


- SSS -

. Saga Nenbutsu 嵯峨念仏 Nembutsu ceremony in Saga .
- - - - - and a prayer kyogen performances

. Saigoku 33 Kannon Pilgrimage 西国三十三観音霊場 .

. sainen 西念, sainenboo 西念坊 normal village priest .
Literally someone who constantly thinks (nen) about the Buddhist paradise in the West (sai).
saihoo nenbutsu 西方念仏 .

. Sai no Kawara 賽の河原 limbo for children .

. saisenbako 賽銭箱 box for donations in front of a temple or shrine .

sandoku 三毒 "three poisons" of the mind and heart

. sange 散華 "scattering blossoms" amulets .

. sanjuuroku dooji 三十六童子 Sanjuroku Doji
36 attendants of Fudo Myo-O .

. Sanjūsangen-dō 三十三間堂 Sanjusangendo Hall - Kyoto .
- and one in Edo, Fukagawa 深川三十三間堂

. sanmitsu 三密 "three secrets" .
of Shingon Buddhism

. Sanzu no Kawa 三途の川 River Sanzu, the river on the way to hell .
River of Three Roads, River of Three Crossing
- - - - at this river, the old hag is waiting:
. Sanzu no Baba 三途の婆, Datsueba 奪衣婆 or 脱衣婆 the Old Hag of Hell .
- - - - - Shoozuka no Baba しょうずかの婆 Shozuka no Baba

. Seckel, Prof. Dr. Dietrich Seckel - Heidelberg .

. Segaki 施餓鬼 Offering food and drink to the hungry ghosts .
..... segaki e 施餓鬼会(せがきえ)Segaki ceremony
Segaki dera 施餓鬼寺(せがきでら)temple with a Segaki ceremony
..... gaki meshi 餓鬼飯 rice offerings for the hungry ghosts
Segakidana 施餓鬼棚(せがきだな)shelf for Segaki offerings
..... Segaki dan 施餓鬼檀(せがきだん)
..... Segakibata 施餓鬼幡(せがきばた)flag for Segaki
..... segakibune 施餓鬼舟(せがきぶね)Segaki boat
kawa segaki 川施餓鬼(かわせがき)Segaki ceremony near a river
umi segaki 海施餓鬼(うみでがき)Segaki ceremony near the seaside

. Sekizan Zen-In 赤山禅院 Temple . - Kyoto

. sekkyooshi 説経師 Buddhist preachers, Buddhist storytellers .

. Senbei, Gokuraku Senbei 極楽せんべい Sembei rice crackers "tasty as paradise" .
- - - - - and - Jigoku Senbei 地獄せんべい Jigoku Rice Crackers hot "as hell"  

. 千ヶ寺参り sengaji mairi / 千ヶ寺詣 sengaji mode -
pilgrimage to 1000 temples of the Nichiren sect .

. sennin 仙人と伝説 Legends about Immortals .

. senshin 洗心 cleansing the heart / mind .

. shaba 娑婆世界 / しゃば / シャバ this world of Samsara .

. Shaka Nehanzoo 釈迦涅槃像 Shakyamuni lying down to die . Temple 穴太寺 Anao-Ji, Kyoto

. Shaka Nyorai 釈迦如来 Shakyamuni Gautama Buddha .

. Shaka zanzon 釈迦三尊 The Shaka Triad .

. Shakuzooin 釈蔵院 Shakuzo-In .

. shanguri ra シャングリラ Shangri-La .

. shari 舎利 mynah, a bird that talks like men .
- - - - - kyuukanchoo 九官鳥 mynah bird of paradise

. shi, shinu 死ぬ death legends .

. shiawase kozoo しあわせ小僧 a Kozo temple boy to bring happiness .

. shijukunichi, shijūkunichi 四十九日 day 49 after death .

. Shikoku Henro Temple List . 四国遍路 .

. shinigami 死神 God of Death "Grim Reaper" .

. Shinkoo oo 秦広王 Shinko-O King of Hell .

. Shintoo 神道 Shinto Shrines - Introduction .
- - - - - . Shinto Deities 神道の神様 .

. Shokoo oo 初江王 Shoko-O King of Hell .

Shoofukuji 勝福寺 Shofuku-Ji- Hyogo, Kobe. Settsu Henro 87

. shoogongu  荘厳具 ritual decorations .

. Shoojuji 正寿寺 Shoju-Ji, Ichihara .

. Shōmen Kongō, Shoomen 青面金剛 Shomen Kongo .

. shuradoo 修羅道(しゅらどう) The World of Asuras, Demigods, Titans, Fighting Demons .

. sooe, soo-e 僧依 / hoo-e 法依 robes of a priest .
jikitotsu 直綴 / kesa 袈裟 / kirihakama 切り袴 / 切袴

. soohei, sōhei 僧兵 Sohei, monk-warrior, monk-soldier .

. Sōka Gakkai 創価学会 Soka Gakkai .
..... and Shinanomachi 信濃町 Shinano district in Tokyo

. Sootei oo 宋帝王 Sotei-O King of Hell .

. sotoba 卒塔婆 と伝説 Legends about grave markers .

. Sugoroku, Jodo Sugoroku 浄土双六 Sugoroku about the Buddhist Paradise .

Sutra, Sutras, Buddhist scriptures (kyoo, o-kyoo お経)
Hanya Shingyo 般若心経 Heart Sutra and more

. Sutra of the Dragon King - Dragon King Mantra .




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