. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .
Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 the Buddha of Medicine - Bhaisajyaguru
. Yakushi Onsen 薬師温泉 Hot Springs named Yakushi
Yakushi no Yu 薬師の湯 - Yakushi Yu 薬師湯 .
. Legends about Yakushi Nyorai 薬師伝説 .
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Mountains named Yakushi
Other Place names with Yakushi
to be updated - ABC list of the prefectures
Mountains named Yakushi
Niigata 新潟県
加茂市,南蒲原郡 Minamikanbara district
Yoneyama Awagatake Awayakushi 米山,粟ケ岳,粟薬師
Once upon the time of the Gods,
the two mountains Yoneyama and Awagatake tried to find out which one could hold more water. In the end the water began to flow towart Awagatake. The female deity called Awa Yakushi took her undergarment (koshimaki腰巻) and tired to stop the flow until both mountains were about the same size.
Some say the name of the mountain is also 薬師岳 Yakushidake.
And at Yoneyama the name of the deity was 恵那薬師 Ena Yakushi, later pronounced Yone.
It is a mountain where Yakushi Nyorai lives 薬師如来の住む山.
Toyama 富山県
Yakushidake, Yakushi-Dake 薬師岳 Mount Yakushi
In the Hida Mountain Range. 2,926 meters
With the 薬師岳圏谷(カール)群 at its feet.
There are a few mountains with this same name in the prefectures, but this is the highest peak. It is a sacred mountain symbolizing the Paradise of Yakushi and at its top is a small sanctuary with a statue of Yakushi Nyorai.
There is also a small Fudo Myo-O at his side.
Upstream of the river 和田川 Wadagawa there is a small settlement called 有峰(ありみね) Arimine, said to date back to the times of the Heike 平家落人. They built a small sanctuary on top of the mountain and come here to celebrate every year on the 15th of June.
- reference about Heike 薬師 平家落人 -
Yamagata 山形県
山形県最上郡金山町大字飛森 / Tobinomori, Kaneyama, Mogami District, Yamagata
Yakushisan, Yakushi San 薬師山 Mount Yakushi, Yakushiyama
436.7 m
- Legend
The farmers of Tobinomori village have venerated Yakushi Nyorai since olden times as a deity that wards off insects that destroy the crops 虫除けの神.
When they pray at the shrine on top of the mountain and in the rock cave along the middle of the mountain, there will always be plenty of water and no harm done by insects.
Another legend says that in the rock cave there lives a Tengu 天狗 Mountain Goblin.
Once the nearby mountains quarreled about which was the highest in the area. Finally the Deities got angry about this petty quarrel and grinded off the top of Yakushisan.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
- - - - - Other Place Names with Yakushi
Ibaraki 茨城県
Yakushidai 茨城県守谷市薬師台 Yakushidai, Moriya, Ibaraki
Ibaraki ? Ishioka 石岡
Yakushi Kodoo 薬師古道 Yakushi Kodo - Old Road of Yakushi
Shobuzawa no Yakushi 菖蒲沢薬師
菖蒲沢の薬師」は、筑波四面薬師の一つで 、その昔は大変にぎわいました。この薬師古道は、水の神様「龍神様」や「天白稲荷神社」などいろいろな地域資源が点在し、地域の歴史や里山の景観を楽しめる森林浴の道です。
- source : www.city.ishioka.lg.jp
- reference -
Monsters, legends and Yakushi 妖怪データベース
- source : nichibun yokai database
YAKUSHI NYORAI, YAKUSHI TATHĀGATA Buddha of Medicine and Healing
Yakushi literally means Medicine Teacher
Lord of the Eastern Paradise of Pure Lapis Lazuli
(Jp. = Jōruri 浄瑠璃, Skt. = Vaiduryanirbhasa).
Yakushi’s full name is Yakushi-rurikō 薬師瑠璃光,
meaning Medicine Master of Lapis Lazuli Radiance.
Commonly shown holding medicine jar in left hand.
Among the 88 temples on the well-trodden Shikoku Pilgrimage, 23 are dedicated to Yakushi, second only to the 29 sites dedicated to Kannon (Goddess of Mercy).
- source : Mark Schumacher -
. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .
. Yakushi Nyorai - 薬師如来 - Introduction .
. Yakushi Onsen 薬師温泉 Hot Springs named Yakushi .

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. Yakushi Pilgrims INFO - INTRODUCTION .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .
- #yakushinyoraiplaces #yakushiplaces #yakushimountain #yakushinoyu #yakushionsen -
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