Nissekiji Ooiwasan 大岩山日石寺 Oiwasan, Nisseki-Ji
20 - 日石寺 富山県中新川郡上市町大岩163 - Toyama, Kamiichi town
also called
Kongoo Fueji 金剛不壊寺 Kongo Fu-E-Ji
北陸三十六不動尊霊場 Hokuriku
. 36 Fudo Temples in Hokuriku .
Ishikawa, Toyama, Fukui
This is the headquarter temple of the Shingon Misshu (Mitsu-shu) 真言密宗の総本山 Shingon Misshu Esoteric Sect in the Hokuriku region.
The Shingon sect (Shingon Shu 真言宗) has itself many sub-groups.
Here is a Japanese list of them:
- source : www.kotobuki-p.co.jp
- quote
The temple ... is said to have been founded in the year 725 by the Buddhist saint Gyoki. Here you can see the figure of Fudo Myo-O, God of Fire, carved in the great wall of Oiwa. It has been designated a National Cultural Property.

You can experience the takigyo that hit you at Six waterfalls which is famous for cold ascetic practices.
- source : monogatari.hokuriku-imageup.org
A mountain temple with six large waterfalls.

If you stand under the waterfall in the middle of winter, the six senses are purified (rokkon shojo, rokkon shoojoo) .


source : facebok
- quote
The temple Oiwasan Nissekiji was built in 725 during the Nara Period. ... The route is wheel chair accessible.

The image of guardian deity Fudō-myōō (Acala) is carved into the mountain and is now surrounded by the temple building.
- source : www.adventurejapan.jp

source : ameblo.jp/toyamajin

amulets, one is for eye disease - お不動様は眼病を治してくれる
. me 眼 / 目 - Amulets for Eye Disease .

- source and photos : michikusa tetyou.blog74.fc2.com
O-mamori amulet in form of a hyotan gourd ひょうたん形のお守り
If you look into the small opening, you see the image of Fudo Myo-O .

- Homepage of the temple - 真言密宗大本山 大岩山日石寺
source : ooiwasan.com/home.html
- - - Yearly Festivals and Rituals
正月護摩祈禱 Ritual Fire and Purification Rituals in January
January 1月 1日 - 5日---初詣り
January 1月20日---寒修行日(大寒の入り)
Feburary 2月 3日---節分会 当年厄年の方(数え年)(男)25歳・42歳 (女)19歳・33歳
March 3月21日---春分の日(彼岸)
August 8月14日 / 15日・16日---お盆供養
August 8月16日-施餓鬼会
August 8月27日---不動明王大祭 大般若経転読会 Great Fudo Ritual
September 9月23日---秋分の日(彼岸)
November 11月23日---勤労感謝の日
- source : ooiwasan.com/event
. 行基菩薩 Gyoki Bosatsu .
(668-749 AD) Gyōki
. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - INTRODUCTION .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .
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