. Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC List .
Jizo Bosatsu - Special Statues

. Jizo Bosatsu (Kshitigarbha) 地蔵菩薩 .
- - - - - The following statues are introduced below :
Araki Jizo 荒木忍先生 - yobikake Jizo 呼掛け Jizo calling out
hanami Jizo 花見地蔵 "Jizo and Cherry Blossoms "
hana sakasu Jizo はなさかす地蔵 Jizo with flowers
hohoemi Jizo 微笑み地蔵尊 Smiling Jizo
hoomuran Jizo ホームラン地蔵 Homerun / Baseball
idakare Jizo 抱かれ地蔵 Jizo embraced by a tree
ikigi Jizo 生木地蔵 "Jizo carved in a living tree" / (tachiki Jizo 立木地蔵)
joro-kai Jizo 女郎買地蔵 Jizo buying a prostitute
kamihari Jizo 紙貼り地蔵 Jizo to paste paper on
katsugi Jizo かつぎ地蔵 Jizo showing the way
komochi Jizo 子持ち地蔵 Jizo pregnant, with children
kubifuri Jizo 首ふり地蔵 Jizo with a movable head
mizumuke Jizo 水向地蔵
momo Jizo 桃地蔵 with a peach
neko Jizoo 猫地蔵 Neko Jizo. "Jizo with Cat"
praying Jizo (Gifu, Kasuga shrine)
. Roku Jizō 六地蔵 Roku Jizo, Six Jizo Statues .
sakkaa Jizo サッカー地蔵 Jizo playing soccer
Sanuki udon Jizo 讃岐うどん地蔵 Jizo eating Udon noodles
shio Jizo 塩地蔵尊 Jizo made from salt
suki Jizo スキー地蔵 on ski at mountain top
yatori Jizo 矢取地蔵 Jizo catching the arrow
yotsugi Jizo 世継地蔵 "Heir Jizo", "Successor Jizo"
Moss Jizo and Haiku by Issa
This page will be updated regularly !
Araki Jizo 荒木忍先生 made by Araki Sensei

yobikake Jizo 呼掛け Jizo calling out
source : 仏像ワールド
hanami Jizo 花見地蔵 Jizo and Cherry Blossoms

CLICK for more !
- shared by John Dougill, Kyoto -
hana sakasu Jizo はなさかす地蔵 Jizo with flowers

広島 福山の明王院
hohoemi Jizo 微笑み地蔵尊 Smiling Jizo

- shared by Grace - facebook

koyasu Jizo by Mokujiki
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !
nikoniko Jizo にこにこ地蔵尊 Smiling Jizo

at the 高幡不動 Takahata Fudo Temple
hoomuran Jizo ホームラン地蔵 Homerun / Baseball "

at temple Kaitoku-Ji
1 Chome-2-10 Minamishinagawa, Shinagawa, Tokyo
idakare Jizo 抱かれ地蔵 Jizo embraced by a tree
- more photos -
ikigi Jizo 生木地蔵 "Jizo carved in a living tree"

- source : Masayoshi on facebook
at 切山平家遺跡 Kiriyama Heike Remains, Shikoku
. tachikibutsu 立木仏 Buddhas in living trees .
joroo-kai Jizo 女郎買地蔵 Joro-kai Jizo buying a prostitute
at the temple 大雲寺 Daiun-Ji in 桶川宿 Okegawa town (Postal station Nr. 6 on the Nakasendo Road)
女郎買い地蔵 - This state has been put in place in 1557.
Okegawa was quite a busy postal station and had many brothels. Not only the travellers, but also locals frequented these places. Soon there was the rumor that even the Jizo statue of the temple was out there enjoying himself. So the head priest tried to solve the problem. He fixed a clamp on the back of the statue and used a chain to bind it.
Since then, the Jizo did not move any more.

To tell the truth (maybe?) there was a young priest in the temple who went out every night . . . but got stopped when he saw his master fix the Jizo to teach him a lesson and save him.
The clamp on the back of the statue can be seen to our day.

kamihari Jizoo 紙貼り地蔵 Jizo to paste paper on
while making a wish

source : facebook
at Oosu Kannon 大須観音 Osu Kannon - Nagoya
. Osu Kannon and Fudo Myo-O .
katsugi Jizo かつぎ地蔵 Jizo showing the way

at 新田集落 - at the highway 佐渡奉行街道 Sado Bugyo Kaido
- reference source : Takashi Nishino -
komochi Jizo 子持ち地蔵 Jizo pregnant, with children

(昭島市福島町2丁目) - Oku-Tama
- reference source : asa-ing.co.jp/s/sanpo-s ... -
kubifuri Jizo 首ふり地蔵 Jizo with a movable head
at Kiyomizuzaka 清水坂 Kyoto

- source : facebook
mizumuke Jizoo 水向地蔵 water covered Jizo

source : facebook
A statue to throw water on, with prayers for departed family members.
. 高野山 Koyasan - 奥の院 Oku no In .
momo Jizo 桃地蔵 with a peach
by Seiichi Tsuchiya san
neko Jizoo 猫地蔵 Neko Jizo. "Jizo with Cat"
at 自性院 Jisho-In - 西落合
新宿区西落合1-11-23 Shinjuku, Tokyo : 猫寺 The Cat Temple
. Gofunai Henro Temple Nr. 53 .
Once in Edo there lived a man in Ushigome. He had a beloved cat, but the animal died and he was very sad.
Jizo Bosatsu appeared in his dream and advised him to go to the temple Jishoo-In 自性院 Jisho-In to see the high priest 鑑秀上人. He told him to have the statue of a cat erected.
A kind of migawari, he takes on our illness and problems.

source : facebook

. . . CLICK here for Photos !
praying Jizo

Kasuga Shrine in Tsumagi-cho, Toki-City. Kasuga Shrine.
The Jizo looks like the preacher of The Cross is carved.
The hands clasped in prayer looks like a cross.
It shows the faith of hidden Christians.
- source : Aoi on facebook -
roku Jizoo 六地蔵 six special Jizo

- source : facebook
六体童形地蔵像 Six Jizo as Children
鞍馬寺 Kurama Temple, Kyoto
. Roku Jizō, Roku Jizoo 六地蔵 Roku Jizo, Six Jizo Statues .
. sakenomi Jizoo 酒飲み地蔵 / 酒飲地蔵 Jizo having a drink of Sake .
sakedachi Jizo 酒断ち地蔵 / 酒断地蔵 Jizo to help stop drinking
Tsunbo Jizo
- quote -
. . . . . TSUNBO JIZŌ 聾地蔵 (lit. = Deaf Jizō)
of Komagome 駒込 (Hongo, Tokyo) helps when one suffers from persistent coughing. The people believe that, since Jizō is deaf, he cannot hear their prayers; it is therefore necessary to send them to him in writing, either by post, or by placing the written paper on the waters of a river or the sea.
This Jizō is thought to be a great lover of sake and a cure is more likely if he is promised a bottle.”
- source : Mark Schumacher
sakkaa Jizoo サッカー地蔵 Jizo playing soccer

Jizo playing with a soccer ball - world cup 2014

サッカー地蔵に必勝祈願!不動院境内 Arao town, Kumamoto, Fudo-In

source : 39rado.sakura.ne.jp/h/blog
熊本の大津運動公園 Kumamoto Ozumachi Sports Park
Sanuki udon Jizo 讃岐うどん地蔵 Jizo eating Udon noodles

shio Jizo son 塩地蔵尊 Jizo made from salt

Genkaku-Ji 源覚、文京区 Koishikawa, Bunkyo City, Tokyo
Two statues made of pure salt. Sick people come here and put their wet finger on the place where their own body aces. That will heal them.
sukii Jizoo スキー地蔵 Jizo on Ski

地蔵山頂駅 ロープウェイ各駅 near the ropeway on top of Mount Jizosan.
蔵王地蔵尊 Jizo statues at Mount Zao
- reference source : zaoropeway.co.jp... -
near Tenryu-Ji in Kyoto

source : Dougill on facebook
yatori Jizoo 矢取地蔵 Jizo catching the arrow
aimed to kill Kobo Daishi
yaoi Jizoo, ya-oi 矢負地蔵 "arrow-collecting Jizo"
The statue now has a wound at the place where the arrow would have hit Kukai.

京都市南区唐橋羅城門町 - Kyoto
Karahashi Rajomoncho, Minami Ward, Kyoto
In 824 during a drought, Emperor Junna 淳和天皇 (786 - 840) ordered Kukai Kobo Daishi, priest at the Eastern Temple 東寺 To-Ji, and priest Shubin 守敏, head priest at the Western Temple 西寺 Sai-Ji, to perform rain rituals at the sacred park Shinsen-En 神泉苑.
Shubin did the rituals first, but no rain fell to ease the drought.
Next Kukai did the rituals - and whow, it rained for three days and three nights.
This is known as the "Rain Ritual Fighting" 雨ごい合戦 in the records of Kukai.
But Shubin was quite angry at this outcome. He waited in ambush at the Rashomon gate and tried to shoot an arrow at Kukai to kill him.
At this moment a monk in a black robe appeared and protected Kukai, catching the arrow with his hand. The monk was a personification of Jizo Bosatsu.
. amagoi 雨乞い rain rituals .
yotsugi Jizoo 世継地蔵 "Heir Jizo", "Successor Jizo"
yotsugi Jizoo doo 世継地蔵堂 "Heir Jizo Hall"

with a special hall at temple Jootokuji 上徳寺 Jotoku-Ji, Kyoto
Ensoozan 塩竈山 Enzozan
This temple was built by Ieyasu Tokugawa in 1603. It has the graves of his concubine Acha no tsubone 阿茶局 and her daughter 泰栄院.
There is also the grave of haiku poet Horiuchi Unkoo 堀内雲鼓 Horiuchi Unko (1665 - 1728).
Praying to this Jizo will help getting pregnant.

koke no hana ko kizu ni saku ya ishi jizoo
moss blossoms bloom
in a little crack...
stone Jizo
Kobayashi Issa
Tr. David Lanoue
- #jizobosatsu #jizostatues -
. Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 Kshitigarbha - Introduction .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .
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