Kanshinji 観心寺 Kanshin-Ji
大阪府河内長野市寺元475 - Osaka / 檜尾山観心寺

金堂 Kondo - Golden Hall
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This Shingon temple, originally founded by a disciple of Kūkai, is located deep in the mountains outside Osaka. It’s superlative carved hidden buddha of Kannon in the ‘style of royal ease’ is opened to the public once a year, on the 17th of April, and closed the next day.
The story of the rape of this image related in HIDDEN BUDDHAS is true.
- source : hiddenbuddhas.com
Dedicated to . Kusunoki Masashige 楠木正成 .
This temple belongs to some pilgrimages in the Kansai region
神仏霊場大阪十五番 shinbutsu reijo Osaka
- - - - - shinbutsu reijo junpai no michi 神仏霊場巡拝の道. pilgrimage routes of Buddhist and Shinto holy places .
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The main hall of Kanshinji Temple
During the Nara period (646-794 A.D.) sorcerer and ascetic En no Ozunu 役小角 founded this temple, and in the year 827 a disciple of Kobo Daishi (one of the priests who popularized Buddhism in Japan), Jitsu-e 実恵, constructed the temple buildings. His grave is also in the temple compound.
This temple was a place of study for the young Kusunoki Masashige, and is known to have been strongly linked to the southern court of the imperial house. It is also famous for its spring plums and cherry blossoms, the rich reds and browns of the autumn leaves, and its spectacular winter snowscape.

Inside the spacious precinct of the temple, the overall structure and design is traditional Japanese style, but a closer inspection reveals many details and elements taken from Zen Buddhism, which illustrates the spirit of compromise and syncretism of the era. The main hall has been designated as a national treasure, and in addition there are many other important cultural properties, including unfinished pagodas built by the Kusunoki family.
- source : www.city.kawachinagano.lg.jp

hoshizuka 星塚 "star mound"

There are seven of them in the layout of the Big Dipper in the temple precincts.
This is the only layout of hoshizuka in Japan.

Hokuto Nyoirin Kannon 北斗如意輪観音 Nyoirin Kannon of the Big Dipper
When Kobo Daishi 弘法大師空海 prayed to the Big Dipper for support, the idea of the Nyoirin Kannon was born.
The layout of the temple also reflects the structure of the big dipper constellation.
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hokuto no shio 北斗の塩 "salt of the big dipper"
Each pack of salt has been consecrated by the priest. It can be eaten, offered to the deities on the house alter, used to purify the earth or home or just kept as a personal amulet.
- Homepage of the temple
- source : www.kanshinji.com

Hokushin Bosatsu 北辰菩薩
Myooken Bosatsu 妙見菩薩 Myoken Bosatsu
Originally a deification of the Polestar (hokushin 北辰)
. Hokuto shichisei 北斗七星 the Big Dipper, the Plough - Amulets .
- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -
yokagura no hatetaru hokuto shichisei yo
way above
the night Kagura dance
the Big Dipper !
Tr. Gabi Greve
Kobayashi Takako 小林貴子
. WKD : yokagura 夜神楽 (よかぐら) Kagura dance at night .
kigo for mid-winter
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .
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