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Sasaguri Henro Kyushu

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Sasaguri 篠栗四国八十八箇所 88 Henro Temples
Sasaguri Shikoku Hachijuuhachi kasho (ささぐりしこくはちじゅうはちかしょ)
篠栗霊場 Sasaguri reijo

Pilgrimage to 88 sacred temples in Sasaguri, Fukuoka, Kyushu
in honor of Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海.

One of the three new Henro pilgrimages in Japan.

It has been established by a monk called 慈忍 Jinin around 1835, after he completed the Henro walk in Shikoku. He wanted to give the priests, nuns and villagers, who could not travel to Shikoku, to have a chance to the benefit of a full pilgrimage. After his death, the caritable people of the village 篤志家 continued to support this project.

Kobo Daishi at Nr. 62 石原山遍照院 Henjo-In

. Kobo Daishi Reijo 弘法大師霊場 Kobo Daishi Pilgrimages in Japan .

. 九州88ヶ所108霊場 Kyushu - 88 and 108 temples .  

Sasaguri (篠栗町 Sasaguri-machi) is a town in Kasuya District, Fukuoka.


Jake Ojisan is doing the pilgrimage
. ... .


- source : crossroad


Mount Wakasugiyama near Sasaguri  Myoo-In.

- source : -


01 - . Nanzooin, Nanzoo-In 南蔵院 Nanzo-In, Nanzoin .


2 松ヶ瀬阿弥陀堂 阿弥陀如来 松ヶ瀬 - Amida Do
3 城戸釈迦堂 釈迦如来 城戸 - Shaka Do
4 金出大日堂 大日如来 金出 - Dainichi Do
5 郷ノ原地蔵堂 地蔵菩薩 郷ノ原 - Jizo Do
6 小浦薬師堂 薬師如来 小浦 - Yakushi Do
7 田ノ浦阿弥陀堂 阿弥陀如来 田ノ浦 - Amida Do
8 金剛の滝観音堂 千手観世音菩薩 山王 - Kannon Do
9 山王釈迦堂 釈迦如来 山王 - Shaka Do

10 切幡寺 千手観世音菩薩 高野山真言宗 山王 - Kannon Bosatsu
11 山手薬師堂 薬師如来 山手 - Yakushi Do
12 千鶴寺 虚空蔵菩薩 郷ノ原 - Kokuzo Bosatsu
13 城戸大日堂 十一面観世音菩薩 城戸 - Dainichi Do
14 二ノ滝寺 弥勒菩薩 高野山真言宗 中ノ河内 - Miroku Bosatsu
15 妙音寺 薬師如来 天台宗 金出 - Yakushi Nyorai
16 呑山観音寺 千手観世音菩薩 高野山真言宗 萩尾 - Kannon-Ji
17 山手薬師堂 薬師如来 山手 - Yakushi Do
18 篠栗恩山寺 薬師如来 上町 - Yakushi Nyorai
19 篠栗地蔵堂 地蔵菩薩 上町 - Jizo Do

20 中ノ河内地蔵堂 地蔵菩薩 中ノ河内 - Jizo Do
21 高田虚空蔵堂 虚空蔵菩薩 高田 - Kokuzo Do
22 桐ノ木谷薬師堂 薬師如来 桐ノ木谷 - Yakushi Do
23 山王薬師堂 薬師如来 山王 - Yakushi Do
24 中ノ河内虚空蔵堂 虚空蔵菩薩 中ノ河内 - Kokuzo Do
25 金剛山秀善寺 一願地蔵菩薩 高野山真言宗 山手 - Ichigan Jizo Bosatsu
26 薬師大寺 薬師如来 高野山真言宗 荒田 - Yakushi Dai-Ji
27 神峰寺 十一面観世音菩薩 金出 - Kannon Bosatsu
28 篠栗公園大日寺 大日如来 中町 - Dainichi Ji
29 荒田観音堂 千手観世音菩薩 荒田 - Kannon Do

30 田ノ浦斐玉堂 阿弥陀如来 田ノ浦 - Amida Nyorai
31 城戸文殊堂 文殊菩薩 城戸 - Monju Do
32 高田十一面観音堂 十一面観世音菩薩 高田 - Kannon Do
33 本明院 薬師如来 天台宗 田中 - Yakushi Nyorai
34 宝山寺 薬師如来 高野山真言宗 郷ノ原 - Yakushi Nyorai
35 珠林寺薬師堂 薬師如来 浄土宗 金出 - Yakushi Do
36 呑山天王院 波切不動明王 高野山真言宗 萩尾 - Namikiri Fudo Myo-O
37 高田阿弥陀堂 阿弥陀如来 高田 - Amida Do
38 丸尾観音堂 千手観世音菩薩 丸尾 - Kannon Do
39 篠栗山延命寺 薬師如来 高野山真言宗 上町 - Enmei-Ji - Yakushi Nyorai

40 一ノ滝寺 薬師如来 真言宗醍醐派 山手 - Yakushi Nyorai
41 平原観音堂 十一面観世音菩薩 山王 - Kannon Do
42 中ノ河内仏木寺 大日如来 中ノ河内 - Dainichi Nyorai
43 源光山明石寺 千手観世音菩薩 真言宗大覚寺派 鳴渕 - Kannon Bosatsu
44 大宝寺 十一面観世音菩薩 高野山真言宗 金出 - Kannon Bosatsu

45 城戸ノ滝不動堂 不動明王 篠栗 - Taki Fudo Hall
46 岡部薬師堂 薬師如来 岡部 - Okabe Yakushi Do
47 萩尾阿弥陀堂 阿弥陀如来 萩尾 - Amida Do
48 中ノ河内観音堂 十一面観世音菩薩 中ノ河内 Kannon Do
49 小松尾山雷音寺 釈迦如来 高野山真言宗 萩尾 - Shaka Nyorai

50 郷ノ原薬師堂 薬師如来 郷ノ原 - Yakushi Do
51 下町薬師堂 薬師如来 下町 - Yakushi Do
52 山手観音堂 十一面観世音菩薩 山手 - Kannon Do
53 桐ノ木谷阿弥陀堂 阿弥陀如来 桐ノ木谷 - Amida Do
54 中町延命寺 不動明王 中町 - Enmei-Ji - Fudo Myo-o
55 桐ノ木谷大日堂 大通智勝仏 桐ノ木谷 - Dainichi Do
56 松ヶ瀬地蔵堂 地蔵菩薩 松ヶ瀬 - Jizo-Do
57 田ノ浦栄福堂 阿弥陀如来 田ノ浦 - Amida Nyorai
58 大久保観音堂 千手観世音菩薩 大久保 - Kannon Do
59 田ノ浦薬師堂 薬師如来 田ノ浦 - Yakushi Do

60 神変寺 大日如来 高野山真言宗 松ヶ瀬 - Dainichi Nyorai
61 山王寺 大日如来 真言宗御室派 山王 - Dainichi Nyorai
62 石原山遍照院 十一面観世音菩薩 - Henjo-In
63 天狗岩山吉祥寺 毘沙門天 天狗岩 - Bishamon Ten
64 荒田阿弥陀堂 阿弥陀如来 荒田 - Amida Do
65 三角寺 十一面観世音菩薩 高野山真言宗 御田原 - Kannon Bosatsu
66 観音坂観音堂 千手観世音菩薩 金出 - Kannon Do
67 山王薬師堂 薬師如来 山王 - Yakushi Do
68 岡部神恵院 阿弥陀如来 山王 - Amida Nyorai
69 高田観音堂 聖観世音菩薩 高田 - Kannon Do

70 五塔の滝 馬頭観世音菩薩 鳴渕 - Bato Kannon
71 城戸千手観音堂 千手観世音菩薩 城戸 - Kannon Do
72 田ノ浦拝師堂 大日如来 田ノ浦 - Haishi Do - Dainichi Nyorai
73 山王釈迦堂 釈迦如来 山王 - Shaka Do
74 城戸薬師堂 薬師如来 城戸 - Yakushi Do
75 紅葉ヶ谷薬師堂 薬師如来 郷ノ原 - Yakushi Do
(75) 善通寺 薬師如来 単立 荒田 - Zentsu-Ji - Yakushi Nyorai
76 萩尾薬師堂 薬師如来 萩尾 - Yakushi Do
77 山王薬師堂 薬師如来 山王 - Yakushi Do
78 山手阿弥陀堂 阿弥陀如来 山手 - Amida Do
79 補陀洛寺 十一面観世音菩薩 高野山真言宗 下町 - Fudaraku-Ji - Kannon

80 田ノ浦観音堂 千手観世音菩薩 田ノ浦 - Kannon Do
81 二瀬川観音堂 千手観世音菩薩 二瀬川 - Kannon Do
82 鳥越観音堂 千手観世音菩薩 鳴渕 - Kannon Do
83 千手院 聖観世音菩薩 高野山真言宗 御田原 - Kannon Bosatsu
84 中町屋島寺 十一千手面観世音菩薩 中町 - Kannon Bosatsu
85 祖聖大寺 聖観世音菩薩 高野山真言宗 郷ノ原 - Kannon BOsatsu
86 金出観音堂 十一面観世音菩薩 金出 - Kannon Do
87 弘照院 聖観世音菩薩 高野山真言宗 金出 - Kannon Bosatsu
88 大久保薬師堂 薬師如来 Okubo Yakushi-Do

. Sasaguri - Fudo Myo-O - My Photo Collection .   


- quote -
- source : wikipedia

- Sasaguri Sightseeing Spots -
- source :


sasaguri ささ栗(ささぐり)chestnut sweet
sasame sasaguri さゝめさゝ栗
from Gifu, Nakatsugawa town

. sweet chestnut (kuri 栗) .


. Kobo Daishi, Kukai 弘法大師 空海 .

. Kobo Daishi Reijo 弘法大師霊場 Kobo Daishi Pilgrimages in Japan .


. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja – Vidyaraja – Fudo Myoo .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .

- #sasagurihenro #sasaguriintroduction -

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .



Shogun Jizo


- Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - ABC-List -

Shoogun Jizoo, Shōgun Jizō 将軍地蔵 Shogun Jizo, General Jizo
and the inoshishi 猪 wild boar  

. . . CLICK here for Photos !


- quote
Victorious Jizō, Battle-Field Protector,
often shown clad in armor. A form of Jizō widely venerated by warriors.
Writes scholar Yoshiko Kurata Dykstra:
“The idea that Jizō would vicariously receive their injuries and wounds made Jizō immensely attractive among warriors. A story in the Japanese Taiheiki 太平記 (circa 1371) describes how a soldier took refuge in the Jizō Hall of Mibu after fleeing from a battle in the capital. A priest who was the incarnation of the Jizō in the hall appeared and was captured by the enemy in place of the soldier. People later discovered the Jizō statue in the hall was marked as though it had been tightly bound.” (See Shibarare ‘String-Bound’ Jizō for similar stories).
Dykstra also writes: “Shōgun Ashikaga Takauji 足利 尊氏 (1305-58), a fervent Jizō devotee, drew a picture of Jizō and worshipped it daily. The deity Shōgun Jizō (Victorious Jizō) of Atago 愛宕 and Shirakawa 白川 was very popular among warriors, who venerated Jizō as protector in battle.”

There are numerous stories about Jizō as a battlefield protector.
Jōkōmyōji Temple 浄光明寺 in Kamakura houses a statue of Jizō called the Yahiroi Jizō 矢拾い地蔵, literally Arrow-Gathering Jizō. According to legend, Yahiroi Jizō appeared as a child-monk on the battlefield to save Ashikaga Tadayoshi 足利直義 (1306-52), the younger brother of Ashikaga Takauji, by gathering arrows after Tadayoshi had run out of weapons. Jōkōmyōji Temple is #16 and #17 on the Kamakura Pilgrimage to 24 Jizō Sites.

Within the precints of Tenonji Temple 天恩寺 in Okazaki City (Aichi Prefecture) is a large cedar tree named Ieyasu-ko Mikaeri-no-Sugi (lit. = Cedar Tree Ieyasu Looked Back At). According to legend, Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康 (1542-1616) visited this temple to pray for victory in his campaign to unify Japan. While praying, someone called out his name. As he turned around to address the caller, he saw an assassin hiding behind a huge cedar tree with arrow poised to shoot. Ieyasu narrowly escaped, and as he left the temple for the battlefield, he looked back repeatedly at the tree to show his gratitude, for the voice he had heard was that of Enmei Jizō 延命地蔵 (Life Prolonging Jizō). Enmei Jizō is also one of Six Jizō who protect all beings in the six realms of desire and rebirth. See Six Jizō for details. (source: nippon-kichi)

- - - - - More details about Jizo Bosatsu
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva
- source : Mark Schumacher


Bodhisattva as Warrior God - The Curious Case of Shōgun Jizō
Patricia Yamada - PDF file, 27 pages
Jizo as war god 軍神 gunshin
Jizo as personal protective deity 念持仏 nenji butsu
venerated by “barbarian-subduing generalissimo” (seii-tai shogun 征夷大将軍) Sakanoue Tamuramaro 坂上田村麻呂 (758-811)
But Jizo is "made in Japan" and not found in India or China.
The earliest known written reference to a Shōgun Jizō is in a postscript to the
Tōnomine ryakki 多武峰略記 (Brief Accounts of Tōno Peak), dated 1197.
Shōteki 勝敵 Bishamonten.

It is not clear when Shōgun Jizō appeared on the Kyoto side of Mt. Atago as the “true ground ” (honji butsu 本地仏) of Atago Daigongen 愛宕大権現, the inclusive
title for the enshrined fire and thunder deities. I

In the Kamakura period Shōgun Jizō veneration was practiced mainly by esoteric recluses and by retired emperors seeking to conquer their enemies.

Uriuzan 瓜生山
The tiny stone Uriuzan 瓜生山 Shōgun Jizō, in a small, former Buddhist hall on Maruyama off the road to Mt. Hiei and the Enryaku-ji, is tied to clashes between the Ashikaga clan and its presumed allies. . . . snip . . . people called the area Shōgun Jizō yama or Shōgun yama.

Shōgun Jizō gunki 勝軍地蔵軍記

When Mount Atago became a shugendō mountain sacred to Shōgun Jizō is far from clear.
. . .
Shudō (1979) and Bouchy (1987) speculate that Kyoto Atago hijiri were actively spreading Atago Shōgun Jizō as the true ground of other indigenous kami in areas throughout the country as early as the late Sengoku years, perhaps even earlier in Yamato (Nara), Tamba and other areas near Kyoto.

A Muromachi period stone statue called the Yoroi Jizō 鎧地蔵 (armored Jizō),
kept in a small hall in Kidera-chō 紀寺町 , Nara City, shows Shōgun Jizō flanked
by Bishamonten and Fudō. . . . once was enshrined at the now defunct Haku’un-in
白雲院 and called Yoroi Jizō Atago Daigongen 鎧地蔵愛宕大権現.
In 1603, Tokugawa Ieyasu “invited” the Kyoto Atago deity to Edo to protect his new capital.
Kyoto Atagosan silk mandala,
- source :


source : John on facebook

Shingon temple of Sennnyuuji 泉涌寺 Sennyu-Ji, Kyoto
都府京都市 東山区泉涌寺山内町27


Jizo and the inoshishi 猪 wild boar  

Flammarion Iconographic Guide:
“In certain cases, Jizō may also assume a syncretic aspect, and be represented as a warrior when assimilated with Atago Gongen 愛宕権現, a Kami considered to be a temporary incarnation of Jizō.
This kami (Shintō deity), protector from flame and fire, mainly venerated on Mount Atago in Kyoto Prefecture, has also been identified as being Kaguzuchi-no-Kami or even Susanoo-no-Mikoto 須佐之男命 (storm god and brother of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu 太陽神アマテラス) and sometimes even as Izanagi 伊邪那岐命 (Japanese creator god). He is represented with the features of a Chinese warrior on horseback, carrying a pigrim’s staff and a cintamani (Jp. = hōjunotama 宝珠の玉 or wish-granting jewel). Popular imagery sometimes also symbolizes him by statuettes of a horse carrying a cintamani on its back.
The support animal or messenger of this Atago Gongen is the wild boar, the symbol of courage, strength, and perseverance.
Many legends relate that warriors in difficulty have been rescued by wild boars or Atago Jizō 愛宕地蔵, which charged at their enemies, putting them to flight.”
end Flammarion quote

- - - - - Read more here
- source : Mark Schumacher


The white wild boar 白猪 (shirai, shira-i) is a messenger of the deity of Atago Jinja 愛宕神社.
It is celebrated on the forth day of the second month.

Mount Atago Yama 愛宕山 / 阿多古 in Kyoto and
. Atago Gongen 愛宕権現 and Atago Jinja 愛宕神社 .

Shogun Jizo riding a white wild boar / Anryu-In 安立院 Tokyo
7 Chome-10-4 Yanaka, Taito, Tokyo 安立院(東京都台東区谷中7-10)

- Look at more Atago Jizo on a wild boar here, especially with relation to Tokugawa Ieyasu and Nikko :

日光の愛宕社 勝(将)軍地蔵と猪
source :


Chookyuuji 長久寺 Chokyu-Ji
坂戸市浅羽  埼玉 - 1486 Asaba, Sakado, Saitama

This statue is dating back to 1792.


This Jizo is not here to win a battle as general,
but to help the farmers with the fight against the wild boars of the time.
- source : jinjyawatch


- shared by John Dougill - Kyoto - facebook


- CLICK For more photos - Shogun Jizo


. inoshishi 猪 wild boar .
- Introduction -

inoshishi yoke イノシシ除け warding off wild boars

- source : pandion/archives

Jizo and Kobo Daishi in front of large nets to ward off the wild boars.
Shikoku Henro Nr. 23 -  第23番札所 薬王寺 Yakuo-Ji

猪の被害 damage by wild boars - quite a problem in rural Japan these days.
Even in my village in Okayama the wild boars take over, since the hunters are mostly too old to continue their jobs and there is nobody to do anything. Just electric fences around the rice paddies, but the wild boars jump over it and destroy the crops anyway.

Wild boars digging along the road to my home in Okayama.
During the snow months, they are at their best (or worst) . . .

. Wild boars in Okayama .

inoshishi ya kome o taberu na、taberu na yo

twiglight zone -
wild boars harvesting
the fallen rice

. My neighbours, the Wild Boars 2005 .


General Jizo (Shoogun Jizoo)

Seit der Kamakura-Zeit bekannt. Seit der Muromachi-Zeit besonders von den Samurai als Kriegsgott verehrt, weil er Sieg in der Schlacht gewährt. Aus diesem Glauben entwickelte sich später der stellvertretende Jizoo.
Zerstört mit seinen schrecklichen Waffen das Unwissen der Menschen.
Mit chinesischer Rüstung auf einem Pferd sitzend oder neben einem Pferd stehend, einen Pilgerstab oder eine Gebetsfahne (ban) in der Hand.

勝軍騎馬尊像 / 勝勝軍牙尊像 / 勝軍騎馬神像
shoogun kiba sonzoo

. Shogun Jizo Talisman to win a battle .


- Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - Introduction -

. Join the Jizo Bosatsu Gallery - Facebook .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ] - - - #shogunjizo - - -


Sho Kannon


- Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 - ABC-List -

Shoo Kannon,Shō Kannon 聖観音 / 正観音 Sho Kannon
聖観世音菩薩 Sho Kanzeon Bosatsu

- quote
The Sacred Form of Kannon, the model for other forms of Kannon. Worship of this deity began in India around the 1st or 2nd century AD. Also one of the Six Manifestations of Kannon who protect the six realms of karmic rebirth. In this latter role, Shō Kannon brings salvation to those in the hell realm (in some traditions, Shō Kannon is instead responsible for beings in the realm of hungry ghosts).

Shō Kannon represents the root form, the unchangeable form, of Kannon -- the pure, noble, sacred, holy form -- while his/her other manifestations are commonly referred to as the 33 Keshin or Henge Kannon. Shō comes from the Sanskrit "Arya," meaning holy. In Japan, another name for Shō-Kannon is Guze Kannon, one referring to the simple (non-esoteric) form of this deity. The earliest extant wooden statue in Japan (first half 7th century AD) is the Guze Kannon housed at Hōryū-ji Temple 法隆寺 in Nara.

In traditional Japanese Buddhist art and sculpture, Shō Kannon commonly holds a lotus bud or water vase (see Objects Page for significance of these important icons), and wears a crown that contains a small image of Amida Buddha (called a kebutsu 化仏). The kebutsu symbolizes Kannon’s role as one of Amida's main attendants.

Shingon Mantra (ご真言)
おん あろりきゃ そわか On Arorikyu Sowaka
- source : Mark Schumacher


大宝山来迎院阿弥陀寺 来迎院 Raigo-In

source : Kubota san, facebook

made by 松本喜三郎 Matsumoto Kisaburo (1825 - 1891)
from Kumamoto 熊本市

熊本市春日6丁目8-8 Kumamoto 来迎院 Raigo-In
熊本市春日、万日山(まんにちやま)中腹にある大宝山来迎院阿弥陀寺(たいほうざん らいこういん あみだじ)は、大宝年中(701~703年)、行基(ぎょうき)により創建されたといわれています。かつて万日山は別名阿弥陀寺山とよばれ、ふもとの集落は阿弥陀寺村といわれるほど栄えていました。もともとは法相宗の大寺院で、万日山山上に奥の院、本堂があり、現在来迎院があるあたりは僧坊があったと伝えられています。

- source :

CLICK for more photos !

- reference - Matsumoto Kisaburo
He was famous for "Living Dolls".
The term iki ningyo did not come into common parlance until the early years of the Meiji Period (1868-1912)

- quote
In 1868, in preparation for a large-scale exhibit of iki ningyo (living dolls)* to be held at the Asakusa Sensoji Temple in the newly christened capital of Tokyo, Matsumoto Kisaburo (1826-1892) created his most enduring masterpiece: a life-sized image of Kannon dressed as a female traveler. The exhibit itself, designed as a series of vignettes involving over 33 individual figures, was a tour de force and represented Kisaburo at the peak of his powers as a ningyo artist. It was based on popular stories of faith and manifestations of the power of the Buddhist deity Kannon, called the Saikoku sanjusan [Miraculous Deeds of Kannon at the 33 places of Shikoku].

This particular image, the Tanikumi Kannon, clothed in rich silken robes and wearing the lacquered cap of a traveling noblewoman, was suffused with a life and vitality that gave these striking figures their name: iki-ningyo or "living" dolls. The graceful pose of the body with the head looking back slightly over her left shoulder, her finely formed hand, ripe and fairly pulsing with life, the index finger pointing delicately into the distance, her enigmatic expression, beatific and haunting, was all masterfully rendered. Her ivory teeth and inset glass eyes, exquisitely executed, completed the image of divinity. Such was the perfection of this particular figure when Kisaburo finished it that, rather than including it in the intended exhibit, he donated the piece to Jo koku-ji Temple in his home town of Kumamoto where it remains to this day as an object of veneration. A second piece was subsequently created for inclusion in the Kannon exhibit which first appeared in 1871.
- snip -
. . . . . Kisaburo's Saikoku sanjusan was just one of the many misemono (exhibitions) held at Asakusa Temple during the 19th century.
- snip -
According to family documents originally held by Kisaburo’s descendant Serikawa Saburo and reviewed by Kuboto Beisho in his work Ningyo-shi, [Tokyo, 1937], Matsumoto Kisaburo was born on February 15, Bunsei 8 (1826) to an oil salesman named Matsumoto Hambei living in the Ideguchi area of Kumamoto, Hijo Prefecture. Early in life he showed great promise in carving and was apprenticed to a local scabbard maker. His talent and rapid progress soon earned Kisaburo the enmity of his fellow apprentices and abuse at their hands eventually forced him to return home where he crafted lanterns and paper stencils for textile dyeing. At this point he also began to turn his artistic focus on the creation of dedicatory figures called hono ningyo. A local festival tradition venerating the Buddhist bodhisattva Jizo (Kitshigharba) involved the creation of these hono ningyo which were carved and displayed in each neighborhood before being presented to the temple. Competition between the various neighborhoods was quite lively and Kisaburo along with another young artist by the name of Yasumoto Kamehachi soon distinguished himself as a superior artist, each reportedly challenging the other in the creation of increasingly sophisticated forms of ningyo.
Iki Ningyo

The Kisaburo Legacy
Over the some 40 years of iki ningyo production, Kisaburo created literally hundreds of figures ranging from the beautiful to the grotesque, from the erotic to the quotidian. But out of this impressive body of work, only three existing iki ningyo definitively attributable to him remain to attest to his genius: the Tanikumi Kannon at Jokoku-ji Temple, another Kannon image also dedicated to a temple in the Kumamoto area, and, interestingly enough, a male figure at the Smithsonion Institute in Washington DC. The latter being a special commission piece ordered by a gentleman named Kaplan. This piece, remarkable in its attention to detail and its high sense of realism is the only figure known to be signed by Kisaburo, bearing an inset seal on the bottom of his foot.
- source : Alan Pate

- Kisaburo Matsumoto on facbook -


Heilige Kannon
Aarya-Avalokiteshvara, Padmapaani, Padmapani

Orthodoxe menschliche Gestalt. Gehört nicht zu den abweichenden Figuren. Seit im 6. und 7. Jhd. die abweichenden Kannon-Statuen immer häufiger wurde, erhielten die einfachen Statuen diese Bezeichnung.
Zusammen mit Seishi Bosatsu in der Amida-Dreiergruppe. Häufiger als Einzelstatue besonderer Gegenstand der Verehrung, z.B. Yume Kannon, Guze Kannon und Kudara Kannon im Tempel Horyuuji in Nara.
Am 100. Todestag wird diese Kannon mit einer Lotusknospe und einem Lotusblatt verehrt.

Sitzt auf einem Lotussockel.
Hohe Krone mit Verkörperung des Amida. Rechte Hand erhoben zur Geste Fürchtet Euch nicht! oder gesenkt zur Geste der Wunschgewährung. In der linken Hand eine Lotusknospe, mit der rechten diese Knospe aufblätternd (daher der Name "Padmapaani": Der mit dem Lotus in der Hand). Oder ein Wassergefäß, ein Juwel oder einen Wedel in der Hand. Die Gegenstände werden entweder fest in der Hand gehalten oder erscheinen zwischen den gefalteten Händen eingeklemmt.

Als Dreiergruppe mit Jikokuten und Tamonten (Tempel Joshoji, Tokyo).

. . . CLICK for more Photos !


daikan no heso utsukushiku shoo kannon

the beautiful navel
of this Sacred Kannon 
in the great cold

大石登世子 Oishi Toyoko

. daikan, taikan 大寒 "great cold" .
According to the Asian lunar calendar, the 20th day of the first lunar month is one of the coldest days.
Now re-located in January, but it should be February.

source : shokkou/archives

At temple 薬師寺 Yakushi-Ji, Nara


- Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 - Introduction -

. Join the Kannon Bosatsu Gallery - Facebook .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

- - - #shookannon #shokannon - - -


Seishin-Ji Tsugaru Daishi 10

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Seishinji 聖心寺 Seishin-Ji

Nr. 10 - 五色山 Goshikisan 聖心寺 Seishin-Ji 

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .

. goshiki 五色 the five colors of Buddhism .
- Introduction -


You can see the protective cover in the front, reminding us of the coming winter with heavy snowfall in the region.

弘前市百沢字東岩木山3056 / Higashiiwakisan-3056 Hyakuzawa, Hirosaki-shi

This temple has been established as part of the Special Prayer Group of Narita San 聖心会 in the year 1960.
It relies on the Mountain Religion with the deity Akakura Daijin 赤倉大神 Akakura Daigongen in its center
and Kobo Daishi as its ancestor.
In the spring of 1982 the temple was re-located to its present place.
And in autumn of the same year, a shrine for the protector deity 守護神社 was also erected.

21 - . 赤倉山 Akakurasan - Kongooji 金剛寺 Kongo-Ji .
... Akakura Fudo 赤倉不動

- Chant of the temple
ぬばたまの 闇を照らさん 五色光 遍照尊の いますこの寺
清らかな 津軽富士山 岩木峰 裳裾のうちの 聖心の寺


愛染明王の五色の綱 - Aizen Myo-O and the rope in five colors
It is connected to the statue of Aizen in the hall.

. Aizen Myo-O 愛染明王 Aizen Myō-ō .


dedicated to Dainichi Nyorai 大日如来

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事

1月1日 祈願供養
6月5日 春季大祭
7月24日 水子地蔵大祭
9月13日 秋季大祭


- - - reference - - -

. 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


- another temple with the same name on this Kobo Daishi pilgrimage
17 -  . 成田山 Naritasan - 青森寺 Seishin-Ji .

. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . (774 - 835) .

. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. Fudo Myo-O at Mount Koyasan 高野山の明王像 .

. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck .


. 東北三十六不動尊霊場 - 36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .  

. Pilgrimage to 18 Shingon Temples .
The 18 Head Temples of Shingon School have a very long history.


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46



Shoden-In Saitama

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Shooden-In 聖天院 Shoden-In - (Shoten-In)
高麗山 Komasan 聖天院 - Shoorakuji 勝楽寺 Shoraku-Ji

source :

埼玉県日高市新堀990 / 990-1 Niihori, Hidaka, Saitama 350-1243

This temple is Nr. 26 on the pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples in Musashino.
Very close to it is the shrine 高麗神社 Koma Jinja.

The main statue is Shoten 聖天.
The temple is built from beautiful keyaki zelkova beams of the forest behind it.

Behind the park on the slope of Mount Koma 高麗山 is a park with beautiful azaleas and other flowers.

- Chant of the temple

高麗人の 楽度とまつる 歓喜天
仲睦まじく ほほえましけれ

source : wikipedia

高麗聖雲 Koma Shoun was a priest of the Nara period.

. kideko, ki deko 木でこ head made from wood
Ootomo ningyoo 大友人形 Otomo dolls .

and 朝鮮の将軍標 shogunhyo dolls from Korea


source : facebook

The statue of a seated Fudo is only about 38 cm high.
On his left is 矜羯羅童子 Kongara Doji (45 cm) and
on his right 制咜迦童子 Seitaka Doji (45 cm).

Inside of the statue were some amulet pieces, dating it back to 1580 and
the master carver 鎌倉仏師の大蔵法眼.
The two statues at his side date back to 1624.

One paper inside the statue declares it was carved by Kobo Daishi himself.
He also carved a Kannon with Eleven Heads 十一面観音.
There was also a small statue of Fudo, only 二寸五分 high.


CLICK for enlargement !

- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :

Stone Fudo in the temple ground

source :


- - - reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .



Soganji Saitama

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Sooganji 總願寺 Sogan-Ji

Nr. 30 - 玉嶹山 Gyokutosan ・王寿山 總願寺 Sogan-Ji
不動院 Fudo-In 不動ヶ岡不動尊 Fudo-ga-oka Fudo Son

. 関東三十六不動尊霊場 Bando Sanjuroku Fudo-Son Reijo
36 Fudo Temples in Kanto / Bando .

発心の道場 Hosshin - Kanagawa - 01 - 07
修行の道場 Shugyo - Tokyo - 08 - 26
菩提の道場 Bodai - Saitama - 27 - 31
涅槃の道場 Nehan - Chiba - 32 - 36


source : facebook

埼玉県加須市不動岡2-9-18 / 2 Chome-9-18 Fudooka, Kazo-shi, Saitama

founded by pries Enchin
. Enchin 圓珍 - 円珍, known as Okotsu Daishi .
(814 - 891) Chisho Daishi 智證大師

- Chant of the temple
ご詠歌:武蔵野に 流れ来たりて はるばると 
不動の岡に 燄ともせり 



- Homepage of the temple
- source :

Also member of the following pilgrimages

関東八十八ヶ所霊場 第八十一番 Kanto 88 Henro temples - Nr. 81

One of the Three Great Fudo of Kanto / 関東三大不動の一つ


- - - - - Yearly Festivals 年中行事


- - - reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


Shinpukuji Kanagawa

[ . BACK to Daruma Museum TOP . ]

Shinpukuji 真福寺 Shinpuku-Ji

Nr. 04 - 大聖山 Daiseizan 真福寺 Shinpuku-Ji - 和田不動 Wada Fudo

. 関東三十六不動尊霊場 Bando Sanjuroku Fudo-Son Reijo
36 Fudo Temples in Kanto / Bando .

発心の道場 Hosshin - Kanagawa - 01 - 07
修行の道場 Shugyo - Tokyo - 08 - 26
菩提の道場 Bodai - Saitama - 27 - 31
涅槃の道場 Nehan - Chiba - 32 - 36

Nr. 15 in the pilgrimage
. 武相不動尊二十八所 Buso 28 Fudo Temples in Musashino .


神奈川県横浜市保土ヶ谷区和田 2-8-3 / 2 Chome-8-3 Wada, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa

- Chant of the temple



光網勝童子 Komosho Doji


- - - - - Homepage of the temple
- source :


- - - reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .



Shiromineji Henro 81


Shiromineji 白峯寺 / 白峰寺 Shiromine-Ji

. 四国お遍路さん Henro Pilgrims in Shikoku . - General Information -

. Shikoku Henro Temple List .


Nr. 81 - 綾松山 Ryoshozan 洞林院 Dorin-In  白峯寺 Shiromine-Ji
香川県坂出市青海町2635 / 2635 Oumichō, Sakaide-shi, Kagawa

- quote
The temple was founded by Kōbō Daishi. Chishō Daishi later added forty-seven buildings to the temple. The honzon is attributed to Chishō-Daishi as well (but Starr says that it was by Kōbō Daishi). Chishō carved it from a shining piece of wood he found floating at sea. At the time he found it, a white-haired sage appeared to him and said,
'This is the holy site in which to turn the wheel of Dharma and enter Samadhi.'

The temple also contains the mausoleum of Emperor Sūtoku, who was assassinated near Temple 79 in 1156 after being banished from Kyōto following an unsuccessful coup attempt against his brother, the then current emperor. The mausoleum was built in 1414 and is located behind the temple. According to the guidebooks, all pilgrims should visit it.

This temple has some of the oldest buildings on the pilgrimage and the hondō dates back to the turn of the seventeenth century. The three main buildings are in the permanent shadows of overhanging trees. The trees are so thick that a tiny grotto and spring that have formed are in near darkness.
- source :

- Chant of the temple
Shimo samuku tsuyu shiratae no tera no uchi mina o tonafuru nori no koegoe


On the way to Shiromine
source : Jake Ojisan

. - Photo Album from my visit - .


. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja – Fudo Myoo .

. . Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction - .

The Five Great Wisdom Kings, Godai Myo-O - 五大明王
. The Five Great Elements of the Universe - 地水火風空の五大 .


- Two short Haiku Henro Trips, Summer 2005

. 四国お遍路さん Pilgrims in Shikoku . - General Information

Koya San in Wakayama

Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海
(Kooboo Daishi, Kuukai )

Haiku and Henro:
.... . The Haiku Henro Pilgrimage  


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- #henroshiromine #shiromine -