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Showing posts with label - - - Haiku - - -. Show all posts


Ten Kings of Hell


Juu Oo 十王, Juo, Ju-O - 10 Ten Kings of Hell
Ten Yama Kings

source :

- Juuoozu 十王図 paintings of the 10 kings - With Jizo Bosatsu in the middle, there are


Each of these kings has a representative in the Buddhist pantheon
and is responsible for a set of seven days after death:
(Click on each image for more photos.)

Shinkoo oo 秦広王 (不動明王 Fudo Myo-O)
first seven days 初七日(7日目・6日後)

Shokoo oo 初江王 (釈迦如来 Shaka Nyorai)
second seven days 二七日(14日目・13日後)

Sootei oo 宋帝王 (文殊菩薩 Monju Bosatsu)
third seven days 三七日(21日目・20日後)

Gokan oo 五官王 (普賢菩薩 Fugen Bosatsu)
fourth seven days 四七日(28日目・27日後)


Enma oo - Emma  閻魔王 (地蔵菩薩 Jizo Bosatsu)
fifth seven days 五七日(35日目・34日後)

. Enma, Emma 閻魔天、閻魔王 Yama-raja, King of Hell .

- - - - - Laughing Enma at 西明寺 Saimyo-Ji, Mashiko - - - - -


Henjoo oo 変成王 (弥勒菩薩 Miroku Bosatsu)
sixth seven days 六七日(42日目・41日後)

. Taizan Fukun 泰山府君 / 太山府君 King of Hell .
Daizan oo 泰山王 Taizan-O (薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai)
seventh seven days 七七日(49日目・48日後)

(after 49 days, the soul leaves this world and goes to the other world.

Hyoodoo oo 平等王 (観音菩薩 Kannon Bosatsu)
100 days after death 百か日(100日目・99日後)

Toshi oo 都市王 (勢至菩薩 Seishi Bosatsu)
first death aniversary 一周忌(2年目・1年後)

Godoo tenrin oo 五道転輪王 (阿弥陀如来 Amida Nyorai)
third death aniversary 三回忌(3年目・2年後)


The Jū-ō (lit. = 10 kings) concept is based on Chinese Taoism and was introduced to Japan during the Heian Period (794-1185 AD). In Kamakura, it flourished in the 14th century, and seems to be the Buddhist counterpart of the Roman Catholic concept of purgatory, the latter stemming in large part from Dante's Inferno. According to the Juo teachings, a wicked person goes to hell after death while a good person goes to paradise. Those whose fate is not yet certain after their death are subject to weekly trials, during which their deeds while living are determined and classified. They are judged by the Ten Kings (the Juo) in the courts of the netherworld.
source : Mark Schumacher

Ten Courts of Hell in China
The concept of the "Ten Courts of Hell" began after Chinese folk religions were influenced by Buddhism. In Chinese mythology, the Jade Emperor put King Yama in charge of overseeing the affairs of Diyu. There are 12,800 hells located under the earth - eight dark hells, eight cold hells and 84,000 miscellaneous hells located at the edge of the universe.

All will go to Diyu (jigoku 地獄) after death but the period of time one spends in Diyu depends on the severity of the sins he or she has committed, and after receiving due punishment, he or she will eventually be sent for reincarnation. In the meantime, souls will pass from stage to stage at the decision of Yama. Yama also reduced the number of hells to ten. He later divided Diyu into ten courts, each overseen by a "Yama King", while he remained as the sovereign ruler of Diyu.
source : wikipedia

quote- Daoism
Origin of the Yamas of the Ten Hells
The Yamas were also known as the Kings of Hell ( 閰羅王 Yanluo Wang ) or Kings of Souls. Originally, Yama was a Chinese rendering of the Sanskrit word Yanmo or Yan Moluo. In Indian mythical stories, Yama, along with his sister, acted as the ruler of hell where he controlled male souls and his sister dealt with female souls. As the ruler as well as controller of hell, Yama started to become popular in China during the Southern and Northern dynasties. Originally, there was only one Yama. But owing to his increasing functions, he was transformed into five Yamas, assisted by 18 aides.

During the Tang dynasty, it became popular that the Heavenly Emperor issued the designation for Yama and conferred on him the privilege of controlling soldiers at the Five Sacred Mountains, and that hell consisted of ten hells, which were ruled respectively by ten kings. They were known as the Ten Kings of Hell ( 地府十王 Difu Shiwang ). Each of the Ten Kings had his own name as well as title.
Their general title was 'Yamas of the Ten Halls' ( 十殿閰王 Shidian Yanwang ).
source :


source :

木造 十王像 - Wooden statues of the 10 kings of hell

Echizen Town 越前市
Important Treasures of Fukui Prefecture - 福井県内の文化財


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

. juuoo moode 十王詣(じゅうおうもうで) visiting the 10 Kings of Hell .
kigo for late summer

juuoo mairi 十王詣(じゅうおうまいり)First visit to the 10 kings of hell
kigo for the New Year


kemushi yaku juu oo zoo o mitaru ato

burning a hairy caterpillar
after I have seen the statues
of 10 Kings of Hell

Sano Kazue 佐野一恵

. WKD : kemushi 毛虫 hairy caterpillar .


- #kingsofhell -

Sanzu no Kawa River

. Onipedia - 鬼ペディア - Oni Demons - ABC-List - Index - .

Sanzu no Kawa 三途の川 River Sanzu, the river on the way to hell
River of Three Roads, River of Three Crossing

sanzu no yami 三途の闇 the darkness of the Three Tortures

by Tosa Mitsunobu

the River of Three Crossings, is a Japanese Buddhist tradition and religious belief similar to the River Styx. It is believed that on the way to the afterlife, the dead must cross the river, which is why a Japanese funeral includes placing six coins (rokumonsen) in the deceased's casket.

The Sanzu River is popularly believed to be located in Mount Osore (Osorezan 恐山), a suitably desolate and remote region of Aomori, Northern Japan.

- - - - - Other places with this name:
甘楽町 Kanra, Gunma
長南町, Choonan, Chōnan, Chose, Chiba
Zao, 刈田郡 Katta, Miyagi
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. 土佐光信 Tosa Mitsunobu (1434 - 1525) .


sanzu 三途/三塗 the "Three Tortures" of hell:

Fire Torture 火途 kazu
by burning in fire or chauldrons of hot water

Blade Torture 刀途 toozu
in the World of Hungry Ghosts, gakidoo 餓鬼道

Blood Torture 血途 kechizu
lit. "spilling of blood"
in the World of Animals, chikushoodoo 畜生道.


. . . when a child dies, its soul has to cross the River Sanzu (Sanzu No Kawa, River of Three Roads, River of Three Crossings, 三途の川), which lies between the first and second Judges of Hell (between the kings Shinko-o and Shoko-o.

At the river's edge (before crossing it), the bewildered soul is advised by the hellish hag Datsueba to make a pile of pebbles on which to climb toward paradise. But before the pile reaches any small height, the hag and underworld demons viciously knock it down.

After the first trial by Judge Shinko-o, the dead who are found innocent can cross the River Sanzu (River of Three Crossings), walking on a bridge guided by Jizo Bosatsu. The guilty, however, must swim across deep waters and the less guilty ford across a rapid stream. At the other side of the river, the old hag Datsueba waits for the guilty to arrive and then robs them of their clothes. Those who arrive without their clothes are instead stripped of their skin.

In most accounts, Jizo Bosatsu guides the innocent children across the bridge. The guilty, however, must swim across deep water and the less guilty must ford a rapid stream. In other accounts, Jizo helps the children wade the river safely. The story goes like this. When the souls of the deceased young children attempt to swim across the River Sanzu, they are overcome, for the river is too long or flowing too fast to cross. So instead, they build stone towers, pebble by pebble, as penance and prayer to receive salvation. But to no avail. For demons appear out of nowhere and destroy their stone towers -- thereby destroying any hope of crossing the river. However, if living parents and relatives have faith in Jizo Bosatsu, Jizo will come to their aid, and help their lost children wade the river safely, avoiding the terrible fury of the demons.

Sai no Kawara 賽の河原 Riverbed of the Netherworld -Japanese Limbo for Children
source : Mark Schumacher

. Sai no Kawara 賽の河原 and Jizo Bosatsu .

source : 三途の川 の ほとり

Jizo and Oni at Sai no Kawara


source : dada19721104

Waiting at the banks of the river :

. Datsueba 奪衣婆 or 脱衣婆 the Old Hag of Hell, Sanzu no Baba 三途の婆 .


. rokumonsen 六文銭 six coins to cross the river of Hell .


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

................................................................................. Aomori 青森県
むつ市 Mutsu town

sanzubashi 三途橋 Bridge over the river Sanzu at Osorezan
When a sinfull, bad and wicked person came to this bridge, to him it looked as thin as a thread and the leaves of the willow tree looked like dangerous snakes.
The huge boulder in the back looked like an oni-ishi 鬼石 demon stone with sparkling eyes of a serpent.
The water under the bridge would cleanse the sins, but its sound was fearful and the sinner would not dare to cross.

. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

. onishi 鬼石の鬼伝説 Onishi Demon Stone Legends .

. Osorezan 恐山 - Aomori .

................................................................................. Fukushima 福島県
福島市 Fukushima city 飯坂町 Iizaka town

. A man on his deathbed at age 33 .

................................................................................. Niigata 新潟県
五泉市 Gosen city

. higan sama 彼岸様 Honorable Equinox person .

................................................................................. Toyama 富山県

. Sanzu no Okawa 三途の大川 Great River to The Other World. .
over the river 岩倉川 Iwakuragawa, Tateyama Mountain Range.


- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
19 三途の川 (02) collecting


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

bridge at Osorezan

sanpuku no Sanzu no Kawa o basu de kosu

I cross river Sanzu
to the hottest summer days
by bus

Izumi Yuuko 泉ゆう子 Izumi Yuko

. sanpuku 三伏 (さんぷく) three hottest days of summer .
kigo for late summer


masui modori Sanzu no Kawa yori modoru shin kokyuu

waking up from anesthesia
and back from River Sanzu
I take a deep breath

Kasukabe Seiji 日下部正治


hana fubuki Sanzu no Kawa o koe ni keri

cherry blossom storm
comes right over
the River of Hell

Toba Saburoo 鳥羽三郎 Toba Saburo

sansu no kawa

. jigoku no oni 地獄の鬼 demons of the Buddhist hell .

. Osorezan 恐山 - Aomori .

- #sanzunokawa -

Haiku Haiku


Haiku 俳句 

. WKD - World Kigo Database .

source : HAIKUreikuDB


- - - - - H A I K U - - - - -

tenjoo ni chichi haha isoginchaku hiraku

in heaven
there are my father and my mother -
a sea anemone openes

Tr. Gabi Greve

Torii Mariko 鳥居真里子

. WKD : beach kigo for spring .


gokuraku 極楽 Paradise

さて極楽は道一つ幅は一尺 野田誠
しやぼん玉極楽の色きはまれり 芹山 桂
どやどやの極楽門に冬夕焼 田中英子
ぽんぽんだりあ極楽なんぞ信じない 塚越美子

九十五齢とは後生極楽春の風 富安風生
先生が極楽といふ花の下 藤崎久を
冷し馬極楽づらをならべたり 三村哲田
吊し柿貧しき寺の極楽図 渋谷光枝
君地獄へわれ極楽へ青あらし 高山れおな「ウルトラ」
噂では知ってます極楽の蓮華 池田澄子 たましいの話
嚏一つ極楽坊にこぼしけり 清水利子

地獄極楽見て来し貌のなめくぢり 藤岡筑邨

寒茜極楽いろに鴨千羽 柴田白葉女
山の日の極楽いろに鴉の子 柴田白葉女 『月の笛』
島の御池海女の極楽雲映す 加倉井秋を
文学に地獄極楽桜桃忌 山田弘子 こぶし坂
日向ぼこ死後の極楽疑はず 田中政子
春の雲夕べ極楽いろさしぬ 柴田白葉女 花寂び 以後
春雪や極楽にまた泣く母か 今瀬剛一
曼陀羅の地獄極楽しぐれたり 細見綾子(1907-97)

朝寝していま極楽にゐたりけり 片山鶏頭子
柚子風呂や極楽と妻口ぐせに 西形佐太郎 『てんご』
根は切れて極楽にあり枯尾ばな枯尾花 千代尼

極楽か地獄か冬の昼を寝て 鈴木鷹夫 春の門
極楽が見ゆと蝙蝠乱舞せり 鈴木蒼穹
極楽とおもふまで雪ふるを見る 中杉隆世
極楽と母の眼あけし火鉢かな 河野静雲 閻魔
極楽に行く人送る花野かな 永井荷風

極楽のすこしづつ減るアイスキャンディ 松山足羽
極楽のちか道いくつ寒念仏 蕪村
極楽の入り□で覚め春炬燵 香川せき
極楽の夢見て覚むる夜長かな 折井愚哉
極楽の島つ岩根の初日の出 坪内逍遥 歌・俳集
極楽の御判つめたくやごとなく 西本一都 景色
極楽の文学と別河童の忌 阿波野青畝
極楽の文学なりし蝶を見る 京極杞陽
極楽の蓮華や唄ふ蛙かな 野村喜舟 小石川
極楽の近道いくつ寒念佛 蕪村 冬之部
極楽の近道こゝか曼珠沙華 大谷句佛
極楽の道へ迷ふや蓮華草 れんげ 正岡子規
極楽の雨やにんにく花ざかり 宮坂静生 樹下
極楽の風涅槃図に吹いてをり 小林一鳥

極楽はこの世にありて日向ぼこ 森 輪花
極楽は何もしらねと花御堂 花御堂 正岡子規
極楽は蓮の実飛で月丸し 子規句集 虚子・碧梧桐選
極楽は衣も更へず仏だち 更衣 正岡子規
極楽は赤い蓮に女かな 蓮の花 正岡子規
極楽へゆきし誰彼牡丹雪 村越化石
極楽へ肘膝ついて笑いにゆく 四ッ谷 龍
極楽へ蓮の実飛んでしまひけり 星野麥丘人
極楽へ迷ひこんたり蓮華草 れんげ 正岡子規
極楽へ風船逃れゆきにけり 正圓青灯

極楽もかくやと思ふ小春かな 杉村凡栽
極楽も陸続きなる麦埃 桑原三郎 春亂
極楽をでてきてしまう蟇 松澤昭 面白
極楽をわらふ生徒ら花あしび 鍵和田[ゆう]子 未来図
極楽中心中山寺月冴えし 中島陽華
極楽坊にて住職の毛糸帽 藤田あけ烏 赤松
極楽坊より書信着き凌宵花盛り 長谷川かな女 花寂び

極楽や君が行く頃梅の花 梅 正岡子規
極楽や清水の中に蓮の花 蓮の花 正岡子規
からだぢゅう竹の花咲く極楽や 豊口陽子

水底の極楽冬に入りにけり 清水基吉
猿酒や部屋に地獄図極楽図 甲斐遊糸
生簀鮎地獄極楽うごめける 松村多美

紫薇花下に極楽おもへとや 高澤良一 随笑
荒れ寺の名は極楽よ蛇住めり 宮津昭彦
落葉掻き極楽へ父着きたるや 宮坂静生 春の鹿
蒲団敷く地獄極楽絵図のまヘ 辻 桃子

蓮の葉に極楽水を裹み来ぬ 尾崎紅葉
蓮咲いてその極楽のあまり風 庄司節子
蓮池に極楽近き野道かな 本田あふひ

虚子の忌の極楽行の人ばかり 坊城俊樹
蜩や堂に地獄図極楽図 石田麦水
誰からとなく極楽ね盆花火 紺野佐智子

遅桜極楽水と申しけり 芥川龍之介
野蒜摘み極楽といふ寺めざす 山田春生
青蚊帳に寝て極楽へひとっ跳び 小出秋光
頭の中の地獄極楽牡丹雪 藤田湘子 てんてん
風のなき日は極楽と牡蛎を割る 浜川穂仙

Gokuraku joodo 極楽浄土 Gokuraku Jodo Paradise

渡仏して極楽浄土の雨に逢ふ 攝津幸彦 未刊句集
湯あがりの極楽浄土虫浄土 阿部みどり女

Gokurakuji 極楽寺  Temple Gokuraku-Ji

極楽寺百日紅の夢見時 高澤良一 さざなみやつこ
極楽寺行きの発車や涼あらた 芹山 桂
極楽寺裏に魚干す竹の春 広瀬千鶴

すゞしさや垣のとなりは極楽寺 松岡青蘿
囀るや裏手より入る極楽寺 小林鱒一
黄落やひとの木戸ある極楽寺 桂樟蹊子

路地一つ替へて花咲く極楽寺 古賀まり子
菩提樹の花盛りなる極楽寺 田村恵子
百日紅盛りなりいざ極楽寺 高澤良一 燕音

竿竹売り極楽寺坂松過ぎて 下山田美江
風薫る極楽寺坂海に尽く 新福ふく
月の下極楽寺坂下り海へ 大場白水郎
棕櫚の花極楽寺坂本降りに 藤田弥生
大花火極楽寺坂の真ん上に 横井博行
深閑と南無極楽寺郁子の花 山村政子

苔を敷き往生極楽院涼し 轡田 進
仔燕に往生極楽院の天 山田みづえ

Gokurakuchoo極楽鳥 bird of paradise

極楽鳥花(ストレッチャ)まだ色ささぬ写生帖 高澤良一 素抱
極楽鳥花ありつたけ活け年迎ふ 松村多美
極楽鳥花抱へる家路冬北斗 斉藤智子

母の日の妣に極楽鳥花かな 稲荷島人
金婚の旅の極楽鳥花かな 佐藤晴代
家毎に極楽鳥花冬あたたか 石田章子
冬空と極楽鳥花玻璃一重 森田峠
パーティーや極楽鳥花四方を向く 岩崎照子

彼岸くる山まぼろしの極楽鳥 中山純子 沙羅

source : HAIKUreikuDB


- #haikugokuraku #haiku -
