
Gofunai temples 18 and 19

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .

Nr. 18 - Aizenin 愛染院 Aizen-In

- 獨鈷山 Dokkozan 愛染院 Aizen-In  光明寺 Komyo-Ji
新宿区若葉2-8-3 / 2 Chome-8-3 Wakaba, Shinjuku ward
Shingon Sect : 豊山派

This temple was founded around 1580 by 正済上人 Saint Masanari.
The main statue is 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai.

In 1634 it was moved from 麹町 Kojimachi to its present location. The main statue is Aizen Myo-0, but this statue is secret.


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 恩山寺 Onzan-Ji in Shikoku :
子を生めるその父母の恩山寺 訪らいがたきことはあらじな
Ko o umeru sono chichihaha no Onzanji toburaigataki koto wa arajina

- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :
This stamp is only given to holders of the Pilgrims stamp book. For other visitors there is a rubber stamp to "do it yourself".

- In the compound are the graves of
高松喜六 Takamatsu Kiroku (? - 1713)
塙保己一 Hanawa Hokiichi, Hoki-Ichi (1746 - 1821)

- Homepage of the temple
- source : tesshow.jp/shinjuku

. 母養山 Boyozan 宝樹院 Hoju-In 恩山寺 Onzan-Ji .

. Introduction of Dainichi Nyorai .



- - - - - #edohistory - - - - -

. 高松喜六 Takamatsu Kiroku (? - 1713)  .
the "founding father of Naitō-Shinjuku 内藤新宿 Naito Shinjuku".


塙保己一 Hanawa Hokiichi, Hoki-Ichi (1746 - 1821)
(23 June 1746 – 7 October 1821)

- quote -
a Japanese famous blind scholar and Buddhist monk of the Edo period.
Hokiichi became blind when he was 5 years old.
He learned history, literature, medical science and jurisprudence from several masters. One of them was Kamo no Mabuchi. Hokiichi compiled "Gunsho Ruijyu" (群書類従 Great collection of old documents).
In 1937,
Helen Keller came to Japan and visited Hokkiichi's memorial house. She expressed her impression as follows:
"When I was a child, my mother told me that Mr.Hanawa was your role model. To visit this place and touch his statue was the significant event during this trip to Japan. The worn desk and the statue facing down earned more respect of him. I believe that his name would pass down from generation to generation like a stream of water.
- source : wikipedia -

His memorial day is a kigo for Autumn.
. Hokiichi Ki 保己一忌 (ほきいちき) .

waga umare hon no kanda ya Hokiichi ki

I was born
in the book town of Kanda -
Hokiichi memorial day

池上不二子 Ikegami Fujiko (1909 - 1999)

hyakushoo no mimigakumon ya Hokiichi ki

中火臣 Naka Kashin (1912 - )


"He listened with his eyes, he read with his ears!"
マンガ 塙保己一    -目で聞き、耳で読んだ
source : onkogakkai.com/manga_hokiichi


Nr. 19 - Shoorenji 青蓮寺 Shoren-Ji

- 瑠璃光山 Rurikozan 清光院 Seiko-In 青蓮寺 Shoren-Ji
板橋区成増4-36-2 / 4 Chome-36-2 Narimasu, Itabashi ward
Shingon Sect : 智山派

This temple was founded by 円宗大和尚 High Priest Enshu.
The main statue is 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai, from the Muromachi period.
Related to the shrine 菅原神社 Sugawara Jinja.

The original temple might have been near 弁天塚 Bentenzuka and been relocated to its present place due to water damage in 1693.
It was destroyed during the Great Tokyo Earthquake and relocated to the former temple 清光院 Seiko-In.
The main hall was renovated in 1959.
In the main hall are two statues of Kobo Daishi.

The gate is famous for its cherry tree in the spring time.

This temple was the first of the 江戸四ヶ寺 "four important temples of Edo" of the sect 新義真言宗 Shingi Shingon-Shu.
The other three are
根生院 Konjo-In (Nr. 35) // 真福寺 Shinpuku-Ji (Nr. 67) // 弥勒寺 Miroku-Ji (Nr. 46)


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 立江寺 Tatsue-Ji in Shikoku :
いつかさて西のすまいのわが立江 弘誓の舟に乗りていたらむ
Itsukasate nishi no sumai no waga Tatsue kuzei no fune ni norite itaran

- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Also part of the following pilgrimages:
豊島八十八ヶ所 - Nr. 77 of the Toshima pilgrimage.
. 荒川辺八十八ヶ所 - Nr. 86 of the Arakawa Henro pilgrimage. .

- Homepage of the temple
- source : tesshow.jp/itabashi

. 橋池山 Kyochizan 摩尼院 Mani-In 立江寺 Tatsue-Ji .

. Introduction of Yakushi Nyorai .



- reference : 御府内八十八 愛染院 -
- reference : 御府内八十八 青蓮寺 -


- Koya San in Wakayama 和歌山 高野山 -

- Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) -

. Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668 - 749) Saint Gyōki .

. Shikoku Henro Temple List 四国遍路  .

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 Pilgrimage to 88 Henro Temples in Edo .
- Introduction -


. Join the Updates of Facebook ! .


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! – The Edopedia .

- - - - - @edopilgrims #edohenro #shorenji #aizenin - - - - -


Gofunai temples 16 and 17

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .

Nr. 16 - Sanpooji 三寶寺 / 三宝寺 Sanpo-Ji

- 亀頂山 Kichozan 蜜乗院 Mitsujo-In 三寶寺 Sanpo-Ji
練馬区石神井台1-15-6 / 1 Chome-15-6 Shakujiidai, Nerima ward
Shingon Sect : 智山派

This temple was founded in 1394 by 幸尊法印 priest Yukitaka. He was on a tour to promote Buddhism, when he passed near the pond 三寶池 Sanpoike, where he settled down and build his humble hut. That is the beginning of an important temple.
The main statue is 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O.
Another statue is of 紅頗梨色阿弥陀仏 Gubarijiki Amidabutsu.
Related to the shrine 愛宕社 Atago Shrine and 石神井社 Shakujii Shrine.

In 1477 the temple was relocated to ist present place by 太田道灌 Ota Dokan.
In 1591 it became a stipend of 10 石 koku and was declared a 御朱印寺 temple to distribute stamps.
(A koku of rice weighs about 150 kilograms.)
It is close to 池淵史跡公園 Ikefuchi Historical Park.

The third Shogun, 将軍家光 Tokugawa Iemitsu, often passed here during his falcon hunting and a special gate was constructed later for him to go through, 御成門 Onari-Mon , now the oldest existing building in the temple complex.


三宝寺根本大塔 - Konpon Daitō Pagoda

三宝寺鐘楼 - Bell tower with a bell inscription from 1675.


- quote -
Shakujii Park (石神井公園, Shakujii Kōen) is a public park in the Japanese town of Shakujii, in Tokyo's Nerima ward. Established in 1959, it is one of the larger parks in the metropolis, after Ueno Park.
ishigami 石神 / しゃくじ (also red shakujin or shakuji) are specially formed stones, where people felt the power of the Deity. When villagers were digging for a i 井 well long long long ago, they excarvated a sekken 石剣 stone looking like a ritual sword. They revered it as a special stone. The well they dug became a lake in due time.
The park contains within it two ponds, 石神井池 Shakujii Pond and 三宝寺池 Sanpō-Ji Pond,, several small Shintō shrines, and the remains of Shakujii castle.
The Shakujii River runs east-west a short ways south of the park. The ponds are said to have formed naturally from the gushing up of underground water from the Musashino-dai Pond a short distance away. Over the years, however, the ponds have slowly shrunk, and so, in order to preserve the park's scenery and its recreational use, manmade systems have been installed to pump water into the ponds.
The castle ruins
date from the Kamakura period (1185-1333), or earlier, and thus it is known that the site was in use, and regarded as strategically important, for many centuries. The castle was the residence of the 豊島氏 Toshima clan of samurai, who ruled over the surrounding area in the 14th-15th centuries. The clan's destruction came largely at the hands of Ōta Dōkan, who was responsible for the construction of Edo castle; many of the ruins and shrines in the area are associated with him.
- source : wikipedia -

During the Edo period, farmers living nearby used the water to grow rice, barley, big radishes and other vegetables.

Nearby is also the shrine 石神井神社 Shakujii Jinja.

- quote -
Shakujii Myōjinshi 石神井明神祠 Shakuji Myojin Shrine
The 'Goshintai' (main object of worship in a Shinto shrine) of Shakujii Shrine in Shakujii-cho, Nerima Ward
is the stone sword (石剣 / 石神 Ishikami).
It is said that when a villager was digging a well, he uncovered 霊石 a sacred stone with a shape of stone sword,
it was enshrined as Ishikami (stone deity),
thus giving the location its name ("shaku" is written using the character for "stone").
- source : Tokyo Metropolitan Museum -


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 観音寺 Kanon-Ji in Shikoku :
忘れずも導きたまえ観音寺 西方世界弥陀の浄土へ
Wasurezu mo, michibiki tama e Kanonji saihō sekai Mida no Jōdo e

- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Also part of the following pilgrimages:
. 関東三十六不動 36 Fudo Temples in Kanto . - Nr. 11
豊島八十八ヶ所 第16番 Toshima Henro Pilgrimage - Nr. 16
武蔵野三十三観音 第3番 - Musashino 33 Kannon Temples - Nr. 03

- Homepage of the temple
- source : tesshow.jp/nerima

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja – Fudo Myoo .



- - - - - #edohistory - - - - -

. Oota Dookan 太田道灌 Ota Dokan . - (1432 - 1486)
He built Edo castle in 1457.

. Tokugawa Iemitsu 徳川家光 Third Shogun . - (1604 – 1651)


紅頗梨色阿弥陀如来 Gubari Amida Nyorai in red cloth
安養院 Anyo-In Kyoto

. Amida Nyorai 阿弥陀如来 - Introduction .


Nr. 17 - Choomeiji 長命寺 Chomei-Ji

- 東高野山 Higashi Koyasan(旧谷原山)妙楽院 Myoraku-In 長命寺 Chomei-Ji
練馬区高野台3-10-3 / Takanodai, Nerima ward
Shingon Sect : 豊山派

. Choomeiji 長命寺 Chomei-Ji - Introduction .



- reference : 御府内八十八 三寶寺 -
- reference : 御府内八十八 長命寺 -


- Koya San in Wakayama 和歌山 高野山 -

- Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) -

. Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668 - 749) Saint Gyōki .

. Shikoku Henro Temple List 四国遍路  .

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 Pilgrimage to 88 Henro Temples in Edo .
- Introduction -


. Join the Updates of Facebook ! .


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! – The Edopedia .

- - - - - @edopilgrims #edohenro #sanboji #chomeiji - - - -


Gofunai temples 14 and 15

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .

Nr. 14 - Fukuzooin 福蔵院 Fukuzo-In

- 白鷺山 Shirasagizan 福蔵院 Fukuzo-In 正幡寺 Shoban-Ji
中野区白鷺1-31-5 / 1 Chome-31-5 Shirasagi, Nakano
Shingon Sect : 豊山派

This temple was founded in 1521 by priest 頼珍 Yoriyoshi.
The main statue is 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O.
The main hall had been rebuilt in 1960, the 鐘楼堂 bell tower in 1963

Related to the shrine 鷺宮八幡神社 Sagi no Miya Hachimangu. The temple name Shirasagizan (White Heron) comes from this relationship.

In the compound is a group of special statues :

福蔵院の十三仏 Jusanbutsu - the 13 Buddha statues
They protect the souls of those passed-away on the journey in the Nether World
and also babies and children as they grow up until the age of 13 (juusan).
8 of the statues were made between 1666 and 1685. The other 5 had been destroyed and are made in 1769 on behalf of 27 pious people.


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 常楽寺 Joraku-Ji in Shikoku :
常楽の岸にはいつか到らまし 弘誓の船に乗り遅れずば
Jōraku no kishi ni wa itsuka itaramashi kuzei no fune ni noriokurezuba

- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Homepage of the temple
- source : tesshow.jp/nakano

. Introduction of Yakushi Nyorai and Kannon Bosatsu .



- - - - - #edohistory - - - - -

. Juusanbutsu 十三仏 Jusanbutsu - 13 Protector Buddhas .


Nr. 15 Nanzooin 南蔵院 Nanzo-In

- 瑠璃光山 Rurikozan 南蔵院 Nanzo-In 医王寺 Io-Ji
練馬区中村1-15-1 / 1 Chome-15-1 Nakamura, Nerima ward
Shingon Sect : 豊山派

This founding of the temple is not clear. It was maybe founded by a priest named 良弁僧都 Roben around 1520,
or much earlier around 1360.
The main statues are 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai, 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O and 聖観世音 Sho-Kannon.
In the 薬師堂 Hall for Yakushi there are many ema 絵馬 votive plaques since the year 1805.
The statue of Yakushi Nyorai is secret and only shown every 33 years.
The statue of Kannon is from the Fujiwara period, with some repairs in later times.
Roben made the statue for Yakushi Nyorai. Later in a dream Yakushi Nyorai gave him the recipe for a medicine called 白龍丸 Hakuryumaru, which is a cure for many things and so he could help many people. The distribution of this medicine was stopped in 1877, with the advent of Western medicine.
The 閻魔堂 Enmado Hall of the King of Hell was built with the intention to pray for good health and has a collection of 1000 small statues of Jizo Bosatsu for this purpose.

The 鐘楼門 bell tower gate
was probably constructed in the middle Edo period. It has a bell with an inscription dating to 1715.

The 南蔵院薬師堂 Yakushi Hall and the 南蔵院閻魔堂 Enma Hall (Enma, King of Hell) have been constructed in 1753.

Related to the shrine 中村八幡神社 Nakamura Hachiman Jinja.


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 國分寺 Kokubun-Ji in Shikoku :
薄く濃くわけわけ色を染めぬれば 流転生死の秋の紅葉ば
Usuku koku wakewake iro o somenureba rutenshyōshi no aki no momiji ba

- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Homepage of the temple
- source : tesshow.jp/nerima

豊島八十八ヶ所 - Nr. 15 of the Toshima pilgrimage.

. Introduction of Yakushi Nyorai and Kannon Bosatsu .



- reference : 御府内八十八 福蔵院 -
- reference : 御府内八十八 南蔵院 -


- Koya San in Wakayama 和歌山 高野山 -

- Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) -

. Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668 - 749) Saint Gyōki .

. Shikoku Henro Temple List 四国遍路  .

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 Pilgrimage to 88 Henro Temples in Edo .
- Introduction -


. Join the Updates of Facebook ! .


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! – The Edopedia .

- - - - - @edopilgrims #edohenro #gofunai #nanzoin #fukuzoin - - - - -


Arakawa Henro Pilgrims

. Pilgrimages in Edo - Tokyo .

Arakawa 88 Henro Temples 荒川辺八十八ヶ所霊場

shugyoo daishi 修行大師 Shugyo Kobo Daishi during his ascetic training

With his left foot one step forward, since he is still on the road to enlightenment.
At temple Nr. 83.


01 根岸世尊寺(台東区根岸3-13-22)
02 根岸西蔵院(台東区根岸3-12-38)
03 龍泉龍泉寺(台東区竜泉2-17-15)
04 清川宝蔵院(台東区清川1-3-5)
05 三河島仙光院(現耳無不動三峯神社)
06 荒川観音寺(荒川区荒川4-5-1)
07 西日暮里養福寺(荒川区西日暮里3-3-8)
08 西日暮里浄光寺(荒川区西日暮里3-4-3)
09 町屋慈眼寺(荒川区町屋2-20-12)

10 東尾久阿遮院(荒川区東尾久3-6-25)
11 東尾久華蔵院(荒川区東尾久8-46-2)
12 上尾久勝願寺、現地蔵寺(荒川区西尾久3-10-6)
13 宝蔵院(荒川区西尾久3-16-19)
14 堀船延命寺(北区堀船4-10-12)
15 堀船福性寺(北区堀船3-10-16)
16 滝野川金剛寺(北区滝野川3-88-17)
17 滝野川寿徳寺(北区滝野川4-22-1)
18 豊島清光寺(北区豊島7-31-7)
19 豊島観音寺、現清光寺(北区豊島7-31-7)

20 豊島西福寺(北区豊島2-14-1)
21 小台村延命寺、現恵明寺(足立区江北2-4-3)
22 江北地福寺(足立区江北2-41-2)
23 江北恵明寺(足立区江北2-4-3)
24 沼田村能満寺、現恵明寺(足立区江北2-4-3)
25 宮城村円満寺、現恵明寺(足立区江北2-4-3)
26 小台村正覚寺、現恵明寺(足立区江北2-4-3)
27 小台村観性寺、現恵明寺(足立区江北2-4-3)
28 高野村宝性院、現吉祥院(足立区本木西町17-5)
29 扇瑞応寺(足立区扇1-5-37)

30 本木吉祥院(足立区本木西町17-5)
31 本木村円乗院、現吉祥院(足立区本木西町17-5)
32 本木光輪寺(足立区本木1-26-25)
33 本木村善覚寺、現西福寺(北区豊島2-14-1)
34 本木村宝寿院(足立区本木東町27-20)
35 興野村清光寺善応寺(足立区興野2-20-5)
36 興野村善応寺(足立区興野2-20-5)
37 西新井村観智院、現西新井大師総持寺(足立区西新井1-15-1)
38 西新井村惣浄寺、現西新井大師総持寺(足立区西新井1-15-1)
39 栗原満願寺(足立区栗原3-6-6)

40 島根来迎寺(足立区島根3-11-9)
41 関原不動尊大聖寺(足立区関原2-22-10)
42 梅田遍照院(足立区梅田5-9-3)
43 梅田明王院(足立区梅田4-15-30)
44 千住慈眼寺(足立区千住1-2-9)
45 千住不動院(足立区千住1-2-2)
46 千住金蔵寺(足立区千住2-63)
47 千住長円寺(足立区千住4-27-5)
48 千住安養院(足立区千住5-17-9)
49 梅田眞福寺(足立区梅田1-1-23)

50 綾瀬長性寺(足立区西綾瀬3-19-19)
51 綾瀬観音寺(足立区綾瀬4-9-6)
52 綾瀬薬師寺(足立区綾瀬1-14-20)
53 養福寺(足立区綾瀬2-19-13)
54 円性寺(足立区東和1-29-22)
55 宝蔵寺(足立区東和2-5-24)
56 恵明寺(葛飾区亀有3-32-25)
57 普賢寺(葛飾区東堀切3-9-3)
58 九品寺(葛飾区堀切6-22-16)
59 正王寺(葛飾区堀切5-29-14)

60 正覚寺(葛飾区小菅1-3-6)
61 理性院(足立区柳原2-5-1)
62 宝性寺(葛飾区堀切4-54-2)
63 西光院(足立区千住曙町27-1)
64 極楽寺(葛飾区堀切2-25?21)Gokuraku-Ji
65 多聞寺(墨田区墨田5-31-13)
66 正福寺(墨田区墨田2-6-20)
67 善福院(葛飾区四つ木3-4-29)
68 宝蔵寺(墨田区八広6-9-17)
69 正覚寺(墨田区八広3-5-2)

70 東向島真光寺、現蓮花寺(墨田区東向島3-23-17)
71 東向島西蔵院、現蓮花寺(墨田区東向島3-23-17)
72 蓮花寺(墨田区東向島3-23-17)
73 宝蓮寺(江東区亀戸4-35-12)
74 竜光寺(江東区亀戸3-56-14)
. 75 東覚寺 / 東覺寺 Togaku-Ji(江東区亀戸4-24-1).
76 勝智院(江東区大島5-39-30)
77 持宝院(江東区北砂4-22-6)
78 長寿寺(江東区亀戸3-10-2)
79 仙蔵寺(台東区寿2-8-15)

80 本智院(北区滝野川1-58-2)
81 大乗院(台東区元浅草4-5-16)
. 82 延命院 Enmei-In (台東区元浅草4-5-2) .
. 83 観蔵院 Kanzo-In (台東区元浅草3-18-5) .
84 地蔵院(台東区元浅草1-15-8)
85 上野町一乗院(廃寺)(旧地:下谷上野)
. 86 松葉町清光院青蓮寺 Shoren-Ji(板橋区成増4-36-2) .
87 万年町大聖院(台東区北上野1-1-5)
88 根岸千手院(台東区根岸3-12-48)


- reference source : tesshow.jp/arakawa88_index -


- Koya San in Wakayama 和歌山 高野山 -

- Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) -

. Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668 - 749) Saint Gyōki .

. Shikoku Henro Temple List 四国遍路  .

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 Pilgrimage to 88 Henro Temples in Edo .
- Introduction -


. Join the Updates of Facebook ! .


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! – The Edopedia .

- - - - - @arakawapilgrims #arakawahenro - - - - -

Gofunai temples 12 and 13

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .

Nr. 12 - Hoosenji 宝仙寺 Hosen-Ji

. 明王山 Myoozan  聖無動院 Shomudo-In 宝仙寺 Hosen-Ji .
中野区中央2-33-3 / 2 Chome-33-3 Chūō, Nakano ward
Shingon Sect : 豊山派

- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 焼山寺Shosan-Ji in Shikoku :
後の世を思えば恭敬焼山寺 死出や三途の難所ありとも
Nochi no yo o omoeba kugyoo Shoosanji shide ya sanzu no nansho ari to mo



Nr. 13 - Ryuushooin 龍生院 Ryusho-In

- 高野山 Koyasan 弘法寺 Kobo-Ji 龍生院 Ryusho-In
港区三田2-12-5 / 2 Chome-12-5 Mita, Minato ward
Shingon Sect : 真言宗

This temple was founded in 816 by 弘法大師 Kobo Daishi.
The main statue is 弘法大師 Kobo Daishi.

The temple was revitalized in 1890 by 渡邊貞浄法尼 the Honorable Nun Watanabe.
Legend knows that in the compound is an old well used for water of the first bath of the Heian-period hero,
渡邊綱 Watanabe no Tsuna,

. Watanabe no Tsuna 渡辺綱 (953 - 1025) .


- ご詠歌 - chant of the temple 大日寺 Dainichi-Ji in Shikoku :
阿波の国一の宮とはゆうだすき かけて頼めやこの世のちの世
Awa no kuni Ichinomiya to wa yuudasuki kakete tanome ya kono yo nochi no yo

. 大栗山 Ogurizan 花蔵院 Izo-In 大日寺 Dainichi-Ji .


- 朱印 - stamp of the temple :

- Homepage of the temple
- source : tesshow.jp/minato



- reference : 御府内八十八 宝仙寺 -
- reference : 御府内八十八 龍生院 -


- Koya San in Wakayama 和歌山 高野山 -

- Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) -

. Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩 (668 - 749) Saint Gyōki .

. Shikoku Henro Temple List 四国遍路  .

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 Pilgrimage to 88 Henro Temples in Edo .
- Introduction -


. Join the Updates of Facebook ! .


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! – The Edopedia .

- - - - - @edopilgrims #edohenro - - - - -


- BACKUP Edo Yanaka Temple town

. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

The original is here - April 2017

. Yanaka 谷中 Yanaka district - EDO .

Yanaka teramachi 谷中寺町 Yanaka temple town


Yanaka 谷中 Yanaka district

source : ndl.go.jp/landmarks/edo/

根岸谷中辺絵図 Negishi Yanaka Map

Yanaka (谷中) is one of the few districts in Tokyo where the shitamachi atmosphere, an old town ambience reminiscent of Tokyo from past decades, still survives. Throughout the district, there is an air of nostalgia and a rustic charm. It is within walking distance of Ueno Park, and offers a sightseeing opportunity different from the metropolitan city feel of other parts of Tokyo.
A short walk from either Nippori Station or Sendagi Subway Station will take you to Yanaka Ginza, a shopping street which best represents the shitamachi flavor of the Yanaka District. Here, there are shops selling goods and produce, ranging from groceries and necessities to clothes and toys.
Another attraction of Yanaka is the Yanaka Cemetery, where the locals lay to rest in loving memory those who have passed away. Many of the tombs are elaborately decorated and nicely landscaped. Paths are well-kept and wide, presenting a good trail for a tranquil stroll. The grave of Tokugawa Yoshinobu, the last shogun of the Edo Period, is also situated within the cemetery.
The Sakura-dori Street, which runs through the center of the cemetery, is lined by cherry trees and attracts many visitors every year during the cherry blossom season. Yanaka Cemetery used to be part of Tennoji Temple, but was separated from it during the Meiji Period. The temple has a peaceful decor and atmosphere, and a big bronze Buddha statue sits on the left of its main building.
- reference source : japan-guide.com/e -

under construction

Yanaka teramachi 谷中寺町 Yanaka temple town
There are more than 60 temples and shrines in Yanaka.

Chokyu-In 長久院

Daien-Ji 大円寺

Enmei-In 延命院

Enyu-Ji  延寿寺

Ichijo-Ji 一乗寺

Ishin-In 頤神院 

. Kannonji 観音寺 Kannon-Ji(台東区谷中5-8-28)- Gofunai 42 .

Kyoo-Ji 経王寺

Myoen-Ji 妙円寺

Renge-Ji 蓮華寺

Ryusen-Ji 竜泉寺

Suwa Jinja Shrine 諏訪神社

Tenno-Ji 天王寺

Yanaka Reien 谷中霊園 cemetery

Yofuku-Ji 養福寺

Zuirin-Ji 瑞輪寺 

- source : visiting-japan.com/en

Teramachi Art Museum
- reference source : teramachi-artmuseum.com -


stone walls in yanaka

. Temple walls .


- reference source : qppp3.exblog.jp -


. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

reimu 霊夢

tsue 杖


- reference : nichibun yokai database -


- - - To join me on facebook, click the image !


. Famous Places and Powerspots of Edo 江戸の名所 .

. Edo bakufu 江戸幕府 The Edo Government .

. Doing Business in Edo - 商売 - Introduction .

. shokunin 職人 craftsman, craftsmen, artisan, Handwerker .

. senryu, senryū 川柳 Senryu poems in Edo .

. Japanese Architecture - Interior Design - The Japanese Home .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

- - - - - #edoyanaka #yanaka #yanatateramachi #yanakatemples - - - -

- backup - Onipedia

Backup only - March 2017

The original is here
. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - Index - .



Onipedia Demons of Japan

. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters .

Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - Index -
Dämonen von Japan - 日本の鬼の研究 -鬼学入門 -
mamono 魔物 ogre

- Shrine Ho-Un no Miya 宝雲宮 Katsuyama

Oni with individual names are marked with *****.
The character 鬼 is also read as KI.

A counterpart of Oni is the AKUMA 悪魔, translated as Devil (but a bit different from the Christian image of THE Devil (Teufel) or Satan.)
evil spirit, fiend, ...

. Oni 鬼 Demon art motives - Gallery .
all kinds of dolls, kokeshi, plates . . .

. reference, books and links about ONI .


The demons have played an important role in Japanese folklore. They help to explain many natural phenomenon.
They are part of many rituals and rites.
The demons of the Buddhist hell are quite fearful.

- - - - - This is a growing list, please come back !

. akuma no Daruma 悪魔 Daruma the Demon .
* investigating the Christian concept of Devil / Satan versus the Japanese akuma

. Amanojaki, Amanojaku 天邪鬼 あまんじゃき "heavenly evil spirit " . - "heavenly evil spirit"
- - - - - . Amanojaku legends .
天探女(あまのじゃく) - Amanosagume / 天探女(あめのさぐめ)/ 天佐具売 Amenosagume
Amanojaku statue in the eaves at temple 岩船寺 Gansen-Ji, Kyoto
Amanojaku no Chikaramizu 天邪鬼の力水 Power-giving water
Kobo Daishi 弘法大師 and Amanojaku

. akaoni, aka-oni 赤鬼 red demon . *
..... Shiga
For Setsubun, there are usually two demons, Aka-Oni 赤鬼 Red Demon and Ao-Oni 青鬼 Blue/Green Demon.


- - - - - - animal names with ONI

. oni yanma 鬼やんま devil's dragonfly .
Anotogaster sieboldii


. aooni, ao-oni 青鬼 blue demon / green demon . *
..... Shiga
For Setsubun, there are usually two demons, Aka-Oni 赤鬼 Red Demon and Ao-Oni 青鬼 Blue/Green Demon.

***** . Ayo no sato no oni 阿用郷の鬼 from Izumo, Shimane .

. Bakemono, O-Bake お化け Ghosts and Demons .

beer - named oni
- Shiga

. Benevolent and helpful Oni 優しい鬼 yasashii oni .

Beppu 別府 Oni legends and articles - see Oita

. Daruma oni だるま鬼 ー reddo debiru レッドデビル red devil Daruma .

Edo 江戸 the demons of Edo
14 to explore

. ema 絵馬 votive tablets .
5 legends to explore
. ema 「鬼」の絵馬 - amulets .
..... Shiga

. Enku 円空仏 master carver and his Otsu-E Oni Statues .

. Enma Ten 閻魔天、閻魔王 Emma, the King of Hell - Yama .

female Oni demons - List *

***** . Fujiwara no Chikata no Yonki 藤原千方の四鬼 The four demons of Fujiwara Chikata .

- gargoyle - referece -

***** . Gedoomaru 外道丸 Gedomaru .
at the foot of Mount Ibukiyama 伊吹山の麓

. gaki 餓鬼 hungry demons, hungry ghosts .
..... Oita

. gyuuki, gyūki 牛鬼 "bull-demon" - Ushi-oni .

ha 鬼の歯 oni no ha, teeth of an oni
11 to explore - . see eyes, oni no me

haiku 俳句 with Oni . . . by Yosa Buson and others
. oni sudaku togakushi no fumoto soba no hana .
Buson is talking about - kijo momiji 鬼女紅葉 The Female Demon called "Momiji"

. hamaki  破魔鬼 demon mask to ward off evil .

. hone 鬼の骨 the bones of Oni demons .

. imi 忌み / 斎み imi - taboo, ritual abstinence .
imibi. kijitsu, kinichi 忌日 taboo day
忌 鬼 14 to explore (00) /// 斎 鬼 15 to explore (00)

. jaki 邪鬼 / じゃき - Jaki . - "heavenly evil spirit" *

. jigoku no oni 地獄の鬼 demons of the Buddhist hell .
. jigokue, jigoku-e 地獄絵 paintings of the Buddhist hell / 地獄草子 Jigoku Soshi - Hell Scroll
. Sanzu no Kawa 三途の川 River Sanzu, the river on the way to hell .
. Enma-O 閻魔天、閻魔王 the King of Hell, Emma .
13 to explore

. jinja - list of Shinto shrines with ONI . *


. kakure-oni 隠れ鬼 "hidden oni", kakurenbo, hide and seek .

. kami 神 Shinto deities / Japanese gods .
kami to oni 神と鬼 the Deities and Demons of Japan

. Kidoomaru, Kidōmaru 鬼童丸 Kidomaru .
..... a robber and a magician.

kijin 鬼人 "human demon" - 11 to explore
..... Shiga

Ki Jinja 鬼神社(きじんじゃ)"Demon Shrine" - see 鬼沢 Onizawa, Aomori

. Kijin Jinja 鬼鎮神社 - Saitama .
with Oni Ema
..... "Fuku wa uchi! Oni wa uchi! Akuma soto!"

***** . kijo momiji 鬼女紅葉 The Female Demon called "Momiji" .

. Kikotsuji, Kikkotsuji 鬼骨寺 Kikotsu-Ji "Temple of Oni bones" .

. kimon 鬼門 / 忌門 demon gate .
in the ushi-tora 丑寅 Northern direction

kioni, ki oni 黄鬼 yellow oni *
- 黄金四つ目の仮面 - 鬼享を鼓す - 鬼を避(ふせ)く oni o fuseku
- ekiki eki-ki 疫鬼(えきき)/ 餓鬼草紙 and more Oni lore
- reference source : blog.goo.ne.jp/katodesuryoheidesu -

kiraigoo, ki raigoo 鬼来迎 Kiraigo, welcoming the demons

. kisha 鬼射 "hitting the demon" ritual with arrow shooting .

. Kishibojin 鬼子母神 "Child eating demon mother" .
..... 訶梨帝母 Kariteimo - Kangimo 歓喜母 - Hariti - and many legends about her
..... 鬼子母神堂 Hall for Kishimojin
..... kishi megami 鬼子め神 "child eating female deity" at 身延山 Mount Minobusan

kishin, onigami 鬼神 "Oni Deity", "Demon Deity"
..... Iwate *, Shiga,
魔羅鬼神 Mara Kishin (Kijin) - a revengeful demon 霊鬼神
鬼神集落 Onigami village
(55 legends to explore)

. kishitoo 鬼舐頭 the hair falls out in a circle 円形脱毛症 .

kitsune 狐 oni and foxes ・ 鬼 狐 31 to explore
..... Shiga

koki-ita 胡鬼板(こきいた) a kind of 羽子板 hagoita

. kubihiki 鬼の首引き neck tug of war of the demons .
..... 朝比奈義秀の鬼の首引き Asahina Yoshihide

. kurooni, kuro-oni 黒鬼 black Oni, black demon . *
.... oniko tsugaru,

. Landscape and Oni Legends - shizen 自然と鬼伝説  .


ma 魔 evil, devil - akuma 悪魔 devil, Satan
- reference source : search.kotowaza-allguide.com -
54 proverbs to explore

. mame 魔滅 to wipe out demons, mame 豆 bean at Setsubun .
Kurama no oni taiji 鞍馬の鬼退治 driving out Oni at Kurama

. mayoke men 魔よけ面 Demon amulets to ward off evil . .

. me 鬼の目, 鬼の眼 / medama 鬼の目玉 - 伝説 eyes of an Oni - Legends .

. men 鬼の面 mask with an Oni .
10 legends to explore

. Momotaro 桃太郎 the Peach Boy .

monkey-demon / at Iwaido Shrine
. saruoni, saru-oni 猿鬼 Monkey-Demon .

. namahage なまはげ the Oni of Oga, Akita .
..... 出羽鶴 本格焼酎 - なまはげ Namahage Shochu Liquor

. netsuke 根付 . with Oni .

. Oita 大分県の鬼伝説 Oni Demon Legends .
..... Kijima 鬼島 Demon Island ..... kichoo 鬼鳥 "demon bird" ..... oni no ido 鬼の井戸 the Demon well ..... 鬼ケ原の幽霊 The Ghost of Onigahara
..... 鬼の石段 stone stairs made by a demon

. omamori, o-mamori お守り amulets to ward off the demons .


Oni – The classic Japanese demon. It is an ogre-like creature which often has horns.

. Oni 鬼 Demon Amulets .

. Oni 鬼 Demon art motives - Gallery .

. Onibaba 鬼婆 The demon hag of Adachigahara .
(onibaba 鬼婆々 - 52 legends to explore)
..... Oita, Shiga

. Onibabari 鬼払い driving out the demons .
oniyarai 鬼遣らい

. Onibashiri 鬼走 running demons for Setsubun .
- and Oni eshiki 鬼会式 Demon Festival

Onibi 鬼火 A demonic flame which can suck out life if they come too near.
. "devil's fire", onibi 鬼火 (おにび) .
..... kitsunebi 狐火 (きつねび) "fox fire"

- reference : Onidake 鬼岳 Volcanic Mountain (Goto islands) Nagasaki -
..... - reference: Onidake onsen 鬼岳温泉 hot spring -
21 with 鬼 岳 to explore

Onidake Inari is a famous shrine in Oeyama mountain, where the head of Shuten Doji is burried.

. onigawara 鬼瓦 demon roof tiles .

. Onigo Matsuri 鬼子祭り "Demon Boys Festival" .
..... Kokuseki-Ji Naked Man Festival 黒石裸祭 Kuroishi Festival

. onigokko, oni-gokko 鬼ごっこ game of tag / onigoto 鬼ごと .
ko o toro ko toro 子をとろ子とろ / 子を捕ろ子捕ろ "get hold of a child, get it!"

. Onihagi 鬼萩 "Demon Hagi" 萩焼 Hagi-yaki pottery .

Onihitokuchi, oni hitokuchi 鬼一口  One-eyed demons that kill and eat humans.

. Oni jinja 鬼神社 "Demon Shrine" . - Oita

. oni kenbai 鬼剣舞 "demon sword dance" Iwate .

. oniko, oni-ko 鬼子 Oni from Tsugaru, Aomori .
..... torii no oniko 鳥居の鬼コ Demons of the Toorii gates
鬼子 - also read as kishi and onigo

. Onikobe village 鬼首村 "Demon Head Village" Miyagi .
Onikoobe onsen 鬼首温泉 Onikobe Hot Spring

. onimanjuu, oni manjuu 鬼饅頭 demon's cakes .
This is a local souvenir in rememberance of the 大江山鬼伝説 Demon Legend of Oeyama Mountain

oni-musume 鬼娘 demon daughter

oni no kan 鬼の館 Oni Museum
..... 「鬼」という文字の解説 - explaining the character for ONI
. Kitakami 北上市・鬼の館 . *

. oni no kan nenbutsu 鬼の寒念仏 - 大津絵 Otsu-E pictures .
Oni no nenbutsu, nembutsu 鬼の念仏 demon praying in the cold

oni no iwaya 鬼の岩屋 - 2 legends to explore
..... Shuten Doji

. Onioi matsuri, oni-oi matsuri 鬼追い祭り .
at Kumano shrine 熊野神社, Soo town 曽於市, Miyazaki

. Onimaru 鬼丸 / 鬼切丸 Onikirimaru sword .
- dooji kirimaru 童子切丸 Doji Killer Blade

onimatsu 鬼松 demon pine tree
1 to explore

. onisube, oni sube 鬼すべ "smoking out the demons" ritual .
..... 大宰府天満宮 Dasaifu Tenmangu

onisuji 鬼筋 / oni no shison 鬼の子孫 descendants of an Oni
鬼筋 3 to explore / 鬼の子孫 4 to explore
..... oni wa soto

onitaiji, oni taiji 鬼退治 driving out the demons
during the Setsubun rituals and in regional legends
26 to explore

. oniuchigi, oni uchigi 鬼打木 firewood to ward off the demons .
onigi 鬼木(おにぎ) "demon's firewood" / oniyokegi 鬼除木 /firewood to keep the demons away
..... onisaegi, oni saegi 鬼障木 / onioshigi 鬼押木 / oniuchiboo, oni uchiboo 鬼打棒

Oniyama 鬼山 Okaymaa - 美咲町打穴中地区の鬼山桜まつり Sakura Festival at Oniyama
- reference source : facebook -

. oniyo 鬼夜 "demon's night" fire festival .
..... Daizenji Town, Kurume, Fukuoka

. oniyoozu 鬼揚子 Oniyozu kite .

. Onizawa 鬼沢 town in Tsugaru, Aomori .

onizuka 鬼塚 Demon Mound / 牛鬼塚
5 to explore

----- If you did not find your keyword here, please check a long list with ONI proverbs:
. 鬼とことわざ ONI to kotowaza - proverbs and sayings with demons .


onsen 温泉 hot spring / oniyu 鬼湯
4 to explore
..... Oita
湯かけ鬼蔵 (ゆかけきぞう)
source : noboribetsu-spa.jp

. Otsu-E 大津絵 Paintings from Otsu .
Oni no nenbutsu, nembutsu 鬼の念仏 Demon saying Amida prayers


- - - - - - plant names with ONI

. hoozuki 鬼燈 - 鬼灯 - ほうずき Hozuki, Chinese lantern plant .
ground cherry, lampion flower, winter cherry, husk tomato, Physalis alkekengi

. oniyuri 鬼百合 tiger lily .
ko oniyuri 小鬼百合 Lilium leichtlinii

plant names with ONI, a long list
- reference source : eisai.co.jp/museum -


. proverbs and sayings with demons 鬼とことわざ ONI to kotowaza .


. Rashomon Gate 羅生門 - Rashomon no Oni .

rinki 林鬼 a Shogi stone
林鬼(りんき)は、将棋の駒の一つ。本将棋にはなく、大局将棋に存在する。 成ると右鵰。右鵰の駒名を「古鵰」とする説もある。 元の駒, 動き, 成駒, 動き. 林鬼(りんき)
and . . . 百鬼林

. Rozan-Ji Kyoto 廬山寺 : Oni of three colors. .
The red one symbolizes Greed, the blue (green) one Anger and the black one stupidity.

. Ryuutooki 龍燈鬼 Ryutoki . Dragon-lantern-carrying demon

sake  酒 rice wine - 鬼殺し Onikoroshi " killing the demon" - Shiga
48 legends to explore

. sakaki oni 榊鬼 Sakaki demon . - Aichi

Sazae-oni さざえ鬼 – A turban snail that turns into a woman.

. setsubun 節分 oni wa soto 節分 - 鬼は外 demons get out! .
100 to explore

. Shiga 滋賀県の鬼伝説 Oni Demon Legends .

. Shimane 島根県 鬼伝説 Oni Demon Legends .

shitenno 四天王 four Ten deities stepping on Jaki demons or are flanked by them
. Jaki and Shitenno . *

***** . Shuten Dooji 酒呑童子 Shuten Doji "Sake Child" Demon .
..... Ibaraki-doji, his disciple, 鬼越山 Onigoeyama in Ibaraki
..... Kidoomaru 鬼童丸、鬼同丸(きどうまる)Kidomaru
..... Oni no dookutsu 鬼の洞窟 Oni’s cave
..... Oni-take Inari Jinja 鬼岳稲荷神社 Shrine
..... Oni-iwa 鬼岩 Demon boulder - Hyogo, Gifu and others *
..... 鬼殺し Onikoroshi " killing the demon" - Sake

. sumoo 鬼の相撲 Sumo wrestling of the Demons .
..... Oni no Sumoba 鬼の相撲場 The Devil's Sumo Ring

sword 刀 katana, blades to kill an Oni - onikiri, Onimaru
..... Shiga

tiger pants - 虎柄のパンツ
. oni no koshimaki 鬼の腰巻 - oni no fundoshi 鬼の褌
oni no pantsu 鬼のパンツ pants of an oni - loincloth .

..... Oni no pants, a children's song

torii 鳥居の鬼 shinto shrine gate - see oniko
2 to explore / Iwate, Akita . . .

Toriyama Sekien and his oni

. tsuno 鬼の角 the horns of Oni demons .
some have two, some have one and some have no horns
53 to explore

. ukiyo-e 浮世絵 "pictures of the floating world" .

. ushioni, ushi-oni gyuuki, gyūki 牛鬼 "bull-demon" .
..... ox-headed monsters
Ushioni fuchi 牛鬼淵 riverside of Kochi

warau . oni ga warau 鬼が笑う to make an Oni laugh .
. 栃木県 Tochigi 馬頭町 Batomachi .

Yakushi Nyorai 薬師 and Oni
5 legends to explore

yonki, Fujiwara no Chikata no Yonki 藤原千方の四鬼 The four demons of Fujiwara Chikata
..... Shiga

. yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - List .
They are often translated as demons.

. Yukijin 湯鬼神 Demon Guardian of the Hot Springs .
..... Oni 登別の鬼 The Demons of Noboribetsu Hot Spring, Hokkaido

***** . Zenki 前鬼 and his wife Goki 後鬼 .


. reference, books and links about ONI .

- reference : nichibun yokai database -
1202 legends about ONI to explore !


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. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .


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