chuudoo 中道 Chudo, the Middle Way

The nine Amida statues at temple Joruji-Ji, Nara teach us 浄瑠璃時
that we do not have to go to extremes in our daily life, but can stay in the middle and take things as they come, one at a time, slowly.
. kuhonbutsu 九品仏 the Nine Buddhas .
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The Central Path, Middle Way or Middle Path
(Pali: majjhimā paṭipadā; Sanskrit: madhyamā-pratipad; Umaylam;Chinese: 中道 zhōngdào; Japanese: 中道 chūdō; Vietnamese: Trung đạo; Thai language:มัชฌิมา mátchímaa) is the term that Siddhartha Gautama used to describe the character of the path he discovered that leads to liberation.
In Mahayana Buddhism, the Middle Way refers to the insight into emptiness that transcends opposite statements about existence.
- source : wikipedia
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Yakushi Rurikō, Yakushi Ruriko 薬師瑠璃光 resides in the Ruriko paradise in the East.
. Yakushi Nyorai, the Buddha of Medicine 薬師如来 .
Temple Jooruriji 浄瑠璃時 Joruri-Ji
小田原山 浄瑠璃寺
source : www.y-morimoto.com/hananotera
The pagoda with the image of Yakushi in in the East of the compound.
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Jōruri-ji (浄瑠璃寺)
is a temple of the school of Pure Land Buddhism with an historic Japanese garden located in Kizugawa, Kyoto Prefecture, in Japan. It is one of the only remaining examples of a Paradise garden of the early Heian Period.

The three-storied pagoda, the main hall (hondō), the group of nine sitting Amida Nyorai statues and the group of Four Heavenly Kings are designated as National Treasures.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Visiting the temple, the first stop is at the pagoda with Yakushi, to pray for help in this world.
Next stop is the main hall with Amida, to pray for help in the next world.

On the way to the temple is a carved stone image of Fudo Myo-O to make just one wish that will be granted . . .
ichigan Fudoo Myoo-Oo 一願不動明王 Ichigan Fudo
It is about 1.2 meters high.
On the way to the far mountain temple (Oku no In) is another stone statue of Fudo Myo-O
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The Middle Way: Paul O. Williams’ Essays on Haiku
The Japanese haiku master Bashō once said that
“The secret of poetry lies in treading the middle path between the reality and vacuity of the world.”
For decades now, Paul O. Williams has been gently pointing out a middle path for those in the haiku community who have an ear to listen. He always weighs in with a combination of reasoned thoughtfulness and humor to point out the absurdities of extremes. His essays on haiku contain an irresistible blend of deep insight and plain common sense.
The essays here were selected from a larger group of articles with an eye to furnishing the reader with the full range of Paul’s contribution to haiku thought while attempting to reduce the repetition unavoidable in pieces written over a long period of time and for a variety of purposes. Paul originally published these essays between 1975 and the present. We have tried to select what is quintessentially Paul O. Williams, presenting his insights into current problems of American haiku.
- source : www.graceguts.com
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .
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