. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .
Zegaiboo, Zegai-bô 是害坊 Zegai-Bo, Zegaibo Tengu
Zenkaiboo 善界坊 Zenkaibo, Zenkai-Bo
Around 966, came all the way from China to challenge the power of the Tengu of Japan.
First he went to 愛宕山 Atagoyama to see Nichiraboo 日羅坊 Nichira-Bo, Nichirabo (Taroboo 太郎坊 Taro-Bo).
Nichira-Bo told him this would not work, so Zengai-Bo went further to Mount Hieizan (Hiei-zan). There lived
比叡山 法性坊 - Hosei-Bo and others.
They were much more powerful then Zegai-Bo, and he was beaten very strongly by a young novice. He even burned his wings. He was hurt badly but the kind Tengu eventually tried to heal him in a hot bath in Kamogawa 加茂川に湯屋.
When he was better, they even organized a large good-bye party for him.
Then he returned to China.
(As told in the Konjaku Monogatari legends.)
. Hieizan 比叡山 and its Tengu .
Zegaiboo-emaki Zegai-bô emaki 是害坊絵巻 Zegaibo Emaki scroll
"The Story of the Mountain Goblin Zegaibo" - 'The Tale of Zegaibo'

- Look at the 12 scrolls here:
- source : New York Public Library -
Zenkaiboo 善界坊絵巻 Zenkaibo Emaki
This image shows a Japanese Tengu, bringing a large radish (daikon 大根) for the fare-well party of Zenkai-Bo.

source : kuusan26bu/39210836
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Frühe bildliche tengu-Darstellungen (etwa die des diabolischen Zegai-bō, s.u.) zeigen jedenfalls einen Krähen-tengu. Erst später setzte sich die Auffassung durch, dass nur die minderen tengu vogelgestaltig seien. Gleichzeitig sollen alle tengu aus Eiern schlüpfen.

Zegaibō, ein chinesischer Krähen-tengu in Mönchsgewand
(Zegai-Bo, a chinese craw tengu in a monk's robe)
- - - Zegaibō emaki - - -
Gefangennahme und Züchtigung des Zegaibō, eines tengu aus China, durch Tempelknaben auf Berg Hiei.
Illustration einer mittelalterlichen Legende, die von einem chinesischen tengu erzählt, der im Jahr 966 Japan besucht, um sich hier mit den wunderkräftigsten Mönchen auf Berg Hiei zu messen. Er erleidet dabei drei mal hintereinander herbe Demütigungen.
Schließlich erbarmen sich japanische tengu ihres Kollegen, pflegen ihn gesund und schicken ihn zurück nach China.
- source : univie.ac.at/rel_jap -
Zegaibo Ekotoba 是害坊絵詞 / Zenkaibo Ekotoba
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There are two different types of scroll-painting called "Tengu Zoshi." One represents the reckless conduct of the monks in the monks in the seven great monasteries, satirizing them by an allegrory of tengu, the Japanese name for an imaginary deity of Chinese origin; this we call "Tengu Zoshi E."
The other which is known as "Zegaibo Ekotoba" or "Zenkaibo Ekotoba", depicts a humorous story about the tengu. A scroll which is now in the possession of Viscount Aoyama has hithreto been claimed as the only one to represent this kind of "Tengu Zoshi" known to us, but unfortunately, this scroll seems to be incomplete.
Mr. Shinsei Mochizuki, who has lately discovered a complete version of the "Zegaibo Ekotoba" consisting of two scrolls in the treasury of the Manjuin Monastery in Kyoto, has taken them up for the first time in the present issue of our publication.
The scroll in question are painted in color on paper and measure 24.1 cm. in height. (The complete scrolls are reproduced on P1. VIII-XI) The inscriptions written at the end of the second scroll indicate that they have been copied three times so far, first in 1308, second in 1329, and third year of Bunwa (1354).
Contrary to the scroll in the possession of Viscount Aoyama which is painted timidly in the orthodox way, the present pictures are more or less free from orthodox formalities and painted in an easy manner. They show an unique force of expression which is far beyond the manneristic painting of the Tosa school of those days.
- source : tobunken.go.jp/~bijutsu

是害房と日羅房 Zegai-Bo and Nichira-Bo
. . . CLICK here for Photos of the scroll !
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Battling Tengu, Battling Conceit:
Visualizing Abstraction in the Tale of the Handcart Priest
By Kimbrough, R. Keller
The sixteenth- or early seventeenth-century Tale of the Handcart Priest tells of an eccentric Zen practitioner's encounter with the legendary Tarobo, a tengu of Mt. Atago who is attracted to the priest because of the priest's excessive pride. This article provides a close reading of The Tale of the Handcart Priest in its historical and literary context, drawing upon such related works as the noh plays Kuruma-zo and Zegai, the otogizoshi Matsuhime monogatari and Itozakura no monogatari, and the puppet play Shuten Doji wakazakari. I discuss the significance of tengu, carts, and handcart priests in Japanese textual and pictorial sources from the twelfth through eighteenth centuries, as well as the possibilities for psychological realism in the larger world of medieval Japanese fiction. Taking a psychoanalytic interpretive approach, I argue that in Kuruma-zo soshi and other medieval and Edo-period literary sources, characters' struggles with tengu can often be read allegorically as externalized depictions of those characters' internal struggles with their own "demons" of conceit.
- source : questia.com/library -
- reference : handcart priest -
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. 四十八天狗 - 48 famous Tengu of Japan .
. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .
. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .
- #zegaibo #chinesetengu #Zenkaibo -
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