
kuyoo Kuyo memorial service

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .
. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

kuyoo 供養 Kuyo, memorial service

kuyoozuka 供養塚 memorial mound
not only for humans but for other living beings

memorial mound for fish, by the sea, erected by the local fishermen to appease the souls.
. kuyoo 供養 Kuyo Memorial Service .
- Introduction -


. Ako Roshi Memorial tower 赤穂浪士 供養塔 .

. Fukan 贈大教普寛霊尊供養塔 priest Fukan Kuyo tower .

. goma kuyoo 護摩供養 fire memorial service - Fudo Myo-O. *

. inu no kuyoo ike 犬の供養池 Kuyo pond for dogs .

. juzu kuyoo 珠数供養 Kuyo for a rosary .

. Nijuugo Bosatsu nerikuyoo 二十五菩薩練供養 25 Bosatsu ritual parade .
at temple 誕生寺 Tanjo-Ji, Okayama, for 法然上人 Saint Honen Shonin

. rokubu kuyoo too 六十六部供養塔 Kuyo-To, memorial tower for Rokubo pilgrims .


udon kuyoo うどん供養 memorial service for Udon noodles

source : NHK 2012
at the Rinzai Zen temple 相国寺 Shokoku-Ji in Kyoto

Usually the priests are not allowed to make any sound while eating.
But twice a month they get a food offering of Udon and are allowed to slurp the noodles. They also have to eat all the Udon they got.

The Folk Art of Japanese Country Cooking: A Traditional Diet for Today's World
By Gaku Homma
"The ceremony is called "udon kuyo", but what we got was somen."
The priests call somen "Udon".
... It was great fun to make loud slurping noises while enjoying the noodles.
- Read more at google books -

. 讃岐うどん Sanuki udon noodles - Kagawa .


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

. hari kuyoo 針供養 memorial service for used needles .
kigo for Winter or Spring

. ningyoo kuyoo 人形供養 memorial ceremony for used dolls .
kigo for Autumn

. toowan kuyoo 唐椀供養 memorial service for Chinese bowls .
kigo for early Spring
at the temple Manmanji 万満寺, Matsudo town, Chiba


uni kuyoo 雲丹供養 Kuyo for sea urchins

うに供養祭 at 赤間神宮 Shrine Akama Jingu, Shimonseki
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

miko hitotsu zutsu uni umi ni uni kuyoo

one by one
the Shrine maidens carry them down to the sea -
memorial service for sea urchins

上甲明石 Joko Akashi

. miko 巫女 shrine maiden, female shrine attendant .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Gifu 岐阜県 
岐阜市 Gifu city


................................................................................. Hiroshima 広島県 
廿日市市 宮島町

. juugo dooji 十五童子 15 temple acolytes .


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
36 to collect


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #kuyoo #kuyo #memorialservice #thanksgiving -

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