
Bodaiji Temple legends

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

Bodaiji 菩提寺 a family temple

. Temple Bodai-ji 菩提寺 at Aomori, Osorezan .

. Temple Bodai-ji 菩提寺 at Himeji .

. Temple Bodai-ji 菩提寺 at Iwate, Tono .

. Temple Bodai-ji 菩提寺 at Okayama, Nagi.

. Temple Kanbodaiji 観菩提寺 at Mie .


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

菩提寺にして宵闇の鷺絵あり 岡井省二
菩提寺に改宗の故事曼珠沙華 向山房男
菩提寺のおほかたは地に寒雀 古舘曹人
菩提寺の井を汲む夏の別れかな 神尾久美子
菩提寺の常の水音霜日和 今井峰月
菩提寺の枇杷一族のごとこぞる 中田六郎
菩提寺の法事にまぎる花の客 角川春樹
菩提寺の菊の根分けて貰ひけり 角川春樹
菩提寺の花散る雨の花山院 川合広保
菩提寺へ向ふ足取り昼蛙 高澤良一 燕音
菩提寺へ母がほうらば蟇裂けん 安井浩司
菩提寺へ母の手を引き母子草 富安風生
菩提寺を手ぶらであるく良夜かな 長谷川双魚

その人の菩提寺を訪ひ避暑果つる 森田峠
もののふの菩提寺とほき二月かな 大峯あきら
初護摩の菩提寺太鼓とどろけり 寺崎美江女
桃妖の菩提寺に汲む甘茶かな 塩井志津
津軽公菩提寺裏手かうもり飛ぶ 高澤良一
珠姫の菩提寺荒れつ夏の蝶 有働亨 汐路
秋日踏む菩提寺磴の梅落葉 西島麦南 人音
稲雀わが菩提寺を根城とす 奥村せいち
- source : HAIKUreikuDB ... -


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Aomori 青森県 

. 地蔵尊 恐山 Jizo Bosatsu at Mount Osorezan .

................................................................................. Iwate 岩手県  
岩手郡 Iwate district

shirase 報知 notification of a death
If there is a funeral, it is held at 菩提寺 the Family Temple Bodai-Ji
and notifications are sent to the relatives, friends and other villagers.
This acitvity is called shirase 報知(しらせ).
There must always be two people to bring the sad news around.

................................................................................. Miyagi 宮城県 
Miyagi 伊具郡 Igu district 丸森町 Marumori town

shi no yochoo 死の予兆 an omen of death
In the village Marumori was a man named 大内 Ouchi who had just come there.
The became very ill and on the day before his death he went to a temple
wearing official robes of 羽織袴姿 Haori and Hakama.
The carpenters working at the temple saw him and found this very strange.
A person can thus go to 菩提寺 the Family Temple Bodai-Ji when he dies, but he never comes back.

Miyagi 遠田郡 Toda district 涌谷町 Wakuya town

Around 1700, the child of 坂本宇兵衛 Sakamoto Uhei, a vassal of 伊達宗重 Date Muneshige (1615 - 1671)
loved the cats and chicken of the family.
One night in autumn, the chicken made a call late in the night.
The owner thought this an ominous call and killed the chicken, throwing it into the nearby river.
That night, the chicken appeared in a dream of the priest of 菩提寺 the Family Temple Bodai-Ji of the Sakamoto family.
"I am the chicken of the Sakamoto Family.
The cat of this family wanted to use poison to kill the master of the family, so I begun to make noise to wake him,
but I was killed instead. Now I want you, the priest, to tell him the truth."
The next morning, the priest went to the family, where the head was just preparing a bowl of soup.
At that moment, the cat jumped in from outside, put something in the bowl and run away.
The head did not see it and put the bowl to his mouth to drink.
The priest hastily stopped him and told him about his dream.
They looked in the bowl and found the head of a poisonous lizzard.
Now the head wanted to kill the cat, but the cat never came back to the house.
Uhei felt remorse for killing the chicken and had a special ritual held in its honor.

................................................................................. Niigata 新潟県  
新津市 Niitsu city

yuurei 幽霊 a Yurei ghost
Late at night at the ferry place, a strange voice of a woman was heard from the other side of the river.
When the boatman went over, there was nobody. But he said anyway "Come into the boat".
The boat became more heavy, as if someone had come in.
On the other side, he said to get off, and the boat became lighter again.
When the boatsman wanted a greeting from this visitor, he suddenly saw
a head with a rope hanging around the neck, the eyeballs sticking out and long wet hair hanging down.
The spooky woman asked him to go to 菩提寺 the Family Temple Bodai-Ji and then disappeared.

.................................................................................Shimane 島根県
鹿足郡 Kanoashi district

Kaga no Kami 加賀守 The Lord of Kaga
The grave of the Kaga no Kami 加賀守 the Lord of Kaga was in the compound of the ruins of
下瀬山城址 the castle Shimonoseyama. But it was destroyed by a villain.
The villagers built a new grave, but did not hold any rituals.
The priest from 三渡八幡宮 Miwatari Hachimangu came and asked to perform a ritual, otherwise the lord might be angry.
The villagers decided to follow this advise and held a special ritual at 菩提寺 the Family Temple Bodai-Ji

................................................................................. Tokyo 東京都

. 熊谷稲荷 The Story about Kumagaya Inari Shrine .
and Yasuzaemon Inari 弥惣左ヱ門稲荷

Tokyo 西多摩郡 Nishitama district 檜原村 Hinohara village

. Oinusama 御犬様 O-Inusama, "Honorable Wolf Deity" .
The daughter of the village headman had fallen in love with the priest of 菩提寺 the Family Temple Bodai-Ji.
They soon became the rumor of the village and the priest was sent to a different temple.
The daughter climbed steep mountains and gorges to meet the priest again.
On the roadside was a wolf with a thorn in his leg.
She bent down to help him.
To show his gratitude, the wolf then accompanied her all the way.

Tokyo 台東区 Taito ward

tamashi 魂 the soul
At Asakusa there was a man who had been ill for a long time.
He went to 菩提寺 a different Family Temple Bodai-Ji to aks for his funeral.
The head priest agreed.
He did not get better and went again to ask for his funeral at this Bodai-Ji.
The priest thought his was strange and when he investigated the case,
he found that the man had died the night before.

................................................................................. Toyama 富山県 
黒部市 Kurobe city

shinin 死人 a dead person
If a person dies, his soul goes to his Bodaiji 菩提寺 Family Temple.
There must always be two to bring the dead body there.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -


. Tera 寺と伝説 Buddhist Temples and their legends .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #bodaiji #bodaijilegends #familytemple -

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