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Showing posts with label - - - PPP - - -. Show all posts


Eto Zodiac Animals Pilgrimages

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

干支霊場 Pilgrimage to 12 Zodiac Animals Temples

. 12 Zociac animals 干支 eto, kanshi .
- Introduction -

There are 12 zociac animals, also representing one of the heavenly directions.

. ne 子 (nezumi 鼠) Rat (mouse)

. ushi 丑 Ox (cow, bull) .

. tora 寅 Tiger .

. u (usagi) 卯 Rabbit .

. tatsu 辰 Dragon .

. mi (hebi) 巳 Snake, Serpent .

. uma 午 Horse .

. mi (hitsuji) 未 Ram (sheep) .

. saru 申 Monkey .

. tori 酉 Rooster (chicken, cock) .

. inu 戌 Dog .

. i (inoshishi) 亥 Boar (wild boar) .


The combination of Buddhas and zodiac animals belongs to the theory of
Eight Protecting Buddhist Deities (Hachi Hogo Butsu, Hachi Shugo Butsu 八守護仏)

Also known as the
. Ichidai Mamori Honzon 一代守本尊 .

- Buddhas related to the Zodiac Animals
4 of the Buddhas connect to two zodiac animals.

子歳生れ ― 千手観音 Senju Kannon - rat/mouse
丑寅歳生れ ― 虚空蔵菩薩 Kokuzo Bosatsu - ox and tiger
卯歳生れ ― 文殊菩薩 Monju Bosatsu -  rabbit
辰巳歳生れ― 普賢菩薩 Fugen Bosatsu - dragon and snake
午歳生れ ― 勢至菩薩 Seishi Bosatsu - horse
未申歳生れ― 大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai - ram/sheep and monkey
酉歳生れ ― 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O - rooster
戌亥歳生れ― 阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai - dog and wild boar


Eto Mamori Hachi Butsu Honzon 干支守り八仏本尊
Pilgrimage to 8 Temples of Zodiac Animals

A pilgrimage in 三浦半島 Miura Hanto

① 午歳/勢至菩薩(長安寺)
② 子歳/千手観音菩薩(傳福寺)
③ 未申歳/大日如来(妙音寺)
④ 卯歳/文殊菩薩(延壽寺)
⑤ 酉歳/不動明王(武山不動院)
⑥ 戌亥歳/阿弥陀如来(浄楽寺)
⑦ 丑寅歳/虚空蔵菩薩(玉蔵院)
⑧ 辰巳歳/普賢菩薩(延命寺)


- reference :


武州寄居十二支守り本尊まいり Bushu

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. 伊予十二薬師霊場 Iyo 12 Yakushi Temples, Shikoku .
Mostly in Matsuyama.


Sendai 仙台の十二支守り本尊 Sendai Eto Mairi 仙台 干支参り

子(ねずみ)・ 善入院観音堂 Kannon-Do
丑(うし)・寅(とら)・虚空蔵堂大満寺 Daiman-Ji
卯(うさぎ)・ 鷲巣山文殊堂 Monju-Do
辰(たつ)・ 巳(へび)・ 愛宕神社 Atago Jinja
午(うま)・ 二十三夜堂 Nijusanya-Do
未(ひつじ)・ 申(さる)・ 大日堂 Dainichi-Do
酉(とり)・ 三瀧山不動院 Fudo-In
戌(いぬ)・亥(いのしし) 大崎八幡宮 Hachiman-Gu

- reference : and map -


会津十二支守り本尊/巡礼 Aizu
武州寄居十二支守り本尊まいり Bushu
干支の守護神 Kyoto
大阪府内で干支参り Osaka
- and many many MANY more

- reference -


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .

. 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 Bhaisajyaguru - ABC .


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- - #etoreijo #zodiacanimals #pilgrimageto12temples -


Yakushi Paradise

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

The Paradise of Yakushi Nyorai
Yakushi Rurikoo Joodo 薬師瑠璃光浄土 Yakushi Ruriko Jodo
Toohoo Rurikoo Joodo / 東方瑠璃光浄土 Toho Ruriko Jodo

He resides in the
Eastern Paradise of Pure Lapis Lazuli 東方浄瑠璃世界 Toho Joruri Sekai.

joodo 浄土 Jodo is a general term for the region where a Buddha lives, where humans go after death,
often also called gokukraku 極楽 paradise.

source :

薬師浄土曼荼羅 Yakushi Jodo Mandala
Temple Yakushi-Ji 薬師寺

Painting from the Edo period. about 2.4 meters wide and 4 meters long.
According to the Sutra 薬師如来本願功徳経 Yakushi Nyorai Hongan Kudoku Kyo,
Bhaisajyaguru-vaidurya-prabha-raja Sūtra


With Nikko and Gakko Bosatsu at his side 日光菩薩 / 月光菩薩.
Surounded by the 12 Heavenly Generals 十二神将.

- quote
- source : 神仏絵師の昌克

. Nikko Bosatsu (Sunlight) / Gakko Bosatsu (Moonlight)
Nikkoo to Gakkoo 日光菩薩と月光菩薩 .

Suryaprabha and Candraprabha
For a 24 hour watch over our health and well-being.

. Yakushi sanzon 薬師三尊 Yakushi Triad, Trias, Trinity .


Join the friends on facebook !

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

[ . BACK to WORLDKIGO . TOP . ] - - - #yakushiruriko #yakushiparadise #paradiseyakushi - - -


placebo and Yakushi

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

placebo effect プラシーボ効果 and Yakushi Nyorai

- quote -
A placebo ( Latin placēbō, "I shall please" from placeō, "I please")
is a simulated or otherwise medically ineffectual treatment for a disease or other medical condition intended to deceive the recipient. Sometimes patients given a placebo treatment will have a perceived or actual improvement in a medical condition, a phenomenon commonly called the placebo effect or placebo response. The placebo effect consists of several different effects woven together, and the methods of placebo administration may be as important as the administration itself.
..... The placebo effect points to the importance of perception and the brain's role in physical health. Placebos can produce some objective physiological changes, such as changes in heart rate, blood pressure, and chemical activity in the brain, in cases involving pain, depression, anxiety, fatigue, and some symptoms of Parkinson’s. In other cases, like asthma, the effect is purely subjective, when the patient reports improvement despite no objective change in the underlying condition.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !


. jujutsushi 呪術師 magic healer .
The healer chanted special prayers and spells and poured water over the affected body part.

..... a more simple way of healing (possibly with a stronger placebo effect).
The healer would write the character の over the affected body part, chant some incantation and that was it.
As an aside, even now mothers use the spell for all kinds of pain
itai no itai no tonde ike (tondeke) 痛いの痛いのとんでいけ pain, pain go away


. Abe no Seimei 阿倍晴明 (921 - 1005) .
He performed a lot of rituals to heal people of high rank and his power in this respect is now attributed to the placebo effect プラセボ効果 known to modern medicine.


Curing with Kaji (加持 ritual incantations)
..... mentions complementary (hokan 補完) and alternative (daitai 代替) medicine, yet disparagingly analyzes all such modalities in light of the placebo effect.
- source : Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture - - PDF file


- quote -
・安心正巳 など至れり尽せりで他の如来のような精神的・哲学的なご利益などでは無く非常に実利的かつ菩薩的なご利益である、また神仏融合の先駆け的如来でもある、除病安楽を謳う薬師如来のプラシーボ効果(placebo)は大きな信仰を得た様である。
- source : -


- reference : プラセボ効果 薬師如来 -


東大寺ミュージアム Todai-Ji Museum

- quote -
Todai-Ji Temple Nara 東大寺
..... Yakushi Nyorai Buddha of healing, situated outside.
If you touch him, then touch the place where you're in pain, it will feel better.
Placebo effect? Maybe, but it worked for me!
- source : -


The Cult of the Healing Buddha in East Asia
Donghwasa Temple, South Korea, May 29–30, 2013.

The cult of the Healing Buddha (Skt. Bhaiṣajyaguru, Ch. Yaoshi, K. Yaksa, J. Yakushi) constituted one of the major cults in East Asia. And yet, with the exception of Raoul Birnbaum’s seminal work (The Healing Buddha, first published in 1979), it has been until now largely neglected in Western scholarship. The present conference is intended as a first step toward redressing this neglect.
The functional relation between Bhaiṣajyaguru and healing opens up a large area of research on the relationships between Buddhism, medicine, and healing cults. ..... More specifically, the extent to which Bhaiṣajyaguru’s cult contributed to promoting Buddhist priests as healers remains unexplored territory.
- snip -
The esoteric Bhaiṣajyaguru as a cosmic deity, at the center of the spatio-temporal framework formed by the bodhisattvas Suryaprabha and Candraprabha and the twelve spirit-commanders (who are linked to the twelve zodiacal signs). In his capacity as an astral deity, Bhaiṣajyaguru is also associated with the cult of the seven Bhaiṣajyaguru and the pairing of this septet with the seven stars of Ursa Major (i.e., the Big, or Northern, Dipper). In Japan, for example, this cult provided a bridge between esoteric Buddhism and the so-called Way of Yin and Yang (Onmyōdō).
- snip -
in Japan the pestilence god Gozu Tennō 牛頭天王 is often considered a manifestation of Bhaiṣajyaguru.
- source : -


- reference - yakushi nyorai placebo -


Join the friends on facebook !

. Yakushipedia - ABC-Index 薬師如来 .

. Yakushi Nyorai - Legends from the provinces .

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師霊場巡り - Introduction .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC List .

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Pilgrimages in Japan


Pilgrimages in Japan
- Introduction -

Pilgrimages to a certain number of temples related to a deity are very popular in Japan.

- quote -
In Japan, pilgrimages can be classified into two general types:
(1) multi-site circuits and (2) single-site pilgrimages.
Sites Sacred to Kannon Bosatsu in Kamakura
Sites Sacred to Kannon Bosatsu Nationwide
Sites Sacred to Jizō Bosatsu in Kamakura
Sites Sacred to Seven Lucky Deities in Kamakura
Sites Sacred to Amida Nyorai in Kamakura

Mark Schumacher also introduces the equipment for a pilgrim, from the stamp book to the robes, hat and walking stick.
- source : Mark Schumacher


- - - - - Pilgrimages to Buddhist Deities

Amida Reijo 阿弥陀霊場
. - source : - .

- Saikoku Aizen Reijo 西国愛染霊場 -
- 地蔵院 Jizo-In, Seki - Nr. 10 -

. Fudo Myo-O Junrei 不動明王巡礼 - Introduction .

. Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 - Introduction .

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 . *

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師如来霊場 - Introduction .
. Shichifukujin 七福神 Seven Deities of Good Luck .

. Yakushi Nyorai Pilgrimages 薬師如来霊場 - Introduction .

東海近畿地蔵霊場 Tokai Kinki Jizo Bosatsu Pilgrimage

. . Saigoku Aizen Deity Pilgrimage 西国愛染霊場 .

. 近畿三十六不動尊霊場第9番 Kinki 36 Fudo Temples .

. 摂津国八十八箇所 Settsu no Kuni 88 Temples .

摂津国三十三箇所 Settsu no Kuni 33 Kannon Temples
神戸十三仏霊場 Kobe Jusanbutsu
ぼけ封じ近畿十楽観音霊場 Bokefuji Kinki Juraku Kannon


. Tokyo - Edo Pilgrimages .
Gofunai 御府内八十八ヶ所霊場 88 Henro Temples in Edo
江戸三十三観音霊場 Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon Temples of Edo
. . . and more

. Kanto Henro Pilgrimage 関東八十八ヶ所霊場 Kanto 88 Henro Temples .

. Shikoku Henro 四国お遍路さん Pilgrims in Shikoku .
Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海
Pilgrimage to 88 temples in honor of Kobo Daishi Kukai

. Zenko-Ji mairi 善光寺参り - Nagano .


Japanese Buddhist Pilgrimage
Michael Pye

Japanese Buddhist Pilgrimage
explores the ritual practice of “circulatory pilgrimages” – the visiting of many temples in a numbered sequence. Every year, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims travel such temple routes, seeking peace of mind, health and wellbeing for themselves and others as the benefits of such meritorious endeavour. This form of pilgrimage appears to be unique to Japan. The practice began centuries ago and involved visiting 33 temples devoted to the Bodhisattva Kannon, spread widely over western Japan. Soon afterwards the equally famous pilgrimage to 88 temples on Japan’s fourth island of Shikoku came into prominence.

This is the first comprehensive study of all the major and many of the minor routes, The book also examines how the practice of circulatory pilgrimage developed among the shrines and temples for the Seven Gods of Good Fortune, and beyond them to the rather different world of Shintō. The varying significance of the different pilgrimages is also explored. In addition to all the information about the routes, the book includes numerous illustrations and examples of the short Buddhist texts chanted by the pilgrims on their rounds.
- source : -


- - - - - mairi 参り is usually a pilgrimage to a Shinto shrine.

. Pilgrimage to Kyoto shrines (Kyoo mairi 京参り ) .

Ise Shrine Pilgrimage, O-Ise-Mairi, Ise Mairi 伊勢参り
O-kage mairi お陰参り "Thanks pilgrimages" or "blessing pilgrimages,"
nuke mairi 抜参(ぬけまいり)

Konpira Shrine Pilgrimage, Konpira Mairi 琴平参り

Shinbutsu 神仏霊場
- source : -


. Pilgrimage to 22 famous Shrines 名神大社二十二社参拝 .
The shrines are located in Kyoto, Nara, Mie and Osaka.



ニッポンの霊場へようこそ - all pilgrimages of Japan
- source : -


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .

- - #gokurakupilgrims ###pilgrim ###pilgrimage -


Kobo Daishi Tsugaru


. Kobo Daishi Reijo 弘法大師霊場 Kobo Daishi Pilgrimages in Japan .

Rice Crackers for the Kobo Daishi Pilgrim !

津軽弘法大師霊場 Kobo Daishi Pilgrims in Tsugaru

. Kobo Daishi Kukai 弘法大師 空海 . (774 - 835) .
Founder of Shingon Mikkyo 真言宗. Introduced Fudo Myo-O to Japan.

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .

. Chisha Daishi 智者大師 Chisha Shonin (538 - 597) .
and his disciple Saint Enchi 円智上人 / 圓智上人 Saint Enchi

Enchi had made the vow to promote Shingon Buddhism in the Northern parts of Japan and worked a lot near Tsugaru Azumayama 津軽阿津摩山, where he built a small retreat to venerate Dainichi Nyorai 大日坊.
He build five Shingon temples in Tsugaru 津軽真言五山 and found his last meditating place at the temple 最勝院.

The five Shingon temples of Tsugaru are (in the pilgrimage below)

01 - 最勝院(田町現在銅屋町)- Saisho-In
06 - 久渡寺(旧小沢村現在坂元) - Kudo-Ji
08 - 橋雲寺(岩木町植田)- Kyoun-Ji
09 - 百澤寺 / 百沢寺- Hyakutaku-Ji - 求聞寺 Gumon-Ji
23 - 国上寺(碇ヶ関村古懸)- Kokujo-Ji

. Tsugaru San Fudoo 津軽三不動 Three Fudo Statues in Tsugaru .
All three statues in Tsugaru are said to have been carved of one large tree.
As brothers, Nagaizawa is the eldest, Nakano the middle and Kogake the youngest brother.
All three statues have been carved in 610 by the Chinese priest Enchin.


津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru

第一番札所 金剛山 最勝院 Saisho-In (こんごうざん さいしょういん)
第二番札所 北門山 大王寺(ほくもんざん だいおうじ)
第三番札所 弘前高野山 法光院(ひろさきこうやさん ほうこういん)
第四番札所 鷹揚山 不動寺(おうようざん ふどうじ) Fudo-Ji
第五番札所 成田山 弘前寺(なりたさん こうぜんじ)

第六番札所 護國山 久渡寺(ごこくさん くどじ)
第七番札所 行峯山 覚應院(ぎょうほうざん かくおういん)
第八番札所 愛宕山 橋雲寺(あたごさん きょううんじ)
第九番札所 岩木山 求聞寺(いわきさん ぐもんじ)
第十番札所 五色山 聖心寺(ごしきさん せいしんじ)

Nr. 11 西の高野山 弘法寺 Kobo-Ji - Koyasan of the West
第十二番札所 春光山 圓覚寺(しゅんこうざん えんがくじ)
第十三番札所 成田山 大善院(なりたさん だいぜんいん)
第十四番札所 大峰山 蓮正院(おおみねさん れんしょういん)
第十五番札所 元城山 照法寺(げんじょうざん しょうほうじ)

第十六番札所 高野山 青森別院(こうやさん あおもりべついん)
第十七番札所 成田山 青森寺(なりたさん せいしんじ)
第十八番札所 浅虫高野山 陸奥護國寺(あさむしこうやさん むつごこくじ)
第十九番札所 朝日山 常福院(あさひやま じょうふくいん)
第二十番札所 愛宕山 地蔵院(あたごさん じぞういん)

第二十一番札所 赤倉山 金剛寺(あかくらさん こんごうじ)
第二十二番札所 神岡山 大圓寺(じんごうざん だいえんじ)
第二十三番札所 古懸山 國上寺 (こがけさん こくじょうじ)

- source :

Map of the pilgrimge and further details
- source :

- source :

Book for the temple stamps 朱印 shuin.

under construction

01 - . Saishoo In 最勝院 Saisho-In . - Hirosaki
Nekotsuki Fudo 猫突 Fudo stabbing a Monster Cat

02 -   . Daiooji 大王寺 Daio-Ji .
--- 本尊は鯵ヶ沢の海中より出でし不動明王 Fudo Myo-O from Ajigasawa

03 - . Hookoo-In 法光院 Hoko-In .
--- 浪切不動明王 Namikiri Fudo

04 - . Fudooji 鷹揚山 加福不動寺 Oyozan Kafuku Fudo-Ji .
. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck - Bishamonten.

05 -   . Koozenji 弘前寺 Kozen-Ji .
--- 成田山 Narita San, Hatsu Fudo 初不動

06 - . Kudoji 久渡寺 Kudo-Ji .
and O-Shirasama 王志羅(おしら)さま.

07 -   . Kakuooin 覚應院 / 覚応院 Kakuo-In .
. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck - Jurojin .

08 - . Kyoounji 橋雲寺 Kyoun-Ji .

09 - . Gumonji 求聞寺 Gumon-Ji Iwakisan 百沢寺 Hyakutaku-Ji .
- - - - - Kokuzo Bosatsu 虚空蔵菩薩 and Gumonjihō 求聞持法 Gumonji-Ho, Esoteric Rite to Improve One's Memory
. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck - Daikoku .

10 - . 五色山 Goshikisan 聖心寺 Seishin-Ji .


11 - . Koobooji 弘法寺 Kobo-Ji .
Byōbuzan-1-244 Kizukuri Fukihara, Tsugaru

o-yasumi Daishi お休み大師 Kobo Daishi taking a rest.

This is taken from the legend that Kobo Daishi on his pilgrimage in Shikoku once could not find a lodging for the night and had to rest below a bridge.
To our day the Henro pilgrims do not use their walking stick and carry it carefully when passing a bridge, so as not to awaken the sleeping Kukai.
There is a special small hall for this statue in the compound.

The prayer here is
ゆきなやむ 浮世の人を 渡さずば
一夜も十夜の 橋と思ほゆ

An amulet of the Sleeping Daishi !
(for 200 Yen)

Statue of Kobo Daishi in the garden

The two komainu real dogs at his feet wear red bonnets.

source and more photos : sadistic yuki 10

. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck - Fukurokuju .


- another
. 弘法寺 Kobo-Ji - Kagoshima Pilgrims 48 .
4679-1 Kushirachō Shimoobaru, Kanoya-shi, Kagoshima
with 5 Great Myo-O 五大明王


- another sleeping Kobo Daishi
Daishi-ji Temple in Hikone

Daishiji is famous as the only one temple in Japan that enshrines the Sleeping Kobo. In his head of it “Oshari-san (part of Buddha’s bones)” is kept, which was subdivided from those of Toji temple in Kyoto. Make a wish while chanting the sutra,“ Namu Daishi Henjo Kongo - - “, and pat on the head and body of the Sleeping Kobo. Your wish will come true, they say.
- source : -


12 - . Engakuji 円覚寺 / 圓覚寺 Engaku-Ji .

13 - Naritasan 大善院 Daizen-In

14 - . Renshooin 蓮正院 Rensho-In .
. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck - Benzaiten .

15 - 照法寺 Shoho-Ji

16 - 青森別院 Aomori Betsu-In

17 -  . 成田山(なりたさん)Seishinji 青森寺 Seishin-Ji - Naritasan .

18 - 陸奥護國寺 Mutsu Gokoku-Ji

19 - 常福院 Jofuku-In

20 - . Jizoo-In 地蔵院 Jizo-In .
. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck - Ebisu .

21 - . 赤倉山 Akakurasan - Kongooji 金剛寺 Kongo-Ji .
... Akakura Fudo 赤倉不動
..... . Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck - Hotei .

22 - . Daienji 大圓寺 / 大円寺 Daien-Ji .

23 - . Kogakesan Fudoo-In Kokujooji 古懸山不動院国上寺 Kokujo-Ji .


. Shikoku Henro Pilgrimage 四国お遍路さん - 四国八十八ヶ所 .
to 88 temples - Introduction

. Shikoku Henro Temple List 四国遍路 .


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - INTRODUCTION .

. Tsugaru Shichifukujin 津軽七福神 Seven Gods of Good Luck in Tsugaru .

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and Talismans .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .




Nishi Mino Pilgrims


Nishi Mino Pilgrims 西美濃三十三霊場 to 33 temples

Mino matsuri 美濃祭 Mino festival
at 八幡神社 岐阜県美濃 Hachiman Jinja
. WKD - Mino Festival (Mino matsuri) .

source :

Two pilgrims looking at waterfall while other pilgrims rest in nearby shelter.
美濃国養老の滝 Mino no kuni yoro no taki

. Katsushige Hokusai (1760-1849) .
Print from 1832


○第1番 両界山 横蔵寺  揖斐郡揖斐川町谷汲神原1160 0585-55-2811
○第2番 宝雲山 来振寺  揖斐郡大野町大字稲富397-1 0585-32-0078
○新3番 春日山 金剛寺  揖斐郡揖斐川町市場
○旧3番 池鏡山 圓鏡寺  本巣郡北方町大門
○第4番 清光山 月桂院  揖斐郡揖斐川町長良72 0585-22-2652
○第5番 瑞巌山 天喜寺  大垣市上石津町 一之瀬1316-1 0584-47-2307
○第6番 医王山 東光寺  揖斐郡揖斐川町小野135 0585-22-1043
○第7番 城台山 一心寺  揖斐郡揖斐川町三輪2924-2-2 0585-22-0484
○第8番 高尾山 善南寺  揖斐郡池田町片山2663 0585-45-3820
○第9番 阿梨耶山 弓削禅寺 揖斐郡池田町段739 0585-45-3804
○第10番 洞海山 平安寺  揖斐郡池田町舟子402 0585-45-5559
○第11番 萬松山 瑞巌寺  揖斐郡揖斐川町瑞岩寺192 0585-22-1553
○第12番 施無畏山 観音寺 揖斐郡揖斐川町春日中山2751 0585-57-2111
○第13番 渓徳山 洞泉寺  岐阜県揖斐郡揖斐川町小津678 0585-54-2735
○第14番 影向山 善学院  安八郡神戸町大字神戸978-1 0584-27-3786
○第15番 楊岐山 安國寺  揖斐郡池田町小寺304-1 0585-45-3140
○第16番 普賢山 禅幢寺  岐阜県不破郡垂井町岩手
○新17番 西額山 新善光寺  大垣市緑園
○旧17番 朝倉山 真禅院  不破郡垂井町宮代2006 0584-22-2212
○第18番 青坂山 妙應寺  不破郡関ケ原町大字今須2591-1 0584-43-5141
○第19番 清光山 明台寺  大垣市墨俣町墨俣226 0584-62-5562
○第20番 青蓮山 天清院  岐阜県大垣市赤坂町3334 0584-71-0506
○第21番 紫雲山 安楽寺  岐阜県大垣市赤坂町756-1 0584-71-0239
○第22番 紫雲山 求浄庵  岐阜県大垣市久瀬川町5-62
○第23番 補陀山 報恩寺  岐阜県大垣市綾野町2720-1 0584-91-6955
○第24番 養老山 大菩提寺 岐阜県養老郡養老町養老1193
○第25番 瀧壽山 養老寺  岐阜県養老郡養老町養老公園1276-1 0584-32-1021
○第26番 志津山 善教寺  岐阜県海津市南濃町志津1729 0584-57-2846
○第27番 臥龍山 行基寺  岐阜県海津市南濃町上野河戸1024-1 0584-55-0031
○第28番 護國山 寶延寺  岐阜県海津市平田町蛇池141-1 0584-55-0031
○第29番 白光山 文殊寺  岐阜県大垣市錦町23 0584-78-5361
○第30番 桃源山 全昌寺  大垣市船町2丁目21 0584-78-2983
第31番 金生山 明星輪寺 大垣市赤坂町4610 0584-71-0124
○第32番 篠尾山 圓興寺  大垣市青墓町880 0584-71-4539
○第33番 金銀山 國分寺  大垣市青野町419 0584-91-0297
○客番 南部観音堂  大垣市青野町419

- source with hyperlinks :

- reference -


. 31 - Kinshoozan 金生山 明星輪寺 Myojorin-Ji .
Gifu - 4610 Akasakacho, Ogaki

- source :


. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Fudo Pilgrims - INTRODUCTION .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .




Tono Pilgrims


Toono Shichi Kannon 遠野 七観音 The Seven Kannon of Tono

- quote
Tōno (遠野市 Tōno-shi) is a city located in Iwate Prefecture, Japan. As of February 2014, the city had an estimated population of 28,265 and a population density of 34.2 persons per km². The total area was 825.62 km².
Tōno is known as "The City of Folklore" for its rural nature, its preservation of traditional culture and especially for the collection of folktales, Tōno Monogatari, written by Kunio Yanagita in 1910.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Tōno monogatari 遠野物語 Tono Monogatari - Legends of Tono .
Iwate prefecture

. Tono Fudo Monogatari 遠野不動明王物語 .

seimei kikyoo 晴明桔梗 "Bellflower of Seimei"

. gobōsei 五芒星 Gobosei, pentagram, five-sided star .

- - - - - The group of Seven Kannon

Nyoirin Kannon
Juntei / Jundei Kannon
Fuku kensaku Kannon 
Juichimen Kannon (with eleven heads)
Bato Kannon (with a horse head)
Senju Kannon (with 1000 arms)
Sho Kannon

七観音の種字 - Seven Kannon Sylables

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Introduction .


Toono shichi Kannon 遠野七観音 Seven Kannon Temples of Tono


source : Tono Magokoro Net - facebook

If you make the pilgrimage in one day and night, your wish will be granted.

These seven temples have been built by . Ennin - Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 .
(794 – 864)

He took one huge tree and carved seven statues out of it.
According to legend, Ennin carved them near the well Nanaido 七井戸 at the village Zawanokuchi 沢の口部落 and purified them there.
Later people collected the scraps from his carving and carried them to Matsuzaki to keep them as treasures.


01 山谷第一番札所・山谷観音 Yamaya Kannon

遠野市小友町37地割1番地 Otomochō, 37 Chiwari

The original temple 大慈山長福寺 has been built in 854.
It was reconstructed in 1354 and again in 1593, but again lost due to fire.
The Kannon Hall was built in 1699.
In 1742 the sculptor Matsuda Riemon 松田利右衛門 came from Kyoto and carved a new Kannon statue with 11 heads 十一面観音.


02 松崎第二番札所・松崎観音 Matsuzaki Kannon

遠野市松崎町松崎11地割81、82、83番地 - 11 Chiwari-81 Matsuzakichō Matsuzaki,

The original temple 麦沢山松崎寺 has been bulit in 807.
The present-day Kannon Hall dates back to a reconstruction in 1742.
The Kannon Statue with 11 Heads 十一面観音 has an inscription from 1606.


03 平倉第三番札所・平倉観音 Hirakura Kannon

遠野市上郷町平倉47地割34番地 - Kamigocho Hirakura

The original temple 谷行山細山寺 has been built in 808. The main statue is Kannon with 11 heads. It has an inscription for the year 1606.
When the temple burned down, the statue could be rescued in time and the Kannon hall was rebuilt in 1724.
The buildings have been reconstructed in 1760.

Kannon statue donated by 赤羽根源七 Akabane Genshichi in 1744.

Statue of Fudo Myo-O in the temple garden.

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja .


04 鞍迫第四番札所・鞍迫観音 Kurahasama Kannon

遠野市宮守町上鱒沢18地割79番地2 18 Chiwari-79-2 Miyamorichō Kamimasuzawa,

The original temple 鞍迫山福滝寺 has been built in 852.
In 1659 the Kannon Hall burned down in a fire and the statue became ashes.
The present-day Kannon hall was built in the early Edo period.


05 宮守第五番札所・宮守観音 Miyamori Kannon

遠野市宮守町上宮守4地割 - 4 Chiwari Miyamorichō Kamimiyamori

The original temple 月見山平沢寺 has been built in 807. The main statue was a Kannon with 1000 arms 千手観音, about 77 cm high, a work from the late Edo period. But the original statue was lost in a temple fire.


06 山崎第六番札所・山崎観音 Yamasaki Kannon

遠野市土淵町栃内15地割11番地 - 15 Chiwari-11 Tsuchibuchichō Tochinai

The original temple 大月山栃内寺 was built in 807.
The Kannon hall has been reconstructed in 1800.
The statue of a horse-headed Bato Kannon 馬頭観音 has an inscription from 1720.


07 笹谷第七番札所・笹谷観音 Sasaya Kannon

遠野市附馬牛町東禅寺13地割 - 13 Chiwari Tsukimoushichō Tōzenji

The original temple 附馬牛山長洞寺 was built in 807.
The Kannon Hall dates to 1848. The statue is a 勢至観音 Seishi Kannon.
Around 1740 the villagers built a new temple but they did not find the statue. So a new one has been carved by a sculptor from Sendai.
The temple was built in 長洞 for a long time, but relocated about 70 years ago.

勢至観音 Seishi Kannon


- reference :
- reference and photos : urawatono.exblog
- reference and statues -
- - - - reference - 遠野 七観音 -


Fukusenji 福泉寺 Fukusen-ji
岩手県遠野市松崎町駒木7-57 - Matsuzakicho Komagi, Tono, Iwate

a Shingon Buddhist temple housing the largest wooden Kannon statue in Japan. The grounds of the temple are quite extensive and have many buildings including a five story pagoda.
The Kannon statue is 17 meters high, said to be the largest of its kind in Japan.

Juuichimen Kannon 十一面観音 Kannon with 11 heads

- quote
Fukusenji Temple is located on a hillside about five kilometers from Tono City and features a five story pagoda, many smaller temples, beautiful Japanese gardens and immaculately maintained grounds. The grounds have a road that allows you to drive to the top instead of walking up the rather steep path, however I recommend taking your time to appreciate the size of the temple grounds and explore all the hidden features of Fukusenji Temple.
There are numerous smaller temples scattered amongst the lush foliage, with the largest being at the top of the hillside, one of the most impressive temples you're likely to come across in Tono. The five story pagoda is located halfway down the hill and is also very impressive. Expect to spend one hour wandering the grounds of Fukusenji Temple.
- source :


. gobōsei 五芒星 Gobosei, pentagram, five-sided star .

. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 Introduction .

. Tono Fudo Monogatari 遠野不動明王物語 .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples - ABC .






- PPP -

. Pagoda - too 塔 Pagodas of all kinds .

. Pilgrimages in Japan - Introduction .
- - - - - Pilgrims in Shikoku 四国お遍路さん Shikoku Henro
to 88 temples in honor of Kobo Daishi Kukai
. Shikoku Henro - Introduction .

. . Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .   .

. Pilgrims in Nishi Mino 西美濃三十三霊場 to 33 temples .

. pokkuri  ぽっくり a sudden death, "drop dead" .
輔苦離 - 法功力 pokuri - 放苦利
korori ころり to bring a sudden change

. Priests - Famous Buddhist Priests - ABC-List .


