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Kawami Yakushiji 川見薬師寺 (せんみやくしじ)
Senmi Yakushi-Ji - Kawami Yakushi-Ji
Toyota, Aichi Prefecture / 愛知県豊田市川見町堂ノ洞225
- quote -
Yakushiji Temple in Kawami-cho, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture,
is a temple of the Koyasan school of the Shingon sect. Its mountain name is Rurikozan. It is popularly called “Kawami no Yakushi-san 川見の薬師さん.”

The main gate stands at the top of the long and steep stone steps. Several halls including Kannon-do Hall in front and the main hall are located in a spacious precinct. The sculptures of dragon placed beneath the eaves of the main hall are famous as the most wonderful dragon sculptures in Japan.
The statue of Yakushi Nyorai was carved in the late Muromachi period (13361573) in Yosegi-zukuri (assembled wood) technique. Together with the two stone lanterns in the precinct, the statue was designated as a cultural property of the village.
In spring, the temple is covered with over 1,000 cherry blossoms. Snowstorm of pale pink petals is breathtaking.
- source : nippon-kichi.jp
The Cherry Blossom Park nearby 川見四季桜公園
四季桜の里 小原(Obara)川見薬師寺

- Homepage of the temple
- source : www.kankou-obara.toyota

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Dragon carvings 本堂には上り龍

- source and more autumn photos : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/futti10

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