Welcome to Gokuraku 極楽 the Buddhist Paradise !
I will try and introduce information about the life of Shakyamuni Buddha
and a glossary of terms, many of them are kigo for Japanese haiku.
Paradise, Heaven 極楽 gokuraku and Hell 地獄 jigoku
ano yo あの世 the other world
haraiso はらいそ paradise (paraiso)
higan 彼岸 the other shore
joodo 浄土 Jodo Paradise of Amida
ka no yo かの世 the other world
. meido 冥土 冥途 the other world / yomi 黄泉 "the yellow springs" .
paradaisu パラダイス paradise, Paradies
raise 来世 afterlife, the world to come
rakuen 楽園 paradise, earthly paradise
shigo no sekai 死後の世界 the world after death
takai 他界 to die, to pass into the other world
tengoku 天国 heaven
tenjoo 天上 Tenjo, "up there", heaven
. toogen 桃源 Shangri-La シャングリラ, Arcadia, Eden - Toogenkyoo 桃源郷 fairyland, .
桃源郷 lit. Peach Blossom Valley
. raigoo, raigō 来迎 Raigo, the soul on the way to paradise .
"Decent of Amida Buddha", "Amida Coming over the Mountain"
- raigoozuu 来迎図 Raigozu, illustrations of the way to paradise
. Tokoyo no Kuni 常世国, 常世の国 The Eternal Land (of Shintoism) .
yomi 黄泉 the yellow springs, die Gelben Quellen
yuutopia ユートピア Utopia
And in the limbo toward the other world here are a lot of vengeful spirits, monsters and goblins.
. jigoku 地獄 Buddhist hell - Introduction .
naraku ならく / 奈落 hell, hades
. Pilgrimages in Japan - Introduction .
. - - - Glossary of Terms - - - . - not yet in the ABC index.
. Introducing Buddha Statues .
. Introducing Buddhist Temples 寺 .
. Famous Buddhist Priests - ABC-List .
Gabi Greve
GokuRakuAn 極楽庵, Japan
. Gokuraku Joodoo 極楽浄土 Gokuraku Jodo, Paradise in the West of Amida Nyorai .

- - - - - ABC - Table of Contents - - - - -
- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -
- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -
- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -
- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -
- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XXX - / - YYY - / - ZZZ -
. Reference, LINKS - General Information .
. Join the Jizo Bosatsu Gallery - Facebook .

. Join the Kannon Bosatsu Gallery on facebook .
. Join the Onipedia Demons on facebook .
under construction - please come back!
- #gokuraku #jigoku #heavenandhell #priest -
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