Showing posts with label - - - - Yakushi Nyorai - - - -. Show all posts
Showing posts with label - - - - Yakushi Nyorai - - - -. Show all posts


Hokedake, Hokkedake Yakushi Temple


. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

Hokedake-Ji, Hokkedakeji 法華嶽寺 Hokedake Yakushi-Ji

宮崎県東諸県郡国富町大字深年4050 / Fukadoshi, Kunitomi, Higashimorokata District

The temple is also famous for its Japanese park 日本庭園.

法華嶽薬師寺1300年の歴史 - 1300 years of History
On the 8th day of the 8th lunar month in 718, Saint Gyoki came to the peak of "Mount Buddha" 釈迦岳 Shakaoka and placed a stone statue of Shaka Nyorai there. This is the beginning of the temple 金峯山・長喜院.
In the Heian period, priest Saicho after visiting China came here and carved the statue of Yakushi Nyorai. At this time the name was changed to 真金山・法華嶽寺 Hokedake-Ji.

The statue is of the three official important Yakushi temples (皇国 kookoku), the other two are
越後の米山薬師 - - Echigo
三河の宝来寺薬師 - - Mikawa

It is famous since olden times as the 日向の法華嶽薬師 Hokedake Yakushi from Hyuga who heals all people 病気平癒.
- source : hokedakeyakushizi

. Gyooki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 Gyoki Bosatsu .
(668-749 AD) Gyōki, Gyōgi

. Saicho, Dengyo Daishi 伝教大師最澄 .


The Connection with Izumi Shikibu 和泉式部の由来?

Once upon a time

Shikibu on her deathbed


Arazaramu Kono yo no hoka no Omoide ni
Ima hito tabi no Au koto mo gana.

My life is drawing to a close,
I cannot longer stay,
A pleasant memory of thee
I fain would take away;
So visit me, I pray.

Shikibu was the daughter of Masamine Ōye, and the wife of Michisada Tachibana, Governor of the Province of Izumi, hence her name; and also was the mother of the author of verse No. 60. She lived about the latter end of the tenth century, and was one of the lady poets who gave distinction to that period. The verse was addressed to her husband or lover just before her death, and in the illustration we see her on her deathbed, with two servants in the foreground.
- source : -


When 和泉式部 Izumi Shikibu was ill with leprosy (癩病 raibyoo) she visited all the three famous Yakushi temples to seek healing. She prayed for many days here but did not get better and finally decided to go back to Kyoto. At the river 愛染川 she saw an old lady trying in vain to cross the river, asking her to put her piggyback and carry her over.
Shikibu replied that she had no intention to carry a dirty old woman and did not help her. Then she crossed the river herself. Now she realized that her own body was ill and impure after all. Turning back, she did not see the old woman any more and she realized it was an incarnation of Yakushi Nyorai.
So she went back to the temple and on her way, at the Hill to Throw herself into the river 身投げ丘 she decided to kill herself by jumping off the cliff. There in the last minute Yakushi stopped her.
"Your illness is of the mind, not the body.
If you find your gentle mind back, you will certainly be healed!"

So she prayed at the temple with more sincerity, got healed and eventually went back to Kyoto.

The lute which she held very dear is now part of the temple treasures.

- Homepage of the temple
- source : hokedakeyakushizi

Izumi Shikibu (和泉式部, b. 976) was a mid Heian period Japanese poet.
see wikipedia


- Yearly Festivals -

The red Autumn colors are especially famous.


- Further Information -

. Quail on wheels amulet うずら車 - 鶉車 uzuraguruma .
a well-loved amulet from this temple.


Join the friends on facebook !

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

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Yakushi Statues


. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

Statues of Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来像

. . . . . Collecting statues . . . . .

Fukooji 光應山 普光寺 Fuko-Ji   - Hiratsuka, Kanagawa
- source :
Statue from the Muromachi period.


Shunkooji, Shunkō-ji 春光寺 Shunko-Ji Kyoto
南山城の無量山 / Sōraku-gun, Minamiyamashiro-mura, Kitaōkawara, Kitagaitō


Join the friends on facebook !

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

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Yakushi Onsen


. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

Yakushi Onsen 薬師温泉 Hot Springs named Yakushi
Yakushi no Yu 薬師の湯 - Yakushi Yu 薬師湯

. Legends about Onsen Hot Springs 温泉と伝説 .
- Introduction -

CLICK for more photos !

. Place Names with Yakushi Nyorai .

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Yakushi no Yu 薬師の湯 / Yakushiyu 薬師湯 Yakushi Hot Spring
お薬師さん 温泉 - Yakushi and Onsen Hot springs

There are various hot springs including the name of Yakushi.

Here is a growing ABC list of the prefectures.

....................................................................... Aomori 青森県

. Osorezan 恐山 薬師の湯 Yakushi no Yu onsen hot spring .

....................................................................... Fukui 福井県

. Awara Onsen あわら温泉 .
田中温泉薬師神社 Tanaka Onsen Yakushi Jinja
舟津温泉薬師堂 Funatsu Onsen Yakushi-Do hall
二面温泉薬師堂 Futaomote Onsen Yakushi-Do hall

....................................................................... Gifu 岐阜県

. Gero Onsen 下呂温泉 Gero Hot Spring Spa .
Onsenji 温泉寺 Onsen-ji and Yakushi

....................................................................... Gunma 群馬県

群馬県の薬師温泉 Yakushi Onsen in Gunma

Located in the remotest part of the Asama-Kakushi Onsen Area
3330-20 Motojuku, Higashiagatsuma-machi, Agatsuma-gun, Gunma

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Kayabuki no Sato Yakushi Onsen Hatago
Located in the mountains of Gunma, Yakushi Onsen Hatago realized fairly early on the piece that it was important ? if not essential ? to preserve the traditional elements of a specific locality as much as possible. The owners of the rustic onsen decided to go one step further and make such vestiges the main attraction.

The hotel’s roots can be traced all the way back to the late-18th century, when a monk stumbled across the remote hot spring inn whilst making his spiritual journey across the country. Its trademark hospitality was the same back then as it is now, offering all guests a clean, warm environment, personal attention and simple fresh cuisine.
So idyllic is the location that it’s easy to imagine the monk made a return journey along the same route.
- source : -

....................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県

Tanba Sasayama Onsen 丹波篠山温泉 - Konda Yakushi Onsen こんだ薬師温泉
(photo at the top of this page)

The Onsen is located on a small hill, on its top is a sanctuary for Yakushi Nyorai.
At the bottom of the hill is the Konda Yakushi Onsen.
One of its hot bath's is made of 丹波焼 Tanbayaki pottery. The outdoor hot bath is made with special stones from the area, 丹波石.

兵庫県篠山市今田町今田新田21-10 - Nukumori no Sato
- source : -

....................................................................... Mie 三重県
和歌山県 Wakayama is a related location.

. Oguri Hangan 小栗判官 and Yunomine Onsen 湯の峰温泉 .

....................................................................... Nagano 長野県

田沢温泉 Tazawa Onsen

yugen gongen, yu no minamoto Gongen 湯源権現 The Deity to protect the Hot Water Well

Once upon a time, this deity appeared in the dream of the ascet En no Gyoja and asked him to built a hot spring in Tazawa. After that he build the small shrine for the deity as protector of the Hot Spring 湯源権現社.
This shrine dates back to the time of 持統天皇 Emperor Jito Tenno (645 - 702).

source : akira_o2ka
湯原権現社 Yugen Gongen、天満天神宮 Tenman Tenjin 、稲荷大明神の石祠 Inari Daimyojin

Also known as the Three Shrine Deities of the Hot Spring 温泉天神社.

To our day, people come here to worship and have a festival on the 88th day 八十八夜 from the beginning of Spring.
It used to be the 8th day of the 4th lunar month, now usually celebrated on May 2.

. En-no-Gyôja 役行者 En no Gyoja, Jimpen Dai-Bosatsu (634 - 701).

Hashiriyu Gongen 走湯権現 (そうとうごんげん) Soto Gongen, Hot Spring Deity

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Izusan Gongen 伊豆山権現
also called Hashiriyu Gongen 走湯権現

A deity associated with a hot spring which wells up on Izusan 伊豆山, a hill of 166m in Shizuoka prefecture close to the sea coast. A shrine was raised to the deity in the early 9c. In the late Heian period an Esoteric Buddhist mikkyou 密教 temple called Hannya-in 般若院 was built on Izusan.
The sculpture of Izusan Gongen that was the principal image of Hannya-in survives. He originally held a mace shaku 笏 and a halberd houbou 宝鉾. He wears a court hat, court robes, and kesa 袈裟 (Buddhist robes).
This combination expresses particularly well the unity of Buddhism and Shinto shinbutsu shuugou 神仏習合.
In the Kamakura period, Izusan became a mountain used for ascetic practice shugendou 修験道 (see En no Gyouja 役の行者), and was linked with Hakone 箱根 as a pilgrimage destination, receiving government patronage. Izusan remained well known as a shugendo sacred mountain until the early Meiji period, when the site was made Shinto and the Buddhist objects scattered. A Buddhist manifestation honjibutsu 本地仏 of Izusan Gongen is the Thousand-armed Kannon, Senju Kannon 千手観音.
- source : JAANUS -

Yu Gongen Sha 湯権現社 - 宝光寺 - 平井村 - 本地 Incarnation of Fudo Myo-O 不動明王
湯権現社 境内、裏門の辺にあり、 不動の木像を神体とす、 前に出せし温泉鎮護の為に勧請する処なりと云、 鳥居に鹿湯大権現の五字を扁せり、 社前に石灯籠一基あり、 銘に武州多磨郡平井郷塩沢山湯権現宝前、従五位下溝口豊前守源信勝、貞享三丙寅年十一月如意日、溝口源左衛門と鐫す
- source : hisadome/honji -

Yakushi Kan 薬師館 Yakushi Hotel
at the foot of Mount Asama

The hot spring was founded in the Edo period by the lord of Komuro castle 小諸城. In former timed during the memorial day for Yakushi Nyorai there was a festival where many people met and many young couples found each other.
So to our day this Yakushi is famous for bringing together people.

- source : -

小諸市 Komoro

Hishinomura no nana fushigi 菱野村の七不思議
Yakushi no koomyoo 薬師湯の光明 the rays of Yakushi

Yakushiyu has been found by 弘法大師 Kobo Daishi Kukai.
And even 源頼朝 Minamoto no Yoritomo has bathed here.

Omachi Onsen - 薬師の湯 Yakushi no Yu

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Yakushi-no-Yu is Omachi Onsen’s main bathhouse.

One of the indoor baths is pure onsen water but the temperature was so low, nobody was bathing in it. Instead, everyone was in the larger indoor bath which is heated and recirculated. The outdoor bath was spacious but would have been more enjoyable if it had a view of the Alps. The outdoor bath made of river rocks is only operating in the summer.
- source :
松本市 Matsumoto

. Shiraito Onsen 白糸温泉 .

....................................................................... Oita 大分県

清寧山 Seineizan Kankaiji 観海寺 - Kankai-Ji

. Onsen Yakushi 温泉薬師 "Yakushi Nyorai of the Hot Spring .
Empress Gensho Tenno 元正天皇 and Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来

....................................................................... Shimane 島根県
邇摩郡 Nima district - 温泉津 Yunotsu Hot Spring

Yakushi no men 薬師の面 mask of Yakushi
To have the mask of Yakushi at the tempel 山田寺 Yamadadera laquered anew, the mask was sent to Kyoto to a certain craftsman. This man knew that things made from this tree would eventually make him a rich man, so he made a mask from a different wood and tried to sent it back.
But the mask became very angry about this, so he threw it into the sea and told it to find its way back to Yamadera in 八代 Yashiro. The mask landed at the beach of 温泉津 Yunotsu village. A child picked it up and began to dance with it, when the headman of Yashiro village saw her and took the mask home.
That night he had a dream when the makuragami 枕神 "god of the dream pillow", with the mask appeared by his bedside and told him to bring the mask back to the temple Yamadadera.

....................................................................... Tottori 鳥取県

. Yoshioka Onsen 吉岡温泉 Hot Spring .
The Elder Ashioka 葦岡長者

....................................................................... Wakayama 和歌山県

Hanayama Onsen 花山温泉 Yakushi no Yu 薬師の湯

Kansai's strongest Therapeutic Hydrogen Carbonate Hot Spring Hanayama Onsen Yakushi no Yu is very close to Wakayama Interchange and its features are a high density of active elements and the reddish brown water of an iron carbonate onsen. The water temperature from the source is 26ºC. By alternately soaking in the source bath and the large public bath that is heated to 42ºC, it is possible to obtain even further effects from bathing.
574 Narukami Wakayama City
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- - - - - reference - - - - -

- reference : yokai database nichibun -

- reference : 薬師温泉 -

- reference : 薬師の湯 / 薬師湯 -


aobakage yakushi ruriko no ideyu tozo

shade under green leaves -
that's just right for a hot bath
of Yakushi Nyorai

高橋睦郎 Takahashi Mutsuo (1937 - )

the most prominent and prolific male poets, essayists, and writers of contemporary Japan, with more than three dozen collections of poetry, several works of prose, dozens books of essays, and several major literary prizes to his name.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


kakkoo ya yama no yu no yakushi san no shiroi shooji

this cuckoo -
a Yakushi hot spring in the mountains
with white sliding doors

Hagiwara Seisensui 荻原井泉水 (1884 - 1976)
pen name of Ogiwara Tōkichi


sarusuberi chiru yu no machi no yakushi doo

the Yakushi Hall
in a hot spring town
where crape myrtle is scattering

増田善昭 Masuda Yoshiaki


Join the friends on facebook !

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

- - - #yakushionsen #yakushihotsprings #hotspringsonsen - - -


Neko Yakushi

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

Neko Yakushi 猫薬師 Yakushi Nyorai and the Cat

source :

猫薬師如来 Neko Yakushi Nyorai


- - - - - Fukushima 福島県 - - - - -

薬師瑠璃光如来堂の猫像 The Cat Deity of the Yakushi Ruriko Nyorai Do Hall
The Cat Deity of Fukushima 福島県の猫神

伊達市梁川町山舟生字鍛治屋場 / Kajiyaba Yanagawamachi Yamafunyū Date-shi, Fukushima

The local people call this hall 日面薬師堂 Hizura Yakushi Do, since it is located at the border between the hamlets of Kajiyaba and Hizura.
It is situated on a hill with stone steps leading up in the compound.
The hall has been founded in 1639.

There is also a statue of Jizo Bosatsu from 1997 in the compound -
「南無富多卦佐地蔵尊」平成九年 (1997).

On the way up to the hall there are many stone markers and statues.
One of them is the Cat Deity.

- source : -


- - - - - Nagano 長野県 - - - - -

瑠璃寺の薬師猫神 Ruji-Ji no Yakushi Neko Kamisama
長野県伊那 812 Ojimasan, Takamori, Shimoina District, Nagano

「もりわじん」の猫薬師 Mori Wajin no Neko Yakushi
inspired by the Daibutsu of Nara

source :

薬師猫神様 Yakushi Nekokamisama - by Mori Wajin

In former times, the Cat was an important "Deity" to help protect the silk worm farmers from the many mice. Mori Wajin doubled this deity with Yakushi Nyorai.

● 大作「薬師猫神」製作 - 長野県 瑠璃寺へ奉納

- source : - Mori Wajin -


Kotaroo Yashiki 小太郎屋敷 The Home of the Kotaro Family
kaibyo Kotababa, Kodababa 怪猫小太ばば The Monster Cat Kotababa, Kota Baba

Once upon a time
in 根津村 Nezu village a 六部 Rokubu Pilgrim took a retreat 長命寺大日堂 in the Dainichi Hall of the temple Chomei-Ji, when many young cats gathered around him and begun chanting:
"If Koda Baba from Kokubun-Ji does not come here, we cyan't dance!"

After a while a huge monster cat (kaibyoo 怪猫) came down with a storm and begun a wild dance with the small kittens.
Rokubu hit the monster cat with his staff and she fled, splatting blood on the way.

Next day it became clear that the "monster cat" was in fact an old grandmother in the home of Kotaro in the hamlet next to Kokubun-Ji.
So Rokubu went to visit her and saw that the old hag had hurt her leg on the spot where he had hit the cat last night.

To save her soul Rokubu begun to pray to Yakushi Nyorai and in a short while the cat showed her true nature and fled to the mountain 尾野山 Onoyama.
When the family searched the house, they found the bones of an old woman hidden under the veranda.
To our day, there is a stone marker with the inscription Rokubu 「六部」 in the compound of Kokubun-Ji

. 六部(ろくぶ) Rokubu pilgrimage, Rokubu pilgrim .
六十六部 Rokujurokubu, Rokujuroku Bu pilgrimage - Introduction


- - - - - Tokyo 東京 - - - - -

Tokyo 三宅島 三宅村 Mitake Island

Yakushi Sama no kara neko 薬師様のカラ猫

When a child cries and mother does not know what to do about it, she tells it
"Here comes the karaneko cat of Yakushi Sama!".

karaneko 唐猫 ?

. Yakushi Legends from Tokyo / Edo  東京 - 江戸と薬師さん  .


- - - - - Tottori 鳥取県 - - - - -

三朝薬師の湯 Tottori Misasa Yakushi no Yu Hot Spring

Koyama no Neko Yakushi 湖山の猫薬師 Yakushi the Cat from Koyama

Once upon a time
there was a Yakushi Do Hall dedicated to Yakushi Nyorai in the village of 賀露(かろ)町 Karo-Cho, which had been build by 伏野長者 the rich Village Elder Fushino of Koyama 湖山長者.
He lived comfortable with many servants and one cat, well beloved by him and the maid servants. Fushino had taught his cat how to say prayers and live a benevolent life.
But his wife did not like cats at all.
(The story about the cat continues below.)

When Fushino died, there was nobody to say prayers and venerate at the Yakushi Hall any more. It declined rapidly.
Then one night, the villagers saw a strong light at the top of Mount Koyama 湖山. This happened for many nights in a row, so the villagers went up to the mountain top and there they found the statue of a Buddha sitting under a pine tree.

"If a Buddha is sitting here, it must be a blessed place for rituals. Let us take the statue back home to venerate it."
The young folks of the village brought it downhill and all villagers could pray to it now.
Then someone realized what had happened:

"This is the Yakushi Nyorai of Karo village. He must have felt homesick for Mount Koyama and come back to sit there!"
So they hurried to built a small hall for the statue and found a priest named 浄西坊 Kiyonishi Bo for the daily duties.

One day when priest Kiyonishi was saying his daily prayers he saw a light shining from under the statue. When he stretched out his arm to touch in, it was the mummy of a cat with red hair and its eyes where still shining.

That night he had a dream and a cat talked to him:
"I am the cat of the rich village elder Fushino of Mount Koyama.
But his wife did not approve of my living in their home and I was kicked out.
I lived in 因幡山 Mount Inabayma for a while. One maid servant of Fushino once came to search for me and we had a talk, but I stayed on. As a present, I gave a white envelope to the maid servant.
When the maid opened the envelope back home, there was a painting of a dog inside, and 10 large pieces of gold.

Fushino's wife was surprized, but soon had a plan.
"If the maid got 10 pieces of gold, I am sure they will give 100 to me, the Lady of the House" and off she went to Inabayama.
She stayed there over night, but when she opened the sliding door just a bit to have a peek into the other room, she saw a huge white cat, just ready to jump at her.
The lady was too afraid and could not move in her shock.
At this moment the cat that had lived in her home turned up too and said:
"Remember, you have always been so mean to me. Now I get my revenge!"
and the cat jumped to the throat of the woman and bit her to death.

(Now the legend goes back to Yakushi san and the story the cat told in the dream.)

One day I was walking near the fields when the area suddenly flooded and became a pond and me, not able to swim, was swept right into the middle of the new pond (Koyama Ike 湖山池), getting weaker and weaker as I struggled to stay above water. Finally I died.
My body stayed there and eventually became a small island, 猫島 Nekojima, "Cat Island".
The Village Elder had taken good care of me while I was still alive.
So when I died I did not leave this world, became a mummy and now are back to help others!"

Just then Kiyonishi woke up from his dream.
He remembered that a cat with red hair had come to his place to live here about 5 or 6 years ago. This cat used to put its paws together like a human being in prayer. This must have been the cat from the Village Elder, now become a mummy.

When he had reasoned so far, Kiyonishi jumped out of his bed, took the mummy of the cat, placed it in a small sanctuary and placed it at the right side of Yakushi Nyorai in his temple.

Since then, Yakushi from Koyama has been called "猫薬師 Neko Yakushi" "Yakushi the Cat".
And of course, in the temple hall there are no mice at all.

Farmers come here to get a special amulet that will keep the mice out of their homes and rice storage.
If something is lost and people come here with a prayer sincerely to find it, indeed, it will soon be found.

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Koyama Pond Area
Close to Hakuto Beach, with a plentiful amount of sweetbriers.
A lagoon separated from the sea by deposits from the Sendai River.

The Koyama Pond is located 6 kilometers west of central Tottori City in eastern Tottori, close to Tottori Airport. It was an inlet of the Sea of Japan, but became a closed lagoon when deposits from the Sendai River separated it from the sea. There are seven islets in the pond, and the largest, Aoshima, has a park with a well-equipped promenade and camping ground.

This pond, being 4 kilometers long from east to west and 2.4 kilometers wide from north to south, is almost a lake in size and is a sanctuary for eels, carp and other freshwater fish. They still practice a traditional style of fishing there, called "Ishigama-ryo," where fishers form a trap with large rocks and wait for the fish to enter.
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Yakushigama, Yakushi no Kama 薬師窯 Yakushi Kiln

Wishing a Happy New Year 2014!

The name of this kiln dates back to a legend of Gyoki Bosatsu, who had built a small sanctuary for Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来の祠, which was in the compound of Chugai Toen Company till the end of the Edo period.

It was said to be able to cure eye disease and removed to the temple Hoosenji 宝泉寺 Hozen-Ji, where to our day there is a festival in honor of Yakushi Nyorai, O-Yakushi San 「お薬師さん」 in November (from 8 to 12).

Since its founding the Yakushi Kiln has been protected by Yakushi san and has been able to produce many items that make people happy and feel well. Some are amulets to prevent eye disease.

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Chugai Toen 中外陶園
〒489-0821 愛知県瀬戸市薬師町50 / Aichi, Seto, Yakushi-Machi

. . . CLICK here for more cat Photos !

. Gyoki Bosatsu (Gyooki Bosatsu) 行基菩薩 .
(668-749 AD) Gyōki

- - - - - reference - - - - -
- source : yokai database -


【仏屋さかい 大猫仏展 概要】

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- source : 仏像ワールド on facebook -


source :

. manekineko 招き猫 the Beckoning Cat .
- Introduction -

Join the friends on facebook !

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

- - - #yakushineko #nekoyakushi #yakushigama #yakushikiln #moriwajin - - -


Yakushi Legends Tokyo


. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 the Buddha of Medicine - Bhaisajyaguru
Legends from Tokyo / Edo  東京 - 江戸と薬師さん 

- and
Tako Yakushi 蛸薬師 Octopus Yakushi  

Spelled 多幸薬師 TA KO Yakushi for a lot of happiness and good luck.


. Kinegawa Yakushi 木下川薬師 Yakushi from Kinegawa .
- Kigegawa Yakushi Engi - misspelling of Kinegawa


三宅島 三宅村 Mitake Island

Yakushi Sama no kara neko 薬師様のカラ猫

When a child cries and mother does not know what to do about it, she tells it
"Here comes the karaneko cat of Yakushi Sama!".

karaneko 唐猫 ?

. Neko Yakushi 猫薬師 Yakushi Nyorai and the Cat .


. Tako Yakushi 目黒の蛸薬師 Octopus Yakushi in Meguro, Edo .
多幸薬師 TA KO Yakushi for a lot of happiness and good luck


- - - - - and one more Tako Yakushi in Kyoto

Tako Yakushidō (Octopus Yakushi Hall), Eifukuji Temple 永福寺 (lit. = Temple of Eternal Fortune), Kyoto
浄瑠璃山林秀院永福寺 - 京都市中京区新京極蛸薬師東側町503

- quote -
The temple originally stood in Nijo Muromachi and was founded in 1181. The engi, retold in the temple's pamphlet, informs believers about the miraculous origins of the temple.

In the Muromachi ward of Kyoto lived a rich man who shaved his head and sought his refuge in the Yakushi Buddha of Enryakuji on Mt Hiei 比叡山. Year after year, he made monthly pilgrimages to this Buddha. But as the years went by, he became old and weak, and one day, he spoke in front of the Yakushi Buddha:

"I am getting too old to continue my practice of monthly pilgrimages. Please let me have your image to place in my home, Lord Yakushi!"

After uttering this wish, the devout believer descended from Mt Hiei. That night, the Yakushi Buddha appeared to him in a dream and spoke: "In a certain place, a stone Yakushi statue carved by St Dengyo 伝教大師 [i.e. Saicho 最澄, the founder of Enryakuji and Tendai Buddhism] himself has been buried. You can take that home."

Full of joy, the next day the wealthy man climbed the mountain and when he dug in the indicated spot he indeed found a holy image hewn from stone that emitted a wondrous light.

He took this image home and built a hall of six by four bays for it. This temple was called Eifukuji, or Temple of Eternal Bliss, and it greatly flourished and young and old, men and women, flocked in great numbers to the temple to pay their respects.

In the Kencho period (1249-56) of Emperor Gofukakusa 後深草天皇 (1243 - 1304) there lived a monk called Zenko 善光 in this temple. It happened at one time that his mother fell ill. Although he took good care of her, she did not recover and spoke from her bed to Zenko: "If only I could eat some octopus (tako タコ), I like that so much from since I was young, that my illness might get better!"

Zenko was not allowed to buy octopus, a living being, for a meal because he was a Buddhist monk and therefore he was greatly distressed. Still, the thought of his sick mother was stronger than his awe for the precepts, so he took a wooden box in his arms and went to the market to find an octopus.

When he walked back, some people became suspicious that he, a monk, had bought a living creature for food and they followed him all the way to the gate of his temple, pressing him to show what was in the box. Zenko could not refuse and prayed with all his heart to the Lord Buddha: "I have only bought this octopus to help my mother recover from her illness. Lord Yakushi, please help me out of this difficulty!"

When he opened the box, the eight-legged octopus had been transformed into a set of eight sutra scrolls お経の巻物 and a light shone from them in all four directions.

The people who saw this all pressed their hands together in prayer and sang the praises of the Lord Yakushi, the Buddha of the Lapis Lazuli Paradise.

Strangely enough, the scriptures turned again into an octopus who then jumped into the pond in front of the temple where he changed into the form of the Yakushi Buddha. He emitted a green Lapis Lazuli light and when this struck the head of Zenko's mother her illness was immediately healed. She rose from her bed and in a loud voice sang the praises of the Lapis Lazuli Buddha, over and over again.

Thus the temple came to be known as Octopus Yakushi. From then on, when people visited and prayed for relief from illness, they immediately were healed; when women prayed for children, they were blessed with offspring; and all difficulties and problems were eliminated.

This reached the ears of His Majesty the Emperor and in 1441 the temple received an Imperial License. Since then prayers have been said here for bountiful harvests, the Emperor's long life, and the peace of the nation. When one prays ardently for divine protection, no wish is left unfulfilled: in the present world the seven ills are immediately dispelled and the seven blessings immediately granted.
- source : Ad Blankestijn -

To our day, the octopus is featured at the temple at the Yakushi Hall 蛸薬師堂
to rub for healing.

nade Yakushi なで薬師 Yakishi to be rubbed


ema 絵馬 votive tablets
ema 絵馬 votive tablets
- source : -

CLICK for more photos !


oboosan to tako お坊さんとタコ The priest and the octopus

Once upon a time
a priest on a trip was walking along the beach, when suddenly a large octopus came out of the waves and pleaded "Please let me be your student"!
So the priest took the octopus out of the water and carried it with him on his trip.

By nightfall the priest had completely lost his way. To ask for a shelter he knocked at a farmhouse. The owner was a man with bitter face, but when he realized the priest was carrying a delicious-looking octopus, he let them in.

While the priest was chanting the sutras for Yakushi Nyorai, the farmer prepared a very hot bath and tried to throw the octopus in it. Just at that time the priest interrupted his chanting with a loud shout of "Pay Attention"「喝!」 KATSU! and the clever octopus made his escape from the hot bath, while the farmer looked quite perplexed.
Next morning the priest and his octopus companion continued their trip safely.

The farmer, who had not gotten his delicious boiled octopus last night, was mubemling to himself and then tried to get into the hot bath himself. Just then - out of the bathtub came the large legs of an octopus and tired to suck at the body of the farmer.
This octopus was in fact Yakushi Nyorai, to whom the priest had prayed the night before.
Yakushi San begun to suck out all the bad intentions of the man's heart and attitude.

The farmer became quite a gentle caring man, after Yakushi san had sucked out his all maliciuos intentions.
And the trip of the priest and his octopus companion continued.

source :

delicious Tako wafers with sweet filling 明石銘菓:たこ最中


kuruma kaeshi no O-Yakushi san 車返のお薬師さん Yakushi who brought the car to a stop

In the time of the Kamakura Shogunate 鎌倉幕府 (1192 - 1333) they were transporting the statue of Yakushi Nyorai お薬師さん from 奥州平泉 Hiraizumi far away in Tohoku to Kamakura.
On their way, when they passes Shiraito 白糸の地, the cart suddenly became very heavy and did not move any more.
So the drivers decided to leave the statue here and built a small Hall for it.
They say that Yakushi had choosen this region of Shiraito for his stay.

- still trying to locate the Shiraito 白糸 -


Repairing a Yakushi statue from the Edo period



- - - - - reference - - - - -

Monsters, legends and Yakushi 妖怪データベース
- source : nichibun yokai database

- source : manga nihon mukashibanashi -


Join the friends on facebook !

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ] - - - #yakushilegendstokyo #yakushitokyolegends #takoyakushi #yakushitako - - -


Henro Tama list

. Shikoku Henro Temple List .

Tama Shikoku Henro 多摩四国八十八箇所 Pilgrimage

. 四国お遍路さん Henro Pilgrims in Shikoku . - General Information -

. Shikoku Henro Temple List .


- source : -

- go-eika ご詠歌 - chant of the temple -
. Shikoku Henro Temple Chants - go-eika - .


- - - - - Table of contents - - - - -

Henro 阿波(徳島)発心の道場 -- hosshin awakening - Tokushima Awa 23 temples

1 岸光山 安養寺 あんようじ 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 武蔵野市
2 八幡山 延命寺 えんめいじ 真言宗智山派 文殊菩薩 武蔵野市
3 神龍山 井口院(三鷹不動尊) いこういん 新義真言宗 薬師如 Yakushi Nyorai 三鷹市
4 応神山 長久寺 ちょうきゅうじ 新義真言宗 大日如来 三鷹市
5 三栄山 大正寺 たいしょうじ 新義真言宗 大日如来 調布市
6 医王山 常性寺 じょうしょうじ 真言宗豊山派 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 調布市
7 草香山 威光寺 いこうじ 真言宗豊山派 金胎両部大日如来 稲城市
8 岩船山 高勝寺 こうしょうじ 真言宗豊山派 胎蔵界大日如来 稲城市
9 権現山 宝蔵院 ほうぞういん 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O 稲城市

10 見星山 高蔵寺 こうそうじ 真言宗豊山派 大日如来 町田市
11 瀧本山 慶性寺 けいしょうじ 新義真言宗 大日如来 町田市
12 岩子山 千手院 せんじゅいん 真言宗豊山派 千手千眼観世音菩薩 町田市
13 青木山 東福寺 とうふくじ 真言宗智山派 不動明王 多摩市
14 唐沢山 吉祥院 きちじょういん 真言宗智山派 不動明王 多摩市
15 和中山 高蔵院 こうぞういん 真言宗智山派 大聖不動明王 多摩市
16 慈眼山 観音寺 かんのんじ 真言宗豊山派 聖観世音菩薩 多摩市
17 清谷山 真照寺 しんしょうじ 真言宗智山派 大日如来 日野市
18 神秀山 法音寺 ほうおんじ 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 府中市
19 八幡山 最照寺 さいしょうじ 真言宗智山派 不動明王 八王子市

20 吟松山 正光院 しょうこういん 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 府中市
21 梅華山 光明院 こうみょういん 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 府中市
22 大悲山 普門寺 ふもんじ 新義真言宗 正観世音菩薩 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 府中市
23 本覚山 妙光院 みょうこういん 真言宗豊山派 延命地蔵菩薩 府中市

Henro 土佐(高知)修行の道場 -- shugyo austerities - Kochi Tosa 16 temples

24 是政山 西蔵院 さいぞういん 真言宗豊山派 金剛界大日如来 府中市
25 泰明山 宝性院 ほうしょういん 真言宗豊山派 薬師瑠璃光如来 府中市
26 立川山 正楽院 しょうらくいん 真言宗智山派 大日如来 立川市
27 福寿山 観音寺 かんのんじ 新義真言宗 聖観世音菩薩 国分寺市
28 武野山 東福寺 とうふくじ 真言宗豊山派 大日如来 国分寺市
29 医王山 国分寺 こくぶんじ 真言宗豊山派 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 国分寺市

30 貫井山 真明寺 しんみょうじ 真言宗豊山派 胎蔵界大日如来 小金井市
31 天神山 金蔵院 こんぞういん 真言宗豊山派 十一面観世音菩薩 小金井市
32 鈴木山 宝寿院 ほうじゅいん 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 小平市
33 . 田無山 Tanashi san 総持寺 Soji-Ji .
34 慈光山 宝樹院 ほうじゅいん 真言宗智山派 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 西東京市
35 光明山 如意輪寺 にょいりんじ 真言宗智山派 大日如来 西東京市
36 金輪山 寳晃院 ほうこういん 真言宗智山派 大聖不動明王 西東京市
37 宝塔山 多聞寺 たもんじ 真言宗智山派 毘沙門天 東久留米市
38 愛宕山 圓乘院 えんじょういん 真言宗智山派 錐鑚不動明王 東大和市
39 輪王山 三光院 さんこういん 真言宗豊山派 阿弥陀如来 東大和市

Henro 伊予(愛媛)菩提の道場 -- bodai enlightenment - Ehime Iyo 26 temples

40 石澤山 蓮華寺 れんげじ 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 東大和市
41 白部山 慶性院 けんしょういん 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 東大和市
42 龍華山 真福寺 しんぷくじ 真言宗豊山派 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 武蔵村山市
43 七国山 薬王寺 やくおういん 真言宗豊山派 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 青梅市
44 星谷山 真浄寺 しんじょうじ 真言宗豊山派 虚空蔵菩薩 青梅市
45 成木山 安楽寺 あんらくじ 真言宗 愛染明王 青梅市
46 龍光山 梅岩寺 ばいがんじ 真言宗豊山派 虚空蔵菩薩 青梅市
47 青梅山 金剛寺 こんごうじ 真言宗豊山派 白不動明王 青梅市
48 大柳山 東光寺 とうこうじ 真言宗豊山派 地蔵菩薩 青梅市
49 高水山 常福院 じょうふくじ 真言宗豊山派 浪切白不動明王 青梅市

50 金剛山 宝蔵寺 ほうぞうじ 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 西多摩郡檜原村
51 愛宕山 即清寺 そくせいじ 真言宗豊山派 不空羂索大忿怒明王 青梅市
52 友田山 花蔵院 かぞういん 真言宗豊山派 十一面観世音菩薩 青梅市
53 登覚山 西福寺 さいふくじ 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 西多摩郡日の出町
54 登学山 光明寺 こうみょうじ 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 西多摩郡日の出町
55 仏石山 西光寺 さいこうじ 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 西多摩郡日の出町
56 月向山 常福寺 じょうふくじ 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 西多摩郡日の出町
57 鎮守山 大行寺 だいぎょうじ 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 あきる野市
58 引田山 真照寺 しんしょうじ 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 あきる野市
59 金色山 大悲願寺 だいひがんじ 真言宗豊山派 大日如来 あきる野市

60 宝生山 大光寺 だいこうじ 真言宗豊山派 十一面観世音菩薩 あきる野市
61 今熊山 正福寺 しょうふくじ 真言宗豊山派 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 八王子
62 田守山 大仙寺 だいせんじ 真言宗豊山派 不動明王 八王子市
63 犬目山 安養寺 あんようじ 真言宗智山派 不動明王 八王子市
64 凉水山 西蓮寺 さいれんじ 真言宗智山派 不動明王 八王子市
65 大幡山 宝生寺 ほうしょうじ 真言宗智山派 不動明王 八王子市

Henro 讃岐(香川)涅槃の道場 -- nehan entering Nirwana - Kagawa Sanuki 23 temples

66 千手山 浄福寺 じょうふくじ 真言宗智山派 大日如来 八王子市
67 一乗山 吉祥院 きちじょういん 真言宗智山派 金剛界大日如来 八王子市
68 高尾山 高尾山薬王院(高尾山) やくおういん 真言宗智山派 飯縄権現 八王子市
69 宝生山 金南寺 こんなんじ 真言宗智山派 阿弥陀如来 八王子市

70 正名山 大光寺 だいこうじ 真言宗 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai 八王子市
71 常光山 真覚寺 しんかくじ 真言宗智山派 不動明王 八王子市
72 摩尼山 萬福寺 まんぷくじ 真言宗智山派 大日如来 八王子市
73 慈高山 金剛院 こんごういん 高野山真言宗 不動明王 八王子市
74 南清山 観音寺 かんのんじ 真言宗智山派 十一面観世音菩薩 八王子市
75 醫王山 妙藥寺 みょうやくじ 真言宗 不動明王 八王子市
76 龍華山 大義寺 たいぎじ 真言宗智山派 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 八王子
77 安榮山 福傳寺 ふくでんじ 真言宗智山派 十一面観世音菩薩 八王子市
78 鳥栖山 長福寺 ちょうふくじ 真言宗智山派 不動明王 八王子市
79 増寶山 龍光寺 りゅうこうじ 真言宗智山派 胎蔵界大日如来 八王子市

80 宮沢山 阿弥陀寺 あみだじ 真言宗智山派 阿弥陀如来 昭島市
81 金東山 西蓮寺 さいれんじ 真言宗智山派 大日如来 八王子市
82 清満山 天龍寺 てんりゅうじ 真言宗智山派 不動明王 八王子市
83 有王山 延命寺 えんめいじ 真言宗智山派 延命地蔵菩薩 日野市
84 土淵山 普門寺 ふもんじ 真言宗智山派 大日如来 日野市
85 田村山 安養寺 あんようじ 真言宗智山派 阿弥陀如来 日野市
86 愛宕山 石田寺 せきでんじ 真言宗智山派 延命地蔵菩薩 日野市
87 平水山 寿徳寺 じゅとくじ 真言宗智山派 金剛界大日如来 日野市
88 高幡山 金剛寺(高幡不動) こんごうじ 真言宗智山派 不動明王 日野市

Many of the temples are in 八王子市 Hachioji.
- reference : Wikipedia -

多摩八十八ヶ所霊場の案内 - reference for each temple
- reference source : -


goshuin 御朱印 stamp book

It is only important to start the Tama Henro pilgrimage at temple number 01 and end at temple number 88.


. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages - 薬師霊場巡り Introduction 薬師如来 .

. Tama Henro - Yakushi Nyorai Temples .
03 Ikooin 井口院 Iko-In
06 Jooshooji 常性寺 Josho-Ji
22 Fumonji 普門寺 Fumon-Ji
25 Hooshooin 宝性院 Hosho-In
29 Kokubunji 国分寺 Kokubun-Ji
34 Hoojuin 宝樹院 Hoju-In
42 Shinpukuji 真福寺 Shinpuku-Ji
43 Yakuooji 薬王寺 Yakuo-Ji
61 Shoofukuji 正福寺 Shofuku-Ji
76 Daigiji 大義寺 Daigi-Ji / Taigi-Ji


. Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668 - 749) Saint Gyōki .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja – Fudo Myoo .

. . Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction - .

The Five Great Wisdom Kings, Godai Myo-O - 五大明王
. The Five Great Elements of the Universe - 地水火風空の五大 .


- Two short Haiku Henro Trips, Summer 2005

. 四国お遍路さん Pilgrims in Shikoku . - General Information

Koya San in Wakayama

Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海
(Kooboo Daishi, Kuukai )

Haiku and Henro:
.... . The Haiku Henro Pilgrimage  


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- - - - - #tamahenro #henrotama #henroyakushitama - - - - -

Banshu Harima Yakushi Pilgrims

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .

播州薬師霊場 Yakushi pilgrim temples in Banshu - Harima / Hyogo 兵庫県

播磨国(はりまのくに) part of Harima no Kuni

播州薬師霊場(ばんしゅうやくしれいじょう)Banshu Yakushi Reijo

Banshu is a region in the South-West of Hyogo.

This pilgrimage to 21 temples of the Tendai Sect has been established in 1980.


- quote -
Harima Province (播磨国 Harima no kuni) or Banshū (播州)
was a province of Japan in the part of Honshū that is the southwestern part of present-day Hyōgo Prefecture. Harima bordered on Tajima, Tamba, Settsu, Bizen, and Mimasaka Provinces.
Its capital was Himeji.
During the Edo Period,
the Akō Domain (fief) was part of Harima. The Forty-seven Ronin were samurai of the Akō han. Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries, a shipbuilder and major Boeing engine subcontractor gets its name from the province.
Iwa jinja 伊和神社 was the chief Shinto shrine (ichinomiya) of Harima.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


御本山 比叡山 延暦寺 Enryaku-Ji
(えんりゃくじ) 〒520-0116 滋賀県大津市坂本本町4220 天台宗 西国薬師49

01 . Taisanji 太山寺 Taisan-Ji .
三身山 太山寺 Taisan-Ji (たいさんじ) 〒651-2108
神戸市西区伊川谷町前開224 天台宗 新西国25、神戸六地蔵1、明石西国26、神戸十三仏4

02 医王山 與楽寺 Yoraku-Ji
(よらくじ) 〒651-2117 神戸市西区北別府2丁目12-1 天台宗 -

03 医王山 清水寺 Seisui-Ji
(せいすいじ) 〒651-2125 神戸市西区玉津町新方498-1 天台宗 -

04 護国山 宝福寺 Hofuku-Ji
(ほうふくじ) 〒651-2233 神戸市西区櫨谷町福谷710 天台宗 -

05 太寺山 高家寺 Koke-Ji
(こうけじ) 〒673-0845 明石市太寺2丁目10-35 天台宗 -

06 龍王山 長林寺 Chorin-Ji
(ちょうりんじ) 〒673-0893 明石市材木町9-4 天台宗 -

07 薬王山 長光寺 Choko-Ji
(ちょうこうじ) 〒674-0062 明石市大久保町谷八木742 天台宗 -

08 念仏山 教信寺 Kyoshin-Ji
(きょうしんじ) 〒675-0012 加古川市野口町野口465 天台宗 -

09 . Kakurinji 刀田山 鶴林寺 Handa no Kakurin-Ji . Kakogawa

10 御獄山 清水寺 Kiyomizudera
(きよみずでら) 〒673-1402 加東市平木1194 天台宗 西国25、播磨西国31

11 北栄山 羅漢寺 Rakan-Ji
(らかんじ) 〒675-2312 加西市北条町北条1293 天台宗 -

12 妙徳山 神積寺 Jinshaku-Ji
(じんしゃくじ) 〒679-2205 神崎郡福崎町東田原1891 天台宗 西国薬師24

13 妙見山 應聖寺 Osho-Ji
(おうしょうじ) 〒679-2217 神崎郡福崎町高岡1912 天台宗 関西花8

14 松金山 薬常寺 Yakujo-Ji
(やくじょうじ) 〒679-2101 姫路市船津町3763 天台宗 -

15 増位山 随願寺 Zuigan-Ji
(ずいがんじ) 〒670-0808 姫路市白国3丁目12-5 天台宗 播磨西国4

16 書寫山 圓教寺 Engyo-Ji
(えんぎょうじ) 〒671-2201 姫路市書写2968 天台宗 西国27、播磨西国1

17 一乗山 圓明寺 Enmyo-Ji
(えんみょうじ) 〒671-2106 姫路市夢前町莇野219 天台宗 -

18 いかるが 斑鳩寺 Ikarugadera
(いかるがでら) 〒671-1561 揖保郡太子町鵤709 天台宗 新西国32、西国薬師23、聖徳太子御遺跡28

19 宝性山 長楽寺 Chokaru-Ji
(ちょうらくじ) 〒678-0174 赤穂市砂子398 天台宗 播磨西国9

20 明王山 普門寺 Fumon-Ji
(ふもんじ) 〒678-0221 赤穂市尾崎825-2 天台宗 尼寺35

21 有乳山 岩屋寺 Iwaya-Ji
(いわやじ) 〒679-2121 姫路市豊富町神谷3031 天台宗 - Himeji


- reference -

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .


. Pilgrimages to Yakushi Nyorai Temples 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - Introduction .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- - #gokurakuharimayakushi #harimapilgrimsyakushi -


Gensho Tenno and Yakushi

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

Empress Gensho Tenno 元正天皇 and Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来


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Empress Genshō. Genshō Tennō 元正天皇 Genshō-tennō
(683 – May 22, 748)
was the 44th monarch of Japan, according to the traditional order of succession.
Genshō's reign spanned the years 715 through 724.

In the history of Japan, Genshō was the fifth of eight women to take on the role of empress regnant. The four female monarchs before Genshō were: (a) Suiko, (b) Kōgyoku, (c) Jitō and (d) Gemmei (Genmei). The three women sovereigns reigning after Genshō were (e) Kōken, (f) Meishō, and (g) Go-Sakuramachi.

Genshō was the only Japanese empress regnant to inherit her title from another empress regnant, her mother Genmei, rather than a male predecessor.

- - - Traditional narrative
Before her ascension to the Chrysanthemum Throne, her personal name (imina) was Hidaka-hime 氷高皇女 Hitaka no Hime Miko.

Genshō was an elder sister of Emperor Mommu and daughter of Prince Kusakabe 草壁皇子 and his wife 阿陪皇女(元明天皇) who later became Empress Gemmei. Therefore she was a granddaughter of Emperor Temmu and Empress Jitō by her father and a granddaughter of Emperor Tenji through her mother.

- - - Events of Genshō's life
Empress Gensho's succession to the throne was intended as a regency until Prince Obito 首(おびと)皇子, the son of her deceased younger brother Mommu, was mature enough to ascend the throne.
Obito would later become the Emperor Shōmu 聖武天皇 Shomu Tenno.
Obito was appointed Crown Prince in 714 by Empress Gemmei. In the next year, 715, Empress Gemmei, then in her fifties, abdicated in favor of her daughter Gensho. Obito was then 14 years old.

-- 715 (Reiki 1, 9th month):
In the 7th year of Gemmei-tennō 's reign (元明天皇7年), the empress abdicated; and the succession (senso) was received by her daughter, who held the throne in trust for her younger brother. Shortly thereafter, Empress Genshō acceded to the throne (sokui) as Empress Regnant.

Obito remained the crown prince, heir to the new empress. Fujiwara no Fuhito, the most powerful courtier in Gemmei's court, remained at his post until his death in 720. After his death, Prince Nagaya, a grandson of Temmu and the Empress Gensho's cousin, seized power. This power shift was a background for later conflicts between Nagaya and Fuhito's four sons during the reign of Emperor Shōmu (Shomu) 聖武天皇 (formerly Prince Obito).

Under Gensho's reign, the Nihonshoki was finished in 720. This was the first Japanese history book. Organization of the law system known as the ritsuryo was continued under the initiatives of Fuhito until his death. These laws and codes were edited and enacted by Fujiwara no Nakamaro, a grandson of Fuhito, and published as Yoro ritsuryo under the name of Fuhito. The taxation system which had been introduced by Empress Jitō in the late 7th century began to malfunction. To compensate for the decreased tax revenue, the "Act of possession in three generations", an initiative of Prince Nagaya, was enacted in 723. Under this act, people were allowed to possess a newly cultivated field once every three generations. In the fourth generation, the right of possession would revert to the national government. This act was intended to motivate new cultivation, but it only remained in effect for about 20 years.

Empress Genshō reigned for nine years.
Although there were seven other reigning empresses, their successors were most often selected from amongst the males of the paternal Imperial bloodline, which is why some conservative scholars argue that the women's reigns were temporary and that male-only succession tradition must be maintained in the 21st century. Empress Gemmei, who was succeeded by her daughter, remains the sole exception to this conventional argument.

In 724, Gensho abdicated in favor of her nephew, who would be known as Emperor Shōmu. Genshō lived for 25 years after she stepped down from the throne. She never married and had no children. She died at age 65.

Empress Genshō's grave is located in Nara. misasagi 陵(みささぎ)
This empress is traditionally venerated at a memorial Shinto shrine (misasagi), also in Nara. The Imperial Household Agency has designated this location as Mommu's mausoleum, and has been formally named Nahoyama no nishi no misasagi. The Imperial tomb can be visited today in Narazaka-cho, Nara City.

- - - The years of Genshō's reign (717 - 729)
are more specifically identified by more than one era name or nengō period:

Reiki 霊亀 (715–717)
Yōrō 養老 (717–724) Yoro
Jinki 神亀 (724–729)

- source : wikipedia -


- quote -
707-15 - - Genmei Tennō of Japan 元明天皇
She lived (661-722).
also known as Gemmyo, she was daughter of Tenji Tennō (622-673-686) and succeeded her son Mommu as the 43rd imperial ruler. She proved an unusually able ruler. She coined the first copper money and caused scribes to write down the ancient traditions lest they be lost, and in 708 she moved the capital city of Japan from Fujiwara to Heijo-Kyo, thus giving the Nara period of Japanese history its name. Married to her first cousin and nephew, Kusakabe no miko, the son of Emperor Temmu of Japan and Empress Jito of Japan,
she abdicated in favour of her daughter, Empress Gensho-Tennō.
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- Temples related to Empress Gensho Tenno -

. Chokuganji 勅願寺 Chokugan-Ji, "Imperial Temples" .

One of them is

Taisanji 太山寺 Taisan-Ji

三身山 太山寺 Sanshinzan Taisan-Ji - Hyogo (天台宗、兵庫県神戸市)
Built on request of Gensho in 716.
Now it is temple Nr. 1 on the Pilgrimage to Yakushi temples in Harima.
播州薬師霊場 Banshu Harima Yakushi Reijo

source and photos :

薬師如来は、ここより東北の地に定恵和尚結縁の地があり定恵和尚は願望を果 たせず寂したと示現したところ、宇合はその教示に従い七堂伽藍を整備し ... 元正天皇(715~723在位)の勅願寺として、歴代天皇をはじめ一般民衆にいたるまで広く信仰を集めた。
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The statue of 播州明石郡大山寺 Yakushi Nyorai of Taisan-Ji always started to sweat very much shortly before a disaster would happen in Japan, in order to warn the people.
. Yakushi legends from Hyogo .

. 播州薬師霊場 Yakushi pilgrim temples in Banshu / Harima / Hyogo .


Choorinji 長林寺 Chorin-Ji - 龍王山 Ryuozan
975 Goshikicho Tsushimanzai, Sumoto, Hyogo

Founded by 藤原宇合 Fujiwara no Umakai.
When Gyoki Bosatsu passed the area, he found seven large branches of a pine tree and carved seven statues of Yakushi Nyorai out of them 松の梢に七体の薬師如来. One of them is still preserved to our day.

- reference : tyourinji -


Fukooji 普光寺 Fuko-Ji
武蔵国多摩郡野津田郷普光寺 Nozutamachi, Tama

The seated wooden statue of Yakushi Nyorai is about 85 cm high.
It is most probably a statue from the Heian period.


普光山畧縁起(元亀四年 1573年)Engi legend
- source : history/yakushidohengi -


Hinata Yakushi 日向薬師 - Hinatasan Ryosen-Ji 日向山霊山寺
神奈川県伊勢原市日向1644 / 1644 Hinata Isehara-shi, Kanagawa

One of the three great Yakushi statues 日本三薬師.
Made by 行基 GyokiBosatsu.

Click for more photos !

本尊薬師如来三尊像を始め、薬師如来像、四天王、十二神将など国の重要文化財 も多い。 また樹齢八百年と言われる、境内の幡かけ杉は、県の天然記念物に指定されている。
現在、本堂(国指定重要文化財)は、平成23年から350年ぶりの大修理を行っている。 (完成は平成28年の予定)稲穂が黄金色に色づく9月中旬頃、田のあぜや野辺のあちこちに真紅の彼岸花が咲き始め、日向路一帯に群生する彼岸花は、山の緑 と稲穂の黄色に映え、見事のコントラストを見せます。
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This temple is situated quite far in the mountains. It is usually very quiet with few tourists. I visited this place frequently for its quietude and spiritual atmosphere.
Gabi Greve, 1980

Look at some photos of the area.

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At Hinata Yakushi Temple, Kanagawa 日向薬師

Yakushidoo ame no sakura ni go-kaichoo

this Yakushi Hall -
cherry blossoms in the rain
when the statue is shown
Tr. Gabi Greve

Kobayashi Aiko 小林愛子

CLICK for more sakura photos !


Kankaiji 観海寺 - Kankai-Ji 清寧山 Seineizan
Onsen Yakushi 温泉薬師 "Yakushi of the Hot Spring

大分県別府市観海寺4 / Beppu, Oita Prefecture 874-0822

Kankai Temple in Beppu - Kawase Hasui

The temple has been founded by Saint Ninmon Bosatsu 仁聞菩薩, who founded about 28 temples in the Rokugo Manzan district of Oita more that 1280 years ago.

The Yakushi Statue was probably made by Ninmon himself

九州四十九院薬師霊場会 Kyushu Yakushi Pilgrimage Temple Nr. 12
. Kyushu 49 Yakushi Reijo 九州四十九薬師霊場 .

The present-day temple was rebuilt in 1938 and is now a Zen temple of the Soto sect.

- reference -

- - - Homepage of the temple - 曹洞宗清寧山観海禅寺
- source : -

- - - - - Ninmon Bosatsu and temples in Kyushu

. Rokugo Manzan 六郷満山 Kunisaki Oita .

Rurikoo-ji 瑠璃光寺 Ruriko-Ji - Rokugomanzan “六郷満山"in the Kunisaki Peninsula 国東半島, Oita Prefecture
Futago-ji 両子寺 - Kunisaki Peninsula in Oita Prefecture
built in the second year of the Yoro period (718) by Ninmon-bosatsu, the incarnation of the deity Usa-hachiman.
In the Heian period, a unique religion mixing local gods and Buddhism developed in the Rokugomanzan Buddhist area and many temples were founded along the Kunisaki Peninsula.
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Tennenji 天念寺 Tennen-Ji
Tennenji Temple was first built in 718 and thrived during the Heian Period (794-1185) and Kamakura Period (1185-1333) as a place of Shugendo Buddhism training for enlightenment and devotion to prayer. The temple is famous for its Rokugo Manzan tradition of 修正鬼会 Shujo Onie Fire Fesival, which is held during New Year’s in Japan.
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The temple built in 718 flourished as a temple of training and prayers. The surrounding scenery is beautiful and called "Tennenji yaba". It is also known as a sight of autumn leaves. A famous fire festival "Shujo Onie" is held once a year at the temple. Also, there are statues including Fudo Myoo statue with a height of 3 m curved into a massive rock along the river flowing in front of Tennenji Temple. The Fudo Myoo is called Kawanaka Fudo.
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The Fire Festival is now only held at two temples, Tennen-Ji is one of them.
A red Aka-Oni and a black Kuro-Oni called "wild Demon" (ara-oni 荒鬼) perform a fight with torches. The Wild Oni is clad in black robes bound with ropes.
The Oni dance is performed by two priests, who have to learn the difficult movements holding the torches.
Now many priests are too old to perform this wild dance and it is hard to train younger ones.
Before the fire ritual, the whole temple compound, including the straw roof and the interior with the statues and all is doused with water to prevent a real fire.
The fire brigade has to be on standby all the time.
After the dance the red oni Demon touches the villagers with the torch to bring them good luck for the coming year.
To make the torches is the duty of the men of the village, but they too are now all very old.

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. kurooni, kuro-oni 黒鬼 black demon .


CLICK for Japanese LINK
statue by Gyoki Bosatsu, 723

. Kiyotakiji 清瀧寺 / 清滝寺 Kiyotaki-Ji .
Nr. 35 of the Shikoku Henro Pilgrimage 四国八十八ヶ所.


. Sakurado Yakushi 桜堂薬師 / 櫻堂薬師
佐久羅宮神社(櫻宮神社) Sakuramiya Jinja .

瑞浪市土岐町桜堂 / Sakuradō Tokichō Mizunami-shi, Gifu
Statue of Yakushi by Saint 三諦上人 Santai Shonin


Tookondoo 東金堂 Tokon-Do "Eastern Golden Hall"
at temple Kofuku-Ji 興福寺 - Nara

Genshoo Daijoo Tennoo 元正太上天皇 Gensho Daijo Tenno - Ex-Empress Gensho

There are three“Golden Halls”at Kofukuji, all of which take their names according to their location in the temple complex.
The original structure was built at the request of Emperor Shomu in 726 to speed the recovery of his aunt, the ailing Empress Gensho. The current building dates to 1415.
Enshrined within are Yakushi Nyorai (Bhaisajyaguru, the main alter piece, and an Important Cultural Property),

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Nikko Bosatsu and Gakko Bosatsu (Suryaprabha and Candraprabha, both important Cultural Properties), Monju Bosatsu (Manjusri, a National Treasure), Yuima Koji (the Layman Vimalakirti, a National Treasure), Shi Tenno (Four Deva Kings, National Treasures), and Juni Shinsho (Twelve Heavenly Generals, National Treasures).
- source : -

. Koofukuji, Kōfuku-ji 興福寺 Kofuku-Ji .


Another deity associated to Gensho Tenno is Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩..

Myoorakuji 妙楽寺 Myoraku-Ji - 岩屋山 Iwayazan
Wakasa, Obama, Fukui 福井県小浜市

The temple has been founded by Gyoki Bosatsu in 718/719.
It has been revitalized by Kobo Daishi in 797 and is now a famous temple with a cherryblossom alley leading to the main entrance gate.
The main hall has been built in the Kamakura period and is the oldest hall in Wakasa.

source :

The main statue of 十一面観世音菩薩 Juichimen Kannon Bosatsu is said to look like Gensho Tenno.
It has a special head with 24 faces 24面 and 1000 arms carved from one piece of wood.
It has long been a secret statue for very long, but has now been restored and is shown to the public.

This temple belongs to some pilgrimages of Kannon Bosatsu:
北陸観音霊場第03番礼所 - Hokuriku Kannon Nr. 03
若狭観音霊場第19番礼所 - Wakasa Kannon Nr. 19

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Avalokiteshvara - ABC List .

元正天皇の御影を写したといわれる観世音菩薩 Kannon with a face resembling Gosho Tenno:

- source and photos : -

Hagaji 羽賀寺 Haga-Ji
福井県小浜市羽賀82-2 - 82-2 Haga, Obama, Fukui
Founded on request of Gosho Tenno (Chokugan-Ji)

CLICK for more photos !

This temple 羽賀寺 is also on the Hokuriku Fudo pilgrimage
北陸三十六不動尊霊場 - Hokuriku - 36 Fudo Myo-O Temples
. 36/羽賀寺 福井県小浜市羽賀82-2 .


This Kannon has saved three emperors from eye disease,
Gensho, 桓武 Kanmu and Ichijō 一条天皇 Ichijo Tenno.

Minami Hokkeji 南法華寺 Minamihokke-Ji
3 Tsubosaka, Takatori, Takaichi District, Nara
神佛霊場 奈良11番 壺阪寺(南法華寺)

十一面千手観音菩薩像が 元正、桓武、一条天皇の眼病を治したと言う由緒から、
- source : -


- - - - - reference - - - - -

Ancient Buddhism in Japan - By Marinus Willem de Visser
Six quotes about Gensho

- source : -


. Gyooki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 Gyoki Bosatsu and Yakushi Nyorai .
(668-749 AD) Gyōki, Gyōgi

The Gyooki Memorial Hall at Temple Koyadera

Konyooji 昆陽寺 Konyo-Ji
(兵摩県伊丹市)2 Chome-169 Teramoto, Itami, Hyogo
Gyooki founded this tempel and made the statue of the healing Buddha, Yakushi Nyorai, by himself.

Rendaiji 蓮台寺 Rendai-Ji
Yugasan Rendaiji 瑜伽山(ゆがさん)由加山
In 733, priest Gyoki began to worship the two statues of Amida Nyorai and Yakushi Nyorai here as "Yuga Daigongen" 瑜伽大権現 .


. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages - Introduction .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- - #gokurakugensho #genshotenno #genshoyakushi -