. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .
Koorinboo 高林坊 Korin-Bo, Korinbo
護法天狗高林坊 Goho Tengu Korin-Bo, protector of the law
identical with 狩場明神 Kariba Myojin of Mount Koyasan
He is one of the
. 四十八天狗 48 Tengu of Japan .
He is the local protector deity (jinushigami) and Tengu leader from 高野山 Mount Koyasan.
. Koya San in Wakayama 高野山 和歌山県 .
and its founder 空海 弘法大師 Kukai Kobo Daishi
- Introduction -
Kobo Daishi met the deity 狩場明神 Kariba Myojin in 815.
. Niu Myoojin 丹生明神 Niu Myojin .
A female mountain deity that resides in Mt. Koya 高野山.
Nui Myoujin's son (or emanation) Kariba Myojin 狩場明神 (also known as 高野明神 Koya Myojin) appeared as a hunter who led Kukai to the site.
. jinushigami 地主神 "deity of the land" .

- reference source : toki.moo.jp/gaten 419 -
Apart from Korin-Bo there lived many other Tengu on the mountain and in the valleys to protect them, but Korin-Bo was their leader.
One of them was Myoo-on boo 妙音坊 Myoon-Bo, Myoonbo.
The legend of the Tengu from 高野山弁天岳 Mount Bentendake (984 m)

- reference source : toki.moo.jp/gaten 281 -
Benzaiten is venerated at the shrine 弁財天社 on this mountain.
Myoon-Bo Tengu lived on a large cedar tree in the compound and protected the shrine.
. Benten, Benzaiten 弁天 弁財天 .
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. 四十八天狗 - 48 famous Tengu of Japan .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
- #korinbo #korinbotengu #koyasantengu -
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