. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼 .
. Kōmyō shingon 光明真言 Komyo Mantra of Light .
Tamagawa Fudo 多摩川不動尊 - Nishi-Rokugo
大綱山 Taikozan 宝幢院 Hodo-In 光明寺 Komyo-Ji
東京都大田区西六郷 2-62-1/ Tokyo, Ota ward, Nishi-Rokugo
The main statue is 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai.
The temple was founded around 730 by 行基 Saint Gyoki (668 - 749).
. 行基菩薩 Saint Gyoki Bosatsu (668 - 749) .
It was restored around 820 by 空海 Kukai Kobo Daishi (774 - 835) and became famous as 宝幢院 Hodo-In.
Around 1230, 善慧証空 Saint Shoku (1177 - 1247) restored the temple again for the 浄土宗 Jodo-Sect.
It became the first temple for the Nenbutsu ritual in Kanto 関東弘通念仏.
The Hall for Fudo Myo-O is to the right of the main hall.
The Bell Tower 鐘楼
shuin 朱印 stamp
- Homepage of the temple
- source : www.city.ota.tokyo...
- reference source : tesshow.jp ... -
- reference source : plala.or.jp/ANNIE ... -
Also on the following pilgrimages :
玉川88ヶ所霊場の結願寺 Henro pilgrimage along river Tamagawa - the last temple
. Tamagawa Henro Pilgrimage 玉川八十八ヶ所霊場 .
- - - - - Other temples named Komyo-Ji in Japan
. Temples named Koomyooji. Kōmyō-Ji 光明寺 Komyo-Ji .
This temple is Nr. 22 of the
. 武相不動尊二十八所 - 28 Fudo Temples in Musashino .
. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .
. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .
- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -
source : neko-nikki . 光明寺の猫
Koomyooji kedai ni shite neko no koi
temple Komyo-Ji -
in the compound
cats in love
Tr. Gabi Greve
. Mori Sumio 森澄雄 (1919 - 2010) .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
................................................................................. Aichi 愛知県
愛知郡 Aichi district 東郷町 Togo town
reibutsu 霊仏 "Spirit Buddha"
At the temple 祐福寺 Yufuku-Ji there is a statue of 善導大師 Zendo Daishi.
Fishermen had found it in their nets and brought it to 光明寺 the temple Komyo-Ji, because they had seen this temple in their dreams.
It was later brought to Temple Yufuku-Ji.
Zendo Daishi, Priest Shan-tao from China. (613 - 681).
There is a statue of Zendo Daishi at Komyo-Ji in Kamakura, Kanagawa.
Aichi 知多郡 Chita district 美浜町 Mihama town
. Kuki shi 九鬼氏 Kuki ke 九鬼家 the Kuki clan, Kuki family .
hikeshi Benten 火消し弁天 "Benten extinguishes a fire"
Aichi 知多郡 Chita district 南知多町 Minami-Chita town
. nue 鵺, 鵼, 恠鳥, 奴延 the Nue monster .
Nue is a monster beast with the head of a monkey, breast of a Tanuki badger, scales like a dragon, a tail of a serpent and hands and feet like a tiger.
At the temple 光明寺 Komyo-Ji there is a scroll with Minamoto no Yorimasa 源三位頼政 Genzanmi Yorimasa, who killed the Nue monster.
- - - - -
. 東方寺 Temple Toho-Ji and 光明 Komyo-Ji .
statue of Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来像
Aichi 知多郡 Chita district 武豊町 Taketoyo town
. Dainichi Nyorai Legends 大日如来 .
Around 1540, soldiers were near the temple 御嶽山 光明寺 Komyo-Ji. To prevent the statue of Dainichi Nyorai from being burned, the priest threw it into the nearby pond.
Later 大島四郎兵衛久成 Oshima Shirobei Kujo from 長尾村 Nagao village came to know of this, dug the statue out and wanted to take it with him.
On his way thie villagers from 西浦村 Nishiura begged him to let the statue be, since it was their mamori honzon 守り本尊 protector deity.
It came to a fight, but when the villagers from Nishiura got the statue and wanted to return, they could not lift the state and not move it.
When the villgers from Nagao tried to lift it, it was light and they took it back home, placed it in 大日堂 the Dainich Hall and venerated it as their protector deity.
................................................................................. Hiroshima 広島県
廿日市市 Hatsukaichi city 宮島町 Miyajima town
. sweets for an abandoned baby .
................................................................................. Iwate 岩手県
奥州市 Oshu city 江刺南町 Esashiku Minami town
. Ennin - Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 / 慈覺大師 (794 – 864) .
In the Ninja village of Oshu there lived タカソトハノタケトシ Taka no Toha no Taketoshi.
He brought his son to 光明寺 Komyo-Ji to study and soon the son became a skilled teacher.
Later the son moved on to 比叡山 Hieizan.
The High Priest from Hieizan had a dream telling him a special person would come from the East, so he welcomed the son.
The son became known as 慈覚大師 Jigaku Daishi, said to be an incarnation of 観音菩薩 Kannon Bosatsu.
. Hieizan 比叡山 Mount Hiei .
................................................................................. Kanagawa 神奈川県
鎌倉市 Kamakura city
. wagen Jizoo 和顔地蔵 Wagen Smiling Jizo at Komyo-Ji .
................................................................................. Miyagi 宮城県
Miyagi 仙台市 Sendai city 青葉区 Aoba ward
Kashima no Kaname 鹿島の要 Stone to suppress an earthquake.
Between the hill of the temple 北山光明寺 Kitayama Komyo-Ji and the temple 堤町日浄寺 Tsutsumimachi Nichijo-Ji there are seven boulders.
In olden times seven boulders came flying here from 常陸の鹿島 the Kashima Shrine in Hitachi.
The area is now called Kashimagazaki 鹿島ヶ崎 .
Earthquake Legends
................................................................................. Nara 奈良県
宇陀郡 Uda district 大宇陀町 Ouda town
. neko 猫 / ねこ と伝説 Legends about cats, Katzen .
At 光明寺 the temple Komyo-Ji around 1682, at the burial of a farmer's wife there was a thunderstorm.
The priest 憲海上人 Saint Kenkai placed a kesa 袈裟 priest surplice around the coffin and threw a statue of Amida Nyorai toward the West.
The weather cleared very soon and the old cat of the temple died.
The statue of Amida had hit the eye of the cat.
Since then they never keep cats at this temple.
................................................................................. Shiga 滋賀県
守山市 Moriyama city 勝部町 Katsube town
. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake legends .
> On the border of 栗本郡 Kurimoto district and 野洲郡 Yasu district there was a large river.
At 三上山 Mount Mikamiyama it divided into two. The 南川 river Minamigawa became quite a deep river pool at 土山 Tsuchiyama.
In this river pool there lived daija 大蛇 a huge serpent, which caused a lot of problems for the local farmers.
During the time of the Emperor 嵯峨天皇 Saga Tenno there was a strong earthquake. When they asked a diviner about the reason, they learned it was the huge serpent which wanted to kill the Emperor.
The Emperor ordered the villagers to kill the serpent. Many hundred came and drove the serpent away.
This event gave reason for some local area names. To memorate it, the tempel 大光明寺 Komyo-Ji was built.
................................................................................. Shizuoka 静岡県
浜松市 Hamamatsu city 天竜区 Otaki ward
A stone with the imprints of a woman who had given birth is kept near the mountain ridge connecting 光明寺 the temple Komyo-Ji and 浅間山 Mount Asamasan.
................................................................................. Tokushima 徳島県
那賀郡 Naka district
. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake legends .
In the compound of 光明寺 the temple Komyo-Ji at the lakeside of 福村 Fukumura village there lived a huge serpent under the huge matsu 松 pine tree.
Every day there were beautiful colors on the water, reflecting on the pine tree.
- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
. - Join Fudo Myo-O on facebook - Fudō Myō-ō .
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims .
- - #komyoji #fudokomyoji #nishirokugo -
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