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Showing posts with label - - - KK KK - -. Show all posts




Kannonshooji 観音正寺 Kannonsho-Ji

This is Temple Nr. 32 on the Saigoku Pilgrimage to 33 Temples of Kannon Bosatsu in Western Japan.

- quote
Overlooking Lake Biwa, Kannonsho-ji is the 32nd temple on the Saigoku Kannon pilgrimage. According to legend, Kannonshoji was founded when a merman begged a young nobleman to build a temple so that he could worship Kannon and be assured of better fortune in the next life.

The temple's principal object of worship is an enormous image of Kannon carved from 23 tonnes of Indian sandalwood, which took 10 years to finish.
- source :


More photos :
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Kannonjijoo 観音寺城 remains of castle Kannon-Ji nearby
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gumyooshichoo, gumyoo shichoo 共命之鳥 ぐみょうしちょう Gumyo Bird

source : gumyou.web.fc2

A clay bell of the gumyo bird
sold at this temple

- quote
“Sariputra, in the Buddha Land there live a number of wonderful birds of different colors — crane, peacock, parrot, myna, Kalavinka, and Gumyo bird, or the bird of double lives. Six times each day and night, these birds sing melodious tunes.”

According to Sakyamuni Buddha’s words, there are six kinds of birds in the Pure Land. ...
Although the first four birds really exist, the Kalavinka and Gumyo bird are imaginary and exist only in Sutras and stories. It is said that these birds always sing elegantly and all those who listen to their song cannot help but have the mind of seeking the Buddha Dharma.

In a Sutra, the Gumyo bird is depicted as a rare bird with two heads and minds sharing a common body. There is a Buddhist tale about the Gumyo bird which goes like this.

A long time ago, there were many beautiful Gumyo birds. There was one in particular with a most beautiful shape and song. Its two heads boasted about themselves, asserting things like, “The feathers on my head are incomparably lovely and my voice is the most beautiful.”

Each head hated the other and there was no end to their quarreling. Then one day, one head happened to think, “If the other head were to die, I would truly be the best in the world!”

The next day, this head made the other head eat fruit which it had secretly poisoned. Of course, the head that ate the fruit died soon after so the head that survived finally became the most beautiful bird in the world. At that moment, the bird started flying while singing proudly.

However, its joy was short-lived. The head that died gradually rotted and eventually even the body they had in common rotted as well. So this Gumyo bird lost its life.
Despite a Gumyo bird's foolishness, these birds now grace the Pure Land to teach the dignity of life in their lovely voices:
“The way we destroy others is the same way we destroy ourselves. The way to let others live is exactly the way that we should live.”
- source :


- - - - - The Six Birds of Paradise - 浄土の鳥 -

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karyoobinga, Karyôbinga 迦陵頻伽 Karyobinga
. Kalavinka - paradise bird with a human head .

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. kujaku 孔雀 peacock .

. Mynah bird -- kyuukanchoo 九官鳥 .
shari 舎利 mynah, a bird that talks like men


. tsuru 鶴 crane .


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .




Kesho Jizo


Keshoo Jizoo 化粧地蔵 Kesho Jizo Bosatsu with make-up
Keshō Jizō

o-keshoo enmei Jizoo お化粧延命地蔵尊 Jizo to prolong life
o-shiroi Jizoo おしろい地蔵 "Jizo with white makeup"

. Banryuuji 蟠龍寺 Temple Banryu-Ji .
Tokyo, Meguro 東京都目黒区下目黒3-4-4

If you paint his face with white makeup and paint the rest on your own face, you will become beautiful.
A lot of Kabuki actors come here to pray.


There is another Jizo with a white make-up face at temple Seigan-Ji 清巌寺
島根県松江市玉湯町玉造530 - Tottori

source :


- CLICK for more photos !
お化粧地蔵 高野山、奥の院 From Mount Koyasan, Oku no In


keshoo Jizo 御化粧延命地蔵尊 Jizo with make-up
o-shiroi Jizo おしろい地蔵

Once upon a time, a priest found a stone statue of Jizo in wind and rain, took pity on it, build a roof for it and painted it white. . . Shortly after a wart in the face of the priest disappeared and his skin became all beautiful and young.
When someone's wish is fulfilled, they often paint the whole body of the statue with white powder.

Gyokuhooji 玉鳳寺 Temple Gyokuho-Ji
東京都港区三田4-11-19 - Tokyo, Mita


source :

In Osaka, Jizo painted for the Jizo-Bon ritual.


source :

at temple Shorin-Ji 松林寺 in Miyagi, Shiogama Town
宮城県塩竈市 寒風沢


source : . .

Saneyama, Ojiro, Kami Town 香美町小代区実山 - Hyogo


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

source :

Jizobon, Jizo Bon, Jizoo Bon 地蔵盆 Bon Festival with Jizo

Some people paint the face of Jizo in colors (keshoo Jizo 化粧地蔵) and give him new red bibs or coats.

Tsugaru Peninsula, Northern Japan 津軽化粧地蔵
Contests of the best painted Jizo are held in many communities.

. WKD : Jizobon, Jizo Bon, Jizoo Bon 地蔵盆 .


. biyoo jisha 美容寺社 praying for beauty .




kaisan temple founder


kaisan 開山 temple founder

- quote
Kaisan (開山) is a Japanese term used in reference to the founder of a school of Buddhism or the founding abbot of a Zen monastery, literally meaning "mountain founder" or "to open a mountain." Ch'an monasteries of China and Japan have traditionally been built in mountainous regions, with the name of whatever mountain it has been built upon then fixed upon the monastery as well as the founding abbot.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- quote
A kaisandoo (開山堂, kaisan-dō), also termed the Founder's Hall,
is a temple structure in a Japanese Buddhist monastery complex or other temple where an image (or images) of the founding abbot and other significant teachers and Buddha ancestors are kept, along with a memorial slab (J. ihai). Sometimes also referred to as the Patriarch Hall (J. soshido) or Reflection Hall (J. Eishitsu), this building holds memorial services yearly on the anniversary of the death of the founding abbot.

The largest Founder's Hall in Japan is the Goei-dō (御影堂) in front of the Higashi Hongwanji (Hongan-ji) Temple in Kyoto, Japan, one of two head temples of the Jōdo Shinshū sect of Buddhism.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

- source :
Myooshinji 妙心寺 Myoshin-Ji - Kyoto

mieidoo 御影堂 Miei-do "Honorable Shadow Hall", founder's hall
with the image of the originator
hall dedicated to the founder, "Reflection Hall"


- quote
kaisandou 開山堂 kaisando
A hall that enshrines a statue, portrait or memorial tablet of the founder of a temple or the founder of a particular Buddhist sect to which the temple belongs. Frequently, the halls are 3x3 bays square but sizes vary. The word kaisan 開山 means founder.
There are other names for these halls depending on the sect and the time of establishment, but the usual term at Zen sect temples is kaisandou. Temples of Joudo 浄土 or Joudoshin 浄土真 sects, often call these halls *mieidou 御影堂 Miei-Do.
In the Shingon 真言 sect, the hall is called *daishidou 大師堂 Daishi-Do after the founder *Kuukai 空海 (774-835), who was posthumonsly given the name *Kobo Daishi 弘法大師 in 921. Other names used instead of kaisandou are *soshidou 祖師堂 Soshi-Do, meaning a hall dedicated to the founder of the sect, for example that at Manpukuji 萬福寺 (1669) in Kyoto, shidou 祀堂 Shi-Do and haidou 牌堂 Hai-Do. There was a great proliferation of founder's halls during the Kamakura period.
- source and more : JAANUS

Some temples are established by direct orders from an Emperor (chokugan-ji).
When an emperor decided to have a temple built with a certain vow to the deities, he usually entrusted a high priest with the effort to visit that region and supervise the construction.
The founder of a temple is called kaisan.
. Chokuganji 勅願寺 Chokugan-Ji, "Imperial Temple" .


. Daitoku-ji Kaisan-Ki 大徳寺開山忌 .
Daitoo Ki 大燈忌(だいとうき)Priest Daito Memorial Day
kigo for late winter - 陰暦十二月二十二日

. Kennin-Ji Kaisan Ki 建仁寺開山忌 .
Eisai Zenji 栄西禅師 (1141-1215)
kigo for late summer

Myooshinji Kaisan Ki 妙心寺開山忌
Kanzan Ki 関山忌(かんざんき)、Musoo Ki 無相忌(むそうき)
Musoo Kokushi 無相大師
kigo for late winter - 陰暦の十二月十二日

. Tooeizan Kaisan Ki 東叡山開山忌 .
Jigen Daishi Ki 慈眼大師忌 - 天海(てんかい) (1536-1643)
kigo for early winter

Toofukuji Kaisan Ki 東福寺開山忌
Shoo-ichi ki 聖一忌, Kokushi ki 国師忌
kigo for early winter - 十一月十六日 - Temple Kofuku-Ji, Higashiyama, Kyoto

. Yugyoo-Ji Kaisan Ki 遊行寺開山忌 .
Saint Ippen (1234 – 1289) 一遍
kigo for spring


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

kangetsu ya kaisandoo no ki no ma yori

this cold moon -
from among the trees
of the founder's hall

. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .

kangetsu 寒月(かんげつ)"moon in the cold", moon on a cold night
kigo for late winter


source :
at temple Hoounji 法雲寺 Houn-Ji 大宝山 法雲禅寺(黄檗宗) Osaka

tokage izu kaisandoo no fumi-ishi ni

a lizard comes out
to the stepping stones
of the Founder's Hall

Kashiwara Min-U 柏原眠雨

. tokage izu 蜥蜴出づ(とかげいづ) lizard coming out .
kigo for spring







Konpukuji, Konbukuji 金福寺 / 金福寺 temple Konpuku-Ji
京都府京都市左京区一乗寺才形町 Saikata Village, Kyoto
Ichijoji is a district in Sakyo ward of Kyoto, with many famous buildings.

Ichijoo-Ji Konbuku-Ji 一乗寺金福寺 Ichijo-Ji
a Zen temple famous through Basho, Buson and Kyoshi.

- quote
Konpukuji temple is one of the most important historic site for Haiku enthusiasts.
A number of travellers visit this holy site of Haiku, a Japanese style poetry, annually around the world.

Historical back ground
In 864, An’e (An'ne 、安恵 / 安慧) , a monk, built Konpukuji, due to his master, Ennin’s dying wish. The temple was originally called Ryugean.

Tesshu 鉄舟, a Japanese monk, restored Konpukuji in the mid 18th century. It belongs to Nanzenji temple, a Rinzai sect of Zen Buddhism. Matsuo Basho, a renowned Japanese Haiku master, frequently visited the temple and had enjoyed an intellectual and cultural exchanges with Tesshu.

Since Basho stayed at the thatched hat in the east side in the back of the garden, the place has been called Basho Hermitage (Basho-an).
The temple was then ruined later.
Yosa Buson
, a renowned Japanese poet and Haiku master, restored the temple in 1776. Now it hosts a famous tea room.

After passing through a gate and turning to the left, visitors receive a spectacular view. Pass through a dry landscape garden on the left and a building. With a wonder and an expectation, take steps towards the hut by looking a dry landscape garden and a building on the left.

Green moss delicately cover a ground under the round topiaries. A sazanqua tree gorgeously fills up itself with blooming white flowers on the left under the hut. On May, azaleas put pinkish flowers on the topiaries.

The hut keeps a peaceful surroundings, sitting on hilltop, overlooking the city. Take a seat in the hut. Immerse yourself to be surrounded by beautifully tinged foliages with red, orange and yellow. Listen to the sounds of tossing foliages and feel milder lights under trees, forgetting about time.
- - source : Akiko Morita

Tesshu (円光寺の鉄舟和尚) was a good friend of Matsuo Basho.
Basho visited him frequently when he stayed in Kyoto.
Tesshu named an old hermitage in the compound after him, another Basho-An 芭蕉庵, which now has a beautiful curved thatched roof and a small tea room.

source : sadou bunka kenkyukai

For the tea ceremony and haikai meetings with Yosa Buson, there were always just a few good friends invited, like Takai Kito 几董, 道立 and Hyakuchi 百池.

Teramura Hyakuchi 寺村百池 (1748 - 1836)
a great sponsor of Buson, who lived to the ripe age of 88. He had a silk and cloth store 糸物 in Kyoto, the Sakai-Ya 堺屋. His haikai name was Dairaidoo 大来堂 Dairaido.
Dairaido studied haikai with Buson, painting with Maruyama Ookyo 円山応挙 (1733 - 1795) and the tea ceremony with the 6th master of the Yabunouchi school 薮内流六代比老斎紹智

Read more about Hyakuchi by Crowley :
source :

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Yosa Buson about Konpuku-Ji

. bakesoo na kasa kasu tera no shigure kana .

winter drizzle -
at the temple I borrow an old umbrella
looking almost like a ghost

Tr. Gabi Greve

. The grave of Yoshiwake Tairo 吉分大魯 . - disciple of Buson

. The gave of Aoki Getto 青木月斗 .


Bookmark with a haiku by Basho, Buson and Kyoshi - しおり 金福寺 芭蕉 蕪村 虚子

Matsuo Basho

うき我をさびしがらせよ閑古鳥 / 憂き我をさびしがらせよ閑古鳥
uki ware o sabishigarase yo kankodori / ukiware o

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

Yosa Buson

jimoku haichoo koko ni tama maku bashoo-an

jimoku haichoo 耳目肺腸 - ears, eyes, lungs, intestines - body and mind, the true self

Takahama Kyoshi

yuku haru ya kyoo o ichimoku no haka-dokoro

This is best graveyard in Kyoto.

The grave of Yosa Buson at Temple Konpuku-Ji.
next to him is his disciple Emori Gekkyo 江森月居 (1756 - 1824).

- Buson wrote the following haiku at this temple :

. shika nagara yamakage mon ni irihi kana .

耳目肺腸ここに玉巻く芭蕉庵 ji moku hai choo
三度啼きて聞こえずなりぬ鹿の声 mitabi
畑うつやうごかぬ雲もなくなりぬ hata utsu ya
冬ちかし時雨の雲もここよりぞ fuyu chikashi
我も死して碑にほとりせむ枯尾花 ware mo shi shite

- quote -
Buson at Basho-an

(the following haiku are given in translation by Dougill san:)
ji moku hai chou koko ni tama maku Basho-an
mitabi nakite kikoezunari nu shika no koe
shika nagara saneimon ni iru hi kana
hata utsuya ugokanu kumo mo naku nari nu
fuyu chikashi shigure no kumo mo koko yori zo
ware mo shi shite hi ni hotorisemu kareobana
- source : Dougill John -


doomori 堂守 hall warden, temple watchman

This can be a temple hall or a shrine hall.


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

doomori no ue-wasuretaru hechima kana

the temple warden
forgot to plant this
sponge gourds . . .

Tr. Gabi Greve

doomori no ogusa nagametsu natsu no tsuki

the temple warden
stares at the weeds -
summer moon

ogusa, kogusa 小草 lit. "small plants", small grasses which do not grow tall.

Buson on the 6th day of the 5th lunar month 五月六日
with 大来堂 Dairaido at temple 金福寺 Konpuku-Ji.

the first draft was

doomori no sokora o yuku ya natsu no tsuki

. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .

. WKD : hechima nae 糸瓜苗 seedlings of the sponge gourd .
sowing sponge gourds, hechima maku 糸瓜蒔く
- kigo for summer


. Shisendoo 詩仙堂 Shisen-do - 丈山寺 Jozan-ji .
京都府京都市左京区一乗寺門口 - at Ichiji-Ji, Kyoto

Another famous temple in Ichij-Ji of Kyoto
. 一乗寺狸谷山不動院 .
京都府京都市左京区一乗寺松原町6 - Matsubara Village 6

- #busonbashoan #busonkyoto -


Kotowaza proverbs

. kotowaza 諺 / ことわざ idioms, sayings, proverbs .

kotowaza ことわざ - 諺 proverbs and sayings

some deal with paradise, some with hell.


gokuraku no kotowaza 極楽のことわざ idioms about Paradise

kiite gokuraku mite jigoku 聞いて極楽見て地獄
The story sounds like Paradise, but in reality it is hell.

Fame is a liar.(世評は嘘つき)
Imagination goes a long way.(聞くと見るとは大違い)
A paradise on hearsay, a hell at sight.(聞いた話は天国で、見たものは地獄だ)


uso o tsuku to Enma-O ni shita o nukareru 嘘をつくと閻魔様に舌を抜かれる
If you tell a lie, King Emma of Hell will pull your tongue out.


uso tsuitara hari senbon nomasu  うそついたらハリセンボン飲ます
If you tell a lie, you have to drink 1000 needles.


warusa o shitara jigoku ni ochiru 悪さをしたら地獄に落ちるぞ
If you behave badly, you will fall into hell.


gongo doodan 言語道断 atrocious, outrageous

Japanese Buddhist phrase.It means
“the path of words has been cut.”

“beyond words”"I am dumbstruck”


. kotowaza 諺 / ことわざ idioms, sayings, proverbs .




Kabuki and Hell


Kabuki and Hell

Ichikawa DanjuroⅧ and Iwai KumesaburoⅢ
. source: shared on fb .


source : mitsukosi_sugawara.html

三越歌舞伎「菅原伝授手習鑑 車引
Onna Koroshi Abura no Jigoku 女殺油地獄

Original story by Chikamatsu Monzaemon 近松門左衛門.








. Kabuki 歌舞伎 and Hell .   

. Kaianji 海晏寺 Temple Kaian-Ji . Shinagawa, Tokyo

. kaisan 開山 temple founder / kaisandoo 開山堂 Kaisan-Do - Founder's Hall .

. Kalavinka (J. Karyôbinga, karyoobinga) paradisiacal bird with human head .

. kamabuta tsuitachi 釜蓋朔日 opening the chauldron of hell on the first day  .

. Kanbodaiji 観菩提寺 Kanbodai-Ji . - Mie

. Kanbutsu-e 潅仏会 Buddha's Birthday April 8 .

. Kanjoin 歓成院 Kanjo-In, Yokohama .

. kane 鐘 temple bell - Legends .

. Kanmuryoojuu kyoo 観無量寿経 Kan Muryoju Sutra of Amida .

. kan nenbutsu 寒念仏 Nembutsu prayers in the cold .

. Kannonji 観音寺 Kannon-Ji temples and legends .

. Kanto 36 Fudo 関東三十六不動霊場 Pilgrimage .

. Kanto Yakushi 91 Pilgrimage 関東九十一薬師霊場 .

. Kappadera かっぱ寺 Kappa temples .

. Kawanabe Kyōsai 河鍋暁斎 Kawanabe Kyosai Hell Paintings .

. kazu 火途 fire torture in hell .

. kechimyaku 血脈 Buddhist lineage document .

. kechizu 血途 blood torture in hell .

. Kegon-shū 華厳宗 Kegon Sect Buddhism .
- - - - - Kegon Engi-E 華厳縁起絵 Picture Scroll of the Kegon sect

. keman 華鬘 flower garland decorations .
- - - - - Keman Bosatsu, 華鬘菩薩

. kesa 袈裟 kasaya - monk's robe .

. Keshoo Jizoo 化粧地蔵 Kesho Jizo Bosatsu with make-up .

. Ketsubon Kyo 血盆経 Blood Bowl Sutra .

. kiganji 祈願寺  temple for special prayers .
... goganji 御願寺 temple for special prayers of the Emperor and his family
kiganjo 祈願所 Shinto shrine for special prayers

. Kikenjoo 善見城 castle "Joyful to see" on the peak of Mt. Sumeru .
at Tooriten 忉利天 Toriten, Buddhist Paradise of Taishaku Ten 帝釈天 .
- - - - - Indra, Shakra Deva

. Kishibojin, Kishimojin 鬼子母神 deity .
訶梨帝母 Kariteimo - Kangimo 歓喜母 - Hariti

. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 and the Gokuraku poems .

. Kōbō Daishi Kūkai 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説  Kobo Daishi Kukai Legends .

. Kobo Daishi Kukai 津軽弘法大師霊場 Kobo Daishi Pilgrims in Tsugaru . - Aomori

. Kokawadera engi 粉河寺縁起絵巻 Temple Kokawa-dera . - Wakayama

. Kokuzo 虚空蔵菩薩 Kokuzo Bosatsu .

. Kōmyō shingon 光明真言 Mantra of Light - Komyo Shingon .

. Kooen, Kōen 皇円 Saint Koen 阿闍梨坊 Ajari-Bo Tengu 肥後阿闍梨 Higo Ajari .

. koohai, kōhai 光背 mandorla, halo, Nimbus .

. Kōmyō shingon 光明真言 Komyo Shingon, Mantra of Light - Legends .

. koromo, e 衣 priest's robes .

. kotowaza ことわざ - 諺 proverbs and sayings about Heaven and Hell .

. kubizuka 首塚 head mound and execution grounds .

. Kuhonbutsu Amida 九品仏 阿弥陀 .

. Kumedera 久米寺 Kume-Dera, Nara .
and the Immortal Kume no Sennin 久米の仙人

. kunibiki, kunihiki 国引き "pulling the land" - Izumo .

. Kuuya Shoonin, Kuya Shonin, (903-72) 空也上人 Saint Kuya .

. kyoo no himotoki 経の紐解き loosening the strings of the sutras .
for 法然上人 Saint Honen Shonin Memorial Day Rituals

. kyoozuka, Kyozuka 経塚と伝説 Legends about a sutra mound .


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