
Senkokuji Kannon Kozukue

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .

Senkokuji 泉谷寺 Senkoku-Ji, Kozukue
松亀山 Matsukamezan 本覺院 Hongaku-In 泉谷寺 Senkokuji

神奈川県横浜市港北区小机町256 / Kanagawa, Yokohama, Kohoku ward, Kozukue town

The Kannon statue is 聖観世音菩薩 Sho Kannon.

The temple was built around 1322 by 二宮織部正 Ninomiya Oribesho.
To built a temple for his late father, he invited 見譽上人 Saint Migaku,
who built the temple and called it 泉谷寺 Senkoku-Ji.
Saint was also the priest at 飯沼弘経寺 the Temple Gugyo-Ji in Iinuma.
In 1642, the Bakufu government in Edo alloted it more land.

The temple has a wooden door with a painting from 歌川広重 Utagawa Hiroshige.
In 1928, it was repaired by 野口米次郎 Noguchi Yonejiro (1875 - 1947)
and shown to the public.


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The remains of Kozukue Castle (小机城 Kozukue-jō)
are located in present-day Kōhoku Ward, Yokohama.
The castle was thought to be built by the Uesugi clan during the Eikyō Rebellion (永享の乱 Eikyō-no-ran) in 1438/39.
The Uesugi were a powerful samurai family that descended from the Fujiwara, and that was most influential during the Muromachi and the Sengoku periods, holding the positions of shugo (守護, provincial governors) and Kantō kanrei (関東管領, deputies of the shōgun in the Kantō region) until 1552.
Later, in 1478, the castle re-entered the spotlight of history when Nagao Kageharu (長尾景春, 1443-1514), a vassal of the Yamanouchi Uesugi clan, rebelled against his lord in what is known as the Kyōtoku Incident (享徳の乱, Kyōtoku-no-ran), a series of skirmishes between the Ashikaga and the Uesugi. The Toshima clan who sided with Kageharu held the castle but were eventually defeated by Kageharu's arch-rival Ōta Dōkan (太田道灌, 1432-1486). Although suppressed, Kageharu's rebellion contributed to the weakening of the Uesugi and paved the way for Hōjō Sōun(北条早雲) to establish hegemony in the Kantō region.
The abandoned Kozukue Castle was taken over by the Hōjō in 1524 and played an essential role as a strategic point of military and economic interest until Tokugawa Ieyasu entered Edo.
- source : jref.com/articles/kozukue-castle ...


shuin 朱印 stamp


- - - - - Reference of the temple
- source : wikipedia -
- reference source : tesshow.jp ... -


This temple is Nr. 01 of the pilgrimage
. 小机領三十三所子歳観音霊場 Kozukue Nedoshi 33 Kannon .
nedoshi refers to people born in 子年(ねずみどし) the year of the rat, nezumi.

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara .

. Shō Kannon 聖観音 / 正観音 Sho Kannon / 聖観世音菩薩


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

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