
Mefu Shrine Izumo

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Buddhist Temples and their Legends .

Mefu Jinja 賣布神社 / 売布神社 Shrine Mefu Jinja, Wadami
Mefu no Yashiro 賣布社」(めふのやしろ)
Mefu no Kami Yashiro 賣布神社」(めふのかみやしろ)

島根県松江市和多見町81 / Shimane, Matsue city, Wadami town

The Deity in residence is 速秋津比売神 Hayaakitsuhime no kami
五十猛命 Isonotakeru / 大屋津姫命 / 抓津姫命 Oyatsuhime no Kami

The Shrine was located at Oo no Iriumi 意宇入海(宍道湖)西岸 at the West Side of Lake Shinjiko.
In the 13th century, it was moved to its present location.

The Deities are known as
橋姫大明神 Hashihime Daimyojin 櫛八玉神(くしやたまのかみ) Kushiyatama no Kami and
白潟大明神 Shirakata Daimyojin
The deities are venerated as protectors of the tide.
Oo no Iri-Umi 意宇の入海(おうのいりうみ)

- quote -
Matsue is home to many old and important shrines.
Among them, Mefu Shrine can be easily accessed on foot from Matsue Station.
Mefu Shrine is located northwest of the station, just south of the Ohashi River.
Believed to have been first constructed over 1000 years ago and worshipped by sailors for safety at sea,
this shrine is home to impressive giant trees and has beautifully carved dragon figures on its walls.
- source : visit-matsue.com/discover/city ... -
- quote -
Hayaakitsuhiko and Hayaakitsuhime Hayaakitsuhiko and Hayaakitsuhime are kami (god) in Japanese Methodology (shinto).
The kanji used for Hayaakitsuhiko and Hayaakitsuhime are 速秋津比古神 and 速秋津比売神, respectively, in Kojiki (The Records of Ancient Matters);
速秋津日命 (Hayaakitsuhinomikoto) in Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan).
In the Kojiki, it is stated that Hayaakitsuhiko and Hayaakitsuhime are also known as Minato no kami.
Hayaakitsuhiko and Hayaakitsuhime are a god and goddess pair who were born between Izanagi and Izanami in the section of kamiumi (bearing gods between Izanagi and Izanami) in the Japanese Methodology. Minato no kami is a collective term for them.
According to the volume 6 of an "alternate writing" transmitted by Nihonshoki, 'gods at the water gates are called Hayaakitsuhinomikoto.' ... Minato no kami means god of sea port.
Since port was constructed at the mouth of a river in ancient times, Minato no kami is also god for a river mouth.
From the image of running impurities in a river, Minato no kami is also regarded as a god for warding off evil fortune.
'Haya' in the names of Hayaakitsuhiko and Hayaakitsuhime implies the speed of the water in the river or the current in the ocean.
Also, the names of the god and goddess are considered to have originated from the fact that the use of the river mouth depends on the speed of the current.
On the other hand, 'akitsu' in the names of the god and goddess is thought to mean that misogi (purification ceremony) purifies things quickly and clearly. ...
- source : japanese-wiki-corpus.org ... -

- - - Shrines in the compound
和田津見神社 Wadatsumi Jinja
金刀羅神社 Kotohira Jinja
船霊神社 Funadama Jinja
恵美須神社 Ebisu Jinja
道祖神社 Doso Jinja
白潟地主荒神 Shirakata Jinushi Aragami
常光神社 Joko Jinja
大松荒神 Daimatsu Aragami


shuin 朱印 stamp

omamori お守り amulets


- Yearly Festivals 年中行事 -

1月8日 潮会祭 - Tide Festival
7月12日 船御幸神事 - Great Boat Festival
10月9日 焼火神事 - Takuhi Shinji Fire Festival
10月10日 例祭、御饗祭(鱸祭) - Main Autumn Festival
- reference : wikipedia -


- - - - - Homepage of the Shrine
- source : shinbutsu.jp/shrines-temples/mefujinja ...

- reference with many photos : sh.seesaa.ne ... -
- reference source : nippon-reijo.jimdofree ... -


This Shrine is Nr. 06 of the
. Izumo no Kuni Shinbutsu Pilgrimage 出雲國神仏霊場編 .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - ##mebujinja #mebushrine #nubujinja #mefu #nubushrine #izumo -

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