Showing posts with label - - - - Jizo Bosatsu - - - -. Show all posts
Showing posts with label - - - - Jizo Bosatsu - - - -. Show all posts


Jizo ABC List

- Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - Introduction -

Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC List

JIZŌ’S VARIOUS FORMS IN JAPAN (Partial List of 78 varieties)
- source : Mark Schumacher -

. Pilgrimages to Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - 地蔵霊場 Jizo Reijo .

. Special Statues of Jizo Bosatsu .

. Legends about Jizo Bosatsu - 地蔵菩薩 と伝説 .

. Jizoo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 Jizo Bosatsu art motives Gallery .
Collecting dolls, Kokeshi, pottery and much more

In the following, Jizoo, Jizō is mostly spelled like this: Jizo

Aburakake Jizō 油懸地蔵 Greasy Jizō, Oil-Covered Jizō Saiganji, Kyoto

Adashino, Nenbutsu-Ji 化野念仏寺 - Kyoto

Agonashi Jizo あごなし地蔵尊 to cure a toothache

Ajimi Jizo 嘗試地蔵 "taster Jizo " and Kobo DaishiKoya san

Akasaki Kanko 赤崎 山の神講 rituals for Yamanokami . - Fukui

akajizoo, aka-jizo 赤地蔵 Aka Jizo, painted all read - in many parts of Japan
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. amagoi Jizo 雨ごい地蔵尊 rain rituals with Jizo .
..... O-Tasuke Jizo お助け地蔵尊 "Jizo who has helped us"

Asekaki Jizo 汗かき地蔵 the Sweating Jizo

Atago Gongen 愛宕権現 avatar of Jizo Bosatsu

. Awamochi 粟餅 地蔵様 Jizo eating Millet Mochi .

Bake Jizo 化け地蔵 Jizo as a yokai monster

. banshoo Jizoo 蕃椒地蔵 Bansho "Red Pepper Jizo" .
..... tongarashi Jizoo トンガラシ地蔵, とうがらし 唐辛子地蔵 Togarashi Jizo / Tokyo

Botamochi Jizo ぼた餅地蔵 Jizo, Botamochi rice cakes and children

chokinbako 貯金箱 piggy bank with Jizo

Donryu Jizo 呑龍地蔵 Storm Dragon Jizo for WWII bomber victims

Doogenzaka, 道玄坂地蔵尊 Dogenzaka Jizo statue - Shibuya, Tokyo

Earthquake Jizo moving 地震  - - - - - March 11, 2011 in Nagano

Enkiri Jizo 縁切地蔵尊 Jizo to cut a bond or relationship

. Enmei Jizoo 延命地蔵 Enmei Jizo "life-prolonging Jizo" .

Fureai Jizo ふれあい地蔵、大阪 Osaka, 道頓堀 Dotenbori
- source : facebook -

gookaku Jizoo 合格地蔵 Gokaku Jizo for examination

guchikiki Jizoo 愚痴聞き地蔵 Guchi-kiki Jizo listening to complaints

Hadaka Jizo 裸地蔵 Naked Jizo 

hana kakes Jizo 鼻欠け地蔵 / 鼻かけ地蔵 Jizo without a nose

. hana name Jizo 鼻なめ地蔵 licking the nose of Jizo . - Akita

hana no Jizo 花の地蔵 holding flowers
- - - - - at 六角堂 Rokkaku-Do Kyoto - Jizo with byakugo 白毫 third eye

Harahoge Jizo はらほげ地蔵 - in the water off Iki Island, Nagasaki

. Hayari Jizoo, Hayari Jizō はやり地蔵 Hayarijizo "very popular Jizo" .

Hearn, Lafcadio Hearn and Jizo

hechima Jizoo ヘチマ地蔵 Jizo carrying a sponge gourd / Ueno 浄名院 Jomyo-In
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

heitai Jizoo 兵隊地蔵 Jizo as a soldier
. . . CLICK here for Photos  !

Hibaku Jizo 被爆地蔵 bombed Jizo statues
- - - - - Silent Witnesses in Hiroshima

Hirai Jizo - Hiroshima "平岩地蔵" 東広島市西条町寺家

hibuse Jizo 火防地蔵 / 火伏地蔵 to prevent fires

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

hitaki Jizoo 火焚地蔵 Jizo and the bonfire - Kamakura (Kasai Jizō)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Hitokoto Jizo, Hitogoto Jizo 一言地蔵 Jizo for one prayer

. hitokui Jizoo 人食い地蔵 Hitokui "man-eating" Jizo .
- Sutoku-In Jizoo 崇徳院地蔵 Sutokuin Jizo in Kyoto

. Hitotsume Kozoo Jizoo 一つ目小僧 Hitotsume Kozo Jizo - Young Monk with One Eye .

Hoogyuu, Hōgyū Jizō 放牛地蔵 Hogyu Jizo - Kumamoto

. hoomuran Jizo ホームラン地蔵 Homerun / Baseball .

Hooroku Jizo ほうろく地蔵 with an earthen pot on his head (Horoku Jizo 焙烙地蔵)

Hanakake Jizo 鼻欠地蔵 / 鼻かけ地蔵 Jizo without a nose

Ibotori Jizo いぼとり地蔵 Jizo taking away warts

Ichigan Jizo 一願地蔵 One Wish Jizo

iinari Jizo 言成地蔵尊 - Mishima - "Jizo making a statement" *

ikigi Jizo 生木地蔵 "Jizo in a living tree" - carving

Inoshishi Jizo  いのしし地蔵 Jizoand the Wild Boars

. Ise-Shima 伊勢志摩 and Jizo Legends .

Ishida Jizo 石田地蔵 In Memory of Ishida Mitsunari 石田三成

. Iwafune Jizoo 岩船地蔵 Iwafune Jizo . - 高勝寺 Kosho-Ji, Tochigi

Jigoku Bosatsu 地獄菩薩 Jizo
Namu Jigoku Daibosatsu 南無地獄大菩薩

Jizo and the Old Man - Legend, Fukushima

. Jizodo 地蔵堂 Jizo-Do Hall Legends .

Jizo Gongen 地蔵権現 from Mount Atago .

Jizo-saka 地蔵坂 and 藁店 Waradana . - Ushigome, Edo

Jizo Tooge 地蔵峠 Jizo Toge Pass Legends

Jizozo じぞぞ Jizozo chan, pantomime girl, standing at Kamogawa in Kyoto
- Photos ! -

joroo-kai Jizo 女郎買地蔵 Joro-kai Jizo buying a prostitute


- shared by John in Kyoto -


Kachimamori 勝守 talisman to win a battle
- - - - - with General Jizo (shoogun Jizo 将軍地蔵)

kakumaki Jizo お地蔵さんの角巻人形 with a square scarf, from Iwate

. Kamatoko Jizo かまとこ地蔵 . Takamatsu, Kagawa
- - - - - and Heike no ochuudo 平家の落人 defeated soldiers of the Heike

kamihari Jizo 紙貼り地蔵 Jizo to paste paper on - Nagoya

kanemochi Jizoo 金持ち地蔵 / 金持地蔵 Kanemochi Rich Jizo
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Kanto 関東百八地蔵尊霊場 Pilgrimage to 108 Jizo Temples in Kanto .

Kappa fuji - カッパ封じ地蔵 Jizo subduing the Kappa - Legends
- - - - - and Priest 堂丸総学 Domaru Sogaku

. kasa Jizoo 笠地蔵 Sedge Hats for Jizo Bosatsu .

Katsuragi Jizo 桂木地蔵 / 石川県加賀市山中温泉桂木町 Ishikawa Katsuragi
- reference -

Kazafuki Jizoo son 風吹地蔵尊 Jizo from Kazafuki - Fukushima

kesakiri Jizoo 袈裟切り地蔵 Jizo with a cut priest's robes

Kinomoto Jizo 木之本地蔵 temple 木之本地蔵院, Shiga

kinun Jizoo 金運地蔵 Kin-Un Jizo for Money
- - - - - 金福地蔵 Kinpuku Jizo for Luck with Money

Kitamuki Jizo 北向き地蔵 Jizo facing North

. kitsune 狐 fox and Jizo Legends . *

Kochikame Roku Jizo こち亀六地蔵 - 両津勘吉 Ryotsu Kankichi and his friends
種徳院 Shutoku-In, Ibaraki, Sano

. koke no mizu Jizo 苔の水地蔵尊 / 苔ノ水地蔵]
Jizo Bosatsu with water and moss .

Oizuridoo 笈摺堂 Oizuri-Do ー Kegonji 華厳寺 Kegon-Ji, Gifu

Komachi Fumihari Jizo 小町文張地蔵尊
plastered with love letters to Ono no Komachi

. kome haki Jizo 米吐き地蔵 Jizo spitting out rice - Kyoto .

komochi Jizo 子持ち地蔵 Jizo pregnant, with children .

Koofuku Jizo 幸福地蔵 Kofuku Jizo to bring good luck
He is the only Jizo wearing straw sandals in Japan.

. Kootsu anzen 交通安全地蔵 Road Safety Jizo cone .

. kotobuki ことぶき地蔵 Kotobuki Jizo .

Koyasu Jizo 子安地蔵  Protector of Children kosodate Jizo 子育て地蔵

kubifuri Jizo  首ふり地蔵 Jizo with a movable head

Kubikiri Jizo 首切り地蔵 Jizo with his head cut off

kubikiri Jizo 首切り地蔵 Jiso Bosatsu to help the beheaded
ad Kozukappara keijō 小塚原刑場 Kozukappara execution grounds, Edo

Kunisada Chuji Jizo 忠治地蔵 Kunisada Jizo Kunisada Chuuji (国定 忠治) (1810-1851): Kunisada Chuji, a Robin Hood of Japan

Kurobotoke, Kurojizoo 黒仏(地蔵仏)Black Jizo

. kutsubaki Jizo son 沓履地蔵尊 Jizo wearing shoes .
Kuhonji 九品寺 Kuhon-Ji, Asakusa Tokyo

Kyoto and Jizo Statues 京都
Yata Jizo Son 矢田地蔵尊
kunuki Jizo, ku nuki Jizo くぬき地蔵 - 苦抜地蔵
Jizo to take away your hardships
meyami Jizo めやみ地蔵 for Eyes
nurikobe Jizo ぬりこべじぞう to rub the head
sentai Jizo  千体地蔵 1000 Jizo Statues in a shrine

. kyooyomi Jizoo 経読地蔵 Kyoyomi Jizo "reading the sutras .
来福寺 Raifuku-Ji Tokyo. Carved by Kobo Daishi.


. maedashi Jizo 前出地蔵 Jizo as a naked female .

maekake 前掛け the red bib of Jizo *
- source : John Dougill - facebook

. manga Jizoo マンガ地蔵 Manga Jizo statue . - 金剛院 Kongo-In, Tokyo

. mangan Jizo 満願地蔵 Jizo fulfilled a wish - kokeshi .

. maria Jizo マリア地蔵 Jizo like Maria (Mary) .

me-arai Jizo 目洗い地蔵 "Jizo to wash your eyes"

. migawari Jizo 身代わり地蔵 "substitute Jizo" .

Mikka Jizo 三日地蔵 Three days Jizo / 廻り地蔵 mawari Jizo carried around - Nara

. mi-okuri 見送り地蔵 "miokuri Jizo", Jizo looking back .
Hoosenji 宝仙寺 Hosen-Ji, Nakano ward, Tokyo

Miso paste Jizo みそ地蔵 / miso-name Jizo みそなめ地蔵 licking
in various parts of Japan

miwatashi Jizoo 見渡し地蔵 Jizo looking over the river (to protect from water accidents)
at 鏡川 Kagamigawa, Yodogawa, Kochi, Shikoku
- 人柱伝承のあるお千代地蔵(朝倉)Chiyo Jizo, Asakura - Jizo for a thousand years
- source : -

mizuko kuyoo 水子供養 service for unborn or aborted children

mizumuke Jizoo 水向地蔵 water covered Jizo - Koyasan, Oku no In

mizukake Jizo 水掛地蔵 Mizukake Jizo - pouring water over Jizo

. Mochi - Jizo Bosatsu and mochi rice cakes - 地蔵と餅 .

momo Jizo 桃地蔵 peach Jizo

nakadachi Jizo 媒(なかだち)地蔵尊 mediating Jizo
長野県東御市本海野(海野宿) Nagano
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

. nakayoshi Jizo 仲良し地蔵 Jizo are good friends .

. namikiri Jizoo 波切り地蔵 "wave-cutting Jizo " .
tsunami Jizoo 津波地蔵 Tsunami Jizo
There are some statues of Jizo with various names, indicating the place where a huge Tsunami stopped after destroying a village.
michibiki Jizoo みちびき地蔵 Jizo leading the way
namiyoke Jizoo 波除け地蔵 "Jizo warding off the great wave"

Namu Jizo Daibosatsu .. 南無地蔵大菩薩 In Yonago Temple Town

neko Jizo 猫地蔵 Neko Jizo. "Jizo with Cat"

Nemuri Jizo 眠り地蔵 nemuri Jizo asleep
多気町野中, Eishooji 永昌寺 temple Eisho-Ji, Mie prefecture

nikoniko Jizo にこにこ地蔵尊 Smiling Jizo Statues

Nishiki Jizo Osaka 錦地蔵 大阪
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

Ocha-agare Jizo お茶あがれ地蔵 Jizo drinking tea
Ikebukuro, Tokyo

O-deaibana Jizo お出受花地蔵 - Okayama 岡山美作市別格本山大聖寺
- photo -

odoru, Jizo odoru 地蔵踊る dancing stone Jizo - Yotsuya, Tokyo

O-Fuku Jizo Sama お福地蔵さま O-Fuku Jizo
大山福地蔵尊, Itabashi, Tokyo

. ohaguro Jizoo お歯黒地蔵 Jizo Bosatsu with black teeth . - Saitama

o-kama Jizoo お釜地蔵 Jizo and the cooking pot - Aichi legend

Omokaru Jizo おもかる地蔵 / 重軽地蔵 Heavy or Light Jizo

Onegai Jizo お願い地蔵 Jizo to make a wish

oote kure Jizoo おうてくれ地蔵さん Carrying Jizo piggyback - Nara

. oshikeshijizoo ホシケシジゾウ Oshikeshi Jizo . - Fukushima

O-shiroi Jizo おしろい地蔵 "Jizo with white make-up"
Okeshoo Jizo 御化粧延命地蔵尊(おしろい地蔵) O-Kesho Jizo with make-up
at 魚籃観音堂 -
. Keshoo Jizoo. Keshō Jizō 化粧地蔵 Kesho Jizo Bosatsu with make-up .

Pan, Jizo Pan 地蔵パン small bread in the form of Jizo

- PINTEREST - Jizo Photo Gallery -

. poi-sute Jizo ポイ捨て地蔵 for good manners .
- not to throw things away by the roadside

. pokkuri Jizo ポックリ地蔵 granting a sudden death .

riun Jizo bosatsu, ri-un 利運地蔵菩薩 Jizo to win a battle

Sekino Jun'ichiro (1914-1989)

Roku Jizō, Roku Jizoo 六地蔵 Roku Jizo, Six Jizo Statues
They are the guardian deities of the Six Realms of the afterlife.
- - - - - Rokutai - 六体童形地蔵像 Six Jizo as Children

. rokubu Jizoo 六部地蔵 Rokubu Jizo Bosatsu .
and the 六部 Rokubu pilgrims / 六十六部 Rokujurokubu, Rokujuroku Bu pilgrim

. Sai no Kawara 賽の河原 Limbo for children .

Sakasa Jizo さかさ地蔵 / 逆さ地蔵 "upside down" Jizo

Sakashimagawa Jizo 逆しま川地蔵尊 Jizo Bosatsu from River Sakashima

sakenomi Jizoo 酒飲み地蔵 Jizo having a drink of Sake . Chichibu

sakkaa Jizo サッカー 地蔵 Jizo playing soccer

sasuri Jizo san さすり地蔵さん Jizo to rub

. Shian Jizoo 思案地蔵 Shian Jizo, the reflecting Jizo . - Mie, Ise-Shima

Shibarare Jizo 縛られ地蔵
- - - Paper-Pasted Jizo (Kamihari Jizō 紙張地蔵)
- - - and Musubi Daruma 結びだるま

. shio Jizo 塩地蔵尊 Jizo made from salt .

. Shiokake Jizo 塩かけ地蔵 to throw salt at Jizo . - 太宗寺 Taiso-Ji, Suginami, Tokyo

Shioname Jizo 塩嘗地蔵 Salt-tasting Jizo in Kamakura

. shishi Jizo 獅子地蔵 "Jizo the Lion" .

Shōgun Jizō 将軍地蔵 Shogun Jizo, General Jizo

. shooshin Jizoo 生身の地蔵 Shoshin, living Jizo . - Kosho-Ji, Tochigi

soba kui Jizo そば喰地蔵 Jizo eating Buckwheat noodles

. Soomen Jizoo そうめん地蔵 Somen Noodles Jizo .
- a legend from Tochigi

. Statues 地蔵像 Jizo Bosatsu - Special Statues .

. suiko Jizo 水虎地蔵 "Jizo, the water tiger beast" .

Suzumushidera 鈴虫寺 - 幸福地蔵 Kofuku Jizo


Jizo Road, Jizo Dori in Toshima Ward, Tokyo  地蔵通り、豊島区


Taue Jizoo, Ta-ue Jizoo 田植え地蔵 Jizo planting rice

Tajimi Jizo 多治見地蔵 / Tajimi town, Gifu 岐阜県多治見市
Watanabe Jizo 渡辺地蔵 /Yamashita Jizo 山下地蔵 / Kubikiri Jizo 首切り地蔵 / Chichi Jizo 乳地蔵

Takajizo 高地蔵 Jizo on a high stone pedestal - flood warning

. togenuki, toge-nuki とげぬき地蔵 Toge nuki Jizo, "Thorn-pulling Jizo" .
高岩寺 Kogan-Ji, Sugamo, Tokyo
- - - - - and at Nr. 50 Daitokuin 大徳院 Daitoku-In, Gofunai henro pilgrim temples in Edo

Tomobiki dolls for the dead and Jizo 友引人形

. Toofu Jizoo 豆腐地蔵 Bean curd Tofu Jizo .

. Toosuke Jizoo 藤助地蔵 Tosuke Jizo . - Nara

. wagen Jizoo 和顔地蔵 Wagen Smiling Jizo . ^ Kamakura, 光明寺 Komyo-Ji

. wakagaeri Jizo 若がえり / 若返り Jizo to keep you young .

. warai Jizo 笑い地蔵 laughing Jizo at Kakegawa Yokaido .

. yanefuki Jizo 屋根葺地蔵 Jizo repairing a roof . - 星光寺 Temple Seiko-Ji

yatori Jizo 矢取地蔵 Jizo catching the arrow

yaruki Jizoo やる気地蔵 / 弥留気地蔵 Yaruki Jizo to make you carry on

yodarekake よだれ掛け Jizo with a bib
and yodare Jizo よだれ地蔵 the Healer

yonaki Jizoo 夜泣き地蔵 / 夜泣地蔵 Yonaki Jizo crying at night

yone Jizoo 米地蔵尊 Yone Jizo "Rice Jizo" - 尊勝寺 / former 金蔵寺 - Kyoto
Statue from the Heian period - with legend
おおうみのひとしずくが よねめぐみ こがねのくらの てらをいふなり
- source :

yotsugi Jizo 世継地蔵 "Heir Jizo", "Successor Jizo"

yume saku Jizo 夢咲く地蔵 Jizo to make dreams flower / 岡山 上寺山餘慶寺 Yokei-Ji, Okagama
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

yuzu no ki Jizo 柚の木地蔵 Jizo of the Yuzu citron

. Zenizuka Jizo 銭塚地蔵尊 - Kankan Jizo かんかん地蔵尊 . - Asakusa, Tokyo

. zokuyoke Jizo 賊除地蔵 "Jizo preventing theft" . - 与楽寺 Yoraku-Ji Tokyo

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

- Jizo 地蔵 - a smiling Stone friend and HAIKU -

- more : Haiku about Jizo Bosatsu ... a LONG LIST to be translated -


- photo John Dougill -

. Jizo by the roadside - discussion on facebook .


- - - - - waitinglist - - - - -

dorei どれい 土鈴 clay bells with Jizo
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

hariko Jizo 張子地蔵 papermachee dolls of Jizo
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Jizo Goods 地蔵 グッズ
- reference to google -

kokeshi Jizo こけし 地蔵 wooden Kokeshi dolls
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

manga mukashibanashi マンガ昔話データベース Legends about Jizo

saru Jizo 猿地蔵 The Monkey Jizo - Yamagata - and more
- source :

- - - Legends about Jizo

Oman Jizo おまん地蔵 - 根廻児童公園

Yone Jizo ヨネ地蔵 / 米地蔵 - Legend
伝記には、「昔、粟田の里に貧女あり、尊崇年久しく、ついに霊応を感じて貧苦を免れる。彼女貧しかりし時、この尊像米袋を持ち来って与う、この故に世 人、ヨネ地蔵と称す」と、呼び名の由来が記されています。「米地蔵を拝めば米に不自由しない」といわれ、古来みなさんに親しまれてきました。京洛四十八願 所地蔵尊の第廿四番の霊場とされ、その御詠歌には、次のように詠まれています。
おおうみのひとしずくが よねめぐみ こがねのくらの てらをいふなり
source :

. collecting - Jizo Bosatsu - Special Statues - Darumapedia .


- Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - Introduction -

. Join the Jizo Bosatsu Gallery - Facebook .

. Legends about Jizo Bosatsu - 地蔵菩薩 .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Pilgrimages in Japan - Introduction .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

- - - #jizoabclist #jizolegends #jizo ##jizo
- - -


Chikurin-Ji Shikoku 31


Chikurinji 竹林寺 Chikurin-Ji - Bamboo Forest Temple

. 四国お遍路さん Henro Pilgrims in Shikoku . - General Information -

. Shikoku Henro Temple List .


Nr. 31 - 五台山 Godaisan  金色院 Konjiki-In  竹林寺 Chikurin-Ji
高知県高知市五台山3577 /

- quote
Gyōgi (Gyoki) founded the temple in 724 on the orders of Emperor Shōmu and it was modeled on the famous Chinese temple Wu-t'aisan (Godaisan). Gyōgi also carved the honzon and it is considered to be one of the three best statues of Monju Bosatsu 文殊菩薩 in all of Japan. Kōbō Daishi practiced the Gumonji rites here. In the Middle Ages, this temple was a sanctuary against the feudal lords. The hondō was dedicated by Yamanouchi but blown down in a typhoon in 1900 (and later rebuilt).

The hill on which the temple is built is also called Godaisan. The temple garden and 19 images of Buddhist deities are classified as a National Treasures. The hondō is classified as an Important Cultural Property dating from the Muromachi Period. Of interest are the museum of esoteric images and the Makino Botanical Garden.

This is the only temple on the pilgrimage dedicated to Monju Bosatsu, the Bodhisattva of Wisdom.
- source :

牧野富太郎 Makino Fukutaro (1862 - 1957)

- Chant of the temple
Namu Monju miyo no hotoke no haha to kiku
ware mo konareba chikoso hoshikere

- Homepage of the temple
- source :

. Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668 - 749) Saint Gyōki .



source : Bradford - facebook

. Jizo Bosatsu (Kshitigarbha) 地蔵菩薩 - Introduction .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja – Fudo Myoo .

. . Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction - .

The Five Great Wisdom Kings, Godai Myo-O - 五大明王
. The Five Great Elements of the Universe - 地水火風空の五大 .


- Two short Haiku Henro Trips, Summer 2005

. 四国お遍路さん Pilgrims in Shikoku . - General Information

Koya San in Wakayama

Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海
(Kooboo Daishi, Kuukai )

Haiku and Henro:
.... . The Haiku Henro Pilgrimage  


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .




Mongolia Fudo

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Fudo Myo-O in Mongolia

shared by Zaya

tibetan fudo myo-o (miyowa)
shared by Thierry


shared by Patrick


An early Tibetan mandala of Ekallavira Achala in a private collection:
An Art Historical Analysis - by Pratapaditya Pal
- source : PDF file
- source :

The Beliefs and Practices of Shinnyo Buddhism
- source :


. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja – Vidyaraja – Fudo Myoo .


. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - .


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .



Engaku-Ji Tsugaru Daishi 12

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Engakuji 円覚寺 / 圓覚寺 Engaku-Ji

Nr. 12 春光山 Shunkozan - 円覚寺 Engaku-Ji

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .


- wikipedia -

西津軽郡深浦町深浦字浜町275 / Hamamachi-275 Fukaura, Fukaura-machi, Nishitsugaru-gun

Founded by Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 in 807.

Engaku Hoin 円覚法印 in 868 came here on his pilgrimage to the Northern Region
and built a small Kannon Hall 観音堂.

The sacred light which priest Engaku started in the the temple has been kept alive for more than 1000 years to our very day.

The main statue is 十一面観世音菩薩 11-headed Kannon Bosatsu
better known as 澗口観音 Maguchi Kannon


- quote
Engaku-ji temple dates back to the 9th century. The great conqueror, Sakanoue No Tamuramaro, built a temple dedicated to the Kannon (the Buddhist God of Mercy) and put the eleven-faced Kannon into the temple at this place in 807. The eleven-faced Kannon was supposedly made by Shotoku Taishi (who was the greatest prince in Japan in the early 7th century).
After that, a Buddhist priest named Engaku Hoin came here from Nara and rebuilt the temple in 868.
Engaku-ji temple was founded at that time.
- source :

- Chant of the temple
沖つ風 吹くや深浦 円覚寺 迷いも晴るる 春の光に
天聳る 杉の梢の ともり光明よ 沖行く海士の いのち救うて


During the Edo period, sailors on the Northern-bound trade ships (Kitamaebune 北前舟) came here to pray for safety on sea.

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :

- Member of other pilgrimages in the region

津軽三十三ヶ所観音霊場 Tsugaru 33 Kannon Temples

北国八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Pilgrim Temples in Hokkoku.

. Kitamaebune 北前船 North-bound trade ships .
“Kitame-bune” “Kitamae-bune”
Matsumaebune 松前船 Matsumae trade ships to Hokkaido


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

1月1日 新年祈祷会
1月11日 船玉供
旧暦1月11日 船玉供
旧暦4月8日 灌仏会(花祭り)
7月16日 夏季例大祭前夜祭・柴燈護摩
7月17日 夏季例大祭本祭・大般若六百巻転読法要
8月24日 地蔵盆
9月15日 見入山大祭
12月17日 納め観音・産土講裸参り


Maguchi Mochi澗口観音もち Mochi rice cakes from Maguchi Kannon

made with local komekooji miso paste 米こうじ味噌 by hand at the store 小浜屋 in Fukaura.

These mochi were eaten by the sailors of the Kitamaebune on their trip to and from the North.

- more specialities from Fukaura Town 深浦町 :
- source :


- - - reference - - -

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . (774 - 835) .

. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. Fudo Myo-O at Mount Koyasan 高野山の明王像 .

. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .


. Sakanoue no Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 .
(758 - 811)

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場 - 36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .  

. Pilgrimage to 18 Shingon Temples .
The 18 Head Temples of Shingon School have a very long history.


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46



Seishin-Ji Tsugaru Daishi 10

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Seishinji 聖心寺 Seishin-Ji

Nr. 10 - 五色山 Goshikisan 聖心寺 Seishin-Ji 

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .

. goshiki 五色 the five colors of Buddhism .
- Introduction -


You can see the protective cover in the front, reminding us of the coming winter with heavy snowfall in the region.

弘前市百沢字東岩木山3056 / Higashiiwakisan-3056 Hyakuzawa, Hirosaki-shi

This temple has been established as part of the Special Prayer Group of Narita San 聖心会 in the year 1960.
It relies on the Mountain Religion with the deity Akakura Daijin 赤倉大神 Akakura Daigongen in its center
and Kobo Daishi as its ancestor.
In the spring of 1982 the temple was re-located to its present place.
And in autumn of the same year, a shrine for the protector deity 守護神社 was also erected.

21 - . 赤倉山 Akakurasan - Kongooji 金剛寺 Kongo-Ji .
... Akakura Fudo 赤倉不動

- Chant of the temple
ぬばたまの 闇を照らさん 五色光 遍照尊の いますこの寺
清らかな 津軽富士山 岩木峰 裳裾のうちの 聖心の寺


愛染明王の五色の綱 - Aizen Myo-O and the rope in five colors
It is connected to the statue of Aizen in the hall.

. Aizen Myo-O 愛染明王 Aizen Myō-ō .


dedicated to Dainichi Nyorai 大日如来

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

1月1日 祈願供養
6月5日 春季大祭
7月24日 水子地蔵大祭
9月13日 秋季大祭


- - - reference - - -

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


- another temple with the same name on this Kobo Daishi pilgrimage
17 -  . 成田山 Naritasan - 青森寺 Seishin-Ji .

. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . (774 - 835) .

. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. Fudo Myo-O at Mount Koyasan 高野山の明王像 .

. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .


. 東北三十六不動尊霊場 - 36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .  

. Pilgrimage to 18 Shingon Temples .
The 18 Head Temples of Shingon School have a very long history.


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46



Kyoun-Ji Tsugaru Daishi 08

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Kyoounji 橋雲寺 Kyoun-Ji

Nr. 08 愛宕山 Atagosan - 橋雲寺 Kyoun-Ji

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .


弘前市愛宕字山下63 / Yamashita-63 Atago, Hirosaki-shi

Regional people use to call this temple ”あだごさま”Atago Sama.
The access is via a torii of Atago Shrine, then up up up many stone steps.
There is also a huge pine tree of more than 1 meter in diameter.
It is one of the 10 special vistas in Tsugaru 津軽十景.

This is one of the five great Shingon Temples in Tsugaru.
It had an income of 百石 100 koku during the Edo period. The great summer festival was most important.
After the festival, folks would rest at the Atago shrine 愛宕神社(駒越)and worship Mount Iwaki from afar.

There are various buildings in the compound dedicated to different deities
奥之院 Oku no In
延命地蔵尊堂 Enmei Jizo Do
三十三観世音堂 Sanjusan Kannon Do
稲荷祠堂 Inari Do
天満宮 Tenmangu

source :

The Goma Do 護摩堂 Hall for the fire ritual had been built in 1881
for a visit by the Meiji Tenno 明治天皇.

source :
There is a statue of Shogun Jizo 勝軍地蔵 in this Temple Hall.

- Chant of the temple
散る世なき 法の花咲く 橋雲寺 愛宕の山に 紫雲たなびく
名刹の 津軽五山の 橋雲寺 杖をとどめて しばし休まん

Mount Atago Yama 愛宕山 / 阿多古
is a mountain of about 920 meters in the North-West of Kyoto and
main shrine of the Atago worship.
. Atago Shrines in Japan .

The main deity of worship at the Atago shrines is Shōgun Jizō.
Atago Gongen 愛宕権現, a Kami considered to be a temporary incarnation of Jizō.
’Great Manifestation of Atago’ (Atago Daigongen 愛宕大権現)
- source : Mark Schumacher

From the gate of the temple there is a splendid view to the 4 sacred mountains of Tsugaru - 津軽の四つの霊山 :
東に八甲田山  Hakodasan in the East
北に梵珠山  Bonjusan in the North
南に阿闍羅山  Ajarayama in the South
西の岩木山  Iwakisan in the West


statue of Kobo Daishi in the park

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :

- Member of other pilgrimages in the region

津軽一代様 辰巳年生まれ Tsugaru Ichidai Mamori Honzon
Protector Deity for people born in the year of tatsumi 辰巳 Dragon and Snake

. Ichidai Mamori Honzon 一代守り本尊 Personal Protector Deities .


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

旧暦6月24日 夏季例大祭 Great Summer Festival
9月24日 秋季大般若会 、火渡法要厳修 Walking Trough Fire Ritual


- - - reference - - -

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . (774 - 835) .

. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. Fudo Myo-O at Mount Koyasan 高野山の明王像 .

. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .


. 東北三十六不動尊霊場 - 36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .  

. Pilgrimage to 18 Shingon Temples .
The 18 Head Temples of Shingon School have a very long history.


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


Tsugaru Juukei 津軽十景 10 special vistas of Tsugaru

(1)瑪耶渓(めやけい)(西目屋村)- Meyakei gorge

(2)座頭石(ざとういし)(弘前市) - Zatoishi stone

(3)法峠(ほっとうげ)(黒石市と旧浪岡町の境) - Hottoge pass

(4)弘前公園 - Hirosaki Park

(5)乳井(にゅうい)神社(弘前市) - Nyui Jinja Shrine

(6)岩木山 - Mount Iwakisan

(7)芦野(あしの)公園(旧金木町) - Ashino Park

(8)愛宕(あたご)山(旧岩木町) - Mount Atagosan

(9)御幸(みゆき)公園(黒石市) - Miyuki Park, Kuroishi

(10)久渡寺(くどじ)(弘前市) - Kudo-Ji


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46



Kakuo-In Tsugaru Daishi 07

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Kakuooin 覚應院 / 覚応院 Kakuo-In

Nr. 07 行峯山 Gyohozan - 覚應院 Kakuo-In - 浪切不動尊 Namikiri Fudo

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .


弘前市湯口字一の安田95-1 / Ichinoyasuta-95-1 Yuguchi, Hirosaki-shi, Aomori

This temple had been founded during the time of the 5th daimyo, 津軽信寿 Tsugaru Nobuhisa (1669 - 1746) on behalf of the his senior retainer 喜多村 Kitamura. He had taken over the statue of Fudo Myo-O from the Chausudate Castle  茶臼館.
The daimyo of Tsugaru granted an income of 二十俵 20 bales of rice to the temple.

Nyui Chausudate 乳井茶臼館 Nyu-I Chausudate was a mountain castle built around 1580 on Mount Chausuyama. 溝口左膳亮 Mizoguchi used it to defend the Northern Territories and as a place for the Yamabushi monks. The name was later changed to Mizoe 溝江

The seventh head priest of the temple was 覚有和上 Saint Kaku-U.

- Chant of the temple
とこしへに 変わらぬ誓い たてし丘 のぼる茶臼の 坂の下草
みどり濃き 茶臼の館に 立つ御堂 峰行き山に 行きて拝まん


. Namikiri Fudo 波切不動尊 wave-cutting Fudo .


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :

- Member of other pilgrimages in the region

source :

. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck - 寿老人 Jurojin .


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

1月30日 初不動(星祭)
3月彼岸の入り 春彼岸
旧暦6月27日 浪切不動明王夏季例大祭前夜祭
旧暦6月28日 浪切不動明王夏季例大祭 Namikiri Fudo Great Summer Festival
8月7日 盆会施餓鬼供養


further news


- - - reference - - -

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . (774 - 835) .

. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. Fudo Myo-O at Mount Koyasan 高野山の明王像 .

. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .


. 東北三十六不動尊霊場 - 36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .  

. Pilgrimage to 18 Shingon Temples .
The 18 Head Temples of Shingon School have a very long history.


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46
