Showing posts with label - - - - Jizo Bosatsu - - - -. Show all posts
Showing posts with label - - - - Jizo Bosatsu - - - -. Show all posts


Kudo-Ji Tsugaru Daishi 06

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Kudoji 久渡寺 Kudo-Ji

Nr. 06 護國山 Gokokusan - 観音院 Kannon-In - 久渡寺 Kudo-Ji

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .


弘前市坂元山元1 / Yamamoto-1 Sakamoto, Hirosaki-shi, Aomori

This temple is located at the food of Mount Kudojisan 久渡寺山 (663 meters) in the South of Hirosaki town and you can see the town from there.
It used to be a sub-temple of 01 - 最勝院 Saisho-In, Hirosaki.
The founder of this temple is not clear.
Legend dates it back to Saint Enchi Shonin 円智上人 / 圓智上人 Saint Enchi in 1191, who is supposed to have founded 小沢山救度寺 (Kyudoji . Kudoji) - "Temple to Help the People".

Around 1595, Saint Kankai 小野澤 寛海和尚 revived the temple and re-named it 護国山観音院 Gokokusan Kannon-In. The second daimyo of Tsugaru, 津軽信牧, Tsugaru Nobuhira (1586 - 1631) changed the name to its present term, 久渡寺.

It is one of the Five Great Shingon Temples of Tsugaru 真言宗津軽五山.

The main statue is a Kannon Bosatsu, carved by Saint Ennin 円仁(慈覚大師).
Another important statue is
O-Shirasama 王志羅(おしら)さま. A fire ritual in his honor is held in May.

statue of a Shirasama horse in the garden.

- Chant of the temple
遍照尊 唱うる声に 光りさす 久渡のみ寺の 木の間がくれに
浸みとおる 深山の雨に 護国山 塵を洗うて 萌ゆる緑葉

. O-Shirasama, oshirasama おしらさま "White Buddha" .
Memyo Bosatsu 馬鳴菩薩


statue of Fudo Myo-O in the garden

Look at more winter photos in this source:
- source : K・Hanadaのブログ


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :

- Member of other pilgrimages in the region

津軽三十三カ所観音霊場 - Nr. 01 of 33 Kannon Temples


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

旧暦1月18日 豊作祈願祭
5月16日 大志羅講大祭 - O-shira Sama fire ritual
8月21日 供養会
12月18日 納の観音祭


source :

ashi no nai yuurei 「足のない幽霊 ghost without legs

The temple is also famous for this painting 幽霊画 by
. 円山応挙 Maruyama Okyo .

Legend knows that it will definitely rain when this painting is shown to the public, so it was only shown in dire need during a draught.


- - - reference - - -

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . (774 - 835) .

. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. Fudo Myo-O at Mount Koyasan 高野山の明王像 .

. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .


. Chisha Daishi 智者大師 Chisha Shonin (538 - 597) .
and his disciple Saint Enchi 円智上人 / 圓智上人 Saint Enchi

. Ennin 円仁 - Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 . (794 – 864)

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場 - 36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .  

. Pilgrimage to 18 Shingon Temples .
The 18 Head Temples of Shingon School have a very long history.


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46



Shoden-In Saitama

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Shooden-In 聖天院 Shoden-In - (Shoten-In)
高麗山 Komasan 聖天院 - Shoorakuji 勝楽寺 Shoraku-Ji

source :

埼玉県日高市新堀990 / 990-1 Niihori, Hidaka, Saitama 350-1243

This temple is Nr. 26 on the pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples in Musashino.
Very close to it is the shrine 高麗神社 Koma Jinja.

The main statue is Shoten 聖天.
The temple is built from beautiful keyaki zelkova beams of the forest behind it.

Behind the park on the slope of Mount Koma 高麗山 is a park with beautiful azaleas and other flowers.

- Chant of the temple

高麗人の 楽度とまつる 歓喜天
仲睦まじく ほほえましけれ

source : wikipedia

高麗聖雲 Koma Shoun was a priest of the Nara period.

. kideko, ki deko 木でこ head made from wood
Ootomo ningyoo 大友人形 Otomo dolls .

and 朝鮮の将軍標 shogunhyo dolls from Korea


source : facebook

The statue of a seated Fudo is only about 38 cm high.
On his left is 矜羯羅童子 Kongara Doji (45 cm) and
on his right 制咜迦童子 Seitaka Doji (45 cm).

Inside of the statue were some amulet pieces, dating it back to 1580 and
the master carver 鎌倉仏師の大蔵法眼.
The two statues at his side date back to 1624.

One paper inside the statue declares it was carved by Kobo Daishi himself.
He also carved a Kannon with Eleven Heads 十一面観音.
There was also a small statue of Fudo, only 二寸五分 high.


CLICK for enlargement !

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :

Stone Fudo in the temple ground

source :


- - - reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .



Kozen-Ji Tsugaru Daishi 05

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Koozenji 弘前寺 Kozen-Ji

Nr. 05 成田山 Naritasan- 弘前寺 Kozen-Ji - 初不動 Hatsu Fudo

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .


弘前市常盤坂3丁目4-1 / 3 Chome-4-1 Tokiwazaka, Hirosaki

This is a direct sub-temple of the main Narita Temple in Chiba.
It obtained a statue of Fudo Myo-O from there in 1948 at the founding of the temple by 1he 18th head priest of Narita, Akari san 荒木照定.
The temple was relocated to its present place in 1953.
This new place is related to the third lord, Tsugaru Nobuyoshi 津軽信義 (1619 - 1655), who had a restplace to drink tea here.
It has a fine view, "which one can not find in China".
In the compound is a memorial stone with a poem of Lord Nobuyoshi.

Statue of Koyasu Daishi 弘前寺子安大師 caring for children

- Chant of the temple
ほのぼのと 薫る茶山の 常盤坂 かわらぬ誓い あなありがたや
穢土の世の 罪咎深き わが身をば 清め給えや 南無や遍照


Hatsu Fudo 初不動 "First Fudo ritual" is especially important on January 28.
A large chauldron is brought to the boil and from its sound 釜鳴り the outcome of the harvest of the coming year is divined.


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

1月1日 元朝、新年大護摩
1月28日 初不動、午前11時より不動護摩厳修
2月3日 節分会
2月28日 初不動大護摩、釜鳴り
3月28日 午前11時より不動護摩厳修
4月28日 午前11時より不動護摩厳修
5月28日 午前11時より不動護摩厳修
6月27日 大祭
7月28日 夏大祭
8月20日 盆灯篭流し
8月28日 午前11時より不動護摩厳修
旧暦9月8日 八大龍神祭
9月28日 午前11時より不動護摩厳修
10月28日 午前11時より不動護摩厳修
11月28日 報恩感謝祭
12月28日 納め不動、(御札守)焚上げ


- - - reference - - -

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . (774 - 835) .

. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. Fudo Myo-O at Mount Koyasan 高野山の明王像 .

. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .


. 東北三十六不動尊霊場 - 36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .  

. Pilgrimage to 18 Shingon Temples .
The 18 Head Temples of Shingon School have a very long history.


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46


Hoko-In Tsugaru Daishi 03

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Hookoo-In 法光院 Hoko-In

Nr. 03 弘前高野山 Hirosaki Koyasan - 法光院 Hoko-In - 浪切不動明王 Namikiri Fudo

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .


弘前市城東中央4丁目4-10 / 4 Chome-4-10 Jōtōchūō, Hirosaki-shi, Aomori

This temple hasa been founded by 北山公章 Kitayama Kosho in May 1957.
The new pilgrimage to 88 henro temples in honor of Kobo Daishi had been started a year before this, with the wish for world peace and safety on the road.

source :

A bronze statue of Kobo Daishi (yakuyoke Daishi 厄除大師) of about 7 meters hight has been erected.

There is also a stone statue of Kosodate Mizuko Kannon 子育水子観音 to pray for children and abortions.

The main statue is Dainichi Nyorai 金胎両部大日如来.
In the Daishi Hall 大師堂 beside Kobo Daishi is a special statue of Namikiri Fudo 浪切不動明王.
This statue had been at 百沢寺 Hyakutaku-Ji and is probably more than 800 years old.

In recent years, statues of Yakushi Nyorai薬師仏 and Kujaku Myo-O 孔雀明王 have been added too.

- Chant of the temple
はるばると ここに詣でる わが身をば 包めほとけの 法の光で
詣で来て 仰げば高し 大師像 祈るこの身の 無病息災

. Gumonji 求聞寺 Gumon-Ji Iwakisan 百沢寺 Hyakutaku-Ji . .
Nr. 09 on the Pilgrimage!


- source and more photos :

The huge statue of Kosodate Kannon, 6 meters high



- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :

- source :


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

1月1日 新年祈祷会
2月3日 星供養
4月21日 春彼岸会
7月20日 夏季例祭
9月21日 秋彼岸会
11月25日 薬師法要


- - - reference - - -

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . (774 - 835) .

. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. Fudo Myo-O at Mount Koyasan 高野山の明王像 .

. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .


. 東北三十六不動尊霊場 - 36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .  

. Pilgrimage to 18 Shingon Temples .
The 18 Head Temples of Shingon School have a very long history.


. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46



Soganji Saitama

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Sooganji 總願寺 Sogan-Ji

Nr. 30 - 玉嶹山 Gyokutosan ・王寿山 總願寺 Sogan-Ji
不動院 Fudo-In 不動ヶ岡不動尊 Fudo-ga-oka Fudo Son

. 関東三十六不動尊霊場 Bando Sanjuroku Fudo-Son Reijo
36 Fudo Temples in Kanto / Bando .

発心の道場 Hosshin - Kanagawa - 01 - 07
修行の道場 Shugyo - Tokyo - 08 - 26
菩提の道場 Bodai - Saitama - 27 - 31
涅槃の道場 Nehan - Chiba - 32 - 36


source : facebook

埼玉県加須市不動岡2-9-18 / 2 Chome-9-18 Fudooka, Kazo-shi, Saitama

founded by pries Enchin
. Enchin 圓珍 - 円珍, known as Okotsu Daishi .
(814 - 891) Chisho Daishi 智證大師

- Chant of the temple
ご詠歌:武蔵野に 流れ来たりて はるばると 
不動の岡に 燄ともせり 



- Homepage of the temple
- source :

Also member of the following pilgrimages

関東八十八ヶ所霊場 第八十一番 Kanto 88 Henro temples - Nr. 81

One of the Three Great Fudo of Kanto / 関東三大不動の一つ


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事


- - - reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


Shinpukuji Kanagawa

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Shinpukuji 真福寺 Shinpuku-Ji

Nr. 04 - 大聖山 Daiseizan 真福寺 Shinpuku-Ji - 和田不動 Wada Fudo

. 関東三十六不動尊霊場 Bando Sanjuroku Fudo-Son Reijo
36 Fudo Temples in Kanto / Bando .

発心の道場 Hosshin - Kanagawa - 01 - 07
修行の道場 Shugyo - Tokyo - 08 - 26
菩提の道場 Bodai - Saitama - 27 - 31
涅槃の道場 Nehan - Chiba - 32 - 36

Nr. 15 in the pilgrimage
. 武相不動尊二十八所 Buso 28 Fudo Temples in Musashino .


神奈川県横浜市保土ヶ谷区和田 2-8-3 / 2 Chome-8-3 Wada, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa

- Chant of the temple



光網勝童子 Komosho Doji


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :


- - - reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .



Fudo Waterfalls


Fudo no Taki 不動の滝 Waterfalls named FUDO

. TAKI 滝 Waterfalls and Fudo Myo-o .
- Introduction -


Tassawa / Tatsuzawa Fudo on Taki 達沢不動滝 
Inawashiro, Fukushima 福島県耶麻郡猪苗代町

source :


- shared by : Mumriken - facebook -


. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - INTRODUCTION .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .




Dondoro Taishi


Dondoro Taishi どんどろ大師 Dondoro Daishi

- source : meiji-era-kabuki

- Kabuki -
A famous temple in Ôsaka. It was built in 1752 to honour the soldiers who were killed during the 1615 Summer campaign. Its real name was Kyônyoan but it was nicknamed Dondoro Taishi because of the daimyô Doi Toshitsura 土井利位 (1789~1848), who was in service in Ôsaka Castle for the Shogunate from 1834 to 1837 and lived near the Kyônyoan. He assiduously prayed there and contributed to the fame of this temple.
It was a custom to call it "Doi-dono Taishi", which became Dondoro Taishi in popular speech.

"Keisei Awa no Naruto" was a 10-act drama. The 8th act, divided into two scenes, "Dondoro Taishi no Monzen" (the Temple Town (monzen) near Dondoro Taishi) and "Jûrôbei Uchi" (at Jûrôbei's Home), is the only one, which is still part of both the Kabuki and Bunraku repertoires. The drama nicknamed "Dondoro" is the first scene of this 8th act.

- Summary
Jûrobei, a samurai, has taken upon himself the task of finding his master's lost sword. He moves to Ôsaka with his wife Oyumi, leaving their infant daughter in the care of her grandmother for her own safety. He joins a band of thieves to allow himself access to places where the sword might be found and has been searching for 10 years to no avail.

In the scene immediately preceding the one performed, a messenger visits Oyumi who is alone at home. He brings a letter from one of Jûrobei's cohorts: their crimes have been discovered and some members of the group have been caught. Jûrobei and his wife should flee as soon as possible to escape capture.

Dondoro Taishi no Monzen
The Temple Town near Dondoro Taishi

Shortly thereafter, Oyumi hears the songs of a Buddhist pilgrim and the ringing of a bell. A young girl on a pilgrimage has called at the house. Oyumi gives her an offering of rice and invites her in when she learns that the girl is from her own home province. The girl tells of how she is on a walking pilgrimage from distant Awa in search of her parents from whom she was separated when she was a small child. Suspicious, Oyumi asks the names of the girl's parents. Whereupon, the girl tells her they are "Jûrobei" and "Oyumi".

Shocked to learn that the girl standing before her is her own daughter Otsuru, whom she had left behind years earlier, Oyumi is torn; she wants to take her beloved daughter in her arms, but if she reveals to the Otsuru that she is her mother the girl will surely be dragged into the sordid and potentially fatal affairs of her family. Oyumi fears for her daughter's life should she rejoin her parents, who may themselves be doomed. Clutching the letter she had earlier received, Oyumi vacillates but finally decides to compose herself and keep her identity secret.

The purity of Otsuru's devotion to the search for her parents pierces Oyumi's heart. She waivers several times but finally decides to tell the girl that she should go back to her grandmother and await her parents' return.

Touched by Oyumi's motherly compassion, the girl pleads that Oyumi might allow her to stay. Oyumi is overwhelmed by sadness but realizes that she must send Otsuru away for her own safety. She prepares some traveling money and gives it to the girl, but Otsuru will not accept it: she has enough for the road. Oyumi brushes the dust from Otsuru's kimono, then takes a hairpin and fixes Otsuru's hair before the girl turns to leave.

Unable to part without seeing her one last time Oyumi calls her daughter back to her and they embrace. Otsuru grasps the end of a strip of cloth that Oyumi is holding and tries to pull her mother toward her in a highly-stylized scene that is one of the most famous in the puppet theatre. Oyumi eventually pushes Otsuru out of the house then sits stifling her sobs beside the closed door as Otsuru beats on it from the other side.

Oyumi listens as Otsuru's song fades in the distance. Overcome with grief that she may never see her daughter again, Oyumi rushes out of the house to call her back. But the girl is already gone. Anguished, Oyumi is reduced to tears, but she resolves to go after her daughter. The scene ends with Oyumi standing before her house preparing to leave.
- source :

Meiji Era Kabuki: Three Shintomiza Tsuji Banzuke

The performance date places the performance this tsuji banzuke advertised on 8th February 1912, the last year, 46, of the Meiji era, which ended that same year with the death of Emperor Meiji on 30th July 1912, which had been a time of major changes in Japanese society.

- source : meiji-era-kabuki


摂津国八十八ケ所 - Henro Temples in Settsu no Kuni

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Nr. 11 - 如意山 / 三松山 - 甘露院 善福寺 Zenpuku-Ji
空堀町10-19, 大阪市天王寺区 / 10-19 Karahoricho, Tennoji Ward, Osaka

The main statue is of Kobo Daishi, with Aizen Myo-O 愛染明王 and Fudo Myo-O 不動明王 at his side (newly made after a fire during WWII destroyed the compound).
There are also statues of Nyoirin Kannon 如意輪観世音菩薩 and Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来.
鏡如庵大師堂 Kyonyo-An, Hall for Kobo Daishi
Doi Dono no Daishi 「土井殿の大師」(どいどののだいし)

The temple has been founded by Shokoku Taishi 聖徳太子 around 778. People came here to pray for favorable weather, especially protection from long rain or for rain during a draught.

Daishi meguri 大師巡り, visiting a temple in honor of Kobo Daishi on the 21 of each month, became quite popular in the region after the war.
In Osaka, this was
Naniwa Daishi meguri 浪華大師巡り.

In the compound is a bronze statue of
Shogun Jizoo 勝軍地蔵尊
in memory of the War with Russia from 1907.

O-Yumi and O-Tsuru in the temple compound


- reference -


. Shikoku Henro Temple List .

. 四国お遍路さん Pilgrims in Shikoku . - General Information

Koya San in Wakayama

Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海
(Kooboo Daishi, Kuukai )

Haiku and Henro:
.... . The Haiku Henro Pilgrimage  

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja – Fudo Myoo .


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .




ubazakura Taiho-Ji


Ubazakura うば桜 / 姥桜 Cherry-tree of the Milk-Nurse

KWAIDAN: Stories and Studies of Strange Things

. Lafcadio Hearn, Koizumi Yakumo 小泉八雲 .
(1850-1904) (Koizumi Yagumo)
- Introduction -

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .


- quote
Three hundred years ago, in the village called Asamimura, in the district called Onsengori, in the province of Iyô, there lived a good man named Tokubei. This Tokubei was the richest person in the district, and the muraosa, or headman, of the village. In most matters he was fortunate; but he reached the age of forty without knowing the happiness of becoming a father. Therefore he and his wife, in the affliction of their childlessness, addressed many prayers to the divinity Fudô Myô Ô, who had a famous temple, called Saihôji, in Asamimura.

At last their prayers were heard: the wife of Tokubei gave birth to a daughter. The child was very pretty; and she received the name of Tsuyu 露. As the mother's milk was deficient, a milk-nurse, called O-Sodé お袖, was hired for the little one.

O-Tsuyu grew up to be a very beautiful girl; but at the age of fifteen she fell sick, and the doctors thought that she was going to die. In that time the nurse O-Sodé , who loved O-Tsuyu with a real mother's love, went to the temple Saihôji, and fervently prayed to Fudô-Sama on behalf of the girl. Every day, for twenty-one days, she went to the temple and prayed; and at the end of that time, O-Tsuyu suddenly and completely recovered.

Then there was great rejoicing in the house of Tokubei; and he gave a feast to all his friends in celebration of the happy event. But on the night of the feast the nurse O-Sodé was suddenly taken ill; and on the following morning, the doctor, who had been summoned to attend her, announced that she was dying.

Then the family, in great sorrow, gathered about her bed, to bid her farewell. But she said to them:

"It is time that I should tell you something which you do not know. My prayer has been heard.
I besought Fudô-Sama that I might be permitted to die in the place of O-Tsuyu
and this great favor has been granted me. Therefore you must not grieve about my death.... But I have one request to make. I promised Fudô-Sama that I would have a cherry-tree planted in the garden of Saihôji, for a thank-offering and a commemoration. Now I shall not be able myself to plant the tree there: so I must beg that you will fulfill that vow for me .... Good-bye, dear friends; and remember that I was happy to die for O-Tsuyu's sake."

source :

After the funeral of O-Sodé, a young cherry-tree,-- the finest that could be found,-- was planted in the garden of Saihôji by the parents of O-Tsuyu. The tree grew and flourished; and on the sixteenth day of the second month of the following year,-- the anniversary of O-Sodé's death,-- it blossomed in a wonderful way.
So it continued to blossom for two hundred and fifty-four years,--always upon the sixteenth day of the second month;--and its flowers, pink and white, were like the nipples of a woman's breasts, bedewed with milk.
And the people called it Ubazakura, the Cherry-tree of the Milk-Nurse.
- source :

This Japanese version tells of a prayer to Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 Buddha of Medicine, at the temple Taiho-Ji in Matsuyama.




Taihooji 大宝寺 Taiho-Ji

- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

愛媛県松山市南江戸5-10-1 / 5 Chome-10-1 Minamiedo, Matsuyama-shi, Ehime

source :

The main statue is Amida Nyorai 木造阿弥陀如来坐像.

The temple has been founded in 701 by a noble family, 小千(越智)伊予守玉興.

- Homepage of the temple
- source :


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

At the time of Basho, ubazakura was a kind of yaezakura 八重桜 or 避寒桜 / higanzakura 川岸桜. It blooms early when the tree has no leaves yet 葉無し (ha nashi), a pun with 歯なし, no teeth, like an old woman.

source :

ubazakura saku ya roogo no omoi-ide

the old-lady cherry
in bloom: a remembrance
of her old age

Tr. Barnhill

Basho age 21.
. Matsuo Basho Archives 松尾芭蕉 .


ushiro kara sasaebashira ya ubazakura

the pillar supporting it
from behind -
this Ubazakura tree

Tr. Gabi Greve




From his haiku collection called 姥桜.
. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 in Matsuyama 松山 .






source :


. Saihoo-Ji 西方寺 Saiho-Ji in Nagano .
"Temple in the Western Direction"

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - INTRODUCTION .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

