
Sennyuji Kyoto

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

Sennyuji, Mitera 御寺 泉涌寺 Mitera Sennyu-Ji, Kyoto

Mitera 御寺 The Honorable Temple (of the Imperial Family)

京都府京都市 東山区泉涌寺山内町27 / 27 Sennyuji Yamanouchi-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto

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Temple for the imperial family
Sennyu-ji Temple is the headquarters of the Sennyu-ji School of the Shingon sect of Buddhism standing at the foot of Mount Tsukiwa 月輪御陵拝所 .
Since this temple is the home to successive imperial members’ graves, it is also respectfully called Mitera. According to temple history, the important Buddhist priest, Kukai opened a temple at this location in the early 9th century and named it Horin-ji. Later in 1218, when another Buddhist priest called 月輪大師俊仍 Gachirin Shunjo constructed new temple buildings, water sprang up from the ground so the name of the temple was changed to Sennyu-ji Temple, or temple where water springs.
Sennyu Mizuyakata 泉涌水屋形 The Water Well House
This water still continues to provide pure water to this day.

The large temple precinct consists of Dai-mon 大門 main gate, Butsu-den Hall 仏殿, Shari-den Hall 舎利殿  and Reimei-den Hall 霊明殿 where successive imperial members’ spirit tablets are placed.
Many other buildings are accommodated in the large temple property. Each sub-temple has a different deity and characteristics, so visiting them one by one is also very interesting.
Being apart from the central city area, this temple emanates serenity and seasonal beauty no matter which season you visit.
- source : eng.trip.kyoto.jp/spot -

Gozasho 御座所 The Place where the Emperor rests
usually shown with a traditional elevated seat on tatami mats
(but when the Emperor visits, it is replaced by a tabel and chairs for the Imperial family).
And its adjacent beautiful park 御座所庭園 
This park is especially beautiful with the red autumn leaves.

CLICK for more colorful autumn photos !


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Sennyu-ji temple in Kyoto
Located on the slopes of Higashiyama, Kyoto’s eastern mountains, Sennyu-ji temple might be a little bit hard to reach as it is off the main tourist tracks. Despite its lack of accessibility, it is a must see among Kyoto’s Buddhist temples. Surrounded by a dense forest, it is a secret well preserved, even from many locals, a haven of peace which contains more than twenty-five imperial mausoleums.

A simple but massive wooden gate west of the temple marks the frontier between the secular and the sacred world as your journey begins here with a short but steep climb. Turn right at the intersection and follow the main road to reach the temple's main gate (daimon).

Sennyu Mizuyakata 泉涌水屋形 The Water Well House

Sennyu-ji, or the "temple of the gushing water", is said to have been founded during the 13th century by the illustrious monk Junjo. Sponsored by feudal lords and aristocratic families, he was allowed to build the first pavilions of what would become a flourishing Buddhist school during the next centuries. Burnt down almost entirely during the 15th century, most of the buildings were rebuilt in the mid-seventeenth century and still stand today.

Start by heading left to reach a small pavilion, the yokihi kannon-do. You can admire a very rare statue of Kannon, the Buddhist goddess of compassion, brought back from China in 1255. It is said to have been carved to reflect the beauty of the legendary Chinese Empress Yang Guifei. Until 1955, this treasure used to be kept hidden and shown to the public only once every hundred years!

Turn left as you exit and follow the path down to reach the main hall (honden) and, behind it, the hall of Buddha’s relics (shariden). Both are heavily influenced by Chinese architecture. Feel free to enter the first one as it contains several treasures, including a rare set of gold-layered Buddha statues. The shariden, where a tooth taken from the historical Buddha’s relics is said to be enshrined, is unfortunately closed to the public except on special occasions. You can still enjoy its splendid curved tile roof, covered with a silvery sheen on rainy days.

Before entering the last pavilion of the temple compound, you should make your way to the right, behind the hall of relics. A narrow approach along the forest will lead you to an imperial mausoleum, one of a kind in Japan. Since 1242, fourteen Emperors and several other members of the Imperial Family have chosen to be buried here. Far from the city lights and bustle, this is probably when you will realise that you have not heard a sound for the last hour.

Visit the gozasho, used as a resting place by the Imperial Family since the 19th century, photographs, personal artifacts, pieces of art and folding screens are on display here. From mid-November to early December, the blaze of maple trees will paint the charming inner garden with vivid colours. Enjoy this moment of tranquility while sitting on the wooden balcony.

Often called Mitera, or The August Temple, due to its connections with the Imperial Family, Sennyu-ji is a witness to the passing of time like no other place in Kyoto. The superb architecture and unique atmosphere within an ever-changing city is a delight for the senses. Whatever the season, you will hardly ever forget the journey.
- source : en.japantravel.com/kyoto - Julian Bohler -


Yookihi Kannon, Yōkihi Kannon 楊貴妃観音 Yokihi Kannon


. Yookihi 楊貴妃 Yokihi - Princess Yang Gui Fei .
a famous Chinese beauty

source : hotsuma816nifuku

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 .

. bijin 美人 beauty - beauty amulet 美守 - bijin kigan 美人祈願お守り .
- Introduction -


- Homepage of the temple

- source : www.mitera.org

The temple is part of many Kannon pilgrimages and other pilgrimages since the Edo period.

amulet to become as beautiful as Princess Yokihi


- Yearly Festivals -

1月1日~3日 修正会
1月成人の日 泉山七福神巡り(山内寺院)
1月 大般若法要
2月節分 星供法要
3月14、15、16日 涅槃会
3月21日 弘法大師正御影供法要
3月 春季彼岸会
4月1日~8日 開山忌法要
5月 大般若法要
7月14、15日 盂蘭盆法要
9月2日 静寛院宮法要 薮内献茶式
9月 大般若法要
9月 秋季彼岸会
10月7、8日 舎利会法要
11月4日 解脱会法要
12月31日 結界諷経(涅槃会、舎利会には月輪末生流献花)


. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 .
(774 - 835)


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Kanmu Tenno 桓武天皇 (737 - 806) wanted to make sure 平安京 Heiankyo (Kyoto) would stay the capital of the empire for ever. So he ordered a huge statue of a warriour in armor, holding a bow and arrow, made of about 240 cm and burried it in a mound at Higashiyama, facing West.
This is the mound above temple Sennyu-Ji, 将軍塚 Shogunzuka.
Sometimes the mound rumbled as an omen.
For example in the year 1156 at the Hogen no Ran 保元の乱 Hōgen Rebellion, in the year 1177 when Taira no Kiyomori moved to Fukuhara 福原遷都 and in the year 1493 and 1511 during the Ashikaga Shogunate.
Also in 1598 when Toyotomi Hideyoshi died.





- source : nichibun yokai database -

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The Shogunzuka Mound (将軍塚, Shōgunzuka) is located on the eastern mountains of Kyoto on the spot where Emperor Kanmu is said to have first surveyed the valley where he ultimately build the ancient capital city of Kyoto.
Keeping with this tradition, Shogunzuka is perhaps best known these days for its observation decks which offer spectacular views out over the city below. The area is part of Shorenin Temple whose main buildings stand at the base of the mountain.
- source : japan-guide.com/e -

- photo wikipedia -


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

- - #miterasennyuji #sennyuji #shogunzuka -

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