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Showing posts with label - - - TTT - - -. Show all posts


Enma Emmado Edo

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .

. Enma Ten, Enma Oo 閻魔天、閻魔王 Emma King of Hell .

Temples in his honor are usually called Enmadoo 閻魔堂 Emma-Do, Emma Hall.

The statue of Enma is 3,5 m high and 4,5 m wide. (Said to be the largest in Japan.)
If people throw coins in the box for offerings (saisenbako 賽銭箱), the halo in the back of the statue lights up and flickers for a while. The statue is therefore called
ハイテク闇魔 Hi-Tech Enma.

. Fukagawa "深川ゑんま堂" Fukagawa Emma-Do .
Gofunai Henro Nr. 74 - Hoojoo-In 法乗院 Hojo-In
- 賢台山 Kentaizan 法乗院 Hojo-In 賢法寺 Kenpo-Ji
法乗院えんま堂 Hojo-In Enma-Do -
江東区深川2-16-3 / Kōtō ward, Fukagawa, 2 Chome−16-3


Apart from this one, there are three important Emmado temples in Edo (introduced below)
江戸三大閻魔 / 江戸三閻魔

- 華徳院 Ketoku-In - Suginami
- 太宗寺 Taiso-Ji - Shinjuku
- 善養寺 Zenyo-Ji - Toshima


Ketokuin 華徳院 Ketoku-In (Katoku-In)
- 称光山 華徳院 Ketoku-In  太宗寺 Taiso-Ji
杉並区松ノ木3-32-11 / Tokyo, Suginami, Matsunoki, 3 Chome 32-11
天台宗 Tendai sect

source :

It was founded in 下野国佐野 (now Tochigi, Sano town 栃木県佐野市)by . Ennin 円仁 - Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 / 慈覺大師 . - (794 – 864)
It was called 蔵前の閻魔堂 Kuramae no Enmado.

The main statue was made by 運慶蘇生 Unkei and is in the center. To its richt is a statue of the same wood of 奪衣婆 Datsueba, the "Hag of Hell", and to its left a statue of 本地化馬地蔵尊 made by 聖徳太子 Shotoku Taishi.

The temple and the statues burned down during the great earthquake in 1923.
The temple moved to its present location in 1929.
A new statue of Enma was given by 日光輪王寺

- HP of the temple:
- source : -


Taisooji 太宗寺 Taiso-Ji

- 霞関山 本覚院 太宗寺 Taiso-Ji
新宿区新宿2-9-2 / Tokyo, Shinjuku 2-9-2
浄土宗 Jodo Sect

The main statue is 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai.

source :

- History
Founded in 1596 at the beginning of the Oshu Kaido highway by priest 太宗 Taiso. One of the Six Jizo of Highways:
Nr. 03 - . Edo Roku Jizo 江戸六地蔵 The Six Jizō Bosatsu of Edo .

- Other Pilgrimages
新宿山之手七福神の布袋尊 Shinjuku - Shichifukujin - Hotei

- HP of the temple:
- source : -

太宗寺不動堂 Fudo Hall

太宗寺塩かけ地蔵 Shiokake-Jizo -Jizo to throw salt at
When making a wish, people throw some salt on the statue. When the wish has been granted, they come back and throw even more salt at Jizo.

. Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - Introduction .


Zenyooji 善養寺 Zenyo-Ji

- 薬王山 Yakuozan 延寿院 善養寺 Zenyo-Ji
豊島区西巣鴨4-8-25 / Tokyo, Toshima, Nishisugamo, 4 Chome 8-25
Shingon sect

The main statue is 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai.

source :

This temple was founded around 830 by 慈覚大師 Jigaku Daishi in Uenoyama, as 上野東叡山寛永寺末 a sub-temple of the Ueno Kanei-Ji.
It was moved to 下谷区善養寺町 Shitaya, Zenyojicho around 1670. To make room for the railway it was moved to ist present location in 1912.
The wooden statue of Enma is about 3 meters high,

- HP of the temple:
- source : -

. Ennin 円仁 - Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 / 慈覺大師 . - (794 – 864)


There is another temple named 善養寺 Zenyo-Ji in Tokyo
Tokyo, Edogawa ward, Higashi-Koiwa 2-24-2

In the compound are various stone memorial monuments, like 石燈籠 stone lanterns and 宝篋印塔 grave markers.
The grave of the potter and painter 尾形乾山 Ogata Kenzan (1663 - 1743) is in the compound.
In the compound is also an old pine tree of more than 600 years, 影向のマツ Yogo no Matsu.

There is another temple named 善養寺 Zenyo-Ji in 滋賀県 Shiga, 高島市 Takashima city
Makinocho Hiruguchi, Takashima, Shiga
It comes with a legend of a fox:
The priest of 善養寺 the Temple Zenyo-Ji had been looking after a fox family.
To show his gratitude, the fox told him how to prepare medicine.
The medicine was very useful and the temple became rich by selling it.
Even the fox sometimes went out to sell it.
. kitsune densetsu 狐と伝説 fox legends .


- reference source : -
- reference : 華徳院 -
- reference : 太宗寺 -
- reference : 善養寺 -


. Juu Oo 十王, Juo, Ju-O - 10 Ten Kings of Hell .

. Pilgrimages in Edo - Tokyo .

- Koya San in Wakayama 和歌山 高野山 -

- Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 (774 - 835) -

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 Pilgrimage to 88 Henro Temples in Edo .
- Introduction -


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. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

. Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! – The Edopedia .

- - - - - @edopilgrims #enma #emmado #enmaedo - - - - -


Seikoji Temple Kyoto

. jigoku no oni 地獄の鬼 demons of the Buddhist hell .

Seikooji, Seikō-Ji 星光寺 Temple Seiko-Ji
京都の六角大宮 / Kyoto Rokkaku no Miya

This temple is famous for an old picture scroll

星光寺縁起絵巻 Seiko-Ji Engi Emaki - Legends about the origin of Seikō-ji
attributed to 土佐光信 Tosa Mitsunobu (1434 - 1525)

- quote -
This is a two-volume picture scroll on the origin and history of Seikoji Temple and the miracles of its principal deity, Jizo Bodhisattva, also known as Yanefuki Jizo 屋根葺地蔵 (Jizo repairing a roof) and one of the six Jizos (bodhisattvas) in central Kyoto.
The articles on January 27 and February 29, 1487 of Sanetaka Koki 実隆公記 (Sanetaka's diary) show that Sanjo Sanetaka wrote the legend to the Seikoji Engi-e (paintings of the origins and history of Seikoji Temple) drawn by Tosa Mitsunobu.
Therefore, it used to be generally believed that the two existing volumes together with the legend constituted the standard work of Mitsunobu. However, at present, it is considered to be a quality copy of Mitsunobu's original work, which was made soon after Mitsunobu's original work was created. Nevertheless, the paintings in the scroll constitute the standard work of the late 15th century.
Inside the residence of Taira no Sukechika 平資親 (first volume, act 1), the 山城守 governor of Yamashiro, paintings can be seen on papered sliding doors (fusuma-e), which depict a Mokkei-type bamboo groove and monkeys. The reed and crane fusuma-e paintings surrounding Sukechika's bedroom (first volume, act 3) are also drawn in sumi ink (suibokuga). It is interesting to see how much yamato-e (Japanese paintings) painters have mastered the suibokuga techniques through the fusuma-e. The panels of a folding screen form one large, continuous scene without borders that used to be applied every two panels to divide the screen into sections.
- Look at the scroll here : e-museum
- source : National Institutes for Cultural Heritage -


Yanefuki Jizo 屋根葺地蔵 Jizo repairing a roof

CLICK for more details of the scroll !

. Jizō - Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - Introduction .


Some details of oni 鬼 demons of the Buddhist hell


. jigoku no oni 地獄の鬼 demons of the Buddhist hell .
- Introduction -


土佐光信 Tosa Mitsunobu (1434 - 1525)

- quote -
a Japanese painter, the founder of the Tosa school of Japanese painting.
Born into a family that had traditionally served as painters to the Imperial court, he was head of the court painting bureau from 1493 to 1496.
In 1518 he was appointed chief artist to the Ashikaga shogunates.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Sanzu no Kawa 三途の川 River Sanzu, the river on the way to hell .


. jigoku no oni 地獄の鬼 demons of the Buddhist hell .

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

- - #onipedia #seikoji #emakiscroll #yanefukijizo #tosamitsunobu -


Edo Tokyo Pilgrimages

. Pilgrimages in Japan - Introduction .

Pilgrimages in Edo - Tokyo

There are various junrei 巡礼 pilgrimages to temples of the Buddhist Deities and to Shinto Shrines.
- - - - - mairi 参り  is usually a pilgrimage to a Shinto shrine.

Some pilgrimages have a fixed number of temples, others vary.
Some are old and some have been recently put together.
Some include the Kanto/Bando region


- - - - - 江戸六阿弥陀 6 Amida Nyorai Temples

1番西福寺 西方浄土に生まれ出る福徳利益を授ける寺院
北区豊島2-14-1 -- Chome-14-1 Toshima, Kita ward

2番恵明寺(旧延命院) 家内安全・息災延命の御利益を授ける寺院
足立区江北2-4-3 2 -- Chome-4-3 Kōhoku, Adachi ward

03 . 仏法山 / 佛寶山 Buppozan 西光院 Saiko-In 無量寺 Muryo-Ji .
Gofunai Nr. 59

04 . 宝珠山 / 寶珠山 Hojuzan 地蔵院 Jizo-In 与楽寺 Yoraku-Ji .
Gofunai Nr. 56

5番常楽院 常に一家和楽の福徳を授ける寺院
調布市西つつじヶ丘4-9-1(旧下谷広小路)- 4 Chome-9-1 Nishitsutsujigaoka, Chōfu town

6番常光寺 未来は常に光明を放つ身を得させる寺院
江東区亀戸4-48-3 -- 4 Chome-48-3 Kameido, Kōtō ward

- Two extra temples :
性翁寺 木余 - 足立区扇2-19-3 -- 2 Chome-19-3 Ōgi, Adachi ward
昌林寺 木残 - 北区西ヶ原3-12-6 -- 3 Chome-12-6 Nishigahara, Kita ward

. Amida Nyorai 阿弥陀如来 .


- - - - - Enma Ten, Enma Oo 閻魔天、閻魔王 Emma King of Hell

. Enmadoo 閻魔堂 Emma-Do, Emma Halls in Edo .
- 深川ゑんま堂 - Fukagawa Emma-Do
- 華徳院 Ketoku-In - Suginami
- 太宗寺 Taiso-Ji - Shinjuku
- 善養寺 Zenyo-Ji - Toshima


- - - - - 不動霊場 36 Fudo Temples

. Goshiki Fudo 江戸五色不動 Fudo in five colors .
. 関東三十六不動 Kanto 36 Fudo Temples .
. 武相不動尊二十八所 - Busoo - Buso .
28 Fudo temples in Tokyo, Yokohama, Kawasaki


- - - - - 地蔵霊場 Jizo Bosatsu Temples

. Edo Roku Jizo 江戸六地蔵 The Six Jizō Bosatsu of Edo .

. 江戸東方四十八地蔵 48 Jizo in Eastern Edo .
- including
関東百八地蔵 Kanto // 東都六地蔵 Tokyo Roku Jizo
玉川六地蔵 Tamagawa Roku Jizo
江戸山の手二十八地蔵 Edo Yamanote 24 Jizo


- - - - - 東京都の観音霊場 33 Kannon Bosatsu Temples

. 坂東三十三観音 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples in Bando (Kanto) .
坂東三十三観音巡り / 坂東三十三ヶ所 / 坂東三十三観音

. Edo 江戸三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples .

. Tokyo 東京三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples .

. Yamanote Kannon Reijo 山の手三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage .

. Seiho Kannon Pilgrimage 西方三十三所観音霊場 / 江戸西方三十三所観音霊場 .

多摩川三十三観音霊場 - Tamagawa
- - - - tesshow : 多摩川三十三ヶ所観音霊場 -


- - - - - 弘法大師霊場 Kobo Daishi 88 Henro Temples

. Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo .

. Toshima Henro Temples 豊島八十八ヶ所霊場 .

. Arakawa Henro Temples 荒川辺八十八ヶ所霊場 .

南葛八十八ヶ所霊場 Nankatsu
- reference source : tesshow -


- - - - - 東京都の七福神 Shichi Fukujin seven Gods of God Luck

隅田川七福神 Sumidagawa
. 長命寺 Chomei-Ji - Benten .

. 三囲神社 Mimeguri Shrine(大国神 Daikoku)(恵比寿神 Ebisu) .



亀戸七福神 Kameido

龍眼寺布袋尊 Hotei
江東天祖神社福禄寿 Fukurokuju
. Fumon-In 普門院毘沙門天 Bishamonten .
亀戸香取神社恵比寿神 Ebisu
亀戸香取神社大国神 Daikoku
. Togaku-Ji 東覚寺弁財天 Benzaiten, Benten .
常光寺寿老人 Jurojin


柴又七福神 Shibamata

医王寺 Io-Ji 【恵比寿天】Ebisu
宝生院 Hosei-In【大黒天】Daikoku
柴又帝釈天題経寺 Daikyo-Ji【毘沙門天】Bishamonten
真勝院 Masakatsu-In【弁財天】Benzaiten, Benten
良観寺 Ryokan-Ji 【宝袋尊】 Hotei
万福寺 Manpuku-Ji【福禄寿】Fukurokuju
. Kanzooji 観蔵寺 Kanzo-Ji . 【寿老人】Fukurojin


谷中七福神 Yanaka Shichifukujin

. 福禄寿 Fukurokuju .


. . . . . and


. shichifukujin mairi 七福神参り .


. Ise 伊勢七福神霊場 Seven Gods of Good Luck in Ise .

. Daishooin 大聖院 Daisho-In .
四日市市日永2-11-7 / Mie, Yokkaichi, Hinaga // 福禄寿 Fukurokuju


. Kazusa Shichifukujin Pilgrimage 上総の七福神めぐり - Chiba .


. Benten - Edo roku Benten 江戸六弁天 Six Benten in Edo .


- - - - - 薬師霊場 Yakushi Nyorai Temples

江戸十二薬師 Edo 12 Yakushi Temples

06 . 萬徳山 Mantokuzan 聖宝院 Shobo-In 弥勒寺 Miroku-Ji .
08 東叡山 寛永寺 一乗院 東京都台東区上野1丁目 : 身代わり薬師
- The other temples are not yet decided.

. 武相寅歳薬師如来霊場 Buso Toradoshi Yakushi pilgrimage .
for people born in the year of the Tiger

関東九十一薬師霊場 91 temples in Kanto

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師如来霊場 - Introduction .


東京十社 10 Shrines in Tokyo
. Tookyoo jusha 東京十社 ten shrines of Tokyo .


東京下町八社巡り 8 Shrines in Shitamachi
This pilgrimage has started in 1981.
A shrine for each purpose

商売繁盛 Good business
鷲神社 Otori Jinja
台東区千束3-18-7 -- 3 Chome-18-7 Senzoku, Taitō ward

縁結び Finding a partner
今戸神社 Imado Jinja
台東区今戸1-5-22 -- 1 Chome-5-22 Imado, Taitō ward

健康長寿 Long and healthy life
第六天榊神社 Dairokuten Sakaki Jinja
台東区蔵前1-4-3 -- 1 Chome-4-3 Kuramae, Taitō wear

円満和合 happy couple
下谷神社 Shitaya Jinja
台東区東上野3-29-8 -- 3 Chome-29-8 Higashiueno, Taitō ward

学問芸能 Learning and progress in the arts
. Onoterusaki jinja 小野照崎神社 .
台東区下谷2-13-14 -- 2 Chome-13-14 Shitaya, Taitō ward

安産子授け Easy birth
水天宮 Suitengu
中央区日本橋蛎殻町2-4-1 -- 2 Chome-4-1 Nihonbashikakigarachō, Chūō ward

強運厄除け Avoiding disaster
小網神社 Koami Jinja
中央区日本橋小網町16-23 -- 16-23 Nihonbashikoamichō, Chūō ward

交通安全 Traffic safety
住吉神社 Sumiyoshi Jinja
中央区佃1-1-14 -- 1 Chome-1-14 Tsukuda, Chūō ward

. Amulets from the 8 Shrines .
Shitamachi Hachi Fukujin 下町八福神 Eight Shinto Deities of Good Luck


東都七天神 7 Tenjin Shrines

亀戸天神社 Kameido Tenjin Sha
江東区亀戸3-6-1 -- 3 Chome-6-1 Kameido, Kōtō

湯島天満宮 Yushima Tenmangu
文京区湯島3-30-1 --3 Chome-30-1 Yushima, Bunkyō

平河天満宮 Hirakawa Tenmangu
千代田区平河町1-7-5 -- 1 Chome-7-5 Hirakawachō, Chiyoda

牛天神北野神社 Ushi Tenjin Kitano Jinja
文京区春日1-5-2 -- 1 Chome-5-2 Kasuga, Bunkyō

西向天神社 Nishimuki Tenjin Sha
新宿区新宿6-21-1 --6 Chome-21-1 Shinjuku, Shinjuku

五条天神社 Gojo Tenjin Sha
台東区上野公園4-17 -- 4-17 Uenokōen, Taitō

仲町氷川神社 Nakacho Hikawa Jinja
足立区千住仲町48-2 -- 48-2 Senjunakachō, Adachi

. Tenjin Sama 天神さま Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真 .


准勅祭社 12 Jun Chokusaisha
Established at the beginning of the Meiji period, but lasting only to the third year of Meiji. Some were re-named in the process.

富岡八幡宮 東京都江東区富岡1-20-3
芝大神宮 東京港区芝大門1-12-7
山王日枝神社 東京千代田区永田町2-10-5
赤坂氷川神社 東京港区赤坂2-10-5
根津神社 東京文京区根津1-28-9
神田神社 東京千代田区外神田2-16-2
亀戸天神社 東京江東区亀戸3-6-1
白山神社 東京文京区白山5-31-26
王子神社 東京北区王子本町1-1-12
六所神社(大國魂神社) 東京都府中市宮町3-1
鷲宮神社 埼玉県久喜市鷲宮1-6-1
品川貴船社(品川神社) 東京品川区北品川3-7-15

- quote -
Chokusaisha (勅祭社) is a shrine where an imperial envoy Chokushi (勅使) performs rituals:
chokushi sankō no jinja (勅使参向の神社).
The following table shows sixteen shrines designated as Chokusaisha:
Meiji-jingū (明治神宮) Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Yasukuni-jinja (靖国神社) Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
- . . . .
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- reference source :

東京街角 お地蔵・稲荷・石塔めぐり ー散策地図
Visiting O-Jizo, Inari and stone tower memorials in Tokyo


. Ginza Hatcho Jinja 銀座八丁神社 Shrines in 8 Ginza districts .
1.幸稲荷神社 Saiwai Inari Jinja
2.銀座稲荷神社 Ginza Inari Jinja
3.龍光不動尊 "Fashion" Ryuko Fudo Son
4.朝日稲荷神社 Asahi Inari Jinja
5.銀座出世地蔵尊 Ginza Shusse Jizo
6.宝童稲荷神社 Hodo Inari Jinja
7.あづま稲荷神社 Azuma Inari Jinja
8.靍護稲荷神社 Kakugo Inari Jinja 
9.成功稲荷神社 Seiko Inari Jinja
10.豊岩稲荷神社 Toyoiwa Inari Jinja
- and 八官神社 Hachikan Jinja // 宝珠稲荷神社 Hoju Inari Jinja


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. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Index .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

- - #edopilgrims #edojunrei -


Tengu from Nikko

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-Index .

Nikkoozan Tookooboo 日光山東光坊 - Tengu Tokobo. Toko-Bo from Mount Nikko
He is one of the
. 四十八天狗 48 Tengu of Japan .

There lived another Tengu, also one of the 48 great ones, called
Myoogizan Nikkooboo 妙義山日光坊 - Nikkobo, Myogisan (Myogiyama)
- see below -

En no Gyoja 役小角 and Unpen Shonin 雲遍上人 once came to a 清瀧 waterfall in the 日光山 Nikko Mountains to practise austerities. Suddenly a black cloud hang over the waterfall and a terrible thunderstorm rattled and strong wind blew.
The two of them were 一心不乱 undisturbed by all this, sat down and said their esoteric mantras in deep quiet.
Suddenly the sky cleared again and now they saw a Tengu sitting in the branches of the large cedar tree. The Tengu faded from sight in no time.

. Tengu, sugi 天狗と杉と伝説 Legends about Tengu and Cedar trees .
- Introduction -


Nikkoozan Tookooboo 日光山東光坊 Tengu Tokobo. Toko-Bo from Mount Nikko

source :

In a highland called 古峯ヶ原 Kobugahara, from where the town of 鹿沼市 Kanuma can be overlooked, there is the shrine
Komine Jinja 古峯ヶ原古峯神社 (Furumine Jinja).
It dates back more than 1300 years. If was founded by a man from Kyoto, 隼人 Hayato,
and its deity in residence is
日本武尊 Yamato Takeru

This shrine is better known by its name of
Tengu no Yashiro 天狗の社 Shrine of the Tengu
People used to stay here for religious rituals and practise, so it is also called
Tengu no yado 天狗の宿 "The Inn of the Tengu"

古峯ヶ原古峯神社 - Tochigi Prefecture, 鹿沼市 Kanuma, Kusagyu, 3027

source : goto on facebook

The shrine has many memorabilia of the Tengu, big and small.
It also offers stamps of the Tengu, 天狗の御朱印 with 16 different faces of the Tengu.

. Tengu Shuin 天狗朱印 temple stamps .


There used to live many Tengu in the mountains of Nikko, and their boss was Tokobo.

Apart from Toko-Bo and Nikko-Bo there was the local Tengu

Kobugahara Hayatoboo 古峯ヶ原隼人坊 Hayato-Bo from Kobugahara
It is not quite clear if he is the person who founded the shrine.
Hayato may have been a disciple of En no Gyoja or a relative of
. Zenkibō 前鬼坊 Zenkibo, Zenki-Bo .
and his wife Goki 後鬼.

- - - Later
. Shoodoo Shoonin 勝道上人 Priest Saint Shodo Shonin - Introduction . (735 - 817)
practised Shugendo rituals in Nikko and helped deepen the belief in the Tengu, who would protect people from misfortune and extinguish fires in the region.

There is a ceremony in Nikko where the participants receive large bowls of rice.
Nikko Gohanshiki 日光強飯式 Nikko Gohan Shiki
It is also called
tengu no goohan 天狗の強飯 large rice portion of the Tengu
..... One bowl contains 5,4 kilograms (一升五合) of rice.
This ceremony goes back to Saint Shodo Shonin (Shoodoo Shoonin 勝道上人)(735 - 817), who started the mountain worship in Nikko, connecting the Shinto and Budshist religion.


日光の天狗は徳川家康 The Tengu of Nikko and Tokugawa Ieyasu

Mount Nantaisan 男体山 (2484.2m) in Oku Nikko had been first visited by Saint Shodo in 782. At that time it was called 補陀洛山 Fudaraku San, later changed to 二荒山(ふたらやま) Futarayama.
Kobo Daishi Kukai read the two Chinese characters 二荒 as にこう nikoo, and soon the name changed to にっこう Nikko. The Chinese characters then changed to 日光.

Legend says that Toko-Bo was in incarnation of 徳川家康 Tokugawa Ieyasu.
His posthumous name was 東照権現 Tosho Gongen, but legend says he had also pondered the name of
Tookoo Gongen 東光権現 Toko Gongen (Deity Shining in the East)

Since his soul-Tengu was a newcomer, he tried to fight the older Tengu of the deep mountains of Nikko, but always lost ground.

When his memorial shrine, 東照宮 Toshogu, was finished, many people came to visit here and venerate the former Shogun (turned Tengu), so the older Tengu of Nikko were quite upset.
They played tricks on the visitors and caused much confusion.

The year turned to 1825, the time of 徳川家斉 Shogun Tokugawa Ienari.
His Minister, Mizuno Dewa no Kami 水野出羽守, made friends with the Old Tengu of Kobugahara, Hayato-Bo, who helped him to get rid of the other Old Tengu by putting up a sign forbidding them to come closer and not disturb the visitors coming to venerate the Shogun turned Tengu Toko-Bo. If they did not like it, they were free to move on to the other famous Tengu Mountains, like Atago, Kurama, Akiba or Hikosan.
- This sounds like a fantastic tale . . . maybe it is true? maybe not true?

- reference source : -

As late as 1860, in advance of a visit by the shogun Iemochi, officials of the city of Nikko posted an official notice:
To the tengu and the other demons:
Whereas our shogun intends to visit the Nikko mausoleums next April: Now therefore, Tengu and other demons inhabiting these mountains must remove elsewhere until the shogun’s visit is concluded.

. Hirata Atsutane 平田篤胤 and the Tengu 仙童寅吉 Sendo Torakichi .

. Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康 . (1543 - 1616) .
and his mausoleum, 日光の東照宮 Nikko no Tosho-Gu


In the Manga world the Tengu Tokobo is a master of 光壁術
- reference source : -


Myoogizan Nikkooboo 妙義山日光坊 Nikko-Bo, Nikkobo, Myogisan
He is now venerated in Gunma at Mount Myogisan (Myogizan).

- quote -
Mt. Myogisan
The fantastically shaped rocks sculpt dramatic forms of natural beauty and offer various attractive landscapes throughout the seasons. Mt. Myogisan can be viewed with pleasure from afar or enjoyed by climbing its steep slopes, so that it is loved by photographers and mountaineers.
- source : -


Myoogi Jinja 妙義神社 Shrine Myogi Jinja
It was founded in 537 and is thus one of the oldes shrines in Japan.
The Mountain Deity itself is enshrined here.
The Deity is venerated for protecting from fire, bring a good harvest and also for good business and prosperity. So many famous Daimyo Lords came here to worship and donate buildings and treasures.
日本武尊 Prince Yamato Takeru is also enshrined here.

This shrine is located near the eastern foot of Mount 白雲山 Hakuun-zan, one of the peaks of Mt. Myogi.
It is known for its bright colours and decorative ornaments.
The shrine building now is from around 1700.
At its gate are two Demon statues, one red and one in green, with tiger-skin pants.
This shrine serves quite a lot of deities and mountain spirits.

At the back of the main shrine is a small sub-shrine dedicated to the regional Tengu.

. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

When Yamato Takeru climbed 白雲山 Mount Hakuun-zan , he founded a shrine to venerate the deity
Hagoso 波己曽(はごそ)神, and the mountain was named after it, 波己曽山 Hagoso-zan. This name later changed to Myogiisan.
Hakoso Jinja 波己曽神社 / 波己曽(はこそ)神社 Hakoso Shrine

In the year 1394 a high-ranking court official named 花山院 Kazan-In 右近衛大将藤原長親 Nagachika (? - 1429) renounced the world and became a Waka poet and monk, calling himself
Kooun Meigi 耕雲明魏 (こううんめいぎ)Koun Meigi
and built his humble abode at mount 華頂山 Kacho-zan in the forests of Kyoto, one of the 36 peaks of the 東山三十六峰 / 東山36峰 Higashiyama Mountain range.
After living there for about 10 years, he took of for a trip to the Kanto region and ended up at Mount Myogisan. The local people had great faith in him.
After his death he was venerated as
Myoogi Hooshi 妙魏法師 Myogi Hoshi , changing his name from
明魏 Meigi to 妙義 Myogi, and also changing the name of the Mountain range in his honor.

- HP of the shrine Myogi Jinja
Hakoso sha 波己曽社(はこそしゃ) Hakoso Shrine in the compound.
- reference source : -

. Yamato Takeru 日本武尊 .
legendary prince of the Yamato dynasty - Introduction -

For Yosa Buson, this mountain reminded him of the famous
峨眉山 Gabi San in China.

source :

. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 visiting Myogisan .


Tengu Myoogiboo 天狗妙義坊 Myogi-Bo, Myogibo
Ueno Myogiboo
上野妙義坊 Ueno Myogi-Bo

He is one of the
. 四十八天狗 48 Tengu of Japan .

Mount Myogisan with his special rock formation is venerated as the deity
Myogi Daigongen 妙義大権現
with the character DAI LARGE as its symbol.

The Tengu 妙義坊 Myogi-Bo is an incarnation of this Gongen.

妙義山の大ノ字 Myogisan no Dai no Ji

People walking along the old roads with a view to Mount Mogisan folded their hands in prayer.

- reference source : 413... -


source :

This Tengu lived at 金洞山 Mount Kondosan, the middle peak of the Myogisan range.
He is also called priest 長清法印天狗 Nagakiyo Hoin Tengu.
He is a kind of kaijin 怪人 phantom Yokai with special powers, swapping places from the persimmon trees in the village to the clouds up in the sky. He is very strong and once stopped a mountain slide during a huge rainstorm. There are various legends about him in the village.
His father was a retainer of the 小田原北条家 Hojo clan of Odawara and got killed. To revenge him, Nagakiyo practised austerities in the mountains to become strong. fter taking revenge, he spent some time at the temple 寛永寺 Kanei-Ji in Ueno, but then came back to Mound Kondosan.

His mask is called 魔除妙義山中之岳大天狗 Mayoke Myogi Nakanotake Dai Tengu
and helps to prevent evil influence.
At the bottom of the mountain is the Shrine 中之岳神社 / 中之嶽神社 Nakanotake Jinja.


Hooseiboo 比叡山法性坊 Hoseibo, Hieizan
one of the 48 Tengu.

妙義大権現 Myogi Daigongen is supposed to be Hosei-Bo from Hieizan
比叡山十三代目の座主法性坊尊意僧正, he came here in 940.
He promised to help the people who live in this region.

Three peaks of 白雲山 - 金鶏山 - 金洞山
- reference source : -


The Tengu Jirobo first lived at Mount Hieizan 比叡山, but moved on to moved on to 比良山 Hirasan in Shiga.

. Jirooboo, Jirōbō 次郎坊 / 二郎坊 Jirobo Tengu .

At 横川の大師 the Temple of Yokawa Daishi at Mount Hieizan, there is a Tengu Room. It is locked up with nails on all four sides.
Sometimes people can hear the sound of wings flapping inside.
a story about the toilet of Enryaku-Ji, where a Tengu from India took home.

Tenjiku Tengu 天竺天狗 The Tengu from India
In the 今昔物語 Konjaku Monogatari (early 12c) there are 11 stories about Tengu. One is about a Tengu from India, who came to Japan via China, to obstruct the Law of Buddhism. It might have been connected to legends about the Garuda Bird ガルーダ(迦楼羅.

The Tengu from India followed the flow of the waters and rivers, from Hakata to the Setonaikai Sea and up the Ujigawa toward Hieizan.
比叡山の横川 Yokogawa at Hieizan had been founded by Ennin.
The Tengu choose to stay at the toilet of the temple.
The voices of priests reciting the sutras in the temple were to be heard, but the deities never came close. The voices reciting sutras came running down the river and past the toilet. As the Tengu form India listened to them all the time, he changed his mind and decided to help the Law of Buddhism. He choose to become a human with the name
Myoogu, Myōgu 明救(みょうぐ) Myogu.
He was the son of Imperial Prince 有明 Ariakira.
He administered the affairs of Mt. Hiei one year and died on the 5th day of the 7th month of 1020 at the age of 75.
- reference : High Priest Myogu (946 - 1020) -

. Tengu Nichiryo from India 天竺(インド)の日良 .
and 愛宕山太郎坊 Atago Tarobo Tengu

. Tengu no Ma 天狗の間 - 伝説 Legends about the Tengu Room .


. - - - Join my Tengupedia friends on facebook ! - - - .


. 四十八天狗 - 48 famous Tengu of Japan .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

- #Nikkotengu #Nikkobo #tokobo #shodoshoninpriest #myogisan -




Tengupedia - ABC

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

- - - - - BACKUP from August 24, 2016.

The original is here:

. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List
Tengu 天狗 "heavenly dog" - "celestial dog"

. Tengu 天狗 Introduction in the Darumapedia .
Tengu are supernatural creatures found in Japanese folklore, art, theater, and literature. They are one of the best known Yokai妖怪 and are sometimes worshiped as 神 Shinto deities.

- Tengu mask from my collection -

. The most important Tengu of Japan .
日本三大天狗 3 most important Tengu
八天狗 8 Tengu of Japan
四十八天狗 48 Tengu of Japan


***** . Ajari 阿闍梨坊 Ajari-Bo Tengu 肥後阿闍梨 Higo Ajari Kōen 皇円 Saint Koen .

. Akibagongen 秋葉権現 Akiba Gongen .

aotengu 八ヶ岳の天狗岳は赤天狗、青天狗 Ao-Tengu blue/green Tengu, Yatsugatake
. Toyota Toki とよた 時 / とよだ 時 Toyoda Toki - 山里漫画家 Tengu Manga .

Beshimi Tengu 癋見 / 閉歯見 O-beshimi. with a Noh mask (MS)
beshimi means mouth clamped firmly shut.

. beer 天狗 ビール Tengu Beer brands - photos .

. books about - Tengu . - - - - - - - - - - - . books about - 天狗 .

***** ***** . Buzenboo, Buzenbō 豊前坊 Buzenbo, Buzen-Bo Tengu .
彦山豊前坊 - Hikozan Buzenbo, Fukuoka

choochin 提灯 / 提燈 Chochin lanterns with Tengu
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Dairoku Ten Maoo 第六天魔王 Dairoku Ten Mao .
- supposed to be a Tengu

. dai tengu, daitengu 大天狗 great Tengu, big Tengu, major Tengu .

. Daruma and Tengu 天狗とだるま .
- Little Daruma & Little Tengu だるまちゃんとてんぐちゃん book by Satoshi Kako

Dōryō Daigongen, Dooryoo 道了大権現 Doryo Daigongen (MS)

. ema 天狗絵馬 votive tablets with Tengu .

Enkai Tengu of Mount Haguro (MS)
- teaches martial arts to Tsukahara Bokuden

/ Haguro san mizu tengu 羽黒山の水天狗円光坊
***** . Enkooboo 円光坊, Enkobo, Enko-Bo " 水天狗円光坊 "Water Tengu" .
at Mount Hagurosan - Yamagata, one of the 四十八天狗 48 Tengu of Japan

***** . Fuji Tengu 富士天狗(富士太郎)Tengu from Mount Fuji .
- Daraniboo, Daranibō 陀羅尼坊 Darani-Bo, Daranibo
This is the most important of all the Tengu goblins from Japan. In Gotenba town, he is called "Fuji Taro".

. eggplants 天狗ナス Tengu nasu - photos .

. Fuujin 風神としての天狗 Tengu as God of the Wind .

Garuda, Karura (MS)
. Garuda Bird, Karura 迦楼羅 King Garuda, Karura O 迦楼羅王.

. geta 下駄 wooden clogs of a Tengu .

. guhin, kuhin 狗賓 "dog guest" Tengu . *

. hachidaitengu 八大天狗 eight great Tengu .

. hanadaka tengu 鼻高天狗 long--nosed tengu .
hana ga takai 鼻が高い the long nose of a Tengu

. hanafuda 天狗花札 Tengu "Flower Trump" card game .

- 任天堂 Nintendo 1889

***** Hanzōbō 半僧坊 Hanzobo Kamakura (MS)

. ha uchiwa 天狗の羽団扇 "feather fan of a Tengu - photos .

. History of the Tengu in Japan .

Hooinboo, Tsukuba-hōin, 筑波法印坊 Tsukuba Hoin-Bo of 日立 Hitachi Province
Ibaraki, Mount Tsukubasan 筑波山 (WI)

***** . Hookiboo, Hōkibō 伯耆坊 Hoki-Bo, Hokibo . - From Mount Daisen, Tottori

. ichimon tengubata . hata 一文天狗旗 flag with tengu goblin .

. illustrations 天狗 イラスト - photos .

. Izuna Daigongen 飯縄大権現 Iizuna Daigongen .
- and Saburo Tengu

***** . Jirooboo, Jirōbō 次郎坊 / 二郎坊 Jirobo Tengu .
- 比良の次郎坊 Hira no Jirobo / 比良治郎坊

karasu tengu 烏天狗 "crow Tengu" (MS) (WI)
a minor tengu, with the head and wings of a black crow
-- Crow Tengu Riding Boar (Karasu Tengu 烏天狗騎猪) (MS)

. Kashozan 迦葉山 a Tengu mountain .
群馬県 沼田市上発知町445番地 Gunma, Numata

. kawatengu, kawa tengu 川天狗 river Tengu, a kind of Kappa .

. kendama けん玉 cup and ball with Tengu .

. Kidoomaru, Kidōmaru 鬼童丸 Kidomaru .
Kidomaru learning magic from the tengu / Utagawa Kuniyoshi 歌川国芳

. Knutsen, Roald Knutsen - Book .
Tengu -The Shamanic and Esoteric Origins of the Japanese Martial Arts

. kobutori jiisan こぶとりじいさん / 瘤取り爺さん "The Old Man's Lump Removed" .
- folktale
source :

. kokeshi こけしの天狗 / 天狗こけし wooden dolls of Tengu . *

. koma, Tengu koma 天狗独楽 spinning top with a Tengu . - Saitama
- - - - - . koma 独楽 more spinning tops with Tengu .

konoha tengu, koppa tengu 木の葉天狗 a kind of karasu tengu (WI)
- small, bird-like konoha-tengu who live in Cryptomeria trees.

***** . Konkooboo 金光坊 Konko-Bo, Mount Hagurosan - Yamagata .
- maybe identical to Sankooboo 三光坊 Sanko-Bo

. Konpira mairi 金比羅参り pilgrimage to Mount Konpirasan Shikoku .
Konpira pilgrims carrying a tengu mask on their rucksack wooden box (oizuri)

***** Kootenbo, Kōtenbō 高天坊 Kotenbo of 葛城 Katsuragi (WI)

kotengu 小天狗 small Tengu, minor Tengu, servants of the Daitengu.

. Kurama Tengu 鞍馬天狗 - Kyoto.
Goho Mao Son 護法魔王尊, the great King of the conquerors of evil and the spirit of the earth, looks almost like a Tengu himself. 僧正坊 Sojobo

. Legends 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

Martial arts and Tengu (WI)

. matches 天狗 マッチ to light a fire - photos .

- - - - - matsuri 天狗まつり Tengu festivals - - - - -
. Sakaide 坂出の天狗まつり Tengu Festival in Sakaide .
- Dontsuku Festival, Inatori City with Tengu lanterns (MS)

. men 天狗面 Tengu masks - photos .
- Tengu Noh Mask, (MS)

. metengu, me tengu 女天狗 female Tengu, Amanozako .
長野・修那羅峠の女性天狗 - female Tengu, Nagano, Shunara Pass
東京 高尾山の天狗は女天狗? - female Tengu at Takao san

. Mingei 民芸と天狗 folk art motives with the Tengu Goblin .
. dorei どれい / 土鈴 clay bells .
. ema 絵馬 votive tablets .
. hariko 張子 papermachee dolls .
. Kappa 河童 the Water Goblin .
. kokeshi こけし wooden dolls .
. maneki neko, manekineko 招き猫 beckoning cat .
. tako 凧 kites .
. tsuchi ningyoo 土人形 tsuchiningyo clay dolls .
. ukiyo-e 浮世絵 "pictures of the floating world" .

. Mirokuji 弥勒寺 Miroku-Ji . Gunma Kashozan 迦葉山弥勒寺

. Miyukiji 御幸寺 Miyuki-Ji .
Ehime, Matsuyama-shi, Miyuki, 1 Chome−442−1
with Haiku by Masaoka Shiki

mizutengu, mizu tengu, ?suitengu 水天狗 "Water Tengu", see kawatengu

. mukai tengu ema 迎い天狗絵馬 Tengu facing each other .
- and many ema votive tablets

***** Myoogiboo, Myōgibō 妙義坊 Myogibo of Mount Ueno, Tokyo (WI)

. ningyoo 天狗人形 dolls and figures of Tengu .

nokkingoo 秩父・破風山のノッキン坊天狗 nokkinbo Tengu, Chichibu Happusan
. Toyota Toki とよた 時 / とよだ 時 Toyoda Toki - 山里漫画家 Tengu Manga .

. o-mamori, omamori 天狗 お守り amulets with a Tengu .

- - - - - Origins of Tengu (MS)

. pants 天狗 パンツ for the real man ! - photos .

. pokkuri tengu ぽっくり天狗 Tengu for a healthy long life and sudden death .

Protective spirits and deities - (WI)
the Shasekishū, 沙石集 a book of Buddhist parables from the Kamakura period, makes a point of distinguishing between good and bad tengu.


. proverbs and sayings with "Tengu" ことわざ kotowaza .
koboozu hitori tengu hachinin 小坊主ひとり天狗八人
Tengudaoshi, Tengu-daoshi 天狗だおし / 天狗倒し
- Tengu bayashi 天狗囃子 / Tengu taiko 天狗太鼓 / Tengu warai 天狗笑い
Tengu kakushi 天狗隠し
Tengu no miakashi, me-akashi 天狗の御燈 (roojinbi 老人火, 怪火 ghost fire)
Tengu ni naru 天狗になる / hana ga takaku naru 鼻が高くなる
Tengu ni karakasa torareta yoo 天狗に唐傘取られたよう
Tengu no kinobori 天狗の木登り
Tengu no koogeki 天狗の攻撃
Tengu no nagesan 天狗の投げ算
Tengu sarai 天狗攫い (same as Tengu kakushi)
Tengu tsubute 天狗つぶて / 天狗礫
Tengu no yusaburi 天狗の揺さぶり
tsuri Tengu ni kikimimi nashi 釣り天狗に聞き耳なし
- to be updated


raamen ラーメン Ramen noodle shops named Tengu
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Restaurants named Tengu 天狗 レストラン - だるまてんぐ .
- - - - - eateries named 天狗食堂 Tengu shokudo
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

***** Ryuuhooboo Ryūhōbō 笠鋒坊 Ryuhobo of Mount Kōmyō (WI)



. saba 鯖 mackerels, a Tengu dislikes 天狗は鯖が苦手 / 天狗は鯖が嫌い .

***** . Saburoo, Saburō 三郎天狗 Saburo Tengu
飯綱三郎天狗 Izuna Saburo Tengu - Nagano .

- - - - - Izuna Daigongen 飯縄大権現 Iizuna Daigongen

***** . Saganbo Tengu 相模坊 Sagamibō, Sagamibo . from 白峰山 Shiraminesan, 坂出 Sakaide, Sanuki

***** Sanjakuboo, Sanjakubō 三尺坊 Sanjakubo of Mount Akiba - Akiba Gongen 秋葉権現 (WI)

. sake 天狗 酒 Tengu Sake rice wine brands - photos .

***** Sakuraboo 桜坊天狗 Sakurabo Tengu, Mitakesan 御岳山
. Toyota Toki とよた 時 - Manga .

***** Sankiboo Sankibō 三鬼坊 Sankibo of Itsukushima (WI)

***** . Sankooboo 三光坊 Sanko-Bo, Mount Hagurosan - Yamagata .
- maybe identical to 金光坊 Konko-Bo.

. sanshoo tengu 山椒天狗 Tengu from wood of the mountain pepper .

. Sarutahiko 猿田彦 (Sarudahiko, Saruta-biko) .
- a long-nosed Shintō deity

***** Seiroku Tengu 清六天狗 from Hayachine 早池峰山, Iwate (Tono monogatari)
. Toyota Toki とよた 時 / とよだ 時 Toyoda Toki - 山里漫画家 Tengu Manga .

shibaten, shibatengu シバテン, 芝天狗 "lawn Tengu" from Shikoku (WI)
. Shibaten しばてん / 芝天 otter and Kappa from Tosa .

. Shichi Tengu-e 七天狗絵 The Seven Tengu Scrolls .
by Haruko Wakabayashi

. shochu 天狗 焼酎 Tengu Shochu Schnaps - photos .

. shoogi 天狗将棋 Tengu Shogi board game .

. shuin 天狗朱印 temple stamps with Tengu .

***** Soojooboo, Sōjōbō 僧正坊 Sojobo, Sojo-Bo Tengu (at Mount Kurama 鞍馬山) (MS)

Sōzan Chomon Kishū, Soozan Chomon Kishuu 想山著聞奇集 (WI)
- with two Tengu stories from the 19th century

. Takao san 高尾山 a Tengu mountain . - Tokyo
Yakuo-In 薬王院 - and Naigubu 内供奉

tamariba, 箱根・明神ヶ岳は天狗のたまり場 tengu no tamari-ba
. Toyota Toki とよた 時 / とよだ 時 Toyoda Toki - 山里漫画家 Tengu Manga .

. Tarooboo, Tarōbō 天狗太郎坊 Tarobo Tengu, Taro-Bo Legends .
from Mount Atago 愛宕山
- Taroobooguu 太郎坊宮 Shrine for the Tengu Tarobo, Shiga
and maybe a Tarobo on Mt. Fuji


- - - - - Tengu - Evil spirits and angry ghosts / Great and small demons (WI)

- - - - - Tengu Evolution (MS)

Tengudake 天狗岳 Mount Tengudake

Tengudoo, tengudō 天狗道 Tengudo, the Realm of Tengu (WI)

. Tenguiwa, Tengu-Iwa 天狗岩 "Tengu boulder" . - Kurao 倉尾村 in Chichibu

. Tengu Kogen 天狗高原 Tengu Highlands, Kochi - photos .

. Tengumai 天狗舞 Tengu Mai Sake 酒 .

Tengu meigikoo, Tengu Meigikō 天狗名義考 Tengu meigiko, book (WI)

tengu ni naru 天狗になる "becoming a Tengu" describes a conceited person

. tengu no goohan 天狗の強飯 large rice portion of the Tengu goblin - Nikko

tengu no hauchiwa 天狗の羽団扇 "The Tengu's Fan" (WI)
- folktale
source :

tengu no hyootan, tengu no hyotan 天狗の瓢箪 "The Tengu's gourd" (WI)
- folktale
source :

tengu no kakruemino 天狗の隠れ蓑 "The Tengu's Magic Cloak" (WI)
- folktale : The Tengu's magic cape
source :

tengu no koma 天狗のこま - folk tale - mukashibanashi
- reference source : -

. Tengu no mugimeshi 天狗の麦飯 boiled barley and rice of the Tengu .
- special moss from Nagano

. Tengu no suzuri iwa 天狗の硯岩 Inkstone rock of the Tengu .
- at Mount Iizunayama, Nagano

Tengu no yama utsuri 天狗の山移り "Tengu moving to another mountain"
. Toyota Toki とよた 時 / とよだ 時 Toyoda Toki - 山里漫画家 Tengu Manga .

Tengu Parody, Print by Utagawa Kuniyoshi (MS)

. tengu sarai 天狗攫い / tengu kakushi 天狗隠し - kidnapped, abducted by a Tengu . *

tengushin, Tengu Shin 天狗神 Tengu Kami deity (WI)

tengushide, tengu shide テングシデ / 四手 Tengu Shide Tree, fm. Carpinus
source :

tengu to ? "The Tengu and the Woodcutter" (WI)
- folktale

Tengu zooshi emaki, Tenguzōshi emaki, 天狗草紙絵巻 Tenhgu Zoshi Emaki - picture scroll of Tengu - 1296 (MS)


. tiangou, Tien Kou 天狗 dog-like Chinese demon . (MS)

. tokin 頭巾. 頭襟 small cap of a Tengu and Yamabushi .

Tonyuugyoo, Tonyūgyō 頓遊行神 Tonyugo Tengu
and his partner
Suyochisoo, Suyochisō 須臾馳走神 Suyochiso Tengu (MS)
- The two are considered Dakini’s attendants

. toofu 豆腐 Legends about Tofu and Tengu .

Tori, 秩父・ 両神山の刀利天狗 Tori Tengu
. Toyota Toki とよた 時 / とよだ 時 Toyoda Toki - 山里漫画家 Tengu Manga .

. Torii Kiyomasu I 鳥居清倍 - illustration .

. Toyota Toki とよた 時 / とよだ 時 Toyoda Toki - 山里漫画家 Tengu Manga .

udon 天狗うどん Tengu Udon noodles
. 天狗うどん作り How to make Tengu Udon Noodles .

. ukiyo-e 浮世絵 "pictures of the floating world" .
. Kawanabe Kyosai 河鍋暁斎 (1831 - 1889) .

ushi ni natta Tengu 牛になった天狗 Tengu became a bull
. Toyota Toki とよた 時 - Manga .

. Utagawa Kuniyoshi 歌川国芳 (1797 - 1861) .
Kyôga tengu no korishô - Tengu no hana Tengu and their noses" / An elephant catching a flying Tengu

. waffles 天狗焼き Tengu Yaki .

. Wilson, Sean Michael Wilson - Issai Chozanshi - Book .
The Demon's Sermon on the Martial Arts: A Graphic Novel

yamabushi tengu 山伏天狗 mountain monk Tengu (MS)

Yama no Kami and Tengu 山神としての天狗 Tengu as Deity of the Mountain
yama tengu 山天狗 "Mountain Tengu"
天狗礫 / 天狗田 / 天狗の爪とぎ石 / 天狗の山 / 天狗谷 / 天狗の領地 / 狗賓の住処 /天狗つぶて / 天狗囃子 / 山神楽 Yamakagura / 天狗太鼓 / 天狗の火 / 天狗倒し / 天狗礫 / 天狗火 / 天狗の揺さぶり / 天狗沢
天狗の宮を木霊神社 Kodama Jinja
- reference : -

yama tengu 山天狗 Mountain Tengu
tale by Mizuki Shigeru Mizuki

yonjuuhachi tengu 四十八天狗 48 famous Tengu

. yuigesa 結袈裟 Kesa sash with pompons - photos . (WI)

***** Zenkiboo Zenkibō 前鬼坊 Zenkibo of Mount Ōmine
那智滝本前鬼坊, one of the eight Tengu and one of the 48 Tengu of Japan.
. the husband Zenki 前鬼 and his wife Goki 後鬼 .
and the priest En no Gyoja 役行者.

Zhang Xian shooting at a tiangou to protect his children clustered about him (wi - photo)


- Reference -

Legends of Japan
by Hiroshi Naito (Author), Masahiko Nishino (Illustrator)


. - - - Join my Tengupedia friends on facebook ! - - - .

The latest additions are on facebook !


- - - reference : Mark Schumacher (MS) - - -
- - - reference : wikipedia (WI) - - -


. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .

. Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" .

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. Mingei 民芸 Regional Folk Art from Japan .

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