
Yakuoji Ichihara Kozaka

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. Ichihara 市原郡八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Temples Pilgrimage .

Yakuooji 薬王寺 Yakuo-Ji, Kozaka
薬王寺 Yakuoji
市原市高坂227 / Ichihara city, Kozaka

The main statue is 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O.

Not much information is found online.

Graves in the compound


shuin 朱印 stamp - Yakushi Nyorai


- - - - - Reference of the Temple

- source : google
- reference source : tesshow -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This Temple is Nr. 23 of the
. Ichihara 市原郡八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Temples Pilgrimage .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

....................................................................... Fukushima 福島県 
いわき市 Iwaki city 平長橋町 Hiranagahashi town

Inari Myojin no Keshin 稲荷明神の化神 an Incarnation of Inari Myojin
If there was a strong rain, tha water of the river overflows and people can not cross 尼子橋 the bridge Amakobashi.
The wife of 岩城則道 Iwaki Norimichi, 徳尼 Tokuni, felt very sorry for the farmers.
One day an old man with white hair sighed in front of the hut of Tokuni, so she invited him in.
The old man said he was skilled in building bridges and would help.
He kept his word and within 30 days the bridge was built.
The old man crossed the bridge and said now they would not meet again.
He disappeared out of sight near the temple 薬王寺 Yakuo-Ji.
The old man was also called 尼子稲荷明神 Amako Inari Myojin.
. Inari Myojin 稲荷明神 Honorable Inari Deity .

....................................................................... Hyogo 兵庫県 
豊岡市 Toyooka city 但東町 Tanto town

. Hidarugami ひだる神 / ヒダルカミ Legends about the Hunger Gods .
Coming down the Noborio tooge 登尾峠 Noborio Pass toward 小野原 Onohara,
there is a place where the hidarugami ひだる神 Hunger Gods attack a human.
A few years ago a merchant who had just eaten lunch passed here.
He walked on but felt hungry all the time.
People from the nearby 薬王寺 Temple Yakuo-Ji
also often feel hungry when walking there.

....................................................................... Tokushima 徳島県 

Gyoki no toku 行基の徳 the virtue of Gyoki
On the road from 薬王寺 the Temple Yakuo-Ji in 阿波国海部郡比和左村 to 土佐国 Tosa (now 高知県 Kochi)
there is a retreat called
Gyoki An 行基庵 Gyoki Hermitage.
Once a mackarel merchant passed here and Gyoki asked for one fish as an offering.
But the merchant would not give him one.
Now Gyoki sung a song saying the horse of the merchant would fall ill.
And indeed, the horse fell ill.
The merchant was shocked and apologized.
Now Gyoki sung a song saying the horse would get well
and indeed, it got well immediately.
The story spread around and many people came to pray here and made a statue of Gyoki.
. Gyōki 行基菩薩 Gyoki Bosatsu .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Ichihara 市原郡八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Temples Pilgrimage .

. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - ###Ichiharahenro ##Ichihara #Yakuooji #Yakuōji #Yaku'o-ji -

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