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Showing posts with label - - - SSS - - -. Show all posts


Shofukuji Kannon Yoshida

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. 小机領三十三所子歳観音霊場 Kozukue Nedoshi 33 Kannon .

Shoofukuji 正福寺 Shofuku-Ji, Yoshida
星宿山 Seishukuzan 千手院 Senju-In 正福寺 Shofukuji

神奈川県横浜市港北区新吉田町4569 / Kanagawa Yokohama-shi Kohoku-ku Shinyoshidacho 4569

The Kannon statue is 十一面観世音菩薩 Juichimen Kannon.
The main statue is 釈迦如来 Shaka Nyorai.

The date of the founding is not clear. The priest of the second generation, 秀覺 / 秀覚 Hidesato, died in 1624.


shuin 朱印 stamp


Also on the following pilgrimages :

. 都筑橘樹十二薬師霊場 - Tsuzuki Tachibana - Nr. 3> .

. Shoofukuji 正福寺 Shofuku-Ji, Fudo, Saitama .


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source : ...
- reference source : ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This temple is Nr. 14 of the pilgrimage
. 小机領三十三所子歳観音霊場 Kozukue Nedoshi 33 Kannon .
nedoshi 子年 (ねずみどし) refers to the year of the rat, 鼠 nezumi.

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara .

. Juichimen Kannon 十一面観音 Senju Kannon 千手観音 Kannon with 11 faces and 1000 arms .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

....................................................................... Fukushima  
郡山市 Koriyama city 湖南町 Konan town

Jizo sama no tatari 地蔵さまの祟り the curse of Jizo
There were 六地蔵 6 Jizo statues in the town.
Around 1822 the statues had to be moved to 正福寺 the Temple Shofuku-Ji.
But after that, many people became ill with fever.
When the statues were brought back to their origin, the illness stopped.
. Legends about Jizo Bosatsu - 地蔵菩薩 .

....................................................................... Mie 三重県 
鳥羽市 Toba city 松尾町 Matsuo town

. kujira 鯨 / くじら whale toys and legends .
The history of the Shima region is recorded in 志州天朗峰福寺縁起, kept at 正福寺 the Temple Shofuku-Ji.
Once a statue of 十一面観音像 Kannon Bosatsu with 11 faces came riding on kujira 鯨魚 a whale.
She became the shugoshin 守護神 protector deity of fishermen and sailors.

....................................................................... Yamagata 山形県  
鶴岡市 Kameoka city 下川 Shimokawa

. kookai shin, kookaishin 航海神 Kokaishin Deities of Seafarers .
at the temple 善宝寺 Zenpo-Ji in Tsuruoka and Shofuku-Ji.

....................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県  
韮崎市 Nirasaki city 大草町 Okusa town

. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 .
and kadomatsu 門松 gate decoration with pines for New Year.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #shofukuji #kozuke #Kodukue #kannon #nedoshi -


Seikyoji Fudo Asae

[ - Indroducing Fudo Myo-O 不動明王 - ]
. 18 Fudo Doji Temples of Yamaguchi 十八不動童子霊場

Seikyooji 清鏡寺 Seikyo-Ji - Asae
高松山 Matsuyamazan 清鏡寺 Seikyoji

山口県光市浅江2-1-14 / Yamaguchi, Hikari town, Asae

Heisei Fudo 平成


Nr. 17 - Jikenba 持堅婆童子 Jikenba Doji 、


- quote -
Seikyoji (Memorial Tower for Muneharu Shimizu and retainers)
The temple was first called 吉祥寺 Kichijo-Ji.
but they renamed themselves to "Seikyoji temple" in 1594.
清水宗治 Shimizu Masaharu is known as the master of Bitchu Kibi domain Takamatsu castle,
who lost against Toyotomi Hideyoshi in the siege of Takamatsu.
The memorial tower for him is located in here.
- source :

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Shimizu Muneharu 清水宗治 (1537 – 1582)
also known as Shimizu Chōzaemon (清水 長左衛門),
was a military commander during the Sengoku period. He served the Mōri clan (one of the powerful clans in Bitchu Province) as a retainer to Kobayakawa Takakage and took part in the expedition to unify the Chūgoku region.
He was lord of Shimizu castle at Bitchu Province, and became the lord of the Bitchu Takamatsu Castle after he captured it in 1565.
His father was Shimizu Munenori.
Hashiba Hideyoshi (later Toyotomi Hideyoshi), a retainer of Oda Nobunaga, went on an expedition to the Chūgoku region to reunify Japan in 1582. Muneharu resisted Hideyoshi, locking himself in Bitchu Takamatsu Castle. Hideyoshi advised Muneharu to surrender on the condition that Muneharu give him Bitchu Province, but Muneharu refused.
Takamatsu Castle was flooded by Hideyoshi and nearly fell.
In June, during the flooding, Nobunaga died in the Incident at Honnōji in Kyoto.
Having heard about Nobunaga's death, Hideyoshi made peace overtures on the condition that Muneharu commit seppuku (suicide).
Shimizu's grave is at Seikyō-ji, Hikari, Yamaguchi Prefecture.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


shuin 朱印 Ebisu stamp

Ebisu 恵比寿

- Reference of the temple
- reference source : omairi club ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree .. -


Also on the following pilgrimage :

. 周南七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck in Shunan - 恵比寿 Ebisu .


This temple is Nr. 17 of the
. 18 Fudo Doji Temples of Yamaguchi 十八不動童子霊場
. The 36 Doji Attendants of Fudo Myo-O 三十六童子 .
- Indroducing Fudo Myo-O 不動明王 -


. Join the Fudo Myo-O Group on Facebook .


- - ##seikyoji #seikyooji #jikenba #shimizumuneharu #doji #dooji #yamaguchi -


Shunan Seven Gods

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

Shunan Shichifukujin 周南七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck in Shunan

Benten 弁天
Bishamonten 毘沙門天
Daikoku 大黒
Ebisu 恵比寿
Fukurokujuu 福禄寿
Hotei 布袋
Juroojin 寿老人


寿老神 閼伽井坊 山口県下松市 Akaibo
. ゑびす神 - 恵比寿  清鏡寺 山口県光市 Seikyo-Ji .
福禄寿 荘宮寺 山口県周南市 Somiya-Ji
毘沙門天 多聞院 山口県下松市 Tamon-In
大黒天 鷲頭寺 / 妙見宮鷲頭寺  山口県下松市 Myoken-Ji
弁財天 三光寺 山口県周南市 Sanko-Ji
布袋尊 冠念寺 山口県光市 Kannen-Ji
- reference and links : ... -


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Shūnan (周南市, Shūnan-shi)
is a city located in east central Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan.
As of October 1, 2016, the city has an estimated population of 143,959 and a population density of 220 persons per km2. The total area is 656.13 km2.
The modern city of Shūnan was founded on April 21, 2003, by the merger of the cities of Tokuyama and Shinnan'yō, the town of Kumage (from Kumage District), and the town of Kano (from Tsuno District).
Its name is derived from the first character (周) of the name of the former Suō Province (周防国), and the character for south (南), reflecting its location, comprising much of the southern part of the old province.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. Temples with legends .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #shunan #shuunan #shichifukujin -


Senkokuji Kannon Kozukue

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .

Senkokuji 泉谷寺 Senkoku-Ji, Kozukue
松亀山 Matsukamezan 本覺院 Hongaku-In 泉谷寺 Senkokuji

神奈川県横浜市港北区小机町256 / Kanagawa, Yokohama, Kohoku ward, Kozukue town

The Kannon statue is 聖観世音菩薩 Sho Kannon.

The temple was built around 1322 by 二宮織部正 Ninomiya Oribesho.
To built a temple for his late father, he invited 見譽上人 Saint Migaku,
who built the temple and called it 泉谷寺 Senkoku-Ji.
Saint was also the priest at 飯沼弘経寺 the Temple Gugyo-Ji in Iinuma.
In 1642, the Bakufu government in Edo alloted it more land.

The temple has a wooden door with a painting from 歌川広重 Utagawa Hiroshige.
In 1928, it was repaired by 野口米次郎 Noguchi Yonejiro (1875 - 1947)
and shown to the public.


- quote
The remains of Kozukue Castle (小机城 Kozukue-jō)
are located in present-day Kōhoku Ward, Yokohama.
The castle was thought to be built by the Uesugi clan during the Eikyō Rebellion (永享の乱 Eikyō-no-ran) in 1438/39.
The Uesugi were a powerful samurai family that descended from the Fujiwara, and that was most influential during the Muromachi and the Sengoku periods, holding the positions of shugo (守護, provincial governors) and Kantō kanrei (関東管領, deputies of the shōgun in the Kantō region) until 1552.
Later, in 1478, the castle re-entered the spotlight of history when Nagao Kageharu (長尾景春, 1443-1514), a vassal of the Yamanouchi Uesugi clan, rebelled against his lord in what is known as the Kyōtoku Incident (享徳の乱, Kyōtoku-no-ran), a series of skirmishes between the Ashikaga and the Uesugi. The Toshima clan who sided with Kageharu held the castle but were eventually defeated by Kageharu's arch-rival Ōta Dōkan (太田道灌, 1432-1486). Although suppressed, Kageharu's rebellion contributed to the weakening of the Uesugi and paved the way for Hōjō Sōun(北条早雲) to establish hegemony in the Kantō region.
The abandoned Kozukue Castle was taken over by the Hōjō in 1524 and played an essential role as a strategic point of military and economic interest until Tokugawa Ieyasu entered Edo.
- source : ...


shuin 朱印 stamp


- - - - - Reference of the temple
- source : wikipedia -
- reference source : ... -


This temple is Nr. 01 of the pilgrimage
. 小机領三十三所子歳観音霊場 Kozukue Nedoshi 33 Kannon .
nedoshi refers to people born in 子年(ねずみどし) the year of the rat, nezumi.

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara .

. Shō Kannon 聖観音 / 正観音 Sho Kannon / 聖観世音菩薩


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #senkokuji #senkooji #kozukue #kannon #nedoshi -


Seiganji Kannon Sugamo

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .

Seiganji 清巖寺 Seigan-Ji, Nishi-Sugamo
長仙山 Chozenzan 清巖寺 Seiganji // 日照山 Nissozan 光明院 Komyo-In 清巌寺 Seiganji

東京都豊島区西巣鴨4-8-24 / Toshima ward, Nishi-Sugamo

The Kannon statue is 十一面観世音菩薩 Juichimen Kannon Bosatsu.
The main statue is 釈迦如来 Shaka Nyorai.

The temple was founded in 1615 by 国伝寒達 Kokuden Kandatsu
on request of 加藤勘助重正 Kato Kansuke Shigemasa (1575 - 1645).
Many graves of members of the Kato clan are in the compound.
It was first built in 1615 in 小日向 Kohinata.
In 1922 it was relocated to its present place.


- - - - - Reference of the temple
- wikipedia -

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- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


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Shigemasa Kato 加藤重正
Shigemasa Kato (Kato Shigemasa, (1575 - 1645) ) was a samurai in the early Edo period.
He is Hatamoto. He is commonly known as Kansuke. He served Ieyasu Tokugawa, Hidetada Tokugawa, and Iemitsu Tokugawa.
His father is Shigetsune Kato. He has a daughter (Yoshinaga Omori's wife) as a child, Shigenaga Kato (the second son of Yoshinaga Omori) as an adopted child, and Masatoshi Kato.
His brothers are Masamitsu Kato, Shigekatsu Kato, and Tadashige Kato, who are separated from each other.
- - - Lifetime
Kansuke Kato Shigemasa is known as an equestrian.
His ancestor Shigehide Ueda (equestrian) taught him Ueda style equestrian. He served Ieyasu Tokugawa from the 5th year of Tensho (1577) and Hidetada Tokugawa, the second shogun from the 2nd year of Genna (1616), and received 400 stones of knowledge. Shigemasa was entrusted with Mima by Hidetada Tokugawa about the sword fighting on horseback, and became famous (there is another description that he told the third shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu about this).
In the 9th year of Genna (1623), when Hidetada went up, he served. In the 10th year of Kanei (1633) after Hidetada's death, he was entrusted with 30 concentric humans (guns) and was allowed to wear cloth. In the 11th year of Kanei (1634), he received 500 new stones of land, and became 900 stones in Kai and Musashi provinces.
He died on June 22, 1645. He was 71 years old.
He was buried at Seiganji Temple in Kohinata Daimachi, Koishikawa.
After that, Seiganji Temple became the burial ground of the Kato family for generations, and it is said that Shigemasa was opened with this. In 1922, Seiganji was relocated to Nishisugamo, Nishisugamo-cho, Toshima-ku (currently 4-chome, Nishisugamo, Toshima-ku) due to the expansion of the city planning road in Tokyo.
A stone pagoda with the name of Shigemasa engraved on the current Seiganji Temple still exists. It can be read as "Seiganji Ichibin Somi Daishi". Seiganin (Seiganin) in Fussa City is also known as the founder of Nakako, and the legal name of Shigemasa Kato, "Seiganin-den Ichibin Somi Daishi".
- source : .. -


This temple is Nr. 30 of the
. . 山の手三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples along the Yamanote Line .

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara .

. Shō Kannon 聖観音 / 正観音 Sho Kannon / 聖観世音菩薩

. Juichimen Kannon 十一面観音 Senju Kannon 千手観音 Kannon with 11 faces and 1000 arms .


. Temples with legends .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #seiganji #yamanoteseiganji #sugamo #kannon -


Saimyoji Fudo Hoki

[ - Indroducing Fudo Myo-O 不動明王 - ]
. 18 Fudo Doji Temples of Yamaguchi 十八不動三十六童子

Saimyooji 最明寺 Saimyo-Ji - Kamihoki
湯谷山 Yuyazan 最明寺 Saimyoji

下関市菊川町大字上保木354-1 / Shimonoseki, Kikugawa, Oaza, Kamihoki

厄除不動 Yakuyoke Fudo


Nr. 05 - Mukuko Doji 無垢光童子


The temple was founded in 1280.
The main statue was 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai, made by 上宮太子 Uenomiya Taishi.
北條時頼 / 北条時頼 Hojo Tokiyori (1227 - 1263) gave it the name.
There are a many legends that Tokiyori traveled incognito throughout Japan
to inspect actual conditions to improve the lives of the people.
It became the family temple of 北條 the Hojo clan.
This small temple belongs now to the Jodo Shinshu Sect.
Uenomiya Taishi is another name for 聖徳太子 Shotoku Taishi (572 – 622).
. Prince 聖徳太子 Shotoku Taishi .


shuin 朱印 stamp - Yakuyoke Fudo

- Homepage of the temple
- source : ...
- reference source : omairi club ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree .. -


This temple is Nr. 05 of the
. 18 Fudo Doji Temples of Yamaguchi 十八不動三十六童子
. The 36 Attendants of Fudo Myo-O 三十六童子 .
- Indroducing Fudo Myo-O 不動明王 -


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Kagawa 香川県 
高松市 Takamatsu city 塩江町 Shionoe town

Kumano Gongen 熊野権現 The Kumano Deity
During his travels in Japan, Gyoki Bosatsu stayed at 最明寺 the Temple Saimyo-Ji.
An old man with white hair appeared and told him that in the mountain near the temple was
yakusen 薬泉 a well with healing qualities.
When Gyoki asked the old man about his name, he said
Kumano Gongen 熊野権現 and then disappeared.
. 行基菩薩 Gyoki Bosatsu (668 - 749) .
. Kumano 熊野と伝説 Legends about Kumano .

Saimyo-Ji - better known as Hagidera 萩寺 Temple of the Bush Clover
- reference source : ... -


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Join the Fudo Myo-O Group on Facebook .


- - #saimyoji #Saimyooji #doji #dooji #yamaguchi #kumano -


Shitennoji Temple Legends

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .

Shitennoji 四天王寺 Shitenno-Ji Legends

. Shitennoji 四天王寺 Temple Shitenno-Ji - Introduction .

. sange 散華 "scattered blossom" amulets from Shitenno-Ji .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

....................................................................... Kyoto 京都府  
東山区 Kitayama ward

Once a poor mother left her child at the temple.
The high priest took care of it and it became a priest.
To search for his real parents, he begun to preach every day at 四天王寺 the Temple Shitenno-Ji.
Finally he could find his mother, who had gone blind.
He made offerings to Sanbo Shoten 三宝諸天 all the gread deities of hte three treasures
and oh wonder, his mother could see again.

....................................................................... Osaka 大阪府  

Shitenno-Ji no nanafushigi 四天王寺七不思議 the seven wonders of Shitenno-Ji
. Shitenno-Ji no nanafushigi .
- - - - -

Shitennoji no Koshindo 庚申堂 the Koshin Hall at Shitenno-Ji
At 庚申堂 the Hall for Koshin there was a special ritual on the day of Koshin in the seventh month.
The last Koshin Day in December was also special.
If people came to the Koshin Hall naked to pray, they would be healed from bed wetting.
Therefore many men came just wearing their underwear.
. kooshin 庚申伝説 Legends about the Koshin Cult .

大阪市 Osaka city

. Master Carver Hidari Jingoro 左甚五郎 at the Temple .

- - - - -

. gama 蝦蟇と伝説 Legends about toads .
In March of 784, the first year of the regency of 桓武天皇 Emperor Kanmu Tenno (735 – 806)
20000 gama 蝦蟇 toads came to the shore at 難波 Nanba and walked to 四天王寺 the Temple Shitenno-Ji.
After showing their respect, the animals scattered in the area.

大阪市 Osaka city 天王寺区 Tennoji ward

. amagoi 雨乞いと伝説 Legends about rain rituals / Regenzauber .
In the West of 四天王寺 the Temple Shitenno-Ji there is a pond.
During a drought the water can all disappear.
After a rain ritual, it will soon start to rain.

- - - - -

ishi to ka shita ushi 石と化した牛 an ox turned stone
During the construction of 四天王寺 the Temple Shitenno-Ji the stones were transported by ushiguruma 牛車 ox carts.
When the buildings were completed, one ox turned into stone.
Its statue is now verenated in a small sanctuary in the South of the main temple.

. ushi 牛と伝説 Legends about ox, bull, cow . . .

- - - - -

Moriya no basson 守屋の末孫 the descendants of Moriya
The descendants of、物部守屋 Mononobe Moriya (? - 587) are still living
near the Eastenr Gate of 四天王寺 the Temple Shitenno-Ji.
During the rituals of the death of Shotoku Taishi on February 22 (old lunar calendar)
they come down from 六時堂 the Hall Rokujido, wearing a formal court dress.

Mononobe no Moriya (物部 守屋, died 587) was an Ō-muraji,
a high-ranking clan head position of the ancient Japanese Yamato state,
having inherited the position from his father Mononobe no Okoshi.
Like his father, he was a devoted opponent of Buddhism,
which had recently been introduced to Japan from the continent.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
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. seiryuu ike 青竜池 the pond of the Azure Dragon .
and kamei no mizu 亀井の水, where fresh water from the Turtle Well always flows.

- - - - -

. Shotoku Taishi 聖徳太子 - Legends .

Shotoku Taishi no fue 聖徳太子の笛 the flute of Prince Shotoku Taishi
- quote -
龍笛 / 高麗笛 (京不見御笛 (きょうみず))
Ryuteki Flute / Komabue Flute (Kyomizu-no-Ofue).
Legend had it that Prince Shōtoku Taishi was once playing the flute while riding on a horse when, suddenly,
a mountain god charmed by the melody appeared before him in the shape of a monkey and improvised a dance.
The monkey-face mask still used by the dancer could thus be taken as evidence
that the bugaku piece is a depiction of this scene.
- source : 2018 ... -


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #shitennoji #osaka #tennoji #shotokutaishi -


Saihoji Kannon Umezato

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. 山の手三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples in the Yamanote area

Saihooji 西方寺 Saiho-Ji - Umezato
松苔山 Shotaizan 峯巌院 Reigan-In 西方寺 Saihoji
"Temple in the Western Direction"

杉並区梅里1-4-56 / Suginami ward, Umezato

千手観世音菩薩 Senju Kannon Bosatsu

The main statue is 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai.

The temple was founded in 1658 by 貞儀和尚 Priest Teigi.
It was first located in 新宿区新宿 Shinjuku in 1617, and relocated later.
The buildings were lost many times during fires in Edo.
In 1920, during the construction of the 中央線 Chuo Sen Train Line it was relocated again.

In the compound is 六観音石幢 a stone monument of six Kannon statues.

In the compound is the grave of 山城屋和助 Yamashiroya Wasuke (1836 - 1872).
- quote -
The Yamashiroya Incident (山城屋事件)
The Yamashiroya Incident was an incident that Wasuke YAMASHIROYA, a government contractor for the Ministry of Army, committed suicide when he was unable to repay the public money he had borrowed from the Ministry without collateral in 1872.
The public money YAMASHIROYA had borrowed was approximately 650,000 yen in total, which was an enormous amount of money as much as 1% of the annual national revenue at that time (according to the page 53 of "Aritomo Yamagata" written by Michio FUJIMURA, it was 12% of the national revenue). ...
- More in the ...


- Homepage of the temple
- source : ...
- reference source : ... -


This temple is Nr. 17 of the
. 山の手三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples in the Yamanote area

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara .

. Senju Kannon 千手観音 Kannon Bosatsu with 1000 Arms.

. 西方寺 Sahho-Ji Nagano .

. 西方寺 Saiho-Ji - Nippa, Yokohama .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Aichi 愛知県 
知多郡 Chita district 南知多町

Amida sama アミダさま

黄金の尊像 / オウゴンノソンゾウ


Zenkooji Nyorai 善光寺如来

................................................................................. Kyoto 京都府  
中京区 Kyoto

Jizoo 地蔵

................................................................................. Niigata 新潟県  

. sakasadake 逆竹 Sakasa-Dake, "weeping bamboo" .
and Nichiren priest 親鸞聖人 Saint Shinran.

................................................................................. Shimane 島根県 
浜田市 Hamada city 三隅町 Misumi town

enkoo えんこう
The Kappa living in 三隅川 the Misumi river did not like the metal parts of a hoe.
He asked the priest of 西方寺 Temple Saiho-Ji to remove it.
To show his gratitude, the Kappa gave the priest some yakuseki 薬石 medical stones.
. enkoo, enkō 猿猴 monkey Kappa .

................................................................................. Yamanashi 山梨県  
富士吉田市 Fujiyoshida City 向原 Mukaihara

marui ishi 丸い石

Saihooji no Jizoo san 西方寺のお地蔵さん


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Join the Kannon Bosatsu Gallery on Facebook .


. 山の手三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples in the Yamanote area

. The Yamanote area in Edo / Tokyo .

- - #saihooji #saihoji #saihouji #saihojikannon #西芳寺 #kappa -


Saidaiji Temple Legends

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .

Saidaiji 西大寺 Saidai-Ji temple legends

There are many temples with this name in Japan.

. Saidaiji 西大寺 Saidai-Ji "Great Temple in the West" .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

Amida Nyorai 阿弥陀如来
. Amida Nyorai Legends 阿弥陀如来と伝説 .


yume 夢 a dream
THe politician 伴大納言善男 Ban Dainagon Tomo no Yoshio had a dream:
He was standing across 西大寺 Temple Saidai-Ji and 東大寺 Temple Todai-Ji.
Very soon after he reached a high position in politics.
But then he was found guilty and was killed.
Tomo no Yoshio (伴善男), or Ban Dainagon (伴大納言)
宇治拾遺物語 Uji Shui Monogatari
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

....................................................................... Nara 奈良県 
奈良市 Nara city

ishi 石 a stone
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Saidai-ji (西大寺) or the "Great Western Temple"
is a Buddhist temple that was once one of the powerful Seven Great Temples in the city of Nara, Nara Prefecture, Japan.
The temple was first established in AD 765 as a counterpart to Tōdai-ji and it is the main temple of the Shingon Risshu (真言律宗) sect of Buddhism after the sect's founder, Eison (叡尊), took over administration in 1238.
It has undergone several reconstruction efforts since then during the succeeding centuries.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

....................................................................... Okayama 岡山県 
備前西大寺の裸祭り by 川口操麓
. 西大寺 裸祭り Saidai-Ji "Naked Festival" .
岡山市 Okayama city / 西大寺の裸祭り

bonshoo 梵鐘,ryuujin 龍神
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Kannon Sama 観音様
若者が数日の間一室に篭って彫刻に没頭していたが、時折誰かと話している声がした。依頼した皆足姫が不思議に思って覗いて見ると彫り上げたばかりの仏像と若者が話をしていた。「あっ」と驚いた声で像は倒れ、若者は怒りの形相を浮かべて去ろうとした。皆足姫は若者を追い、どこの人かと尋ねたが「われには生所も住所もない。大和国の長谷寺が仮住まいである」と言って掻き消すように消え去ったという。若者は観音の化身だったといわれている。 . Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 伝説 legends about Kannon .

....................................................................... Shiga 滋賀県  
大津市 Otsu city

shinboku no tatari 神木の祟り the curse of a sacred tree
To built a temple with wood of shinboku 神木 a sacred tree is a horrifying deed.
During the time of 光仁天皇 Emperor Konin (708 - 782), wood from 小野神社 the Shrine Ono Jinja was used
to built the western pagoda of 西大寺 the Temple Saidai-Ji.
But soon all people involved were cursed.
. shinboku 神木, shinju 神樹 sacred tree, divine tree .

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小野神社 Shrine Ono Jinja
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Ono-jinja Shrine is a small soja (shrine enshrining several gods)
located at the foot of Mt. Konzesan, but it receives many visitors from both across Japan and overseas.
It is a spot with special significance for fans of the Japanese pop group “Arashi,” and offers a popular range of talismans based on the members of the group.
The tower gate is also a designated Important Cultural Property. It was constructed in the Kamakura period (1192 to 1333), making it the oldest tower gate in Shiga.
896 Arahari, Ritto City, Shiga
- reference source : -


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #saidaiji -


Sogenji Kannon Waseda

. Famous Places and Power spots of Edo 江戸の名所 .
. 山の手三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples in the Yamanote area

Soogenji 宗源寺 Sogen-Ji - Waseda
十却山 正覚院 Shokaku-In 宗源寺 Sogenji

東京都新宿区早稲田町82 / Shinjuku ward, Waseda town

The main statue is 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai.

In the 観音堂 Kannon Hall is
十一面観世音菩薩 Juichimen Kannon with Eleven Heads
made by 行基 Gyoki Bosatsu.
. Gyōki, Gyōgi 行基菩薩 Gyoki Bosatsu (668-749) .

The temple has been founded in 1631 in 牛込横寺町 Ushigome Yokoteramachi by Saint 信譽上人.
It has been relocated to its present location in 1659.


- Homepage of the temple
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This temple is Nr. 11 of the
. 山の手三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples in the Yamanote area

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara .

. Juichimen Kannon 十一面観世音菩薩 Kannon with 11 Heads


. Join the Kannon Bosatsu Gallery on Facebook .


. 山の手三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples in the Yamanote area

. The Yamanote area in Edo / Tokyo .

- - #sogenji #sogenjikannon #wasedamachi -