
Seitaiji Fudo Urawa

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .
. Adachi 100 Fudo Temples 足立百不動尊霊場 Pilgrimage .

Seitaiji 清泰寺 Seitai-Ji, Urawa
慈了山 Jiryozan 覚源院 Kakugen-In 清泰寺 Seitaiji
さいたま市緑区東浦和5-18-9 / Saitama city, Midori ward, Higashi-Urawa

The temple houses a statue of 十一面観音 Juichimen Kannon Bosatsu with 11 heads.
This statue is shown every 12 years in 午年 the year of the horse.
It was probably made in the Kamakura period (1185 - 1333).

The temple was founded by 慈覚大師円仁 Jigaku Daishi Ennin
in the early Heian Period (794 - 1185).
.Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 / 慈覺大師 (794 – 864) .

In the compound are six Jizo statues:


Also on the following pilgrimages :

. 足立坂東三十三ヶ所霊場 Adachi Bando 33 Kannon Temples - Pilgrimage .


- - - - - Reference of the Temple
- source : ukima.info/feature/reijyo/adachi ...
- reference source : tesshow -
- reference source : raifuku.net/junrei/busou ... -
- reference source : hanaetabi.fc2web.com/hudou/index ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This Temple is Nr. 19 of the
. Adachi 100 Fudo Temples 足立百不動尊霊場 Pilgrimage .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

....................................................................... Yamanashi 山梨県 

- source : 霊長山 清泰寺 Yamanashi -

Yamanashi 北巨摩郡 Kita-Koma district 長坂町 Nagasaka town

. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake .
At 釜無川 the river Kamanashigawa there is a legend of trays and bowls.
At 釜無川 the river Kamanashigawa in the former village of 清春村 Kiyoharu
there was a river bank where people could go to borrow bowls and trays for meetings.
The priest 白雲 in the 25th generation of 清泰寺 the temple Seitai-Ji once did not bring them back.
A few days later, a woman came and asked to have the bowls and trays back.
But the priest cut her outstreched white arms with a sword.
When the woman was about to disappear, a huge serpent with white cut-off arms could be seen.
Since then no more bowls and trays were given at the river bank.
At 清泰寺 the temple Seitai-Ji they keep the bones of a huge serpent.
If the priest pours water over the arm bones, it will rain the next morning.

. Zenwanbuchi 膳椀淵 "river pool for trays and bowls" .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Temples with legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #seitaiji #adachifudo #busoo #busou #Yamanashi -

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