakushinyoraiplaces #yakushiplaces #yakushimountain #yakushinoyu #yakushionsen -


Yakushi Nyorai Legends

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 the Buddha of Medicine - Bhaisajyaguru

Folktales, legends about Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 / お薬師様 / お薬師さん

- source : Shin Yakushi-Ji 新薬師寺

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 place names .
mountains, and more - many come with their own legend

. Yakushi no Yu 薬師の湯 / Yakushiyu 薬師湯 Yakushi Hot Springs .

. Neko Yakushi 猫薬師 Yakushi Nyorai and the Cat .

. Gyoki Bosatsu (Gyooki Bosatsu) 行基菩薩 .
(668-749 AD) Gyōki - he carved many Yakushi statues.

. Fudo Myo-O 薬師と不動伝説 Yakushi Nyorai and Fudo Myo-O Legends .

. Tengu 薬師と天狗伝説 Yakushi Nyorai and Tengu Legends .

In ABC order of the prefectures.

. Yakushi Legends from Tohoku 東北 .

Akita 秋田県 - - Aomori 青森県 -- Fukushima 福島県 --
Iwate 岩手県 -- Miyagi 宮城県 -- Yamagata 山形県

. Yakushi Nyorai and hakuroku 白鹿 the white deer, white stag .


. Legends from Aichi 愛知県 .

. Legends from Chiba 千葉県 and Ehime 愛媛県 .

. Legends from Fukui 福井県 .

. Gifu 岐阜県 / Gunma 群馬県 / Hiroshima 広島県 / Hyogo 兵庫県 .

. Ibaraki 茨城県 and Ishikawa 石川県 .



. Kagawa 香川県 / Kanagawa 神奈川県 / Kochi 高知県 .

. Kyoto 京都 .

. Mie 三重県 and Miyazaki 宮崎県 .



. Nagano 長野県 .
56 (22)

. Nara 奈良県 and Niigata 新潟県 .

. Okayama 岡山県 .

. Osaka 大阪, Saitama 埼玉県 and Shiga 滋賀県 .

. Shimane 島根県 .

. Shizuoka 静岡県 .

. Tochigi 栃木県, Tokushima 徳島県 and Tottori 鳥取県 .

. Tokyo 東京 - Edo 江戸 .



. Toyama 富山県 .

. Wakayama 和歌山県 .

. Yamaguchi 山口県 and Yamanashi 山梨県 .



Manga Nihon Mukashibanashi

...」とこれも感謝するのでした。こうして庄屋様に大事にされて、鶏も猫も長生きをしておりました。 ある年のこと。今まで元気だった庄屋様は寝込んでしまいました。その頃、一人の旅の坊様がこの村の近くを通りかかりました。夜になってしまったので、坊様は山の薬師堂で一夜を明かすこととしました。 しばらくして坊様が目を覚ますと、いつの間に来たのか年老いた一人の男が坊様の前に座っておりました。男は下村の庄屋様に飼われている鶏である、と坊様に告げました。坊様が驚いていると男はこう続けます。 庄屋様は今年で48歳にな...

きつねの花嫁 Kitsune no hanayome - Mikawa
昔、三河の国の宇頭(うとう)という所に、とんでもないイタズラ好きな与太郎という若者がいました。今日も、薬師様にお供えしてあった油揚げに釣り針を仕掛けて、キツネを釣るイタズラをしていました。 イタズラに手を焼いた母親は、嫁さえもらえば与太郎も落ち着くだろうと考え、村の鎮守様に「どうかせがれに良い嫁が来るように」とお願いしました。そのおかげか、村の庄屋さんの紹介で、与太郎にも隣村から器量よし(美人)の嫁さんが来ることになりました。

沼薬師如来 numa Yakushi
...も再び目が見えるようになった。 このことがあってから、村人は大木の芯の部分で薬師様を彫り、また残りの部分を使って小さな薬師堂を建てた。この薬師堂は沼薬師と呼ばれるようになり、これ以降、村では目の病だけではなく流行病もなくなって長生きする者が増えたという。

子どもたちと薬師さま the children and Yakushi
昔、ある村に薬師様がありました。村の人たちはたいそう大事にしておりました。子供たちはお堂のそばで、雪合戦などをして毎日遊んでおりました。その子たちの一人が権兵衛。 ある日、権兵衛の親父の甚兵衛さんが村の寄り合いに出て、村の世話役に選ばれました。上機嫌で薬師堂のそばを通りましたら扉が開いている。中をのぞくとなんとしたことか、薬師様の像がない。 権兵衛たちがお堂のそばで遊ぶうち、薬師様と一緒に遊ぼうという話になって、引っ張り出したのでした。遊ぶうちに日が暮れたのか薬師様は雪の中で置き去りになっていたので

乳の薬師さま breast feeding and Yakushi - Nagoya
...いった。 困り果てたおさよは、身体の願いなら何でも叶うという名古屋の東光寺の薬師様へお参りに行くことにした。東光寺までの道のりは遠く、いくつも峠を越えなければならなかったが、おさよは真夜中に毎日毎日通い続けた。 満願である二十一日目、おさよが薬師様に精根こめてお願いすると、自分の乳房がみるみる張ってくるのを感じた。大急ぎで家に...乳をしゃぶらせると沢山の乳が出て、赤ん坊は死を免れることができた。おさよ夫婦はお薬師様にいつまでも感謝した

- source : nihon.syoukoukai.com


薬師如来 紙芝居 Yakushi Nyorai - Kamishibai

- source : www.google.co.jp


. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 place names .
many come with a legend

- reference -

Monsters, legends and Yakushi 妖怪データベース
- source : nichibun yokai database
薬師如来  29 (07)
薬師 183 (00)

YAKUSHI NYORAI, YAKUSHI TATHĀGATA Buddha of Medicine and Healing
Yakushi literally means Medicine Teacher
Lord of the Eastern Paradise of Pure Lapis Lazuli
(Jp. = Jōruri 浄瑠璃, Skt. = Vaiduryanirbhasa).
Yakushi’s full name is Yakushi-rurikō 薬師瑠璃光,
meaning Medicine Master of Lapis Lazuli Radiance.
Commonly shown holding medicine jar in left hand.
Among the 88 temples on the well-trodden Shikoku Pilgrimage, 23 are dedicated to Yakushi, second only to the 29 sites dedicated to Kannon (Goddess of Mercy).
- source : Mark Schumacher -


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Yakushi Nyorai - 薬師如来 - Introduction .


- shared by 五島高資 - facebook

on koro koro sendari matoogi sowaka


Join the friends on facebook !

. Yakushi Pilgrims INFO - INTRODUCTION .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- #yakushinyorailegends #yakushilegends -


Fumonji Saitama


Fumonji 普門寺 Fumon-Ji, Saitama

大悲山 Daihizan 観音院 Kannon-In 普門寺 Fumon-Ji

埼玉県八潮市南川崎440 / 440 Minamikawasaki, Yashio-shi, Saitama-ken

The temple was founded by 盛源尊者 around 永禄年間(1558 - 1569). He worked in the village 木曽根村 and helped the villagers. The present head priest is in the 29th generation.
The temple is dedicated to Kobo Daishi.

Another saint close to the temple is 唯阿僧正(大雲一阿) 大雲唯阿僧正.

- 三祖宝号 Prayer to the Three Founders of the Temple


The main statue is of Fudo Myo-O.
The two side-statues are of Dainichi Nyorai.

本尊 不動明王 並びに脇仏 両部大日如来

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .


The present head priest is 清水義英.

- Homepage of the temple
- source : www.fumonji.or.jp

武蔵国三十三観音札所 第十九番札所
Nr. 19 of the Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon-Temples in Musashi.
This pilgrimage was introduced in 1697.


- Yearly Festivals -

大晦日 万燈会 First of January
3月 春彼岸 March
4月頃 隔年で団参旅行 April
7月12日~13日 Tanagyoo 棚経 July
8月13日~15日 Tanagyoo 棚経 August
8月18日 大施餓鬼会 August
9月 秋彼岸 September
9月 普門寺お寺の音楽会


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - INTRODUCTION .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- #fumonji #fumonjisaitama -

Fudo-Ji Settsu Henro

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Myo-O Temples 不動明王巡礼 .

. Settsu no Kuni 88 Henro Temples 摂津国八十八ケ所 .

08 . Fudo-Ji 不動寺 - Toyonaka 豊中 - 五大力不動明王 Godairiki Fudo Myo-O .

14 Rokudai-In 六大院 - 大阪市天王寺区餌差町 大聖不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
21 Hoon-In 報恩院 - 大阪市中央区高津 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
35 Shogon Jodo-Ji 荘厳浄土寺 - 大阪市住吉区帝塚山東 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
40 Horaku-Ji 法楽寺 - 大阪市東住吉区山坂 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
41 Kyozen-Ji 京善寺 -大阪市東住吉区桑津 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O

49 Ryozen-Ji 霊山寺 - 一言不動尊 Hitokoto Fudo Myo-O - - see below --

87 Shoofukuji 勝福寺 - 桂尾山勝福寺 Keibisan Shofuku-Ji Kannon Bosatsu and Fudo

. Fudooji 不動寺 Fudo-Ji Temples - Introduction .


Ryoozenji 霊山寺 Ryozen-Ji

Nr. 49 - 鶴林山 Kakuzinzan 霊山寺 Ryozen-Ji -
一言不動尊 Hitokoto Fudo Myo-O


大阪府高槻市霊仙寺町 / Ryozenjicho, Takatsuki, Osaka

According to the temple legend, it has been founded in the year 778 by 開成皇子 Kaijo, the son of Emperor Konin 光仁天皇 who became a monk.

桓武天皇 Kanmu Tenno, when visiting temple 勝尾寺 Katsuo-Ji in Mino, had a vision of a purple cloud of the river 女瀬川 with a mountain. When he told the dream to his son, he went there and found a beautiful waterfall and a rock as an incarnation of Fudo Myo-O. He founded the temple and this stone is venerated to our day.

By 1569 the temple had become quite rich and famous. But it was destroyed by soldiers around 1580. The head priest of that time 住職弘清 could just barely evacuate with some Buddha statues to the Tanba region.
Around 1610 the temple was reconstructed.

source : bittercup.web.fc2.com


source : kazuy.cocolog-nifty.com/weblog

If you make one wish only (hitokoto), in all sincerity, then Fudo will grant your wish.

一言不動 Fudo granting one wish (one word)


source : gosyuinnotabi.web.fc2.com

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : www12.plala.or.jp


87 Shoofukuji 勝福寺 - 桂尾山勝福寺 Keibisan Shofuku-Ji
神戸市須磨区大手町 - Hyogo Prefecture, Kobe, Suma Ward, Otecho 9-1-1

The main statue is 聖観音 Kannon Bosatsu


一言不動尊 Hitokoto Fudo Son

at Senso-Ji, . Asakusa Kannon 浅草観音 .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Myo-O Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .

[ . BACK to DARUMA MUSEUM TOP . ] - - - - - #fudojisettsu - - - - -

Settsu Henro

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]
. Shikoku Henro Temple List .

Settsu no Kuni 88 Henro Temples 摂津国八十八ケ所

- quote -
Settsu Province (摂津国 Settsu no kuni) was a province of Japan, which today comprises the eastern part of Hyōgo Prefecture and the northern part of Osaka Prefecture.
It was also referred to as Tsu Province (津国 Tsu no kuni) or Sesshū (摂州).
Osaka and Osaka Castle were the main center of the province.

During the Sengoku period, the Miyoshi clan ruled Settsu and its neighbors, Izumi and Kawachi, until they were conquered by Oda Nobunaga. The provinces were ruled subsequently by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. The regents of Hideyoshi's son soon quarreled, and when Ishida Mitsunari lost the Battle of Sekigahara, the area was given to relatives of Tokugawa Ieyasu. It was from then on divided into several domains, including the Asada Domain.
Sumiyoshi taisha
was designated as the chief Shinto shrine (Ichinomiya 一ノ宮) for the province.
During the Sengoku period
Settsu became the main exporting centre of matchlock firearms to the rest of Japan.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

under construction

In former times, the Kinki region was divided into five provinces:
山城 Yamashiro、大和 Yamato、摂津 Settsu、河内 Kawachi and 和泉 Izumi.

The pilgrimage to 88 Henro temples in Settsu was started by Saint Kekkai 月海上人 in the end of the Edo period.
During WW II many temples were burned down and this pilgrimage has become out of reach. But in 1980 it was revived.

Most temples can be reached within one hour from Central Osaka, which makes this pilgrimage a favorite with Henro Pilgrims.

The main statue of each pilgrim temple is different.

- Osaka 大阪市 / 大阪府 -

01 Hoan-Ji 法案寺 - 大阪市中央区島之内 薬師如来 - Yakushi Nyorai
02 Mitsudera 三津寺 - 大阪市中央区心斎橋筋 十一面観音 Juichimen Kannon
03 Wako-Ji 和光寺 - 大阪市西区北堀江 一光三尊阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai
04 Riyotoku-In 了徳院 - 大阪市福島区鷺洲 准胝観音 Juntei Kannon
05 Jimyo-In 持明院 - 大阪市福島区鷺洲 厄除弘法大師
06 Taiyu-Ji 太融寺 - 大阪市北区太融寺町 千手千眼観音 Senju Kannon
07 Fukko-Ji 富光寺 - 大阪市淀川区加島 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai
08 . Fudo-Ji 不動寺 - Toyonaka 豊中 - 五大力不動明王 Godairiki Fudo Myo-O .
09 . Kokubun-Ji 国分寺 - 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai .

10 Hoju-In 寶珠院 - 大阪市北区与力町 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai
11 . Zenpuku-Ji 善福寺 - 弘法大師 Kobo Daishi . Dondoro Daishi .
12 Kotoku-Ji 興徳寺 - 大阪市天王寺区餌差町 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai
13 Dainichi-Ji 大日寺 - 大阪市城東区鴨野東 子安大日如来 Koyasu Dainichi Nyorai
14 Rokudai-In 六大院 - 大阪市天王寺区餌差町 大聖不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
15 Enju-An 圓珠庵 - 大阪市天王寺区空清町 十一面観音 Juichimen Kannon
16 Kannon-Ji 観音寺 - 大阪市天王寺区城南寺町 十一面観音 Juichimen Kannon
17 Shoyu-Ji 正祐寺 - 大阪市天王寺区上本町 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai
18 Sokei-In 宗恵院 - 大阪市天王寺区生玉前町 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai
19 Toji-Ji 藤次寺 - 大阪市天王寺区生玉町 宝生如来 Hosho Nyorai

20 Jisho-In 自性院 - 大阪市中央区寺 聖観音 Kannon Bosatsu
21 Hoon-In 報恩院 - 大阪市中央区高津 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
22 Shimyo-In 持明院 - 大阪市天王寺区生玉町 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai
23 Shoren-Ji 青蓮寺 - 大阪市天王寺区生玉寺町 金剛界大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai
24 Shinko-In 真光院 - 大阪市天王寺区夕陽丘町 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai
25 . Shitenno-Ji 四天王寺 - 救世観音 Kuse Kannon .
26 Kiyomizudera 清水寺 - 大阪市天王寺区伶人町 十一面観音 Juichimen Kannon
27 Koya-Ji 高野寺 - 大阪市西区土佐堀 厄除弘法大師 Kobo Daishi
28 Naniwa-Ji 浪速寺 - 大阪市浪速区恵比寿西 毘沙門天 Bishamonten
29 . Daijooboo 大乗坊 Daijo-Bo . 毘沙門天 Bishamonten

30 Chikurin-Ji 竹林寺 - 大阪市中央区難波 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai
31 Jizo-In 地蔵院 - 大阪市大正区三軒家東 地蔵菩薩 Jizo Bosatsu
32 . Shooenji 正圓寺 Shoen-Ji - 大聖歓喜天 Kankiten / Kangiten .
- and Mizukake Fudo Myo-O
33 Shaka-In 釈迦院 - 大阪市港区築港 弘法大師 Kobo Daishi
34 Nishi no Bo 西之坊 - 大阪市住吉区上住吉 地蔵菩薩 Jizo Bosatsu
35 Shogon Jodo-Ji 荘厳浄土寺 - 大阪市住吉区帝塚山東 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
36 Yakushi-Ji 薬師寺 - 大阪市住吉区苅田 薬師瑠璃光如来 Yakushi Nyorai
37 Nyogan-Ji 如願寺 - 大阪市平野区喜連 聖観音 Kannon Bosatsu
38 Choho-Ji 長寶寺 - 大阪市平野区平野本町 十一面観音 Juichimen Kannon
39 Senko-Ji 全興寺 - 大阪市平野区平野本町 薬師瑠璃光如来 Yakushi Nyorai

- stamp book -

40 Horaku-Ji 法楽寺 - 大阪市東住吉区山坂 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
41 Kyozen-Ji 京善寺 -大阪市東住吉区桑津 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
42 Joko Enman-Ji 常光圓満寺 - 大阪府吹田市元町 聖観音 Kannon Bosatsu
43 Ensho-Ji 圓照寺 - 大阪府吹田市山田東 千手観音 Senju Kannon
44 Saidera 佐井寺 -大阪府吹田市佐井寺 薬師瑠璃光如来 Yakushi Nyorai
45 Kongo-In 金剛院 - 大阪府摂津市千里丘 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai
46 Renge-Ji 蓮花寺 - 大阪府茨木市天王 薬師瑠璃光如来 Yakushi Nyorai
47 Soji-Ji 総持寺 - 大阪府茨木市総持寺 千手観音 Senju Kannon
48 Jizo-In 地蔵院 - 大阪府高槻市真上町 延命地蔵菩薩 Enmei Jizo Bosatsu
49 . Ryozen-Ji 霊山寺 - 一言不動尊 Hitokoto Fudo Myo-O .

50 Daimon-Ji 大門寺 - 大阪府茨木市大字大門寺 如意輪観音 Kannon Bosatsu
51 Shinryu-Ji 真龍寺 - 大阪府茨木市東福井 釈迦牟尼如来 Shaka Nyorai
52 Taishaku-Ji 帝釈寺 - 大阪府箕面市粟生外院 帝釈天 Taishakuten
53 Zenpuku-Ji 善福寺 - 大阪府箕面市粟生間谷西 十一面観音 Juichimen Kannon
54 Katsuo-Ji 勝尾寺 - 大阪府箕面市粟生間谷 十一面観音 Juichimen Kannon
55 Ryuan-Ji 瀧安寺 - 大阪府箕面市箕面公園 弁財天 Benzaiten, Benten
56 Hoju-In 宝珠院 - 大阪府箕面市如意谷 如意輪観音 Kannon Bosatsu
57 Shaka-In 釋迦院 - 大阪府池田市鉢塚 釈迦如来 Shaka Nyorai
58 Ichijo-In 一乗院 - 大阪府池田市鉢塚 聖観音 Kannon Bosatsu
59 Jofuku-Ji 常福寺 - 大阪府池田市神田 千手観音 Senju Kannon

- Hyogo 兵庫県 -

60 Kongo-In 金剛院 - 兵庫県伊丹市宮ノ前 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai
61 Anraku-In 安楽院 - 兵庫県伊丹市千僧 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai
62 Ninyo-Ji 昆陽寺 - 兵庫県伊丹市寺本 薬師瑠璃光如来 Yakushi Nyorai
63 Daiku-Ji 大空寺 - 兵庫県伊丹市野間字来福地 延命地蔵 Enmei Jizo Bosatsu
64 Joko-Ji 浄光寺 - 兵庫県尼崎市常光寺 聖観音 Kannon Bosatsu
65 Daikaku-Ji 大覚寺 - 兵庫県尼崎市寺町 千手観音 Senju Kannon
66 Koho-Ji 高法寺 - Osaka 大阪府池田市綾羽 十一面観音 Juichimen Kannon
67 Kyuan-Ji 久安寺 - Osaka 大阪府池田市伏尾町 千手観音 Senju Kannon
68 Mangan-Ji 満願寺 - Hyogo 兵庫県川西市満願寺 千手観音 Senju Kannon
69 Nakayamadera 中山寺 Daishido (大師堂) - 兵庫県宝塚市中山寺 十一面観音 Juichimen Kannon

70 Nakayamadera 中山寺 Nokyojo (納経所) - 兵庫県宝塚市中山寺 十一面観音 Juichimen Kannon
71 Nakayamadera 中山寺 Oku no In (奥之院) - 兵庫県宝塚市中山寺 十一面観音 Juichimen Kannon
72 Seicho-Ji 清澄寺 - 兵庫県宝塚市米谷清 大日如来・三宝荒神 Dainichi Nyorai / Kiyoshi Kojin 清荒神
73 Heirin-Ji 平林寺 - 兵庫県宝塚市社町 釈迦如来 Shaka Nyorai
74 Kinryu-Ji 金龍寺 - 兵庫県宝塚市鹿塩 得自性清浄法性如来 Nyorai
75 Kanno-Ji 神呪寺 - 兵庫県西宮市甲山町 如意輪融通観音 Kannon Bosatsu
76 . Toko-Ji 東光寺 Mondoyakujin (門戸厄神) - 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai .
77 Hoshin-Ji 法心寺 - 兵庫県西宮市高木西町 十一面観音 Juichimen Kannon
78 Dainichi-Ji 大日寺 - 兵庫県西宮市高木東町 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai
79 Enman-Ji 圓満寺 Nishinomiya, Naritasan(西宮成田山) - 兵庫県西宮市社家町 薬師瑠璃光如来 Yakushi Nyorai

80 . Tenjo-Ji 天上寺 / Maya san Tenjooji 摩耶山天上寺 .
81 Shotoku-In 聖徳院 - 神戸市中央区宮本通 弘法大師 Kobo Daishi
82 Dairyu-Ji 大龍寺 - 神戸市中央区再度山 聖如意輪観音 Kannon Bosatsu
83 Shinpuku-Ji 真福寺 - 神戸市兵庫区下沢通 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai
84 Konko-Ji 金光寺 - 神戸市兵庫区西仲町 薬師瑠璃光如来 Yakushi Nyorai
85 Jofuku-Ji 常福寺 - 神戸市長田区大谷町 延命地蔵 Enmei Jizo Bosatsu
86 Myoho-Ji 妙法寺 - 神戸市須磨区妙法寺 毘沙門天 Bishamonten
87 Shofuku-Ji 勝福寺 - 神戸市須磨区大手町 聖観音 Kannon Bosatsu
88 . Sumadera 須磨寺 - . 神戸市須磨区須磨寺町 聖観音 Kannon Bosatsu

. Settsu 摂津 the temples with Fudo Myo-O .


Links to most temples
- source : www.geocities.co.jp/SilkRoad

Wikipedia links to the temples
摂津国八十八箇所(せっつこくはちじゅうはちかしょ) 霊場一覧
- source : wikipedia

Links to most temples
- source : www.houshuin.com/settu88

Link to the shuin 朱印
- source : gosyuinnotabi.web.


- Other deities from Settsu -

. Sanju Banjin 三十番神 30 Protector Deities .
3 摂津 - Hirota Daimyojin  広田大明神    賀茂

. Arima Hot Spring - Legends from Gyoki .

. Tsunashiki Tenmangu .
near temple Sumadera in Suma-Ura Park. Kobe
綱敷天満宮 (神戸市) - 兵庫県神戸市須磨区鎮座


. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . (774 - 835) .

. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. Fudo Myo-O at Mount Koyasan 高野山の明王像 .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .





Daiho-Ji Shikoku 44


Daihooji 大寶寺 Daiho-Ji

. 四国お遍路さん Henro Pilgrims in Shikoku . - General Information -

. Shikoku Henro Temple List .


Nr. 44 - 菅生山 Sugozan  大覚院 Daikaku-in  大寶寺 / 大宝寺 Daiho-Ji
愛媛県浮穴郡久万高原町菅生1173 /

- quote
Taihōji - Great Treasure Temple
This temple was originally the private assembly hall of a Korean monk who came to Japan in 701, the first year of Taihō. The statue of Kannon was his personal Buddha. Kōbō Daishi came here early in the 9th century and rebuilt it after it had fallen into disrepair as no one was staying here to maintain it.

Legend states that at one time the land in this area was inhospitable to growing crops. When Kōbō Daishi was passing through the area, the one lone woman who still lived here begged him for company. He changed the course of the river, bringing it closer to the temple. The river brought fertility to the land and other farmers quickly moved back to the area. Thus the woman had her company.

The sister of Emperor Go-Shirakawa was once chief abbess/nun here during his reign in the 12th century. The temple was destroyed by fire in 1873 but later restored.

The temple is located in the town of Kuma at an elevation of 1,600 ft. and situated in a calm and quiet forest of cedar trees. Note the beautiful Niōmon and a pair of giant waraji.

Frederick Starr notes that between Temple 44 and 45, there is a deep, dark cave where an enshrined statue of Fudō is worshipped.
- source : www.shikokuhenrotrail.com

The main statue is a Kannon with eleven faces 十一面観世音菩薩.
The founder of the temple was 明神右京・隼人, around 701.

- Chant of the temple 今の世は大悲のめぐみ菅生山  
ima no yo wa daihi no megumi sugausan tsui ni wa mida no chikahi o zo matsu

- Homepage of the temple
- source : 88shikokuhenro.jp


Fudo Myo-O along the path leading to temple 44 :
source : Jake Ojisan

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja – Fudo Myoo .

. . Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction - .

The Five Great Wisdom Kings, Godai Myo-O - 五大明王
. The Five Great Elements of the Universe - 地水火風空の五大 .


芭蕉塚 - 芭蕉33回忌の法要を営んだ際の建立。

source : mayumi129.blog.so-net.ne.jp

There is a memorial stone for Matsuo Basho in the temple compound. Erected in 1743.
It is called
Shimoyozuka 霜夜塚 "Memorial stone of a frosty night"

kusuri nomu sarademo shimo no makura kana

I drink some medicine
but there is still frost
on my pillow

Written abound the 22nd (25th) day of the 11th lunar month, 1687.
During his travelings, Basho was ill at the home of his disciple Kitoo 起倒 / 欄木起倒 Atsuta.
Basho had a chronic illness of his stomach and Kito went out to buy some medicine for him.
This hokku shows the feeling of loneliness and desperation of Basho when traveling alone and depending on the kindness of others.

. Matsuo Basho Archives - Basho and Medicine .

- Two short Haiku Henro Trips, Summer 2005

. 四国お遍路さん Pilgrims in Shikoku . - General Information

Koya San in Wakayama

Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海
(Kooboo Daishi, Kuukai )

Haiku and Henro:
.... . The Haiku Henro Pilgrimage  


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

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